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FACET S.r.l.

Corso FRANCIA, 329 E.E.C. TAX: IT 07847800013

10096 COLLEGNO (TO) Reg. Imprese TORINO 160223/1999
ITALIA R.E.A. Torino 925703 - M. TO 084367
: ++39 011 4051555 Capitale Sociale €. 1.560.000 i.v. ISO 9001:2008 - Cert. N° IT-11611 ISO 14001:2004 - Cert. N° 0187A/1
Fax: ++39 011 4051702 web site: http://www.facet.it ISO/TS 16949:2009 - Cert. N° 3078/2

Collegno, January 2015


We declare, under our own responsibility, that the products that we manufacture and supply
according to our official catalogues, namely:

 Ignition components
 Engine Management Sensors
 Oxygen Sensors
 Swistches
 Thermostats

are manufactured with the corresponding car manufacturers standards and therefore, in view
of the up-dated E.U. regulationsn.461/2010, 31st July 2002 so called “Block exemption”
(paragraphs 19 and 20), the same are to be classified as:

“O.E. equivalent quality products”.

F A C E T Srl.

Sales Manager

Società controllata da: FACET 1946 S.p.A., sede: Corso Francia 329 Collegno (TO), C.F. P.IVA Registro Imprese 00455420018 Torino 272-1957-376 R.E.A.:194622/1946

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