RXJHError 20240219 1349 51

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dwOSMajorVersion : 6

dwOSMinorVersion : 2
dwOSBuildNumber : 9200
dwOSPlatformID : 2
dwDirectXVersionMajor : 12
dwDirectXVersionMinor : 0
szDirectXVersionLetter :
bDebug : 0
bNECPC98 : 0
ullPhysicalMemory : 0
ullUsedPageFile : 2074566656
ullAvailPageFile : 1045557248
bNetMeetingRunning : 0
bIsD3D8DebugRuntimeAvailable : 0
bIsD3DDebugRuntime : 0
bIsDInput8DebugRuntimeAvailable : 0
bIsDInput8DebugRuntime : 0
bIsDMusicDebugRuntimeAvailable : 0
bIsDMusicDebugRuntime : 0
bIsDDrawDebugRuntime : 0
bIsDPlayDebugRuntime : 0
bIsDSoundDebugRuntime : 0
nD3DDebugLevel : 0
nDDrawDebugLevel : 0
nDIDebugLevel : 0
nDMusicDebugLevel : 0
nDPlayDebugLevel : 0
nDSoundDebugLevel : 0
nDShowDebugLevel : 0
szWindowsDir : C:\Windows
szBuildLab : 19041.vb_release.191206-1406
szDxDiagVersion : 6.02.19041.0928
szSetupParamEnglish : Not found
szProcessorEnglish : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630L v3 @ 1.80GHz (16 CPUs), ~1.8GHz
szSystemManufacturerEnglish : Default string
szSystemModelEnglish : Default string
szBIOSEnglish : 5.11
szPhysicalMemoryEnglish : 16384MB RAM
szCSDVersion :
szDirectXVersionEnglish :
szDirectXVersionLongEnglish : DirectX 12
szMachineNameLocalized : DESKTOP-3SCARM6
szOSLocalized : Windows 10 Pro
szOSExLocalized : Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
szOSExLongLocalized : Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
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szPageFileLocalized : 10170MB used, 17381MB available
szTimeLocalized : Tuesday, January 30, 2024, 2:42:57 PM
szMachineNameEnglish : DESKTOP-3SCARM6
szOSEnglish : Windows 10 Pro
szOSExEnglish : Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
szOSExLongEnglish : Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
szLanguagesEnglish : English (Regional Setting: English)
szPageFileEnglish : 10170MB used, 17381MB available
szTimeEnglish : 1/30/2024, 14:42:57
szDeviceName : \\.\DISPLAY1
szDescription : Radeon RX 570 Series
szKeyDeviceID : Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_67DF&SUBSYS_2379148C&REV_EF
szKeyDeviceKey : \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\
szManufacturer : Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
szChipType : AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x67DF)
szDACType : Internal DAC(400MHz)
szRevision : Unknown
szDisplayMemoryLocalized : 4095 MB
szDisplayMemoryEnglish : 4095 MB
szDisplayModeLocalized : 1440 x 900 (32 bit) (60Hz)
szDisplayModeEnglish : 1440 x 900 (32 bit) (60Hz)
dwWidth : 1440
dwHeight : 900
dwBpp : 32
dwRefreshRate : 60
szMonitorName : Generic PnP Monitor
szMonitorMaxRes : Unknown
szDriverName : C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\
szDriverVersion : 31.00.21905.1001
szDriverAttributes : Final Retail
szDriverLanguageEnglish : English
szDriverLanguageLocalized : English
szDriverDateEnglish : 10/17/2023 7:00:00 AM
szDriverDateLocalized : 10/17/2023 07:00:00
lDriverSize : 1831352
szMiniVdd : unknown
szMiniVddDateLocalized : unknown
szMiniVddDateEnglish : Unknown
lMiniVddSize : 0
szVdd : unknown
bCanRenderWindow : 1
bDriverBeta : 0
bDriverDebug : 0
bDriverSigned : 1
bDriverSignedValid : 1
szDeviceIdentifier : {D7B71EE2-249F-11CF-D574-E85640C2D235}
szDriverSignDate : Unknown
dwDDIVersion : 12
szDDIVersionEnglish : 12
szDDIVersionLocalized : 12
iAdapter : 0
szVendorId : 0x1002
szDeviceId : 0x67DF
szSubSysId : 0x2379148C
szRevisionId : 0x00EF
dwWHQLLevel : 0
bNoHardware : 0
bDDAccelerationEnabled : 1
b3DAccelerationExists : 1
b3DAccelerationEnabled : 1
bAGPEnabled : 1
bAGPExists : 1
bAGPExistenceValid : 1
szDXVAModes : Unknown
szDDStatusLocalized : Enabled
szDDStatusEnglish : Enabled
szD3DStatusLocalized : Enabled
szD3DStatusEnglish : Enabled
szAGPStatusLocalized : Enabled
szAGPStatusEnglish : Enabled
szNotesLocalized : No problems found.

szNotesEnglish : No problems found.

szRegHelpText : Unknown
szTestResultDDLocalized : Not run
szTestResultDDEnglish : Not run
szTestResultD3D7Localized : Not run
szTestResultD3D7English : Not run
szTestResultD3D8Localized : Not run
szTestResultD3D8English : Not run
szTestResultD3D9Localized : Not run
szTestResultD3D9English : Not run
**********Client App just started. Process # : 0 **********
������ ��� : 900200311
������ ��� : 900303930
������ ��� : 900403931
������ ��� : 900503930
������ ��� : 900503930
������ ��� : 900803930
������ ��� : 900200324
������ ��� : 900303932
������ ��� : 900403933
������ ��� : 900503932
������ ��� : 900503932
������ ��� : 900803932
[RESOL] Screen Size (1440, 900) primary mor:1
dwmodeNum 50
[RESOL] m_iDispNum:4, a:0
[RESOL] 1 : 800 * 600 support:1 wide:0
[RESOL] 2 : 1024 * 768 support:1 wide:0
[RESOL] 3 : 1280 * 720 support:1 wide:1
[RESOL] 4 : 1280 * 800 support:1 wide:1
RestoreDeviceObject Called
dwmodeNum 50
Create device
Startup : 0
Model ��
��ġ ��� : F:\HiepKhachDeVuong_v17\
start time:20240219_1334_54
m_pD3DXSprite�� ����
m_pD3DXZSprite�� ����
m_pD3DXSprite�� ����
m_pD3DXZSprite�� ����
m_pD3DXSprite�� ����
m_pD3DXZSprite�� ����
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IME ���
IME Ŀ���� ����
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d3dmodel ����
Load map time:20240219_1334_54 - 1000001 : 8
Map Loading Success : 1000001
Login Interface ����
LoadLibrary Success

GetProcAddress Success

LoadLibrary Success

GetProcAddress Success

LoadLibrary Success

GetProcAddress Success

LoadLibrary Success

GetProcAddress Success

[ACCOUNTID] : hoanglong15
[���2 res:0 id:300]
interselect create
Load map time:20240219_1335_06 - 1000002 : 99
Map Loading Success : 1000002
Select Interface ����
>>>>> Not Find End-Pos : HeadPos = 5532
TailPos = 11279
Total Buffer Size = 655360
Vaild Packet Byte = 5747(byte)
Loop Index = 0
End Pos:12[ 0,55 ]

2.19 / 13:35:8
EndPos Code:6901 Size:513
aa 55 08 00 00 2c 01 69 01 02 00 04 00 55 aa aa 55 2c 0b 01 2c 01 11 00 1d 0b 00 44
Char_Count = 1, Name = Daotest, weaponClass = 1
Char_Count = 2, Name = KiemNu, weaponClass = 2
>>>>> Finish Searh! Throw out Data! i+2(12) >= nVaildLength(12), HeadIncrease(12)
Start game
Load Start
EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z1_INTENSE_12.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z1_INTENSE_15.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z1_LUXURY1.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z1_LUXURY2.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z2_INTENSE_12.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z2_INTENSE_15.fxm

create EffectManager
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
safe_sprintf !!!!!! : %s

@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
Load map time:20240219_1336_02 - 1101 : 13408
Map Loading Success : 1101
������ ��� : -1046223152
Index not found : -4711918809426696496
cannot find index : 2076, ItemClass.cpp - call[10424] : ItemClass::SetItemOption
������ ��� : -945297712
Index not found : -3988246635612739888
cannot find index : 2076, ItemClass.cpp - call[10424] : ItemClass::SetItemOption
������ ��� : 1059255144
Index not found : 4549466176889221992
cannot find index : 2076, ItemClass.cpp - call[10424] : ItemClass::SetItemOption
������ ��� : 1109783390
Index not found : 4766483405458502494
cannot find index : 2076, ItemClass.cpp - call[10424] : ItemClass::SetItemOption
������ ��� : 1109717863
Index not found : 4549184723437810535
cannot find index : 2076, ItemClass.cpp - call[10424] : ItemClass::SetItemOption
0 /1 Char: Daotest 300 300
w:1 s:1 zone:1101 x:1245.881348 y:15.000000 z:586.563843

ACCOUNTID : hoanglong15
CHARID : Daotest

IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437

������ ��� : 1
DEBUG_LOG: ��� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
>>>>> Not Find End-Pos : HeadPos = 14375
TailPos = 15116
Total Buffer Size = 655360
Vaild Packet Byte = 741(byte)
Loop Index = 0
End Pos:27[ aa,aa ]

2.19 / 13:36:13
EndPos Code:5901 Size:2064
aa 55 17 00 00 2c 01 59 10 08 00 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 aa
aa 55 af 00 00 01 00 c0 00 a0 00 9c 00 bb 01 >>>>>CCircularBuffer::HeadIncrease(3)
0 /1 Char: Daotest 300 300
w:1 s:1 zone:1101 x:1245.881348 y:15.000000 z:586.563843
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
ShowGameNotice : - Ch�i qua� 180 phu�t m��i nga�y se� a�nh h���ng x��u ���n s��c
0 /1 Char: Daotest 300 300
w:1 s:1 zone:1101 x:1245.881348 y:15.000000 z:586.563843
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
0 /1 Char: Daotest 300 300
w:1 s:1 zone:1101 x:1245.881348 y:15.000000 z:586.563843
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
Set Mini_map : 1101

0 /1 Char: Daotest 300 300

w:1 s:1 zone:1101 x:1245.881348 y:15.000000 z:586.563843
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
0 /1 Char: Daotest 300 300
w:1 s:1 zone:1101 x:1245.881348 y:15.000000 z:586.563843
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
0 /1 Char: Daotest 300 300
w:1 s:1 zone:1101 x:1245.881348 y:15.000000 z:586.563843
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
Set Mini_map : 1101

0 /1 Char: Daotest 300 300

w:1 s:1 zone:1101 x:1245.881348 y:15.000000 z:586.563843
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
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>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
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>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
ShowGameNotice : - Sau khi gia nh��p th�� l��c - Ca�c nhi��m vu� th�ng ch��c se�
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>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:36:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
Device Lost : Present() returned -2005530520
Device Lost
Reset3DEnvironment Called
InvalidateDeviceObjects start
InvalidateModel complete
InvalidateDeviceObjects k_nGameResource
InvalidateDeviceObjects Effect
RestoreDeviceObject Called
dwmodeNum 50
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:37:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> a Part of Packet Data, PatketTLength(56) > len(21)
ShowGameNotice : - Gi��i ha�n 4 account / PC
0 /1 Char: Daotest 300 300
w:1 s:1 zone:1101 x:964.714050 y:15.000000 z:592.280334
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
dwmodeNum 50
interselect create
Load map time:20240219_1343_23 - 1000002 : 90
Map Loading Success : 1000002
Select Interface ����
Char_Count = 1, Name = Daotest, weaponClass = 1
Char_Count = 2, Name = KiemNu, weaponClass = 2
[�α‫׾‬ƿ�2 Select res:1]
Load map time:20240219_1343_26 - 1000001 : 17
Map Loading Success : 1000001
Login Interface ����
LoadLibrary Success
GetProcAddress Success

LoadLibrary Success

GetProcAddress Success

LoadLibrary Success

GetProcAddress Success

LoadLibrary Success

GetProcAddress Success

[ACCOUNTID] : hoanglong15
[���2 res:0 id:300]
interselect create
Load map time:20240219_1343_34 - 1000002 : 99
Map Loading Success : 1000002
Select Interface ����
>>>>> Not Find End-Pos : HeadPos = 5532
TailPos = 6571
Total Buffer Size = 655360
Vaild Packet Byte = 1039(byte)
Loop Index = 0
End Pos:12[ 0,55 ]

2.19 / 13:43:34
EndPos Code:6901 Size:513
aa 55 08 00 00 2c 01 69 01 02 00 04 00 55 aa aa 55 2c 0b 01 2c 01 11 00 1d 0b 00 44
>>>>> a Part of Packet Data, PatketTLength(2860) > len(1030)
Char_Count = 1, Name = Daotest, weaponClass = 1
Char_Count = 2, Name = KiemNu, weaponClass = 2
Start game
Load Start
EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z1_INTENSE_12.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z1_INTENSE_15.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z1_LUXURY1.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z1_LUXURY2.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z2_INTENSE_12.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z2_INTENSE_15.fxm

create EffectManager
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
safe_sprintf !!!!!! : %s

@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
Load map time:20240219_1343_49 - 101 : 13408
Map Loading Success : 101
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:920.212097 y:15.000000 z:-2254.744873

ACCOUNTID : hoanglong15

IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437

������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
>>>>> Not Find End-Pos : HeadPos = 13657
TailPos = 19183
Total Buffer Size = 655360
Vaild Packet Byte = 5526(byte)
Loop Index = 0
End Pos:27[ aa,aa ]

2.19 / 13:43:55
EndPos Code:5901 Size:2064
aa 55 17 00 00 2c 01 59 10 08 00 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 aa
aa 55 b4 00 00 01 00 c0 00 a5 00 a1 00 bb 01 >>>>>CCircularBuffer::HeadIncrease(3)
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:920.212097 y:15.000000 z:-2254.744873
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
ShowGameNotice : - Ch�i qua� 180 phu�t m��i nga�y se� a�nh h���ng x��u ���n s��c
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:920.212097 y:15.000000 z:-2254.744873
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:920.212097 y:15.000000 z:-2254.744873
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
Set Mini_map : 101

0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300

w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:920.212097 y:15.000000 z:-2254.744873
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:920.212097 y:15.000000 z:-2254.744873
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:920.212097 y:15.000000 z:-2254.744873
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
Set Mini_map : 101

0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300

w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:920.212097 y:15.000000 z:-2254.744873
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:43:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
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>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
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>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:44:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:767.979248 y:15.000000 z:-1678.055786
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
dwmodeNum 50
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
interselect create
Load map time:20240219_1345_18 - 1000002 : 90
Map Loading Success : 1000002
Select Interface ����
Char_Count = 1, Name = Daotest, weaponClass = 1
Char_Count = 2, Name = KiemNu, weaponClass = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
Start game
Load Start
EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z1_INTENSE_12.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z1_INTENSE_15.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z1_LUXURY1.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z1_LUXURY2.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z2_INTENSE_12.fxm

EFFECT File Open Failed : ..\datas\FX\Z2_INTENSE_15.fxm

create EffectManager
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
safe_sprintf !!!!!! : %s

@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
@@1-1 inex : 0
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
Index not found : 2000000000
Load map time:20240219_1345_26 - 101 : 13408
Map Loading Success : 101
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:785.361633 y:15.000000 z:-1694.304199

ACCOUNTID : hoanglong15

IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437

������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
>>>>> Not Find End-Pos : HeadPos = 68250
TailPos = 73378
Total Buffer Size = 655360
Vaild Packet Byte = 5128(byte)
Loop Index = 2
End Pos:29[ aa,aa ]

2.19 / 13:45:30
EndPos Code:5901 Size:2064
aa 55 17 00 00 2c 01 59 10 08 00 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 aa
aa 55 b3 00 00 01 00 c0 00 a4 00 a0 00 bb 01 >>>>> Not Find End-Pos : HeadPos =
TailPos = 77201
Total Buffer Size = 655360
Vaild Packet Byte = 8949(byte)
Loop Index = 0
End Pos:27[ aa,aa ]

2.19 / 13:45:30
EndPos Code:5901 Size:2064
aa 55 17 00 00 2c 01 59 10 08 00 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 aa
aa 55 b3 00 00 01 00 c0 00 a4 00 a0 00 bb 01 >>>>>CCircularBuffer::HeadIncrease(3)
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:785.361633 y:15.000000 z:-1694.304199
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
ShowGameNotice : - Ch�i qua� 180 phu�t m��i nga�y se� a�nh h���ng x��u ���n s��c
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:785.361633 y:15.000000 z:-1694.304199
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:785.361633 y:15.000000 z:-1694.304199
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
Set Mini_map : 101

0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300

w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:785.361633 y:15.000000 z:-1694.304199
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:785.361633 y:15.000000 z:-1694.304199
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300
w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:785.361633 y:15.000000 z:-1694.304199
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
������ ��� : 1
�� ���� �ε����� ���Խ�ϴ�.(1)
Set Mini_map : 101

0 /1 Char: KiemNu 300 300

w:2 s:2 zone:101 x:785.361633 y:15.000000 z:-1694.304199
IFManager,size= 420 / packesize= 437
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
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>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:45:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:1]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:2]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:3]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:4]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:5]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:6]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:7]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:8]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:9]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:10]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:11]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:12]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:13]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:14]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:15]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:16]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:17]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:18]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:19]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:20]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:21]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:22]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:23]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:24]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:25]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:26]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:27]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:28]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:29]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:30]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:31]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:32]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:33]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:34]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:35]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:36]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:37]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:38]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:39]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:40]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:41]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:42]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:43]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:44]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:45]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:46]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
dwmodeNum 50
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:47]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:48]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:49]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:50]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:51]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:52]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:53]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:54]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:55]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
interselect create
Load map time:20240219_1346_55 - 1000002 : 90
Map Loading Success : 1000002
Select Interface ����
Char_Count = 1, Name = Daotest, weaponClass = 1
Char_Count = 2, Name = KiemNu, weaponClass = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:56]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:57]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:58]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:46:59]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
[�α‫׾‬ƿ�2 Select res:1]
>>>>> [2.19 / 13:47:0]PullOutCore() Critical Error!!! nVaildLength = 2
Load map time:20240219_1347_00 - 1000001 : 17
Map Loading Success : 1000001
Login Interface ����
LoadLibrary Success
GetProcAddress Success

LoadLibrary Success

GetProcAddress Success

[ACCOUNTID] : hoanglong16
[���2 res:0 id:300]
interselect create
Load map time:20240219_1349_42 - 1000002 : 99
Map Loading Success : 1000002
Select Interface ����
>>>>> Not Find End-Pos : HeadPos = 5532
TailPos = 5573
Total Buffer Size = 655360
Vaild Packet Byte = 41(byte)
Loop Index = 0
End Pos:12[ 0,55 ]

2.19 / 13:49:43
EndPos Code:6901 Size:513
aa 55 08 00 00 2c 01 69 01 02 00 04 00 55 aa aa 55 14 00 00 00 00 11 00 05 00 ff 2e
>>>>> Finish Searh! Throw out Data! i+2(12) >= nVaildLength(12), HeadIncrease(12)
Create Character
**********Dump file is created. Process # : 0 **********
================������ʹ� log2.txt�� ��� �� ����̴�.=================

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