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(민사1) Longman CH6-7 SQ 기본훈련-1

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[민사1] Longman Ch6-7 SQ 기본 훈련

[12-17] Read the passage and answer the questions.

Gogh asked to be taken to a mental hospital, where
[1] Vincent Van Gogh was one of history's he continued painting. In Auvers, near Paris, Van
greatest painters, although he met only rejection Gogh shot himself. He was 37. His last words
and failure during his lifetime. Van Gogh was born were, "The sadness will never end." Theo died six
in the Netherlands. The son of a Protestant months later and was buried next to his brother.
minister, he was well educated in French and
English but was shy and (i ) as a child, lacking 12. What is the MOST suitable word for the blank in
self-confidence. His greatest friend was his younger paragraph [1] that starts with ‘i’ and means ‘shy, quiet,
brother Theo, who supported him emotionally and and preferring to spend time alone rather than often
financially all his life. being with other people’? Write the exact past tense form
[2] At 16, Van Gogh began working for an art of that word.
dealer, but he soon turned to religion because he
wanted to do good in the world. He became a
preacher in the (i ) mining district of Belgium
called the Borinage. Dismissed by his church after 13. What is the BEST word for the blank in paragraph
six months, Van Gogh stayed without pay, because [2] that starts with ‘i’ and means ‘(of a person or area)
he was concerned about the suffering of the poor made poor’? Write the exact past tense form of that word.
[3] After his failure as a preacher, Van Gogh
decided to devote his life to art. Although he had
been drawing since childhood, his first major 14. What is a major difference between Impressionism
painting, "Potato Eaters," was completed when he and Van Gogh’s Expressionism? Write in a sentence.
was in his late twenties. In 1886, Van Gogh briefly
attended formal art school Sunflowers in Antwerp,
where he was put in the beginners' class. He
15. What is the MOST appropriate word for the blank in
discovered Japanese art, which inspired him to use
paragraph [4] that starts with ‘c’ and is a synonym of
bright, vibrant colors. For Van Gogh, color was the
‘dedication’ and ‘devotion’?
key to communicating his emotions. Van Gogh met
some of the Impressionists, including Degas,
Pissarro, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Gauguin.
[4] In 1887, Van Gogh visited Theo in Paris, 16. Van Gogh lived in many places. Fill in the blank
where he met the Impressionist; he liked their use based on the correct time order.
of natural light and color, although he regretted
their lack of (c ) to social causes. Van The Netherlands → [ 1 ] → Antwerp (Belgium)
Gogh wanted his artwork to hang in poor people's → Paris (France) → [ 2 ] → Auvers (near Paris)
homes to bring them happiness through beauty.
Unlike the Impressionists, Van Gogh painted not 1:
what he saw but what he felt. His style of
Expressionism opened the way to the modern,
abstract art of the 20th century.
[5] In 1888, Van Gogh moved to Arles, in the 17. What is the MOST appropriate word for the blank in
South of France. There, he spent most of the money paragraph [5] that starts with ‘q’ and means to ‘have a
Theo sent him on painting supplies, neglecting his heated argument or disagreement’? Write the exact past
health. Feeling lonely as a foreigner and an artist, tense form of that word.
he invited other painters to found an artists' colony.
Only Paul Gauguin accepted, but the two soon
(q ). Suffering from severe depression, Van
Gogh asked to be taken to a mental hospital, where
he continued painting.
민사고 1 <Longman 3>
Ch.5 ~ 8 Short Answer Questions

Read the letters and answer the questions. 20. What are the three measures to protect the artists,
which Van Gogh suggests by saying that they are ‘very
close to their hearts’?
18. According to the following passage, what is the life
that Van Gogh is pursuing? Write in a brief sentence. Write down the exact excerpt from the given passage.

The Borinage, 1880 Arles, September 29, 1888

Dear Theo, My Dear Gauguin,
My only anxiety is: How can I be of use in the Once again my brother and I are trying to make it
world? Can't I serve some purpose and be of any possible for you to join me here. I must tell you
good? I feel imprisoned by poverty, excluded and that even when I am working, I keep thinking all
alone, and certain necessities are beyond my reach. the time about that plan to start a studio, which
For the moment it seems that things are going would have you and me as permanent residents.
badly for me, but perhaps a time will come when The two of us would turn it into a refuge and place
they will go right. of shelter for comrades at moments when they are
I feel a great sympathy for the miners and the struggling with their art. After you left Paris, my
weavers. I would be very happy if someday I could brother and I stayed together for a while. It was a
draw them so that they would be brought before time that will remain forever unforgettable to me!
the eyes of the world. I have been living among We often talked about the problems that are so
them for two years, and I find something touching very close to our hearts -- measures to protect the
and almost sad in these workers, who are generally artist's ability to make a living, to guarantee access
represented as a class of criminals and thieves by a to the tools art (paints, canvases) and to keep for
very false and unjust public opinion. the artists a share in the price their paintings may
bring a long time after they sell them for the first

19. What is the BEST word for the blank that starts with 1)
‘e’ and means ‘a person who behaves in odd or unusual

The Netherlands, July 1882 2)

Dear Brother,
I want you to understand clearly my conception of
art. I want to do drawings that touch people. I want
to express not sentimental feeling but serious
sorrow. I want people to say of my work, "He feels
deeply, he feels tenderly"- in spite of my
roughness, perhaps even because of it. What am I
now in most people's eyes? A nobody, an (e )
and disagreeable man -- someone who has no
position in society and never will have -- in short,
the lowest of the low. Well, then, even if this were
true, then I would want my work to show the heart
of such a nobody. And art demands persistent work
and continuous observation. You must not mind if
I write you again -- it is only to tell you that
painting is such a joy to me.
민사고 1 <Longman 3> 모의고사
Chapter 5: AMERICAN LITERATURE: Ernest Hemingway’s “Indian Camp”

21. What is the MOST appropriate word for the blank [23-24] Read the passage and answer the questions.
that starts with ‘u’ and means ‘not able to
be endured or tolerated’? Because of the popularity of television programs
that feature forensic scientists, universities have
Arles, January 28, 1889 seen a dramatic increase in applications to their
My Dear Theo, forensic science programs. Lawyers and police are
Only a few words to tell you that my health and facing greater pressure from the public and juries
work are not too bad. I'm surprised when I compare to present sophisticated forensic evidence in court.
my condition today with what it was a month ago. I "It's a double-edged sword," said Captain Chris
knew well enough that you could fracture your legs Beattie, a bald man with glasses who has been head
and arms and recover afterward, but I didn't know of the Los Angeles County Crime Lab for 32 years.
that you could fracture your brain and recover from "We have a larger (p ) of qualified people to
that, too. do the job. But it's also created unreasonable
I still have a sort of "what's the use of getting expectations that we can solve every crime the way
better" feeling about me, even in my surprise at they do on television.”
getting well, which I hadn't dared hope for. Since it
is still winter, let me go quietly on with my work. 23. What does the underlined idiom mean? Write briefly
If it is the work of a madman, well, too bad. I can't in one complete sentence.
help it. However, the (u ) hallucinations
have stopped and are now reduced to a simple
24. What is the MOST suitable word for the blank that
starts with ‘p’ and means ‘a quantity or the number of
them that is available for an organization or group to use’?

22. Based on the following passage, the underlined

sentence can be placed by the sentence, “I have ______ [25-26] Read the passage and answer the questions.
What is the BEST word that can fill the blank that starts The public has been fascinated with crime on
with ‘s’? television for a long time. But TV shows now
(Van Gogh's last letter) Auvers, July 23, 1890 focus attention on the use of science in solving
My Dear Brother, crimes. On CBS's CSI: Crime Scene Investigation -
Thanks for your kind letter and for the 50- franc - and its spin-off series CSI: Miami and CSI: NY
bill it contained. There are many things I would ______-minded investigators, armed with high-
like to write to you about, but I feel writing is powered forensic equipment, descend on crime
useless. The truth is we can only make our pictures scenes to study the evidence. Much of the action
speak. I have always told you, and I repeat it once takes place in the laboratory. "In the old shows, no
again, I will always consider you to be more than one could figure out how to make the science
just an art dealer. Through me, you have a role in interesting,” said Elizabeth Devine, a supervising
the actual production of paintings, which will producer on CSI: Miami, who worked for 15 years
retain their calm even in the catastrophe. For my as a forensic scientist at the L.A. sheriff's office.
work, I have risked my life and my reason. That's "What we did was slow things down. We wanted to
all right. What can we do? show people that this is cool stuff," she said. "We
wanted people to look through the microscope and
see what forensic scientists are looking at. This is
the heart and soul of a lot of investigations.”
민사고 1 <Longman 3>
Ch.5 ~ 8 Short Answer Questions

25. Write the correct word for the blank part of the idiom [29-30] Read the passage and answer the questions.
that means ‘to have excellent analytical skills.’
[1] While the cool technology in the CSI crime
lab may seem to have come from a Star Trek
movie, real-world experts say the equipment used
26. The underlined idiom ‘heart and soul’ can be on the shows is firmly based on reality. "The
substituted with one word that starts with ‘e.’ What is gadgetry that you see on TV is very close to what
this word? we have in real life," said Dean Gialamas, the
director of the forensics laboratory at the Orange
County Sheriff-Coroner Department in Santa Ana,
California. "The major difference is the ____ the
[27-28] Read the passage and answer the questions. technology is used.”
[2] For example, on CSI, a computer
[1] Jay Siegel used to run the Michigan State
automatically matches fingerprints to those in its
program and now heads a new undergraduate
database. But in real life, scientists themselves
forensic science program at Indiana-Purdue
must perform such detailed work. And while DNA
University in Indianapolis. He says the field is so
testing on the show is instant, in real life it takes at
competitive that it attracts the very brightest
least a week. In real life, suspect matches don't just
students, though many come with unreasonable
miraculously happen. Hours, days, and weeks of
expectations. "A lot of them have watched CSI and
work can go into matching a bullet to a gun or
say, ‘That's what I want to do, go to crime scenes
DNA to a suspect.
and collect evidence, analyze it, and confront [the
criminals] and testify in court,’" Siegel said. "But 29. What is the MOST suitable word that fits the blank
no one person does all of those things in real life, in paragraph [1]?
so people have to let go of these expectations."
[2] Forensic pathologists are no ________s. They
don't investigate and solve crimes. On CSI the
30. What do the underlined ‘those’ refer to? Find in
characters do it all. They collect the evidence (what
paragraph [2].
a real "CSI" would do). They analyze the evidence
(actually, the job of a criminalist). They interrogate
witnesses (the job of a detective). They get shot at.
But in real life, CSls rarely get shot at. They 31. Based on the following passage, write the correct
contribute to solving a case, but it's someone else, idiom for the blank that means ‘willing to consider new
usually the _________, who actually puts it all ideas; unprejudiced,’ and starts with a letter ‘o’.
together and solves the case.
So what makes a great forensic scientist? "Strong
technical ability, first of all," said Harley Sagara,
27. Write the job that matches the blank in paragraph [2] an assistant director at the L.A. County crime lab.
and is compared to forensic pathologists. "But [he or she] should also be _______ and have
the ability to analyze the big picture and test a
hypothesis." Forensic scientists have to enjoy and
do well in math and science. They must also be
able to explain their science in the courtroom.
28. What refers to the underlined ‘it’ in paragraph [2]? Sagara, who has more than 30 years of field
experience, says he has given 300 to 400 court
민사고 1 <Longman 3> 모의고사
Chapter 5: AMERICAN LITERATURE: Ernest Hemingway’s “Indian Camp”

[32-38] Read the passage and answer the questions. 33. Write the job that matches the blank in paragraph [1],
which is the same word as ‘lawyer,’ and starts with the
[1] However, a closer look at the case for the
letter ‘a.’
prosecution might have revealed some problems.
Anderson didn't have a very effective defense
lawyer. His (a ) didn't point out that when the
victim was shown photographs, Anderson's was the
only one in color. Of all the men whose pictures
34. What is the BEST word for the blank in paragraph
she was shown, he alone was placed in the line-up.
[2] that starts with ‘c’ and means ‘to admit that you
The police knew that another man, John Otis
committed a crime’? Write the exact past tense form of
Lincoln, had stolen the bicycle used in the crime
just 30 minutes before the crime was committed. that word.
But Anderson's attorney did not even call Lincoln
to testify in court.
[2] Five years after Anderson's trial, John Lincoln
(c ) to the crime, but the trial judge called
35. Explain the reason for the underlined ‘sloppiness’ in
him a liar and refused to act. Anderson meanwhile
continued to protest his innocence. He asked the paragraph [3]. Write in one sentence.
authorities to do a DNA analysis on the physical
evidence from the crime scene. He was told that
all the evidence had been destroyed after the trial.
It was then that Anderson contacted the lawyers of
the Innocence Project, a group that had gained 36. What is the MOST appropriate word for the blank in
national attention using DNA analysis to find paragraph [3] that starts with ‘p’ and means ‘a court
evidence of guilt or innocence in criminal cases decision that will influence future cases’?
[3] In the end, Anderson was saved because of the
sloppiness of the police technician who had
performed the first analysis on the crime scene
material in 1982. The technician hadn’t returned
the samples for destruction, so they still existed 37. What does the underlined ‘they’ in paragraph [3]
when Anderson asked for a reexamination. The refers to? Find the answer in the passage.
Director of the Virginia Department of Criminal
Justice, however, refused the request. He argued
that it might establish an "unwelcome (p )."
[4] But under a new law, the Innocence Project
attorneys won a court order calling for the tests to 38. What is the MOST appropriate word for the blank in
be performed, and in December 2001, the results paragraph [4] that starts with ‘p’ and means ‘forgiven for
proved that Anderson could not have committed a crime and freed from punishment’? Write the exact
the crime. The DNA "fingerprint" matched John past tense form of that word.
Otis Lincoln's. Anderson was (p ) and freed
by Governor Mark Warner of Virginia in 2002.

32. What does ‘she’ in paragraph [1] refers to? Find the
answer in the passage.
민사고 1 <Longman 3>
Ch.5 ~ 8 Short Answer Questions

ANSWER KEY 23. A ‘double-edged sword’ means that something has

both positive and negative consequences.
1. shanty 24. pool
2. Auditory Imagery: The men had moved off up the 25. sharp
road to sit in the dark and smoke out of range of the 26. essence
noise she made. / She screamed just as Nick and the two 27. police detective
Indians followed his father and Uncle George into the 28. ‘It’ is used to emphasize the subject "someone else"
shanty. in a cleft sentence(분열문, 강조구문).
Olfactory Imagery: The room smelled very bad. 29. way (synonyms are also correct)
3. anesthetic 30. fingerprints
4. intern 31. open-minded
5. birth 32. (the) victim
6. Nick 33. attorney
7. reminiscently 34. confessed
8. exalted 35. The police technician hadn’t returned the samples for
9. Taking Nick out of the shanty. Nick has already seen destruction.
the dead Indian. 36. precedent
10. exhilaration 37. (the) samples
11. growing up and learning about life/ life and death/ 38. pardoned
seeing the world through a child’s eyes
39. 1) snout or nose area / 2) manner toward humans
12. introverted
40. crucial
13. impoverished
41. predisposed
14. Impressionism focused on what one saw, but
42. DNA / wolves
expressionism focused on what one felt.
43. birthplaces
15. commitment
44. humans / wolves
16. 1: The Borinage (Belgium)/ 2: Arles (South of
France) 45. lured
17. quarreled 46. The humans could cook.
18. Van Gogh wants to practice social good and pursue 47. devotion
a life that is helpful to the world. 48. deference
19. eccentric 49. Belonging to a family is more important than their
20. 1) to protect the artist's ability to make a living rank in the family
2) to guarantee access to the tools art (paints, 50. tame
3) to keep for the artists a share in the price their
paintings may bring a long time after they sell
them for the first time
21. unbearable
22. sacrificed

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