12th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies AIAA 2003-7062
15 - 19 December 2003, Norfolk, Virginia
AIAA 2003-7062
Iain D. Boyd* and Jose F. Padilla† University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109
Abstract of atmospheric pressure in order to achieve efficient
combustion. For the present numerical studies, we use a Future hypersonic vehicles are likely to use sharp leading typical air-breathing vehicle trajectory provided by Bertin [6]. edges on wings and engine inlets to reduce drag. The radius of For this trajectory, Fig. 1a shows the velocity and dynamic curvature associated with such structures may be one centimeter pressure as a function of altitude. The latter quantity provides a or less. The very small size leads to high heating rates that can good estimate of the pressure that can be generated inside the be accommodated using advanced materials. An additional propulsion system. For this trajectory, it is clear that efficient aspect of the small size concerns the basic gas dynamics. At combustion is not available until an altitude of about 45 km. such small scales, the continuum approach invoked in In the descent from orbit, the RLV would enter on an formulating the Navier-Stokes equations may be invalid. In equilibrium glide trajectory similar to the Space Shuttle and this study, the flow around various sharp leading edge shapes the engine, a scramjet in this case, would be ignited at about is computed for a high-altitude point on a typical re-entry 45 km. In Fig. 1b, profiles of stagnation point heat flux and trajectory. The particle-based direct simulation Monte Carlo Knudsen number are shown for the same trajectory. The heat 2 method (DSMC) is employed. Effects are investigated of flux in MW/m is determined using the following correlation variation in free stream velocity and leading edge shape in of Detra et al. [7]: terms of flow field and surface properties. The aerothermodynamic performance of the sharp leading edges is 3.15 110.3 ρ U assessed using the shock standoff distance, the total drag, and q˙ = (1) the heat transfer rate. The data generated in the present study RN ρSL UCO form the initial part of a more complete investigation involving the optimization of leading edges over a hypersonic re-entry where RN is the nose radius, taken to be 5 mm representative of trajectory. the sharp leading edges of interest in this study, ρSL is sea-level 1. Introduction mass density, and UCO is the orbital velocity (taken to be 7.95km/s). The Knudsen number is computed using a constant, Air-breathing, hypersonic vehicles are being hard-sphere collision cross section, and a characteristic length considered for use as reusable launch vehicles (RLV’s) and of 5 mm. Note that, as the vehicle descends through the other trans-atmospheric aircraft. Among the primary atmosphere, the Knudsen number decreases from the rarefied technology issues concerning the aerodynamics of such vehicles flow regime (10-1) through the transition regime into the is the need to minimize overall vehicle drag. One promising continuum flow regime (10-4). While the region of maximum approach involves the use of sharp leading edges for lifting heat flux (around 40 km) has a Knudsen number in the near- surfaces and engine inlets defined using power-law shapes [1]. continuum regime (about 5x10-3), the local radius of curvature Prior theoretical and analytical studies have focused attention on a sharp leading edge may be smaller than the gross on different flight regimes. For example, O'Brien and Lewis dimension of 5 mm thus increasing the local Knudsen number. [2] considered very low altitude, inviscid conditions by solving Hence, the overall assessment of sharp leading edges for such the Euler equations, while Santos and Lewis [3,4] applied the vehicles requires both continuum and rarefied flow analyses. In direct simulation Monte Carlo method (DSMC) [5] to study our work, the continuum regions will be analyzed using the high altitude, rarefied conditions. The present work has as its Navier-Stokes equations and the rarefied regions will be goal a more comprehensive computational analysis, using computed using the DSMC technique. various numerical methods, of the aerodynamic performance of In this paper, we present our initial results from this sharp leading edges across the full range of conditions long-term study. We elect to begin our analysis at a high experienced in a representative flight trajectory. The altitude condition due to our familiarity with this regime, and assessment will involve comparisons of heat transfer, drag due to the availability of previous DSMC results of Santos and force, and shock standoff distance, for a variety of on- and off- Lewis [3,4]. In the next section, we describe the DSMC design points. technique and the particular code and models used in the To first order, the trajectory of an air-breathing present study. Then, we present the various flow conditions hypersonic reusable launch vehicle is designed to provide and sharp leading edge geometries that are investigated. Results pressures inside the propulsion system to be a sizeable fraction * Professor. Department of Aerospace Engineering. Associate Fellow AIAA. † Graduate Student. Department of Aerospace Engineering. 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
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