TN 41
TN 41
TN 41
Site testing is frequently used to test the watertightness of windows and cladding as installed,
and is specified in Test Methods for Curtain Walling (CWCT, 1996). This technical note
adds further clarification on site testing procedures and equipment and the selection of test
method. It should be read in conjunction with Test Methods for Curtain Walling.
This Technical Note is based on and replaces TN10 first published in January 2000. It
incorporates changes following the publication of standard BS EN 13051.
Specifying and witnessing site tests comfortably - these softer seals are
intended to prevent penetration of run-off
Non-specialist specifiers should seek water but are easily pushed aside by the
advice from a UKAS accredited test jet from a hose.
laboratory or cladding consultant on how If the hose test is used on open or
to specify and witness site tests. opening joints then the normal procedure
is to reduce the pressure of water entering
the nozzle appropriate for the joint under
Site tests test, and to maintain the distance from the
nozzle to the joint. This will ensure a
Watertightness can be assessed on site meaningful test and is preferable to
using three distinct approaches - the hose, holding the nozzle further away from the
the spray bar and the cabinet. joint as it does not require any change of
Hose testing action on the part of the operator.
However, the spray bar test is usually
This test is defined in Test Methods for more applicable to this type of joint.
Curtain Walling (CWCT, 1996) and the
AAMA standard 501-94. The CWCT hose Where it is not possible to obtain this
test varies from the AAMA test only in that frame of reference at the time of
joints within 120mm of each other can be laboratory testing, the following procedure
tested in one pass, providing there are no can be followed.
projections/obstructions that shield the
joint. All parties should agree on a good quality
window in terms of both fabrication and
Hose testing uses a compressor to drive a installation and this is used to determine
flow of water through a nozzle, forming a the frame of reference.
strong jet of water droplets. The nozzle is
defined, as is the pressure of water Where this benchmarking process results
entering the nozzle and the flow rate of in a very low nozzle pressure, say below
water through the nozzle. The water jet is 150kPa, or one party considers the results
always aimed perpendicular to the plane to be questionable, or the component
of the cladding system, and at a fixed selected for benchmarking to be
distance from it. unacceptable, it is recommended that a
cabinet test be carried out to determine if
Hose testing is intended for the testing of the selected component/area can achieve
permanently sealed joints. The high the specified performance. If the results
pressure water spray should not dislodge are successful, the hose test can be
gaskets or wet-applied sealants unless carried out on that area to determine the
they have been poorly installed or not frame of reference for further testing.’
been allowed to cure. Water will be forced
through small gaps in these types of seal, When testing joints at an internal corner
and will find its way through unsealed the hose should be positioned 0.3m from
joints between framing components. both walls (rather than 0.3m from the joint)
to take account of the water re-directed off
Hose testing is not suitable, in its the walls and towards the joint.
unmodified form, for use on open joints
(even if baffled, the flow of water from the The hose test is also suitable for use on
nozzle will overwhelm many open joints) sloped claddings, providing the jet is
or joints which are intended to open. aimed perpendicular to the joint. If a
Weatherseals around doors and opening volume of water is required to simply
lights of windows are made of softer observe its flow and drainage from the
rubber compounds, in part, to ensure that cladding/roofing then the spray bar test is
the door or window can be operated more suitable.
Site testing for watertightness TN No: 41
Apparatus for hose testing and method 30 second period for the specified 1.5
of test metre test length is comfortably achieved,
such that there are ten passes during the
A typical set of apparatus for hose testing five minute test.
is shown in Figure 1. Note that no
connections (e.g. quick-clip connections) A specimen that has been successfully
should be placed between the pressure tested in the laboratory can be used to
gauge and the nozzle as these can calibrate the site hose test: a window of
dramatically reduce the water pressure. acceptable workmanship is tested with the
The recommended nozzle is the Monarch hose pipe and the flow rate is gradually
Type B-25, #6.030 nozzle. increased until water leakage occurs. A
slightly reduced flow rate is then used on
site to distinguish between windows of
acceptable workmanship and those of
unacceptable workmanship. However, the
results are only comparative and do not
absolutely guarantee weathertightness.
Site testing for watertightness TN No: 41
film of water is applied to the face of the pressurising the cabinet and a spray
cladding system from the spray bar. system (usually a spray bar or grid of
The area of cladding to be tested should
be agreed. Essentially the spray bar test The basis of cabinet testing is to create a
is a test for runoff. Therefore, the position positive pressure difference on the
of the spray bar in relation to open and cladding system, whilst spraying water
protected joints (e.g. under projections) onto the external face. This technique is
should be properly considered. The suited to the testing of doors or windows
nozzles can be directed at a joint, but it is after installation. However, there are
preferable that they are directed at a point several problems associated with this test:
above the joint, so that the run-off flow
runs down over the joint or area under • The first problem is where to fit the
test. cabinet; if the cabinet is mounted on
the external face then it is necessary to
pressurise the cabinet, which will tend
to push the cabinet off the cladding
system. External fitting is also costly
when many storeys above ground level
because of the reliance on access
equipment. If mounted on the internal
face the cabinet must be de-
pressurised, which will help to hold it in
place, but this will limit access to the
surface of the cladding system to look
for signs of leakage.
• The next problem is how to prevent
lateral air movement through the wall -
pressurising or de-pressurising a
Figure 2 Apparatus for spray bar testing section of wall may draw air in from the
sides, rather than directly through the
The flow rate from the spay bar should be part of the wall under investigation.
adjusted to 5 litres/minute/metre length of • Finally, the finished surface of a wall
spray bar. As stated above, the spray bar may not permit easy attachment or
should generally be located above the sealing of the test cabinet - many
area of cladding to be tested, and at the cabinets are built in-situ and are
ridge, with water running down one slope, specific to one part of the cladding
when testing roofs. system.
The spray bar should be left running in These limitations make cabinet testing
each test location for 30 minutes and the costly, and it may be easier to remove a
internal surface observed for signs of window or door for testing in a
leakage. conventional test rig. The interface
between a window and a wall is more
suited to hose or spray bar testing.
Cabinet testing
Site testing for watertightness TN No: 41
water flow rate and nozzle position and this approach is used the frame should be
spacing. braced against the building structure and
transmit no loads to the wall which should
A cabinet may be constructed of plywood carry only the pressure difference
inside or outside the wall as for a generated by the cabinet.
laboratory test.
Internal finishes
Test location
Site testing for watertightness TN No: 41
The following steps are required if the site AAMA Standard 501-94 Methods of test
test is to provide genuine results: for exterior walls, Architectural Aluminium
• Determine which site testing Manufacturers Association, USA.
techniques are to be used and, if they
allow fine tuning, what BS 5368 Methods of testing windows, Part
form/modification to the standard 2, 1980, Watertightness test under static
sequence is to be used; pressure, British Standards Institution.
• ‘Site’ test a laboratory mock-up of the
sample which has already passed all CWCT, 1996, Test methods for curtain
other specified tests; walling, Centre for Window and Cladding
• Armed with a knowledge of the Technology, University of Bath.
expected site performance of the
component or system agree which BS EN 13051 Curtain walling -
parts of the installed system are to be Watertightness - Field test Without Air
tested; Pressure Using A Water Spray Bar, British
Standards Institution.
• Agree a suitable procedure for remedial
action should problems be found; Note
• Consider how water runoff will be A video demonstrating laboratory and site
managed to prevent flooding or hose pipe testing is available from CWCT.
damage to elements not designed to be
• Proceed with site testing.
© CWCT 2004