STAT319 Final Master 221

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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Department of Mathematics
STAT 319
Final Exam
December 25, 2022
Net Time Allowed: 120 minutes

All questions references are from the ebook
T-221, STAT 319, Final Exam Page 1 of 12 MASTER

1. Use the following information to answer the following TWO questions.

(DATA 2)(Exercise 12-10)
The electric power consumed each month by a chemical plant is thought to be related
x1: the average ambient temperature.
x2: the number of days in the month.
x3: the average product purity(100%).
x4: the tons of product produced (1 ton equal to 1000 kg).
The past historical data are available and are presented in the following MINITAB
Analysis of Variance:
Source df SS MS F-Value P-value
Regression 4 5600.5 1400.1 10.08 0.005
Error 7 972.5 138.9
Total 11 6572.9
Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value
Constant -123 157 -0.78 0.459
x1 0.757 0.279 2.71 0.030
x2 7.52 4.01 1.87 0.103
x3 2.48 1.81 1.37 0.212
x4 -0.481 0.555 -0.87 0.415
The percentage of variability explained by this model taking into account the sample
size and the independent variables equal to

(a) 76.75% (correct)

(b) 85.20%
(c) 972.5%
(d) 10.08%
(e) 95%

2. (Use DATA 2): Individually, at 5% level of significance:

(a) Only one variable is statistically significant. (correct)

(b) All variables are statistically significant.
(c) Two variables are statistically significant.
(d) Three variables are statistically significant
(e) None on the variables are statistically significant.
T-221, STAT 319, Final Exam Page 2 of 12 MASTER

3. A chemical engineer is investigating the effect of the reaction temperature x on

percent conversion of a chemical process y. A random sample of size 10 chemical
processes is selected, and the following information are recorded:
x = 1900, y = 533, (x − x̄)2 = 33000, (y − ȳ)2 = 3760, (x − x̄)(y − ȳ) =
Suppose that the observed percent conversion of the process at 2400 C reaction
temperature is 72.255%, what is the corresponding absolute residual?(Exercises 11-
3, 11-4 and 11-5)

(a) 3% (correct)

(b) 30%
(c) 5%
(d) 2%
(e) 20%

4. Consider the following computer output on the National Football League data. The
regression equation is: Y = 14.2 + 10.1X
Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value
Constant 14.195 9.059 1.57 0.128
X 10.092 1.288 7.84 0.000

Model Summary: S = 5.21874 R2 = 67.2% Radj

= 66.1%
Analysis of Variance

Source df Adj SS Adj MS F-Value

Regression 1 1672.5 1672.5 61.41
Error 30 817.1 27.2
Total 31 2489.5

In testing the hypothesis Ho : β0 = 0 vs. H1 : β0 = 0 and Ho : β1 = 0 vs. H1 : β1 = 0

using α = 0.05, which one of the following statements is FALSE? (if assumptions
are valid)(Exercise 11-27)

(a) The regression line does not pass through the origin (correct)

(b) The intercept does not differ from zero

(c) The slope does differ from zero
(d) The regression line passes through the origin
(e) There is a linear relationship between the two variables
T-221, STAT 319, Final Exam Page 3 of 12 MASTER

5. The time between calls is exponentially distributed with a mean time between calls
of 20 minutes. If there has not been a call in 10 minutes, what is the probability
that the time until the next call is less than 5 minutes?(Exercise 4-204)

(a) 0.2212 (correct)

(b) 0.7788
(c) 0.5276
(d) 0.4724
(e) 0.3935
T-221, STAT 319, Final Exam Page 4 of 12 MASTER

6. The speed of a file transfer from a server on campus to a personal computer at a

student’s home on a weekday evening is normally distributed with a mean of 58
kilobits per second and a standard deviation of 4.5 kilobits per second. What is the
transfer speed per second of a file if the probability is 0.85083?(Exercise 4-79)

(a) 62.68 Kb/s (correct)

(b) 78.54 Kb/s

(c) 50.56 Kb/s
(d) 89.89 Kb/s
(e) 0 Kb/s

7. Use the following information to answer the following FOUR questions.

(DATA 3)(Exercise 12-9)
A study is conducted, in a hospital, to predict the Satisfaction level of the patient
using four regressors; an indicator variable denoting whether the patient is a Surgical
patient (1) or a medical patient (0), the Age of the patient, an illness Severity
index (higher values indicate greater severity), and an Anxiety index (higher values
indicate greater anxiety). The patient satisfaction survey was analyzed and the
results are shown in the following partial Minitab output:
Analysis of Variance:

Source df Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-value

Regression 4 9739.3 2434.82 46.87 0.000
Error 20 1038.9 51.95
Total 24 10778.2

Term Coef SE Coef 95% CI T-Value P-Value VIF
Constant 143.87 6.04 (131.26, 156.47) 23.80 0.000
Surgical 0.41 3.01 (-5.86, 6.69) 0.14 0.892 1.07
Age -1.117 0.138 (-1.406, -0.829) -8.08 0.000 1.94
Severity -0.586 0.136 (-0.869, -0.303) -4.32 0.000 1.44
Anxiety 1.31 1.08 (-0.95, 3.57) 1.21 0.242 1.69

Prediction for Satisfaction for the following input:

Surgical: 1 Age: 46 Severity: 24 Anxiety: 2.8
is described in the following table:

Fit SE Fit 98% CI 98% PI

82.4806 3.42985 (73.8101 , ) (62.3025 , )
T-221, STAT 319, Final Exam Page 5 of 12 MASTER

(Use DATA 3): Given that the Satisfaction level is 68 for a medical patient of 55
years old, with a Severity index of 50, and with an Anxiety index of 2.1. What is
the error in estimating his Satisfaction level using the regression model?

(a) 12.11 (correct)

(b) -8.91
(c) -18.91
(d) 18.91
(e) 8.91
T-221, STAT 319, Final Exam Page 6 of 12 MASTER

8. (Use DATA 3): What is the interpretation of the regression coefficient (0.41) of the
Surgical regressor?

(a) The average Satisfaction level of a surgical patient is 0.41 units more than a
medical patient, holding the other three regressors constant. (correct)

(b) The average Satisfaction level decreases by 0.41 units if the patient is a surgical
patient, holding the other three regressors constant.
(c) The average Satisfaction level of a medical patient is 0.41 units more than a
surgical patient, holding the other three regressors constant.
(d) The average Satisfaction level increases by 0.41 units if the patient is a medical
patient, holding the other three regressors constant.
(e) The average Satisfaction level of a surgical patient is 0.41 units more than a
medical patient.

9. (Use DATA 3): Which of the four regressors is significantly related to the Satisfac-
tion level at the 2.5% level of significance?

(a) Age and Severity (correct)

(b) Age and Surgical

(c) Surgical and Severity
(d) Surgical and Anxiety
(e) Anxiety and Severity
T-221, STAT 319, Final Exam Page 7 of 12 MASTER

10. (Use DATA 3): What is the upper bound for a 98% prediction interval for the
Satisfaction level of a Surgical patient of 46 years old, with a Severity index of 24,
and an Anxiety index of 2.8?

(a) 102.659 (correct)

(b) 91.151
(c) 86.539
(d) 96.036
(e) 134.039

11. The probability that concert tickets are available by telephone is 0.9. For the same
event, the probability that tickets are available through a Web site is 0.95. Assume
that these two ways to buy tickets are independent. Then the probability that
someone who tries to buy tickets through the Web and by phone will obtain tickets
is:(Exercise 2-209)

(a) 0.995 (correct)

(b) 0.855
(c) 0.990
(d) 0.985
(e) 0.989
T-221, STAT 319, Final Exam Page 8 of 12 MASTER

12. The range of the random variable X is [0, 1, 2, 3, C, 2C] where C is unknown. If each
value is equally likely and the mean of X is 6, What is the value of 2C + 1?(Exercise

(a) 21 (correct)

(b) 10
(c) 31
(d) 15
(e) 20

13. Suppose that P (A|B) = 0.25, P (A|B  ) = 0.35, and P (B) = 0.8. What is P(A)?(Exercise

(a) 0.27 (correct)

(b) 0.56
(c) 0.73
(d) 0.2
(e) 0.44
T-221, STAT 319, Final Exam Page 9 of 12 MASTER

14. Regression methods were used to analyze the data on the purity of oxygen (y)
produced in a chemical distillation process, and the percentage of hydrocarbons (x)
that are present in the main condenser of the distillation unit. Summary quantities
were n = 20, x̄ = 1.1960, ȳ = 92.1605, Sxx = 0.68088, Syy = 173.38, σ 2 = 1.18 and
the fitted model is ŷ = 74.283 + 14.947x. Then a 99% prediction interval on the
next observation of oxygen purity when x0 = 1.5% is:(Example 11-6)

(a) [93.2992, 100.1078] (correct)

(b) [95.7035, 98.0509]

(c) [94.2183, 99.1887]
(d) [93.0295, 100.3775]
(e) [93.6848, 99.7222]

15. (DATA 1)(Exercise 11-98)

Use the figure and the following information
to answer the following TWO questions:
The strength of paper used in the manufac-
ture of cardboard boxes (y) is related to the
percentage of hardwood concentration in the
original pulp (x). Under controlled condi-
tions, a pilot plant manufactures 16 samples,
each from a different batch of pulp, and mea-
sures the tensile strength. Use the below in-
formation and the figure to answer the fol-
 Two questions:

y = 2075.9 , x = 37.2 ,
Syy = 3654.15937 , Sxx = 17.7 ,
Sxy = 111.6125
The standard error of the slope for this esti-
mated regression equation is:

(a) 3.4505 (correct)

(b) 0.4785
(c) 0.6895
(d) 11.6667
(e) 15.5666
T-221, STAT 319, Final Exam Page 10 of 12 MASTER

16. Use the figure in (DATA 1): Which assumption appears to be violated?

(a) Equal Variance (correct)

(b) Normality
(c) Linearity
(d) Both Linearity and Normality
(e) All of the assumptions

17. An article in a Research Journal presented data on compressive strength x and

intrinsic permeability y of various concrete mixes and cures. Summary quantities
  2   2 
are n = 14, yi = 572, yi = 23530, xi = 43, xi = 157.42, and xi yi =
Then an estimate for σ 2 is:(Exercise 11-3)

(a) 1.8436 (correct)

(b) 1.3578
(c) 1.9624
(d) 1.6734
(e) 1.9426
T-221, STAT 319, Final Exam Page 11 of 12 MASTER

18. The advertised claim for batteries for cell phones is set at 48 operating hours with
proper charging procedures. A study of 5000 batteries is carried out and 15 stop
operating prior to 48 hours. If it is claimed that less than 0.2% of the company’s bat-
teries will fail during the advertised time period, with proper charging procedures.
What is the value of the test statistic?(Homework 6, 3-q2)

(a) 1.5827 (correct)

(b) –1.5827
(c) 0.003
(d) –0.003
(e) 1.2935

19. An article in Transfusion Science studied the white blood cell recovery of patients
with haematological malignancies after a new chemotherapy treatment. Data (in
days) on white blood cell recovery (WBC) for 19 patients consistent with summary
data reported in the paper follow:
18, 16, 13,
 16, 15, 12,9, 214, 12, 8, 16, 12, 10, 8, 14, 9, 5, 18, and 12.
(Given: x = 237, x = 3193)
Is there sufficient evidence to support a claim that the mean WBC recovery exceeds
12 days?(Exercise 9-141)

(a) At 5% level of significance, there is not sufficient evidence to support the claim:
we do not reject the null hypothesis since the test statistic = 0.5693 is not
greater than the C.V.= 1.734 (correct)

(b) At 5% level of significance, there is not sufficient evidence to support the claim:
we reject the null hypothesis since the test statistic= 0.5693 is greater than the
C.V.= -1.734
(c) At 5% level of significance, there is sufficient evidence to support the claim: we
reject the null hypothesis since the test statistic= 0.5693 is greater than the
C.V.= -1.734
(d) At 5% level of significance, there is sufficient evidence to support the claim: we
reject the null hypothesis since the test statistic= 0.5693 is greater than the
C.V.= -1.645
(e) At 5% level of significance, there is not sufficient evidence to support the claim:
we do not reject the null hypothesis since the test statistic= 0.5693 is not greater
than the C.V.= 1.645
T-221, STAT 319, Final Exam Page 12 of 12 MASTER

20. A manufacturer of interocular lenses will qualify a new grinding machine if there
is evidence that the percentage of good polished lenses (do not contain surface
defects) exceed 97%. The test results in a P-value of 0.102. In reality, the machine
is producing 99% good parts. What probably happens as a result of our testing?
Assume α = 0.05 (Exercise 9-96)

(a) We fail to reject, making a Type II error. (correct)

(b) We correctly fail to reject.

(c) We correctly reject.
(d) We reject, making a Type I error.
(e) We fail to reject, making a Type I error.

21. The mean water temperature downstream from a discharge pipe at a power plant
cooling tower should be no more than 100o F . Past experience has indicated that
the standard deviation temperature is 2o F . The water temperature is measured on
nine randomly chosen days, and the average temperature is found to be 102o F . at
2.5% level of significance, express the rejection region of the test in terms of the
sample mean.(Exercise 9-42)

(a) x̄ > 101.307 (correct)

(b) x̄ > 98.693

(c) x̄ > 98.906
(d) x̄ > 101.093
(e) x̄ > 101.130
T-221, STAT 319, Final Exam Page 13 of 12 MASTER

22. A builder claims that Central air conditioning units are installed in 40% of all
homes being constructed today in the city of Dhahran. If a random sample of
10 new homes shows that 1 or fewer had Central air conditioning units, we will
conclude that P < 0.4, the probability of NOT rejecting the null hypothesis if the
true proportion is 20% is equal to:(Exercise 9-26)

(a) 0.78524 (correct)

(b) 0.21476
(c) 0.02619
(d) 0.97381
(e) 0.02500

23. The heat evolved in calories per gram of a cement mixture is approximately normally
distributed. The mean is thought to be 100, and the standard deviation is 2. You
wish to test H0 : μ = 100 vs. H1 : μ = 100 with a sample of n = 9 specimens. If
the acceptance region is defined as 98.5 ≤ x̄ ≤ 101.5, the probability of rejecting
the null hypothesis if the true mean heat evolved is 100 is: (Exercise 9-10)

(a) 0.02444 (correct)

(b) 0.01222
(c) 0.97556
(d) 0.98778
(e) 0.02500

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