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To make sure discussions in the experimental group (Class A) are effective using the Jigsaw

method, follow these simple protocols for Expert Groups and Jigsaw (Home) Groups:
Protocols for Expert Groups
Objective: Become experts on assigned subtopics.
1. Divide Students: Split the class into Expert Groups. Each group will focus on a different

2. Group Roles: In each group, the Leader keeps the group on track, the Note-Taker writes
down key points and makes a summary, the Researcher finds and clears up information,
and the Presenter gets ready to explain the subtopic to other groups.

3. Discussion Guidelines: Focus on the assigned subtopic. Avoid talking about unrelated
things. Make sure everyone understands by discussing and solving any confusion. Work
together to gather and connect information. Create a summary with important points and
useful examples or visuals.

4. Time Management: Spend 10 minutes gathering information, 15 minutes discussing the

subtopic, and the last 5 minutes finalizing the summary and preparing materials.

5. Checking for Understanding: Each member should briefly explain their part to make
sure everyone gets it.

6. End of Session: Quickly review the summary and materials to make sure they are ready
for the next session.
Protocols for Jigsaw (Home) Groups
Objective: Share and teach the subtopics prepared by Expert Groups.
1. Form Jigsaw Groups: Reorganize students into new Jigsaw Groups. Each group should
have one member from each Expert Group.
2. Assign Roles: In each Jigsaw Group, assign roles: the Facilitator manages the discussion,
the Timekeeper tracks presentation times, the Questioner asks questions to clarify, and the
Summarizer recaps the main points.
3. Presentation Guidelines: Each member explains their subtopic clearly and briefly.
Encourage discussion and questions from the group. Make sure presentations are concise
but complete, with time for questions.
4. Discussion Protocols: Listen carefully to each presentation. Give helpful feedback and
help clarify if needed. Ask questions to ensure everyone understands and fill any gaps.
5. Time Management: Allow 5-7 minutes for each presentation and 2-3 minutes for
questions and discussion afterward.
6. Checking for Understanding: The Summarizer should briefly recap each presentation to
make sure everyone understands.
7. End of Session: Discuss the main points, answer any remaining questions, and clear up
any confusion. Provide feedback on the presentations and the discussion.

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