N 199 (Nursing Research) Prelim Coverage
N 199 (Nursing Research) Prelim Coverage
N 199 (Nursing Research) Prelim Coverage
The PNHRS launched the National Unified Health Research Agenda ➢ Variables
(NUHRA) in September 2006 to serve as the country’s template for Variables- concepts: Something that varies. Eg; Weight, anxiety, and
health research and development efforts specifying the areas and fatigue.
topics that needed to be addressed in a 5-year scope. - Eg; In lung cancer research, lung cancer is a variable because not
everybody has this disease. Smoking is also a variable because not
NUHRA is a product of a series of regional and national consultations everyone smokes.
with stakeholders and consolidation of research priorities of the four - Variables are the central building blocks of quantitative studies
core agencies of the PNHRS. It is regularly updated during the mid- - Sometimes researchers create a variable.
period of the five-year agenda to account for recent developments, Eg; If a researcher tests the effectiveness of patient-controlled
new directions, and thrusts. The updating takes into consideration the analgesia compared to intramuscular analgesia in relieving pain after
Millennium Development Goals, Medium-term Philippine surgery.
Development Plan, and various national health plans anchored on - Categories (e.g., male, female, or blood type A, B, AB, or O).
every presidential term.
NUHRA 2023-2028
Problem Statements
A good problem statement is a well-structured declaration
of what it is that is problematic, what it is that “needs
fixing,” or what it is that is poorly understood.
Journal articles:
Descriptions of studies published in professional journals. Brief
(15 to 20 double spaced pages). Researchers must condense a lot
of information about the study into a short report.
Manuscripts are reviewed by two or more peer reviewers (other
The theory views nursing as both a science and an art as it provides a researchers) who make recommendations about whether to
way to view the unitary human being, who is integral with the accept or reject the manuscript, or to suggest revisions.
universe. The unitary human being and his or her environment are Reviews are usually “blind”—reviewers are not told researchers’
one. Nursing focuses on people and the manifestations that emerge names, and authors are not told reviewers names. As a result of
from the mutual human-environmental field process. Rogers views peer review, consumers have some assurance that journal
the person as an irreducible whole, the whole being greater than the articles have been critiqued by other nurse researchers.
sum of its parts.
Oral report:
Done at conferences.
Follow a format similar to that used in journal articles.
The presenter is allotted 10 to 20 minutes to describe key
features of the study.
Visual displays summarizing the studies; conference
attendees walk around the room looking at these displays.
Conferences also offer an opportunity for dialogue between
▪Presents the findings that were obtained by analyzing the study data-
summary of key findings, accompanied by detailed tables.
▪Basic descriptive information- a description of the participants (e.g.,
average age, percent male and female).
▪The names of statistical tests used: Statistical tests to test hypotheses
and assess the probability that the results are accurate.
▪The value of the calculated statistic. Computers are used to calculate
a numeric value for the particular statistical test used. The value
allows researchers to reach conclusions about their hypotheses.