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1. Which controls must you use when you make a sharp turn?
A. 3, 4, 9 and 10
B. 1, 3, 5, 6, and 8
C. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9

2. To make vehicle turn you must use number ...

A. 8
B. 5
C. 4

3. To change gears you must use number ...

A. 6 and 7
B. 6 and 8
C. 7 and9

4. To stop your vehicle you must use number ...

A. 9
B. 8
C. 7

5. What is the speed limit unless otherwise indicated by a regulatory sign for vehicle /
combination of vehicle with GVM /GCM over 9000kg on freeways
A. 80km/h
B. 120km/h
C. 90km/h
6. Sign __ indicates that there are slow moving of heavy vehicle traveling downhill ahead.
A. Q1
B. Q3
C. Q2

7. Sketch 3 which number must you use if you want to check if there are vehicles approaching
from behind or from the sides?
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 6
C. 4 and 5

8. To make your vehicle move faster you must use number...

A. 9
B. 6
C. 10

9. Which control prevents your parked vehicle from moving?

A. 7
B. 9
C. 8

10. To show other vehicles that you are going to turn, use control number
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3

11. How far may you reverse your vehicle?

A. 500 meters
B. 200 meters
C. As far as it is safe to do so.
12. Which one of the following sign prohibits abnormal vehicle on the road.
A. D2
B. H3
C. G3

13. A learner driver of a heavy motor vehicle...

A. Is allowed to drive on a freeway.
B. Must have someone who has a valid drivers license of the same code and a professional
driving permit.
C. Is not allowed to drive faster than 60km/h.

14. Sign __ shows that a bus lane reservation begins at that point
A. Q6
B. I2 ( i 2)
C. F7

15. The distance it takes a heavy motor vehicle to stop is...

A. Shoter if it is heavily loaded
B. Shoter on a wet road than on a dry road.
C. Longer if the vehicle is traveling at a high speed

16. Sign __ shows that NO vehicle including that load that exceeds the mass indicated on the
sign is allowed beyond a certain point.
A. D7
B. C9
C. D10
17. Does hooting give you right of way?
A. Sometimes
B. Yes
C. No.

18. What are the first things that you should check when getting into a vehicle, before you
start the vehicle.
A. That the parking break is up and that the gear is in neutral.
B. That the hooter works properly
C. That the gear lever is in the first gear

19. Sketch 2. Number __ is not found in an automatic vehicle.

A. 9
B. 10
C. 8

20. Sketch 2. Number is used to keep your vehicle stationery when it is not moving.
A. 7
B. 9
C. 6

21. Number __ and __ are used to check that it is safe behind and to the side of the vehicle.
A. 1 and 8
B. 1 and 3
C. 3 and 11

22. Which controls must you use when you are pulling of on an incline...
A. 6 and 8 only
B. 7, 8 and 9
C. 6, 7, 8 and 10
23. Which control must you press down with your foot to make the vehicle go faster
A. 8
B. 9
C. 10

24. Before you change gears you first depress the __

A. 8
B. 10
C. 9

25. Which of the following sign indicated that there is a splitting of the lane ahead
A. W2
B. W4
C. W5

26. Which one of the following statements concerning the switching of the vehicle lamps is
A. They must be on between sunset and sunrise.
B. Only parking lamps must be on, on a dark cloudy day
C. They must be on if the visibility is not clear for 150 meters

27. Sign __ warns that there may be wild animals suddenly moving onto the road ahead.
A. P3
B. P4
C. P5
28. Which one of the following statements is incorrect concerning seatbelt?
A. You may unfasten your seat belt while reversing
B. Seat belts need not be worn if you are sitting in the rear of a vehicle with fitted seatbelt
C. You may not use a vehicle on a public road if the seatbelts have been removed.

29. Chevron __ indicates that there is a T-junction

A. T8
B. T7
C. T5

30. Under which conditions will you be allowed to drive a motor vehicle on a public road
once you have passed your learners licence.
Which statement is correct
A. You must drive under the supervision of a person in possession of a valid drivers license
for the same code of vehicle to that which you intend to drive.
B. The person should be seated on the back side of the vehicle on the left hand side
C. The person should be seated next to you or directly behind you if he or she cannot sit next
to you.

31. Road marking B in sketch 6 tells you that...

A. Only ambulance may stop there
B. This lane is for dangerous goods vehicle only
C. You not stop next to this line during the time period indicated on the sign displayed on the

32. Under which of the following conditions would you be able to stop your vehicle safely
and within a shorter distance.
A. When it is fully loaded
B. When the road is wet
C. When the road is dry.
33. Which sign indicates that there has been a collision ahead
A. P8
B. S9
C. S8

34. The permissible alcohol level in grams per 100ml of blood for the drivers of light motor
vehicle must be less than...
A. 0.05 g
B. 0.10 g
C. 0. 24

35. You are driving on a single lane road. When may you drive on the left hand shoulder of
the road to allow other vehicles to overtake.
A. (a) at night
(b) if it is safe to do so
(c) if persons and vehicles are clearly visible for 100 meters ahead.

B. (a) between sunrise and sunset

(b) persons and vehicle are clearly visible for 150 meters ahead
(c) if it is safe to do so

C. (a) if it is safe to do so
(b) between sunrise and sunset
(c) persons and vehicles are clearly for 100 meters ahead

36. What does the road marking RM3 in sketch 9 indicate?

A. That you may not cross the marking to proceed to another lane
B. That there are mandatory direction arrow aheads
C. That there is an intersection ahead
37. What is the speed limit unless otherwise indicated by a regulatory sign for minibuses
conveying passengers on freeways
A. 80km/h
B. 120km/h
C. 100km/h

38. Look at sketch 4 in sketch booklet vehicle B...

A. Must drive past vehicle A, if there are no other vehicles.
B. Can drive over the stop line following vehicle A if there are no oncoming vehicles.
C. Must stop behind vehicle A, drive nearer when vehicle A has driven of, stop behind the
stop line and drive off when it is safe to do so.

39. Which sign indicates that only motor cars may park there.
A. I6 (i 6)
B. G10
C. W9

40. You want to turn left at an intersection. Which procedures should be followed.
A. Indicate your intention, wait for crossing pedestrians and keep as close as possible to the
left side of the road.
B. Indicate your intention, indicate to pedestrians to wait and turn left.
C. Indicate your intention, cut through if other traffic is taking too long.

41. Arrow A in the sketch booklet sketch 5 shows you that...

A. Must turn left
B. Must proceed straight on or turn right.
C. May turn left.
42. What documents should you carry in your vehicle when driving.
A. ID book and passport
B. Driving or learners licence
C. Birthday certificate.

43. In sketch 8. Under what circumstances are you allowed to drive to the left of the yellow
line RM4.1
A. When you want to drive slower than 100km/h
B. If the faster car behind you want to pass
C. If your car breaks down.

44. Which one of the following diagrammatic sign indicate that there is an arrestor bed lane
A. W1
B. U6
C. W9

45. You are driving a light motor vehicle. Who is except from using a seatbelt on the vehicle.
A. A child of 10 years old sitting next to the driver
B. A person who has a medical certificate and driver who are busy reversing
C. Elderly people.

46. A prohibition sign colour code are.

A. A yellow and white disc
B. Red, white and black triangle
C. A black symbol on a white disc with a red border.
47. What must you do if you have missed an exit on a freeway
A. Reverse to turn
B. Make a U-turn and go back
C. Carry on until you are safely on the freeway by means of another exit

48. Beyond which sign will you find a police road block.
A. S1
B. S2
C. R6

49. Which one of the following statements is incorrect

A. You may stop and pick up hikers on the road
B. You may not stop in a tunnel
C. You may not park on a traffic island

50. Which one of the following sign indicate a sharp turn to the left.
A. N3
B. B4
C. A9

51. A double white line separating the two lanes of traffic moving in the same direction
means that...
A. You may cross to access property
B. No traffic may cross the traffic lines for any reasons
C. You may overtake if it safe to do so
52. Which one of the traffic signals indicates a flashing red arrow which means that you must
stop and proceed to the left if there is no crossing traffic
A. X2
B. X3
C. C6
53. When is it compulsory for you stop your vehicle?
A. (a) when signalled to do so by a scholar patrol
(b) when your vehicle has been involved in an accident
(c) when signalled to do so by a traffic officer

B. (a) when signalled to do so by a person driving animals

(b) if another driver gives you a signal on the freeway
(c) if you are involved in an accident

C. (a) Within a railway reserve at a railway crossing

(b) when signalled to do so by a person driving farm animals
(c) when signalled to do so by a Hitch-hikers

54. Under which circumstances will you not let your engine run?
A. While you are sitting in the drivers seat and talking to a friends in front of his house
B. While you are waiting at a traffic light
C. While you are filling up with fuel.

55. Sign P1 warns you that...

A. There is a pedestrian crossing ahead
B. There are children ahead
C. There is a shopping centre ahead

56. Which of the following is correct as far as the use of cellular phone is concerned
A. You may hold / operate a phone in your hand while driving if you are not engaging other
road uses.
B. You are not allowed to hold or operate a hand held cellular phone while driving.
C. You may not use a cellular phone in your hands while driving if you are in heavy traffic
going very slow and you are late for work and you want to notify the office.

57. Sign R5 warns you that...

A. There are stones falling from above.
B. There are loose stones on the road
C. There are road workers ahead

58. For what distance beyond no overtaking sign are you not allowed to overtake a vehicle
traveling in the same direction.
A 500m
B. 300m
C. 800m

59. Which statement is false as far as the general duties of a drivers is concerned. You may...
A. Not allow passengers to get on or off the vehicle while it is moving
B. Not run the engine if it is giving of excessive smoke or fumes
C. Leave the engine running while fuel is being pumped into the vehicle

60. Sign G10 shows that this area is reserved for...

A. Taxis
B. Motor vehicle
C. Minibuses

61. A flashing yellow light tells you...

A. Proceed slowly and with caution
B. To yield to any pedestrians crossing the road
C. Both of the above.

62. Sign A1 instructs you to...

A. Stop
B. Slow down
C. Yield
63. There are different types of hazards. Which one of the following fall under : bridge, T-
junction, and tress.
A. Moving hazards
B. Fixed hazards
C. Changing hazards

64. Sign E5 forbids you...

A. To make a U turn in this area
B. To overtake on the right
C. To turn right

65. Which statement is correct.

A. You may straddle lane lines
B. The general speed limits for a motor vehicle on a road in an urban area is 100km/h
C. You may not park on a traffic island

66. Sign Q10 warns that...

A. There is a speed bump ahead
B. There is a bumpy road ahead
C. There is a mini-circle.

67. You may drive through an umber traffic lights if...

Which statement is correct.
A. There is no time for an emergency stop
B. There is no other traffic at the intersection
C. Your vehicle is already over the stop line.

68. Sign T3 shows that...

A. You may not enter beyond the sign
B. You are approaching a two or more track railway level crossing
C. You are approaching a double boom gates ahead

69. Will examiner tell you to adjust your mirror while driving?
A. Yes because you could cause an accident.
B. No
C. No because you are not endangering other road users.

70. Sign CC5...

A. Controls the number of vehicles in this lane at a givin time
B. Indicates the minimum speed that is on this lane lane
C. Controls the maximum speed that is on this lane.

71. What is the function of a regulatory road sign.

A. They control and direct traffic flow
B. They warn of potential hazards
C. They serve as navigational aids.

72. Sign E8 prohibits you from...

A. Turning left at this point
B. Turning a U turn at this point
C. Turning right at this point

73. The flate raised hand of a traffic official means.

A. Slow down
B. Proceed with caution
C. Stop.

74. Sign N8 warns that...

A. There is a bumpy road ahead
B. There is two way traffic ahead
C. There is a cross road ahead.

75. You are a game ranger are you allowed to have adjustable spotlamps fitted to your
A. Yes
B. No.
C. Yes. Only under certain conditions.

76. Sign P8 warns that...

A. There are two lanes ahead
B. There is a dual road ahead
C. There is a tunnel ahead

77. Which one of the following can be regarded as an abandoned vehicle.

A. (a) a vehicle whose owner cannot be identified
(b) a vehicle that is parked illegally
(c) a vehicle that is likely to cause an obstruction.

B. (a) a vehicle that is parked illegally

(b) a vehicle that is parked in no stopping areas
(c) a vehicle that has been parked for 12 hours in the same place outside an urban area

C. (a) a vehicle whose owner cannot be identified

(b) a vehicle parked in a no stopping area.
(c) a vehicle that has been parked for three days in the same place on a urban road.

78. Sign A5 tells you...

A. To yield at mini-circle
B. To yield to pedestrians
C. To yield and give way to traffic on the that you are crossing.

79. Your goods vehicle has been broken down on a public road. You must displayed a
emergency triangle at least __ meters behind the vehicle .
A. 20 m
B. 30 m
C. 45 m

80. Sign D4 tells you that...

A. You are at the beginning of a toll road and that you must pay toll at the toll plaza
B. You are approaching a tunnel
C. There is a taxi stand ahead

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