Magento Installation Steps

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Magento-2 Step-by-Step Installation process in CENTOS-7

Step 1 : Install nginx

yum -y install epel-release

yum -y install nginx
systemctl start nginx
systemctl enable nginx
netstat -plntu

Step 2 : Install and Configure PHP-FPM

rpm -Uvh

yum -y install php70w-fpm php70w-mcrypt php70w-curl php70w-cli php70w-mysql php70w-gd php70w-

xsl php70w-json php70w-intl php70w-pear php70w-devel php70w-mbstring php70w-zip php70w-soap

PHP Configuration Changes:

vim /etc/php.ini

Uncomment the cgi.fix_pathinfo and change value to 0 & other values also.
memory_limit = 512M
max_execution_time = 1800
zlib.output_compression = On
session.save_path = "/var/lib/php/session"

vim /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf

PHP-FPM7 will run under the 'nginx' change the value to 'nginx' for the user and group lines.
user = nginx
group = nginx
listen = /var/run/php/php-fpm.sock
listen.owner = nginx = nginx
listen.mode = 0660

Finally, uncomment the below attributes in PHP-FPM ( lines 366-370.)

env[PATH] = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
env[TMP] = /tmp
env[TMPDIR] = /tmp
env[TEMP] = /tmp

Create a new directory for session path.

mkdir -p /var/lib/php/session/
chown -R nginx:nginx /var/lib/php/session/

Create a new directory for php-fpm socket file location.

mkdir -p /run/php/
chown -R nginx:nginx /run/php/

PHP-FPM7 configuration is complete, start the daemon now

systemctl start php-fpm

systemctl enable php-fpm
netstat -pl | grep php-fpm.sock

STEP 3 : Install MySQL 5.7 Server

yum localinstall

Now install MySQL 5.7 from the MySQL repository with the yum command below.

yum install mysql-community-server

systemctl start mysqld
systemctl enable mysqld

MySQL 5.7 has been installed with a default root password. it is stored in the mysqld.log file.

grep 'temporary' /var/log/mysqld.log

Connect to the mysql shell with user root and default password.

mysql -u root -p

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Magento123@';

flush privileges;
create database magentodb;
create user magentouser@localhost identified by 'Magento123@';
grant all privileges on magentodb.* to magentouser@localhost identified by 'Magento123@';
flush privileges;

Step 4 : Install and Configure Magento

curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/bin --filename=composer

Check the composer version as shown below.

composer -v

Go to the '/var/www' directory and download the Magento code with the wget command.

cd /var/www/

Extract Magento code and rename the directory to 'magento2' directory.(yum install unzip)

mv magento2-2.1 magento2
Install PHP Dependencies

Go to the magento2 directory and install all Magento dependencies with the composer command.

cd magento2
composer install -v

Wait for PHP Dependency installation to finish.

Configure Magento Virtual Host

Go to the Nginx directory and create a new virtual host configuration file named 'magento.conf' in the
'conf.d' directory.

cd /etc/nginx/
vim conf.d/magento.conf

Paste the virtual host configuration below.

upstream fastcgi_backend {
server unix:/run/php/php-fpm.sock;

server {

listen 80;
set $MAGE_ROOT /var/www/magento2;
set $MAGE_MODE developer;
include /var/www/magento2/nginx.conf.sample;

nginx -t
systemctl restart nginx

Install Magento 2.1

Go to the magento2 directory to install Magento on the command line.

cd /var/www/magento2

Run the command below, make sure you have correct configuration. The values that need to be changed by
you are explained below.

bin/magento setup:install --backend-frontname="adminlogin" \

--key="biY8vdWx4w8KV5Q59380Fejy36l6ssUb" \
--db-host="localhost" \
--db-name="magentodb" \
--db-user="magentouser" \
--db-password="Magento123@" \
--language="en_US" \
--currency="USD" \
--timezone="America/New_York" \
--use-rewrites=1 \
--use-secure=0 \
--base-url="" \
--base-url-secure="" \
--admin-user=adminuser \
--admin-password=admin123@ \ \
--admin-firstname=admin \
--admin-lastname=user \

Change value for:

--backend-frontname: Magento admin login page "adminlogin"
--key: generate your own key
--db-host: Database host localhost
--db-name: database name 'magentodb'
--db-user: database user 'magentouser'
--db-password: database password 'Magento123@'
--base-url: Magento URL
--admin-user: Your admin user
--admin-password: Your Magento admin password
--admin-email: Your email address

Magento 2.1 is installed. Run the command below to change the permission for the etc directory and change
the owner of the magento2 directory to the 'nginx' user.

chmod 700 /var/www/magento2/app/etc

chown -R nginx:nginx /var/www/magento2

Configure Magento Cron

This cronjob is needed for the Magento indexer. Create a new cronjob as 'nginx' user (because magento
running under nginx user and group).

crontab -u nginx -e

* * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/magento2/bin/magento cron:run | grep -v "Ran jobs by schedule" >>


* * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/magento2/update/cron.php >> /var/www/magento2/var/log/update.cron.log

* * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/magento2/bin/magento setup:cron:run >>


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