Fundamental of Power Electronics: Course Outline

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Department of Electronic Systems Engineering
IISc Bangalore

INTENDED AUDIENCE : Undergraduate and post graduate, including research students, with electrical and
electronics engineering background would benefit from the course. Those with background in energy science and
engineering and system and control disciplines may also benefit. Industry professionals and researchers in R&D stream will
also benefit.
PRE-REQUISITES : Electrical and electronic circuits, network theory and basics of semiconductor physics.
INDUSTRIES APPLICABLE TO : All industries directly or indirectly using power electronics technology may find the course

The course introduces basics of power electronic devices and converters. Working principles, operating modes and analysis of
AC-DC and DC-DC converters will be covered in detail. A flavour of DC-AC inverter will be introduced at the end of the course.
This course uses SPICE simulation as a means for understanding and gaining more insight into the circuits. Control of power
electronic converters will be explained.
Prof. L. Umanand is a faculty at the Department of Electronics System Engineering (DESE) of Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore. He has been teaching, guiding and consulting in power electronic converters for more than two
decades. His area of research are in power conversion, renewable energy systems and modelling.
Week 1 : Ideal switch, diode static characteristics, diode dynamic characteristics, reading the diode datasheet, thermal
dissipation, heatsink design, diac and triac.
Week 2 : Bipolar junction transistor - operation, static and dynamic characteristics, loss calculation, safe operation
area, reading the datasheet, parallel operation, darlington connection.
Week 3: MOSFETs and IGBTs - operation, static and dynamic characteristics of MOSFET and IGBT, parallel operation,
loss calculation and simulation.
Week 4: Rectifier - Capacitor filter, circuit operation and waveforms, designing the circuit, setting up for simulation
in ngSpice, simulation of circuit.
Week 5: Inrush current limiting in rectifier-capacitor filter circuits, resistor solution, thermistor solution, transformer
solution, MOSFET solution, relay and contactor solution, power factor concepts and measurement of power factor
for rectifier capcitor filter circuit.
Week 6 : Linear DC -DC converter or linear regulators, shunt regulator, operation, design and applications, series
regulator, operation and design, improvement solutions, datasheet study.
Week 7 : DC-DC switched mode converters : Buck, Boost and buck-boost converters, operation, waveforms,
equations and simulation in ngSpice.
Week 8: Forward converter operation, waveforms, core resetting methods, simulation in ngSpice, Inductor deisgn
by area product approach, Flyback converter, operation and waveforms.
Week 9 : Magnetics design, permeance, inductor value and energy storage, inductor design, transformer design
area product approach,
Week 10: Push pull, half bridge and full bridge circuits, operation and waveforms, simulation example
Week 11 : Drive circuits, BJT drive requirements, drive circuit non-isolated, drive circuits isolated, MOSFET drive
requirements, drive circuit non-isolated and isolated, series snubber, shunt snubber.
Week 12 : C lose loop control, current control, slope compensation for current control, single phase inverter with
sinusoidal PWM, simulation example

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