Documentary Credit
Documentary Credit
Documentary Credit
Documentary credits
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1.0.5 08 Sept 2008 Bikash Kumar Updated and Reviewed version 10.1
No part of this volume may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including
photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system except as may be expressly permitted.
This Training manual has been written and produced by the FINACLE -PSUSER EDUCATION TEAM of Infosys
Technologies Limited.
1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................... 1
2 SECTION OBJECTIVE ....................................................................................... 3
3 PROCESSES INVOLVED.................................................................................... 3
3.1.1 FLOW CHART – FLOW OF DC: ...................................................................................... 3
3.1.2 FLOW OF DC EXPLAINED: ............................................................................................ 4
4 DBA RELATED ACTIVITIES ............................................................................ 6
4.1 INITIAL SET UP – OPERATING SYSTEM LEVEL ........................................... 6
4.1.1 VALUES SET IN ‘CUST-OPTION’ FILE ......................................................................... 6
4.2 INITIAL SET UP – APPLICATION LEVEL ......................................................... 6
4.2.1 REFERENCE CODES ........................................................................................................ 7
4.2.2 EXCEPTIONS .................................................................................................................... 8
4.2.3 ACCOUNT PLACEHOLDERS .......................................................................................... 8
CHARGES). ......................................................................................................................... 9
4.2.4 BANK / SOL LEVEL PARAMETERS .............................................................................. 9
4.2.5 SOL/SCHEME/REGISTER/CURRENCY LEVEL PARAMETERS................................. 9
4.2.6 DC CHARGES SET UP ..................................................................................................... 9
4.2.7 CURRENCY CALANDER............................................................................................... 11
CURRENCY. .................................................................................................................................. 12
4.2.8 CURRENCY CALENDAR TABLE MAINTENANCE ................................................... 12
4.2.9 MAINTAIN TEXT – MTT ............................................................................................... 12
SCREEN SHOT OF THE MENU MTT ......................................................................................... 13
THE CRITERIA SCREEN CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING FIELDS ; .................................. 13
4.2.10 MAINTAIN INSTRUCTION CODES ......................................................................... 14
. ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
4.2.11 MAINTAIN COMMODITY ......................................................................................... 15
4.2.12 D C TYPE PARAMETER MAINTENANCE (DCTPM) ........................................... 16
5 GENERAL USER ACTIVITIES ....................................................................... 21
5.1 OUTWARD DOCUMENTARY CREDIT ............................................................. 21
5.1.1 MAINTENANCE:( ODCM) ............................................................................................. 21
CREATE CIF ID ............................................................................................................................. 21
ISSUANCE OF DC (S) : ................................................................................................................. 23
GENERAL DETAILS TAB ............................................................................................................ 23
DC DETAILS TAB: ........................................................................................................................ 28
Documentary Credits (DC) is an important part of the Trade Finance Module. This section
covers the entire life cycle of DC, starting from the parameter set up, issuance,
modification, amendments etc. The banking concepts related to Documentary Credits are
also discussed as part of this section. Finally there is a section dealing with reports.
A Documentary Credit (also called as Letter of Credit in some Countries) is an undertaking
by a bank to the Beneficiary (Exporter/ seller) that it would make payment to him against
presentation of documents drawn in terms of the credit. The Documentary Credit (DC)
would be issued at the request of the customer (Importer /buyer) of the bank.
Applicant or Account Party The buyer of goods or services who requested the
Documentary credit to be issued.
Issuing Bank The primary financial institution that initiates and writes the
Documentary credit extending their guarantee and liability to pay if the terms
and conditions are fulfilled.
Advising Bank The bank, usually in the beneficiary's country, whose primary
job is to pass on the Documentary credit to the beneficiary. The advising bank is
principally a correspondent bank of the issuing bank which means that the two
parties have exchanged authenticating procedures, and may have also
established accounts with each other. An important part of passing on a
Documentary credit to a beneficiary is verifying its authenticity. When the
advising bank authenticates the credit, they are saying it is a genuine instrument
from the named issuing bank. They are not commenting on the creditworthiness
of the bank or its country. This procedure gives the seller some protection
against fraudulent instruments. That is why it is common practice to have letters
of credit advised to a seller through a correspondent bank. The advising bank
may receive the Documentary credit by mail, telex, cable, or S.W.I.F.T.
Reimbursing Bank Sometimes the issuing bank names a bank where it keeps
funds in the currency of the Documentary credit to pay drawee or negotiating
banks on its behalf. This bank is known as a reimbursing bank, and is usually
named under the special instructions portion of the Documentary credit.
Issuance of DC
Advising of a DC
Reinstatement of DC
Amortization of charges.
DC History maintenance
By the end of this section you should be able to
The seller produces and
ships the goods to the 3
buyer and presents the Buyer's Bank
documents to the Issues the LC
NEGOTIATING BANK (may and transmits
be his/her bank) a copy to the
8 sellers bank
Buyer's bank via SWIFT
debits buyer's
account and 2
BANK BANK releases DC The Buyer
documents Applies
for a Letter of
Credit to his/her
The Seller's Bank
or the Negotiating 7
Bank examines the The buyer's
documents, pays bank (or the
the seller and RE-IMBURSING
sends the BANK) examines BUYER's BANK /
documents to the documents ISSUING BANK
Issuing/buyer's and re-imburses
bank the seller's or
Seller's Bank
Confirms the
advised LC and
sends it to Seller
BUYER's BANK / THE LC can also
CORRESPONDENT / reach the Seller's
1. The buyer fills out a Documentary credit application which satisfies the terms of the
purchase agreement plus the requirements of customs law, shipment, and document
2. The bank issuing the Documentary credit (usually the buyer's bank), rechecks the
application to ensure that it is complete and workable. The Documentary credit is then
issued after the buyer's credit facilities are verified.
3. The issuing bank transmits the Documentary credit to a correspondent bank by telex,
S.W.I.F.T., or airmail and asks them to advice or confirm/the/instrument.
4. The correspondent bank receives the Documentary credit, checks authenticity, records,
and transmits the instrument to the seller or beneficiary, and adds their confirmation if
requested. Upon receipt of the Documentary credit, the seller should carefully review it to
determine whether he or she can comply with its performance requirements and whether it
is acceptable from a credit standpoint.
5. Upon determination that the Documentary credit is acceptable, the seller should ship
the goods precisely pursuant to its terms and conditions. The seller must prepare
documents exactly as required and then present them to the proper paying bank. The
proper paying bank may be any bank specified in the Documentary credit to accept, pay,
or negotiate. This may be the advising bank, confirming bank, issuing bank, or (on a freely
negotiable credit) any bank that is willing to negotiate.
6. When the paying bank receives the documents, it will examine them to determine if
they are in order pursuant to the Documentary credit's terms and conditions. The bank
may pay, accept, or negotiate if documents are in order as required by the Documentary
credit. The paying bank will transmit the documents to the issuing bank and request
reimbursement. Reimbursement may come direct from the issuing bank or the issuing
bank may have instructions added to the Documentary credit to reimburse on another
bank or to simply charge its account.
7. Upon receiving the documents, the issuing bank will examine them to ensure that they
are in order as specified and then reimburse the negotiating bank. For time drafts,
reimbursement is made at maturity of the Banker's Acceptance.
8. The issuing bank debits the buyer's account and releases the documents.
Mode of Despatch The transmission mode of the full text DC following the
Establish Follower issuance of short text DC ((Mail / Telex / Swift).
Limit Node Expired When the limit node attached to the DC has expired
DC Sanction if the Sanction period for the DC is completed. (bod_date >
Expired “DC sanctions expiry date” specified
Party's Limit if the party‟s liability limit is exceeded by the DC. Available
Exceeded amount of DC > (Sanctioned Limit of DC – Utilised limit)
System Charges if the charges are modified during a particular event of the
Modified DC.
Max. Validity The maximum validity period for the DC has exceeded ie.
Exceeded (Expiry-date – open-date) > Max. Valid. allowed(days) set in
No documents/ If there are no documents (no text for text type neither „C‟ nor
conditions „D‟) attached with a DC this is raised.
Inward DC Max Validates whether the effective maximum advance value of the
Advn exceeded Inward DC is exceeded while doing amendment or transfer
event of the DC
Outward DC Validates whether the current value of the outward DC
exceeds export exceeds the effective maximum advance value of the export
advn order linked to the DC
Liab. Cr. A/c Pl.holder: This is the account indicates the total amount of DC‟s issued by
the Bank on behalf of various customers. This also should be partitioned by type „DOCCR‟
Margin Cr A/c Pl.holder: Wherever margin money is collected for issue of DC, it will be
credited to this account This can be partitioned by type „DOCCR‟
P&L Account Place Holder: Account attached to this place holder is used to credit the
Commission income on amortisation. This is specified in HPTTM option. (This is required to
be created if the bank is going to amortise the charges).
Fixed Amount,
HASTM option is used to set up differential charge percentage based on the amount
involved. The charges are basically „event based‟ – i.e., charges are calculated on
occurrence of an event.
DCISS - DC Issue
DCADV - DC Advice
DCAMD - DC amend
DCREN - DC Reinstatement
DCTRN - DC Transfer
DCCLS - DC Close.
DCUNC - DC Unclose
We can create Event ids for the above event types .The ID can be a single event id for all the
event types or different ID‟s for different Events.
Note: For more details on HPTTM, please refer the document on “Charges”.
Amortize (√/null): Whether the charges for a particular DC related Event type/event_id
combination is to be amortised over the period of the DC or not is decided by this field.
This field is default populated as „null‟ (amortisation not required). If „checked‟, the P&L
Account Placeholder‟ field becomes mandatory.
P&L Account Place Holder: This is the Income account credited during amortisation
process. This field is a co-mandatory field. It is mandatory only if field „Amortize‟ field is
„checked‟. Only OAB Scheme type accounts are to be entered.
Currency Calendar Treatment – This field is an option button field. It has three options -
Next, Previous, and Current. Based on the option selected, the transaction would go on.
If Next is selected and if any transaction occurs on a holiday, it would be carried out on the
next working day. The same applies for the other options also.
The Currency Holiday Exception is displayed for following events if there is an exception
set for that currency:
The checks are validated if „Currency Calendar‟ implemented flag is set at HSCFM level and
the participating currency is not home currency.
A - Add
C - Copy
D - Del
I - Inquire
L - List
M - Modify
V - Verify
X – Cancel
Text Type : Select the code for the type of text to be maintained form the list.
Valid Values:
A - Amendment
C - Conditions
D - Documents
I - Instructions
F - Free
T - Template
N - Insurance
R - Freight
G – Goods description
The fields new module Id , Next text Id and next text type are valid for copying an existing
Text description :
You can type data up to 26000 characters in this field but cannot type blank lines. You
can use the script hook TextData.scr to control the number of lines and the number of
characters / line.
Documentary Credits
Bank Guarantee
Forward Contract
Packing Credits
The various operations of Maintain Instruction Codes are achieved through the following
set screens.
A - Add
M - Modify
C - Copy
L - List
I - Inquire
D - Delete
U - Undelete
You can indicate the code to be used for the message and its description as well
Use the MCY menu option to capture the commodity details. Commodity code is a
HRRCDM code. The menu option captures two limit IDs namely the Export Limit ID and the
Import Limit ID. A commodity can be marked as a restricted commodity by setting the
restricted flag as „YES‟. If a commodity is restricted, then no updates will be allowed for
any entity linked to the commodity.
A list option is provided to list all the commodity codes maintained through the menu
option in addition to the list, which lists all the commodity codes, maintained through the
HRRCDM menu option. All commodity codes maintained in HRRCDM and MCY will be listed
only in Add Mode and in all the rest of the modes, only listing of those maintained through
MCY will be done.
The Exception Commodity Limit Exceeded Exception is raised when limit specified is
exceeded. This exception is set at HSCFM.
The basic parameters relating to the features of Documentary Credits are set in a
“Register” through this option. The default data values for Documentary Credits (DC)
(which are issued/ advised) are set-up here. The parameters defined at DCTPM will be
auto populated at DC level and certain parameters can be modified at DC level as
well.(The menu option of DCTPM in the earlier versions is replaced with DCTPM)
The system broadly classifies the DC as Inland / Foreign - Outward / Inward. Further
classification of Registers according to Banks' own requirement is possible. The DCs can be
classified according to Usance period, currency, etc. The Registers' code and their default
values are defined through DCTPM option.
For ex.
Outward DC Inward DC
Function Code: Mandatory field. It allows the user to select a specific operation.
The functionality of different modes is as follows:
Add Mode : In Add mode a new DC Type can be added.
Modify Mode : In modify mode an already existing DC Type can be altered. For further
modification record needs to be verified before modification.
Verify Mode : In Verify mode a different user is allowed to verify a newly added or
modified record.
Cancel Mode : In Cancel mode User can cancel the previous modifications to the record
which is unverified.
Inquire Mode : In Inquire mode the user can inquire for a particular DC Type record
which is verified.
Delete Mode : In delete mode User can delete the verified record.
Undelete Mode : In undelete mode user is able to undelete a deleted record which is
DC sub Type: Flag to indicate DC Sub Type. This can have values as
revolving/standby/back to back.This is a non-mandatory field.
Related Limits : This can be either B–Bank Limits or C-country Limits or A-All.
This is non mandatory field.
Charge Event Id: This is the charge code, created through HPTTM option. The details of
charges to be collected are specified here. The different DC event types for which charges
set up can be done are DCISS (for DC issue), DCAMD (amendment of DCs issued), DCREN
(reinstatement of a revolving DC), DCADV (DC advising), DCCLS (DC closure charges),
DCTFR (charges during DC transfer), DCNBL (charges during DC Utilisation without bills).
The set up for amortisation is also done through HPTTM.
Transferable: DC transferable flag. Valid values are Y, N and S-Stand by. ( Non-
Transfer DC No. Code: This is the number code for transfer DC number generation. (
Tolerance pcnt: The amount in percentage above/below the current value of the DC up to
which the beneficiary can withdraw. The value can be either negative or positive. This is
defaulted at the time of issue/advise of the DC. Example: DC open value = USD1000
Negative Tolerance = 10%
When the available value is less than or equal to USD100 (i.e. 10% of the DC value), DC
closure will be permitted.
C) If '+ and -' Tolerance fields are entered, then the available value will be increased with
the positive tolerance amount over and above the documentary credit issued amount.
Contingent liability amount will be inclusive of additional tolerance amount. But closure of
LC will be permitted, when the LC available value is less than or equal to the negative
tolerance percentage.
Max Negotiation Allowed: Maximum no. of negotiation days for the DC. This is a
mandatory field. Its value can be zero.
Manual Upload : This field is used at the time of migrating from an existing system or an
un-computerised system to Finacle. This field will have value „Y‟, until all the un-
computerised/(existing sytem) data is uploaded. When the value is „Y‟, it allows the user
to input a DC which has expired. Once all the DCs are uploaded, this field should be made
as „N‟, so that user will not be able to input the DCs whose expiry date is less than BOD
User has the option of maintaining liability accounts either in Home Currency or in DC
currency. If contingent liability entries are to be passed in respective DC currencies, then
user will have to open as many office accounts. The contingent accounts can be
partitioned by type „DOCCR or ASSET‟, so that DC-wise break up of liability will be vailable,
in the contingent accounts. The following fields are related to contingent liability creation.
Gen. Liab.Transactions : Banks which do not have the policy of creating contingent
accounting for DC activities, should set the value of this flag as „N‟. If this flag is set as „Y‟
,then in case of outward DCs , liability transactions will be created, at the time of issue of
the DC. (In case of Inward DCs (advice), if „Add Confirmation‟ flag in IDCM is set as „Y‟,
only then the contingent accounting entries will be generated.)
Contingent Rate Code: This is a mandatory field. It gives the rate at which the
contingent entries have to be applied.This rate code should be a valid one.
Contingent Dr Placeholder: This is a placeholder field with scheme type OAA or OAB.
This is disabled initially & is enabled and mandatory when Liability transaction flag is Y.
Contingent Cr Placeholder: This is a placeholder field with scheme type OAA or OAB.
This is disabled initially & is enabled & mandatory when Liability transaction flag is Y.
Margin A/c. Indicator: This field decides whether the margin is to be collected in the
home currency (H) or the DC currency (D).
Margin Cr A/c Pl.holder: Once the above field is specified, this place holder has to be
specified. Margin money collected for the DC, be credited to the accounts attached to this
placeholder. The accounts can be partitioned by type „DOCCR‟. User has to ensure to open
margin accounts in different currencies if the bank decides to collect the margin in the DC
Before issue of DCs through the ODCM menu option, the user must first visit CRM - RETAIL
CIF or CORPORATE CIF for CIF ID creation for the customer of the bank and to incorporate
Trade Finance details like DC Sanctioning Authority, DC Margin Percentage, DC Sanctioning
Expiry date, DC Next No Code and Caution Status wherever required. These details are
defaulted at the time of DC issue through the ODCM menu option.
The following exceptions are also raised by the Core Banking Solution based on above
DC Sanction Expired
You must then visit CRM - RETAIL CIF or CORPORATE CIF for CIF ID creation for the
customer‟s overseas buyer or seller.
The Menu option ODCM is used to issue and maintain Documentary credits established .
S- Issue
M- Modify
C- Copy
A - Ammendment
The ODCM menu option is used to issue and maintain an outward Documentary Credit. By
invoking the ODCM menu option, you are taken to ODCM criteria screen showing the
DC Type
DC No.
New DC No.
In order to issue a Documentary Credit in ODCM menu option the General details tab
,Related party tab and the DC details tab need to be visited mandatorily –
Applicant Details: It captures the CIF ID, name and address of the applicant and the ID
of the customer's operative account. The operative account can be used to debit charges,
recover margin amount and also for payment to be made to the bank under import letter
of credit .
Amount Details: This captures the initial value of the documentary credit (DC), date of
issue of DC, the amount of pre shipment advance extended against red clause letter of
credit and the percentage of tolerance permitted in the value of the documentary credit.
You can specify either positive or negative value in the Tolerance pcnt field. It also
captures the details of percentage of interest payable and any additional interest payable
under the letter of credit.
Note :1) DC Curr. Value represents „DC open value‟ “+ or –“ „DC Amendment Amt‟
Purchase order details: This captures the details of the purchase order which forms the
basis for issuing a documentary credit. The date of issue, purchase order number, the
number of amendments issued and the last amendment date are captured here.
Pre advice flag: You can indicate if pre advice of documentary credit is required to be
done by selecting the appropriate option. The valid values are Yes and No.
Other details : This captures the miscellaneous details like correspondent bank‟s
reference number , payment system through which Documentary Credits are transmitted,
the amount of unverified Documentary Credit in home currency, DC Carved Amt(amount of
Documentary Credit pending verification) etc.
Beneficiary Details: This captures the name, address and CIF ID of the beneficiary of a
letter of credit. It also captures the ID of the operative account to be used for debiting
letter of credit related charges and for making payment under the letter of credit.
Applicant Bank: This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and BIC address of
the applicant bank.
Issuing Bank: This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and BIC address of
the issuing bank.
Advising Bank: This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and BIC address of
the advising bank.
Drawee Details: This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and BIC address of
the drawee bank. The drawee bank is the one which is mentioned as the drawee of the
draft or bill of exchange to be submitted under the letter of credit. The bank confirming the
import letter of credit is the drawee bank.
Available with Bank: This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and BIC
address of the bank with whom the letter of credit is available for negotiation.
Reimbursing Bank: This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and BIC address
of the reimbursing bank.
Advise through Bank: This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and BIC
address of the advise through bank.
The basic idea of this popup is to facilitate the user to enter the address in SWIFT format.
Data entered here only will be considered for swift messages.
The address details popup screen is brought up on clicking of the icon provided in the
dynamic screen of Related Party Details .It allows the user to view address details.
The address details popup screen contains four fields namely Name, Address Line1,
Address Line 2 and Address Line 3 of size 35 characters each (in sync with SWIFT
Form of Documentary Credit : Indicates the type of DC.
Tenor Details : The duration details are keyed here and the fields are ,Tenor ,Usance
Period,Tenor Details,Period for presentation .
Expiry Details : The expiry details of the DC are keyed in these fields.
Shipment Details : The mode and the last date of shipment of the goods are keyed in
this fields . This captures Partial Shipment ,Trans shipment ,Latest date of shipment,
Negotiation Period , Shipment Period, Shipment Mode, Shipment terms,Desc, Place of
taking charge, Port of Loading/ Airport of departure ,Port of discharge/ Airport of
destination , House Airway Bill , Consolidated/ shipping agents ,
Commodity Details : This captures the origin of goods, code of the commodity,
description of goods and the details of the license which covers import of goods specified
in the documentary credit
Insurance Details :This captures the details of insurance such as the name of the
insurance company, insurance policy number/date, insured amount/ percentage of the
value of the goods insured, premium amount and the place of payment of claim under the
Other Details : This captures the details of the documents required to be submitted under
the letter of credit and the details of additional conditions to be incorporated in the DC.
This also indicates if the letter of credit is to be confirmed and the details of the bank
which confirms the letter of credit. The other details such as instructions to paying/
negotiating bank, sender to receiver information, percentage of commission payable to the
agent, capital adequacy code and the person who will bear the charges related to the
documentary credit are also captured here.
the existing instructions given by the applicant, beneficiary, collecting bank, self and all
instructions by selecting the appropriate selection criteria.
During Issue, Instruction Details tab is available in enterable mode and user can enter the
necessary details.
Using this tab user can perform the following :-
1) Adding Instructions 2) Deleting Instructions 3) Modify Instructions 4)
Inquiry/View Instructions 5) Filtering Instructions
ADD AN INSTRUCTION : To add an instruction user must enter 3 field details i.e.
Instruction Date, Instruction By and Instruction displayed on the lower panel of the screen.
( The instruction length should be less than or equal to 80.)
Following is the screen shot of Instruction Screen on clicking ADD NEW button
Following is the screen shot of Instruction Screen after record gets added into the Multi-
User can delete an instruction by selecting DEL FLG check box provided on the instruction
screen and clicking on Submit button. It is important to note that only LOGICAL DELETION
of the record takes place.
Following is the screen shot of Instruction Screen for performing DELETION operation
Following is the screen shot of Instruction Screen after performing DELETION operation
User can modify any of the three fields displayed on lower panel of the Instruction Screen.
For example, for a particular record user can change Instruction By field from A-Applicant
/Drawee to B – Beneficiary/Drawee.
User can inquire/view an instruction either by CLICKING on a particular record in the Multi-
Rec or by entering the RECORD NUMBER. Various details of the record will be visible in the
panel below the Multi-Rec. However all the enterable details and the add new button is
Instruction Details tab also provides a feature whereby user can sort/filter the records
based on
A – Applicant/Drawee Message
B – Beneficiary/Drawee Message
N – Collecting Bank Message
O – Other Messages
S – Self Messages
L – All Messages
Following is the screen shot of Instruction Screen for performing FILTER operation
It is important to note that during charge collection, User can either collect full amount as
immediate or part as waiver and part as later. Also during each individual event like
Issue, Amend etc default charges will be displayed.
There are seven columns namely Dr./Cr., A/c Id, Charge Desc, Ccy, Calculated
Amt./Collected Amt., Operative A/c Id , and Rate Code/Rate.
It is important to note that the records cannot be added and existing record cannot be
deleted but only be modified. Hence a recalculate button has been provided.
Charges will be auto calculated as per the event ID specified. If user modifies the event Id,
he has to press Recalculate button, to trigger the calculation of charges. Further, in the
same event, if user visits already visited tabs and change some numeric value, which may
affect charge calculation, then he has to visit the Charge Tab and press Recalculate button
to trigger the charge calculation again.
The section above the multi-rec contains data static to a particular record viz, Charge
Event Id and Event Amount.
For each of the record in the multirec that is highlighted, its details are also displayed in
the fields below the multirec.
Calculated Amt.: Display Label Field. It allows the user to pay part of the system calc
amount as immediate, part later and part can be waived off or whole of the system calc
amt can be collected as immediate, whole of it can be collected as later or whole can even
be waived off. Therefore,
Calculated Amt = Immediate Amt + Later Amt + Waiver Amt + Split Amt
System Calculated Amt 1000 USD
Immediate Amt 500 USD
Later Collection Amt 500 USD
Waiver Amt 0
Split Amt 0
I.e System Calculated Amt. of 1000 USD can be paid by the user as part Immediate (500
USD) and part as Later (500 USD).
However if in HPTTM modify flag for a particular record is ‘No’ then the full charge amount
is to be collected as Immediate. If the user tries to modify the amount and tries to collect
it as later/waiver then the system will throw corresponding error message - ‘Charge
collection amount is not modifiable according to the charge set up’.
1.) If the collection amt is greater than the balance available error message
„Charge Amt to be collected exceeds the balance available in the
A/c‟ is displayed on the screen.
2.) Ensure that the cif id entered is similar to the operative a/c cif id and if not
warning message „The CIF ID [%s] of the operative account does not
match with that of CIF ID entered‟ is displayed on the screen.
3.) Ensure that the sum of amounts i.e. Immediate, Later and Waiver equals
the System Calculated Amt. and if not error message „Sum of
Immediate, Later and waiver amount should be equal to the system
calculated charge amount‟ is displayed on the screen.
4.) Ensure that the charge A/c Id is a partitioned a/c, and the a/c is
partitioned only by the entity type and if not error message „A/c[%s] can
only be partitioned by entity type [%s] ‟ is displayed on the screen.
For e.g. if the entity type is DOCCR, then charge a/c id can be partitioned
by DOCCR only.
5.) Ensure that the Operative a/c id entered should be of scheme type
SBA/CCA/CAA/ODA and if not appropriate error message is displayed on
the screen.
There is an option of splitting the charges and collecting the same from both the parties
(i.e., Applicant and Beneficiary) .
For ODCM menu, the “Charges Borne By” field will be populated by Applicant by
default from whom the charges need to be collected. The other option available for
the user in this field is “Both” as shown below in the screen shot.
When the charges are to be split between the parties, the user needs to select charges
borne by as “Both”. Once it is selected the fields Split Pcnt and Split Amt will be enabled
and the explode icon for entering the Split details will be shown to the user.
It is mandatory for the user to enter either Split Pcnt or the Split Amt field if charges borne
by are selected as Both. If none of the two fields is entered, the user will be prompted to
enter the Split Amt field. The Immediate Collection Amt is derived by deducting the split
Amount from the System calculated amount.
The explode icon next to the Split Amt field ,opens the split screen with the “Party To
charge” field populated as Beneficiary by default. The amount calculated to be collected
from the beneficiary is populated in the later collection Amt by default. The user can
collect the same as immediate collection Amt also. But the A/c id needs to be entered for
the same. Charges can also be waived off.
Party To charge field can be changed to Others incase the charge is to be collected from an
A/c of other party.
On Accept the control will come back to the charge details screen
During modification of charges, it is possible to modify the split charge details if entered
before. It is possible to cancel the same if entered before. It is also possible to split the
charges now in case it was not done previously.
During verification, split charge screen can be viewed. On submit of the charges screen,
transaction will be created based on whether any amount has been collected immediately
either from the Applicant (charge screen) or the Beneficiary (Split screen).
The same functionality of splitting of charges is applicable in IDCM also. But the difference
being in the charges borne by field. In IDCM, the charge screen will have Beneficiary as
the charges borne by, by default. The user can select “Both” for splitting of charges.
On visiting the split screen, the Party to charge will be default populated as Applicant,
while the user has an option of changing it to other party. Other functionality remains the
same as that for ODCM.
The user may or may not explode to the deferred screen in the following cases:
1. Case I – User does not explode the deferred Charge Screen with Deferred
Schedule Applicable? = Yes
As Shown in charge screen (Fig.2), for ECRec1, the Calculated Amount is USD 500.00 and
Immediate Collection Amount by default populated as USD 500.00. This Immediate
Collection Amount can be changed to USD 100.00 and the Later Collection Amount can be
given as USD 400.00, so the waiver amount is calculated and shown as USD 0.00.
If the user selects the Deferred Schedule Applicable? as Yes and he does not explode to
the deferred screen, and , if the user enters later collection date, then a single deferred
record is created on Submit consisting of Later Collection Amount as USD 400 and Later
Collection Date as entered for ECRec1.
If the user does not enter later collection date, then there will be no deferred record
created for ECRec1.
Similarly for the ECRec2, the user may repeat the same process as that for ECRec1
mentioned above.
2. Case II – User explodes to the deferred Charge Screen and with Deferred
Schedule Applicable? = Yes
If the Immediate Collection Amount can be changed to USD 100.00 and the Later
Collection Amount can be given as USD 400.00 .
If the user selects the Deferred Schedule Applicable? as Yes and he explodes to the
deferred screen, then the deferred screen will come up as shown .
Start Date and End Date are MANDATORY fields which will be default populated as the
following cases:
Sl.No. In Case Of Start Date (default End Date (default populated by)
populated by)
1 DC BOD DC Expiry Date (in DC details page)
2 DC Amend BOD DC Amend Date
1.Total Charge Calculated on the deferred screen is populated from the Calculated Amount
in charge screen for ECRec1( USD 500.00)
2.Total Charge to be Collected on the deferred screen is populated from the Later
Collection Amount in charge screen for ECRec1. ( USD 400.00)
A. User can manually enter the deferred schedule by entering for every record in the
deferred schedule the due date, the tran amount and tran remarks.
2. User can generate the deferred schedule by keying in the the Charge frequency , Start
date ,End date , No. Of instalments, and instalment amount
Note – During Modify and Verify Mode the data in the Header Section of the Deferred
Screen will not be available, only the Deferred Schedule can be seen by the user.
default value under the Mode of transmission field. The Receiver field shows the name
of the receiving bank or branch. The Message option field indicates if the related
message is to be generated by the system. The message option field cannot be changed
for mandatory messages. You can un-check the message option box, if you do not want to
send a non mandatory message. Click on the explode icon appearing under the view field
to see the generated Swift message. This does not support other transmission modes like
telex and mail. The Print button provided in the swift message screen can be used to take
a print of the concerned swift message
Message details can be visited only if a valid Paysys Id is entered e.g. SWIFT in general
details page
In ODCM (Outward Documentary Credits Maintenance) following messages can be
generated during different events:
MT700: During issue mode, mandatory message.
MT740: During issue mode, non-mandatory message, will be generated only if
reimbursing message is required.
MT707: During Amendment mode, mandatory message.
MT747: During amendment mode, generated only if an MT740 is already sent to the
reimbursing bank-branch.
Beneficiary party details are mandatory i.e. either beneficiary a/c (prefixed with „/‟, max 35
chars) or beneficiary name-address in swift details should be entered. (Mandatory tag 59)
DC applicable rule is mandatory; if value is „OTHR‟, sub rule field is also mandatory
DC applicant party details are mandatory. Applicant party name-address in swift details
should be entered. (Tag 50a)
Text Details is a Multi-Rec format screen. There are four columns namely Text Type,
Template Id, Text Desc and Del Flg. To add a text user must enter Text Type and Text
Description displayed on the lower panel of the screen. The field Module id in the lower
panel gets auto populated with the module id for which text data is being maintained, i.e.
DOCCR in case of documentary credit related menus or BNKGR in case of guarantee menu
options. Template Id is not a mandatory field, however if user enters any value for
template id, it will be validated for exiting b2k ids for the module. Delete flag is provided
in case user has to delete any particular text record.
Text Type: Mandatory Field, user must select a value in order to add a text record.
Template Id: It is an optional field, basically provided to select an existing text template
from the database
Text Description: It‟s a mandatory Field. It can be entered only if text type is given. It
can be entered using a text editor and the text length is restricted as per the Text Type
entered. Text description will be fetched by system, if user selects an existing template
from searcher. This text description further can be modified for current record. If text data
is entered in any other tab for any of the text type provided in this tab, same will be auto-
populated in this tab and vice-versa. Screen-shot for the text editor is as follows:
Del Flg: Del Flag is a checkbox. If delete flag is checked during addition, the record will
not be considered for insertion into the database. If delete flag is checked during
modification, the record will be logically deleted from database.
Following is the screen shot of Text Screen after record gets added into the Multi-Rec on
clicking ADD NEW button. In the footer part, screen will contain Submit, Validate and
Cancel buttons.
User can delete a text by selecting DEL FLG check box provided on the text screen. On
submitting this record, system will logically delete it from database and same will be
available for undelete operation.
Following is the screen shot of Text Screen for performing DELETION operation. Value for
delete flag column is YES for the deleted record.
User can modify any of the 4 fields displayed on lower panel of the Text Details Screen.
For example, for a particular record user can change Text Type. Also, a new record for the
entity can be added through multirec during modification using Add new button or down
Only Non Deleted records will be listed in the multirec.
User can inquire/view a text either by clicking on a particular record in the Multi-Rec.
Details of the record will be visible in the panel below the Multirec. However all the
enterable details and the „add new‟ button is disabled. OK button is provided on the screen
to go back to criteria screen after viewing the records.
Limit Details of DC is maintained using Limit Details Tab. This screen captures details such
as the limit ID,limit margin percentage and the related limits (bank limits, country limits).
This displays the approved limit and the amount available under the limit for further
utilization. You are taken to HLNI screen on clicking on the explode button provided
against the Limit ID field. This provides additional information about the limit under
Following is the screen shot of Limit Details tab
Validation check to ensure whether user has correctly entered the limit Id field which
includes limit prefix and limit suffix, and if not respective error message is displayed on the
Validation check of date for limit expiry for respective limit node entered. If the date less
than BOD then error message „Limit node has expired„ is displayed on screen.
Limit Node field : It is an enterable filed which has a searcher for value selection. The
screen shot below show the web page dialog when clicked on limit node searcher.
An explode is present which when clicked opens HLNM for inquiry of Limit Node
Maintenance Details. The screen shot below shows the HLNM screen.
Limit Margin % : Limit Margin % is the other enterable field in limit details tab where
value entered should be in percentage format for Limit Margin.
Related Limits : Related Limits can be checked as the value required
User can select the valid values Collect, Release or Transfer. The user can specify the
amount (based on the percentage to be collected ) at the time of collecting the margin.
MarginAccount Id- This is the margin credit account (office account) in case of cash margin
which is default populated from the register level or the customer operative account in
case of Lien margin. Lien can also be marked for more than one Term Deposit account.
Operative account - This is applicable only for cash margin . This is the customer operative
account which will be debited. It can be in any currency.
Transfer a/c id: Suppose the user wants to transfer margin from Documentary Credits to
Bank Guarantee, transfer option in margin would be used. All the earlier verified
collections of the Documentary Credits will be displayed. The transfer account id will be
the account into which the transferred margin would be collected.
Margin amount - Amount to be collected will be accepted here. This amount is to be given
in the Margin office account currency.
Released amount - This will be protected in case of margin collection while during release
user has to enter the amount to be released.
Rate Code - This will be meaningful when the margin account and operative account are in
different currencies.
The margin transactions are created using MTT script B2K_Margin TransactionScrpt.scr.
The transaction is created on verification of the entity.
You can modify some of the details of a DC after issue. This is done by invoking the
Function - M of the ODCM menu option. The buttons enabled for Modify mode is the same
as that for Issue Mode.
Applicant A/c
Drawee name
Place of Expiry
Party Limit ID
Available with
Avail. by details
Beneficiary address
Part ship
Trans shipmnt.
Back to back
Drawee details
Port of Origin
Port of Destination
Charge Event ID
In case of Verify mode the details entered during the issue of the documentary credit will
be shown to the user for verification and appear in non modifiable form. Only Submit and
Cancel buttons are enabled in Verify Mode.
Select Copy function to copy the details of an existing Documentary Credit. Select or type
the number of the Documentary Credit which must be copied and also specify details in the
other fields appearing in ODCM Criteria screen.
The New DC No. must be specified in ODCM criteria screen, if the DC ID Generation
field in the General Details screen of DCTPM menu option is not enabled for generation of
ID by the system You can change the value of the various fields based on your
Amendment Details tab contains the required field for a DC amendment. There are no
mandatory fields in Amendment Details tab, but there are some fields which are
mandatory while issuing the DC and so are entered and they get auto populated with
respect to the issued DC which is being amended.
Following is the screen shot of Amendment Details Screen:
This captures details such as the amount by which the value of the DC must be enhanced
or reduced, changes in tolerance percentage, change in tenor (sight, usance, mixed and so
on), usance period, tenor details, the person who has to bear charges, last date of
shipment, expiry date of DC, shipment period, negotiation period and the port of loading
and port of discharge. The details related to confirmation of letter of credit can also be
amended here.
The values of the fields DC Current Value and DC Available Value get updated by the
Core Banking Solution on verification of the amendment involving change in DC value. In
Amendment Details three fields have a text area popup; these fields are Shipment Period,
Narrative and Sender to Receiver Information.
The screen interface is the same as that of utilization without bills, except that you can
type only reinstatement details and not the Utilization details.
You can also visit the charge details screen by clicking on Charge Details tab in ODCM
General Details screen. Specify the appropriate charge event ID for calculation of charges
The following fields in the Revolving DC Details Section in DC details tab should be entered
during Issuance of DC for Performing Reinstatement operation on a DC.
In case of Verify mode the details entered during the Reinstatement of the documentary
credit will be shown to the user for verification and appear in non modifiable form. Only
Submit and Cancel buttons are enabled in Verify Mode.
This shows the total amount of DC adjusted by submission of bills, the amount of fructified
bill liability, the shipping guarantee amount and the amount of non bill utilization made
under the letter of credit under consideration. Click on the explode icon appearing against
Total shipping guarantee amount field. You are taken to shipping guarantee details
screen which shows details such as SOL ID, Guarantee No, Currency, Guarantee amount,
Issue date, Bill of lading no and the status of the guarantee (Issued, invoked , closed and
so on . Click on the Explode icon appearing against Total bill utilization Amt field. You
are taken to bill utilization details screen which shows details such as SOL ID, Bill ID,
Currency, Bill amount, DC linked Amt, Currency Bill Liability, Lodge date and status of Bill
The Non bill utilization details of the DC are manadatory for reinstatement of aa revolving
DC as only the Utilized portion of the bill can be reinstated.
Non Bill Utilization data of DC is maintained using this Tab. Non Bill Utilization Tab is
used in ODCM and IDCM menu options. The following five operations can be performed
with Non Bill Utilization Tab –Addition 2) Modification 3) Inquiry 4) Cancel 5) Verify
In Inquire Mode all the fields are disabled & Only Ok button is displayed in all the tabs
which takes back control to criteria page. All the data which was entered can be seen using
Inquire mode. Inquiry can be done only for verified records.
The details of the General Details Tab , Related Party Details Tab , DC Details ,
Limit Details are mentioned earlier in the document .
History Details screen can be viewed during Amendment, Reinstatement, on Bill Utilization,
Amendment Status Maintenance and Inquire Mode. The history of events that a user has
performed on a particular Documentary Credit is available on History Details Screen.
For e.g. from the above screen shot it can be inferred that the events performed on the DC
are Issue, Amendment, NBU, Amendment and Amendment Status Change.
History Details:
In the History Details tab user will be able to see all the events performed on that
particular DC.
For each event Charge Details has been provided. Charge explode present for each row
will display charges details pertaining only to that event. In the lower panel of History
screen Charge History Details field is present. It will display all the events and charges.
For every record shown on Charge History Details popup there is a view details explode.
The view details popup provides information on the Tran id and other transaction details if
the transaction has been created.
Screen Shot of Transaction ID Details popup:
As can be seen in the above screen for every record shown on Transaction Details popup
there is a view details explode. On click of this explode HTM menu is invoked which gives
detailed information about each transaction performed.
Screen Shot of View Details popup:
Note: You cannot utilize and close a DC when outstanding bills still exist under the DC. When you
click Accept from the function block, the following error message is displayed: “Cannot Delete/ close,
as Outstanding Bills exist for this DC
E - Advise
W- Process Message
M - Modify
C - Copy
A - Ammendment
T - Ammendment Status Maintenance
Q – Transfer
N - Retransfer
R - Reinstatement
U - Non-Bill utilization
X - Cancel
V – Verify
I - Inquire
Z - Close
Y - Unclose
The following is the criteria screen for IDCM menu
on the instructions received and also based on the arrangement with the correspondent
You can handle various types of Documentary Credits such as Revocable DC, Irrevocable
DC, Transferable DC, Standby DC, Revolving DC, Deferred DC and Red Letter DC. The
IDCM menu option is also used to maintain documentary credits.
You must define and create a Documentary Credit type to handle inward documentary
credits using DCTPM (Documentary Credit Type Parameter Maintenance) menu option. The
parameters for each type of Documentary Credit are defined using DCTPM menu option.
The contingent liability is normally created only for inward documentary credits confirmed
by the bank. No contingent liability is created for inward documentary credits which are
advised by the bank without adding confirmation
IDCM is used to advise and maintain Documentary credits. The menu can be invoked as
an online menu option.
On entering the required criteria and on click of GO general details screen will be displayed
and on top a panel consisting of nine different tabs is displayed (pls refer appendix for the
tab matrix)
In order to advise a Documentary Credit in IDCM menu option following tabs need to be
visited mandatorily –
General Details
Related Party Details
DC Details
Following is the screen shot of General Details Screen:
The general details screen captures the beneficiary detail, amount of documentary credit,
purchase order detail and pre advice detail. This screen shows the following details:
Beneficiary details: It shows the CIF ID of the beneficiary and captures details like
name, address and the ID of the operative account of the beneficiary.
Amount Details: This captures the initial value of the Documentary Credit (DC), date of
advice of DC, the date of issue of DC, the percentage of tolerance permitted in the value of
the Documentary Credit. You can specify either positive or negative value in the
Tolerance Pcnt. field. It also captures amount of advance given against DC, the details of
percentage of interest and any additional interest payable under the letter of credit. This
screen shows the current value of DC and also the value available under the DC.
Purchase Order Details: This captures the details of the purchase order which forms
Pre Advice Details: You can indicate if the Documentary Credit received is to be pre
This screen also shows other details like the ID of the payment system through which the
messages are received, reference number of the other bank, Maximum pre shipment
advance that can be extended against Red Clause DC and the percentage of margin to be
retained on pre shipment advance granted against the DC. This captures the details of the
forward contract like forward contract number and the ID of the SOL through which the
forward contract is booked to cover payment for shipment made against the DC.
The details in this tab are similar to the ODCM menu except that the related
party shall be the applicant on whose behalf the DC was issued.
The address details popup screen is brought up on clicking of the icon provided in the
dynamic screen of Related Party Details .It allows the user to view address details.
Screen shot of Address Details Viewer
Click on DC Details tab in IDCM General Details screen. You are taken to DC details
screen. This captures the details:
Form of Credit: This field indicates if the documentary credit under consideration is
revocable, irrevocable, transferable, standby, revolving, deferred and red clause letter of
credit. It captures the details of revolving letter of credit such as reinstatement type, Day
of the month when it is to be reinstated, Max number of reinstatements allowed,
reinstatement amount and reinstatement date
It captures rules, sub rules applicable to the documentary credit, tenor details (sight,
usance, mixed payment and deferred payment), usance details, period for presentation,
date and place of expiry of the Documentary Credit. It captures the shipment details such
as the mode of shipment (sea, air, railway, post and so on), port of loading, port of
discharge, last date of shipment negotiation period and shipment period.It also captures
the details of the commodity such as commodity code, description of goods or services
covered by the Documentary Credit.
The message text editor is a text area field wherein the user can enter the message text.
The text area field is case insensitive. The number of rows, columns that can be entered in
the editor is displayed on lower panel of the popup screen.
Message text editor is provided on many fields in general details tab. For each field the
text dimensions may differ and will be pre-populated based on the type of the field.
Wherever there is a text area pop up icon once more searcher is provided to get the text
already maintained for a similar field. This is equivalent to copying a template for a
particular field. On selecting a text from this searcher the data will be populated in the text
area but only after there is change in the tab.
This screen captures details of the limit such as ID of the limit under which the DC must be
issued or confirmed and the percentage of margin to be maintained. It also displays the
amount of the approved limit and the amount available under the limit. You can also
indicate if bank limits and country wise limits are to be updated on issue/ confirmation of
the documentary credit .
This screen captures details such as the limit ID,limit margin percentage and the related
limits (bank limits, country limits). This displays the approved limit and the amount
available under the limit for further utilization. You are taken to HLNI screen on clicking on
the explode button provided against the Limit ID field. This provides additional
information about the limit under consideration.
The charge calculation and collection is triggered, on clicking the Charge tab. The Charge
Details screen captures information such as the ID of the charge event, ID of the operative
account to which charges are debited, the ID of the charge account, the person who must
bear the charges (applicant, beneficiary and both), the split percentage and the split
amount (applicable to cases where charge is payable by both the applicant and the
beneficiary). The Charge Code is auto populated based on the set up made at the
parameter level. It is modifiable.
The system calculates charges as per the specified Charge Event ID which is displayed in
the System Calculated Amount field. You can specify if the charges are to be collected
immediately or can be collected later on. There is a provision to specify the charges to be
You can also indicate if charges are to be collected as per the specified deferred payment
schedule. An Explode button is made active, in case the value of Defer Schedule
Applicable field is set as Yes. A Deferred Payment Details screen is shown on clicking on
the Explode button where schedule for payment of charges can be specified. You are not
prompted to specify the data in the deferred payment details screen even if you set the
value of Defer Schedule Applicable field as Yes. There is an option to specify value in
the Later collection date field which appears in the main screen, if you do not specify
any data in the Deferred Payment Details screen. A single deferred record is created in the
system on entering the value in the Later collection date field. No record is created in
the system if you do not specify any value in the Later Collection Date field in cases
where value of the Defer Schedule Applicable field is set as Yes and no details are
specified in the deferred payment details screen.
Select Both in the Charges Borne by field, if charges must be collected from both the
parties. The Split percentage and split amount fields are enabled on selection of Both
option in the charges borne by field. The user can specify either the Split Pcnt or the
Split Amt field in the main charges screen. It is mandatory for the user to enter any one
of these fields, if the charges must be paid by both the parties. The user is prompted to
enter the Split Amt. field if none of the two fields are specified in the system. A screen for
capturing split details is invoked on clicking on the Explode button. You may specify the
For example:
Consider a case where the system calculated charges is USD 500. You can apportion the
charges between the applicant and the beneficiary in case the charges are to be shared
between them. You can specify the value either in the split amount field or in the split
percentage field. For example enter USD 200 in the split amount field or 40 in the split
percentage field. Click on explode button and capture the details of the split amount in the
invoked screen. Enter an amount of USD 300 (USD 500 – USD 200) in the immediately
collect field and enter USD 200 in the later on collect field and also specify the later
collection date.
In Documentary credits module, through IDCM (Inward Documentary Credits
Maintenance) following messages can be generated during different events:
MT710: During advise mode, non-mandatory message.
MT730: During advise/amend mode, non-mandatory message.
MT720: During transfer mode, one message each for every transfer record, mandatory
Advising bank-branch should be entered and should not be equal to advising through
bank-branch details for MT710 generation
DC should be either revocable or irrevocable. Both the flags cannot be null at a time.
Revoc flag, standby flag and transferrable flag cannot be Yes simultaneously.
Date and place of expiry are mandatory for swift messages.
Other bank reference number is mandatory and also should be limited to 16 chars.
Available By code is mandatory.
Available with bic or name-address in swift should be entered.
Applicant details should be entered in swift name-address details.
DC issue date should be entered.
Applicable rule is mandatory and if it is „OTHR‟ sub rule is also mandatory.
MT730 (Acknowledgement):
Criteria to be satisfied for MT730 generation:
This message is sent as an acknowledgement. It can be generated during advise or during
amendment event in IDCM menu option.
Issuing bank-branch details should be entered as they are the receiver of the message
Date and place of expiry are mandatory.
Other bank reference number is mandatory and should be limited to 16 chars.
Available by is mandatory for swift.
If advise through bank-branch code are same as home bank-branch code, MT730 cannot
be generated.
If advise through bank-branch code are not entered, MT730 cannot be generated.
Acknowledgement date is mandatory.
History Details screen can be viewed during Amendment, Reinstatement, Non Bill
Utilization, Amendment Status Maintenance and Inquire Mode. The history of events that a
user performs on a particular Documentary Credit is available on History Details Screen.
During Advise, Instruction Details tab is available in enterable mode and user can
enter the necessary details.
Instructions in Trade Finance Module are maintained using Instruction Details
Tab. Instruction Details Tab can be used across various menu options of Trade
Finance Module in Finacle.
Using this tab user can perform the following five operations:-
1) Adding Instructions
2) Deleting Instructions
3) Modify Instructions
4) Filtering Instructions
An instruction can be added in one of the three ways listed below.
Add New button
Down Arrow
Hot Key
User can delete an instruction by selecting DEL FLG check box provided on the instruction
screen and clicking on Submit button. It is important to note that only LOGICAL DELETION
of the record takes place and the instruction is available for undulation.
User can modify any of the three fields displayed on lower panel of the Instruction Screen.
For example, for a particular record user can change Instruction By field from A-Applicant
/Drawee to B – Beneficiary/Drawee.
Instruction Details tab also provides a feature whereby user can sort/filter the
records based on
A – Applicant/Drawee Message
B – Beneficiary/Drawee Message
N – Collecting Bank Message
O – Other Messages
S – Self Messages
L – All Messages
When you invoke IDCM, you are taken to the criteria screen. Select the Advise or Modify
function as per requirement. Specify valid data in the other fields. Click Go. You are taken
to IDCM General Details screen. Click on Assignment tab in IDCM General Details screen.
You are taken to Assignment Details screen. This is a multi record screen. This shows the
details of assignment such as the date of assignment, settlement amount, mode of
settlement (Swift, DD and so on), CIF ID of the assignee, ID of the account related to the
assignment and the person who has to bear the charges related to assignment (Applicant,
Beneficiary and others). This screen also displays the current value available under the
documentary credit. You may use Add New to add details of assignment to more than one
assignee. Click on „submit‟ option to up date the data base.
The CIF ID of the assignee is not the same as that of the CIF ID of the main/
original beneficiary of the documentary credit.
The assignment amount cannot be for less than the total allocated bill amount.
The total of the assigned amount cannot be greater than the DC available value
minus the assigned amount yet to be allocated through bills).
Records can be deleted only if the total bill allocated amount is zero.
The modification of assignment details is possible and you are allowed to change all the
fields except the party code and the currency. Unlike other event, DC event history does
not show assignment of proceeds as an event on the DC.
You have to procedurally modify the assignment details before accepting the amendment if
it results in decrease in the avail able value of the documentary credit below the value of
the DC allocation amount.
The system allows you to commit the data with a warning message even though the
available value of the DC is below the DC allocation amount when the Amendment
Status is W - Waiting for Acceptance. The assigned amount or transfer amount can be
reduced later in modify mode such that DC avail value is more than or equal to the
allocated amount.
If the Amendment Status is changed to A - Accepted, and if there are any transfer
records (Q details),then the transfer details screen is displayed where you can update the
transfer amounts and the DC avail value will be more than or equal to DC allocated
amount yet to be allocated through bills.
In case of no bill utilization, if the allocation is done at the DC level, then the no bill
utilization can be done to the extent of unallocated portion of the DC available value.
Unlike other event, DC event history will not show „assignment of proceeds‟ as an event on
the DC.
In case an amendment to the DC value results in decrease in the Avail Value of the DC
below the value of the DC allocation amount, the user will have to procedurally modify the
„Assignment details before accepting the amendment.
Non Bill Utilization data of DC is maintained using Non Bill Utilization Tab. Non Bill
Utilization Tab is used in ODCM and IDCM menu options of Trade Finance Module in
Finacle. The following five operations can be performed with Non Bill Utilization Tab –
1) Addition
2) Modification
3) Inquiry
4) Cancel
5) Verify
Screen shot of Non-Bill utilisation screen
entered during the reinstatement of the documentary credit will be shown to the
user for verification and appear in non modifiable form. only submit and cancel
buttons are enabled in verify mode.
There are no mandatory fields in Amendment Details tab, but there are some fields which
are mandatory while advising the DC and they get auto populated with respect to the
advised DC which is being amended.
Amendment Details tab in Amendment Status Maintenance mode has only one modifiable
field which is Amendment Status. Rests all other fields are auto populated like
Amendment but are disabled and cannot be modified.
Amendment Status : This is a drop down which can be set to three values: Accepted,
Waiting For Acceptance and Rejected. Based on the status of Amendment, value is set
here. A DC can be opened in Amendment Status Maintenance mode only if the Amendment
Status is Waiting for Acceptance. It is mandatory to change the status to either
Accepted or Rejected during Amendment Status Change.
Other Fields on the criteria screen will be disabled during Inquire. The Inquire mode allows
the user to visit all the tabs namely
In Inquire Mode all the fields are disabled & Only Ok button is displayed in all the tabs
which takes control back to criteria page. All the data which was entered can be seen using
Inquire mode. Inquiry can be done only for verified records.
When you invoke the IDCM menu option, you are taken to the criteria screen. Select the
Transfer function in IDCM criteria screen. Specify valid data in the other fields. Click Go.
You are taken to IDCM Transfer Details screen.
This is a multi record screen. This shows the details such as the date of transfer, reference
number, transfer amount, mode of settlement (Swift, DD and so on), CIF ID of the
transferee, name and address of the transferee, ID of the transferee‟s account, the person
who has to bear the charges related to transfer (Applicant, Beneficiary, both) and the
transfer details field. You are taken to transfer details page if you click Explode in the
Transfer Details field.
The Transfer Details page shows or captures details such as the number of the transferred
DC, last date of shipment, negotiation period, date of expiry, unit price of the goods to be
shipped, the number of units of goods to be shipped, the percentage of the value of the
goods for which insurance is to be taken and the insured amount. This shows that, if the
amendment to the original DC must be advised to the transferee, then it must be advised
directly or through an advising bank. This captures the code of the advising bank, advising
branch, the type of address of the advising bank which is to be captured (BIC, address and
name and so on) and the BIC (Bank Identifier Code) of the advising bank. The screen also
shows the name and address of the advising bank. This indicates the documents submitted
under transferred documentary credit that are to be substituted. Click Accept to accept
the details related to transfer of DC.
The expiry Date, last date of shipment, the number of days allowed for negotiation of
the transferred letter of credit are not later than the values mentioned for the
original credit
The amount of transfer is not more than the DC available value minus the allocated
The date of expiry minus last date of shipment is less than or equal to the negotiation
You may use Add New to transfer the documentary credit to more than one transferee.
You must enter details in all the mandatory fields. The validations that occur when you
click on Submit are:
The CIF ID of the transferee is not the same as the CIF ID of the beneficiary
authorized to transfer the DC
The transfer can be done only once for the same party
The settlement accounts must be of the type SBA or CAA or CCA or ODA or OAB
or DDA
The charges are calculated based on the details of the charge event ID specified in the
Charge Details screen. The Event ID is defined using HPTTM menu option for the event
type DCTRM.
See Define Event ID in the Administrator module for HPTTM menu option details.
MT720 (Swift message for Transfer of DC) is generated for each transfer if the message is
to be transferred by SWIFT. The SWIFT message (MT 720) is displayed in the Message
details block and is modifiable.
The Beneficiary of the DC can transfer the proceeds of the DC to a third party . However
this third party cannot further transfer the DC to another beneficiary. In case the third
party is not in a position to utilise the proceeds on account of nonexecution of the contract
or other reasons he can retransfer the proceeds of the DC to the original beneficiary
through this option.
When you invoke the IDCM menu option, you are taken to IDCM criteria screen. Specify
the values on this screen and click Go option. You are taken to IDCM General Details
screen. Click on the History tab in IDCM General Details screen. You are taken to IDCM
History Details screen. Click on the Explode icon in the Linked Preshipments field. This
shows details of pre shipment credits linked to the documentary credit such as SOL ID, ID
of the pre shipment account, disbursement ID, disbursement date, currency of pre
shipment credit, total disbursed amount and the amount outstanding against the pre
shipment account. You may click on Explode icon under View Details field to see further
You may also get details of pre shipment credits linked to documentary credits by
specifying the relevant DC Number in HACS menu option.
Through this sub option, you can view the disbursements made to RPCs to which this DC is
(Apart from subject menu option the pending charges can also be recovered while doing
transactions in the bills through MEOB/MIIB menu option.)
Partial recovery of pending charges is also possible, However, the users must ensure that
charges have been either collected or waived before closure of the entity.
Either the applicant or the beneficiary can pay the charge/commission amount. This value
will be captured in field with literal Payable By. Valid values to this filed are: A (Applicant),
B (Beneficiary).
In IDCM/ODCM during issue event Payable flag will be defaulted as A (Applicant) and
during advising the default value will be B (Beneficiary). This is only for information
purpose, no validation has been provided against the flag value to check whether Account
belongs to beneficiary or applicant.
Whether Charge will be collected Upfront / Later, will be decided by field value of Coll
Later?. These values will be captured for all charge part trans.
office account can be entered in the „operative account‟ field in charge details. This account
can be changed during collection through menu option (APCHCOLL)
In the Charge History screen, all history of a particular charge will be displayed in a group.
User can also know whether charge has been collected upfront or later.
1. Pending as well as new miscellaneous charges can be collected though this menu
2. Function code, Entity type and Sol Id are mandatory in function block. User either
can give party code or entity id (DC reference number or BG serial number) during
pending charge collection, whereas entity id is mandatory for Misc Charge
3. Event type will be defaulted as DCMIS during misc. charge collection for DC.
4. Event Id will be listed from parameter setup of that entity. Bank must setup the
MISC charges in Register or Parameter level, if they want to collect this type of
5. All the basic data related to that entity will be dumped in the script. Banks can
write their own logic to calculate the MISC charges in the script
6. Records will be displayed in multi record block. User will be able to modify
collection amount, debit credit account, credit account, rate code, rate, remarks.
7. User will be able to waive pending charges , in that case “Waive flag” should be
marked as Y (Yes) and reason code ( List will be provide) has to be entered.
8. Partial collection of pending charges will be possible, however new charges has to
be collected upfront for full amount.
9. In case, user changes the Charge credit account in new menu, currency of the
given Account has to be same as it was previously.
10. User needs to select the record and selected record will be processed.
11. Transaction will be created using MTT script. Substitute transaction logic hasn‟t
been provided. Only one transaction will generated for each commit.
12. In case, transaction posting fails, TM interface will be invoked so that user can post
the transaction.
13. Amortization is not supported for the charges which will be collected later.
Miscellaneous charged cannot be amortized; this feature will be available only for
upfront collected charges.
14. Bank will be able to collect new additional charge after closures of entity whereas,
pending charges have to be collected or waived before closure. Entity with
pending charges can not be closed.
As the charges collected on a DC event for future period, banks may like to treat the
charges as “ADVANCE INCOME” at the time of collection and may like to amortise the
same over the period of the DC. Facility is available in the system to do the same. Charges
can be amortized in charge collection currency only. Charges are amortized from the
issue date of the DC. Charges are amortized up to the Expiry date of the DC.
Income account will not be credited at time of issue of DC, but will be credited only at the
end of each amortization period (depending on amortization frequency), after amortization
process is run.
Let us assume that a bank has earned an income of INR 1000 on issuance of a DC. The
tenor of the DC spans for 1 year and the bank recognizes all income falling due in a
quarter as income earned into its P&L account. Based on this, INR 750 / - needs to be
credited to the Income earned in Advance account and INR 250/- to be credited to P&L for
charges pertaining to the running quarter, on the last day of that quarter. At the end of
one year, the entire amount would have been transferred to the credit of the P&L account.
If the DC is extended, the previous amortized amount is not changed. The system will
amortize the charges over the extended period. If the tenor of the DC or BG is reduced,
the charges yet to be amortized, will be amortized over the remaining period. If a DC / BG
is closed before the actual expiry date, the entire un-amortized portion can be amortized
on the date of the closure as part of amortisation process.
Let us assume that a DC with a tenor of one year opened for USD 100000. Charges
collected are INR 12000, amortized over a period of 12 months @ 1000 per month. In the
sixth month, the client through an amendment reduces the tenor of the DC by two
months. By such time, the bank has already amortized INR 6000. The balance would in
this case be amortized equally over the remaining period of 4 months.
Similarly, if the DC is extended, then the un amortized commission will be amortized over
the extended period.
Let us assume that a DC with a tenor of one year opened for USD 100000. Charges
collected are INR 12000, amortized over a period of 12 months.
Step 1
System to calculate the “Per Day” charge levied by the bank to the customer, i.e. INR
12000 / 365 = INR 32.87 / Day
Step 2
On the date of Amortization, (derived based on the frequency specified by the user) the
amount to be transferred to the P&L account, i.e. On 31st Jan in above example, amount to
be transferred to P&L would be INR 32.87 X 30days = INR 1019.178. This process should
be continued till the expiry date. On the last day of amortization, the remaining balance in
the advance account will be completely reversed, as the entire commission would have
been transferred to the P&L.
Step 3
Amendment to the Instrument where the period can be extended/new charge can be
collected during the lifetime of the DC.
In the example
In the sixth month, the client through an amendment increased the tenor of the DC by two
months. Additional commission of INR 2000 was also collected. By such time, the bank has
already amortized INR 4964.384 (collected earlier)
The total outstanding commission now available with the bank for amortization is INR
7035.616 + INR 2000. The outstanding period is 7 months + 2 months. Hence, the system
would now need to re-calculate the per day charge for the instrument as follows
(INR 9065.616 arrived as INR 7035.616 + INR 2000, Number of Days are the outstanding
214 from June to December 31st + the additional 2 months)
The balance will be amortized equally over the remaining period. (i.e. on 30 th June INR
33.09 X 30 Days = INR 992.92)
Assume that in the sixth month, the client through an amendment reduces the tenor of the
DC by two months.
The balance would in this case be amortized equally over the remaining period
On closure of the DC, as part of amortisation run, the entire un-amortized commission will
be transferred to the P&L account.
The amortization process can triggered manually as well as by setting up a batch job to be
run at a pre-determined frequency. The menu option to be invoked for amortizing the
charges manually/online mode is HCAM. The Screen interface is given below:
The user to specify, among other things, the following parameters in the above screen
Collect Today flag - It is default populated as „N‟. If the HCAM is run with value set
to „Y‟, then the entire un amortised amount will be amortised immediately. User
would resort to this, when he does not want to wait till the next amortisation
frequency for amortising the charges collected. Ideally this may be the case when
The amortisation process can be also automated i.e., can be set as a batch job through the
BJSTM menu option.
2) On running HCAM
HCAM execution will result in generation of following reports regarding the amortisation
1. Success Report
2. Failure Report
3. Summary Report
It is also possible to set the amortisation process of a batch job, to ensure that the
amortisation happens at a pre-determined frequency. However, Bank may want to
amortise the entire commission collected in some cases, without following the frequency
defined, e.g., where a BG/DC is pre-closed or when the commission amount is equal to
minimum commission. To meet both these conditions (amortise at regular frequency and
jump the frequency in select cases), two separate batch jobs are to be set up by the bank,
for amortization.
One job for regular amortization, (with frequency set as per the bank‟s
The other job is to be set with frequency as daily and “Collect Today
Flag” = Y. It will pick up all the records that are required to be amortized
completely, on the same day. E.g.
bafe3353 1 BG/DC Charges Amortization Process
Enter your choice of Letter to be generated. Above are the list of letters to be generated.
Above are the list of advises to be generated. The report is generated using mrt file. The
mrt file name used for all the above letters/ advises are specified using HROTM option.
| |
|KARNATAKA - 560076 |
Date : 15-10-2005
Dear Sirs,
Please note that we have debited your account towards our charges.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Authorised Signatories
|KARNATAKA - 560076 |
Date : 15-10-2005
To Advised through:
+-----------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------+
+-----------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------+
Dear Sirs,
At the request of the openers, we have opened the above credit as under:
Yours faithfully
Authorised Signatories
| |
|KARNATAKA - 560076 |
Date : 15-10-2005
To Advised through:
+-----------------------------------+ +---------------------------------+
+-----------------------------------+ | |
Dear Sirs,
At the request of the openers, we have amended the subject credit as under:
All other terms and conditions remain unchanged . Please attach this amendment
to the original credit as this forms an integral part there of .
Yours faithfully
Authorised Signatories
| |
|KARNATAKA - 560076 |
Date : 15-10-2005
To Advised through:
+------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------+
+------------------------------------+ | |
Amendment No. 1
Dear Sirs,
At the request of the openers, we have amended the above credit as under:
All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Please attach this
amendment to the original advise as this forms an integral part thereof.
Yours faithfully
Authorised Signatories
DC Details
Transfer Details
The HDCCLOSE menu option facilitates batch closure of DCs. Batch closure of DCs
can be done using this menu option or as a batch job setup through the HBJSTM
menu option.
The HCHRGADV menu option is used to generate advices for all transactions Documentary
Credits, which can be sent to the customer for reference
Inquiry on documentary credit can be made in Finacle using HBKDCI. It‟s a CRV option.
The report generated is based on the selection criteria input such as DC type (Sight,
Usance), Set ID, Foreign/Inland, Inward/outward, Customer ID (CIF ID), DC Number, DC
Register, DC Status (issue, advised, amendment, bill utilization, closed, deleted, general
modification, reinstatement), Status change (transfer, utilization), Beneficiary ID, Bill
received under LC, advising bank code, margin account number, DC currency, amount
(from, to), Issue date (from, to), Expiry date (from, to
The user can make inquiry on Export DC using HEXPDCI menu option. The report/
inquiry is made on the selection criteria input such as customer ID, set ID, DC
number, issuing bank, issuing branch, issuing bank reference, DC type, Date issued
(from , to), Expiry date (from, to), shipment date (from, to), Applicant ID, DC
currency, amount (from , to), Bill number received under DC, DC status
You can inquire on Inland outward DC using HINODCI menu option. The report/
inquiry is made on the selection criteria input such as customer ID, set ID, DC
number, DC type, Date issued (from , to), Expiry date (from, to), shipment date (from,
to), Beneficiary ID, DC currency, amount (from , to), Bill number received under DC,
Advising bank code, Margin account number, DC status.
Correspondent bank
11 DC_CORR_OPENING DC opening advice to the
12 DC_EXPIRY_LIST_MRT Expired DC report
13 DC_LIAB_CRNCY_WISE_MRT Currency-wise DC opened report
14 DC_LIAB_PARTY_CRNCY_WISE_M Party-wise / currency-wise DC
RT opened report
15 DC_OPENER_AMENDMENT DC amendment advice to opener
16 DC_OPENER_OPENING DC issue advice to the opener
17 DC_REG_DC_WISE_MRT Register-wise report of DCs opened
18 DC_REIMB_AMENDMENT Covering Letter To Reimbursing
bank of DC Amendment
19 DC_REIMB_OPENING Covering Letter To Reimbursing
bank at the time of DC Issue
Different DC Parameter types can be opened using the option DCTPM.
System creates the liability transactions for all the DCs‟ lodged under the
Parameters for which the Gen. Liab. Transaction flag is set to „Y‟.
ODCM is the option for the outward documentary credits. These are also called
as import documentary credits.
IDCM is the option for the inward documentary credits. These are also called as
export documentary credits.
DC text can be created/maintained by using the menu option MTT and can be
attached to the documentary credits at a later date.
Expiry‟ in Finacle