Mini Project 2
Mini Project 2
Mini Project 2
Mr. Dinesh Kumar Singh Sir
(Head of the Department)
In partial fulfilment of the degree
1st SEM
Under the Guidance of
Faculty of department of business administration
(MBA-1st SEM)
Secondly I would like to thank my friends who help me a lot in finalizing this project within the
limited time frame.
Due to technology advancement and population & explosion, the world’s demand for energy has
a rapid growth. So a renewable energy source that is cost-effictive, reliable and everlasting must
be opted to meet the future energy demands. There are many renewable energy sources of which
solar energy is free of cost. It is also suitable for long-term issues. Due to energy’s high demand,
the solar industry is developing all over world. Many other energy sources like fossil fuel are
expensive and also have limited applications. It has become a tool to sustain the underprivileged
people’s life. It also has a great part in developing in the economic status of various countries.
Solar industry is the best energy source than other energy sources and a solution to meet the
future energy demand as it has various benefits. The various benefits include capacity, cost-
effectiveness, accessibility, availability and efficiency.
India uses the solar power more than other renewable resources and India has high solar
ionization. Solar energy is a renewable energy source, maintaince cost is low, diverse
application, and electricity bill gets reduced through its usage and it also helps in technology
Solar energy has various residential applications which includes solar heating for swimming for
swimming pool, solar powered ventilation fans, solar house heating, solar water heater, charging
batteries through solar power, solar powered pumped and soon. Adoption of renewable solar
energy has various environment advantages also. It reduces pollution, it is clean source, reduces
the usage of water, helps to fight the climate changes, reduces non-renewable energy dependence
and improves health of humans in long term.
There could be 100 lakhs (10 million) ironing carts in India and each burn about 5+ kg of
charcoal every day. That’s about 5 crores (50 million) kg of charcoal burnt every day. Imagine
the size of damage it does to mother nature. So, I have designed an ironing cart, which use solar
panels to power a stream iron box. The ironing cart comprises of solar panels as roof, power
transformer power controller, tall tubular battery and steam iron box. The significant benefits of
this innovation is that it eliminates the need of charcoal for ironing clothes. Thus, saving trees,
stopping deforestation, controlling pollution and preventing environment damage. Making use of
renewal energy is the aim of this innovation.
In my neighborhood, there are six ironing carts, which use charcoal and throw the burnt charcoal
away with the garbage. It definitely made me think about the number of ironing carts in India,
the amount of charcoal burnt and the damage it does to the land, water, air and environment. So,
I researched for a viable solution and found that using solar power can effectively substitute the
use of charcoal to heat an iron box. Making use of the renewable energy is the aim of my
1. To assets the solar devices used by the vendors.
2. To examine the most popular device among the vendors.
3. To know the troubles encountered by the vendors while using the device.
4. To design the solar powered device and evaluate its performance.
1. Due to time constraints study was limited only to the household level of Coimbatore city.
2. Household living in their own residents were surveyed for data collection.
3. As the interview schedule was adopted to collect the data, respondents may be biased to
certain questions.
Design Thinking is a methodology that designers use to brainstorm and solve complex problems
related to designing and design engineering. It is also beneficial for designers to find innovative,
desirable and never thought before solution for customers and clients.
Design thinking is used extensively in the area of healthcare and wellness, agriculture, food,
security, education, financial services, and environment sustainability, to name a few.
Design thinking has helped in the digital space, contributed to the development of physical
products, spread social innovation and much more.
The Iterative design process help the designers to involve clients and customers in meaningful
ways. It is not just a strategy to come up with feasible solution to a problem, but also a method to
think of unimaginable solutions and then try to make them not just feasible.
Design thinking is a blend of logic, powerful imagination, systematic reasoning and intuition to
bring to the table of ideas that promise to solve the problems of the clients with desirable
outcome. It helps to bring creativity with business insights.
Problems require multidimensional solution. Design thinking helps in this regard. It not only
assists a professional to come up with a solution, but is also helps the organization to gain a
competitive edge over its rivals. Following are the benefits conferred by design thinking
Most of the challenges in the world do not get solved because people trying to address those
problems focus too much in the problem statement. At other times, the problem statement is
overloaded and there is too much stress to find a solution.
The basic principle of design thinking is that innovative can be disciplined. Innovation is not an
elusive entity that only a few genius people can experience. It is rather, a practice that can be
systematically approached by a set of practical and meticulous tool, methodologies and
Design thinking helps people of every profession to arrive at a solution in a planned, organized,
and systematic manner. The steps-by-step process helps to create solutions with both the problem
statement and the required solution in mind.
Problem Definition
This step involves putting ourselves into the shoes of the customer or the end user of our
solution. We need to understand the problem faced by the customer and we, as design thinkers,
need to empathize with the customer. This step is carried out in the form of requirement
gathering, which involves interviews and sometimes, even field visits. This step involves the
process of analysis of how an individual feel when he/she is going through such a situation.
With reference to the above content, the practical approaches and interactions were made in
order to understand the problems faced by the peoples. They are prone to different types of
diseases and often
In the earlier stage we came to know the problem of the charcoal iron that they can produce
smoke and make pollution.
The next stage is Problem Definition which is meant to define the problem, what it is about? and
how we can deal with problem? It is important to understand the problem of the customer ad
necessary to collect details regarding the problem of the customers so that a clear picture comes
to our mind and know exactly what that problem is about.
Sometime the problem can be complex or the statement is unclear in our mind then a possible
step that we could do is try to break that problem into pieces.
This is where again analysis come into picture for a short while before the problem definition can
be synthesized. The points discussed from “empathize” section can be broken down into
dementary fragments to make the work easier.
Following points can be useful to break down a task into pieces:
Look at the bigger picture: Make sure you understand what the end product/solution is
supposed to look like.
Examine the parts of the task: Figure out step-by –step what you need to do because
it’s not going to happen through magic.
Think about the logical order of completing the pieces: What should you do first,
second, third etc.?
Have a plan to help you stay on track: Put the time you will spend on the project into
your schedule so that you can set aside the time fir it. Stick with this plan. A plan is only
good if you see it through.
Complete your task early enough to have some time for a final review:
Charcoal ironing is the substance created by the smelting of iron ore with charcoal. All
ironmaking blast furnace were fueled by charcoal until Abraham Darby introduced coke as a fuel
in 1970. Indian society used a coal-fuelled iron box to smooth out clothing an electric iron or a
stream iron box or a box is a tool used to press the wrinkles out of your cloths so that when you
dress up you look smart and neat.
Charcoal is expensive compared to wood. Production of charcoal is more time- consuming when
compared to wood, making it a non-renewable resource.
Charcoal production has also been linked to other occupational health problems, including
headache, dizziness, nose and acute eye problems, sore hands, general exhaustion, chest pains,
cough, heat burns and chest pain. Activate charcoal can cause you to choke or vomit. It can also
damage your lungs if you breathe it in by accident. Activated charcoal may cause a blockage in
your intestines if you receive several doses.
After understanding about the problem of the customer and defining the problem of the customer
the next stage is the solution of the problem or the idea that can reduce the problem up to a
certain extent and could be one of the possible solution of the problem.