International Journal of Information Management Data Insights
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: This study extensively evaluates the existing UTAUT scientific theory as well as the contextual variables that
UTAUT should be carefully considered when incorporating a Learning Management System into Saudi Arabia’s leading
Intention universities. Therefore, the original dataset for the said research study was collected through a list of question-
Usage behavioural
naires made available to 277 University of Hail students, and therefore, the proposed research conceptual model
Learning management systems
was thoroughly evaluated by using SEM. This research’s findings showed that the students’ behavioural inten-
Saudi Arabia
tions to use LMS platforms have always been strongly affected by their anticipated effort, and social influence.
Similarly, it was also found that students’ behavioural intentions and facilitating conditions appear to also have
a strong significant influence on university students’ usage behaviour. Hence, this research study would almost
undoubtedly help university policymakers in deciding whether or not to fully implement LMS in educational
institutions across Saudi Arabia.
1. Introduction Throughout the past few years, there seems to have been a significant
increase in the use of advanced technologies at the university level, par-
One of the most crucial systems on which any country in the world ticularly with the COVID-19 epidemic, when technology has taken over
is built is education. It is one of the key causes of success and growth in the world. Technology can help make the actual learning and teaching
all countries, as the government’s interest in and prioritisation of the ed- procedures far more interactive and productive. Higher education of the
ucational system aids in the construction of a bright present and future highest calibre is considered necessary for the development of expertise
that propels them forward. Furthermore, technology has significantly and abilities. To prepare students for the global economy, both devel-
penetrated numerous sectors of life and has emerged as one of the most oping and developed countries must ensure high-quality education.
important indicators of a country’s or nation’s growth, and technology Alshehri et al. (2020) were of the view that rapid technological ad-
has encompassed various educational systems, resulting in the concept vancements have offered opportunities in a variety of fields. The con-
of employing technology in education. In recent years, technology has tentious issue of both the transformation as well as the incorporation
advanced at a breakneck pace. As a result, keeping up with these cutting- of technological innovations into real academic learning has become a
edge innovations and technology is critical in many aspects of life. Many contentious issue as science fiction continues to progress. The global
governments around the world have begun to invest in education tech- popularity of e-services has led to educational institutions reinventing
nology (Al-Mamary, 2022; Al-Mamary et al., 2021). their roles by implementing e-learning services and technologies. Ac-
Many schools, colleges, and universities have made information and cording to the National College Board, all schoolchildren should indeed
communication technology a central and integrated focus. Many ad- have direct exposure to an e-learning system, regardless of geography
vanced educational innovations, such as whiteboards, computers, and or time constraints (NCB). NCB’s main objective is to have a relatively
electronic whiteboards, have performed an essential role in the devel- low-cost and accessible conducive atmosphere for actual teaching and
opment of the educational system (Al-Mamary, 2022; Al-Mamary et al., learning for any and all students across the United States of America,
2021). According to Khan et al. (2021), technology not only helps to flexible and accessible education. According to the US Department of
create new knowledge, but it also helps to solve problems and improve Education, college students’ social attitudes towards advanced informa-
people’s capacity to work effectively. tion and communication technologies for learning should be evaluated
to determine if they are productive and convenient at facilitating the
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Received 29 April 2022; Received in revised form 11 June 2022; Accepted 14 June 2022
2667-0968/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Y.H.S. Al-Mamary International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 2 (2022) 100092
Y.H.S. Al-Mamary International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 2 (2022) 100092
icantly boost job performance. It is one of the many aspects of the fully interpret his or her scientific innovation. According Kar (2021) when it
integrated UTAUT model that has piqued the interest of researchers all comes to raising the pace of technological adoption, social influence is
over the world. extremely important.
Performance Expectancy (PE) and Perceived Usefulness (PU) do Rogers (2003) noted that adoption decisions are influenced by social
seem to be the essential variables that determine a person’s attitude interactions with a specific individual or group of individuals. Intrinsic
towards using any type of system. PE is the percentage of people who evidence indicates that societal power seems to have a favourable im-
believe that using the system will enable a person to receive rewards for pact on the willingness to implement technologically innovative ideas
work success (Venkatesh et al., 2003). Similarly, the same report shows (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000; Venkatesh et al., 2003; Wong et al., 2012).
that performance expectations have a substantial, beneficial impact on Alternatively, models include TPB/DTPB, TAM2 and TRA, TAM-TPB,
one’s adopting a behavioural purpose and utilising an IT system. Other while SI refers to the subjective norms as a concept. The SI is classi-
similar studies have concluded that performance expectancy refers to fied into two main categories: student-to-student influence and general
people’s personal perception that using a particular platform will in- populace influence.
deed change their perception. Furthermore, gender was used as a mod-
erating factor in the Venkatesh study (2010) that revealed According to 2.1.4. Facilitating conditions (FC)
multi-group analyses, performance expectations had a direct beneficial As explained by Venkatesh et al. (2003), the degree to which an
influence on usage intention for female teachers. For male teachers, the individual appears to actually presume a properly structured, techno-
correlation was insignificant. This demonstrates that female instructors logical, and economic infrastructure continues to emerge to enhance
with high performance standards are more likely than female teachers the use of such a new system can be described as facilitating circum-
with low performance expectations to utilise an LMS. As far as assessing stances. In other words, this construct associates the consumer’s general
students’ acceptance of LMS is concerned, it is defined as the student’s view of the essential tools and aids readily accessible for activity execu-
conviction of the system’s utility in the classroom. tion. Venkatesh et al. (2003) further investigated additional models with
Hence, Lwoga and Komba (2015) concluded that it is connected to properties similar to those found in enabling situations in the UTAUT
how effectively pupils comprehend the system’s ability to assist them. model. The researchers looked into the relationship between this con-
They improve their class performance. It suggests that the implemen- cept and learning management systems. They concluded that FC had
tation of the technology depends on consumers’ understanding of its an immediate and substantial influence over the usage in universities.
benefits. Students will be able to employ technology in their instruc- (Yoon-joo & Park 2021) stated that facilitating conditions are critical
tional activities if they adopt a learning management system. Several factors for app service usage and positively affect user satisfaction.
researchers studied the effect of advanced technology on behavioural Moreover, Khan et al. (2020) considered it an important factor in
intention to be used in both discretionary and legally mandated set- LMS adoption. According to Cavus et al. (2021), the most important
tings. Venkatesh et al. (2003) discovered that it is significant and has an elements affecting LMS sustainability in Nigeria during COVID-19 are
immediate impact on how e-learning practitioners use their LMS. enabling circumstances. Abbad (2021) demonstrated the strong bearing
of cognitive and behavioural objectives towards enabling conditions on
2.1.2. Expected effort (EE) university student Moodle usage. The proceeding papers clearly demon-
EE is generally defined now as the dimensions of easiness attributed strate and emphasize the tight relationship between enabling conditions
in relation to the online information system’s operating condition. This and learning management systems.
EE is also related to the effort expectation of a user’s perceived ease
of use when using advanced technologies. EE was also described as
the degree of comfort commonly attributed to using a particular tech- 2.1.5. Behavioural intention (BI)
nological advance, so whenever EE is related to effort expectation, Ajzen (1991) focused on the provision of external factors required to
race/ethnicity, and age, EE has varying repercussions on users’ atti- improve the performance of a specific behaviour. behavioural intention
tudes and behavioural intentions. Furthermore, Venkatesh and Zheng is further described by Warshaw and Davis (1985) as the extent under
(2010) asserted the critical role of effort expectation (EE) as a predic- which a user’s conscientious preparation to perform or execute a future
tor of future advanced technology adoption. Complexity, according to activity may influence a variety of factors, including learners’ plans for
Rogers (2003), is defined as a technology that is difficult to under- behaviour to use LMS in their system learning processes. Alsaaid and
stand or apply. Complexity (DOI, MPCU) and perceived ease of use Abdrazak (2020) observed that variables which include performance
(TAM/TAM2) were treated equally. Several previous studies emphasise expectation, social influence, effort expectation, as well as enabling en-
the significance of effort expectancy as an independent variable in learn- vironmental atmosphere had a favourable and constructive effect on
ing management systems (Venkatesh et al., 2003). Reza et al. (2021) dis- college students’ behavioural intentions to use the same advanced in-
covered a satisfactory correlation amongst both a learning management formation systems. The study by Alharbi et al. (2021) clearly empha-
system’s behavioural purpose of effort expectation and social isolation, sised the significance of the mentioned factors and their beneficial in-
as well as between an LMS’s behavioural purpose and utilisation pat- fluence on students’ BI. In a study, Alshammari (2020) discovered a sig-
terns. nificant positive relationship between preconceptions and college stu-
Alshehri et al. (2020) found that evaluations of existing systems func- dents’ behavioural intentions in order to successfully use Blackboard.
tionality, management system learnability, and it has already been ob- Venkatesh et al. (2003) further discovered a user’s adoption of cutting-
served that actual educational additional amounts of hard work on rea- edge innovation is strongly dependant on his/her intention to use it in
sonable standards do indeed have a long-term impact on university stu- conduct as well as his/her actual usage of advanced technology.
dents’ behavioural intentions to gain knowledge. This historical link between the behavioural intention concept and
actual behavioural use dates back to the work of Venkatesh et al. (2003).
2.1.3. Social influence (SI) Alshammari (2020) recently discovered a significant and favourable cor-
As explained by Venkatesh et al. (2003), SI is the level at whom a relation with both intentional conduct and actual blackboard adaptive
particular user appears to believe those around him honestly think he or behaviour, implying that the behavioural intention function is a power-
she could perhaps incorporate the new type of technique. To put it an- ful predictor of Blackboard adoption.
other way, it includes social compulsion exerted on an individual as a re-
sult of the ideas of other people or organisations. These relevant factors 2.1.6. Use behaviour (UB)
were established on the presumption that the user’s behavioural inten- As postulated by Venkatesh et al. (2003), BI can also be associated
tion is strongly influenced by his or her perceived notion of how others with person potential to engaging in the desired behaviour and attitude.
Y.H.S. Al-Mamary International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 2 (2022) 100092
It is also referred to as the physical and significant mental actions re- bia’s Ministries of Education have always been incorporating several
quired to incorporate newly discovered knowledge into a person’s exist- layers of LMS into teaching and learning with the intention of enhanc-
ing knowledge base. The degree to which an individual uses technology ing academic achievement, even during complete COVID-19 lockdown
to perform specific tasks. in order to avert educational failure. The affirmation and implementa-
In technology adoption studies, the variables "intent to use" and "ac- tion of LMS operating systems in university management is critical for
tual usage" are interchangeable. In other words, behavioural intention delivering high-quality education to the increasing number of students.
(BI) and actual behaviour (UB) are synonymous, while the actual adop-
tion process is based on the idea that a person’s personal willingness 2.2.2. Latest researches in the field of learning management system in
to embrace a new technological advancement predicts their actual us- Saudi Arabia
age. Thus, the "willingness to use" of technology determines its "conduct Iffat Rahmatullah’s (2021) study uses Blackboard as an advanced
usage." Raza, Qazi, Khan and Salam (2021) established a positive rela- online LMS to explore the difficulties as well as prospects of the modern
tionship between LMS intentional and behavioural usage. User adoption educational landscape in Saudi Arabia. The preliminary findings of this
of new technological innovations is dependant on both "behavioural" in- research revealed that implementing new virtual web-based teaching
tent to use and "real" usage. and learning mechanisms is rather difficult for many university students,
despite the fact that many students regard it as being one of the most
2.2. Learning management systems convenient ways of learning. Instructors had more favourable answers
than students, and they were more confident in managing interactive
2.2.1. Introduction activities.
Along with the development of technology, various LMSs have Alkinani and Alzahrani (2021) conducted research in Saudi Arabia
been developed with distinctive features in the learning environment. in order to evaluate the viability, user-friendliness, and widespread ac-
FirstClass was the first LMS software developed by SoftArc in 1990 ceptance of LMS from the teachers’ perspectives. The results show that
(Aldiab et al., 2019). It was client-server software that included func- teachers are very happy with the LMS and that it is well-designed tech-
tionalities like electronic mail, a conversation platform, and web-based nically. LMS also has a good impact on the quality of education. Fur-
presentations and had the compatibility of operating systems such as thermore, the LMS has high usability in the classroom.
Windows, Linux, and macOS (ibid). Other LMSs followed, including Aldiab et al. (2019) carried out research to evaluate and compare the
Blackboard, Moodle, Canvas, and D2L (ibid). According to Alkhaldi, Ali, diverse attributes of commercial purposes and the widely used prevail-
Mahmoud, Alrefai and Bahou (2021) many online activities can be ing LMS on Saudi Arabian university systems. Binyamin et al. (2018) cre-
accomplished in school settings using Learning Management Systems ated a framework that predicts the variables that encourage students and
(LMSs). Blackboard is one of the most widely used LMSs at institutions teachers to be using digital instructional technology more frequently in
throughout the world. Saudi Arabian university education. According to the findings of this
As with the improvement in ICT, the trend of using LMSs in educa- study, personal self-efficacy in computer systems and subjective stan-
tion has grown all over the world. All the 28 public universities in Saudi dards have a great effect on university students’ evaluations of usability
Arabia have already adopted the teaching methods via Learning Man- and utility. By simply expanding theTAM and adjusting eight external
agement Systems to supplement and extend their teaching and learning factors, Binyamin et al. (2017) thoroughly reviewed the essential vari-
systems in modern class rooms (Aldiab et al., 2019), but there has been ables that might affect university students’ acceptance of digital teaching
a significant difference in adopting brands of LMSs in Saudi Arabia and and learning in the educational system. Binyamin et al. (2017) discov-
other parts of the world. In Saudi Arabia, out of 28 public universities, 25 ered that high school students’ digital teaching and learning in higher
universities are using Blackboard as their LMS, which constitutes around education were influenced by variables such as learning assistance, sys-
89 percent. Two universities are using Moodle, i.e., 7 percent, and a uni- tem interactivity, instructional evaluation, and perceived ease of use.
versity is using D2L, which is only 4 percent, while Canvas is nowhere
in use in Saudi Arabia yet. Bakarman and Almezeini (2021) go on to 2.2.3. Studies that used the UTAUT model in the field of education
state that Madarasati is also a distance learning open platform devel- Many research studies have used the UTAUT method to forecast be-
oped in 2020 design specifically for universities and colleges. Similarly, havioural intention for the validation and sometimes even application
Jusur, which is another platform-based learning management system, of advanced technology. After reviewing studies on the UTAUT model,
has also been specifically designed and created by the National center Almaiah et al. (2019) established a UTAUT model that incorporates
for e-learning and Distance Learning. seven external factors. Performance expectations, effort expectations,
Even before the COVID_19 pandemic, a lot of Saudi Arabian univer- and facilitating conditions are all found to have a positive contribution
sities had been using LMS to support digital learning at a supportive towards student application and the usage of the learning systems. Nev-
and blended level (Anas, 2020). At supportive levels, LMSs have been ertheless, peer conditioning seems to have been insignificant towards
used to share learning materials and conduct formative tests or asyn- student application of the learning systems, while external factors were
chronous communication, while at blended levels, e-Learning deanships found to be statistically significant towards university students embrac-
have granted permission to train faculty members to use LMSs for pre- ing digital learning systems.
senting blended courses. Following the COVID-19 outbreak in March Abbad (2021) used UTAUT to analyse the intention of students to
2020, Saudi universities shifted entirely from face-to-face classroom and use Moodle at Hashemite University in Jordan. His-study revealed that
supportive level use of LMS to free web-based and virtual instruction all the factors at different frequencies supported the behavioural inten-
manuals. The learning context of the COVID-19 outbreak has compelled tions for Moodle usage except social influence, and the far more im-
the integration of digital education into higher education by implement- portant determinant of Moodle intention was performance expectancy.
ing Blackboard learning as an alternative e-education (Iffat Rahmatul- Alharbi et al. (2021) conducted a study at King Abdulaziz University in
lah, 2021). Saudi Arabia to determine the essential variables affecting high school
Overall, Blackboard provided synchronous and asynchronous tools acceptance and usability of digital learning. According to the study, the
to design an interactive learning environment to deliver lectures, pro- majority of determinants predicting the future of college students’ acqui-
vide learning materials, course updates, build discussion, take assess- escence to web-based teaching and learning are PE, EE, SI, and FC. Per-
ments and tests, collaborate with others, and send messages (Iffat Rah- formance expectancy, perceived functionality, facilitating conditions, as
matullah, 2021). These features of the LMS provide an environment to well as social influence are all considered to be the major factors that in-
participate in the actual educational process in a digital educational fluence university instructors’ willingness to use a learning management
ecosystem. As identified by Alkinani and Alzahrani (2021), Saudi Ara- system (LMS).
Y.H.S. Al-Mamary International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 2 (2022) 100092
Alsaaid and Abdrazak (2020) recently discovered that effort ex- Table 1
pectancy seems to have no adverse impact on behavioural intention. Reliability test.
Alshehri et al. (2019) further investigated why individuals seem to be Construct Cronbach alpha (≥0.7)
inclined to embrace the Blackboard using UTAUT. All main UTAUT el-
PE 0.797
ements were subsequently discovered to actually possess a robust and
EE 0.881
substantial impact on teachers’ true intention to use a digital learning SI 0.875
platform in the future. The report’s findings indicated that all three of FC 0.925
the factors, namely PE, SI, and FC, had a significant bearing on people’s BI 0.956
UB 0.930
BI. UTAUT was investigated by Raza et al. (2021), while their research
findings revealed that PE, EE, SI, and social isolation all have quite a
massive impact on LMS behavioural intention by simply expanding the
conceptual framework. As a result, there will be a clear link between ucational institutions. Therefore, it is based on the bedrock of the above
LMS behavioural intention and user behavioural intention in the near literature review that this research develops and proposes the concep-
future. tual framework, which reflects the hypothesis and the overall objective
of the study. "Do UTAUT dimensions have any effect on university stu-
3. The conceptual model dents’ use of LMS at the University of Hail in Saudi Arabia?"
A quantitative study was opted to address the said research ques-
Technology usage in education has increased around the world, es- tions, while the measurement instruments were equally created using
pecially after the Corona pandemic. In fact, academic institutions are a previously validated instrument from the literature. Thus, the study
investing extensively in developing their technological infrastructure model was validated as well as tested using SPSS and SEM via Amos
and integrating it into education. Despite this investment and effort by software.
higher education institutions across the globe, it still appears that stu-
dents do not always make full use of LMS.
4.2. Instrument design and measures
As previously stated, behavioural intention and technology accep-
tance and use are important because the behavioural intention variable
The online survey questions were written in English, while the en-
must be considered throughout so that LMS can be used successfully
tire components of the survey questions were also translated into Ara-
in university education. amongst the most crucial components of the
bic by experts. Furthermore, the questionnaire was also reviewed and
system’s success is determining students’ and teachers’ behavioural in-
validated by three professionals from the industry. The observations
tention to use the blended modern digital teaching and learning model.
and recommendations obtained demonstrated that the elements’ ease
This research examines the major components of UTAUT theory,
of general understanding, real meaning, and actual context were abso-
which can only be taken into account while using a blended learning
lutely consistent with the construct’s conceptual value. Following the
model in Saudi Arabian higher education institutions. The conceptual
interpretation and validation of the research instrument, it was made
model (Fig. 2) presupposes that PE, EE, SI, and FC all have a strong
available to all participants in the study. In addition, for the conceptual
bearing on users’ behavioural intentions Fig 3.
model items, the Likert-type scale with five point dimensions was used
for the analysis, which was generally considered suitable for this survey
4. Methodology
Table 1.
There are four major sections to the research instrument. The whole
4.1. Research design
first segment encompasses detailed information concerning the profile
and characteristics of the sample respondents in the study area, while
The primary objective of this study is to gain more insight into the
the second segment specifically covers the UTAUT dimensions. The third
UTAUT theoretical different variables, which could perhaps be consid-
segment also includes questions about behavioural intention, and the fi-
ered when designing and implementing LMS in Saudi Arabian higher
nal section includes questions about learning management system usage
education institutions. Whereas, college students at Hail University use
behaviour (actual use).
an LMS called "Blackboard," which is also engaged in instructional as
well as learning activities. The University of Hail uses Blackboard as
a web-based online learning platform, which functions as a web-based 4.3. Sampling and data collection
learning solution. Especially following the COVID19 pandemic, the Uni-
versity of Hail inspired all faculty and students to utilise Blackboard in The questionnaire was designed using a Google form, and then the
their own classroom instruction. link was distributed to students randomly. Data was gathered by send-
The UTAUT model is amongst the widely used models for assessing ing this same website link to the online survey questions to all college
the level of people’s intention towards using advanced technology in ed- undergraduates via departmental social media groups for students.
Y.H.S. Al-Mamary International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 2 (2022) 100092
In this study, the population are the students in two colleges at the 5.2. Measurement model
University of Hail, and the study’s sample includes 277 students
SEM is a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) method that mostly in-
4.4. Data analysis procedures volves both a structural model and a thorough process for analysing as
well as adapting measurement models. CFA should be used to remove
Following the collection of the questionnaires, the questionnaires any items that do not fit the measurement model due to low factor load-
were coded into SPSS software for some further detailed analysis us- ing.
ing Cronbach’s alpha and descriptive analysis. Cronbach’s alpha too SEM is the very first process in analysing a full structural equation
had been utilised specifically to assess internal consistency and relia- model. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), which is also a pro-
bility. The new measurement conceptual model was created first in this cess of information validation, will be utilised to thoroughly validate
study, followed by hypothesising and establishing the relationships in the latent construct measurements in the proposed conceptual model
the structural model. The Amos programme, which is amongst the most (Awang, 2014; Hair et al., 2010).
recent software, was then used. This software is used to help researchers The CFA control method could also be used to properly confirm the
analyse inter-relationships more efficiently, accurately, and effectively accuracy of a latent construct. CFA must be performed on all latent con-
(Awang, 2012). structs involved prior to actual mathematical modelling, so as to account
for their interdependence in a structural model. However, before mea-
4.5. Reliability suring validity and reliability, the unidimensionality examination must
be completed.
The consistency of results produced by a scientific instrument under CFA should be used to remove any item with low factor loading
such conditions helps determine its reliability. According to Hair et al., that does not fit the measurement model from the model. Item dele-
Tatham and Black (2010), an instrument’s consistency is proven when tion should not account for more than 20% of a model’s total number of
the results are reliable. A validity and reliability analysis have all been items. Otherwise, the construct is declared invalid because it failed the
implemented in this research to validate the preliminary research find- confirmatory test. For pooled measurement models, the CFA is more
ings prior to the main detailed analysis. efficient and highly recommended. This method (Pooled-CFA) will be
Cronbach alpha is a measure of the coherence between the elements used to carefully evaluate the measurement model as well as perform it
of the same construction that is used in the reliability analysis. Accord- independently for each measurement model, or all measurement models
ing to Hair et al. (2010), it must be equal to or greater than 0.7 to be could be run concurrently.
officially classified as very accurate and reliable.
5.1. Demographic profile Because the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) is a commonly used
metric for determining and predicting internal consistency, the AVE for
The demographic profile in this study shows 43.68% of males and each construction must therefore be equal to or greater than 0.50, as
56.32% of females. In addition, 38.63% of the respondents were from strongly suggested by Fornell and Larcker (1981). Keeping low factor
the college of Business Administration and 61.37% of the respondents loading elements in a model may result in convergent validity fail-
were from the college of Arts. Finally, most of the students have high and ing. The AVE value should be 0.5 or greater to achieve this validity
medium levels of proficiency in the use of computers. Table 2 depicts (Ali et al., 2022; Al-Mamary, 2022; Chatterjee et al., 2021; Jadil et al.,
the demographical profile. 2022; Purwanto et al., 2022). According to Awang (2014), the conver-
Y.H.S. Al-Mamary International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 2 (2022) 100092
Table 2
Demographic profile.
Frequency Percent
Table 3 Table 5
Summary of the CFA report. Result of hypothesis testing.
Construct Item Factor Loading CR (>= 0.7) AVE (>= 0.5) Hypotheses Results
PE 0.754 The main objective of the research is to examine the original UTAUT
EE 0.029 0.842 theory by exploring the basic measures that could also be included when
SI 0.036 0.746 0.839 using LMS in Saudi Arabian universities.
FC 0.020 0.743 0.721 0.901 H1 is rejected by the findings of the research, where it signifies
BI 0.002 0.777 0.688 0.676 0.938
that performance expectancy seems to have no effect on students’ be-
UB 0.025 0.759 0.762 0.712 0.847 0.905
havioural intention; the results of this analysis contradict with previ-
ous studies (e.g., Abdad, 2021; Alghamdi et al., 2021; Alharbi et al.,
2021; Almaiah, Alamri & Al-Rahmi, 2019; Alsaaid & Abdrazak, 2020;
gent validity of each construct can be measured as well by deducting Alshehri et al., 2020; Alshehri, Rutter & Smith, 2019; Aswani et al.,
the AVE. Table 3 shows the summary of the CFA report. 2018; Raman et al., 2014; Raza et al., 2021; Tan, 2013).
Almaiah et al. (2019) discovered that when students perceive an ed-
5.4. Discriminate validity ucational process will benefit them, their intention to use it significantly
increases. According to Abbad (2021), students’ main focus was improv-
Discriminant validity investigates whether or not components of an ing their academic achievement, and they saw LMS as a technical instru-
identical construction are statistically distinguishable from those of dif- ment that would assist them in doing so. In light of these findings, schol-
ferent ideas (Alshehri et al., 2020). By simply correlating the variance ars, professionals, and executives, as well as e-learning product develop-
for any set of variables with the root AVE, a good discriminant valid- ers, could perhaps focus on supporting the quality and effectiveness of
ity assessment can be made (Al Mamary, 2021; Al Mamary 2015; Al- a framework to enhance students’ and teachers’ academic performance.
Mamary et al., 2020; Shah et al., 2022). The correlation between ex- Previous research findings indicate that students accept LMS based on
ogenous constructs mustn’t exceed zero.85 as a discriminant validity their performance expectancy.
criterion. The correlation between exogenous constructs mustn’t exceed However, in this study, the result was inconsistent with previous
zero.85 as a discriminating validity check (Awang, 2014). studies, as the students answered that the expectation of performance
The major elements within the matrix diagonals represent the square does not affect their behavioural intention towards using the learning
roots of the extracted average variance, as shown in Table 4. All the management system. The main reason for this may be that students are
AVEs square measurements are significantly larger than the other cor- unaware of the benefits of a learning management system or do not
relation coefficients, indicating that the construct has discriminant va- perceive its usefulness. university students are increasingly aware of
lidity. the potential economic advantages of using and incorporating advanced
Y.H.S. Al-Mamary International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 2 (2022) 100092
technologies into effective learning processes in the future to improve ways been strongly influenced by social networks, which also include
their own productivity and effectiveness. As a result, those who are in peers, family members, and instructors. To take advantage of the op-
charge of the system should always enhance their efforts to make the portunities presented by this, the educational establishment should in-
system much more convenient and beneficial. Higher educational insti- deed make people more aware by utilising emerging technologies such
tutions, or rather system administrators, should always collaborate to as those found on university websites or social media websites that
ensure that the students fully comprehend how to use the new systems. might be of importance to students. The use of social networking sites
The results of this study actively support hypothesis 2, which also in Saudi Arabian universities is to encourage the sharing of learning
suggests that effort expectancy does have a favourable and construc- resources and expertise, while the use of blackboard educational pro-
tive influence on the behavioural intentions of anniversary students. grammes might be significantly expanded.
This research’s findings are equally consistent with other previous re- Students should be encouraged to use an e-learning management
search (Abbad, 2021; Alsheri et al., 20,210; Alghamdi et al., 2021; system (LMS) to aid in their studies. According to researchers at the
Almaiah et al., 2019; Alsaaid & Abdrazak, 2020; Aswani et al., 2018; University of Michigan, policymakers and instructors should encourage
Raza et al., 2021; Tan, 2013). students to use social media to spread the word about the benefits of the
Almaih et al. (2019) go on to state that students’ actual use of learn- LMS.
ing systems increases when they perceive a learning interface to be user- H4 is rejected by the findings of the research, where it signifies that
friendly, basic, and easy to use. Similarly, Abbad (2021) suggested that facilitating conditions seems to have no effect on students’ behavioural
universities should consider this factor when designing and/or modi- intention; the results of this analysis contradict with previous studies
fying learning management systems, making them as simple to use as (e.g., Abbad, 2021; Alghamdi et al., 2021; Alharbi et al., 2021; Alsaaid
possible (with the least amount of effort) so that students are motivated & Abdrazak, 2020; Alshehri et al., 2019; Raman et al., 2014).
to use them. Thus, this survey reaffirms that effort expectations influ- Abbad (2021), confirmed that students will use an LMS if they be-
ence university students’ behaviour intentions. The system’s simplicity, lieve that the required resources and technical support are accessible.
clarity, and understanding make coeducational learning expertise more Universities should encourage students to use the LMS by providing
cost-effective and efficient. As a result, students are quite likely to per- training, documentation, and technical assistance as needed. Staff who
ceive a system as beneficial if it is categorised as such. As a result, they are supportive and competent should be present at all times to assist stu-
have a strong desire to use it in their studies. dents in overcoming any obstacles they may have. Previous research has
H3 is strongly supported by the research findings of the study. This shown that facilitating conditions do have a direct and positive impact
demonstrates that social influence seems to have a direct influence on on university students’ behavioural intentions, which is enough for stu-
students’ behavioural intentions, demonstrating that the research find- dents to utilise the equivalent of LMS, but somehow the findings in this
ings are concordant with several prior studies (e.g., Alghamdi et al., study contradict previous research. This may be due to policymakers’
2021; Alharbi et al., 2021; Alsaaid & Abdrazaka, 2020; Alshehri et al., and university management’s delay in providing quick technical sup-
2020; Alshehri et al., 2019; Aswani et al., 2018; Raman et al., 2014; port to students or training them on LMS.
Raza et al., 2021; Tan, 2013). Therefore, university policymakers must provide the necessary re-
Alsheri et al. (2019) confirmed that undergrads are the primary users sources and support (such as strengthening technology infrastructure,
of university e-learning management systems. Their decisions have al- supporting top management to use technology and providing all nec-
Y.H.S. Al-Mamary International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 2 (2022) 100092
essary resources, providing appropriate technical support at the right or an information security threat, for instance. Thus, the research find-
time, and providing training to students). ings reveal that the findings will become a valuable resource for higher
The findings of this research wholeheartedly support Hypothesis 5, education decision makers, web designers, and scientific researchers in-
which states that facilitating conditions have quite a favourable impact terested in how college students use LMSs.
on students’ adoption and implementation of LMS, which really is con-
gruent with prior survey findings (e.g. Alshehri et al., 2019; Alshehri, 8. Limitations and directions for future research
Rutter & Smith, 2020).
This study found that facilitating conditions have quite a major effect This research has some limitations, including the fact that the rel-
on LMS usage management. As a matter of fact, if university students evant data was gathered at one university in Saudi Arabia. Future re-
actually believe that technological infrastructures are in place to support search should replicate the same study model at other public and private
their use, they will be more motivated to use the LMS. universities both within and outside of Saudi Arabia. To examine the
The findings of the research fully support H6, clearly showing that variables impacting on behavioural intention and learning management
behaviour intention seems to have a substantial favourable influence on system utilisation, only the elements of the UTAUT prototype model
usage behaviour and attitude, which in itself is concordant with prior were used. As a result, future studies should test other similar models
studies (e.g. Alshehri et al., 2020; Alshehri et al., 2019; Raza et al., in the same region in order to investigate other factors that encourage
2021). students to accept LMS.
Abbad (2021) emphasises that behavioural intentions of university Consequently, this study only used quantitative methods. A future
students had some of the most direct and significant effects on their study could employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative meth-
use of the LMS. Because behavioural intentions have such a big impact ods. Furthermore, no moderating variables were used in this study.
on usage, people who have high behavioural intentions also have high Hence, in order to fully quantify the real effect of LMS intent and be-
usage. haviour, it is also possible to investigate the moderating repercussions of
From the previous discussion, we conclude that the whole study val- sociodemographic different factors such as college, gender orientation,
idates the said UTAUT’s model ability to predict students’ behavioural and so on.
intentions and overall LMS usage patterns across many Saudi Arabian Students from Hails College of Business Administration and the Col-
higher education institutions. lege of Arts participated in the study. This is because women make up
56.32 percent of the study sample. Future research may consider in-
7. Implications cluding a gender variable. This research looked at students’ behavioural
intentions towards using learning management systems. Future research
Some countries continue to struggle with behavioural intentions to should use the same study model but focus on behaviour intention from
use advanced technologies and the widespread acceptance of digital the perspective of teachers.
learning in education because they do not fully embrace the advance-
ment in technology. This study developed a prediction model for stu- 9. Conclusion
dents’ motivation to use LMS based on the most well-known scientific
theories regarding technology acceptance. This study will add to and Learning management systems (LMSs) are becoming more popular in
provide basic endorsement to the prior studies on key aspects of exer- academic settings. For academic operations, the majority of Saudi uni-
cise at students’ institutions, as well as university students’ intent to use versities use various LMS systems. In response to criticism of the coron-
such a system. avirus pandemic, the Saudi Arabian government has also switched from
This information can be used to motivate students to use technology facial expression instruction to teaching and learning instructions via a
in the classroom. Universities and colleges should also take the neces- learning management system. Another important focus of the study was
sary steps to encourage students to embrace technology. Policymakers to investigate the consequences of the UTAUT theoretical model through
in higher education must concentrate on the critical factors that can in- college students’ behavioural intentions and the digital learning appli-
fluence an integrated learning management system’s acceptance, which cation. As a matter of fact, UTAUT has gained widespread recognition
affects student performance and competence. It is also critical for pol- as one of the most important theories for increasing reliance on tech-
icymakers and university administration to invest in and improve the nology acceptance. amongst the examples of highly crucial aspects of
university’s information technology so that it is simple, user-friendly, using advanced technology in the academic environment is high school
and effective. students’ willingness to actually implement and accept digital learning
In addition, this study will benefit the Saudi Arabian Ministry of platforms.
Higher Education by considering removing the cultural barriers that A quantitative method was used, with a questionnaire created based
have already contributed to a limited level of academic achievement on the previous research literature. The questionnaire was composed in
amongst certain college students towards using advanced technology English before being converted into Arabic by specialists so that students
in educational teaching and learning. Abbad (2021), highlighted that a could understand it. The questionnaire contained a total of 18 items, and
better and easier recognition of the causal factors of college students’ be- its validity and reliability were confirmed. This study have found that
havioural intentions through the use of LMS could very well help higher university students’ intentions to use LMSs are heavily inspired by their
education institutions’ policy decision-makers choose amongst the best actual anticipated exertion as well as social influence, but not really by
innovative technologies for student teaching and learning. the performance expectations or facilitating conditions. This research
According to research which was conducted by a group of re- study, notwithstanding, eventually discovered that university students’
searchers from British Columbia, students should be more encouraged facilitating conditions as well as behavioural intentions have quite a
to utilise the use of LMS in order to really improve students’ excellent clear and obvious influence on university students’ behaviour adoption
academic performances. Furthermore, in the case of emergencies, such and use of LMS.
as the recent COVID −19 virus outbreak, which has now disrupted and The current study has made important contribution to academic writ-
compelled higher education institutions around the globe to opt for e- ing by elucidating the most important and significant impacts on uni-
learning teaching tools on a large scale, this is extremely important. versity students’ behaviour and their real intentions to use and embrace
Similarly, developers of e-learning management systems could perhaps LMS in the course of gaining knowledge from the very standpoint of
develop extremely simple software applications that encourage people, Saudi Arabian university students. This provides valuable guidance for
especially young people, to use them. This will actually enable higher future research. It is therefore critical to advance the field of LMS in uni-
education institutions to quickly respond in the event of an emergency versities. Today, students can access an electronic copy of the courses
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