Sustainable Development Report-2019

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Discovery Group CEO, Adrian Gore
Discovery’s purpose is to Discovery’s revised Group strategy, Ambition 2023,
provides a stretch goal to achieve greater scale
make people healthier and impact at a global level, and key to this is being
and enhance and protect a powerful force for social good. Through the
Vitality Shared-Value business model and platform,
their lives. The health and Discovery – along with its global partners – is
wellbeing of our members, changing the way consumers experience financial
stakeholders and other services. What was once a grudge purchase based
on pre-existing risk is now a dynamic and rewarding
constituents is part of our partnership that encourages healthy behaviour.
DNA and inseparable from Vitality operates an economy of behavioural change,
where the currency is healthy choice and the
our business model. Since interests of client, insurer and society are aligned.
Discovery’s inception
The Group continues to innovate as we expand into
in 1992, every product new and adjacent industries (most recently banking)
and service across the and into new markets, extending the impact of
business has been built shared value. Our purpose, values and model
ensure that as we scale, our people remain focused
on the foundation of our on being a powerful force for social good. As part
Shared-Value business of this, in partnership with our Vitality network
of insurers, we have made a bold public pledge
model, which has to transform global health by making:
sustainable development
at its core as it intersects
with the needs of our
clients, communities
100 million
and nation. people
20% more active by 2025

It is a commitment to a social cause that is bigger than any individual organisation –

it encompasses partnerships across sectors and nations that make people healthier on
a global scale. It also stands as testament to a long-held belief – that if we take
care of purpose, profits will follow.

Discovery has been a signatory to the United

Nations Global Compact since 2015 and continues
to uphold these principles as part of being a
responsible corporate citizen.



THE DISCOVERY This summary report is extracted from our full 2019
2019 SUSTAINABLE Sustainable Development Report, hosted online at
DEVELOPMENT REPORT We encourage stakeholders to access the online report for
a full overview of our performance and progress in 2019.
HAS DELIVERED ON ITS Material matters have defined the content included in
the 2019 Sustainable Development Report. These were
COMMITMENT TO BE A determined through interviews with executives and
POWERFUL FORCE FOR specialist teams across the South African and United
SOCIAL GOOD FOR OUR Kingdom businesses on stakeholder concerns, key risks
and management focus for the 2019 financial year. The
relevant material matters and issues are included for
AND SOCIETY. each of the four performance areas in this summary
report, with a full listing available in the online report.

The online report also provides links to supporting information

and related reports, including our:
Non-financial information and data ❚❚ Value-added statement – which provides a snapshot of
included in our Sustainable Development revenue generated by the Group in 2019 and how this wealth
Report relates primarily to South Africa- was distributed among our stakeholders
based business units, which account for ❚❚ Full B-BBEE certificate – our audited verification certificate
the majority of our revenue and confirming our contributor and recognition level, along with
employees. We also include commentary our performance against the pillars
on specific initiatives in the United ❚❚ And relevant links to the 2019 Integrated Annual Report.
Kingdom through Vitality UK.


About our business
Discovery Limited is a South African-founded financial services
organisation that operates in the healthcare, life assurance, short-term
insurance, savings and investments, banking, and wellness markets.

Established in 1992, Discovery is guided by a clear

purpose – to make people healthier and to enhance
and protect their lives. Our core purpose has
manifested in a globally relevant Shared-Value business
model, with Vitality at the centre, which creates value
for our businesses, clients and society.

Discovery impacts 25.7 million lives

globally and 11.2 million lives on Vitality
across all markets. We apply our Shared-
Value business model in 20 countries,
leveraging the expertise of over
12 950 employees globally.




• Discovery enters top 100 rating
• Listed as the world’s second strongest insurance brand based on
brand strength


• Discovery Health Medical Scheme received the Grand Prix award as the
2018 Overall Favourite Brand in the Business category and awarded first
place in the medical aid category for the ninth consecutive year
• Discovery Insure as favourite customer brand in short-term insurance


• 9th most valuable brand in South Africa


Revising our approach to
Discovery’s Sustainable Development We believe the revised strategy
team is revising the Group sustainability will enhance Discovery’s approach
strategy to have a more direct link to to sustainable development and
the outcomes of Discovery’s Shared- become the pressure test of the
Value business model and Ambition extent to which the core business
2023. The new sustainability strategy strategy is driving measurable social
will be submitted to the Social and value. It will represent an evolution
Ethics Committee of the Board for final to a more quantifiable, and business-
approval towards the end of 2019 and driven strategy that reflects the
we will report against this strategy in the interconnection between shared
2020 sustainable development report. value and sustainability.

Our 2019 Sustainable Development Report represents a transition

between the previous and revised strategy. In this report, we disclose
our performance against the four performance areas included last year:

Healthy and responsible

products and services p 07

Healthy and productive

workforces p 14

Healthy and prosperous

communities p 18

Healthy and inclusive

organisation p 26


Our material matters
Discovery has defined material sustainability matters for this report as those matters that will substantively impact
a stakeholder’s evaluation of Discovery as a powerful force for social good.

The material matters were determined through interviews with executives and specialist teams across the South African
and United Kingdom businesses on stakeholder concerns, key risks and management focus for the 2019 financial year.
As a synthesis of the concerns of Discovery’s leadership and those of key stakeholders, material matters inform and describe
strategic decisions in relation to the needs and perspectives of key stakeholders.

The material matters have defined the content to be included in this report. We are committed to maturing the materiality
determination process over time to provide a robust framework for our sustainability and annual integrated reporting.

1. Deepen the social

❚❚ Leverage product design and innovation to drive social good.
–– Increase access to healthcare coverage and financial services.
impact of our
–– Harness technology to measure and reward healthy behaviours.
products and
–– Drive healthy financial behaviours, increase resilience and reduce risk.
services. –– Enhance client partnerships through innovative guided engagement using technology.
–– Support healthier businesses that support healthier economies.

❚❚ Scale our businesses to achieve greater impact.

–– Harness partnerships to achieve the goals of Ambition 2023.
–– Product innovations and development to broaden reach, including to lower-income groups
and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
–– Focus on leadership and critical skills development.
–– Leverage technology as a platform for growth.

2. Ensure our people

❚❚ Enhance systems that support diversity, equity and inclusivity.
–– Offer all employees a consistent and incredible experience.
–– Remove bias from the recruitment process.
strategies address
–– Link management incentives to employment equity performance.
broader social –– Provide leadership programmes that drive greater social awareness.
concerns. –– Educate the organisation on disability.

❚❚ Develop talent to support business growth.

–– Develop a pipeline of leaders and critical skills, guided by employment equity.
–– Change the leadership and learning framework to fast-track the development of required
skills and support a culture of continuous learning.
–– Harness opportunities and managing risks inherent in the digital revolution.
–– Support the national YES initiative.

3. Leverage our
❚❚ Support national objectives to enhance market sustainability.
–– Increase healthcare capability and skill to improve the healthcare system.
capacity to
–– Support economic productivity through healthier workforces.
support resilient
–– Target our procurement spend and enterprise and supplier development initiatives.
ecosystems. –– Maintain constructive and collaborative relationships with government and regulators.

❚❚ Reduce the cost of healthcare and the burden on public healthcare infrastructure.
–– Leverage the proven ability of behaviour-based incentives to increase health outcomes.
–– Remove fraud and waste from the healthcare system.
–– Protect the principle of social solidarity by balancing the needs of individuals and the
collective in healthcare insurance risk pools.
–– Provide advocacy and education to key stakeholders on policy development and outcomes-
based healthcare delivery models.

4. Active corporate
❚❚ Operate an ethical and compliant business.
–– Expand the role of ethics management.
citizenship that
–– Focus on the ethical use of data.
aligns to our
–– Cooperate with regulators and ensure strong internal processes on compliance and
values. Treating Customers Fairly outcomes.

❚❚ Leverage models, capabilities and skilled employees to support social innovation.

–– Targeted support for vulnerable communities.
–– Leverage the goodwill and skills of our employees through volunteering.
–– Document and leverage working models to ensure inclusivity and drive healthier
–– Enhance CSI governance structures and improve strategic alignment between projects
and business.

❚❚ Manage electricity and water consumption.

–– Implement efficient data monitoring systems for environmental reporting.
–– Raise environmental awareness among employees.
–– Focus on energy and water efficiency.


Shared value and
sustainable development
Operationalised through Vitality, Our network of reward and retail partners is
Discovery’s Shared-Value business critical to the success of the model, and these
model not only creates a virtuous partners share in value creation through
increased revenue, improved customer loyalty
cycle of value-creation, it depends
and exposure to a broader customer base.
on it for its own sustainability.
The value that is created is shared And our impact extends to communities, nations
with our members, as well as and society broadly, in linking our product lines
shared more broadly beyond to our purpose to make people healthier and
the insurance environment. enhance and protect their lives.

Life Health Motor
term Banking
insurance insurance insurance

As a catalyst for Improve their health Improve their driving by Save for longer, Achieve lower rates on
behaviour change, by providing better providing better value practice responsible borrowing, higher rates on
we incentivise and value and improved and improved price and financial behaviour saving, along with better
reward our price and benefits. benefits. and live a healthy financial management to
members to: lifestyle. generate greater wealth

Sustaining our Healthy behaviours Improved driving Better financial Improved financial
business supporting: behaviours behaviours behaviours supporting:
Lower claims supporting: supporting:
This supports ❚
❚ Spending through the
Discovery, our ❚ Higher margins ❚ Less vehicle ❚ Greater funds bank
partners and ❚ Positive selection accidents and lower ❚ Longer investment ❚ Lower defaults
networks through: and lower lapses claims ❚ Better persistency ❚ Reduced lapses
❚ Higher margins ❚ Lower withdrawals ❚ Greater margins and
❚ Positive selection profits
and lower lapses

Sustaining society ❚❚ A healthier society ❚❚ Nation of better ❚❚ Stronger savings ❚❚ Reduced reliance on
❚❚ Improved drivers culture the state in retirement
Savings and
productivity ❚❚ Less road deaths ❚❚ Lower pension ❚❚ Greater national
❚❚ Reduced and injuries reliance on the investment levels
behaviours have a
healthcare burden ❚❚ Less Road Accident state and family ❚❚ Reduced bad financial
positive societal
Fund claims ❚❚ Better client habits
impact through: outcomes

… which leads to a virtuous cycle of shared value.

Discovery’s social impact then increases with each life and its community that
we add globally, which is sustainable shared value in action.


Encouraging behaviours that promote better
health, safer driving and financial wellbeing

Related material matters and issues

1 2 3 4

Deepen the social Ensure our Leverage our capacity Active corporate
impact of our people to support resilient citizenship that
products and management ecosystems. aligns to our
services. strategies address ❚ Support national
❚ Leverage product
broader social objectives to enhance ❚ Operate an ethical
design and innovation concerns. market sustainability. and compliant
to drive social good. ❚ Enhance systems that ❚ Reduce the cost of business.
❚ Scale our businesses to support inclusivity healthcare and the burden ❚ Leverage models,
achieve greater impact. on public healthcare capabilities and skilled
❚ Develop talent to
infrastructure. employees to support
support business
growth. social innovation.


Healthy and responsible products and services

Deepening the social value

of our products
Our core markets of South Africa and the United Kingdom have led the way in
deepening social value. In South Africa, we are using our unique approach to healthcare
insurance to provide products that protect and enhance the lives of people across the
socio-economic spectrum, including young people. This is helping to make healthcare
accessible to a broader market and further alleviating the burden on public healthcare.

Discovery Health’s strategic objective to Discovery KeyCare, an affordable Vitality Move brings our
become the lowest cost administrator, medical aid option, is combined with leading Vitality programme
with ongoing investment in technologies KeyFit to give access to wellness to the mass market.
to optimise operational efficiency and facilities, incentives and tools to
service levels. This not only supports encourage healthier behaviour.
better business and member satisfaction,
but lowers costs.
17 315 KeyFit members
3 483 468 total lives covered
across open and closed schemes Discovery PrimaryCare is a unique healthcare product
(at 28 June 2019) that enables employers to provide employees and their
families with affordable quality private healthcare and
In Discovery Health Medical Scheme wellness management at a cost that is acceptable to
(DHMS) members pay an average of employees at all income levels.
16.5% less than they would at the next
eight largest open schemes. 46 772 PrimaryCare members (at 28 June 2019)

We announced Discovery Bank in November 2018 Through Vitality One, we are increasing the positive
with a broad target market across all segments. behavioural impacts of the Vitality programme
Irrespective of income level, healthier financial globally. Our Vitality One platform is a globally
behaviour will benefit clients through higher interest unified systems architecture that markets can
rates on savings and positive balances as well as access, allowing rapid and economical deployment
lower rates on credit. to our partners.

Donated by members to
In a world where obesity The Vitality Active Rewards
various causes since the
and chronic lifestyle programme incentivises
launch of MoveToGive
diseases are becoming members to stay active
in 2015
increasingly prevalent, we’re every day. And through it,
developing creative and Discovery is now linking
mutually beneficial ways to healthy behaviour with
promote good health. philanthropy to raise
MoveToGive significant funds for various
charities. This is enabled by
crowd-sourcing Active Rewards, where
kindness members can choose to
donate their rewards to a
specific cause through
Over MoveToGive campaigns.

400 000
positively impacted
in South Africa and
neighbouring countries


Healthy and responsible products and services

Promoting better health

The world’s largest, verified
physical activity study on
incentives and physical activity
The Vitality Group commissioned an independent
large-scale population study that tracked 422 643
Vitality members from 2015 to 2018 in South Africa,
the United Kingdom and the United States. It
compared the activity levels of member on Active
Rewards with members on Active Rewards with the
Extending the possibilities
Apple Watch benefit (introduced in 2016) to of rewards
understand if the added benefit enhances physical
The launch of the new Vitality Active Rewards
activity. And importantly, it examined whether these
platform in November 2018 continues to enable
associations persist over time.
Discovery’s ability to engage regularly with our
The results were conclusive. The uptake of members, and has increased Vitality’s reward
the loss-framed Vitality Active rewards with offerings, including new partners, various reward
levels for MoveToGive, and the extension of the Vitality
apple watch benefit saw an average 34%
programme to the South African public through
increase of tracked activity days per month,
Vitality Open.
leading to an additional 4.8 activity days per
month. Along with the overall increase in The Vitality Open was a 10-week campaign that was
activity levels was an increase in more available to all South Africans with a smartphone to
heighten awareness about the benefits of physical
intense exercise events.
activity and safer driving.
The study found higher levels of intensive activity,
persisting over time (measured over the 24 months
repayment period of the Apple Watch). This means Over
that these members should enjoy health benefits
such as greater cardiorespiratory fitness,
improvements in blood pressure and cholesterol,
550 000
South Africans participated
and reduced healthcare costs.

increase in physical activity across new
participants and 29% of new participants
improved their driving behaviour substantially


50 million
Vitality Reward Points paid out through the
Vitality Open

Considering that exercise for three days a week or

more is linked to a 33% reduction in mortality, Vitality
Open demonstrated shared-value in action. The
“This landmark study contributes to a Vitality Open generated great excitement with our
partners and strong media interest, extending
deeper understanding of how people awareness on the benefits of healthy behaviours.
can be incentivised to live fitter and
healthier lives. The significance for
individuals, the insurance industry
and wider society is profound.”
Adrian Gore, Discovery Group CEO


Healthy and responsible products and services

Promoting better health continued

Turning the tide against

non-communicable diseases
Vitality’s emphasis on moving more
and eating healthily is part of a journey
to involve as many South Africans as
possible in combatting non-communicable
diseases. Vitality Move, launched in 2017,
provides affordable access to Vitality rewards
and discounts with selected partners, and
we continue to refine the offering to drive
engagement and improved health outcomes
for our clients. Part of this is in reducing all
activation fees, including at gyms to
increase access.

We performed over 350 000 Vitality Health Checks in

our 2019 financial year through accredited Vitality
Wellness Centres, pharmacies in the Vitality Wellness
Network, at Discovery Wellness Days or at Discovery
Stores. We are working to reduce the costs and scale up
the number of Health Checks, with an aim of achieving
one million Vitality Health checks per year by 2020.

Leveraging ❚❚ Discovery mobile app enhanced with the ‘find a healthcare provider’
function – which allows Discovery members to find general
technology in practitioners, medical specialists, hospitals or pharmacies, along with
healthcare tips, details on cover through Discovery, and address and contact
Technology is a key enabler
for us to broaden access and
❚❚ Vitality introduced in-app health management for at-risk members –
provide more cost-effective with personalised nutrition, preventative screening, weight
and affordable healthcare. In management and the medicine tracker.
the world of our members,
❚❚ Available through the Discovery app or website, DrConnect gives
our focus on innovation and
participating medical scheme members access to a growing library of
technology provides more
DrConnect over five billion doctor-created answers to common medical questions.
seamless interaction with key
Members can also conduct a virtual consultation with a doctor in the
healthcare touchpoints and
network using voice, text or video.
information sources for a
more empowered healthcare ❚❚ Using Discovery HealthID, patients can share important information
consumer. with their healthcare professionals to give a more complete view of
their health history and test results. This improves patient care and
reduces the likelihood of serious medical errors, and duplicate or
unnecessary pathology tests.

Discovery is also a founding member of the Health Information Exchange initiative,

called CareConnect. This initiative aims to securely provide health information sharing
services to enhance healthcare consumer engagement and experience, as well as lower
healthcare costs for all South Africans.


Healthy and responsible products and services

Promoting better health continued

Engaging with healthcare partners to

develop a sustainable ecosystem
Discovery Health’s updated vision To enhance clinical quality
statement is “to be a powerful (through lower risk of hospital-
force for social good by partnering acquired infections) and decrease
with health professionals and all healthcare costs, Discovery Health
other healthcare providers to is driving greater use of day
provide universal coverage within theatres for certain procedures,
a sustainable public and private which is consistent with
healthcare system.” international trends. We continue
to work in partnership with key
We continue to identify healthcare
stakeholders to balance
providers who are delivering
healthcare costs, quality and
exceptional care and rewarding
patient care.
them with positive recognition
through the Patient Survey We provide specialised
Score (PaSS). This incentivises programmes to help members
further improvement on the part and their physicians to actively
of hospitals for the benefit of manage and navigate care for
all patients, including Discovery specific conditions, including
members. cancers, HIV, kidney disease,
cardiovascular disease and
depression. These programmes

77 962
support the coordination of care
across all stakeholders in a
complex healthcare delivery chain, Increasing
Cumulative views ultimately providing more
since PaSS was cost-effective care.
support for
launched in 2015 mental health
In conjunction with increasing
awareness in the UK on mental
health issues and backlogs in
treatment in the National Health
Service (NHS), VitalityHealth is
contributing to both a deeper
understanding of the issue and
providing new treatment pathways
for its members. A new pillar in the
Vitality Wellness programme called
Healthy Mind, launched in
August 2018, includes interventions
such as mindfulness and
mediation, which are tracked
through mobile apps. We continue
to promote physical activity as part
of a set of interventions that can
support good mental health.

We are assessing our global

approach to mental health,
including mental health
assessments, expanded or
dedicated mental health products,
and a greater focus on assessing
and promoting the complementary
benefits of physical health and
mental health in overall wellbeing.


Healthy and responsible products and services

Incentivising safer
Better drivers mean fewer accidents and safer journeys for our clients and
others on South Africa’s roads. Discovery’s commitment to “reduce harm on
our roads through improved driving behaviour” is driven by monitoring and
incentivising adherence to good driving behaviour.

We continue to see positive impacts with the frequency and seriousness of

accident claims being lower for those with a higher Vitality Drive status.

The technology and data also supports other safety features, like alerting you when we detect that it's not you driving the
car and detecting if you've had a collision to proactively send emergency services.

Taking benefits into commercial operations

Discovery Insure’s commercial business, In updating our objectives for Ambition 2023, Discovery Insure
Discovery Business Insure, is extending aims to create a nation of great drivers and build better
our insights on incentivising good driving businesses. We directly support South Africa’s National
behaviour into commercial operations. We Development Plan by focusing on key road safety initiatives –
monitor driver behaviour to help these Safe Travel to School (discussed in the section: Healthy and
clients reduce accidents and claims, and prosperous communities) and SEE ME (a campaign launched in
manage their fleets. February 2019 to make school children more visible on our roads
using reflective gear).


Healthy and responsible products and services

Healthier Supporting
businesses financial wellbeing
for healthier To close the retirement funding gap and help our members
achieve financial independence, Discovery Invest rewards

economies heathy financial behaviour by encouraging our members to

save more, save earlier, retire later and drawdown as little as
possible during retirement. Integrated across other
products, we give our members bonuses on their
Businesses today face a range of investments if they live healthier and drive better, and
constantly evolving, complex and through Vitality Money, manage their finances better.
often intangible risks driven by the Essentially, we help our members earn additional returns,
pace of technological change. beyond market performance, just by living well.

Discovery Business Insurance is focused In 2018, we rolled out an Umbrella Fund product line to
on building better and healthier corporates, extending shared-value investment impact to
businesses. We offer clients unique corporate clients and their employees.
benefits across property, accident, motor
Discovery Invest has seen significant behavioural
and other business liability claims, built on
the premise that businesses with good
change in clients since introducing products that
financial performance and successful reward them for making sound financial and
operations have a lower insurance risk. health decisions. On average, clients are investing
We provide powerful incentives and two years earlier, improving their Vitality status
benefits to businesses to help them grow, and in turn their health, and reducing their yearly
reduce their insurance costs and manage retirement income drawdown rates by more
their risks. than 2%. The impact of this positive behaviour
Healthier businesses also benefit South change is substantial, resulting in clients receiving
Africa as a whole as they contribute to approximately 50% more in their fund value in
higher economic growth and employment. retirement.
Discovery Business Insurance caters for
small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Our
product innovations are focused on
delivering shared value to this vital

Rewarding a
segment of the market, which is key to
supporting economic growth and activity
in South Africa.

Discovery and Endeavor South Africa (a

non-profit organisation with 20 years of
healthy lifestyle
global experience in supporting high-
impact entrepreneurs) have co-developed Discovery Life has shifted the focus of life
a diagnostic tool for clients to assess the insurance to reward clients for living a healthy
health of their business. It is based on a lifestyle, rather than just paying out in the case of
global benchmark of key indicators for a life-changing event.
business success, and provides actionable
insights and recommendations for SMEs. We understand that insurance products can be complicated
We support positive change by providing and clients can be left wondering what they need to
preferential rates from a collection of disclose and what their policies actually cover. As a result,
world-class service providers, such as Discovery Life has simplified our application form to be very
cybersecurity solutions and talent and clear about our cover and benefits, and what exactly needs
skills development programmes. to be disclosed to ensure the benefits are realised in the
event of a claim.

Discovery Life’s innovative Global Education Protector is not

only protecting members’ children at every stage of their
education, but also funding up to 100% of their tertiary
education, even if no claim is made by simply leading a
healthy lifestyle. This way, Discovery Life makes access to
higher education possible, even if there is a life-changing
event for a family. The product was recognised globally
for its innovations and received the runner-up prize in
the disruptive product or service category at the
Efma-Accenture Inovation in Insurance awards 2018.
Employee wellbeing as the bedrock of
better business

Related material matters and issues

1 2 3 4

Deepen the social Ensure our Leverage our capacity Active corporate
impact of our people to support resilient citizenship that
products and management ecosystems. aligns to our
services. strategies address ❚ Support national
❚ Leverage product
broader social objectives to enhance ❚ Operate an ethical
design and innovation concerns. market sustainability. and compliant
to drive social good. ❚ Enhance systems that ❚ Reduce the cost of business.
❚ Scale our businesses to support inclusivity healthcare and the burden ❚ Leverage models,
achieve greater impact. on public healthcare capabilities and skilled
❚ Develop talent to
infrastructure. employees to support
support business
growth. social innovation.


Healthy and productive workforces

Assisting our clients to

broaden access to healthcare
and wellbeing
Discovery launched Healthy
Company in August 2018 to
provide employers with a proactive
corporate wellness programme to
support their employees on their
wellness journey. With a strong
emphasis on preventive measures,
early health and wellness screenings
give employees information on their
wellness status and help employers
understand the overall health profile
of their workforce.

We also launched the Healthy

Company app to leverage our
cutting-edge technology platform to
provide employees with easy access
to all the tools, assessments,
educational content and guidance
they may need when navigating
life’s challenges.

Discovery PrimaryCare is a
unique healthcare product that
enables employers to provide their
employees and their families with
affordable quality private healthcare
and wellness management.
Considering the strong interest
shown by employers and the rapid
growth to just over 45 000 lives
in three years, it is evident that
Discovery PrimaryCare is meeting an
important business and social need.


Healthy and productive workforces

Assisting our clients to broaden access to healthcare and wellbeing continued

In the United Kingdom,

VitalityHealth partnered with
“Enabling workers at all levels in an
Nuffield Health in September organisation to be healthy, both mentally
2017 to launch a new
proposition that provides large
and physically, and to have a sense of
employers with a stand-alone wellbeing, is essential to achieving
health and engagement solution
for their entire workforce. The
employee engagement and increased
Vitality Healthy Workplace productivity. Vitality Healthy Workplace
offering takes a holistic
approach to employee health,
has the potential to benefit the employee
providing a range of tools to and their family, the employer, and the
help employers understand the
physical and mental wellbeing
needs of their employees to Professor Dame Carol Black, Chair of Vitality Healthy Workplace
drive improvement. and an expert in workplace health

In addition, VitalityHealth has recently launched Vitality Essentials,

which extends the Vitality Wellness programme on a stand-alone basis
to medically uninsured employees in companies that have insured
their management team with VitalityHealth. Providing cost-effective
solutions is key to overcome the barrier to entry for SMEs to
participate in wellness initiatives.

Our Vitality Health at Work We currently have 76

team assists our clients to drive Champions participating, who
greater awareness and are key to extending the
participation in health and network of health and wellbeing
wellbeing initiatives with interventions. Our Performance
employees. They have Champs initiative targets senior
introduced the Champions and executive management
programme, where staff clients, and coaches them on
volunteer to become champions the links between lifestyle,
and receive training. physiology and work


Healthy and productive workforces

Embedding health and

wellness into our place of work
Our employees’ wellbeing is vital to
our success as a company, and
we believe this also contributes to
healthier and happier families and
communities beyond the office.
In August 2018, Discovery Company benefit and an on-site
rolled out Healthy Company
to our own workforce. We
doctor. We have introduced
member-based research ratings Britain’s Healthiest
take a proactive approach to
managing each employee’s
to ensure that employees
continue to receive world class
Workplace study
personal risk profile with a services at our onsite clinics. Understanding employee
view to achieve organisational
and individual impact, led by
In strengthening our focus on health and productivity
holistic employee wellbeing, we
data-driven insights that drive
have expanded our employee
refinements to our
wellness strategy, with Healthy
programmes internally and
Company services available to Britain’s Healthiest Workplace is an annual
with our clients.
employees, their immediate study funded and developed by VitalityHealth
All employees in all regions families and those who are and delivered in partnership with the
have access to Healthy financially dependent on them. University of Cambridge, RAND Europe and
Mercer, with the Financial Times as our media
partner. In its sixth year, it looked at a number
of lifestyle, mental wellbeing, clinical risk and
productivity factors among 26 432 employees,
together with a broad view of leadership and
cultural dimensions and organisational
policies, practices and facilities that could
directly impact on employee health, across
129 companies.

In linking modifiable health risks and

short-term productivity, Britain’s Healthiest
Workplace is helping develop a common
understanding of what employee health and
wellbeing means, and establishing a common
set of standards that can be applied in all

The results show that the average UK

employee loses 35.6 days of productive time
each year, up from 27.5 days in 2017,
including a rise in presenteeism.

Employees with increased financial concerns

In conjunction with a national focus on mental health in were also shown to be losing more than twice
the UK, Vitality UK have trained over 70 mental health as much productivity.
champions at Vitality who perform a triage role by
recognising the signs of mental health distress and The findings demonstrate that employee
facilitating access to formal interventions offered by health is an issue which cannot be ignored,
mental health professionals. We are also providing especially as health-related lost productivity is
mental health awareness training to all managers. costing the UK economy an estimated
£81 billion per year.
We have partnered with Salary Finance, an organisation
that has won global awards for its socially responsible
approach to debt consolidation and management, to
support employees experiencing financial difficulties.


Acting as a force for good in the networks
that surround our business

Related material matters and issues

1 2 3 4

Deepen the social Ensure our Leverage our Active corporate

impact of our people capacity to citizenship that
products and management support resilient aligns to our
services. strategies address ecosystems. values.
❚ Scale our businesses
broader social ❚ Support national ❚ Operate an ethical
to achieve greater concerns. objectives to enhance and compliant
impact. ❚ Enhance systems that market sustainability. business.
support inclusivity ❚ Leverage models,
❚ Develop talent to capabilities and skilled
support business employees to support
growth. social innovation.


Healthy and prosperous communities

Supporting South Africa’s

Being a powerful force for social good finds expression through our Shared-
Value business model in the products and services we provide globally. But
it also situates Discovery locally, in each community and network where we
operate. The sustainability of our business requires real engagement with the
challenges that face South Africa.

“Core to our history, values and success to date has

been pride in our country and a commitment to
playing a nation-building role. Central to this optimism
is embracing transformation at all levels, which is vital
to the country’s progress, and to creating an
economically inclusive future for all.
We see transformation as an ongoing
journey – and it remains a critical
and relentless focus for us.”
Adrian Gore, Discovery Group CEO

With the structural and socio-economic imbalances

that continue to characterise South African society,
progress on transformation remains a moral
imperative for Discovery. Our progress in
transformation and contribution to employment
growth has real impact, given our continued
growth in South Africa and globally.

A road map is being

We are currently developed to achieve this

level 2 ambitious target,

overseen by the Group
as measured against the Head of Organisational
broad-based black economic Development and
empowerment (B-BBEE) Transformation with final
scorecard.* approval by Social and
Ethics Committee.

* The difference of the B-BBEE level on the 2019 Integrated Annual Report (IAR),
is due to the B-BBEE certificate being re-issued as a B-BBEEE level 2 post
the IAR being published and printed.


Healthy and prosperous communities

Building and
broadening our
supply chain
To support the growth of black-owned
businesses in South Africa, Discovery
provides financial support (in the form
of loans and grants) and non-financial
support (in the form of training and
mentorship opportunities) to selected
enterprise and supplier development (ESD)

Just over

R115 million
Current ESD loan book

R12 million
Grants provided in 2019, supporting
23 independent entrepreneurs

Target achieved
For enterprise and supplier development
(as set by the Financial Sector Code)

We work with enterprises where we see the potential

for them to become successful businesses with a
sustainable market, with business development
support provided beyond funding where required. We
also coordinate closely with the procurement team to
identify and ensure that we are supporting suppliers
that are strategic to Discovery’s business.


Healthy and prosperous communities

Driving preferential procurement to

support emerging businesses
Our objective to support black Amendments to the B-BBEE
youth-owned business is about Codes of Good Practice in 2018
much more than the B-BBEE have had an adverse impact on
scorecard, it is about nation the levels of some of our
building and leveraging our suppliers. Discovery is a
success to improve the strategic partner in establishing
ecosystems where we have Mohau Equity Partners, a
influence. Support includes strategic long-term investor and
identifying suitable companies 100% black women-owned
and facilitating access within business supported by funding
Discovery’s federated model to from Discovery. Our objective is
give them greater exposure and for Mohau to identify
broaden their networks across entrenched and strategic
the organisation. We also suppliers within Discovery that
engage closely with existing require support in improving
suppliers to improve their their B-BBEE profile.
B-BBEE ratings.


R1.37 24.3%
Proportion of our

Procurement spend
total procurement
spend on black-owned million
Procurement spend on black
on black-owned women-owned enterprises.

Discovery is a proud shareholder of the

R1.4 billion SA SME Fund, a private
sector led initiative born out of the CEO
Initiative to stimulate the economy and
create jobs. The Fund focuses on
building entrepreneurs and SMEs, and Discovery
on investing in and growing the venture
committed an initial
capital industry in South Africa. This
investment to the
support is critical for stimulating the
dynamism and innovation of our SA SME Fund.


Healthy and prosperous communities

Supporting and developing

community networks
Our CSI philosophy is embedded in the overall business
philosophy of being a pioneering and leading global
business that implicitly transforms financial services.
We are focused on ensuring that the social development
models used in our initiatives and by our partners are
measurable, replicable, scalable and inclusive.
Harnessing the power
of an emerging
network of leaders as
a force for social good
The Discovery Foundation disburses
grants to address the shortage of
healthcare resources through training
medical specialists, developing
academic medicine and research
centres, and increasing the number of
sub-specialists to adequately meet the
country’s healthcare needs.

In the 2019 financial year, 92% of

academic and sub-specialists awards
were awarded to black beneficiaries in
terms of the B-BBEE definition.

Through the Discovery Foundation,

we have supported training of

Supporting our
321 healthcare
employees in their We have set a 70% employee specialists
to the value of
quest to volunteer engagement target for
for good 2019 to 2023 R230 million
since inception in 2006
Discovery’s employee volunteer
programme demonstrates that our As a cumulative target, we In excess of
purpose lives in the actions of our
people. Given the wide range of
are already showing good
progress, with 27% up to the
R19 million
2019 Discovery Foundation spend on
skills across Discovery, we work
with communities to understand end of June 2019 the awards programme
(2018: over 21 million)
their real needs and match these to
the skills and resources volunteered
by Discovery’s people. Over
Discovery|CoJ Business Centre launched its
For example, in our flagship Orange business hub serving Orange Farm. Through
its incubator programme, we continue to
R27 million
Spent directly on providing 42 doctors
Farm partnership, our leadership
development team provided a provide business support, training and with specialist training
leadership programme for school mentorship to entrepreneurs from the area. (2018: 16.3 million spent on 52 doctors)
principals. A key requirement for The long-term goal is to provide a benchmark
our interventions is that they are Approximately
and documented model for the City to
identified and requested by
the relevant stakeholders in
replicate in other similar programmes.
R11.1 million
Grants awarded to 14 institutions
these communities. Also in Orange Farm, the Discovery CoJ
(2018: 7.7 million grants awarded
Technical Skills Centre continues to provide
to 11 institutions)
technical training, and where possible,
internships or job placements for
young people.


Healthy and prosperous communities

Supporting and developing community networks continued

Funding programmes to improve the lives of

vulnerable communities
The Discovery Fund strengthens and improves health systems by developing human
capital and skills, as well as primary healthcare service delivery. It also provides support to
health policy, advocacy and infrastructure programmes. Focus areas include maternal and
child health, HIV and AIDS, and tuberculosis.

The Discovery Fund is funding and actively

involved in key programmes, including:

Discovery Insure’s Safe Travel to School

programme. Implemented by the Discovery
Fund and our partner Childsafe, it currently
transports approximately 18 000 children to
school every day using over 800 drivers on
the programme

Hlokomela, an innovative HIV and Aids

educational and treatment programme
that supports farmworker communities
across almost 100 farms in Limpopo and
Discovery has funded a research project
through HE2R0 (the health economics and
epidemiology research unit at the University
of the Witwatersrand) to investigate funding
and partnership models to extend
Hlokomela’s services into primary healthcare
and extend this model to other farms

Umthombo Youth Development

It identifies, trains and supports rural youth
to become qualified health care
professionals to address the human
resource shortages at rural hospitals. Given We are applying the Social Impact Accelerator
Programme to provide a high-engagement
their success, Umthombo is scaling and
mechanism to better support the Fund’s high-impact,
diversifying its model to include education
long-term and flagship programme partners to scale
by attracting skilled science and maths the impact of their interventions.
teachers to underserved rural areas.
Discovery Fund is also funding important
initiatives in attracting skills and training in
healthcare, including:

❚❚ Africa Health Placements

❚❚ The Breast Health Foundation’s training platform,
36 projects received support worth more than

R20 million
from the Discovery Fund in 2019.


Healthy and prosperous communities

Supporting improved healthcare

delivery in South Africa
Being a force for social good means recognising and actively contributing to the health of South
Africans. Discovery supports efforts to improve healthcare delivery by focusing on access, equity,
efficiency, quality and sustainability. Given our data-led approach to driving improvements in
health, Discovery shares its expertise and insights to support evidence-based decision making
that benefits the healthcare system.

Discovery has stated its commitment to work with

government to support the implementation of
National Health Insurance (NHI) to achieve
universal health coverage. We believe that
cooperation across all sectors in public and
private healthcare are needed to confront the
immense challenges facing South Africa, and Discovery has supported the Public Health
indeed the world at large. As a result, we are Enhancement Fund (PHEF) since its
active stakeholders in providing submissions on inception in 2012. As a forum for the
legislation and engaging with regulators to ensure private health sector to engage with and
the sustainability of our business, the industry strategically support the Minister of Health,
and the broader healthcare ecosystem. the PHEF aims to address challenges facing
the health sector for the collective benefit
of all South Africans.
Discovery has made comprehensive submissions
in response to other major regulatory and policy
developments in 2019 and we continue to engage
through various forums, including Business Unity
South Africa (BUSA) and the Health Funders
Association. It is crucial that we are active
participants in representing the interests of our
members and promoting a workable framework

R5 million
for effective healthcare delivery.

Within our value-based care division, we are

applying our expertise, data and extensive Contribution to the PHEF in 2019
partnerships with healthcare specialists, medical
financial year, with R34.9 million
societies and providers to support the delivery of
quality cost-effective healthcare. We are since 2013
supporting the South African Society of

R40 million
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and their
members with a customised record in HealthID
for documenting the care provided during the
prenatal and delivery stage. It is supporting their Contribution as part of our
intention to better understand and improve corporate social investment
outcomes for the benefit of mothers and children.
into public health through the
The division is also spearheading initiatives
focused on areas like arthroplasty and bundled
Discovery Fund and Discovery
fee arrangements for specific procedures Foundation in the 2019
to ensure cost-effective care. Sharing our financial year
understanding, research and insights is a critical
contribution we make in improving healthcare
access and delivery.


Healthy and prosperous communities

Curbing fraud, waste

and abuse in the
healthcare system
In 2019, Discovery Health’s Our fraud investigation
efforts to curb fraud, processes are objective,
waste and abuse in the impartial and fact-based. They
healthcare system resulted comply fully with applicable
in a substantial R529 million legislation and have been
recovered on behalf of client tested and approved in courts
schemes. These efforts also of law. The entire forensic
prevent additional fraud, investigation process was
waste and abuse, which also audited and tested by an
is key in reducing costs in independent legal firm in 2018
healthcare delivery. to ensure full compliance.

“We have a contractual and ethical duty to

ensure that members’ funds are disbursed
to pay for valid claims only. Without this
rigorous approach, fraud, waste and abuse
depletes the available pool of funds needed
for healthcare treatment for members and
drives up premiums.”
Dr Jonathan Broomberg, CEO of Discovery Health


Driving an ethical and inclusive culture

Related material matters and issues

1 2 3 4

Deepen the social Ensure our Leverage our capacity Active corporate
impact of our people to support resilient citizenship that
products and management ecosystems. aligns to our
services. strategies address ❚ Support national
❚ Leverage product
broader social objectives to enhance ❚ Operate an ethical
design and innovation concerns. market sustainability. and compliant
to drive social good. ❚ Enhance systems that ❚ Reduce the cost of business.
❚ Scale our businesses to support inclusivity healthcare and the burden ❚ Leverage models,
achieve greater impact. on public healthcare capabilities and skilled
❚ Develop talent to
infrastructure. employees to support
support business
growth. social innovation.


Healthy and inclusive organisation

Building a highly ethical

workplace culture
Healthy companies are a combination of their people, purpose,
culture, strategy and systems. We are working to build a culture
that is inclusive and accountable, where our people are valued
and developed, and where ethics consciously informs decision

Ethical issues often extend beyond what

“Ethics is at the heart of is legal or compliant, although there is

often overlap. For example, Discovery
sustainability, as the has strong governance processes to

conscience of an monitor conduct risk and adherence to

Treating Customers Fairly (TCF)
organisation.” regulations. Where internal teams may
be satisfied that a change to a product
Tswelo Kodisang,
or a new product meets TCF regulations
from a financial, legal and business
Chief People Officer
perspective, the Ethics Office is
increasingly performing an important
function in advising on the ethical
implications beyond compliance, so
ensuring that ethics is deeply

embedded in product design.

The Ethics Office’s mandate extends to

Number of international operations where
Discovery has management control. In
employees Vitality Group markets where we do not
attended have management control, we are still
ethics training able to provide input on ethics, on
issues from human rights and child

7 597
labour policies, to environmental issues.

We’ve also partnered with the Gordon

Institute of Business Science (GIBS) to
Number of launch the GIBS Ethics Barometer for
successful online South African business. It will provide
ethics courses a benchmark against participating
completed organisations in measuring ethical
conduct in relation to all our

stakeholders, and so provide insight
into opportunities to extend ethical
business practice to enhance the
Incidents reported to sustainability of our organisation.
the ethics hotline


Healthy and inclusive organisation

Building a highly ethical workplace culture continued

BREACHES OF CUSTOMER Ethical data use and data protection
PRIVACY AND LOSSES OF With rapid advances in technology and big data, we are revising our approach to
CUSTOMER DATA DURING data management and the ethical use of data. Through the Ethics Office, we have
THE YEAR set a challenge to test that we are always ahead of what is merely legal and
compliant – we must be in step with what is ethical and in the best interest
of the collective.

To protect client information, we have robust processes controlling access to

specific systems and databases.

The Ethics Office will also provide an advisory role on megatrends that may
impact the Group, including the ethical implications of artificial intelligence,
machine learning and robotics. With the increasing pace of advancement in these
fields, a more proactive approach to ethics is crucial in protecting the interests of
our clients and remaining true to our values.


Healthy and inclusive organisation

Developing talent to
support our strategy >R82
Our Learning and Leadership team shapes leadership and
External learning and
capability development across Discovery, which ultimately
impacts performance and organisational culture over time. development spend

We are evolving Discovery’s the development of designated

learning capability and developing high potential talent at senior Just over
a strategy to enhance the Learning
and Leadership capability into the
levels in the organisation. From the
lessons learnt about key success R304
future by revising our business factors of mentorship from this
skills curriculum in direct response programme, we are now evolving
to the challenges of the new world the approach to focus on
of work. This requires deep designated talent across all levels Total B-BEE training spend,
development expertise as well in the organisation and allowing us amounting to 74.6% of total
as a good understanding of to build fluency in development training spend
Discovery’s context, and we are planning.
collaborating with experts to
Inspired by our ambition to be
bring an external perspective.
a force for social good, Discovery
extends skills programmes beyond
Attracting the top employees to include their relatives
actuarial talent to and dependents in Grades 10 to 12
Discovery as well as students studying at
South African tertiary education
The Adrian Gore Fellowship, our institutions. This is building
actuarial recruitment programme, a pipeline of talented individuals
selects the top 30 to 40 actuarial who can contribute to South Africa
students nominated by more broadly in the future. In 2018
universities across South Africa. we introduced a bursary scheme to
These candidates complete a support the education of
programme at Discovery, after employees’ identified dependents
which we offer permanent roles in specific income levels, including
to the best performers. The the so-called ‘missing middle’
programme started in 2013 and income group. To date, 90
we still have 47 fellows working employees have made use of the
at Discovery. newly launched scheme to the
Introduced in 2018, our value of R2.4 million.
mentorship programme was
designed to support and accelerate

Developing leadership depth and

managing diverse teams 649
of our employees
Our leadership development and executive development programmes
include specific themes on leading and managing in a fast-changing and completed a leadership
complex world. Guided by Discovery’s strategic focus on being a powerful development course
force for social good, Learning and Leadership is embedding social during the year and, on
relevance into each of the programmes in our leadership curriculum.
We believe that leaders naturally operate across all four levels in
average, each of our
delivering against Discovery’s purpose. employees received
34.56 hours of training.


Healthy and inclusive organisation

Enhancing systems that support

diversity equity and inclusivity
Achieving our transformation goals requires practical
strategies to build an inclusive and nurturing
workplace culture. Data and analytics are providing
insights that support evidence-led interventions and
more equitable decisions by helping us remove bias
from the recruitment system, providing a basis for
fair and equitable remuneration and promotions,
and providing data to enhance approaches in
enterprise development.
Job creation is the greatest lever
We have made strong progress in attracting and retaining the in Broad-Based Black Economic
best black talent as measured against the employment equity Empowerment. With strong
component of our 2016 transformation strategy. We are employment growth at Discovery
developing a new employment equity calculator and setting (with just over 8 000 employees
ambitious targets, with progress measured monthly through added from 2016 to 2019), we
our people dashboard and linked directly to the executive are able to have a meaningful
scorecard. impact on transformation, with
approximately 55% of new jobs
We have included specific training in our leadership
going to African candidates. This
development programmes to raise awareness of the risks of
supports our efforts to better
unconscious bias and the opportunities in promoting diversity
and inclusion across increasingly diverse teams. This is a key
reflect South Africa’s economically
theme in the newly developed foundational leadership active population.
programme, Leading the Discovery Way.

In recognising the urgent challenge

2 564
New employees added in 2019 (representing
of youth unemployment in South
Africa, Discovery is participating in
the Youth Employment Service
(YES) initiative which was officially
a new hire rate of 24.7%) launched by President Cyril
Ramaphosa in March 2018.
Between October 2018 and June

2019, 517 jobs have been created
in support of the YES campaign,
with 12 within Discovery and 505
Employee turnover (2018: 14.28%) with our partners. To support the
success of these new entrants to
the world of work, Learning and
As a measure across our South Africa Leadership is working with the CSI
operations, turnover includes team to develop an informal
mentorship programme.
Discovery’s large call centre operations
as part of Discovery Health, and shifting
business priorities.


Healthy and inclusive organisation

Enhancing systems that support diversity, equity and inclusivity continued

Achieving gender balance in

management level and pay
Discovery recognises the urgency in
achieving a more equitable gender
balance in our workplace, particularly in
senior leadership positions across all our

We continue to place emphasis on

achieving greater female representation
in our succession planning process. Over
the coming year we will conduct detailed
analysis into income differentials which
will guide us towards an organisational

At present 49% and 18% of the

of senior Discovery Board
management (2018: 15%) are
(2018: 49%) women.

In the United Kingdom, we completed an in-depth

analysis on pay which confirmed that we have
slight equal pay for equal work issues; any
differences are accounted for by factors like
experience and qualifications. Our challenge is
also under-representation of women in executive
and senior management positions. To narrow this
gap, we have set an ambitious target to increase
the percentage of senior management roles
filled by women.

Training in diversity, equity and inclusion is

compulsory for all employees, and has been
supplemented by additional learning and
development on unconscious bias for managers.


Healthy and inclusive organisation

Managing our direct

environmental impact
Discovery is committed to responsibly managing its environmental impact and
minimising the use of natural resources in our business.

Our three key environmental objectives are to:

Reduce and monitor Drive behaviour Understand the

our direct change by creating impact of climate
environmental awareness and change on our
footprint educating our business.

1 2 3
We are implementing an efficient digital platform for data monitoring
in South Africa, supporting accurate tracking, monitoring and reporting
across all emission sources.

As significant consumers of power and water, we have designed our

data centres to be as efficient as possible and use energy and water
efficient air-based chillers to augment cooling. We are also decreasing
energy consumption by switching off all non-essential lights at 8pm
each week day and keeping them off over weekends, where possible.

Alongside our environmental awareness campaigns, employees also

contribute ideas on the responsible management of resources.
We also provide home recycling stations for our employees to bring in
and dispose of their household waste. This includes standard recycling
and extends to e-waste and hazardous waste (such as light bulbs, OUR CAMPUSES IS
florescent tubes and batteries). RECYCLED

34 703 503.39 60 437 1 284 140 232

MWh tonnes tonnes CO2 tonnes CO2 kl
Total energy Total weight of waste Greenhouse gas Greenhouse gas emissions Total water withdrawal
consumption* by type and disposal emissions (South Africa) (United Kingdom and from municipal water
(2018: 44 550 MWh) method (South Africa) (2018: 66 905 tonnes CO2)** United States of America) supplies in South Africa
(2018: 751 tonnes) (2018: 1 302 tonnes CO2)** (2018: 127 452.10kl)

Environmental initiatives delivered during the year included

recycling, Earth Hour, World Water Week, World Environment
Day and Arbor Day.

* The slight decline in energy consumption is due to the new digital platform employed to monitor this consumption.
** Includes scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.


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