The Nature of Police Records: Record Management and Filing System of The Report

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Record Management and Filing System of the Report

The Nature of Police Records

 Records are verified, confirmed, evaluated and analyze reports.
 These are the end products of the investigation, and the submission of reports done by the
 Records are the primary means of communication among the members of the police

Purposes, Functions, and Importance of Police Records

 It serves to determine police problems
 It serves to determine the size of the police force
 It aids in handling various complaints
 It serves as a guide for present and future prevention of crimes
 It helps in determining and establishing responsibility on a particular person
 It helps in the apprehension of criminals
 It helps the police and other law enforcement agencies in solving crimes
 It gives data in statistics of police crimes

 It functions as an instrument to measure the efficiency of the police organization
 It represents the crime in a particular community
 It aids in the assignment and promotion of any personnel in the organization
 It helps in the identification of any individuals in the community It provides ready
information for public consumption
 It aids prosecutors in court proceedings
 It coordinates in various custodial events
 It gives basis for the integration or expansion of the police department

 It is bridge the communication within the department It connects different units in the
attainment of objectives
 It identifies the supervision and the performance of personnel
 It serves to measure the proficiency and accomplishment of police
 It gives an overview of the actual crime picture of a community
 It aids to improve the efficiency of traffic enforcement
 It aids to evaluate and control public services
 It helps in effective employment of personnel
 It provides keeping and information retrieval services to all departments.

Types of Police Records

1. Case Records- These are records consisting of complaints or assignment sheets which are
considered as document source for analyzing crimes.
2. Arrest and Booking Records- This report is requirement for preparing arrest and booking
3. Identification Records- These are records of fingerprint identification which is done two (2)
4. Miscellaneous Records- These are record that are not necessarily related to any complaints

Police Records Management

Police records pertain to all written materials such as books, papers, maps, photographs,
documentaries, that in ways are written or received by any law enforcement agency that serve
its/legal purposes (Agsalda, 2007). It is essential that any agency should have a clear knowledge
on how to manage records properly.

Examples of police records that should be managed properly are:

Agreement, Documents, All forms of Police Reports, Police blotters, Logbooks, Transcripts, Arrest
books, Press Release Traffic records

The police records administrative management operations is responsible with the creation,
protection, retrieval, preservation and retention of records and information.

Supervision of reports

The records supervisory personnel needs to adhere to the following standards:

 Assure good report
 set up good recording standards so that al will know what is expected of them
 set up a system of spot-checking to ensure that corrections are being made to assure
 protect the reputation of the department and its offices

Furthermore the supervisory personnel may use the Tickler system which is 3x5 index card
showing basic data, dates etc., and to whom it was assigned. The card is filed with behind the
officer's name in the card index box.

The system also assures a regular check on each pending case. He may also utilize the Assignment
record which shows the cases assigned to each officer and should include a record of reports
submitted. All reports should be read and signed by the supervisory official, and that no report
can be filed until approved by the supervisor.

Duties of Record Element Personnel

The records personnel who are assigned in identification have certain task in the completion of
arrest, booking, and filing. Below are the specific duties of these personnel:
1. They are responsible in issuing a central booking number or request
2. They complete the central Booking Register with all the required information.
3. They identify prior departmental arrest and conduct a wanted check for all names or aliases
used by the arrestee, after the completion of approval of the register entry
4. They notify immediately the appropriate detention officer if a "stop order" "wanted card", or
"detainee" for agency is found of the subject
5. They prepare a new criminal history record for every arrested person with no prior record on
file by nothing current case information. In instances where a criminal history record is already on
file, it should be updated.
6. They notify the communication center for every cancellation of a wanted or missing persons
message, also with the apprehension of such person, or the receipt of wanted messages
concerning suspected persons to be in or near the jurisdiction.
7. They maintain personal identification files like:
 Photographic file
 Crime scene photographic File
 Wanted and missing person's file
 Warrant file.

The Decimal System of Reports

The Decimal System of Reporting is the basic numbering systems which the entire major files is
identified with. There are three basic numbering system, they are as follows:

1. Case Reports Number - This is the control number assigned by the dispatchers for all police
reports like traffic accidents, crimes, and non-criminal situations. Case report numbers are
important because of the following reasons: it aids in the speedy and official recording of cases; it
lessens discrepancies in the original request; time of occurrence, and notification of the police; it
helps ensure the exact matches of sequence of case numbers with the order of cases brought to
the police, and it helps the external audit to control in avoiding unreported, lost, or misfiled
2. Arrest Report Number - This is the number issued to arrested and booked persons who
committed criminal offenses or traffic violations. However this is not issued to persons who
commit minor offenses, or those who just go the station to post bond. Case report number is also
termed as central booking number issued by the dispatcher, or the arrest and, personal
identification unit through the dispatchers. After the duty officer writes the arrest report, he will
assigned the arrest number as well as the case number of the report. A new arrest number will
be assigned to a person each time he is arrested.
3. Identification Numbers - This is the number issued by those assigned in the Arrest and
Personal Identification Service Detail. This number is given once to arrested person when he is
fingerprinted and photographed.

Standard Police Record Procedures and Filing System

Proper Filing of records is very important because it helps in the preservation of documents, and
more specifically on the preservation of criminal records which will be used for future references.
Below are the standard Police Records Procedures and Filing System:

1. Permanent written record shall be made of each crime immediately upon receipt of the
2. Proper control shall be made upon the receipt of a complaint to ensure that is promptly
recorded and tabulated.
3. Investigative report shall be rendered in each case showing the details of the offenses as
alleged be adopted to ensure that all reports are promptly submitted in all cases.
4. All reports shall be checked to see that the crime classification conforms to the
classification of the offense.
5. The offense or complaint report on crime cleared by arrest shall be noted as cleared
6. Arrest Records shall be complete, and special care is being taken to show the final disposition
of all charges.
7. All records shall be centralized.
8. Records and statistical reports shall be closely supervised by the Station Commander.
9. Periodic inspection shall be made to see the rules and regulations of the local agency relative
to records creation and maintenance are strictly complied with.
10. Statistical records shall conform in all aspects to the uniform crime reporting standards and

Philippine National Police Uniform Crime Periodic Reporting

To promote consistency in the recording of the crime incidence, these guidelines prescribe a
uniform procedure for the Philippine National Police in reporting and collecting crime data
including cases reported to other law enforcement agencies involved in the Criminal Justice
System. Further, these data shall be the working basis for policies and programs on various anti-
criminality measures.

For the past years, generating statistical crime date on various crimes committed in the
regions/provinces has been a growing concern of the Philippine National Police (PNP). Το address
this issue, two (2) mechanisms were in place such as: The National Crime Reporting
System(NCRS), which is concerned more with the details of the crime, to wit; victim's data,
offender's data, among others, while crime statistics gathered through the Police Regional Office
Periodic Report (PROPER) is mainly concerned simply with WHAT HAPPENED, WHERE, TO WHOM,
WHY and the results of investigation.
The PNP, as the premier law enforcement agency, needs an accurate statistical crime data for
both administrative and operational decisions. The data gathered from the regions/provinces
play an important role to the PNP's overall assessment of crime trends and for determining the
patterns of crime activity in the country. If the problem on gathering/generating the crime
situation is not properly addressed, the PNP cannot present an accurate crime situation of the
Parts of a Memorandum:

1. Heading - this contains the date, subject, thru channels, and addressee.

Letterhead - every police unit or police office has its own letterhead where it is usually
printed in the first page.
 Printed letterhead stationery is normally used for the first page. If not available, a type
letterhead may be substituted.
 In offices where more than one kind of letterhead is used, the nature of the letter will
determine which letterhead is proper. All courtesy carbon copies are made on plain
bond paper.

Republic of the Philippines

Doña Modesta SingsonGaisano St., Lahug, Cebu City

File Reference - it is otherwise called as the office symbol. A file reference is placed on the first
margin, usually two spaces below the letterhead. It varies according to the individual item of
correspondence. Each part of the reference is also used in identifying information on the second
and subsequent pages.


Addressee the words "MEMORANDUM FOR" is used if sends to a SUPERIOR; or

-It should be written in block style with open punctuation and normally placed two (2) spaces
after the file reference.


FOR : Regional Chief

PNP Regional Crime Laboratory Office 7
Camp SoteroCabahug Gorordo Ave., Cebu City
Gorordo Ave., Cebu City

TO : All Chiefs of Police/GD, 703rd MPG COY

Addressor - the title of the addressor (sender) is entered after "FROM". Authorized
abbreviations are used.

FROM: Director, QCPD

Channels - Correspondence can be routed through channels, through a lower chief or

supervisor expected to exercise control, taken action, or to be concerned and normally placed
two (2) spaces after the addressee.

THRU : DRDA _____________

Chief, RPRMD______

Attention Line/Address - this is mainly for faster dissemination, the memorandum may be
addressed to a specific individual or head of a unit, or by the use of an office symbol.

"Addressed to the Attention of the Individual:


TO : Chief of Police, SRPS


"Addressed to the Attention of the Head of Office:


TO : Chief of Police, SRPS

(Attn: Crime and Investigation Department)

Subject - this is written two spaces below the sender and two spaces to the right colon. It
should contain no more than 10 words.


SUBJECT : Request for Amendment of Family Name

Date - this is placed below the subject indicating when the memorandum is written.
 The day and year are numerals and the month may be spelled out or abbreviate. If the
month is abbreviated, the year may be shortened too.

DATE : March 25, 2009

2. Body - this is the message of the memorandum. It is the substance of the typed letter as
distinct from the formal beginning and ending. This part of the letter is single- spaced. (It is
double-spaced when the message is less than nine lines.) The use of the third person, such as
"the undersigned" or "this unit" is prescribed to achieved objectivity.

Paragraphing - when a letter consists of only one paragraph, the paragraph will not be
numbered, although its sub-paragraph will be numbered, if there are two or more. When there
are two or more paragraphs, they will be numbered accordingly. The second succeeding lines will
begin at the left margin.

1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
a. _______________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________

Abbreviations - this kind of communication allows abbreviations which are generally accepted in
the police service. They are usually written without spacing or periods, except geographical
locations which can be written with or without periods. If the full name is used, the abbreviated
rank is permissible, if family name only, the rank is spelled out.
However, good practice tells the writer to use the abbreviations sparingly. But definitely,
abbreviations are NOT used in correspondence going outside the Philippine National Police.
Page Numbering - the first page should NOT be numbered. Subsequent pages, including those on
which endorsements are prepared, will be numbered consecutively, beginning with the second
page as 2. Page number will be centered 1 inch from the bottom of the page. The number will
stand by itself; it will not be set off by dashes, parenthesis or other punctuations.

3. Complimentary Ending this is the authority line (if used), originator's name/ signature, list of
enclosures, and list of copies found 5 spaces below the last paragraph of the body of the

Authority line - this should be shown when the correspondence is signed for the chief or head of
an agency or office by an individual authorized to do so. This reflects the fact that the
communication is an expression of the will of the chief or head of the office.
 The authority line begins on the second line below the last paragraph directly under the first
word of the preceding main paragraph.

 It is typed in capital letters, without abbreviations. A staff officer may sign under the
authority line ONLY when authorized to do so.
Signature - the signature contains the name of the officer, usually his first name, middle initial
and last name, signed in black or blue-black ink (never blue or any color); the name being typed,
stamped or printed, all in capital letters, identical with the written name, the officer's rank or
service and title designation. If the concerned chief or head of officer personally signs the
memorandum, his title or designation may not be included anymore.
Enclosures - these are supplementary documents which are sent with the communication to
provide additional information. When the letter has one or more enclosures, this fact is entered
on the left side of the page in the following manner:
Copy Furnished Other Offices - a notation concerning copy furnished should be typed
immediately under, and separated by at least one line from the listing of enclosures, if any. When
there are no enciosures, notation of copies furnished should be typed beginning on the left
margin of the same line as that of the typed signature. The copy for each specific addressee
should be indicated by a check mark. This information is omitted from the original and courtesy
copy unless specifically desired by the individual preparing the letter.

Also termed as MC in government offices, Memorandum Circulars have subjects that explain or
classify rules and regulations for subordinates to comply

These are administrative instructions which are directory, advisory or informative in nature, more
or less permanent in duration They deal with subjects such as delegation of authority to be
known by field personnel, implementing instruction or regulations These are issued to the
uniformed bureaus and local government agencies under the Department of Interior and Local
Government (DILG), eg. Circular on "Guidelines and Procedures Regarding the Limited Private
Practice of Profession by PNP Members."

These are administrative instructions requiring compliance from personnel or office dealing with
subjects like delegation of authority, appointment or assignment of personnel

These are administrative instructions that ere regulatory and mandatory This order is mainly for
the regulation of administrative matters in the National Headquarters, Regional, Provincial, and
District Offices. These orders usually deal with subjects like personal conduct requiring

These are directives signed by the Chief Directorial Staff for the appointment, transfer,
promotion, reduction, relief from duty, separation and leave of absence of personnel.


This is about instructions to be followed on a routinary basis concerning regular procedures, the
chief or the director directs this

Legal forms are prototypes of any documents or forms used in a legai transaction or judicial
proceedings, these contain important matters conveyed in technical terminologies and presented
in a suitable and systematic order in accordance with the circumstances of any case

Legal Forms Related to Law Enforcement

1. Sworn Statement (Sworn Declaration)
- It is a document containing facts related to a legal proceeding The person who makes the
declaration affixes his or her signature in a separate endorsement paragraph at the end of the
document with a statement that the declaration is made under oath
- In taking the sworn statement, the police officer should comply with Section 12, Article III of
the 1987 Constitution That any person under custodial investigation for the commission of an
offense shall have the right to remain silent and to have a competent and independent counsel
He or she must be provided with one These rights cannot be waived except in writing and in the
presence of counsel. No torture, force or violence, threat, intimidation or any means which
influences the free will shall be used against him or her Secret places, solitary, incommunicado,
or other similar forms of detention are prohibited
2. Affidavits
These are types of verified, formai sworn statement of fact signed by an affiant or author, and
witnessed by a notary public. An affidavit is composed of .
Commencement this identifies the affiant:

 Individual Averments these are separate claims that are numbered as mandated by law,
 Statement of Truth-this is a statement verifying that what is stated is true under oath.
 Attestation a clause certifying the oath and the date made
 Signature this is both the signature of the affiant and the notary public

3. Inquest Forms
The Department of Justice issued Department Circular No. 61 on the New Rules of Inquest.
Below are some citations of the Rules related to Inquest.
• Inquest is an informal and summary investigation conducted by a public prosecutor in criminal
case involving persons arrested and detained without the benefit of a warrant of arrest, issued by
the court for the purpose of determining whether or not the said persons should remain under
custody and correspondingly be charged in court.
• The City or Provincial Prosecutor shall designate the Prosecutors assigned to inquest duties and
shall furnish the Philippine National Police (PNP) a list of their names and their schedule of
assignment. If, however, there is only one Prosecutor in the area, all inquest cases shall be
referred to him for appropriate action.
• Unless otherwise directed by the City or Provincial Prosecutor, those assigned to the inquest
duties shall discharge their functions during the hours of their designated assignments, and only
be done at the police stations/headquarters of the PNP in order to expedite and facilitate the
disposition of inquest cases.

The inquest proceedings shall be considered commenced upon receipt by the Inquest Officer
from the law enforcement authorities of the complaint/referral documents which should include
 The affidavit of arrest,
 The investigation report:
 The statement of the complainant and witnesses. and
 Other supportive evidence gathered by the police in the course of the latter's investigation
of the criminal incident involving the arrested or detained person.
- The inquest Officer shall, as far as practicable, cause the affidavit of arrest and
statements/affidavits of the complainant and the witnesses to be subscribed and sworn to before
him by the arresting officer and the affiants. The inquest proceedings must be terminated within
the period prescribed under the provisions of Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended

4. Complaints in Criminal Cases

 It is important that those who will be writing the police report will be familiar with the forms
of complaints in criminal cases, its format, and the standard headings and captions of cases.
The familiarization of these will help him in his reports, and in any court proceedings These
standard headings and captions are used in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and
Municipal Courts.
 The sample forms of complaint included are Violation of Municipal Ordinance, Forcible
Abduction, Arson, Damage to Property through Reckless imprudence, Homicide, and Murder


1. Summons/Appearance Notice
 official notices telling a person that he/she has to appear in court at a specific time and
place to answer a criminal charge. Usually, a police officer gives the appearance notice, and
a summons may be received in the mail specifically, an appearance notice is given to a
person before he/she is charged with an offense, while summons is given to a person who
has been charged with an offense.
 In cases where the second paragraph of the appearance notice or summons is filled out, the
addressee have to go to the police station to be fingerprinted and photographed, if a person
fails to go, a warrant of arrest may be issued for his/her arrest. It is advisable to get a legal
advice or speak to a lawyer right away if one receives an appearance notice or summons.
2. Subpoena
 an order from the court that requires an individual to be somewhere in person at a certain
place, date, and time to testify as a witness in a case. specifically, a subpoena is a conditional
threat of punishment made by a governmental authority if it is attached to a command, so
that if the recipient does not do as commanded then that person may be punished.
 if a person given a subpoena does not appear, some courts have the discretion to find the
person in contempt of court and either order the person's arrest or issue fines accordingly.
3. Warrant of Arrest
 Arrest is the taking of a person into custody in order that he may be bound to answer for the
commission of an offense.
 It is made by an actual restraint of a person to be arrested, or by his submission to the
custody of the person making an arrest.

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