2.6.2 - Transport Processes (Additional Problems)
2.6.2 - Transport Processes (Additional Problems)
2.6.2 - Transport Processes (Additional Problems)
Additional Problems 7. Saturated steam at 267 °F is flowing inside a 1-in. steel pipe
having an ID of 0.824 in. and an OD of 1.050 in. The pipe is
Heat Transfer insulated with 1.5 in. of insulation on the e pipe is estimated as hi
= 1000 BTU/h-ft2·oF, and the convective coefficient on the outside
1. A 50 mm diameter pipe of circular cross section and with of the lagging is estimated as ho = 2 BTU/h-ft2·oF. The mean
walls 3 mm thick is covered with two concentric layers of thermal conductivity of the metal is 45 W/m K and 0.064 W/m-K
lagging, the inner layer having a thickness of 25 mm and a or 0.037 BTU/hr-ft-°F for the insulation. Calculate the heat loss
for 1 ft of pipe using resistances if the surrounding air is at 80°F.
thermal conductivity of 0.08 W/m-K, and the outer layer a
a. 25 BTU/hr c. 48 BTU/hr
thickness of 40 mm and a thermal conductivity of 0.04 W/m-K.
b. 19 BTU/hr d. 30 BTU/hr
What is the rate of heat loss per meter length of pipe if the
temperature inside the pipe is 550 K and the outside surface
8. The critical radius ‘r’ of insulation on a pipe is given by
temperature is 330 K?
a. r = 2k/h c. r = k/h
a. 62.7 W/m c. 55.3 W/m b. r = k/2h d. r = h/k
b. 48.9 W/m d. 71.1 W/m
9. The critical radius of insulation for a spherical shell is (where
2. A spherical, thin-walled metallic container is used to store
k = thermal conductivity of insulating material and ho = heat
liquid nitrogen at 77 K. The container has a diameter of 0.5 m
transfer coefficient of the outer surface)
and is covered with an evacuated, reflective insulation a. k/ho c. ho/k
composed of silica powder. The insulation is 25 mm thick, and b. 2k/ho d. ho/2k
its outer surface is exposed to ambient air at 300 K. The
convection coefficient is known to be 20 W/m2K. The latent
10. The Nusselt number for fully developed (both thermally
heat of vaporization and the density of liquid nitrogen are
and hydrodynamically) laminar flow through a circular pipe
2X105 J/kg and 804 kg/m3, respectively. What is the rate of whose surface temperature remains constant is
liquid boil-off? a. 1.66 c. 88.66
a. 7.19 kg/d c. 3.08 kg/d b. 3.66 d. dependent on NRe only
b. 9.32 kg/d d. 5.64 kg/d
11. For turbulent flow in a tube, the heat transfer coefficient is
3. A composite insulating wall has a layer of red brick and obtained from the Dittus-Boelter correlation. If the tube
another insulating brick, held together by an aluminum rivet of diameter is halved and the flow rate is doubled, then the heat
30 mm diameter per 0.1 m2 of the surface. The red brick layer transfer co-efficient will change by a factor of
is 100 mm thick, with the hot surface at 2250C, and the a. 1 c. 1.74
insulating brick is 250 mm thick, with the cold surface at 370C. b. 6.1 d. 37
The thermal conductivities of materials are: k aluminum =
203.6, k red brick = 0.93 and k insulating brick = 0.116 W/m- 12. Steam condensing on the outer surface of a thin-walled
K. Estimate the percentage increase in heat transfer due to the circular tube of diameter D = 50 mm and length L = 6 m
rivets. maintains a uniform outer surface temperature of 100°C.
a. 930% c. 840% Water flows through the tube at a rate of m = 0.25 kg/s, and
b. 660% d. 510% its inlet and outlet temperatures are Tmi = 15°C and Tmo =
57°C. What is the average convection coefficient associated
For numbers 4 to 5: with the water flow?
A fresh food product is held in cold storage at 278.0 K. It is a. 680 W/m2K c. 750 W/m2-K
packed in a container in the shape of a flat slab with all faces b. 510 W/m K 2 d. 830 W/m2-K
insulated except for the top fat surface, which is exposed to
the air at 278.0 K For estimation purposes the surface 13. The radiation heat flux from a heating element at a
temperature will be assumed to be 278 K The slab is 152.4 temperature of 800°C, in a furnace maintained at 300°C is 8
mm thick and the exposed surface area is 0.186 m2. The kW/m2. The flux, when the element temperature is increased
density of the foodstuff is 641 kg/m3 . The heat of respiration to 1000°C for the same furnace temperature is
is 0.070 kJ/kg-h and the thermal conductivity is 0.346 W/m-K. a. 11.2 kW/m2 c. 12.0 kW/m2
Calculate the maximum temperature in the food product at b. 14.6 kW/m 2 d. 16.5 kW/m2
steady state and the total heat given off in W. (Note: It is
assumed in this problem that there is no air circulation inside 14. Two very large walls are maintained at constant
the foodstuff. Hence, the results will be conservative, since temperatures of 1200 and 1000 OF respectively. Their
circulation during respiration will reduce the temperature. emissivity are 0.9 and 0.75. The heat (BTU/hr-ft2) that need to
be removed from the colder wall is close to
4. Maximum temperature a. 5927 c. 4236
a. 278.4 K c. 279.3 K b. 3340 d. 3653
b. 278.9 K d. 279.6 K
15. A 2" IPS steel pipe carrying steam at 300 OF is insulated
5. Total heat given off in W
with ½ in of rockwool (k = 0.033 BTU/hr-ft-0F). The
a. 0.44 W c. 0.35 W
b. 0.29 W d. 0.17 W temperature of the wool surface exposed to surrounding air (t
= 70 OF) is 125 0F. The emissivity of the insulation is 0.9. The
6. A plane wall that is 20 cm thick and has a constant thermal fictitious radiation coefficient of heat transfer (BTU/hr-ft2-degF)
conductivity k = 3 W/m-K undergoes one dimensional steady is nearer to
conduction. The surface temperature of the left side of the wall is a. 1.1 c. 1.7
known (T1 = 50 deg C) and the right side of the wall is exposed b. 2.3 d. 2.9
to air (Tair = 10 deg C) and convective heat transfer (h = 60 W/m2-
K). What is the temperature at the interface between the wall and
the air on the right hand side (T2)?
a. 270C c. 350C
b. 180C d. 440C
16. An uninsulated steam pipe passes through a room in which Gas Absorption
the air and walls are at 25°C. The outside diameter of the pipe
is 70 mm, and its surface temperature and emissivity are 23. A countercurrent absorption tower is designed to remove
200°C and 0.8, respectively. If the coefficient associated with 95% of component A from an inert binary gas mixture using
free convection heat transfer from the surface air is 15 W/m2, pure solvent B. The mole ratio of A in the inert gas is 0.01. The
what is the rate of heat loss from the surface per unit length of carrier gas flow rate is 50 kmol/h. The equilibrium relation is
pipe. given by Y=2X, where Y and X are the mole ratios of A in the
a. 650 W/m c. 835 W/m gas and liquid phases, respectively. If the tower is operated at
b. 998 W/m d. 726 W/m twice the minimum solvent flow rate, the mole ratio of A in the
exit liquid stream is ___.
17. Wavelength corresponding to the maximum energy is a. 0.006 c. 0.005
inversely proportional to the absolute temperature. This is b. 0.003 d. 0.001
__________ law.
a. Stefan's c. Dalton's 24. 7316 lbs per hour of a rich absorption oil containing 5%
b. Wien's d. Kirchoffs hexane by weight is to be stripped until the leaving liquid
contains 0.05% by weight of hexane. It is to be heated to 2670F
18. There are removed 500 Btu per min of heat from a body and contacted with 180 lbs per hour of steam. The tower
by a refrigerator operating between the limits of 440R and operating at 2670F. Pressure in the stripper is 1 psig. Vapor
550R. If the coefficient of a performance is ¾ of that of a pressure of hexane at 2670F is 3800 mm. Molecular weight of
Carnot refrigerator working between the same temperature oil is 220. Calculate the number of theoretical plates required
limits, find the heat rejected. a. 6.4 plates c. 7.3 plates
a. 245 Btu/min c. 498 Btu/min b. 5.5 plates d. 4.2 plates
b. 345 Btu/min d. 667 Btu/min
25. Which of the following provides maximum contact surface
19. The thermal efficiency of a reversible heat engine for a liquid-vapor system?
operating between two given thermal reservoirs is 0.4. The a. Packed tower c. Bubble-cap plate column
device is used either as a refrigerator or as a heat pump b. Sieve-plate column d. Wetted wall column
between the same reservoirs. Then the coefficient of
performance as a refrigerator (COP)R and the co-efficient of
performance as a heat pump (COP)HP are
a. (COP)R = (COP)HP = 0.6
b. (COP)R = 2.5; (COP)HP = 1.5
c. (COP)R = 1.5; (COP)HP = 2.5
d. (COP)R = (COP)HP = 2.5