HYE-G10 - Syllabus and Timetable

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Half Yearly Examination : 2024-25

Timetable Syllabus and Paper Pattern

Grade : 10
Marks: 80
Date Day Subject Syllabus Paper Pattern
1.Real Numbers. SECTION A
2. polynomials. Objective:18 MCQ’s+ 2 Assertion and reasoning. (1x 20=20 Marks)
3. Pair of linear equations in two Variables.
4.Quadratic Equations. SECTION B
5.Arithmetic Progression. Very Short Answers. (5X2= 10 Marks )
7.Coordinate geometry. SECTION C
14th Oct. 2024 Monday Math 8.Introduction to trigonometry. Short answers (6x3 = 18 Marks)
9.Some Applications of Trigonometry.
10.Circles. SECTION D
11. Areas related to circle. Long Answers (4x5= 20 Marks)

Case studystudy based questions (3x4= 12 Marks)

15th Oct.2024 Tuesday Study Leave

क वता : कबीर-साखी,मीरा के पद , मनु यता , पवत दे श म पावस , तोप, कर चल

हम फदा, खंड [अ ] अप ठत ग यांश 2 - 7 8 = 15 अंक - बहु वैकि पक न
खंड [ब] याकरण – 20 अंक
पाठ : पश –बड़े भाईसाहब, डायर का प ना, तताँरा –वामीरो कथा , तीसर कसम,
खंड [क] सा ह य – 30 अंक
अब कहाँ दुसरे के दुख से दुखी होने वाले ,पतझर क टू ट प यां ,कारतूस ,झेन क दे न
. ग य लघु उ र य न - 1 x 9 = 9 अंक
पाठ –संचयन : ह रहर काका, सपन के दन,टोपी शु ला, दघ र न - 10 अंक
क वता : लघु उ र य न - 8 अंक
याकरण : पदबंध के कार, मुहावरे , रचना के आधार पर वा य पांतर, समास द घ र न - 3 अंक
रचना मक लेखन – 15 अंक
रचना मक लेखन : अनु छे द लेखन , प लेखन, सुचना लेखन, व ापन, (जीमेल)
gmail .
पाठ २ संतवाणी वभाग अ] अप ठत उतारा २ - ७ +८ = १५ गुण
16th Oct.2024 Wednesday
पाठ ३ शाल
वभाग ब] याकरण - २० गुण
पाठ ४ उपास
थूल वाचन - मोठे होत असले या मुलांनो
वभाग क] सा ह य - ३० गुण
पाठ ५ दोन दवस
पाठ ६ चुडीवाला ग य लघु र न - १ x ९ = ९ गुण
Marathi पाठ ७ फुट ं स
पाठ ८ ऊजाश तीचा जागर दघ र न - १० गुण

याकरण - नाम, सवनाम, वशेषण, यापद प य

या वशेषण अ यय, श दयोगी अ यय, उभया वयी

लघु उ र न - ८ गुण
अ यय, केवल योगी अ यय, अलंकार, समास,
वचन, वा याचे कार, वा चार दघ र न - ३ गुण
व धअथ व समानाथ श द
17th Oct. 2024 Thursday Study Leave
वभाग ड] लेखन - १५ गुण
रचना मक ले खन - नबंध लेखन, बातमी लेखन,
1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
प Nationalism
2. लेखन, कथा लेinखन, जा हरात लेखन
India Section A has 18 MCQ’s and 02 Assertion-Reason based questions of 1
3. The Making of the Global World mark each.
Subtopics 1-1.3
4. Map Pointing SECTION B
1. Resource and Development Section B consists of 4 questions of 2 marks each.
2. Forest and Wildlife Resources
3. Water Resources SECTION C
4. Agriculture
5. Mineral and Energy Resources Section C consists of 5 questions of 3 marks each
Map –Pointing
Economics SECTION D
18th Oct.2024 Friday Social Science 1. Development
2. Sectors of Indian Economy Section D consists of 4 questions of 5 marks each
3. Money and Credit
4. Globalisation SECTION E
What is Globalisation? Section E has 3 case based integrated units of assessment (04 marks
Factors that have enabled Globalisation each) with sub- parts of the values of 1, 1 and 2 marks each
Political Science respectively.
1. Power Sharing
2. Federalism SECTION F
3. Political Parties Map Pointing of 5 Marks
4. Gender, Religion and Caste

Biology: SECTION A
1. Life Processes Objective:16 MCQ’s+ 4 Assertion and Reasoning. (1x 20=20 Marks)
2. Control and Coordination
3. How do organisms reproduce? SECTION B
Chemistry: Very Short Answers. (5X2= 10 Marks )
1. Chemical reactiona nd its equations
2. Acid, base and salt SECTION C
21st Oct.2024 Monday Science 3. Metals and non metals Short answers (6x3 = 18 Marks)
1. Reflection and Refraction SECTION D
2. Human Eye and Colourful World Long Answers (4x5= 20 Marks)
3. Electricity
Case studystudy based questions (3x4= 12 Marks)

22nd Oct 2024 Tuesday Study Leave

Reading Comprehension: Discursive Passage, Case Based Factual Reading Section : 20 marks
Writing Skills: Letter To Editor, Letter of Inquiry, Letter of Placing an Grammar and Writing Section : 20 marks
Complaint Letter and Analytical Paragraph Literature Section: 40 marks
Grammar: Tenses, , Determiners, Subject Verb Concord,
Reported Speech (Commands, Statements, Requests, Questions)
Literature: First Flight:
Chapter 1: A Letter to God
Chapter 2: Nelson Mandela - A Long Walk to Freedom
Chapter 3: Two Stories About Flying - Part 1 and 2
Chapter 4: From the Diary of Anne Frank
Chapter 5: Glimpses of India (Part 1, 2 and 3)
23 rd Oct.2024 Wednesday English Chapter 6: Mijbil The Otter
Chapter 7: Madam Rides the Bus
Dust of Snow, Fire and Ice, A Tiger in the Zoo, How to Tell Wild Animals
The Ball Poem, Amanda, The Trees, Fog, The Tale of Custard the
Footprints without feet:
Chapter 1 - A Triumph of Surgery
Chapter 2 - The Thief's Story
Chapter 3 - The Midnight Visitor
Chapter 4: A Question of Trust
Chapter 5: Footprints without Feet
Chapter 6: The Making of a Scientist
Chapter 7: The Necklace

Part-A (Employbility skills) SECTION A:

1. Communication Skills- II"
2. Self-Management Skills - II Objective type questions: 24 questions, 1 marks each
3. ICT Skills - II
4. Entrepreneurial Skills - II SECTION B:
5. Green Skills- II
Subjective type questions: 26 marks questions

Part-B (Specific Skills) 7 Short answer type question carrying 2 marks each.
Artificial Intelligence 1. Introduction to AI
2.Basics of AI 3 Long answer type questions carrying 4 marks each.
3. AI Project Cycle

Practical (50 Marks)

Advanced Python

Chapter 1 Investment Basics SECTION A:

Chaptert 2 - Securities
Chapter 3- Primary Market Objective type questions: 24 questions, 1 marks each
24 th Oct. 2024 Thursday Chapter 4 - Secondary Market
Chapter 5 -Derivatives SECTION B:
Chapter 6 - Depository
Introduction to
Subjective type questions: 26 marks questions
Financial Markets
Employbility skills
Unit 1 -Communication Skills 7 Short answer type question carrying 2 marks each.
Unit 2 - Self Management Skills
3 Long answer type questions carrying 4 marks each.

Elements of Art SECTION -A
Principals of Art Attempt all Questions (Each part will carry 1 mark)
Bodhisattva Padmapani
Ashokan lion Capital SECTION - B
Kailashnath temple Attempt all Questions (Each Question will carry 2 Marks)
Attempt any two Questions (Each Question will carry 6 Marks)

Practical : 50 Marks

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