4 - 04-27-2021 - 17-45-01 - Labour Law Syllabus
4 - 04-27-2021 - 17-45-01 - Labour Law Syllabus
4 - 04-27-2021 - 17-45-01 - Labour Law Syllabus
Session 2020-21
Diploma in Labour Law and Social Welfare
Diploma in Labour Law and Social Welfare is 1- year course fundamentally involving issues
related to the issues in industry concerning the Labour. The course would cover the advent
of the industrial and labour laws in India, world at large with reference to recent legislations
and connected case laws.
1. Program Outcomes
PO -1 To introduce the Principles of Labour Law and Industrial Law
PO -2 To explain about the various laws relating to Women, Children and Senior Citizen
PO3- To enhance the understanding of Social Welfare Laws
PO-4 To clarify the labour problems issues in the industry and the law in this regard
PO -5 To educate about the regulation of labour laws at national and international level
2. Eligibility
Bachelor/Master degree with at least 45% marks (42.75% marks for SC/ST/ Blind/ Visually
and Differently Abled candidates of Haryana only) in aggregate or any other examination
recognized by M.D. University, Rohtak as equivalent thereto.
3. Intake Proposed and Seat Distribution as Per Reservation Policy
Name of AIO HOGC SC Deprived BC BC DA/ EWS No. of
PwD/ sanctioned
SC (A) (B) PH/ESM/ seats
Diploma in Labor 4 12 3 2 4 3 1 1 30
Law and Social
Sr. Name of Paper Code Written Internal Total Time
No. marks
*The student has to undergo an internship for 15 days with the organization, advocate in the
concerned filed. On completion of the internship, the student has to produce a certificate
from such organization or advocate or renowned person to the effect that he/she has
completed the internship. The student has to prepare a detailed internship report which will
carry 150 marks. The Viva-Voce Examination/Presentation of the report for 50 marks shall
be conducted by a committee of three examiners.
Sr. Name of Paper Code Written Internal Total Time
No. marks
4. *Project Report 20DPL12C4 200 Marks (100 marks for External and 100
marks for presentation before committee
*The Project report submitted by the candidates shall be sent to the external examiner for
evaluation. The Viva-Voce Examination/Presentation of the report for 100 marks shall be
conducted by a committee of three examiners.
Program Name Diploma in Labour Law and Program DPL1
Social Welfare Code
Credits 4 No. of 4
Note: The examiner has to set a total of nine questions (two from each unit and one
compulsory question consisting of short answer from all units. The candidate has to
attempt one question each from each unit along the compulsory question (5 x 16 = 80
Course Objectives:
1. Acquainting the students with basics relating to Industrial Jurisprudence and also
Labour Policy in India.
2. Providing an elementary understanding of the concept of Industrial Peace and
Labour Harmony as well as understanding of everyday application of labour laws.
3. Providing extensive knowledge regarding the basis of Industrial Relations, Social
Equity, Social Security, Growth of Labour Legislation in India and Government
Schemes for welfare of Labour Classes.
4. Providing basic knowledge to the students about the Payment of Wages 1936 and
also the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
5. Providing an elementary understanding of the Employees’ State Insurance Act,
1948 and the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
Course Outcomes:
1. The student knows about the basic concepts relating to Industrial Jurisprudence
and Labour Policy in India.
2. The student has elementary knowledge about industrial peace, labour harmony
and is capable to apply labour laws in day to day labour issues and problems.
3. The student has full knowledge of government schemes of welfare for labour
4. The student has general knowledge regarding Issues of wages, bonus and State
5. The student has general awareness about Industrial Relations, Social Equity and
Social Security
Unit 1
Unit 3
Unit 4
1. The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948-Application and Scope of the Act,
2. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 -Scope and Application; Penalty and offences
1. Mishra, S.N. (2018). Labour and Industrial Laws, Central Law Publications
2. Padhi, P.K. (2019). Labour and Industrial Laws, PHI Learning Private Limited
3. Rao, Rega Surya, (2017). Lectures on Labour and Industrial Laws, Asia Law
4. Srivastava, S C. (2020). Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, Vikas Publishing
5. Thothadri, Vijayalakshmi M S. (2019). Industrial and Labour Laws, Dreamtech
Program Name Diploma in Labour Law and Program DPL1
Social Welfare Code
Course Name Industrial Law Course 20CPL11C2
Credits 4 No. of 4
Duration of End 3 hours Max. marks 100
term Theory - 80 Marks
examination (External) and 20
Marks (Internal)].
Note:The examiner has to set a total of nine questions (two from each unit and one
compulsory question consisting of short answer from all units. The candidate has to
attempt one question each from each unit along the compulsory question (5 x 16 = 80
Course Objectives:
1. Acquainting the students with the Basic concepts of Industrial Dispute and the
Industrial Dispute Act, 1947and putting concepts in their practical perspective.
2. Providing an elementary understanding of the penalties and offences under
Industrial Dispute Act.
3. Providing extensive knowledge regarding Powers and Duties of Authorities under
Industrial Dispute Act.
4. Providing basic knowledge of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act,
1946 and the Industrial (Development and Regulation Act), 1951.
5. Providing general knowledge of Factory Act 1948 Trade Union Act, 1926 and the
Apprentices Act, 1961.
Course Outcomes:
1. The student is able to understand the technicalities of industrial dispute and apply
the relevant provisions of law.
2. The student has extensive knowledge regarding Provisions relating to Health,
Safety, Trade Union and Apprentices,
3. The student knows Powers and Duties of Authorities under Industrial Dispute Act.
4. The student knows the nature and legal provisions of Lay-Off and Lock-Out,
Retrenchment, Strike, Wages and Workman.
5. The student understands the basic concept of Factory Law.
Unit 1
Unit 2
1. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946- Definitions; Scope and
2. The Industrial (Development and Regulation Act), 1951-Important Features of the Act
Unit 3
1. Mishra, S.N. (2018). Labour and Industrial Laws, Central Law Publications
2. Padhi, P.K. (2019). Labour and Industrial Laws, PHI Learning Private Limited
3. Rao, Rega Surya, (2017). Lectures on Labour and Industrial Laws, Asia Law
4. Srivastava, S C. (2020). Industrial Relations and Labour Laws,Vikas Publishing
5. Thothadri, Vijayalakshmi M S. (2019).Industrial and Labour Laws, Dreamtech
Program Name Diploma in Labour Law and Program DPL1
Social Welfare Code
Credits 4 No. of 4
Note:The examiner has to set a total of nine questions (two from each unit and one
compulsory question consisting of short answer from all units. The candidate has to
attempt one question each from each unit along the compulsory question (5 x 16 = 80
Course Objectives:
1. Acquainting student with the POCSO Act, 2012 and provisions relating to safety of
child from sexual abuse and sexual harassment.
2. Providing students the necessary understanding of Protection of Women from
Domestic Violence Act, 2005 and its salient features.
3. Providing the students the legal understanding of various maintenance provisions
under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007.
4. Making the student understand the various legal and technical aspects of Sexual
Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act,
5. To create empathy and compassion among students about the marginal and
vulnerable groups of the society.
Course Outcomes:
1. The student is able to understand the types of sexual assaults on child and knows
the procedure to tackle child victims of sexual abuse.
2. The student understands what constitutes domestic violence and how to deal with
such issues with clarity in theory as well as in practical aspects.
3. The student knows various maintenance provisions for parents and senior citizens
and the mechanism of their enforcement .
4. The student knows the essential legal provisions of anti-sexual harassment at
workplace law and can provide legal aid to any such woman victim.
5. The students are now more legally equipped to deal with issues related to women,
child, parents and senior citizens.
Unit 1
2. Interview of Child
Unit 3
Unit 4
1. Mishra, S.N. (2018). Labour and Industrial Laws, Central Law Publications
2. Padhi, P.K. (2019). Labour and Industrial Laws, PHI Learning Private Limited
3. Rao, Rega Surya, (2017). Lectures on Labour and Industrial Laws, Asia Law
4. Srivastava, S C. (2020). Industrial Relations and Labour Laws,Vikas Publishing
5. Thothadri, Vijayalakshmi M S. (2019).Industrial and Labour Laws, Dreamtech
Program Name Diploma in Labour Law and Program DPL1
Social Welfare Code
Credits 8 No. of 16
Course Objectives:
1. Acquainting student with procedural and practical aspects in the concerned field.
2. Providing student an opportunity to work with expert people in the concerned field.
3. Providing student a chance to develop clarity of law in theory as well as in practice.
4. To make the student understand the working of the practitioners in the concerned
5. To make the student competent to deal the issues and problems of the victims and
help them with a professional and ethical approach.
Course Outcomes:
1. The student knows the programme and course subjects in theoretical and practical
2. The student is more efficient and proficient in dealing with problems in the area.
3. The student builds up a professional approach in helping the victims and clients.
4. The student evolves in the relevant area with deep understanding of subjects.
5. The student is more pro-active in expanding his legal and social understanding of
the laws in real sense.
The candidate has to do the Internship of 15 days with any Labour Lawyer, in any
LabourOrganisation etc. with the permission of the Head of the Department. The students
also submit the Internship File in the Department and the same will be evaluated by the
External Examiner. The Viva-Voce Examination/Presentation of the Internship shall be
conducted a committee of three members in which one should be External Examiner
appointed by Dean, Faculty of Law, MDU Rohtak.
Program Name Diploma in Labour Law and Program DPL1
Social Welfare Code
Credits 4 No. of 4
Note:The examiner has to set a total of nine questions (two from each unit and one
compulsory question consisting of short answer from all units. The candidate has to
attempt one question each from each unit along the compulsory question (5 x 16 = 80
Course Objectives:
1. Acquainting the students with the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act
1986 and also Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976.
2. Providing an elementary understanding of the Labour Problems.
3. Providing extensive knowledge about legal provisions regarding Child Labour,
bonded labour and Contract labour.
4. To make the student understand the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961and its essential
legal protection to women.
5. To help the student in developing a legal aptitude and ability to comprehend the
social issue in its legal and social setting.
Course Outcomes:
1. The student understands the problem of child labour with better clarity of law.
2. The student understands the problem of Bondedlabour with better clarity of law.
3. The student knows how to deal with cases of Child labour and bonded labour.
4. The student understands a labour problem with its legal and social background.
5. The student knows the protection available to women for maternity privilege.
Unit 1
1. Definitions
Unit 2
1. Definitions,
3. Offences,
Unit 3
1. Definitions,
Unit 4
1. Definitions,
2. Authorities,
1. Mishra, S.N. (2018). Labour and Industrial Laws, Central Law Publications
2. Padhi, P.K. (2019). Labour and Industrial Laws, PHI Learning Private Limited
3. Rao, Rega Surya, (2017). Lectures on Labour and Industrial Laws, Asia Law
4. Srivastava, S C. (2020). Industrial Relations and Labour Laws,Vikas Publishing
5. Thothadri, Vijayalakshmi M S. (2019).Industrial and Labour Laws, Dreamtech
Program Name Diploma in Labour Law and Program DPL1
Social Welfare Code
Credits 4 No. of 4
Note:The examiner has to set a total of nine questions (two from each unit and one
compulsory question consisting of short answer from all units. The candidate has to
attempt one question each from each unit along the compulsory question (5 x 16 = 80
Course Objectives:
2. Advisory Committee;
1. Inspectors;
Unit 4
1. Mishra, S.N. (2018). Labour and Industrial Laws, Central Law Publications
2. Padhi, P.K. (2019). Labour and Industrial Laws, PHI Learning Private Limited
3. Rao, Rega Surya, (2017). Lectures on Labour and Industrial Laws, Asia Law
4. Srivastava, S C. (2020). Industrial Relations and Labour Laws,Vikas Publishing
5. Thothadri, Vijayalakshmi M S. (2019).Industrial and Labour Laws, Dreamtech
Program Name Diploma in Labour Law and Program DPL1
Social Welfare Code
Credits 4 No. of 4
Note:The examiner has to set a total of nine questions (two from each unit and one
compulsory question consisting of short answer from all units. The candidate has to
attempt one question each from each unit along the compulsory question (5 x 16 = 80
Course Objectives:
Unit 2
1. Distribution of compensation,
2. Authorities,
Unit 3
3. Offences
Unit 4
1. Mishra, S.N. (2018). Labour and Industrial Laws, Central Law Publications
2. Padhi, P.K. (2019). Labour and Industrial Laws, PHI Learning Private Limited
3. Rao, Rega Surya, (2017). Lectures on Labour and Industrial Laws, Asia Law
4. Srivastava, S C. (2020). Industrial Relations and Labour Laws,Vikas Publishing
5. Thothadri, Vijayalakshmi M S. (2019).Industrial and Labour Laws, Dreamtech
Program Name Diploma in Labour Law and Program DPL1
Social Welfare Code
Credits 8 No. of 16
Course Objectives:
1. The student knows the programme and course subjects in theoretical and practical
2. The student is more efficient and proficient in dealing with problems in the area.
3. The student builds up a professional approach in presentation of the subject.
4. The student evolves in the relevant area with deep understanding of the topic.
5. The student is more pro-active in expanding his legal and social understanding of
the laws in real sense.
* The Project report submitted by the candidates shall be sent to the external examiner for
evaluation. The Viva-Voce Examination/Presentation of the report shall be conducted by a
committee of three examiners in which one should be external examiner constituted by
Dean, Faulty of Law, MDU Rohtak.