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As a medical practitioner for the last 20 years, I have realized that to cure any disease one needs either or
both of two important perspectives, namely knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge and wisdom in medicine
complement and supplement each other With advancements in the last 50 years, availability of knowledge
has made treatments easy but this dependence on knowledge has also taken away our abilities to apply

The current COVID-19 pandemic has revealed this handicap in a more clear way. With limited knowledge of
the disease, its containment and extent of spread and fatality, a large part of the prevention and treatment
of COVID-19 is now based on wisdom. It is easily understood that countries which applied common wisdom
have done particularly well in the control of the pandemic, when compared to nations which were
dependent on a knowledge. The United States of America and India are classic examples where wisdom was
thrown to the wind and the citizens paid heavily.

In the last one week, the buzz around a COVID-19 vaccine has ignited hope. There is a hope of an end to the
most devastating health catastrophe which the post-modern world has witnessed. Hope is necessary, but it
can also be a tool of self-deception and thus needs to be seen with caution. I wish that the hope generated
by the vaccine of COVID-19 should not prolong the sufferings of the humanity. We thus need to see the
vaccines in more light.

Of the 250-odd vaccines which are currently under various stages of development/evaluation, at least three
have generated significant hope — the Moderna vaccine, the AstraZeneca vaccine and the Pfizer vaccine.
Other than adverse effects, many questions have remained unanswered. How effective will these vaccines
be in breaking the transmission of the disease? Historically, in many diseases, vaccination models have
failed to break disease transmission. For COVID-19, a break in transmission is more important than the
momentary immunity which these vaccines will provide. How many doses will be needed for acquiring
immunity is still a matter of foggy knowledge.

Gender variabilities in receiving vaccination are well known in our country. Boys generally have a higher
vaccination coverage than girls, as reported by most surveys conducted across the country for childhood
immunization. We don’t know how the 189 million undernourished Indians will respond to the COVID-19

On the basis of your understanding of the above passage , answer ANY TEN questions from the twelve that
follow. (1x10=10)

i. The writer feels that the important aspects in medical field are-
a) Knowledge and wisdom b) Clinic and medicines
c) medical facilities d) Medical education

ii. The writer is –

a) Essayist and short story writer b) one who practises medicines
c) A blog writer d) social activist

iii. The current COVID-19 pandemic has revealed this handicap in a more clear way. Here according to the
author “handicap” means that-
a) We have become helpless in covid19. b) Total dependence on knowledge ignoring
wisdom c) People are becoming handicapped because of the Covid19 disease. d) Both a and
iv. Which word shows the correct meaning of containment –
a) Keeping something from spreading. b) Satisfaction
c) fulfilled. d) Fixed

v. Mr. Vikram Sharma invited only 20 guests in his son’s wedding function. He made sure that his guests
follow all safety precautions, wear mask, use sanitizers and maintain social distance. According to the
passage, he shows his a) Care b) Wisdom c) Unfriendly attitude d) Fear

vi. “Hope is necessary, but it can also be a tool of self-deception and thus needs to be seen with care.” Here
the writer’s tone is-
a) Optimistic b) Precautionary c) Suggestive d) Comical

vii. What does the author mean by ‘gender variability’ in context to the passage.
a. Boys generally have a higher vaccination coverage than girls
b. Girls generally have a higher vaccination coverage than boys
c. Both girls and boys have equal vaccination coverage.
d. The gender variability can not be ascertained.

viii. Which of the following will be the most appropriate title for the passage?
a) Virus and Wisdom b) Medicines and the World
c) The History of Pandemic d) Poverty and the world

ix. What does the author mean when he says, “how many doses will be needed for acquiring immunity is still
a matter of foggy knowledge.”? Here foggy knowledge means-
a) a condition in which you cannot decide b) foggy weather
c) something which is unclear and hazy d) Superficial Knowledge

x. The writer opines that India and USA could not succeed to control covid cases because—
a) Of the huge population and poverty.
b) Immunity is very poor among the people who live in cities.
c) People do not understand and judge what is the right thing to do
d) Medicines and other health facilities are not available.

xi. Which proverb expresses the best idea of this passage-

a) Prevention is better than cure b) Actions speak louder than words.
c) Adversity and loss make a man wise d) A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.


What is a map? Cartographers make a variety of maps and usually define a map as an image usually of the
earth or a part of the earth. While a physical map focuses on the geography of an area and cover aspects like
rivers lakes deserts volcanoes and mountains etc. a political map focuses on the boundaries of countries,
states, countries and districts etc. Political maps are among the most widely used reference maps. They show
the geographic boundaries between governmental units such as countries, states, and counties. They are also
known as reference maps because people and students refer to them again and again as they have questions.
In fact, nowadays, they are used in a variety of ways and cover several spheres of human activity-----ranging
from weather monitoring, satellite navigation and even as mind maps for better comprehension of complex
studies. An archaeologist, a travel memoir writer, an antiquarian, a numismatist and an academician, all use
maps in multiple ways in various research works and studies. Prof Chris Fisher an archaeologist from
Colorado state university said, “We are going to lose a significant amount of cultural patrimony as well as
ecological patrimony which we can monitor only with the help of maps. Our world is witnessing sea changes
in cultural aspects and natural phenomenon and flora and fauna around us, undeniably.”

On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer ANY TEN questions from that follow:

i) The Third image is of –

(a) Political map (b) Topographic Map (c) Physical Map (d) Weather Map
ii) Ravi’s son is in class VII. He wants his son to understand more about geography of India. He went to a shop
to buy a map for him. Which one you advise him to buy-
a) Political b) Physical c) Google d) Topographic

iii) Nachiketa has recently planned a trip of some famous Indian states. However, due to weather forecasts of
inclement weather conditions, he gets his air tickets cancelled and replans his tour. This time he decides to
use his own conveyance. Write down which of the following maps can he use.
1) Weather map of places he wants to visit 2) The Globe giving all details of the world
3) Google map while travelling on highways
4) A Resource map that tells about the crops, minerals and ores present somewhere.
a) Both (1) and (2) b) Both (1) and (3)
c) Both (3) and (4) d) (1) and (4)

iv) Choose the option that is / are likely to be found on a weather map.
(a) Air pressure (b) Humidity (c) Precipitation (d) All the above

v) Select the assets that human beings have in form of, ‘Ecological Patrimony’?
(a) Flora and Fauna (b) machines (c) ecosystem and geological structures (d) Both a and

vi) It is not important to have knowledge of maps for

(a) weather monitoring (b) satellite navigation
(c) knowing about states and capitals (d) acquiring life skills

vii) Prof. Chris Fisher is concerned about

a) Cultural Patrimony b) Ecological Patrimony
c) Too much dependence on maps d) Options (a) and (b)

viii) What does Flora and fauna refer to

a) Plants and animals in the broadest sense b) Finance
c) Agriculture d) Patrimony

ix) The Physical map does not focus on:

(a) roads, cities and major water features (b) the time in different parts of the world.
(c) Mountains and Valleys (d)Topography of the land

x) Another word for “Map” is a ________

a) Humidity b) Cartograph c) Arid d) Oasis

xi) Which is not true in the case of globe-

(a) allows people to view streets, roads and satellite images within a single interface.
(b) spherical rounded model of the earth.
(c) Three-dimensional presentation
(d) represents distances, continents, oceans, countries, etc.


QUESTION 3: Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options given below. (3X1=3)

In a zoo at Lusaka, there is a cage where a notice reads. “(i)....... world’s most dangerous animal”. Inside the cage
there (ii)…….. no animal but a mirror where you see yourself. We all need to bring, (iii) awareness about the
cruelty we show to the animals of this planet.
i) a. A b. An c. The d. None of these
ii) a. Are b. Is c. Were d. Am
iii) a. A b. An c. The d. None of these
QUES 4:. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options (5X1=5):

i ...........poor should be given all possible assistance.

a. A b. The c. All d. These
ii. Neither Amala nor Kamala ........trained for the job.
a. seem b. are seeming c. seems d. were seeming
iii. My pets ......... me, when I was gone.
a. will miss b. will be missing c. missed d. miss
v. I....... a vacation in the hills every summer.
a. take b. took c. will take d. was taking
vi. I …….. some doubts. Who shall I ask?
a. have b. has c. had

QUESTION 5: Read the given dialogue and convert it into indirect speech (2x1=2)

Doctor: What is your problem?

Patient: I am suffering from headache.
The doctor asked the patient (i) ------------------------. The patient told that(ii) --------------------- from headache.

i) (a) what is his problem. (b) what his problem is.

(c) what was your problem. (d) what his problem was.

ii) (a) I was suffering (b) he is suffering

(c) he was suffering (d) he has suffered


QUES 6: Write a descriptive paragraph about a famous musician in about 100 -120 words:

A. R. Rahman: Indian composer, singer, songwriter, music producer and a musician ; born in Chennai on 6 January
1967; graduated from Trinity College, Oxford University; famous in integrating Indian classical music with electronic
music, world music and traditional orchestral arrangements; recieved the Padmashri and the Padma Vibhushan
awards; two Oscars and a Golden Globe; a notable humanitarian and philanthropist; donates and raises money for a
number of causes and charities.


Write a diary entry in about 100-120 words :

Krishna went to visit a blind school as a part of their social service and moral education class. He was so touched by
the experience that he decided to share his/her feeling in a diary. Use the hints given below and your own ideas :

Touched- -emotions -Surprised and astonished - blind children - Studying through braille -Extraordinary sensory
power - touched and felt - Better than us -very talented - Reminded us of Helen Keller-Extraordinary experience

QUESTION 7:. Complete the story in about 100-120 words using the hints given below:

Ravi is excited as he is going to his favorite place Darjeeling. It is his lifetime wish to be there. Before starting the
journey, he ensures that he hasn’t forgotten anything necessary required in journey. He gets into the train, settles in
his seat and finds ………………… OR

You have a pet parrot in a cage. One day you decided to set it free…………..…….


QUES 8: Read the extract given below and attempt the questions that follow. (5x1=5)

“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through
you but not from you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts.”
(a) Whose lines have been quoted here in this paragraph?
i) Jainulabdeen ii) Kalam’s father iii) Khalil Gibran iv) Kalim Aajiz

(b) In this lesson to whom are these lines addressed –

i) Abdul Kalam ii) Ashiamma, Kalam’s mother iii) Parents in general iv) His father

(c) In what context have these lines been spoken

i) When Kalam wanted to leave Rameshwaram
ii) When Kalam completed his elementary education.
iii) When Kalam’s mother was reluctant to part with her son.
iv) When Kalam’s new teacher made him sit in the last row of the class.

(d) What opinion do you form about Kalam’s father from these lines?
a. Practical outlook b. Social outlook
c. Emotional outlook d. None of these

(e) ‘My Childhood’ is an extract from-

i) Ignited Minds ii) Guided Souls
iii) Wings of Fire iv) The Luminous Sparks

QUES 9. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow (5x1=5) :

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

i. What do you think the phrase ‘yellow wood’ suggests here?

ii What dilemma is the poet facing?
iii. Name the poem and the poet
iv. The second road was grassy and ‘wanted wear.’ What does ‘wanted wear’ mean?
v. What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanzas?

QUES 10: Answer ANY THREE in about 30 40 words (3x3=9):

i. How does Tommy describe the old kind of schools and the teachers?
ii. What kind of a person does the doctor want to marry? What kind of a person does he actually marry?

iii. Why did Einstein leave the school of Munich and go to study in Switzerland? What does this tell about Einstein?

iv. What are the things the poet wants to do, hear and see in Innisfree?

QUES 11: Answer ANY THREE in about 30 40 words (3x3=9):

i. Mention the things the child sees in the fair.

ii. What does the Guru advise his disciple? Did the disciple listen to him?
iii. Iswaran was an asset to Mahaendra . How?
iv. Toto was a pretty monkey. In what sense is Toto pretty?
QUES 12: Answer ANY TWO of the following in 100-120 words. (6X2=12):

i. How did Kezia’s efforts to make her father happy go wrong?

ii. Write the story A Legend Of Northland in about 100 words.
iii. Who does the Happy Prince send the ruby and sapphires to and why? Who helps him in this noble cause?

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