Text About Halloween

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the Inquisition persecuted and accused several people of practicing

witchcraft. In the same way, the dead also became common in this
celebration, as they no longer belonged to this same ethereal reality.
The legend of Jack o' Lantern
In a statement made in 2009, the Vatican condemned One of the best-known elements of North American
Halloween as a dangerous festival carried by various anti-Christian celebrations are “jack o’ lanterns”, lanterns made from carved
elements. In Brazil, we can see that some people turn up their noses pumpkins. The tradition also has a Celtic origin and is associated with
at the celebration of the event because they understand it as a distant an ancient Irish legend — the legend of Stingy Jack.
manifestation of our culture. Ultimately, a lot is said about it, but few Legend has it that one day Jack invited the devil to drink. True
are those who thoroughly examine the meanings and origins of such a to his name, Stingy Jack (“Avaricious Jack”), he didn’t want to pay for
festival. the drinks. He then convinced the devil to transform himself into a
For a long time, the festival of Halloween has taken place the coin, which he would use to pay the bill. Jack kept the coin in his
day before the “feast of all saints” and, therefore, its name was pocket along with a silver cross, which prevented the devil from
inspired by the expression “All hallow's eve”, which means “the eve of returning to its original form. He then told him that he would only
all saints”. release him if he promised that he would not bother him for a year and
Because November 1st is surrounded by a sacred and extremely that when he died he would not claim his soul.
positive value, the Celts, an ancient people who inhabited the British The following year, Jack tricked the devil again, asking him to
Isles, believed that the world would be threatened on the eve of the climb a tree and pick a piece of fruit for him. Without him noticing, Jack
event by the action of terrible demons and ghosts. In this way, engraved a cross on the trunk of the tree, preventing him from
“Halloween” was born as a symbolic concern where the party climbing down from the branches. The man then made him promise
surrounded by strange and bizarre figures would aim to ward off the that he would leave him alone for another ten years.
influence of evil spirits that would threaten their crops. When Jack finally died, God did not allow him to enter Heaven,
In the process of occupying European lands, pagan people but neither could the devil receive him. Jack was then condemned to
brought this cultural influence in the process of spreading Christianity. wander the night with only a handful of coal to light him, which he
Initially, Christians celebrated all saints in the month of May. However, placed inside a carved turnip. Jack of the Lantern, or Jack o’ Lantern,
around the 9th century, the Church promoted an adaptation in which has roamed the land ever since.
the sacred festival was moved to November 1st. In this way, the Inspired by this legend, the Irish carved faces into turnips, beets
converted barbarians would remember the Christian festival that would and potatoes to ward off Jack and other spirits. Pumpkins, originally
follow the ancient and already customary celebration of Halloween. from North America, only began to be carved later, when this tradition
Because it has this intrinsic relationship with the world of spirits, was taken to the United States.
Halloween was soon associated with the figure of witches and Upon arriving in North America, the Irish brought the Halloween
sorceresses. In the Middle Ages, they became even more recurrent as party to the Americas and transformed Jack's lantern into a lighted
pumpkin with human features. The disguises and masks, so
commonly used by party participants, would be a way of avoiding
being recognized by the spirits that roam on this day. Currently, the 9 - What colors represent Halloween?
costumes are used by children who knock on doors demanding treats
in place of some mischief against the owner of the house. 10 - What do the colors mean?
The colors orange, black and purple were not chosen by
chance to represent the party.
• Orange: color that brings vitality, energy and strength. The Celts
believed that spirits approached those who wore orange to drain their
• Black: predominant color of wizards, witches, sorceresses and
priests of the master of darkness.
• Purple: symbolizes the magic present throughout the Halloween

1 - What day does Halloween take place? What does the word
“halloween” mean?

2 - What did the Celts believe?

3 - What was the original reason for people to wear costumes on


4 - What is the name of one of the best-known Halloween legends?

5 - In the legend mentioned in the text, what did Jack do?

6 - What was Jack's outcome?

7 - What changed in the legend when the Irish arrived in North


8 - What is Halloween like nowadays in North America?

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