Mathematics BECE Syllabus - SyllabusNG
Mathematics BECE Syllabus - SyllabusNG
Mathematics BECE Syllabus - SyllabusNG
About Us..................................................................................Page 3
Chapter One
Aim & Objectives......................................................................Page 4
Chapter Two
Syllabus...................................................................................Page 6
Chapter Three
Frequently Asked Questions....................................................Page 44
Syllabus NG is the premier destination for all educational resources and exam
preparation materials in Nigeria and the world. Our mission is simple yet impactful; to
empower learners of all ages and backgrounds with the resources they need to
succeed academically. It is always better to work smarter than to work harder.
This BECE syllabus is the o cial syllabus designed by the National Ex-
amination Council(NECO_, whose headquarter is in Minna, Niger State. This
syllabus is the third edition, which is to be used starting in 2021.
The following requirements need to be fulfil in order to be qualified to sit
for the BECE:
● The student must be a Bona fide student in their final year in Ju-
nior Secondary from a Federal /State college or a Private school recog-
nized and approved by the ministries of Education.
● The student must be presented by a Federal/state school or a pri-
vate college that has been certified to be capable and able to con-
duct the examination.
● The student must have a complete Continuous Assessment(CA)
score that will be submitted to the National Examinations Council(NECO) two
weeks before the end of the examination.
The main BECE syllabus is the property of Basic Education Examination (BECE).
This document consists of 18 subject syllabi. Six(6) of the 18 are Nigerian Lan-
guages, in which candidates are required to choose only one.
We’ve covered in detail, the BECE syllabus and recommended textbooks for all
the 17 Subjects as follows;
1. English Studies
2. Mathematics
3. Nigerian Languages ( Edo, Efik, Hausa, Ibibio, Igbo, & Yoruba)
4. Basic Science & Technology (BST)
5. Pre-Vocational Studies (PVS)
6. National Value Education (NVE)
7. Cultural & Creative Arts (CCA)
8. Business Studies
9. French Language
10. Arabic Language
11. Christian Religious Studies (CRS)
12. Islamic Studies
13. History
NB: The BECE exams indicated here are the ones organised by NECO and ad-
ministered to Federal, State, and Private schools in Nigeria.
1 70-100 Distinction
3 50-59 Credit
4 40-49 Pass
5 0-39 Fail
After ensuring the student is eligible to sit for the Basic Education
Certificate Examination(BECE), they will be expected to pay a
non-refundable registration fee which will be specified by the Ex-
amination Council. The registration is done by the Head of School on their
candidates behalf.
Chapter One
Aims & Objectives
N.B The total mark for the three papers will cover 70% of the exam
score, the remaining 30% will be derived from the candidate's
continuous assessment submitted by the school management.
1 70-100 Distinction
3 50-59 Credit
4 40-49 Pass
5 0-39 Fail
Chapter Two
1 NUMBER AND I.Whole Numbers a. Counting in:
NUMERATION i. millions and billions
ii. trillions
b. Quantitative reasoning.
c. Whole numbers in standard
d. Decimal numbers in
standard form.
e. Prime factors.
f. Prime factorization.
g. Squares and square roots.
h. Binary number system.
i. Using computer to do
mathematical calculations.
j. Translation of word problem
numerical expressions.
k. Expressions involving
brackets and
fractions, Direct and inverse
m. Application of direct and
n. Simple interest
o. Compound interest.
f. Quantitative reasoning
c. Identification and
properties of angles at
a point and angles on a
straight line.
d. Sum of angles of a polygon.
e. Angles of elevation and
Are there any recommended textbooks to help prepare for the exam?
NECO will release reviewed recommended textbooks that will be used
for study and preparation for the exam. Candidates should ensure they
study the list of books recommended.