Effect of Gyroscopic Couple On Bearings

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Effect of Gyroscopic Couple on Bearings :

(Refer Fig.7)
Consider a rotor rotating midway on a shaft between the bearings
B1 and B2, as shown in Fig.7(a). Let ω be the angular velocity of the
disc about its axis of spin S – S. The axes S, P, and T are mutually
perpendicular. The vector H = I.ω denotes the angular momentum of the
disc, and its sense is described with the help of the R/H screw rule. Let
the shaft (or the axis of spin S – S) precess through an angle δθ about
the axis of precession P such that the angular momentum varies from H
to H'.

From Fig.7 H' = (H + δH) -----------------------------------------------------------

where δH is the change in the angular momentum.
For small angle of rotation δθ the arc CD may be considered as a
∴ CD = OC. δθ -- and -- δH = H.δθ ------------------------------------------------

∴ The rate of change of angular momentum = = Limit = I.ω.

δt → 0

∴ = I.ω.Ω , where Ω is the angular velocity of precession --------------
Eqn.(3) can be written as T = I.ω.Ω --------------------------------------------
The Eqn.(4) gives the Gyroscopic Torque (or Couple). It is
represented as a vector OE , and has the same sense and direction as the
angular momentum δH . From the R/H screw rule the direction of
torque is clockwise about the axis OT, when viewed from above.
Whenever the axis of rotation (or spin) of a body changes its
direction a Gyroscopic Couple must be applied to it. This couple is
applied through the bearings which support the shaft. Therefore, the
Reaction of the shaft on each bearing is equal and opposite to the action
of the bearing on the shaft. This torque must be applied externally on
the shaft in the form of a Couple through the Bearings, i.e., F.l = T
--------- (5)
In other words, the Bearings apply a Reaction Force F when they are
placed at a distance l apart.
Thus Let m = mass of the rotor ; k = radius of gyration of rotor ;
Then I = mk2 ; Gyroscopic Couple = C = I.ω.Ω (or I.ω.ωp).
Refer Fig.7(b) The applied (active) and reactive couples are shown in
Fig.7(b) wherein ab represents the active couple and b'a' represents the
reactive couple. The reactive couple is clockwise when viewed from the
RHS bearing -- and -- therefore, tends to raise the bearing B1 and lower
the bearing B2.

∴ The force on the bearing B1 due to the Gyroscopic Couple = Rg = (↑).

The force on the bearing B2 due to the Gyroscopic Couple = R g =


The force on each bearing due to the weight of rotor = Rw = (↑).
∴ The net Reaction at the bearing B1 = (Rg + Rw) acting upwards (↑).
The net Reaction at the bearing B2 = (Rg – Rw) acting downwards (↓).

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