Sustainable Development Report-2019
Sustainable Development Report-2019
Sustainable Development Report-2019
Discovery Group CEO, Adrian Gore
Discovery’s purpose is to Discovery’s revised Group strategy, Ambition 2023,
provides a stretch goal to achieve greater scale
make people healthier and impact at a global level, and key to this is being
and enhance and protect a powerful force for social good. Through the
Vitality Shared-Value business model and platform,
their lives. The health and Discovery – along with its global partners – is
wellbeing of our members, changing the way consumers experience financial
stakeholders and other services. What was once a grudge purchase based
on pre-existing risk is now a dynamic and rewarding
constituents is part of our partnership that encourages healthy behaviour.
DNA and inseparable from Vitality operates an economy of behavioural change,
where the currency is healthy choice and the
our business model. Since interests of client, insurer and society are aligned.
Discovery’s inception
The Group continues to innovate as we expand into
in 1992, every product new and adjacent industries (most recently banking)
and service across the and into new markets, extending the impact of
business has been built shared value. Our purpose, values and model
ensure that as we scale, our people remain focused
on the foundation of our on being a powerful force for social good. As part
Shared-Value business of this, in partnership with our Vitality network
of insurers, we have made a bold public pledge
model, which has to transform global health by making:
sustainable development
at its core as it intersects
with the needs of our
clients, communities
100 million
and nation. people
20% more active by 2025
THE DISCOVERY This summary report is extracted from our full 2019
2019 SUSTAINABLE Sustainable Development Report, hosted online at
DEVELOPMENT REPORT We encourage stakeholders to access the online report for
a full overview of our performance and progress in 2019.
HAS DELIVERED ON ITS Material matters have defined the content included in
the 2019 Sustainable Development Report. These were
COMMITMENT TO BE A determined through interviews with executives and
POWERFUL FORCE FOR specialist teams across the South African and United
SOCIAL GOOD FOR OUR Kingdom businesses on stakeholder concerns, key risks
and management focus for the 2019 financial year. The
relevant material matters and issues are included for
AND SOCIETY. each of the four performance areas in this summary
report, with a full listing available in the online report.
The material matters were determined through interviews with executives and specialist teams across the South African
and United Kingdom businesses on stakeholder concerns, key risks and management focus for the 2019 financial year.
As a synthesis of the concerns of Discovery’s leadership and those of key stakeholders, material matters inform and describe
strategic decisions in relation to the needs and perspectives of key stakeholders.
The material matters have defined the content to be included in this report. We are committed to maturing the materiality
determination process over time to provide a robust framework for our sustainability and annual integrated reporting.
3. Leverage our
❚❚ Support national objectives to enhance market sustainability.
–– Increase healthcare capability and skill to improve the healthcare system.
capacity to
–– Support economic productivity through healthier workforces.
support resilient
–– Target our procurement spend and enterprise and supplier development initiatives.
ecosystems. –– Maintain constructive and collaborative relationships with government and regulators.
❚❚ Reduce the cost of healthcare and the burden on public healthcare infrastructure.
–– Leverage the proven ability of behaviour-based incentives to increase health outcomes.
–– Remove fraud and waste from the healthcare system.
–– Protect the principle of social solidarity by balancing the needs of individuals and the
collective in healthcare insurance risk pools.
–– Provide advocacy and education to key stakeholders on policy development and outcomes-
based healthcare delivery models.
4. Active corporate
❚❚ Operate an ethical and compliant business.
–– Expand the role of ethics management.
citizenship that
–– Focus on the ethical use of data.
aligns to our
–– Cooperate with regulators and ensure strong internal processes on compliance and
values. Treating Customers Fairly outcomes.
Life Health Motor
term Banking
insurance insurance insurance
As a catalyst for Improve their health Improve their driving by Save for longer, Achieve lower rates on
behaviour change, by providing better providing better value practice responsible borrowing, higher rates on
we incentivise and value and improved and improved price and financial behaviour saving, along with better
reward our price and benefits. benefits. and live a healthy financial management to
members to: lifestyle. generate greater wealth
Sustaining our Healthy behaviours Improved driving Better financial Improved financial
business supporting: behaviours behaviours behaviours supporting:
Lower claims supporting: supporting:
This supports ❚
❚ Spending through the
Discovery, our ❚ Higher margins ❚ Less vehicle ❚ Greater funds bank
partners and ❚ Positive selection accidents and lower ❚ Longer investment ❚ Lower defaults
networks through: and lower lapses claims ❚ Better persistency ❚ Reduced lapses
❚ Higher margins ❚ Lower withdrawals ❚ Greater margins and
❚ Positive selection profits
and lower lapses
Sustaining society ❚❚ A healthier society ❚❚ Nation of better ❚❚ Stronger savings ❚❚ Reduced reliance on
❚❚ Improved drivers culture the state in retirement
Savings and
productivity ❚❚ Less road deaths ❚❚ Lower pension ❚❚ Greater national
❚❚ Reduced and injuries reliance on the investment levels
behaviours have a
healthcare burden ❚❚ Less Road Accident state and family ❚❚ Reduced bad financial
positive societal
Fund claims ❚❚ Better client habits
impact through: outcomes
Discovery’s social impact then increases with each life and its community that
we add globally, which is sustainable shared value in action.
1 2 3 4
Deepen the social Ensure our Leverage our capacity Active corporate
impact of our people to support resilient citizenship that
products and management ecosystems. aligns to our
services. strategies address ❚ Support national
❚ Leverage product
broader social objectives to enhance ❚ Operate an ethical
design and innovation concerns. market sustainability. and compliant
to drive social good. ❚ Enhance systems that ❚ Reduce the cost of business.
❚ Scale our businesses to support inclusivity healthcare and the burden ❚ Leverage models,
achieve greater impact. on public healthcare capabilities and skilled
❚ Develop talent to
infrastructure. employees to support
support business
growth. social innovation.
Discovery Health’s strategic objective to Discovery KeyCare, an affordable Vitality Move brings our
become the lowest cost administrator, medical aid option, is combined with leading Vitality programme
with ongoing investment in technologies KeyFit to give access to wellness to the mass market.
to optimise operational efficiency and facilities, incentives and tools to
service levels. This not only supports encourage healthier behaviour.
better business and member satisfaction,
but lowers costs.
17 315 KeyFit members
3 483 468 total lives covered
across open and closed schemes Discovery PrimaryCare is a unique healthcare product
(at 28 June 2019) that enables employers to provide employees and their
families with affordable quality private healthcare and
In Discovery Health Medical Scheme wellness management at a cost that is acceptable to
(DHMS) members pay an average of employees at all income levels.
16.5% less than they would at the next
eight largest open schemes. 46 772 PrimaryCare members (at 28 June 2019)
We announced Discovery Bank in November 2018 Through Vitality One, we are increasing the positive
with a broad target market across all segments. behavioural impacts of the Vitality programme
Irrespective of income level, healthier financial globally. Our Vitality One platform is a globally
behaviour will benefit clients through higher interest unified systems architecture that markets can
rates on savings and positive balances as well as access, allowing rapid and economical deployment
lower rates on credit. to our partners.
Donated by members to
In a world where obesity The Vitality Active Rewards
various causes since the
and chronic lifestyle programme incentivises
launch of MoveToGive
diseases are becoming members to stay active
in 2015
increasingly prevalent, we’re every day. And through it,
developing creative and Discovery is now linking
mutually beneficial ways to healthy behaviour with
promote good health. philanthropy to raise
MoveToGive significant funds for various
charities. This is enabled by
crowd-sourcing Active Rewards, where
kindness members can choose to
donate their rewards to a
specific cause through
Over MoveToGive campaigns.
400 000
positively impacted
in South Africa and
neighbouring countries
increase in physical activity across new
participants and 29% of new participants
improved their driving behaviour substantially
50 million
Vitality Reward Points paid out through the
Vitality Open
Leveraging ❚❚ Discovery mobile app enhanced with the ‘find a healthcare provider’
function – which allows Discovery members to find general
technology in practitioners, medical specialists, hospitals or pharmacies, along with
healthcare tips, details on cover through Discovery, and address and contact
Technology is a key enabler
for us to broaden access and
❚❚ Vitality introduced in-app health management for at-risk members –
provide more cost-effective with personalised nutrition, preventative screening, weight
and affordable healthcare. In management and the medicine tracker.
the world of our members,
❚❚ Available through the Discovery app or website, DrConnect gives
our focus on innovation and
participating medical scheme members access to a growing library of
technology provides more
DrConnect over five billion doctor-created answers to common medical questions.
seamless interaction with key
Members can also conduct a virtual consultation with a doctor in the
healthcare touchpoints and
network using voice, text or video.
information sources for a
more empowered healthcare ❚❚ Using Discovery HealthID, patients can share important information
consumer. with their healthcare professionals to give a more complete view of
their health history and test results. This improves patient care and
reduces the likelihood of serious medical errors, and duplicate or
unnecessary pathology tests.
77 962
support the coordination of care
across all stakeholders in a
complex healthcare delivery chain, Increasing
Cumulative views ultimately providing more
since PaSS was cost-effective care.
support for
launched in 2015 mental health
In conjunction with increasing
awareness in the UK on mental
health issues and backlogs in
treatment in the National Health
Service (NHS), VitalityHealth is
contributing to both a deeper
understanding of the issue and
providing new treatment pathways
for its members. A new pillar in the
Vitality Wellness programme called
Healthy Mind, launched in
August 2018, includes interventions
such as mindfulness and
mediation, which are tracked
through mobile apps. We continue
to promote physical activity as part
of a set of interventions that can
support good mental health.
Incentivising safer
Better drivers mean fewer accidents and safer journeys for our clients and
others on South Africa’s roads. Discovery’s commitment to “reduce harm on
our roads through improved driving behaviour” is driven by monitoring and
incentivising adherence to good driving behaviour.
The technology and data also supports other safety features, like alerting you when we detect that it's not you driving the
car and detecting if you've had a collision to proactively send emergency services.
Healthier Supporting
businesses financial wellbeing
for healthier To close the retirement funding gap and help our members
achieve financial independence, Discovery Invest rewards
Discovery Business Insurance is focused In 2018, we rolled out an Umbrella Fund product line to
on building better and healthier corporates, extending shared-value investment impact to
businesses. We offer clients unique corporate clients and their employees.
benefits across property, accident, motor
Discovery Invest has seen significant behavioural
and other business liability claims, built on
the premise that businesses with good
change in clients since introducing products that
financial performance and successful reward them for making sound financial and
operations have a lower insurance risk. health decisions. On average, clients are investing
We provide powerful incentives and two years earlier, improving their Vitality status
benefits to businesses to help them grow, and in turn their health, and reducing their yearly
reduce their insurance costs and manage retirement income drawdown rates by more
their risks. than 2%. The impact of this positive behaviour
Healthier businesses also benefit South change is substantial, resulting in clients receiving
Africa as a whole as they contribute to approximately 50% more in their fund value in
higher economic growth and employment. retirement.
Discovery Business Insurance caters for
small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Our
product innovations are focused on
delivering shared value to this vital
Rewarding a
segment of the market, which is key to
supporting economic growth and activity
in South Africa.
1 2 3 4
Deepen the social Ensure our Leverage our capacity Active corporate
impact of our people to support resilient citizenship that
products and management ecosystems. aligns to our
services. strategies address ❚ Support national
❚ Leverage product
broader social objectives to enhance ❚ Operate an ethical
design and innovation concerns. market sustainability. and compliant
to drive social good. ❚ Enhance systems that ❚ Reduce the cost of business.
❚ Scale our businesses to support inclusivity healthcare and the burden ❚ Leverage models,
achieve greater impact. on public healthcare capabilities and skilled
❚ Develop talent to
infrastructure. employees to support
support business
growth. social innovation.
Discovery PrimaryCare is a
unique healthcare product that
enables employers to provide their
employees and their families with
affordable quality private healthcare
and wellness management.
Considering the strong interest
shown by employers and the rapid
growth to just over 45 000 lives
in three years, it is evident that
Discovery PrimaryCare is meeting an
important business and social need.
1 2 3 4
* The difference of the B-BBEE level on the 2019 Integrated Annual Report (IAR),
is due to the B-BBEE certificate being re-issued as a B-BBEEE level 2 post
the IAR being published and printed.
Building and
broadening our
supply chain
To support the growth of black-owned
businesses in South Africa, Discovery
provides financial support (in the form
of loans and grants) and non-financial
support (in the form of training and
mentorship opportunities) to selected
enterprise and supplier development (ESD)
Just over
R115 million
Current ESD loan book
R12 million
Grants provided in 2019, supporting
23 independent entrepreneurs
Target achieved
For enterprise and supplier development
(as set by the Financial Sector Code)
R1.37 24.3%
Proportion of our
Procurement spend
total procurement
spend on black-owned million
Procurement spend on black
on black-owned women-owned enterprises.
Supporting our
321 healthcare
employees in their We have set a 70% employee specialists
to the value of
quest to volunteer engagement target for
for good 2019 to 2023 R230 million
since inception in 2006
Discovery’s employee volunteer
programme demonstrates that our As a cumulative target, we In excess of
purpose lives in the actions of our
people. Given the wide range of
are already showing good
progress, with 27% up to the
R19 million
2019 Discovery Foundation spend on
skills across Discovery, we work
with communities to understand end of June 2019 the awards programme
(2018: over 21 million)
their real needs and match these to
the skills and resources volunteered
by Discovery’s people. Over
Discovery|CoJ Business Centre launched its
For example, in our flagship Orange business hub serving Orange Farm. Through
its incubator programme, we continue to
R27 million
Spent directly on providing 42 doctors
Farm partnership, our leadership
development team provided a provide business support, training and with specialist training
leadership programme for school mentorship to entrepreneurs from the area. (2018: 16.3 million spent on 52 doctors)
principals. A key requirement for The long-term goal is to provide a benchmark
our interventions is that they are Approximately
and documented model for the City to
identified and requested by
the relevant stakeholders in
replicate in other similar programmes.
R11.1 million
Grants awarded to 14 institutions
these communities. Also in Orange Farm, the Discovery CoJ
(2018: 7.7 million grants awarded
Technical Skills Centre continues to provide
to 11 institutions)
technical training, and where possible,
internships or job placements for
young people.
R20 million
from the Discovery Fund in 2019.
R5 million
for effective healthcare delivery.
R40 million
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and their
members with a customised record in HealthID
for documenting the care provided during the
prenatal and delivery stage. It is supporting their Contribution as part of our
intention to better understand and improve corporate social investment
outcomes for the benefit of mothers and children.
into public health through the
The division is also spearheading initiatives
focused on areas like arthroplasty and bundled
Discovery Fund and Discovery
fee arrangements for specific procedures Foundation in the 2019
to ensure cost-effective care. Sharing our financial year
understanding, research and insights is a critical
contribution we make in improving healthcare
access and delivery.
1 2 3 4
Deepen the social Ensure our Leverage our capacity Active corporate
impact of our people to support resilient citizenship that
products and management ecosystems. aligns to our
services. strategies address ❚ Support national
❚ Leverage product
broader social objectives to enhance ❚ Operate an ethical
design and innovation concerns. market sustainability. and compliant
to drive social good. ❚ Enhance systems that ❚ Reduce the cost of business.
❚ Scale our businesses to support inclusivity healthcare and the burden ❚ Leverage models,
achieve greater impact. on public healthcare capabilities and skilled
❚ Develop talent to
infrastructure. employees to support
support business
growth. social innovation.
embedded in product design.
7 597
labour policies, to environmental issues.
stakeholders, and so provide insight
into opportunities to extend ethical
business practice to enhance the
Incidents reported to sustainability of our organisation.
the ethics hotline
BREACHES OF CUSTOMER Ethical data use and data protection
PRIVACY AND LOSSES OF With rapid advances in technology and big data, we are revising our approach to
CUSTOMER DATA DURING data management and the ethical use of data. Through the Ethics Office, we have
THE YEAR set a challenge to test that we are always ahead of what is merely legal and
compliant – we must be in step with what is ethical and in the best interest
of the collective.
The Ethics Office will also provide an advisory role on megatrends that may
impact the Group, including the ethical implications of artificial intelligence,
machine learning and robotics. With the increasing pace of advancement in these
fields, a more proactive approach to ethics is crucial in protecting the interests of
our clients and remaining true to our values.
Developing talent to
support our strategy >R82
Our Learning and Leadership team shapes leadership and
External learning and
capability development across Discovery, which ultimately
impacts performance and organisational culture over time. development spend
2 564
New employees added in 2019 (representing
of youth unemployment in South
Africa, Discovery is participating in
the Youth Employment Service
(YES) initiative which was officially
a new hire rate of 24.7%) launched by President Cyril
Ramaphosa in March 2018.
Between October 2018 and June
2019, 517 jobs have been created
in support of the YES campaign,
with 12 within Discovery and 505
Employee turnover (2018: 14.28%) with our partners. To support the
success of these new entrants to
the world of work, Learning and
As a measure across our South Africa Leadership is working with the CSI
operations, turnover includes team to develop an informal
mentorship programme.
Discovery’s large call centre operations
as part of Discovery Health, and shifting
business priorities.
1 2 3
We are implementing an efficient digital platform for data monitoring
in South Africa, supporting accurate tracking, monitoring and reporting
across all emission sources.
* The slight decline in energy consumption is due to the new digital platform employed to monitor this consumption.
** Includes scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.