Act3 - Basic Safety Rules and Measures

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College of Engineering




DIRECTIONS: Give at least 2 examples for each of the types of hazards discussed. Pictures
must be original and shall not come from the Internet. Follow the required format.

Ite Type of
Picture Explanation
m Hazard
1 Viruses are microscopic pathogens that can only
reproduce within the live cells of other living things.
From the typical cold to serious illnesses like influenza
and COVID-19, they can cause a wide spectrum of
Biological disorders. There are several ways that viruses can
spread, such as through contaminated surfaces, body
fluids, and respiratory droplets.

2 Single-celled microbes known as bacteria are present in

soil, water, and human tissues, among other places.
Certain germs are helpful, while others can make you
sick. These dangerous bacteria can spread by direct
contact with diseased people, contaminated food, or
tainted water. Because they can cause a wide range of
Biological ailments and have the potential to spread widely,
bacteria pose a serious biological hazard. It is essential
to comprehend the dangers posed by bacteria and to put
the right preventative and control measures in place to
safeguard human health.
3 Because of their intrinsic toxicity and ability to harm
people, animals, and the environment, insecticides are
regarded as chemical hazards. Although insecticides are
strong chemicals that can be useful in managing pests,
there are serious dangers associated with using them that
Chemical affect the environment, animal welfare, and human
health. To reduce these risks and safeguard the health of
all living things, it is crucial to comprehend the dangers
connected to pesticides and to use them wisely.

4 Even though it might seem like a routine task, improper

dishwashing might result in chemical risks. The use of
detergents and other cleaning agents, which are intended
to dissolve oil and filth but can be hazardous if used
improperly, is mostly to blame for this. If the right
Chemical safety measures are followed, washing dishes may be a
safe pastime. You can reduce the chemical risks
connected to this typical home chore by selecting safe
detergents, making use of enough ventilation, and
adhering to safety regulations.
5 Extended periods of sitting with bad posture, frequently
brought on by misaligned desks, chairs, and monitor
positions, can result in carpal tunnel disease, neck pain,
and back pain. Long durations of sitting cause the body
Ergonomics to naturally sag forward. The shoulders, neck, and spine
are strained as a result. When a monitor is positioned
incorrectly, the head is tilted, which strains the neck
6 Back injuries and muscular sprains can result from
heavy lifting, pushing or pulling loads, and other
activities requiring a lot of power. Muscles can get
strained or injured when they are overworked or
Ergonomics required to lift objects that are above their capacity. This
is most frequent in physical labor positions, but it can
also happen when moving heavy furniture or boxes in
an office.
7 Because a slip and fall puts people at real, immediate
risk of physical harm, it is categorized as a physical
hazard. This risk results from the way an individual
moves in relation to their surroundings; a slick or
uneven surface may cause an individual to lose their
Physical balance and fall. They present a clear and present risk of
bodily harm. The risk results from a confluence of
human conduct, environmental variables, and personal
8 Working with electricity carries inherent risks, hence
fixing an electrical wire is seen as a physical hazard.
Even though handling electrical wires incorrectly can
result in fatalities or major injuries, it may appear like a
straightforward task. It is always advisable to leave
electrical wire repair to trained experts. Working with
Physical electricity carries a number of risks, and even small
errors can have fatal repercussions. Homeowners may
be sure that their electrical work is done safely,
effectively, and in accordance with all relevant
standards and regulations by choosing a certified

9 Using a ladder incorrectly, such as ascending too high,

overloading it, or positioning it on an unstable surface,
can lead to falls and catastrophic injuries. Although
ladders offer access to higher places, proper usage is
Safety necessary to guarantee stability and avoid mishaps.
When used improperly, the ladder may topple over and
send the user plummeting from a height.

10 In an emergency, people may not be able to safely

evacuate if exits are obstructed, for as by furniture or
equipment blocking doorways. It is imperative that
individuals can promptly and securely leave the building
Safety in the event of an earthquake, fire, or other catastrophe.
Blocked exits can obstruct escape and cause a hazardous

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