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Mathematics BECE Syllabus - SyllabusNG

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About Us..................................................................................Page 3
Chapter One
Aim & Objectives......................................................................Page 4
Chapter Two
Syllabus...................................................................................Page 6
Chapter Three
Frequently Asked Questions....................................................Page 44
Syllabus NG is the premier destination for all educational resources and exam
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empower learners of all ages and backgrounds with the resources they need to
succeed academically. It is always better to work smarter than to work harder.

We offer educational consulting, research, and counselling services for individuals,

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Research & Editorial Team: Rukaya Yusuf, Afeez Adebayo

Project Manager: Afeez Adebayo
Creative Development: Emmanuel Udeoji
Contact: info@syllabus.ng, +2347070546767
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The Basic Certificate Examination (BECE) syllabus is designed to guide edu-

cators on what to teach the students to prepare them for the BECE exami-
nation. This syllabus will enhance the e ective conduct of the examina-
tion for the 9-year Basic Education Curriculum.

This BECE syllabus is the o cial syllabus designed by the National Ex-
amination Council(NECO_, whose headquarter is in Minna, Niger State. This
syllabus is the third edition, which is to be used starting in 2021.

It is an improvement of the two previous syllabuses. It covers all the sub-

jects that are to be taken in BECE, stating its themes, topics, objec-
tives, marking guide, and scheme to guide educators and also the students
in preparing for BECE.

The following requirements need to be fulfil in order to be qualified to sit
for the BECE:
● The student must be a Bona fide student in their final year in Ju-
nior Secondary from a Federal /State college or a Private school recog-
nized and approved by the ministries of Education.
● The student must be presented by a Federal/state school or a pri-
vate college that has been certified to be capable and able to con-
duct the examination.
● The student must have a complete Continuous Assessment(CA)
score that will be submitted to the National Examinations Council(NECO) two
weeks before the end of the examination.

The main BECE syllabus is the property of Basic Education Examination (BECE).

This ebook is only for education purposes. No copyright issues intended.

BECE Syllabus
The Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), Also known as the Junior
Secondary Certificate Examination (JSCE) Syllabus explains in detail the ex-
pectations required from candidates writing the exam.

This document consists of 18 subject syllabi. Six(6) of the 18 are Nigerian Lan-
guages, in which candidates are required to choose only one.

Candidates sitting for BECE are required to choose a minimum of eleven

(11) subjects and a maximum of thirteen(13).

We’ve covered in detail, the BECE syllabus and recommended textbooks for all
the 17 Subjects as follows;
1. English Studies
2. Mathematics
3. Nigerian Languages ( Edo, Efik, Hausa, Ibibio, Igbo, & Yoruba)
4. Basic Science & Technology (BST)
5. Pre-Vocational Studies (PVS)
6. National Value Education (NVE)
7. Cultural & Creative Arts (CCA)
8. Business Studies
9. French Language
10. Arabic Language
11. Christian Religious Studies (CRS)
12. Islamic Studies
13. History

NB: The BECE exams indicated here are the ones organised by NECO and ad-
ministered to Federal, State, and Private schools in Nigeria.

BECE Grading Stage

The following are the grades used; A,B, C, P and F and they will be ar-
ranged in order of merit below.
● A-Distinction(Highest Pass Grade)
● B-Very Good
● C-Credit
● P-Pass
● F-Fail

1 70-100 Distinction

2 60-69 Very Good

3 50-59 Credit

4 40-49 Pass

5 0-39 Fail

After ensuring the student is eligible to sit for the Basic Education
Certificate Examination(BECE), they will be expected to pay a
non-refundable registration fee which will be specified by the Ex-
amination Council. The registration is done by the Head of School on their
candidates behalf.
 Chapter One
Aims & Objectives

This BECE Mathematics syllabus is designed to make you familiar with

the format of the examination. It serves as a guide to both candidates
and educators to plan their learning and teaching schedules to make the
candidate ace the examination.
The following are the materials needed and will be allowed into the
examination hall for this subject: Candidates are expected to bring their
calculator (Non-Programmable)into the exam hall as sharing of
calculators and other materials is prohibited. Candidates should also
ensure they come to the examination hall with their NECO
Mathematical/Statistical Table as it will be used during the examination.

Aims & Objectives

This syllabus aims to serve as a guideline to candidates of The Basic
Education Certificate Examination. Some of the objectives of The Basic
Education Certificate Examination are; To make the candidates recall
mathematical formulas and concepts as they will serve as a foundation
in their next class, and the candidates are also expected to apply the
concepts to real-life situations.

Sections & Marking Guide

The BECE Mathematics exam comprises three compulsory papers:
Papers 1, 2, and 3. Below is the breakdown of the papers the number of
questions they contain and their marks.
Papers 1 and 2 consist of sixty multiple-choice questions each. The
questions from Paper 1 will be Number and Numeration, Basic
Operations, and Geometry and Measurement. The questions from Paper
2 will come from Algebraic processes and Everyday Statistics.
Paper 3 comprises two compulsory questions and it will be set from any
of the topics covered in the syllabus.

N.B The total mark for the three papers will cover 70% of the exam
score, the remaining 30% will be derived from the candidate's
continuous assessment submitted by the school management.

BECE Grading Stage

The grades that were used are A, B, C, P, and F. They will be listed below
in order of merit.
● A-Distinction(Highest Pass Grade)
● B-Very Good
● C-Credit
● P-Pass
● F-Fail


1 70-100 Distinction

2 60-69 Very Good

3 50-59 Credit

4 40-49 Pass

5 0-39 Fail
 Chapter Two
1 NUMBER AND I.Whole Numbers a. Counting in:
NUMERATION i. millions and billions
ii. trillions

b. Quantitative reasoning.
c. Whole numbers in standard
d. Decimal numbers in
standard form.
e. Prime factors.
f. Prime factorization.
g. Squares and square roots.
h. Binary number system.
i. Using computer to do
mathematical calculations.
j. Translation of word problem
numerical expressions.
k. Expressions involving
brackets and
fractions, Direct and inverse
m. Application of direct and
n. Simple interest
o. Compound interest.

IL Lowest Common LCM of whole numbers

Multiple (LCM)

III. Highest Common a. HCF of whole numbers.

Factor b. Quantitative reasoning

IV. Counting in base Counting in groups of twos.

V. Conversion of base Converting numbers 1-10 to
10 base
numerals to binary
VI. Fractions a. Identifying Equivalent
b. Quantitative aptitude
c. Equivalent fractions.
d. Ordering of fractions.
e. Conversion of fractions to
and vice-versa.
f. Conversion of fraction to
percentage and
g. Expressing fractions as
ratios, decimals
and percentages.
h. Quantitative reasoning on
ratios and n es.

VII. Rational and non Rational and non-rational

rational numbers numbers.
2 BASIC I. Addition and a. Addition and subtraction of
OPERATION subtraction numbers
and Place values.
b. Use of number line.
c. Addition and subtraction of
and negative integers
d. Everyday application of
positive and
negative integers

Il. Addition and a. Addition and subtraction of

subtraction fractions.
of fractions b. Word problems on addition
subtraction of fractions.

Ill. Multiplication and a. Multiplication of fractions.

division of fractions b. Division of fractions.
c. Word problems involving
and division of fractions.
IV. Estimation a. Estimation of dimensions
and distances.
b. Estimation of capacity and
mass of
c. Estimation of other things,
e.g., age,
time etc.
d. Quantitative reasoning

V. Approximation a. Approximating values of

addition and
b. Approximating results of
and division.
c. Rounding off numbers to
the nearest
10. 100 and 1000.
d. Application of
approximation in
everyday life.
e. Approximation of numbers:
i. Decimal places
ii. Significant figures

f. Quantitative reasoning

VI. Addition of numbers Addition or two or three 3.

in digit binary
base 2 numerals numbers
Vll. Subtraction of Subtraction of two or three 3-
numbers digit binary
in base 2 numerals numbers.

Vlll. Multiplication of Multiplication of two 2-digit

numbers in base 2 binary
numerals numbers.

IX. Transactions in the a. Household arithmetic.

homes and offices b. Commercial arithmetic.
X. Multiplication and a. Square and square root
division of directed tables.
numbers b. Charts, records and
c. Multiplication and Division
of directed

Xl. Division of numbers Division or two to 3-digit

in binary numbers
base 2 numerals
3 GEOMETRY I. Plane shapes a. Similarities and differences
AND between the
MEASUREMENT following: square, rectangle,
trapezium, parallelogram and
b. Perimeter of regular
polygon, square,
rectangle, triangle, trapezium,
parallelogram and circle.
c. Area of regular plane
shapes such as;
squares, rectangles,
paralelograms etc.

II. SIMILAR SHAPES a. Similar shapes.

b. Enlargements and scale
c. Lengths, areas and volumes
of similar
d. Basic properties of cubes
and cuboid

III. Three dimensional a. Basic properties of cubes

figures and cuboids.
b. Basic properties of
pyramids and cones.
c.Basic properties of cylinders
and spheres.
d. Volume of cubes and
IV. Construction a. Construction of parallel and
perpendicular lines.
b. Bisection of a given line
c. Construction of angles 90,
60, 45 and
30 degrees.
d. Constructing tnangles.
e. Bisecting angles.
f. Copying given angles.
g. Construction of simple
plane shape

V. Angles a. Measurement of angles.

b. Identification and
properties of:
i. Vertically opposite
ii. Adjacent
iii. Alternate
iv. Corresponding angles

c. Identification and
properties of angles at
a point and angles on a
straight line.
d. Sum of angles of a polygon.
e. Angles of elevation and

VI. Bearing Bearing

VII. Trigonometry a. The sine, cosine and
tangent of an acute
b. Application of
Trigonometric ratios.

VIII. Area of plane a. Area of triangles.

figures b. Area of parallelogram.
c. Area of trapezium.
d. Area of circles.
e. Word roblems involving
4 ALGEBRAIC I. Use of Symbols a. Open sentences
PROCESSES b. Use of letters to represent
symbols or
shapes in open sentences.
c. Solving open sentences
with two
arithemetic operation.
d. Word problem involving use
of symbols
e. Quantitative aptitude.
II. Signification of a. Like and unlike terms in
algebraic algebraic
expressions expressions
b. Identification of coefficient
of terms of
algebraic expressions
c. Basic arithemetic applied to
expressions or similar terms.
d. Collection and
significations of like and
unlike terms in algebraic
e. Quantitative reasoning.
III. Simple equations a. Translations of word
problems into
equations and vice versa.
b. Solutions of simple
c. Problems of simple
IV. Algebraic a. Expanssion of algebraic
expressions expressions.
b. Factorization of simple
c. Expansion and factorization
quadratic expression
d. Quantitative reasoning
e. Algebraic expressions of
fractions with
monomial denominators
f. Word problem leading to
algebraic fractions.
V. Linear inequalities a. Linear inequalities in one
b. Graphical representation of
solutions of
linear inequalities in one
c. Word problems.
VI. Graphs a. Plotting points on the
Cartesian plane
b.Graph of linear equation in
two variables
c. Linear Graphs from real life
d. Quantitative reasoning

VII. Factorization a. Factorization of expression

of the form:
i. ax+ay
ii. 3m+pq+3p+mp
iii. a2-b2
iv. a 2-2ab+b2
b. Word problems involving
VIII. Simple equations a. Simple equations involving
involving fractions fractions
b. Word problem leading to
equation involving fractions.
IX. Simultanous linear a. Compilation of table of
equations values
b. Graphical solution of
simultanous linear
equations in two variables
c. Solution of simultanous
linear equration
using elimination methods
d. Solution of simultanous
linear equration
using subtitution methods
5 EVERYDAY I. Need for statistics a. Purpose of statistics
STATISTICS b. Need for collecting data for
c. Collectiion of data
II. Data collection Collect data in the class
a. Median
b. Mean
c. Mode
III. Data presentation a. Ordered presentation of
b. Frequency table
c. Pie Chart
d. Chart, records and

IV. Probability a. Occurance of chance

events in everyday
b. Probability of chance
V. Measure of central a. Revision of previous work
tendecy on mean,
median and mode.
b. Median.
c. Mode.
d. Mean.
e. Application of measures of
tendecy to analyze any given
VI. Measure of a. Range.
 Chapter Three
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the source of this Mathematics syllabus?
The BECE Mathematics syllabus is derived from the 9-Year Basic
Education Curriculum, developed by the Nigerian Educational Research
and Development Council (NERDC) and published in 2012.

What are the expected materials to bring for the examination?

Each candidate is expected to bring a complete set of mathematical
instruments and NECO mathematical/statistical table for the papers.
Sharing of materials during the exam is strictly prohibited.

What should I do if I fail BECE Mathematics?

You can resit BECE Mathematics if you fail, you will need to pay a
nonrefundable fee.

How long does it take to receive the exam results?

The timeframe for the release of BECE results varies, you will be notified
once the result is released.

Are there any restrictions on the type of calculator allowed?

Programmable calculators are not allowed, only basic scientific
calculators are permitted.

What is the passing grade for the exam?

The grades used are A, B, C, P, and F. The list passing grade is C.
Candidates should ensure that they pass and study well to ace their

Are there any recommended textbooks to help prepare for the exam?
NECO will release reviewed recommended textbooks that will be used
for study and preparation for the exam. Candidates should ensure they
study the list of books recommended.

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