Government of India
Ministry of Read Transport 6: Highways
(Transport Division)
Transport Bhawan, 1, Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110001
Subject: Revision of Safe Axle Weights for Transport Vehicles and enforcement thereof.
Reference is invited to Ministry's letter in F. No. RT11028/11/2017-MVL dated 18th July, 2018 on the
above subject. After the issue of the notification dated 16th July, 2018, further discussions were held with the
stake holders including OEMs and Tyre manufacturers. Based on the discussions, the Ministry has modified
the above Notification on 6th August, 2018. The copies of both the notifications, and a gist of the notification
after amendment, are annexed at Annexure 'A'.
2. As a result of amendment in the notification dated 6th August, 2018, all the vehicle models that have
been type approved before 16th July 2018, shall be allowed the revised maximum safe axle weight. The Gross
Vehicle weight of the vehicles shall also be revised accordingly. Transport Departments of the states may take
necessary action to incorporate the revised GVW in the registration particulars of the transport vehicles.
3. All the new models, which are approved on or after 16th July 2018, shall be tested for the higher axle
loads in force by the testing agencies authorised to issue type approval certificates under Rule 126 of the
Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
4. The above notification specifies the maximum permissible weight for different configurations of the
axles. In order to clarify its impact on the gross vehicle weight (GVW) on vehicles with different axle
combinations, a revised illustrative table has been prepared as a guideline for enforcement agencies. This is
enclosed as Annexure '8' for ready reference. It may be noted that any combination of axles in trucks,
tractors and trailers would be permissible subject to overall GVW limits and approval process as per CMVR.
No separate notification would be required for individual axle combination.
5. It may further be noted that the modular hydraulic trailers may be permitted to carry single indivisible
loads of higher values (in terms of dimensions and weight) provided appropriate number of axle row modules
are provided and route permissions are taken from the authorities having jurisdiction over area of movement.
6. With the revised permissible weight for the transport vehicles, the state enforcement Authorities are
requested to rigorously enforce the regulations and take strict action against overloading by goods vehicles on
roads and ensure that such vehicles are stopped and made to unload the excess load before being allowed to
proceed further, in addition to levy of penalties under section 194 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
Yours faithfully
Director (MVL)
Copy to:
The Chairman, NHAI with the request to communicate the contents of this advisory and the notification to all
the Toll Plaza operators to be used in respect of loading of vehicles.
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~ "Bo ito ~o-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99
ciF) I
~ ~ 3l'tx ~ lf~
~ ~, 16 ~, 2018
<fIT.3rf. 3467(31).-~ m<lm, ~ <:fl'<f 31~, 1988 (1988 cnT 59) qfT sTRT58 qfT \3'(f-STRT(1) &RT
~ 'Wffim cnT ~ ~ S17 (f2.TT'l'fRC1 'fR'cnR cF \ifCfllc1~1 ~-~ ~ ~ (~ ~ST) qfT ~
18 ~, 1996 qfT ~ ~ cnT.3lT. 728(31) cnT ~ ~ ~ 'C'l<R1 cF m, ~ 3l'R cnT -m.-sm
S<TR if ~ ~, ~ <WiT (~ ctm cnT ~) cF ~ST if ~ 1JCPR qfT ~ '* ~
WalT ~ ~ cnT
f.'1h1lj'HI"1 ~ ~ t 31~OO:-
Sf>1l ~ <fIT ~ ~~
~. S~~
1. 'CfiP~
3.0 C1'
1.1 '0P cn:R cF ~T '0P ~
7.5 C1'
1.2 GT cn:R cF ~T '0P ~
1.3 't1R CTm '* ~ '0P ~ 11.5 C1'*
2. The gross vehicle weight (GVW) shall not exceed the total permissible safe axle weight as above and in no case
shall exceed-
(i) 49 tonnes in case of rigid vehicles; and
(ii) 55 tonnes in case of semi-articulated trailers and truck-trailers except modular hydraulic trailers.
3. Modular hydraulic trailers can carry goods of indivisible nature of any load subject to the regulatory approvals
as may be required.
Explanation .- For the purposes of this notification, tolerance upto five per cent. in the gross vehicle weight shall be
allowed for the purpose of compliance to sub-section (3) of section 113 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988).
[F. No. RT-II028/ll/2017-MVL]
Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-l l 0064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-I 10054. Digitally ~.gned by F.AKESH
SUKUL t05'30'
No. RT11028/11/2017-MVL
Government of India
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
(Transport Division)
Transport Bhawan, 1, Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110001
The gist of the notification dated 16th July, 2018, as amended by notification
dated 6th August, 2018
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways issued S.O. 3467 (E) dated 16th July
2018 in supersession of the earlier notification of the Government of India in the
erstwhile Ministry of Surface Transport (Transport Wing), S.O. 728 (E), dated the 18th
October, 1996, notifying the maximum safe axle weight of each axle type in relation to
the transport vehicles (other than motor cabs), having regard to the size, nature and
number of tyres. The Ministry further issued a notification S.O. 3881 (E) dated 6th August
2018 making some amendments in the notification issued on 16th of July 2018. Briefly the
resultant effect of the two amendments, dated 16th July 2018 and 6th August 2018 is as
under: -
* Note: If the vehicle is fitted with pneumatic suspension, 1 tonne extra load is
permitted for each axle.
2. The gross vehicle weight (GVW) shall not exceed the total permissible safe axle weight
as above and in no case shall exceed
(i) 49 tonnes in case of rigid vehicles and
(ii) 55 tonnes in case of semi articulated trailers and truck-trailers, except
modular hydraulic trailers.
3. Modular hydraulic trailers can carry goods of indivisible nature of any load subject to
the regulatory approvals as may be required.
**4. The above maximum safe axle weight shall be considered for revising the Gross
Vehicle Weight of the vehicles, subject to overall limits specified in paragraph 2 for the
existing vehicle models, that are manufactured in accordance with the type approval
certificate granted prior to 16th July, 2018.
Explanation- For the purposes of this notification, tolerance up to five percent in the
gross vehicle weight shall be allowed for the purpose of compliance to sub- section (3) of
Section 113 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988(59 of 1988).
Page 6 of 7
No. RT11028/11/2017-MVL Annexure 'B'
Government of India
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
(Transport Division)
Transport Bhawan, 1, Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110001
1m act Analysis of increase in Safe Axle Load limits for Goods Transport Vehicles
Axle Axle
Sr No of Single Tandem Dual Tridem Permissible
Type of Vehicle Combination Combination on Remarks
No Axles Axles Axle Axles Axle GVW
on Tractor Trailer
Two Axle Rigid
1 2 1 0 1 0 18.5
Three Rigid
2 3 1 1 0 0 28
Four Axle Rigid
3 4 2 1 0 0 35
Five Axle Rigid
4 5 3 1 0 0 42
Five Axle Rigid
5 5 2 0 0 1 41
Five Axle Rigid
6 5 2 1 1 0 46.5
Six Axle Rigid
7 6 4 1 0 0 49
Two tyres on
Tractor - semi
front axle and Four tyres on
8 articulated 3 1 0 2 0 30
four tyres on single axle
rear axle
Two tyres on
Tractor - semi Eight tyres on
front axle and
9 articulated tandem (two) 4 1 1 1 0 39.5
four tyres on
trailers axle
rear axle
Two tyres on
Tractor - semi Twelve tyres
front axle and 45.5
10 articulated on a tridem 5 1 0 1 1
four tyres on
trailers (three) axle
rear axle
Two lyres on
Tractor - semi front axle and
Four tyres on 39.5
11 articulated eight tyres on 4 1 1 1 0
single axle
trailers rear tandem
(two) axle
Two tyres on
Tractor - semi front axle and Eight tyres on
12 articulated eight tyres on tandem (two) 5 1 2 0 0 49
trailers rear tandem axle
(two) axle
Two tyres on
Tractor - semi front axle and Twelve tyres
13 articulated eight tyres on on a tridem 6 1 1 0 1 55
trailers rear tandem (three) axle
(two) axle
Two tyres on
front axle and Eig ht tyres on 3 0 41.5
14 Tractor Trailer 4 1 0
four tyres on two axles
rear axle
Two tyres on
front axle and
Eight tyres on 2 0 51
15 Tractor Trailer eight tyres on 5 1 1
two axles
rear tandem
(two) axle
Four tyres on
Two tyres on
single axle &
front axle and 1 1 2 0 51
16 Tractor Trailer Eight tyres on 5
four tyres on
tandem (two)
rear axle
Two tyres on Four tyres on The
front axle and single axle & GVWis
17 Tractor Trailer eight tyres on Eig ht tyres on 6 1 2 1 0 55 capped
rear tandem tandem (two) at 55
(two) axle axle tonnes.
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