A Practical Manual For Skull Base Approach
A Practical Manual For Skull Base Approach
A Practical Manual For Skull Base Approach
Kodeeswaran M
Roopesh Kumar
Lokanayaki V
Priyadharshan KP
Published by
BOHR Publishers, Chennai, India
Plot No. 2, 1st Floor,
8th Main Road, Ram Nagar, Velachery,
Chennai – 600 042, India
ISBN: 978-81-974203-5-1
Manas Panigrahi
Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Neurosurgery, KIMS
Hospital, Secunderabad, Telangana, India
Roopesh Kumar VR
Director of Neurosurgery and Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon,
MGM Healthcare, Chennai, India
Sivashanmugam Dhandapani
Professor of Neurosurgery, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
Dwarakanath Srinivas
Professor of Neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery, National Institute of
Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru, India
Ranganathan Jothi
Director, Institute of Neurosciences, Kauvery Hospital, Vadapalani & Alwarpet,
Chennai, India
Kodeeswaran M
Neurosurgery Academy and Research Foundation,
Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Neurosurgery,
Government Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, India
Lokanayaki V
Professor of Anatomy, Government Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital,
Chennai, India
Kiruba Shankar
Fellowship in Skull Base Surgery (AIIMS) Senior Consultant,
Department of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, Apollo Hospital, Chennai, India
Priyadharshan KP
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Neurosurgery Academy & Research
Foundation, Department of Neurosurgery, Government Kilpauk Medical
College and Hospital, Chennai, India
Rajesh Menon M
Consultant Neurosurgeon, MGM Heathcare, Chennai, India
Mohamed Samiullah
Assistant Professor in Anatomy, Government Kilpauk Medical College and
Hospital, Chennai, India
Sushant Sahoo
PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
Rijuneeta Gupta
PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
Chiragkumar Patel
Department of Neurosurgery, KIMS Hospital, Secunderabad, Telangana, India
Pratikkumar Koradia
Department of Neurosurgery, KIMS Hospital, Secunderabad, Telangana, India
Naveen Kumar M
Neurosurgery Academy & Research Foundation, Department of Neurosurgery,
Government Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, India
Kodeeswaran M, MRCS, MCh (Neurosurgery)
Neurosurgery Academy and Research Foundation,
Professor & Head of the Department,
Department of Neurosurgery,
Government Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai, India.
The skull base connects the cranium and face, housing vital neu-
rovascular structures through channels and foramina.1,2 The base
of the cranial cavity is divided into 3 distinct fossae; the floor of
the anterior cranial fossa is at the highest level and the floor of the
posterior fossa is at the lowest.3
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 2
FIGURE 1 Bony anatomy – Sagittal section showing anterior middle and posterior
cranial fossa.
FIGURE 4 Axial section showing the midline endonasal corridors (blue), extended
condylar corridor (green), and the trans-pterygoid corridor (purple).
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 6
Future Directions
Comprehensive anatomical knowledge and advanced technologies
are crucial for successful skull base surgery. Evolving techniques
and interdisciplinary collaboration continue to drive improve-
ments in patient outcomes and surgical precision. Looking ahead,
the future of skull base surgery is likely to continue advancing
with further refinement of minimally invasive techniques, incor-
poration of robotics, and continued improvements in imaging and
navigation technologies.
1. Abhijit, A., Raut., Prashant, S, Naphade., Ashish, J, Chawla.
(2012). Imaging of skull base: Pictorial essay. Indian Journal
of Radiology and Imaging, doi: 10.4103/0971-3026.111485
7 Overview of Skull Base Anatomy and Surgery
Endoscopic Skull base surgery has evolved into a standard of care
for lesions involving the central skull base. Its obvious benefits are
improved visualization, avoidance of brain retraction, the ability to
directly access tumors with minimal damage to critical neurosur-
gical structures, and lack of external scars. The skull base is at the
anatomical boundary between the two surgical disciplines of neu-
rosurgery and otolaryngology. Surgery in this region is challenging
for both disciplines. The results of the team approach across the
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 10
Nasal Vestibule
The nasal vestibule is the first area encountered as you move pos-
teriorly through the anterior nares, also known as the nostrils or
external nasal valve. The first half of the vestibule has a covering
of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium that contains coarse
hairs called vibrissae. These hairs filter inhaled particles. The cov-
ering of the second half of the vestibule is respiratory epithelium,
pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium (2).
• Lateral: lateral crus of the lower lateral cartilage (LLC) and fibro-
fatty alar tissue
• Medial: medial crus of the LLC and septal cartilage
• Posterior: limen naris
During the surgical exposure, the Endoscope is lodged against this
region lifting the ala to make space for instruments to operate in the
surgical corridor.
11 Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Approaches
Nasal Cavity
The nasal septum partitions the nasal cavity into two separate com-
partments. It is covered by squamous epithelium, which differs from
the lateral walls of the nasal cavity. A portion of the anterior septum,
the vomeronasal organ is covered with erectile tissue which may
have functions in sexual health. It is composed of
Membranous septum: anterior most part of septum.
Cartilaginous Septum
• Quadrangular (septal) cartilage: forms the cartilaginous sep-
tum. It contains the Kiesselbach plexus (see blood supply) (3,4).
Bony Septum
• Perpendicular Plate of the Ethmoid:
• Vomer: Located inferior and slightly posterior to the perpendic-
ular plate of the ethmoid. It is attached inferiorly to the nasal
crest of the maxilla and palatine bone.
• Nasal Crest of the Maxilla and Palatine Bone: Together
these bones form the inferior support for the septal cartilage.
• Anterior Nasal Spine of the Maxilla: This is a bony projec-
tion formed by the paired maxillary bones. It is located anterior
to the piriform aperture and is palpable at the superior portion
of the philtrum of the upper lip.
• Rostrum of Sphenoid bone: Contributes to the posterior part of
the nasal septum.
The posterior root of the anterior clinoid process, also called the
optic strut, separates the optic canals above from the superior orbital
fissure below.
The chiasmatic sulcus is located posterior to the planum. Poste-
riorly, the chiasmatic sulcus is separated from the sellar cavity by
the tuberculum sellae. Endonasally, the Prechiasmatic sulcus corre-
sponds to the limbus sphenoidale.
The lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus has impressions formed
by the optic nerve and the Carotid, which form the Medial Optico-
carotid recess leading to the middle clinoid process and the Lateral
Optico-carotid recess leading to the anterior clinoid, it’s also a land-
mark for superior orbital fissure.
The Pterygoid Process is separated from the body of the sphe-
noid bone by the pterygoid-sphenoid suture line. The pterygoid-
sphenoid suture along with the Vidian canal serves as the landmark
for the laceral carotid. The other landmarks in the pterygoid pro-
cess are the Foramen Rotundum which transmits the maxillary
division of the trigeminal nerve, the palato-vaginal canal, and the
Key landmarks
Sphenoidal septum
Carotid impression
Clival recess
Limbus sphenoidale
Sellar bulge
Medial optico-carotid
Lateral optico-carotid
Structural Support
• Bone graft
• Cartilage graft
• Implants like Medpore*, polypropylene implants
• Biocompsites like Stimulan*, Acrylic bone cements.
Dural Lining
• Fascia Lata
• Temporalis fascia
• Duragen*
• ReDura*
Patient Preparation
The patient is placed under general anesthesia in reverse Trende-
lenburg position with head turned 30 degrees to the right side and
tilt of 15 degrees towards the left shoulder. An indwelling Foley
catheter, invasive blood pressure monitoring, prophylactic antibi-
otics, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis are used. The
right thigh is prepared for harvesting fat and fascia lata graft to
repair the surgical defect. As per protocol, no perioperative lumbar
drainage is placed.
Sphenoidal Stage
Step 1. The sellar impression is identified. The landmarks on the
sphenoid sinus are identified.
Step 2. Sphenoid septations is drilled and reduced.
Step 3. The sellar floor is drilled and the underlying dura is
exposed between the four blues:
• the cavernous sinuses on the lateral aspect on both sides.
• anteriorly the anterior intercavernous sinus.
• posteriorly the posterior intercavernous sinus
Step 4. The sphenoid sinus is irrigated with Betadine Solution
Sellar Stage
Step 1. The Sella Dura is identified and opened with the cruciate
Step 2. The Dura is separated from the underlying tumor capsule
with a plate dissector.
Step 3. Bits of tumor are taken for sampling.
Step 4. The capsule is carefully dissected from the surrounding
structures, and the normal gland is identified. The tumor is
internally decompressed by curettage and suction. The tumor
is allowed to descend and be cleared from diaphragma sellae.
Step 5. The resection cavity is inspected for Residual tissue, Cere-
brospinal fluid leak, or bleeding. Haemostasis is secured.
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 20
Reconstruction Stage
The defect is reconstructed with fat, fascia, and a nasal septal flap.
The nasal cavity is packed with merocel after securing hemo-
stasis. It is essential to support the diaphragm sellae with fat graft/
duragen even if there is no clinical CSF leak during the surgery.
Reconstruction Stage
The reconstruction in the Transplanum approach must be robust
as the defect may communicate with CSF cisterns like supra
sellar/sub chiasmatic cistern or have direct communication with
the third ventricle. The inner lining is placed with a dural sub-
stitute. A Gasket type closure is done for structural support. The
nasoseptal flap is placed on to the repair. It is essential to avoid
curl/folding of the flap and ensure bone contact for the flap all
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 22
Step-by-Step Approach
The patient is placed under general anesthesia in reverse Trendelen-
burg position with head turned 30 degrees to the right side and tilt
of 15 degrees towards the left shoulder. An indwelling Foley cathe-
ter, invasive blood pressure monitoring, prophylactic antibiotics, and
deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis are used. The right thigh is
prepared for harvesting fat and fascia lata graft to repair the surgical
defect. As per protocol, no perioperative lumbar drainage is placed.
First Step: Nasal Stage
After preparing the nose with decongestion solution applied topi-
cally, a nasoseptal flap is harvested based on the right sphenopal-
atine vessels. A large middle meatal antrostomy is performed, and
the flap is placed into a wide middle meatal antrostomy, preserving
it from the surgical corridor.
23 Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Approaches
Postoperative Follow-up
Immediate postoperative care: the patients are carefully monitored
for GCS, temperature pulse rate, and fluid balance. A perioperative
steroid cover is placed. Intravenous Ceftriaxone at a dose of 2 gm
25 Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Approaches
1. The trans-sphenoidal approach gives excellent midline exposure
in the ventral skull base.
2. Gasket-type closure is essential for large defects to prevent CSF
3. Pterygopalatine translocation preserves the flap pedicle and other
lateral nasal wall structures
4. Meticulous post-operative suction clearance and nasal washing
reduces sino-nasal morbidity
1. Sobiesk JL, Munakomi S. Anatomy, Head and Neck, Nasal Cavity. StatPearls.
Treasure Island (FL) ineligible companies. Disclosure: Sunil Munakomi
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Part II. Semin Plast Surg. 2015;29(4):226–31.
3. Converse JM, Holmes EM, Huffman WC. The deviated nose and septum: a
panel discussion. Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol. 1954;58(5):741–9.
4. Converse JM. The cartilaginous structures of the nose. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryn-
gol. 1955;64(1):220–9.
5. Sethi KS, Choudhary S, Ganesan PK, Sood N, Ramalingum WBS, Basil R,
et al. Sphenoid sinus anatomical variants and pathologies: pictorial essay. Neu-
roradiology. 2023;65(8):1187–203.
6. Anusha B, Baharudin A, Philip R, Harvinder S, Shaffie BM, Ramiza RR. Ana-
tomical variants of surgically important landmarks in the sphenoid sinus: a radio-
logic study in Southeast Asian patients. Surg Radiol Anat. 2015;37(10):1183–90.
7. Vaezi A, Cardenas E, Pinheiro-Neto C, Paluzzi A, Branstetter BFt, Gardner PA,
et al. Classification of sphenoid sinus pneumatization: relevance for endoscopic
skull base surgery. Laryngoscope. 2015;125(3):577–81.
Endonasal Trans-Pterygoid
Sivashanmugam Dhandapani, Sushant Sahoo,
Rijuneeta Gupta
The Endonasal Endoscopic Trans-Pterygoid approach provides
direct access for lesions in the maxillary sinus, pterygopalatine
fossa, infratemporal fossa, lateral sphenoid recess, petrous apex,
lateral cavernous sinus, parasellar area, and Meckel’s cave.
A better understanding of the skull base anatomy and surgical
expertise allows visualization and protection of important neuro-
vascular structures, thereby reducing post-operative complications.
Pituitary tumors with cavernous or parasellar extensions, clival
tumors such as chordoma, chondrosarcoma, trigeminal schwan-
noma, and angiofibroma are the common tumors that necessitate an
endonasal endoscopic trans pterygoid approach.
Operative Steps
Nasal Phase
Entry into the Meckel cave requires removing the pterygoid process,
posterior wall of the maxillary sinus, and lateral pterygoid plate.
The infraorbital nerve can be traced up to the foramen rotundum,
and the maxillary nerve can be followed, entering the Meckel cave.
The “quadrangular space,” bounded medially by the vertical carotid
and laterally by the maxillary nerve, can be opened to expose the
Meckel cave further completely. This allows the removal of tumors
like trigeminal schwannoma.
1. Cárdenas Ruiz-Valdepeñas E, Simal Julián JA, Pérez Prat G, Arraez MA,
Ambrosiani J, Martin Schrader I, Soto Moreno A, Kaen A. The Quadrangular
Space, Endonasal Access to the Meckel Cave: Technical Considerations and
Clinical Series. World Neurosurg. 2022 Jul;163:e124–e136.
2. Dhandapani S, Sahoo S, Gupta R. The 10 Ds of Expanded Endonasal Endos-
copy for a Giant Tuberculum Sella Meningioma. Neurol India. 2023 Sep–
3. Dhandapani S, Singh H, Negm HM, Cohen S, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.
Cavernous Sinus Invasion in Pituitary Adenomas: Systematic Review and
Pooled Data Meta-Analysis of Radiologic Criteria and Comparison of Endo-
scopic and Microscopic Surgery. World Neurosurgery 2016;96:36–46.
4. Fernandez-Miranda JC, Zwagerman NT, Abhinav K, Lieber S, Wang EW,
Snyderman CH, Gardner PA. Cavernous sinus compartments from the endo-
scopic endonasal approach: anatomical considerations and surgical relevance to
adenoma surgery. J Neurosurg. 2018;129(2):430–41.
5. Hardesty DA, Montaser AS, Carrau RL, Prevedello DM. Limits of endoscopic
endonasal transpterygoid approach to cavernous sinus and Meckel’s cave. J
Neurosurg. Sci. 2018;62(3):332–8.
6. Hofstetter CP, Singh A, Anand VK, Kacker A, Schwartz TH. The endoscopic,
endonasal, transmaxillary transpterygoid approach to the pterygopalatine fossa,
infratemporal fossa, petrous apex, and the Meckel cave. J Neurosurg. 2010
7. Kaen A, Cárdenas Ruiz-Valdepeñas E, Di Somma A, Esteban F, Márquez
Rivas J, Ambrosiani Fernandez J. Refining the anatomic boundaries of the
endoscopic endonasal transpterygoid approach: the “VELPPHA area” concept.
J Neurosurg. 2018 Sep 21;131(3):911–919.
8. Martinez-Perez R, Silveira-Bertazzo G, Carrau RL, Prevedello DM. The impor-
tance of landmarks in endoscopic endonasal reinterventions: the transpterygoid
transcavernous approach. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2020 Apr;162(4):875–880.
9. Negm HM, Singh H, Dhandapani S, Cohen S, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Land-
marks to Identify Petrous Apex Through Endonasal Approach Without Trans-
gression of Sinus. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2018 Apr;79(2):156–160.
37 Endonasal Trans-Pterygoid Approach
FIGURE 1 (A) Endoscopic view of the right middle turbinate (MT). (B) Right
Middle turbinatectomy is done and subperiosteal nasal flap is raised. (C) Right Nasal
septal (NS) Flap is raised with keel of vomer (KOV) and Bilateral sphenoid Ostium
(SO) in the view.
FIGURE 2 (A) Shows the appearance of Sphenoid Sinus after removing anterior
wall of the Sphenoid sinus. The Mucosa over the Left half of the sphenoid sinus
is removed while it is yet to be removed from the right half of the sphenoid sinus.
S – Sella, SphSp – Sphenoid Septum, SphS – Sphenoid sinus, Mu – Mucosa of
Sphenoid Sinus. (B) Shows the sphenoid septum being drilled.SphSp – Sphenoid
FIGURE 4 (A) Shows the Incision being placed in the Nasopharynx.After expos-
ing the lower clivus and the rim of foramen Magnum the challenge is to reach the
Occipital condyle and the hypoglossal canal. As described previously the opening
of the Eustachian tube overlies the Hypoglossal canal. SphS – Sphenoid Sinus,
ET – Eustachian tube, Nph – Nasopharynx. (B) Drilling of the remaining part of
Vomer and the inferior clivus.
FIGURE 5 Shows the medial maxillectomy has been performed on the Left
side with vidian canal visible at the junction of medial pterygoid plate and lateral
wall of sphenoid sinus.ET – Eustachain Tube (Left), MP – Medial Pterygoid plate
(Left), P. Max – Posterior wall of the Maxillary sinus (Left), SphS – Sphenoid Sinus,
VC – Vidian Canal with Vidian Nerve coming out of its anterior opening.
FIGURE 6 (A) Shows the exposed bilateral occipital condyles after removal of
muscles in the posterior wall of nasopharynx and removal of the cartilaginous part
of bilateral Eustachian tube (as described earlier, ET lies anterior to the hypoglossal
canal). OC – Occpital condyle, Nph – Nasopharynx, LC – Lower Clivus. (B) Shows
the Right Occipital condyle (ROC), Anterior end of Hypoglossal canal (aHG) and
Supracondylar groove (SOG), (C) Shows the Right Occipital condyle (LOC),
Anterior end of Hypoglossal canal (aHG) and Supracondylar groove (SOG).
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 44
FIGURE 7 (A) Shows the Dilling of the anterior part of the Left occpital con-
dyle (OC). The cancellous bone in the occipital condyle is seen. The anterior end of
the left hypoglossal canal (aHG) can be seen at the lateral end of occipital condyle.
(B) Shows the Left hypoglossal nerve (HG nerve) which is visible clearly after drill-
ing of the anterior part of occipital condyle, till the hypoglossal canal. PdOC – Post
drilling of the Occipital condyle.
Lesions located around the sellar region and central skull base are
suitable for the application of supraorbital keyhole approach. A wide
and diverse group of pathologies can be addressed including tumors
(meningiomas, craniopharyngiomas, pituitary adenomas, etc.) and
vascular abnormalities (e.g., aneurysms, arteriovenous malforma-
tions, and cavernous hemangiomas).
FIGURE 2 After eyebrow skin incision, the subcutaneous tissue dissection, and
craniotomy is completed
FIGURE 3 (A, B) After removal of the bone flap, the inner edge of the bone should
be removed. Drilling of the inner edge of the supraorbital rim after removal of the
bone flap allows excellent intracranial visualization, easy introduction and manoeu-
vring of micro-instruments to the site Small osseous extensions of the orbital roof
should also be removed extradurally. (C) The dura is opened with the base at the
orbital rim and reflected inferiorly with a stitch. (D) The CSF cisterns are opened to
allow CSF egress to facilitate brain relaxation.
Use of Endoscopy
Endoscopes have facilitated in overcoming one of the main limita-
tions of the keyhole approach: illumination. The use of a rigid endo-
scope along with the operative microscope can provide a synergistic
effect with the supraorbital craniotomy and often aided in maximiz-
ing resection. A “second look” with the endoscope can also improve
the gross total resection of tumors despite the smaller craniotomy
with better visualization (Figure 5).
FIGURE 5 A “second look” with the endoscope can also improve the gross
total resection of tumor with better visualization and feasibility to look at notable
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 50
The supraorbital craniotomy and keyhole approach through the eye-
brow permit access to a variety of lesions in the subfrontal corridor
with minimal brain retraction. All minimally invasive techniques
have a steep learning curve, and smaller, simpler lesions should be
performed first through this technique before moving on to larger,
more complicated lesions. Endoscopy can play an important role
in improving visualization through the keyhole corridor. The ideal
approach for the patient should be selected taking into account the
tumor anatomy with special attention to size, lateral extension and
surgeon experience.
• The goal of “keyhole” surgery – not to perform a small inci-
sion and craniotomy but to permit adequate access to skull base
• Take time in the preoperative planning and positioning of patient.
• The skin incision is placed within an eyebrow for better cosmetic
• Attention should be focused on protecting the supraorbital nerve
to avoid the risk of frontal numbness.
53 The Supraorbital “Keyhole” Approach (SOKHA)
1. Robinow ZM, Peterson C, Riestenberg R, Waldau B, Yu N, Shahlaie K.
Cosmetic Outcomes of Supraorbital Keyhole Craniotomy Via Eyebrow Inci-
sion: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base.
2022 Sep 15;84(5):470–498. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-1755575. PMID: 37671300;
PMCID: PMC10477017
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Balamurugan M, Cenzato M, Broggi G, Kang D, Kikuta K, Zhao Y, Zhang H,
Irie S, Li Y, Liew BS, Kato Y. International expert consensus statement
about methods and indications for keyhole microneurosurgery from Inter-
national Society on Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery. Neurosurg Rev. 2021
Feb;44(1):1–17. doi: 10.1007/s10143-019-01188-z. Epub 2019 Nov 21. PMID:
31754934; PMCID: PMC7851006.
3. Ormond DR, Hadjipanayis CG. The Supraorbital Keyhole Craniotomy
through an Eyebrow Incision: Its Origins and Evolution. Minim Invasive Surg.
2013;2013:296469. doi: 10.1155/2013/296469. Epub 2013 Jul 10. PMID:
23936644; PMCID: PMC3723243.
4. Shahid AH, Butler D, Dyess G, Bassett M, Harris L, Hummel U, Chason D,
Thakur JD. Supraorbital keyhole approaches in the first 3 years of practice: out-
comes and lessons learned. Patient series. J Neurosurg Case Lessons. 2024 Mar
25;7(13):CASE23744. doi: 10.3171/CASE23744. PMID: 38531085; PMCID:
Operative Corridors in
Pterional Craniotomy
Raghavendran R
The frontotemporal craniotomy described by George Heuer in
1914, was further modified by pioneering neurosurgeons like
Kiliani, Krause and Dandy. Drake reported the sub-temporal
approach in the 1970s. The present-day pterional craniotomy and
trans-sylvian exposure, which gives the most straight and short-
est route to the chiasmatic and Interpeduncular fossa region was
described by Yasargil in 1975. Sano in 1980, further extended his
temporopolar approach by retraction of the temporal pole. Heros
described the “half-half” approach, a combination of trans-sylvian
and sub-temporal approaches. Later De Oliveira described the
Pre-temporal approach, which essentially combined the Lateral sub
frontal, Trans-sylvian, sub-temporal and the Temporopolar corri-
dors to the same region. The pterional craniotomy presents us with
many corridors and avenues, which can be selected as per the needs
of the surgical pathology. The basic dictum of maximal exposure
with minimal or no brain retraction, can be achieved by careful
selection of appropriate operative corridors
This approach is most suitable and provides safe and wide
access to aneurysms of anterior circulation, lesions of the ante-
rior and middle cranial base, sellar and suprasellar regions, mid
Basilar trunk up to its bifurcation, Proximal PCA, Proximal SCA
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 56
Major triangles. Optico carotid triangle (1), Carotid oculomotor triangle (2) and
supra carotid triangle (3). II is optic nerve, III is oculomotor nerve. ICA is internal
carotid artery, M1 is M1 segment of middle cerebral artery and A1 is A1 segment of
anterior cerebral artery.
Picture courtesy: Aakrithya Natchatra. R
The triangle between the ICA medially and the III nerve laterally. Careful dissection
will expose the vital structures and the basilar top. BA is basilar artery, comprehen-
sive is posterior communicating artery and T is tentorial edge.
Picture courtesy: Aadhitya Hirudhaya. R
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 58
The corridor medial and lateral to III nerve. High riding basilar aneurysms are seen
medial to III nerve. Low riding basilar aneurysms are seen lateral to III nerve and
medial to Tentorial edge. An is aneurysm.
Picture courtesy: Aadhitya Hirudhaya. R
Surgical Steps
1. Supine position with the head end of the table elevated to
30 degrees. The head is fixed with the 3-pin system and rotated
slightly to the opposite side by around 20 degrees. Neck exten-
sion is given such that on splitting the sylvian fissure the frontal
and temporal lobes along with the temporal pole fall away from
each other by gravity. Care should be taken during positioning
so as not to kink the major veins of the neck. Malar eminence
is placed as the topmost point.
2. A curvilinear incision is marked from the zygoma root to the
junction of the midline within the hairline. I prefer a free bone
flap. Bone removal is extended as needed. Durotomy is done
with the base to sylvian fissure. I do not use the lumbar CSF
drainage. Initially I use the medial sub frontal route to locate
the olfactory tract and the optic nerve. Then, I open the basal
cisterns sequentially and later proceed in the direction of the
59 Operative Corridors in Pterional Craniotomy
Surgical Steps
Case 1
1. (1) Optic nerve, (2) Optic chiasm. (3) Internal carotid artery
(4) Retro chiasmatic space arachnoid. Arachnoid dissection is
done gradually develops the space. The interface between the
cranial nerves and the lesion is handled via sharp arachnoid
dissection, at the same time preserving the arachnoid mem-
brane of the respective structures to avoid damage.
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 60
Surgical Steps
Case 2
The corridor selected was lateral to III nerve (3) and medial to ten-
torial edge (T). The basilar top and bifurcation were seen medial to
the III Nerve. The basilar trunk (B) is faintly seen through the CSF
filled cistern.
The III nerve (3) is seen with the arachnoid covering. Laterally
the basilar trunk (B) is seen and a small calibre superior cerebellar
artery (S) is seen arising from the basilar artery. An aberrant loop of
artery (A) was protruding from the posterior fossa, which was later
identified to be a large calibre anterior inferior cerebellar artery. A
fluffy sub-arachnoid bleed (SAH) is seen around the basilar.
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 64
Careful sharp dissection after fluffy SAH was removed, exposes the
aneurysm (A) arising from the basilar trunk (B). The neck of the
aneurysm (N) was delineated with care. The site of dome rupture
(R) was seen.
Surgical Steps
Case 3
This was a case of ruptured basilar top aneurysm. The approach was
right pterional trans sylvian. The corridor selected was between the
III nerve laterally and the ICA medially.
Careful dissection exposed the basilar artery (B), its bifurcation and the
ipsilateral Posterior Cerebral artery (P). A temporary clip was applied.
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 66
Temporary clip (T) and the basilar top aneurysm (A) are seen along
with the perforators (P).
The basilar top aneurysm clipped. The optic nerve (II), ICA, A1,
M1, basilar artery (B), clip (C), oculomotor nerve (III) and ipsilat-
eral PCA (P1) are seen.
67 Operative Corridors in Pterional Craniotomy
Complication Avoidance
Supple Brain
Cranial Nerves
Cranial nerves I, II, III and IV are often encountered in this approach.
Olfactory tract and optic nerve when in their usual anatomical loca-
tions are easy to identify. Trochlear nerve is easily prone to damage
resulting in deficit, but at the same time recovery is usually good
and also does not produce major issues for the patients. Oculomotor
injury usually produces ptosis and extra ocular movement deficits
which can be profoundly disturbing to patients. Usually, oculomo-
tor apraxia recovers to a reasonable extent but can be a permanent
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 68
• Go through the relevant literature before, the day of surgery.
• Aim of the surgery, registering the relevant three-dimensional
anatomy should be in our mind. Proper planning and method-
ology of safely executing the plan, complication avoidance and
measures to tackle complications if they occur should all be
discussed among the surgical team. Points at which the surgery
needs to be stopped should also be kept in mind before anaesthe-
sia induction of the patient. Availability and working condition
of all necessary equipment should be checked personally before
• Proper positioning of the patient as per the pre-operative plan
should be done without any compromise. As much as possible,
patient’s position should facilitate gravity assisted retraction.
Secure fixation of the 3-point fixator should be ensured.
• Neck extension and turning of head to the opposite side should
not cause kinking
• Osteoplastic bone flap will maintain the vascularity of the raised
bone flap. A major advantage of osteoplastic bone flap is har-
vesting the temporalis fascia for duroplasty. It avoids usage of
synthetic material as well as avoids another incision and scar for
harvesting fascia Lata. Bone flap elevation should be done with
care to avoid accidental tearing of duramater, especially in ex-
tremes of age, where duramater is usually adherent to the inner
table of bone flap.
• Dural tacking stitches are done all around, before durotomy.
It avoids extradural ooze which is usually seen when the brain
becomes lax.
69 Operative Corridors in Pterional Craniotomy
Suggested Readings
1. Behari S, Rupant K Das, Awadhesh K Jaiswal,Vijendra K Jain. Fronto-temporo-
orbitozygomatic craniotomy and “half and half” approach for basilar apex aneu-
rysm. Neurology India, 2009,57:4;438–446.
2. Thomas A Kopitnik, H Hunt Batjer, Duke S Samson. Combined transylvian-
subtemporal exposure of cerebral aneurysms involving the basilar apex. Micro-
surgery, 1994,15:534–540.
3. Rice BJ, Peerless SJ, Drake CG. Surgical treatment of unruptured aneurysms of
posterior circulation. J Neurosurgery 1990,73:165–173.
Fronto Temporal Orbito
Zygomatic Craniotomy
Roopesh Kumar VR,1 Rajesh Menon M2
Director of Neurosurgery and Senior Consultant
Neurosurgeon, MGM Heathcare, Chennai, India
Consultant Neurosurgeon, MGM Heathcare,
Chennai, India
The Fronto-temporal-orbito-zygomatic (FTOZ) approach is one of
the most versatile neurosurgical approaches for skull base lesions.
Even though originally described by Jane et al., in 1982, it was
popularized by Pellerin et al. (1984) and Hakuba et al. (1986) to
access lesions with limited retraction of the brain over parasellar and
interpeduncular regions. However, the approach has undergone var-
ious modifications ever since both technically and indication-wise
to suit individual needs.
It is an extension of the fronto-temporal approach with the addi-
tion of orbitozygomatic osteotomy through various sections of the
superiorolateral orbit and zygoma. This will allow wider exposure
of the subfrontal trajectory minimizing the need for retraction
when approaching anterior and middle skull base and upper retro-
clival regions.
It is a preferred approach for accessing lesions involving the
orbital apex, parasellar and para clinoid areas, tuberculum sella,
spheno orbital region, basilar apex, cavernous sinus, anterior and
middle fossa floor, paraclival, Meckel’s cave area, inter peduncular
cisterns and ventral brainstem.
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 72
Anatomical Considerations
A proper understanding of the skull, orbit, zygoma, other facial
bones and surrounding soft tissue layers is essential to carefully nav-
igate through the areas of exposure provided by the FTOZ approach.
The areas of exposure can be divided into various parts like antero-
lateral, intraorbital, and intracranial.
The skin flap is then reflected forward. Then the galea and peri-
osteum are incised together and reflected anteriorly. This galea-
pericranium vascularized flap can be used for reconstruction in the
case of the frontal sinus breech. Alternatively, pericranium can be
raised separately on either side of superior temporal line after rais-
ing skin flap along with galea. Then superficial and deep layers of
the superficial temporal fascia are incised together, 2.5 cm behind
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 76
The FTOZ involves the removal of the standard pterional bone flap,
followed by the orbitozygomatic bone flap.
The first burr hole should be placed at the MacCarty keyhole,
which has been described to be found at mean distances of 6.8 mm
superior and 4.5 mm posterior to the frontozygomatic suture. This
keyhole exposes the frontal lobe dura in the upper half and peri-
orbita in the lower half with the orbital roof in between. The next
burr hole is drilled superior to the zygomatic arch in the temporal
squamosal bone. The number of burr holes can vary depending on
the individual age and pathology of the patient. If required superior
frontal and superior medial temporal burr holes can be made for
ease of opening. The bone cut can also be extended to the fron-
tal region for anterior fossa lesions and inferiorly to the temporal
region for middle and posterior fossa lesions.
arrow 4 in the diagram. The IOF can be identified along the inferior
portion of the lateral orbital wall. In preparation for the next cut,
the dura is elevated from the superior and lateral walls of the orbit.
The fourth cut is made perpendicular to the superior orbital rim and
extends posteriorly across the orbital roof toward the SOF, arrow 1.
While the orbital rim is a thick bone, the orbital roof is relatively
thin and care must be taken to prevent the release of periorbital fat
and future enophthalmos. The fifth and sixth cuts (5 and 6 arrows)
are made starting from the IOF and SOF, respectively, to join these
structures and ultimately elevate the orbitozygomatic bone flap.
Removal of the orbital roof and the medial sphenoid wing. Once the
temporalis muscle is pushed inferiorly through the defect caused by
zygomatic bone removal, we will get better access to the anterolat-
eral aspect and floor of the middle fossa.
79 Fronto Temporal Orbito Zygomatic Craniotomy
Dural Opening
Intradural Corridors
Complications Avoidance
Complications of the FTOZ approach can be functional, aesthetic,
or both. Some of the most frequent ones are injury of the frontotem-
poral branch of the facial nerve, atrophy of the temporalis muscle,
masticatory imbalance, enophthalmos, diplopia, visual impairment,
and CSF leakage. The subfascial technique avoids the deficit of the
frontotemporal branch of the facial nerve. Blunt dissection and not
using electrocautery on the deep temporal fascia prevents postop-
erative atrophy of the temporalis muscle. Avoidance of detachment
of the masseter, along with functional preservation of the tempora-
lis muscle, prevents the risk of masticatory imbalance. Incidence
of diplopia, facial and orbital asymmetry is lessened by meticulous
osteosynthesis, which is generally performed using low-profile
mini-plates and screws. Protection of the periorbita is of utmost
importance to avoid enophthalmos and postoperative orbital hema-
toma. Risk of visual impairment or even blindness mainly comes
from anterior clinoidectomy, which is added to COZ craniotomy in
most cases. Risk of thermal damage to the optic nerve secondary to
overheating caused by the drill must be decreased by constant irri-
gation. Excessive downward displacement of the eyeball also needs
to be avoided to prevent visual morbidity. The need to expand the
subfrontal corridor can result in opening of the frontal sinus. Sphe-
noid sinus can be sometimes opened during anterior clinoidectomy
when ACP is highly pneumatized. Meticulous packing of both these
sites with autologous fat with or without galea-pericranium vascu-
larized flap is recommended to prevent cerebrospinal fluid leak and
infections in the future.
In Summary
Combining Orbito-zygomatic osteotomy along with Pterional crani-
otomy has three main advantages.
(1) It provides a wider working room allowing handling the
lesion at various angles, not previously possible. (2) Provides a
shorter working distance for deep neurovascular targets in the depth
of anterior and middle cranial base. (3) An increased subfrontal and
subtemporal angular exposure is possible with the additional bone
work. Many modifications can be attempted based on the target area
and structures involved.
83 Fronto Temporal Orbito Zygomatic Craniotomy
1. Rodriguez Rubio R, Chae R, Kournoutas I, Abla A, McDermott M. Immersive
Surgical Anatomy of the Frontotemporal-Orbitozygomatic Approach. Cureus.
2019 Nov, 2;11(11):e6053. doi: 10.7759/cureus.6053. PMID: 31929953;
PMCID: PMC6945284.
2. Luzzi S, GiottaLucifero A, Spina A, Baldoncini M, Campero A, Elbabaa SK,
Galzio R. Cranio-Orbito-Zygomatic Approach: Core Techniques for Tailoring
Target Exposure and Surgical Freedom. Brain Sci. 2022 Mar;18;12(3):405. doi:
10.3390/brainsci12030405. PMID: 35326360; PMCID: PMC8946068.
3. El Ahmadieh, Tarek Y, Nuñez, Maximiliano, Vigo, Vera, Abou-Al-Shaar,
Hussam, Fernandez-Miranda, Juan C; Cohen-Gadol, Aaron A. Frontotemporal-
Orbitozygomatic Approach and Its Variants: Technical Nuances and Video
Illustration. Oper. Neurosurg. 2022 December;23(6):441–448.
4. Zabramski JM, Kiriş T, Sankhla SK, Cabiol J, Spetzler RF. Orbitozygo-
matic craniotomy. Technical note. J Neurosurg. 1998 Aug;89(2):336–41. doi:
10.3171/jns.1998.89.2.0336. PMID: 9688133.
5. Bilbao, CJ, Stofko, DL, & Dehdashti, AR. Cranio-orbitozygomatic approach:
Technique and modifications. Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology – Head
and Neck Surgery, 2013 December;24(4):229–234. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
6. Youssef AS, Willard L, Downes A, Olivera R, Hall K, Agazzi S, van Loveren H.
The frontotemporal-orbitozygomatic approach: reconstructive technique and
outcome. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2012 Jul;154(7):1275–83. doi: 10.1007/
s00701-012-1370-9. Epub 2012 May 11. PMID: 22576269.
Burr Holes
• At the anterior limit of the exposure, a temporal burr hole is
placed just above the root of the zygoma.
• Posterosuperiorly, a second hole is placed superiorly in the tem-
poral squamous bone just below the STL.
• Two burr holes on either side of the transverse sinus at the poste-
rior limit of the exposure. This burr hole exposes the dura mater
superior and inferior to the transverse sinus from which the dura
can safely be stripped superiorly and inferiorly
• The transverse–sigmoid sinus is then carefully unroofed with a
large diamond burr and copious irrigation. This drilling is contin-
ued superiorly until the middle fossa dura is uncovered.
• The angle between the superior aspect of the transverse–
sigmoid junction and the middle fossa dura can be quite acute and
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 88
• The general principles of mastoid dissection include proceed-
ing from lateral to medial and identifying peripheral anatomical
landmarks early in the procedure so that larger quantities of bone
can be safely and swiftly removed.
89 Posterior Petrosectomy Exposure
• Introduction
• Neurosurgical Anatomy Essentials
• Myofascial anatomy
• Bony anatomy
• Superficial Vascular Anatomy
• Step-by-step RSSO guide:
• Patient Positioning
• Skin Incision
• Incision of the Skin
• Dissection of the Scalp Flap
• Dissection of the Muscles
• Craniotomy
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 94
The retrosigmoid (RS) approach, derived from Fedor Krause’s 1903
unilateral cerebellopontine angle (CPA) technique, is the corner-
stone for treating CPA lesions/conditions. This method, refined by
neurosurgeons and neuro-otologists, provides excellent exposure of
CPA structures with minimal bone removal and offers a wide work-
ing area. It can be extended inferiorly via the far-lateral transcondy-
lar or retrocondylar approaches and anteriorly to the middle fossa
through intradural variations. Preoperative topographic and 3D
microanatomical studies are critical for the RS approach, enhancing
understanding of its soft tissue and bony structures.
The RS craniectomy is a standard approach to a variety of CPA
pathologies.1 A variety of methods have been described for the
approach including skin incisions, craniectomy versus craniotomy,
dural closure, and bone repair/cranioplasty.2–8 The anatomy of the
bony, vascular, and neural anatomy is well described.
To address the need for clear technical descriptions, this chapter
provides an in-depth description of the procedure, its modifications,
limitations, advantages, technical nuances, andcomplications.
Bony Anatomy
the styloid process, mastoid process, and facial nerve. The PAA’s
length and diameter can vary, sometimes matching or exceeding the
size of the superior temporal artery (STA) or OA.
The occipital artery (OA) branches from the ECA below the PAA,
travelling below and then medial to the digastric muscle before
emerging from the occipital groove. It ascends superomedially, run-
ning above the obliquus capitis superior and semispinalis capitis,
covered by the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and splenius capitis,
towards the superior nuchal line (SNL). The OA has ascending and
descending branches, with the superficial descending branch sup-
plying the neck muscles and the deep branch anastomosing with the
vertebral artery in the suboccipital triangle. The ascending branch
reaches the SNL and extends towards the vertex, forming anastomo-
ses with the STA and PAA.
Venous drainage in the posterolateral region involves the poste-
rior auricular vein (PAV),occipital vein (OV), mastoid emissary vein
(MEV), and occipital emissary vein (OEV). The PAV, arising from
a plexus with the OV and superficial temporal veins, drains into the
external jugular vein. The OV drains into various veins, including
the suboccipital and vertebral plexuses. The MEV is crucial in the
RS approach, often cauterized to prevent bleeding or air embolisms,
as it drains from the sigmoid sinus to the PAV and OV. The less
common OEV can form a confluence with the MEV and provides
venous drainage from the transverse sinus, posing operative risks
during surgeries performed in the sitting position
Superficial Nerve Anatomy
In the retroauricular region, the key sensory nerves for the RS approach
are the great auricular nerve (GAN) and the lesser occipital nerve
(LON). The GAN, originating from the ventral rami of C2 and C3
of the cervical plexus, wraps around the posterior border of the SCM
and emerges at Erb’s point. It ascends superficially across the SCM
towards the parotid gland, where it branches into the anterior branch
(serving the skin over the parotid gland and anteroinferior auricle),
the posterior branch (serving the skin over the mastoid process and
posterior auricle), and the lobular branch (serving the lobule).
The LON, arising from the ventral ramus of C2, sometimes also
C3, of the cervical plexus, curves lateral to cranial nerve XI and
emerges above Erb’s point. It ascends along the posterior border
of the SCM and pierces the deep cervical fascia near the cranium,
97 Retro-Sigmoid Sub-Occipital (RSSO) Approach
emerging posterior and superior to the GAN. The LON then fans
out into the anterior branch (which anastomoses with the GAN’s
posterior branch) and the posterior branch (which anastomoseswith
the greater occipital nerve medially).
During dissection, the posterior branch of the GAN and the LON
are particularly vulnerable due to their variable courses, so extra
care is needed to avoid damaging these nerves.
• C-shaped
• Curvilinear incision
• Modified C or Sickle-shaped
• S-shaped
Linear and lazy S-shaped incisions are simpler and more adaptable,
but the use of retractors can cause bunching of the skin and muscles,
posing a risk to the occipital artery and nerves. The C-shaped inci-
sion allows for multilayer dissection and retraction of the skin and
muscle flaps, reducing the risk of postoperative CSF leaks; however,
the lower part of this incision may endanger neurovascular trunks.
The inverted U-shaped incision, which is based inferiorly, helps pre-
serve these neurovascular trunks but is limited to a single layer and
cannot be extended upwards. Given its advantages, the C-shaped
incision is favored by skull-base surgeons and will be detailed here.
• The muscles beneath can be cut similar to the skin incision and
retracted anteriorly or can be divided from the SNL and be re-
tracted inferiorly depending on the surgeon’s preference with
both techniques providing adequate exposure.
• The second method is however more anatomical dissection with
the musclesreflected based on their feeding vessels. The same is
described below.
Craniotomy Techniques
Standard RS Approach
• The Asterion marks the junction of the TS and SS and the primary
burrhole should be placed over or just below it.
• Proceed to craniotomy with the margins as below (size may be
adjusted ona case-by-case basis) – connect the outermost edge of
the initial burrhole to preserve the shape of the bone.
• From anterior-superior to posterior-superior along the TS.
• From posterior-superior to posterior-inferior over the cerebel-
lar hemisphere.
• From posterior-inferior to anterior-inferior
• Connect the anterior-inferior to anterior-superior just behind
the SS.
• Be cautious near the occipito-mastoid suture to avoid the occip-
ital arterytrunk.
103 Retro-Sigmoid Sub-Occipital (RSSO) Approach
Extended RS Approach
• Burr placement is similar to the standard approach
• Make cuts similar to the standard approach, and keep SS
skeletonization for the last
• Expose the jugular foramen by performing a limited posterior
• Avoid beveling the bone flap. Ideally, the superficial exposure
should be adequately planned for the craniotomy, to allow for
adequate CPA exposure
• Seal exposed mastoid air cells with bone wax
Dural Opening
• Visualize the Dura
• Use magnification with an operating microscope
• Make the Incision: Use a medially based C-shaped incision along
the inferior edge of TS and posterior edge of SS, 3–5 mm away
from the sinuses.
• Carefully inspect the CPA and achieve hemostasis before closing
the dura.
105 Retro-Sigmoid Sub-Occipital (RSSO) Approach
1. Lang J Jr, Samii A. Retrosigmoidal approach to the posterior cranial fossa. An
anatomical study. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 1991;111(3–4):147–153. doi:10.1007/
2. Das P, Borghei-Razavi H, Moore NZ, Recinos PF. Posterior Approach to Meckel’s
Cave: Retrosigmoid Craniectomy with Endoscopic Assistance. J Neurol Surg
Part B Skull Base. 2019;80(Suppl 3):S331–S332. doi:10.1055/s-0039- 1677851
3. Liu JK, Dodson VN. Retrosigmoid Suprameatal Approach for Resection of
Petrotentorial CerebellopontineAngle Meningioma: Operative Video and Tech-
nical Nuances. J Neurol Surg Part B Skull Base. 2019;80(Suppl 3):S290–S291.
4. Elhammady MS, Telischi FF, Morcos JJ. Retrosigmoid approach: indica-
tions, techniques, and results. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2012;45(2):375-ix.
5. Mostafa BE, El Sharnoubi M, Youssef AM. The keyhole retrosigmoid approach
to the cerebello-pontine angle: indications, technical modifications, and
results. Skull Base Off J North Am Skull Base Soc Al. 2008;18(6):371–376.
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 106
6. Yamashima T, Lee JH, Tobias S, Kim CH, Chang JH, Kwon JT. Surgical proce-
dure “simplified retrosigmoid approach” for C–P angle lesions. J Clin Neurosci.
2004;11(2):168-171. doi:10.1016/j.jocn.2003.06.004
7. Aldahak N, Dupre D, Ragaee M, Froelich S, Wilberger J, Aziz KM. Hydroxy-
apatite bone cement application for the reconstruction of retrosigmoid craniec-
tomy in the treatment of cranial nerves disorders. Surg Neurol Int. 2017;8:115.
8. Pabaney AH, Reinard KA, Asmaro K, Malik GM. Novel technique for cra-
nial reconstruction following retrosigmoid craniectomy using demineral-
ized bone matrix. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2015;136:66–70. doi:10.1016/j.
Far Lateral Approach
Manas Panigrahi, Chiragkumar Patel,
Pratikkumar Koradia
The basic far lateral approach is used to reach lesions located along
the anterolateral margin of the foramen magnum. There were multiple
variants described in literature including transcondylar, supracondylar,
and paracondylar approaches.1,2 Each of the above variants is subclas-
sified into sub variants. The primary goal of the above approaches is
to access the space located anterior and lateral to the brainstem. The
standard transcondylar approach includes drilling of the condyle. The
extent of drilling of occipital condyle drilling is controversial. Litera-
ture suggests that 1/3 of occipital condyle drilling will not be associated
with postoperative instability. Previously published studies mentioned
following guidelines for amount of condyle drilling (Table 1).3,4
The anatomical landmark used during condyle drilling is hypo-
glossal canal. It divides the condyle in anterior two thirds and pos-
terior one third (Figure 1). The supracondylar approach is directed
above the occipital condyle to the hypoglossal canal or both above
and below the hypoglossal canal to the lateral side of the clivus.5
Trans-tubercular variants of the supracondylar approach include
drilling of jugular tubercles which obstruct the view in front of lower
cranial nerves. The paracondylar approach is directed through the
lateral to occipital condyle. Trans jugular variants of the paracon-
dylar approach include drilling of the jugular process which pro-
vides more anterior access to the foramen magnum in front of the
brainstem. Extreme far lateral approach is when the vertebral artery
mobilized medially from C1 foramen transversarium.6
The common indications of the transcondylar approach are
craniovertebral junction intradural tumor (e.g. meningioma, lower
A Practical Manual for Skull Base Approaches 108
of the lesion, location and extension of the lesion in the vertical and
horizontal direction, calcification, vascular and neural encroach-
ment. We routinely use DTI of the corticospinal tract in preoperative
workup. It provides information on the displacement of the tract and
helps in selecting the approach. CT angiogram helps in localising,
and analysing characteristics of vascular lesions, anatomical vari-
ants of vessels and their relation to bony anatomy.
Here, we present a 33-year-female, who presented with occipitial
Headache for 3 months. It was associated with numbness of the right
upper and lower limbs for 20 days with normal lower cranial nerves
examination and without motor deficit. Imaging features are described
in Figure 1. Contrast enhanced MRI Brain plain and contrast (Figures
2A,C,D) showed of a well-defined brilliant contrast-enhancing lesion
in the posterior fossa predominantly on the left compressing and
indenting cervico-medullary junction and encroaching the left verte-
bral artery (left vertebral artery not separately visible). There was no
dural tail or dural enhancement with contrast. CT angiography was
done to rule out an aneurysm and know the course of the left verte-
bral artery. MRS showed reduced NAA with increased choline levels.
MRI DTI of the corticospinal tract (Figures 2B,E) was suggestive of
displacement of the left corticospinal tract posteromedially and the
right Corticospinal tract posterolaterally.
Bilateral tracts showed normal FA values i.e no infiltration. Hence,
left side far lateral approach was selected for excision of the lesion.
A–Skin incision
process tip, Plus-
inion, Round-C4
spinous process)
B–Skin incision
and muscle
C–Muscle retrac-
tion toward lateral
and extent of
1. Extent of
2. C1 posterior
3. C2 lamina
A–Showing anatomical
landmark before condyle
1. Occipital condyle
(white circle).
2. C1 posterior arch mar-
gin after laminectomy
3. Foramen magnum
bony margin
6. Lesion Excision
After opening the dura, generous devascularization of the dural
supply is important. Due to narrow corridors, intra-lesional debulking
and dissection help in safe removal of the lesions. Avoidance of stretch-
ing of nerves or brainstem minimizes the neurological complications.
Intra-operative use of CUSA and LASER for debulking helps in reduc-
ing time and minimal blood loss (Figure 7B). In this case, the tumor
was extensively vascular and the use of thallium LASER helped in
minimising blood loss.8 The tumor was arising from the wall of the left
vertebral artery which was separated by LASER (Figure 7C). Histopa-
thology of the tumor came as malignant hemangiopericytoma (WHO
grade 3). Adequate haemostasis is quite important after resection.
7. Dural Closure
Watertight dural closure is recommended. Fat graft can be placed
underlying the dural edge while closures which helps in plugging
the small defects and prevents CSF leak.9
FIGURE 7 (Continue)
117 Far Lateral Approach
A–Relation of the tumour with the vertebral artery Black arrow showing course
of vertebral artery.
B–Tumor debulking with LASER
(Black arrow tip showing LASER tip)
C–Tumor separation from vertebral artery by LASER
1. vertebral artery
2. course of vertebral artery
D–Completely separated from left vertebral artery
1. Left vertebral artery
2. Course of left vertebral artery
3. Right vertebral artery
4. Course of right vertebral artery
E–Dissection of lower pole of tumor
F–Separation of superior pole of tumor from lower cranial nerve rootlets.
Black arrows-rootles of lower cranial nerves.
G–Tumor delivered out after circumferential dissection.
H–Post-tumor-resection cavity and haemostasis.
A-Dural closure with keeping fat graft under the margin of edge of the dura.
B-Complete watertight dural closure with prolene 4-0 stitch.
1. Babu RP, Sekhar LN, Wright DC: Extreme lateral transcon-
dylar approach: Technical improvements and lessons learned.
J Neurosurg 1994;81:49–59.
2. Baldwin HZ, Miller CG, van Loveren HR, Keller JT, Daspit
CP, Spetzler RF: The far lateral/combined supra- and infra-
tentorial approach: A human cadaveric prosection model for
routes of access to the petroclival region and ventral brainstem.
J Neurosurg 1994;81:60–68.
3. Panigrahi M, Vooturi S: Foramen magnum meningiomas –
Understanding the requirement and extent of condylar resec-
tion. Neurol India 2019;67:65–6.
4. Mohammad HU, Vooturi S, Panigrahi M. Far lateral approach:
Is condylar resection required? Neurol India 2016;64:455–6.
5. Lang DA, Neil-Dwyer G, Iannotti F: The suboccipital transcon-
dylar approach to the clivus and craniocervical junction for
ventrally placed pathology at and above the foramen magnum.
Acta Neurochir (Wien) 1993;125:132–137.
119 Far Lateral Approach
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