Lis Terms & Condition

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Please read the policies and the terms and conditions governing the admission to the School and the
child’s continued enrolment as student at the School, as set out below - Kindly initial every statement
in bold:

1. Parent understands that any false, inaccurate or misleading information could lead to
rejection of the application to be admitted or to the child’s offer of a place in this School being
withdrawn by the School.
2. The parent must at all times inform the School of any changes to information given on
admission in writing.
3. Parent hereby gives his/her consent to the School to take such photographs, images,
recordings, works or derivative works of the child and to use, free of charge, such photographs,
images, recordings, works or derivative works in any media and for whatever purpose as the
School shall deem fit, including without limitation for any promotional materials , including
but not limited to brochures, flyers or website of the School.
4. The School reserves all rights and interests in any intellectual property rights arising as a result of
the actions of a Student in conjunction with any member of staff of the School and/or other Students
at the School for a purpose associated with the School. Any use of any such intellectual property
rights by a Student is subject to the terms of a licence to be agreed prior to the use between the
Student, his/her Parents and the School. The School will allow the Student’s role in
creation/development of intellectual property rights to be acknowledged.
5. All notices, letters and correspondence from the School may be sent to the parent at the address set
out in the Application for Admission Form and shall be deemed sufficiently served if sent by
ordinary post or if the same is handed over to the child.

1. An ‘Application Fee’ is payable in full for each submission of the Application after which the
Applicant is a candidate. Please refer to fee schedule for details. The Application fee shall be payable
in one payment by either a cheque or bank draft, bank transfer or cash payment made payable to
Labuan International School at the same time of the submission of the Application for Admission
Form. Cheques and other instruments delivered at any time after the first day of term will be
presented immediately, and will not be considered as payment until cleared.
2. Applicants will be considered as candidates for admission and entry to the School when the
Application Form has been completed and returned to us and the non-refundable/non-transferable
Registration Fee paid and cleared.
3. Admission and entry will be subject to the availability of a place and the child satisfying the
admission requirements at the time. The receipt of the Registration Fee by the School does not oblige
the School to admit the child. “Admission” occurs when Parents accept the offer of a place. "Entry"
is the date when a child attends the School for the first time under this contract.

4. The Application Fee covers an application for admission to the School for the Term and Academic
Year applied for. A new Application Fee will be imposed if any of the following occurs:
(a) A deferment of an application to a future Term/Academic year for more than (1) one time.
(b) The application is withdrawn by parents/guardian with or without an offer of place.
(c) The application is unsuccessful for the second time due to unsatisfactory assessments.
(d) Parents/Guardian do not respond by a stipulated date to accept the offer.
(e) Parents/Guardian are no longer in contact with the school at the last known address.
(f) Any other terms and conditions not mentioned herein, governing Enrolment and Admission.
5. If the assessment results are not satisfactory, the Parent shall inform the Admissions personnel
should he/she decide to re-apply or otherwise, within the stipulated date as stated in the Rejection
letter. Parents may re-apply for the future, with at least six (6) months’ gap from the last assessment,
with no additional cost involved.
6. If an offer is declined by the Parent in writing or by default, the application will automatically be
7. Should the Parent wish to re-apply after the application is cancelled, the application will be treated
as a fresh application and the then prevailing Registration Fee is applicable according to the Fee
Schedule of the Academic Year, at the time of the re-application. For avoidance of doubt, the
application shall be placed on queue again in the relevant Year Group, Term and Academic Year.
8. The admission of the child is at the absolute discretion of the School and the School is not obliged
to offer any justification for the rejection of any application. Similarly, placement of the child is also
at the absolute discretion of the School and in this regard, the School generally takes into
consideration various factors, including the child’s age, academic ability, level of achievement
relative to the School’s current students and the child’s behaviour.

1. On being offered a place, the parent shall pay immediately the required registration fees, security
deposits and other fees at the rate applicable for the term for which the place is offered (Please refer
to fee schedule for details).
2. Please note that fees are normally reviewed on an annual basis and that the fees indicated on the
current fee schedule may not be the fees applicable for subsequent terms. For the avoidance of doubt,
the School reserves the right to revise the fee payable.
3. Fees for subsequent terms are payable in advance, to be paid before the commencement of the first
day of the term. Students are not allowed to attend class unless all fees payable including penalty (if
any) have been paid in full.
4. An agreement with a third party to pay the Fees or any other sum due to the School does not release
Parents from any liability under these terms and conditions or affect the operation of these terms and
conditions unless an express release has been given in writing signed by the Principal. The School
reserves the right to refuse a payment from a third party. All such payments received are accepted
in good faith.

5. Parent may withdraw the child from the School by giving the School ONE (1) month’s notice,
failing which the fee deposit SHALL be forfeited. The said notice shall set out the date of such
withdrawal (‘Withdrawal Date’), failing which the same shall be deemed as insufficient notice.
Please note that the notice of withdrawal must straddle ONE (1) MONTH. In amplification hereof
the following illustrations of what constitute insufficient notice:
(a) If it is intended that the child will leave the School at the end of an academic term, notice of
withdrawal must be received by the School not later than the end of the first day of the same
academic term, failing which the deposit shall be forfeited.
(b) If the child is withdrawn from the School prior to the Withdrawal Date.
(c) If the notice of withdrawal does not set out the Withdrawal Date.
Provisional or conditional notice of withdrawal is not accepted. If the child is not withdrawn from
the School on the Withdrawal Date, a fresh notice of withdrawal of not less than ONE (1) MONTH
must be received by the School. The provisions of this clause 10 will apply in the case of prolonged
absence of the child from the School.
6. All deposits paid under no circumstances be treated as payment of tuition fees or any part thereof
and any other payments required to be paid and may not be used to set-off any amount due and
payable by the parent. The parent shall pay such additional monies as are necessary to top up the
deposit to maintain its equivalence to one term’s tuition fee on or before the commencement of the
relevant academic term.
7. All monies refundable under the conditions hereof shall be refunded free of interest and must be
claimed by the parent within one (1) year from the date the child ceases to be a student of the School,
failing which the parent consents and confirms that the School shall immediately and is hereby duly
authorised to transfer the said monies into the School Improvement Fund, whereupon the parent
shall have no claim in respect of such monies whatsoever. The School shall be entitled to utilise such
monies in the School Improvement Fund as the School deems fit.
8. Where a child has been withdrawn from the School and applies for re-admission, the application
will be treated as a fresh application and the then prevailing Registration Fee is applicable according
to the Fee Schedule of the Academic Year, at the time of the re-application. The Registration Fee,
re-entry fee, tuition fee, deposit and other fees payable, all at then prevailing rate, are required to be
paid prior to such re-admission.
9. If the parent fails to pay any payment due and payable, the School reserves the right to
withhold all examination results, certificates and school records of the child.


1. Parent understands that the Student is expected to take a full part in the activities of the
School, to attend punctually on each school day, to work hard, to be well behaved and to
comply with the school rules about the wearing of uniform
2. Parent understands that unless excused by the school on medical grounds or other compelling
cogent reasons, a student must attend classes regularly, participate in all relevant school or
extra and co-curricular activities (including Physical Education and swimming lessons) and
sit for all relevant examinations applicable to the student. Failure to do so, s hall entitle the
School to take such actions as may be required, including limitation, requiring the student to
repeat (an) academic term(s) or to be withdrawn from the School.

3. Parent consents to allow their child to participate in residential and day out-of-school field or
school trips, theatre performances or shows and that all fees payable, including expenses
thereby incurred will be on the parent’s or guardian’s account.
4. The School reserves the right to place the child in a class which the Principal deems academically
and developmentally suitable to the child’s needs at any time and from time to time whilst the child
is enrolled at the School.
5. The School reserves the right to suspend or expel a child in a case of misconduct or a serious breach
of discipline, particularly if this has a detrimental effect (in the opinion of the School) on the other
students in the School.
6. In addition to the right of expulsion provided in the clause above, the School may require at any time
the withdrawal of a child from the School for any reason at the discretion of the Principal. Reasons
may include matters related to the child’s inability to participate in or benefit fully from the School’s
curriculum or if there is a breach by the parent or the child of any matters or things set out herein.


1. Parent may request permission to take their child from school during the day or for periods
of up to one week for family events and urgent appointments. These include, but are not limited
to, medical appointments, Friday prayers, family holidays and cultural or religious celebrations. The
school will approve any reasonable requests (at the School’s discretion) for such absences and the
parent will not be entitled to make any claim against the school arising from such approval.
2. In the interest of the child and/or other students of the School, the Principal may at his/her discretion
prohibit the child from attending at the School for such period as the Principal deems necessary in
the event of the child having a contagious or infectious disease or illness or in the event of an
outbreak of a contagious or infectious disease or illness at the School regardless of whether the child
is infected or otherwise. Parents must comply with the quarantine regulations made by any School
medical officer or any medical practitioner as varied from time to time. The parent or child shall
have no claim against the School arising from such action taken by the Principal.
3. Parent gives his/her consent that in case of emergency, where neither parent or guardian can be
contacted or contacted in time, the Principal may authorise the medical examination of the child, the
calling of further medical or specialist advice, or send the child to a clinic/medical centre/hospital
All costs for the emergency medical treatment shall be borne by the parents/guardians wholly or in
such event indemnify the school for such payment. Under such circumstance where the safety of the
child is top priority, the parents/guardians shall not hold the School or related companies or its staff
responsible for such medical treatment administered with whatever consequences.
4. Parent gives his/her consent to such physical contact as may accord with good practice and be
appropriate and proper for teaching and instruction and for providing comfort to a student in distress
or to maintain safety and good order, or in connection with the Student’s health and welfare. Parents
also consent to their child participating in contact and non-contact sports and other activities as part
of the normal School and extra-curricular programme and acknowledge that while the School will
provide appropriate supervision the risk of injury cannot be eliminated.

5. Parent confirms and agrees that the School shall not be liable for any death, personal injury or any
loss or damage of any kind whatsoever which the child may sustain on his person or property at any
time either within the School premises or elsewhere which is not attributable to the negligence of
the School, its officers or employees.
6. Parent acknowledges that the School incorporates the usage of Internet in the curriculum to enhance
the child’s development activities and agrees that the School has made clear the importance of cyber
safety and has implemented sufficient security measures to shield the child from potential threats on
the Internet. The parent agrees that he/ she will share responsibility in monitoring the child’s Internet
usage and is aware of the Acceptable Use Policy.
7. Students are responsible for the security and safe use of all personal property and are responsible for
ensuring that all such property is clearly marked with the owner’s name.
8. Students are responsible for the safe condition and use of all digital & electronic appliances that they
bring on to school premises.
9. The surau facilities within the School will be made available for Muslim students who participate in
the Agama lessons and/or wish to conduct prayers during school hours. The parent will take the
responsibility to inform the School prior to the usage of the surau or request that the child use the
surau at school to pray. The School will grant all reasonable requests (at the School’s discretion) but
does not provide supervision for children in the surau.

1. The School shall be entitled at any time to amend, add or delete any terms and conditions in respect
of the admission of the child, his/her continued enrolment at the School or any matters related
thereto. These Terms and Conditions are intended to promote the education and welfare of each
student and the stability, forward-planning, proper resourcing and development of the School.
Parents are requested to check the website for the latest version of the terms and
the Parent agrees to be bound by the latest version of the terms.
2. The School may at any time and from time to time make such rules and regulations relating to the
conduct of students in the School and all such matters or things which the child and/or parent may
be required to do or comply with as a student of the School. A breach of any such rules and
regulations shall be deemed to be breach of the terms and conditions therein.
3. All references herein to ‘parent’ shall mean any and all parents and/or any and all guardians of the
child and the provisions herein shall be binding on them jointly and severally.
4. All references herein to ‘student’ shall refer to the child who is the applicant, candidate or enrolled
person at the school.
5. The School/We/Us means The Labuan International School, a private international school fully
managed by Pristine Era Sdn. Bhd.
6. The Principal is the person appointed by the Pristine Era Sdn. Bhd. to be responsible for the Student
and includes those to whom any of the duties of the Principal or the School have been responsibly
delegated. The expression “the Principal” in these Terms and Conditions means, where appropriate,
the Principal of Labuan International School.
7. “The Parent/s” means any person who has signed the Acceptance Form and/or any person appointed
by the Parent of the child as Education Guardians.

8. Education Guardians: When both Parents reside outside Malaysia, Parental Responsibility must be
delegated to a suitable adult resident in Malaysia who has agreed to take full Responsibility for the
Student when not at school, to whom the School can apply for authorities when necessary and who
can, if necessary, come to the School at short notice. The School can accept no Responsibility during
exeats, half term or the holidays for Students whose Parents are resident abroad and the Parents and
guardians of such Students must make holiday arrangements, including travel to and from school,
well in advance. The Responsibility for choosing an appropriate education guardian rests solely
with the Parents.
9. Terminology: In these Terms and Conditions “Suspension” means that a Student has been sent or
released home for a limited period either as a disciplinary sanction or pending the outcome of an
investigation or a Management Review. "Withdrawal" means that the Parents have withdrawn the
Student from the School. "Expulsion" and "Removal" mean that the Student has been required to
leave ("asked to leave") the School permanently in the circumstances described below. "Released
home" means that the Principal has consented to the Student being away from school for a specified
period of time. "Exclusion" means that the Student may not return to school until arrears of Fees
have been paid. "Exclusion" may also be used as a general expression covering any or all of the
other expressions defined in this clause.
10. Force Majeure: An event beyond the reasonable control of the parties to this agreement is referred
to below as a “Force Majeure Event” and shall include but not limited to such events as an act of
God, fire, flood, storm, war, riot, civil unrest, act of terrorism, strikes, industrial disputes, outbreak
of epidemic or pandemic disease, failure of utility service or transportation. If either party to the
Agreement is prevented from or delayed in carrying out its obligations under this Agreement by a
Force Majeure Event, that party shall immediately notify the other in writing and shall be excused
from performing those obligations while the Force Majeure Event continues. If a Force Majeure
Event continues for a period greater than 90 days, the party who has provided notification shall
notify the other of the steps to be taken to ensure performance of this Agreement.
11. Only the School and the Parents are parties to this contract. The Student is not a party to it. A third
party who pays the fee on behalf of the student is not a party to the contract. The acts and omissions
of Parents are binding on the Student and vice versa as to any matter of behaviour, discipline and
Fees. All requests and authorities by the Parents are treated as being made on behalf of the Student
and vice versa.
12. The Parents will behave appropriately when on School premises. This includes complying with the
School’s Rules and Regulations currently in force in relation to parking within School grounds.
13. The offer of a place and its acceptance by the Parents give rise to a legally binding contract on the
terms of these Terms and Conditions. This contract was made at the School and is governed
exclusively by the laws of Malaysia.
14. PDPA: The School is committed to comply with the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act PDPA
2010 in protecting our learners' and parents' personal information with the school. The School's
Privacy Policy, which can be obtained from the school's website explains amongst other things how
we handle your child's and your personal data that we collect as well as your rights over your
personal data. Please read and understand the content of the Privacy Policy.


For non-Malaysian citizens, admission to, and continued status as a student of the School, is conditional
on the child possessing a valid visa issued by the Malaysian Immigration Department. The parent shall
undertake to keep the School informed of any change in the status during the child’s enrolment at the


I have read and I fully understand the above policies, terms and conditions and the nature and effects
thereof, I hereby expressly confirm my agreement thereto. I further undertake to perform all such
obligations and/or comply with all terms and conditions set out above on my part to be performed or
complied with, particularly but not limited to payment of all monies payable.
I acknowledge that the withholding or non-disclosure of any relevant information relating to my
child’s/ward’s physical, medical or educational needs may affect my child/ward being offered or
maintaining a place with the School. I agree that any offer or placement is conditional on the accuracy
of the information provided by me. I certify that I am the person with parental responsibility for the
child named above and that the information given is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I
understand that any false or deliberately misleading information given on this form and/or supporting
documentation may render this application invalid or lead to the offer of a place being withdrawn.

Data Protection: By signing the Acceptance Form or by agreeing to be bound by these Terms and
Conditions the Parents/Guardian on behalf of themselves and so far as they are able on behalf of
the Student authorise the School to process personal information including financial and sensitive
personal information as is deemed necessary for the legitimate purposes of the School. The
following Data Protection Information Notes explain the purposes for which we process personal
i. The School holds information about you and your child including exam results, parent and guardian
contact and financial information and details of medical conditions. That information is kept
electronically on the School’s information management system or manually in indexed filing
ii. These notes refer to the “processing” of information. “Processing” is a catch-all term and means
obtaining or recording information or carrying out any operation on the information such as storing
or using the information or passing it on to third parties.
iii. The School processes information about you and your child in order to safeguard and promote the
welfare of your child, promote the objects and interests of the School, facilitate the efficient
operation of the School and ensure that all relevant legal obligations of the School are complied
with. Examples may include: The School keeping details of medical conditions from which your
child may suffer so that staff will be able to respond appropriately in the event of a medica l
emergency, and/or the School processing financial information obtained from you or from third
parties such as credit reference agencies.
iv. The School may process different types of information about your child for the purposes set out
above. That information may include:
a. Medical records and information, including details of any illnesses, allergies or other medical
conditions suffered by your child.

b. Personal details such as home address, date of birth and next of kin.
c. concerning your child’s performance at School, including discipline record, School reports and
examination reports.
d. Financial information including information about the payment of fees at this School or any
other School.
ix. Where, in the professional opinion of the Principal it is deemed necessary we may share
information with certain third parties.
x. If the School enters into a separate arrangement for the payment of fees, we may, in order to verify
your identity and so that we can assess your application for credit, search the files of any licensed
credit reference agency who will keep a record of that search and details about your application.
This record will be seen by other organisations which make searches about you. Failure to supply
information may result in a refusal of credit.
xi. The parent may request access to the data that refers to their child and the School will approve any
reasonable request (at the School’s discretion).

Signature of Father / Guardian:

Name: _________________________
PP/IC No. ______________________
Date: __________________________
Signature of Mother / Guardian:
Name: _________________________
PP/IC No. ______________________
Date: __________________________

Labuan International School

managed by Pristine Era Sdn Bhd (358516-V)
Lot 11334, Kampung Tanjung Aru, Jalan Tanjung Aru, 87008 Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia.
T +6087-597300 E W




Please read the policies and the terms and conditions governing the admission to the School and the
child’s continued enrolment as student at the School, as set out below - Kindly initial every statement
in bold:

6. Parent understands that any false, inaccurate or misleading information could lead to
rejection of the application to be admitted or to the child’s offer of a place in this School being
withdrawn by the School.
7. The parent must at all times inform the School of any changes to information given on
admission in writing.
8. Parent hereby gives his/her consent to the School to take such photographs, images,
recordings, works or derivative works of the child and to use, free of charge, such photographs,
images, recordings, works or derivative works in any media and for whatever purpose as the
School shall deem fit, including without limitation for any promotional materials , including
but not limited to brochures, flyers or website of the School.
9. The School reserves all rights and interests in any intellectual property rights arising as a result of
the actions of a Student in conjunction with any member of staff of the School and/or other Students
at the School for a purpose associated with the School. Any use of any such intellectual property
rights by a Student is subject to the terms of a licence to be agreed prior to the use between the
Student, his/her Parents and the School. The School will allow the Student’s role in
creation/development of intellectual property rights to be acknowledged.
10. All notices, letters and correspondence from the School may be sent to the parent at the address set
out in the Application for Admission Form and shall be deemed sufficiently served if sent by
ordinary post or if the same is handed over to the child.

9. An ‘Application Fee’ is payable in full for each submission of the Application after which the
Applicant is a candidate. Please refer to fee schedule for details. The Application fee shall be payable
in one payment by either a cheque or bank draft, bank transfer or cash payment made payable to
Labuan International School at the same time of the submission of the Application for Admission
Form. Cheques and other instruments delivered at any time after the first day of term will be
presented immediately, and will not be considered as payment until cleared.
10. Applicants will be considered as candidates for admission and entry to the School when the
Application Form has been completed and returned to us and the non-refundable/non-transferable
Registration Fee paid and cleared.
11. Admission and entry will be subject to the availability of a place and the child satisfying the
admission requirements at the time. The receipt of the Registration Fee by the School does not oblige
the School to admit the child. “Admission” occurs when Parents accept the offer of a place. "Entry"
is the date when a child attends the School for the first time under this contract.

12. The Application Fee covers an application for admission to the School for the Term and Academic
Year applied for. A new Application Fee will be imposed if any of the following occurs:
(a) A deferment of an application to a future Term/Academic year for more than (1) one time.
(b) The application is withdrawn by parents/guardian with or without an offer of place.
(c) The application is unsuccessful for the second time due to unsatisfactory assessments.
(d) Parents/Guardian do not respond by a stipulated date to accept the offer.
(e) Parents/Guardian are no longer in contact with the school at the last known address.
(f) Any other terms and conditions not mentioned herein, governing Enrolment and Admission.
13. If the assessment results are not satisfactory, the Parent shall inform the Admissions personnel
should he/she decide to re-apply or otherwise, within the stipulated date as stated in the Rejection
letter. Parents may re-apply for the future, with at least six (6) months’ gap from the last assessment,
with no additional cost involved.
14. If an offer is declined by the Parent in writing or by default, the application will automatically be
15. Should the Parent wish to re-apply after the application is cancelled, the application will be treated
as a fresh application and the then prevailing Registration Fee is applicable according to the Fee
Schedule of the Academic Year, at the time of the re-application. For avoidance of doubt, the
application shall be placed on queue again in the relevant Year Group, Term and Academic Year.
16. The admission of the child is at the absolute discretion of the School and the School is not obliged
to offer any justification for the rejection of any application. Similarly, placement of the child is also
at the absolute discretion of the School and in this regard, the School generally takes into
consideration various factors, including the child’s age, academic ability, level of achievement
relative to the School’s current students and the child’s behaviour.

10. On being offered a place, the parent shall pay immediately the required registration fees, security
deposits and other fees at the rate applicable for the term for which the place is offered (Please refer
to fee schedule for details).
11. Please note that fees are normally reviewed on an annual basis and that the fees indicated on the
current fee schedule may not be the fees applicable for subsequent terms. For the avoidance of doubt,
the School reserves the right to revise the fee payable.
12. Fees for subsequent terms are payable in advance, to be paid before the commencement of the first
day of the term. Students are not allowed to attend class unless all fees payable including penalty (if
any) have been paid in full.
13. An agreement with a third party to pay the Fees or any other sum due to the School does not release
Parents from any liability under these terms and conditions or affect the operation of these terms and
conditions unless an express release has been given in writing signed by the Principal. The School
reserves the right to refuse a payment from a third party. All such payments received are accepted
in good faith.

14. Parent may withdraw the child from the School by giving the School ONE (1) month’s notice,
failing which the fee deposit SHALL be forfeited. The said notice shall set out the date of such
withdrawal (‘Withdrawal Date’), failing which the same shall be deemed as insufficient notice.
Please note that the notice of withdrawal must straddle ONE (1) MONTH. In amplification hereof
the following illustrations of what constitute insufficient notice:
(d) If it is intended that the child will leave the School at the end of an academic term, notice of
withdrawal must be received by the School not later than the end of the first day of the same
academic term, failing which the deposit shall be forfeited.
(e) If the child is withdrawn from the School prior to the Withdrawal Date.
(f) If the notice of withdrawal does not set out the Withdrawal Date.
Provisional or conditional notice of withdrawal is not accepted. If the child is not withdrawn from
the School on the Withdrawal Date, a fresh notice of withdrawal of not less than ONE (1) MONTH
must be received by the School. The provisions of this clause 10 will apply in the case of prolonged
absence of the child from the School.
15. All deposits paid under no circumstances be treated as payment of tuition fees or any part thereof
and any other payments required to be paid and may not be used to set-off any amount due and
payable by the parent. The parent shall pay such additional monies as are necessary to top up the
deposit to maintain its equivalence to one term’s tuition fee on or before the commencement of the
relevant academic term.
16. All monies refundable under the conditions hereof shall be refunded free of interest and must be
claimed by the parent within one (1) year from the date the child ceases to be a student of the School,
failing which the parent consents and confirms that the School shall immediately and is hereby duly
authorised to transfer the said monies into the School Improvement Fund, whereupon the parent
shall have no claim in respect of such monies whatsoever. The School shall be entitled to utilise such
monies in the School Improvement Fund as the School deems fit.
17. Where a child has been withdrawn from the School and applies for re-admission, the application
will be treated as a fresh application and the then prevailing Registration Fee is applicable according
to the Fee Schedule of the Academic Year, at the time of the re-application. The Registration Fee,
re-entry fee, tuition fee, deposit and other fees payable, all at then prevailing rate, are required to be
paid prior to such re-admission.
18. If the parent fails to pay any payment due and payable, the School reserves the right to
withhold all examination results, certificates and school records of the child.


7. Parent understands that the Student is expected to take a full part in the activities of the
School, to attend punctually on each school day, to work hard, to be well behaved and to
comply with the school rules about the wearing of uniform
8. Parent understands that unless excused by the school on medical grounds or other compelling
cogent reasons, a student must attend classes regularly, participate in all relevant school or
extra and co-curricular activities (including Physical Education and swimming lessons) and
sit for all relevant examinations applicable to the student. Failure to do so, s hall entitle the
School to take such actions as may be required, including limitation, requiring the student to
repeat (an) academic term(s) or to be withdrawn from the School.

9. Parent consents to allow their child to participate in residential and day out-of-school field or
school trips, theatre performances or shows and that all fees payable, including expenses
thereby incurred will be on the parent’s or guardian’s account.
10. The School reserves the right to place the child in a class which the Principal deems academically
and developmentally suitable to the child’s needs at any time and from time to time whilst the child
is enrolled at the School.
11. The School reserves the right to suspend or expel a child in a case of misconduct or a serious breach
of discipline, particularly if this has a detrimental effect (in the opinion of the School) on the other
students in the School.
12. In addition to the right of expulsion provided in the clause above, the School may require at any time
the withdrawal of a child from the School for any reason at the discretion of the Principal. Reasons
may include matters related to the child’s inability to participate in or benefit fully from the School’s
curriculum or if there is a breach by the parent or the child of any matters or things set out herein.


10. Parent may request permission to take their child from school during the day or for periods
of up to one week for family events and urgent appointments. These include, but are not limited
to, medical appointments, Friday prayers, family holidays and cultural or religious celebrations. The
school will approve any reasonable requests (at the School’s discretion) for such absences and the
parent will not be entitled to make any claim against the school arising from such approval.
11. In the interest of the child and/or other students of the School, the Principal may at his/her discretion
prohibit the child from attending at the School for such period as the Principal deems necessary in
the event of the child having a contagious or infectious disease or illness or in the event of an
outbreak of a contagious or infectious disease or illness at the School regardless of whether the child
is infected or otherwise. Parents must comply with the quarantine regulations made by any School
medical officer or any medical practitioner as varied from time to time. The parent or child shall
have no claim against the School arising from such action taken by the Principal.
12. Parent gives his/her consent that in case of emergency, where neither parent or guardian can be
contacted or contacted in time, the Principal may authorise the medical examination of the child, the
calling of further medical or specialist advice, or send the child to a clinic/medical centre/hospital
All costs for the emergency medical treatment shall be borne by the parents/guardians wholly or in
such event indemnify the school for such payment. Under such circumstance where the safety of the
child is top priority, the parents/guardians shall not hold the School or related companies or its staff
responsible for such medical treatment administered with whatever consequences.
13. Parent gives his/her consent to such physical contact as may accord with good practice and be
appropriate and proper for teaching and instruction and for providing comfort to a student in distress
or to maintain safety and good order, or in connection with the Student’s health and welfare. Parents
also consent to their child participating in contact and non-contact sports and other activities as part
of the normal School and extra-curricular programme and acknowledge that while the School will
provide appropriate supervision the risk of injury cannot be eliminated.

14. Parent confirms and agrees that the School shall not be liable for any death, personal injury or any
loss or damage of any kind whatsoever which the child may sustain on his person or property at any
time either within the School premises or elsewhere which is not attributable to the negligence of
the School, its officers or employees.
15. Parent acknowledges that the School incorporates the usage of Internet in the curriculum to enhance
the child’s development activities and agrees that the School has made clear the importance of cyber
safety and has implemented sufficient security measures to shield the child from potential threats on
the Internet. The parent agrees that he/ she will share responsibility in monitoring the child’s Internet
usage and is aware of the Acceptable Use Policy.
16. Students are responsible for the security and safe use of all personal property and are responsible for
ensuring that all such property is clearly marked with the owner’s name.
17. Students are responsible for the safe condition and use of all digital & electronic appliances that they
bring on to school premises.
18. The surau facilities within the School will be made available for Muslim students who participate in
the Agama lessons and/or wish to conduct prayers during school hours. The parent will take the
responsibility to inform the School prior to the usage of the surau or request that the child use the
surau at school to pray. The School will grant all reasonable requests (at the School’s discretion) but
does not provide supervision for children in the surau.

15. The School shall be entitled at any time to amend, add or delete any terms and conditions in respect
of the admission of the child, his/her continued enrolment at the School or any matters related
thereto. These Terms and Conditions are intended to promote the education and welfare of each
student and the stability, forward-planning, proper resourcing and development of the School.
Parents are requested to check the website for the latest version of the terms and
the Parent agrees to be bound by the latest version of the terms.
16. The School may at any time and from time to time make such rules and regulations relating to the
conduct of students in the School and all such matters or things which the child and/or parent may
be required to do or comply with as a student of the School. A breach of any such rules and
regulations shall be deemed to be breach of the terms and conditions therein.
17. All references herein to ‘parent’ shall mean any and all parents and/or any and all guardians of the
child and the provisions herein shall be binding on them jointly and severally.
18. All references herein to ‘student’ shall refer to the child who is the applicant, candidate or enrolled
person at the school.
19. The School/We/Us means The Labuan International School, a private international school fully
managed by Pristine Era Sdn. Bhd.
20. The Principal is the person appointed by the Pristine Era Sdn. Bhd. to be responsible for the Student
and includes those to whom any of the duties of the Principal or the School have been responsibly
delegated. The expression “the Principal” in these Terms and Conditions means, where appropriate,
the Principal of Labuan International School.
21. “The Parent/s” means any person who has signed the Acceptance Form and/or any person appointed
by the Parent of the child as Education Guardians.

22. Education Guardians: When both Parents reside outside Malaysia, Parental Responsibility must be
delegated to a suitable adult resident in Malaysia who has agreed to take full Responsibility for the
Student when not at school, to whom the School can apply for authorities when necessary and who
can, if necessary, come to the School at short notice. The School can accept no Responsibility during
exeats, half term or the holidays for Students whose Parents are resident abroad and the Parents and
guardians of such Students must make holiday arrangements, including travel to and from school,
well in advance. The Responsibility for choosing an appropriate education guardian rests solely
with the Parents.
23. Terminology: In these Terms and Conditions “Suspension” means that a Student has been sent or
released home for a limited period either as a disciplinary sanction or pending the outcome of an
investigation or a Management Review. "Withdrawal" means that the Parents have withdrawn the
Student from the School. "Expulsion" and "Removal" mean that the Student has been required to
leave ("asked to leave") the School permanently in the circumstances described below. "Released
home" means that the Principal has consented to the Student being away from school for a specified
period of time. "Exclusion" means that the Student may not return to school until arrears of Fees
have been paid. "Exclusion" may also be used as a general expression covering any or all of the
other expressions defined in this clause.
24. Force Majeure: An event beyond the reasonable control of the parties to this agreement is referred
to below as a “Force Majeure Event” and shall include but not limited to such events as an act of
God, fire, flood, storm, war, riot, civil unrest, act of terrorism, strikes, industrial disputes, outbreak
of epidemic or pandemic disease, failure of utility service or transportation. If either party to the
Agreement is prevented from or delayed in carrying out its obligations under this Agreement by a
Force Majeure Event, that party shall immediately notify the other in writing and shall be excused
from performing those obligations while the Force Majeure Event continues. If a Force Majeure
Event continues for a period greater than 90 days, the party who has provided notification shall
notify the other of the steps to be taken to ensure performance of this Agreement.
25. Only the School and the Parents are parties to this contract. The Student is not a party to it. A third
party who pays the fee on behalf of the student is not a party to the contract. The acts and omissions
of Parents are binding on the Student and vice versa as to any matter of behaviour, discipline and
Fees. All requests and authorities by the Parents are treated as being made on behalf of the Student
and vice versa.
26. The Parents will behave appropriately when on School premises. This includes complying with the
School’s Rules and Regulations currently in force in relation to parking within School grounds.
27. The offer of a place and its acceptance by the Parents give rise to a legally binding contract on the
terms of these Terms and Conditions. This contract was made at the School and is governed
exclusively by the laws of Malaysia.
28. PDPA: The School is committed to comply with the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act PDPA
2010 in protecting our learners' and parents' personal information with the school. The School's
Privacy Policy, which can be obtained from the school's website explains amongst other things how
we handle your child's and your personal data that we collect as well as your rights over your
personal data. Please read and understand the content of the Privacy Policy.


For non-Malaysian citizens, admission to, and continued status as a student of the School, is conditional
on the child possessing a valid visa issued by the Malaysian Immigration Department. The parent shall
undertake to keep the School informed of any change in the status during the child’s enrolment at the


I have read and I fully understand the above policies, terms and conditions and the nature and effects
thereof, I hereby expressly confirm my agreement thereto. I further undertake to perform all such
obligations and/or comply with all terms and conditions set out above on my part to be performed or
complied with, particularly but not limited to payment of all monies payable.
I acknowledge that the withholding or non-disclosure of any relevant information relating to my
child’s/ward’s physical, medical or educational needs may affect my child/ward being offered or
maintaining a place with the School. I agree that any offer or placement is conditional on the accuracy
of the information provided by me. I certify that I am the person with parental responsibility for the
child named above and that the information given is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I
understand that any false or deliberately misleading information given on this form and/or supporting
documentation may render this application invalid or lead to the offer of a place being withdrawn.

Data Protection: By signing the Acceptance Form or by agreeing to be bound by these Terms and
Conditions the Parents/Guardian on behalf of themselves and so far as they are able on behalf of
the Student authorise the School to process personal information including financial and sensitive
personal information as is deemed necessary for the legitimate purposes of the School. The
following Data Protection Information Notes explain the purposes for which we process personal
v. The School holds information about you and your child including exam results, parent and guardian
contact and financial information and details of medical conditions. That information is kept
electronically on the School’s information management system or manually in indexed filing
vi. These notes refer to the “processing” of information. “Processing” is a catch-all term and means
obtaining or recording information or carrying out any operation on the information such as storing
or using the information or passing it on to third parties.
vii. The School processes information about you and your child in order to safeguard and promote the
welfare of your child, promote the objects and interests of the School, facilitate the efficient
operation of the School and ensure that all relevant legal obligations of the School are complied
with. Examples may include: The School keeping details of medical conditions from which your
child may suffer so that staff will be able to respond appropriately in the event of a medica l
emergency, and/or the School processing financial information obtained from you or from third
parties such as credit reference agencies.
viii. The School may process different types of information about your child for the purposes set out
above. That information may include:
e. Medical records and information, including details of any illnesses, allergies or other medical
conditions suffered by your child.

f. Personal details such as home address, date of birth and next of kin.
g. concerning your child’s performance at School, including discipline record, School reports and
examination reports.
h. Financial information including information about the payment of fees at this School or any
other School.
ix. Where, in the professional opinion of the Principal it is deemed necessary we may share
information with certain third parties.
x. If the School enters into a separate arrangement for the payment of fees, we may, in order to verify
your identity and so that we can assess your application for credit, search the files of any licensed
credit reference agency who will keep a record of that search and details about your application.
This record will be seen by other organisations which make searches about you. Failure to supply
information may result in a refusal of credit.
xi. The parent may request access to the data that refers to their child and the School will approve any
reasonable request (at the School’s discretion).

Signature of Father / Guardian:

Name: _________________________
PP/IC No. ______________________
Date: __________________________
Signature of Mother / Guardian:
Name: _________________________
PP/IC No. ______________________
Date: __________________________

Labuan International School

managed by Pristine Era Sdn Bhd (358516-V)
Lot 11334, Kampung Tanjung Aru, Jalan Tanjung Aru, 87008 Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia.
T +6087-597300 E W


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