Certi Ficate
Certi Ficate
Certi Ficate
CONSENT is hereby granted for Operation under section 25/26 of the Water (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and under section 21 of Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution)
Act 1981 and amendments thereof and the rules and orders made there under (hereinafter
referred to as 'the Acts’, `the Rules’) to:
This Consent Order is valid for manufacture the following products along with quantities only:
S.No. Name of the Product / Activity Extent Capacity
1. Mining of Limestone 10.16 Ha. 15,000 TPA
This order is subject to the provisions of `the Acts’ and the Rules’ and orders made there under
and further subject to the terms and conditions incorporated in the schedule – A & B enclosed to
this order.
This Consent order shall be valid for a period ending with 31.07.2025.
Copy to the Environmental Engineer, Regional Office, APPCB, Kurnool for information.
1. Any up-set condition in any activity of the Mining Unit, which may result in, violation of
standards stipulated in this order shall be informed to this Board, under intimation to the
Collector and District Magistrate and take immediate action to bring down the discharge /
emission below the limits.
2. All the rules & regulations notified by Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India
regarding Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 should be followed as applicable.
3. The mine operator shall display data outside the main gate on quantity and nature of
hazardous chemicals being used in the plant, water & air emissions and solid waste
generated within the mine premises, as per Hon’ble Supreme Court order.
4. The mine operator should put up two sign boards (6x4 ft. each) at publicly visible places at the
main gate indicating the products, effluent discharge standards, air emission standards,
hazardous waste quantities and validity of CFO and exhibit the CFO order at a prominent
place in the mine premises.
5. Notwithstanding anything contained in this consent order, the Board hereby reserves the right
and powers to review / revoke any and/or all the conditions imposed herein above and to
make such variations as deemed fit for the purpose of the Acts by the Board.
6. The mine operator shall submit Environment statement in Form V before 30th September
every year as per Rule No.14 of E (P) Rules, 1986 & amendments thereof.
7. The mine operator should make applications through Online for renewal of Consent (under
Water and Air Acts) and Authorization under HWM Rules at least 120 days before the date of
expiry of this order, along with prescribed fee under Water and Air Acts and detailed
compliance of CFO conditions for obtaining Consent & HW Authorization of the Board. The
Mining Unit should immediately submit the revised application for consent to this Board in the
event of any change in the raw material used, processes employed, quantity of trade effluents
& quantity of emissions. Any change in the management shall be informed to the Board. The
person authorized should not let out the premises / lend / sell / transfer their industrial
premises without obtaining prior permission of the State Pollution Control Board.
8. Any person aggrieved by an order made by the State Board under Section 25, Section 26,
Section 27 of Water Act, 1974 or Section 21/22 of Air Act, 1981 may within thirty days from the
date on which the order is communicated to him, prefer an appeal as per Andhra Pradesh
Water Rules, 1976 and Air Rules 1982, to Appellate authority.
3) The mine operator shall comply with ambient air quality standards of SO2 – 80 µg/m3;
NOx – 80 µg/m3; PM2.5 - 60 µg/m3; PM10 - 100 µg/m3, measured at the periphery of the
mine area.
Standards for other parameters as mentioned in the National Ambient Air Quality
Standards CPCB Notification No.B-29016/20/90/PCI-I, dated 18.11.2009.
Noise Levels: Day time : ( 6 AM to 10 PM ) – 75 dB(A)
Night time: ( 10 PM to 6 AM) – 70 dB(A)
4) Fugitive dust emissions from all the sources should be controlled effectively. The mining
unit shall provide water spraying arrangement on haul roads, loading and unloading and
at transfer points for dust suppression.
5) The mine operator shall establish one Ambient Air Quality monitoring station and monitor
the critical parameters maintained in Schedule - ‘B’ as per CPCB guidelines and shall
submit monthly reports to Regional Office and Zonal Office regularly.
6) The mine operator shall not cause any air pollution problems to surroundings and shall
take the following air pollution control measures :
a. The mine operator shall develop greenbelt wherever possible in buffer zone area.
b. In case the green belt is not possible in the buffer zone area compensatory green
belt is to be developed.
7) The mine operator shall dispose solid waste (NON HAZARDOUS) as follows :
Hazardous / as
S. Solid Waste
No generation
Quantity defined under Mode of Disposal
HWM Rules, 2016
Top Soil 16 TPM As per the approved
1 Non hazardous
mining plan.
8) The mine operator shall not increase the lease area against the grant of mine lease.
9) The mine operator shall not enhance the production capacity beyond the permitted
quantities as per mining lease and as per the approved mine plan.
10) The mine operator shall take all the environment pollution prevention measures and
shall operate as per the mining plan only and implement measures proposed in EMP.
11) The proponent shall scrupulously comply with conditions stipulated by the SEIAA (AP),
MoEF & CC, GoI, in the Environmental Clearance order Dt. 21.09.2011.
12) The mine operator shall comply with conditions stipulated in the CFE order dt.
01.04.2014 and also to comply the directions issued by the Hon’ble NGT in
O.A.No.304/2019 with regard to mining operations.
13) The project authority shall implement the following measures to reduce the air pollution
during the transportation of the mineral.
Roads shall be graded to mitigate the dust emissions.
Overfilling of tippers and consequent spillage on the roads shall be avoided.
The trucks shall be covered with tarpaulin.
Water shall be sprinkled at regular interval on the main haul road and other
service roads to suppress the dust.
14) The mine operator shall not increase the capacity beyond the permitted capacity
mentioned in this order, without obtaining EC/CFE/CFO of the Board.
15) The mine operator shall not manufacture any other products without obtaining CFE /
CFO of the Board.
16) The mine operator shall not cause ground water pollution in and around the Mining Unit
17) The project authority shall adopt and maintain the following measures to control erosion
of dumps:
Retention/toe walls at the foot of the dumps.
Worked out slopes are to be stabilized by planting appropriate shrub / grass
species on the slopes.
Garland drain around the dump for diversion of storm water. The garland drain
shall be routed through siltation pond of adequate size.
18) Suitable tree species should be planted on either side of the haul roads and approach
19) Concealing the factual data or submission of false information / fabricated data and
failure to comply with any of the conditions mentioned in this order may result in
withdrawal of this order and attract action under the provisions of relevant pollution
control Acts.
20) The Board reserves its right to modify above conditions or stipulate any further
conditions and to take action including revoke of this order in the interest of environment
21) The mine operator shall submit a compliance report on CFO conditions for every 6
months as on 01st January and 01st July of every year at Regional Office and Zonal
22) The mine shall submit the monthly production details for every six months at RO,
Digitally signed by MARRI
NARAHARI PRASAD Date: 2024.08.02 12:53:09
M/s. Panyam Cements Mineral Industries Ltd.
(10.16 Ha. - Ramatheertham Lime Stone Mine – II),
Sy.No157/1, Ramatheertham (V),
Banaganapalli(M), Nandyal District.