A360 16 Spec and Commentary
A360 16 Spec and Commentary
A360 16 Spec and Commentary
User Note: The edge distances in Tables J3.4 and J3.4M are minimum edge dis-
tances based on standard fabrication practices and workmanship tolerances. The
appropriate provisions of Sections J3.10 and J4 must be satisfied.
User Note: The dimensions in (a) and (b) do not apply to elements consisting of
two shapes in continuous contact.
Minimum Edge Distance[a] from
Center of Standard Hole[b] to Edge of
Connected Part, in.
Bolt Diameter, in. Minimum Edge Distance
1/2 3/4
5/8 7/8
3/4 1
7/8 11/8
1 11/4
11/8 11/2
11/4 15/8
Over 11/4 11/4d
If necessary, lesser edge distances are permitted provided the applicable provisions from Sections J3.10
and J4 are satisfied, but edge distances less than one bolt diameter are not permitted without approval
from the engineer of record.
For oversized or slotted holes, see Table J3.5.
Minimum Edge Distance[a] from
Center of Standard Hole[b] to Edge of
Connected Part, mm
Bolt Diameter, mm Minimum Edge Distance
16 22
20 26
22 28
24 30
27 34
30 38
36 46
Over 36 1.25d
If necessary, lesser edge distances are permitted provided the applicable provisions from Sections J3.10
and J4 are satisfied, but edge distances less than one bolt diameter are not permitted without approval from
the engineer of record.
For oversized or slotted holes, see Table J3.5M.