Unit Test 1B
Unit Test 1B
Unit Test 1B
b have four kinds of friends 3 Match the verb forms in italics (1–10)
c consider a lot of different kinds of with the tenses (a–j).
people to be their friends 1 It was raining when we landed. ______
2 Aristotle … . 2 The guests will be arriving soon. ______
a tried to explain the relationships we
3 Chimpanzees have been taught sign
have with our friends
language. ______
b believed that people who had a lot of
friends were better people 4 The first stone tools were invented about
c encouraged people to have different 2.6 million years ago. ______
kinds of friends 5 In 50 years’ time, most manual work will
3 According to the article, … . be done by robots. ______
a most people seem to collect friends in 6 Language probably evolved from a
an unplanned way simpler form
b we get on better with our friends if we of communication. ______
share an interest with them
7 Music is being used in hospitals to help
c most of our friends are people who live patients. ______
near us
8 They’ll have finished on the project by the
4 The researchers at Virginia
end of this month. ______
Commonwealth University … .
9 I’ve been feeling tired recently. ______
a studied twins who had large social
groups 10 She’d been debating whether to move to
b studied twins from when they were Spain. ______
children until they were adults
c only compared sociable and reserved a Present Continuous passive
b Present Perfect Simple passive
5 The study found that … .
c Present Perfect Continuous active
a genes influence our behaviour more
when we are younger d Past Simple active
b genes and environment both influence e Past Simple passive
our behaviour f Past Continuous active
c our environment influences our
g Past Perfect Continuous active
behaviour more when we leave home
h Future Simple passive
1 point for each correct answer 5 i Future Continuous active
j Future Perfect Simple active
8 Match sentences 1–7 with expressions 6 A So, you eventually got to speak to him?
a–g. B Yes, after several attempts, we finally
1 You’ve been looking a bit pale lately. got across / through to him on his
__f___ mobile.
2 You never listen to my advice anyway.
______ 1 point for each correct answer 6
3 Don’t worry about what other people
think. ______
4 You’re always complaining. Give it a rest!
5 He thinks everyone loves him. ______
6 I forgot to call her back. I’m such an idiot.
7 You tried as hard as you could, you really
did. ______
10 Match expressions 1–7 with emotions ____________ . It’s great not to have to get
a–g. up early for work.
10 The baby was riding in a ____________ and
1 I’m absolutely gutted. a
quietly singing to herself.
1 point for each correct answer 10
2 I totally lost it. b
disappoint 12 Translate the sentences.
1 I was absolutely gutted when I heard that I
3 You mean the world to c reassurance
me. hadn’t got the job.
4 My goal was amazing! d curiosity ____________________________________
5 Don’t worry – it won’t hurt. e boastfulness 2 Once the speech had been given, the
6 I’m dying to know. f fury were invited to begin their meal.
7 Go on! You can do it! g adoration
3 The museum has been completely
1 point for each correct answer 6
and will be reopened next month.
11 Complete the sentences with a word
the box. ____________________________________
4 He’s going grey and bald and has started
lie-in teetering dating nap swotting to
satchel truant settled down insomnia have a pot belly.
buggy ____________________________________
1 Internet ____________ is changing the way
we form romantic relationships. 5 Stop making such a fuss! You only grazed
your knee.
2 Grandpa usually gets sleepy after lunch
and takes an afternoon ____________ . ____________________________________
3 I wish you’d wear sensible shoes instead ____________________________________
of ____________ on high heels. 6 The baby has been having a lot of
4 At school, I carried my books in a leather tantrums
____________ . recently about wearing a nappy.
5 I don’t usually suffer from ____________ , ____________________________________
but I’m having trouble sleeping recently. ____________________________________
6 It’s time you ____________ and got a house 7 This time tomorrow, I’ll be working out in
and mortgage. the
7 Some children play ____________ because gym.
they are not challenged enough at school. ____________________________________
8 Kids work so hard nowadays. Mine are ____________________________________
always ____________ for exams.
9 On Saturday mornings, I usually have a