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Undergraduate first-year nursing students often find the adjustment to

the university environment difficult and challenging due to the demands of the

nursing program (McDonald M, et al., 2018, Rossato L, et al., 2022). On the

clinical side of the nursing program, literature shows that undergraduate first-

year nursing students face challenges that require coping mechanisms

(Bodys-Cupak, et al., 2018, Lavoie-Tremblay M, et al., 2022). Some

challenges reported by undergraduate nursing students at clinical facilities

include, among others, theory and practice discrepancies, inability to master

the clinical skills taught, and discrepancies between real-life clinical

requirements and inducted procedures (Bodys-Cupak, et al., 2018).

In addition, a study conducted by Lavoie-Tremblay et al. (Lavoie-

Tremblay M, et al., 2022) highlighted fear of harming the patient,

demonstration of clinical skills under close supervision, poor knowledge about

patients’ medical condition, and the need to care for a dying patient as

additional stressors among the undergraduate first-year nursing students in

clinical facilities. These challenges contribute to poor academic resilience

among the cohort of students referred to in this study.

One challenge that is relatively obvious is the need to adapt to the

teaching modalities used in higher education, which are totally different from

those used during basic schooling (Rossato L, et al., 2022, Irvine S, et al.,
2021). Furthermore, issues related to the curriculum, that is rich in content

which translates to intensive lecture hours, long study hours to grasp the

content, and daily schedules swamped with a variety of lectures covering

different aspects of the curriculum, are challenging for undergraduate first-

year nursing students (Rossato L, et al., 2022, Lavoie-Tremblay M, et al.,



In a study conducted by Alshahrani et al. (Alshahrani Y, et al., 2018)

“venting out frustrations” to peers was earmarked as one of the coping

strategies used to deal with academic stressors amid the transitioning period.

Some authors suggest learning through others, especially at higher levels of

training, as a key strategy to cope with transitioning to university for first year

students (Pryjmachuk S, et al., 2019, Hughes M, et al., 2020).

Although some undergraduate nursing students would resort to

psychoactive substances to cope with academic stressors, a study conducted

by Bodys-Cupak et al. (Bodys-Cupak, et al., 2018) elucidated that the use of

such substances is less common. Instead, the majority of the students use

active coping mechanisms such as seeking support, while a significant number

would go to the extent of ceasing the activities which they are not coping with

(Bodys-Cupak, et al., 2018).

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