Freud and Psychoanalysis: Unit 7
Freud and Psychoanalysis: Unit 7
Freud and Psychoanalysis: Unit 7
1. Background of Psychoanalysis
1. Background of Psychoanalysis
1. Background of Psychoanalysis
• Thus Spoke Zarathustra
1. Background of Psychoanalysis
Brentano: motivating factors are of great importance in
determining the flow of thought. There are huge differences
between subjective reality and objective reality.
1. Background of Psychoanalysis
1. Background of Psychoanalysis
Case Anna O
An a%rac(ve and bright 21-year-old girl who manifested various
symptoms related to hysteria: paralysis of the arms, visual and speech
disturbances, nausea, memory loss and general brain disorienta(on.
Breuer discovered that the young woman kept vigil at her father's
bedside while he was on his deathbed, causing him to experience so
much dismay at her condi(on that his eyes filled with tears. At that
moment, the father asked the (me and the girl squinted her eyes so that
she could see the hands of the clock.
She discovered that every (me she clarified the origin of a symptom,
usually stemming from a trauma(c experience, it disappeared
temporarily or permanently.
1. Background of Psychoanalysis - Case Anna O
Shortly after the start of treatment, the patient began to behave as if Breuer were
her father, a process he later called transference. The latter, in turn, began to
develop emotional feelings towards Anna, which he called countertransference (so
much so that the doctor had to leave therapy after having marital problems
generated by the case).
In 1895, Breuer and Freud published Studies on Hysteria, which is considered the
official foundation of the school of psychoanalysis.
1. Background of Psychoanalysis
1. Background of Psychoanalysis
Video – Psychoanalysis concepts
2. Social Context
• Anti-Semitism in Vienna.
• Therapeutic nihilism.
(a medical trend in the late 19th century that advocated abstaining
from any therapeutic intervention, leaving the body to recover on
its own or through appropriate diets, as the treatment of choice for
many diseases.)
• Victorian mentality:
- Not accepting the animal dimension of human
- Severe conscience.
- Double standards.
- Conception of woman as an innocent being.
3. Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939)
3. Sigmund Freud – The Cocaine Episode
• In spring of 1884, Freud experimented with cocaine aaer
learning that it had been used successfully in the military to
increase the energy and endurance of soldiers.
• Aaer taking the drug himself, he found that it relieved his
feelings of depression and cured his indigesGon, helped him
work, and appeared to have no negaGve side effects.
• Besides taking cocaine regularly himself, Freud gave it to his
sisters, friends, colleagues, and paGents and sent some to his
fiancée Martha Bernays “to make her strong and give her
cheeks a red color”.
• He administered cocaine to his colleague and friend Ernst von
Fleischl-Marxow who was addicted to morfine. He died
addicted to cocaine.
• It was the cocaine episode that, to a large extent, made the
medical community skepGcal of Freud’s later ideas.
Freud and Academic Psychology
• The relationship between Freud's
psychoanalysis and academic psychology
has been marked by hostility.
Psychoanalysis and its development
• Discrepancies between Freud and Breuer:
Defini8on of Psychoanalysis
• Psychoanalysis was elaborated in a long series of publications
based on self-analysis and analysis of his patients.
Introduces the concept of OEDIPUS COMPLEX.
Three essays on Sexual Theory (1905)
• The text consists of three parts: sexual aberraGons, infanGle
sexuality, pubertal transformaGons.
Gene8c model
• Stages of psychosexual development:
o oral (first year of life)
o anal (second year of life)
o phallic (third year and end of fifth year): Oedipus
o dormant (6 years to puberty)
o genital (puberty to the rest of life).
Structural Model of the Personality
ID: original system, unconscious, irrational, home of the pleasure principle and Thanatos. When
faced with a need, it expects immediate gratification.
EGO: Its nucleus is formed during the first months of life from the energy that the child directs
towards the objects around it. It is rational, governed by the principle of reality, and regulates
instincts. It is called the GRAND EXECUTIVE OF THE PSYCHE. It is responsible for reducing tension
and develops defensive mechanisms to adapt to the environment.
SUPEREGO: moral dimension of the personality. It incorporates into the self the norms coming
from the person's society and culture.
Structural Model of the Personality
Structural Model of the Personality
Anxiety and Defence Mechanism of ID
Freud defined three types of anxiety:
Defence mechanisms are the processes that the Ego uses to deal with neurotic and moral anxiety.
Defence Mechanism
Questions about Freud Cases
1. ¿What concepts of his most famous theories,
worked Freud in the case of Dora?
2. What kind of basic psychological skill did
Freud lack with this paGent?
3. What disorder ’Liple Hans’ was suffering
4. With which of Freud's characterisGc terms did
he explain the origin of the problem of ‘Liple
Hans’? Explain it briefly.
5. What disorder was suffering ‘Rat Man’?
6. Why did he earn the nickname?
The conception of human nature and the
contributions of Freud
• Elaborated the first complete theory of personality.
• Psychoanalysis and application to neuroses.
• Understanding of normal behaviour.
• Generalisation of psychology to other fields.
3. Alfred Adler (1870- 1937)
• Born in Vienna.
• He was a physician and
• Founder of individual psychology.
• He is considered the first child
• He was a disciple of Freud, although he disagreed early on with Freud's
psychoanalytic approaches.
• The main disagreement was over Freud's sexual theory of mental life.
• For Adler, sexuality appears to serve the elementary intentions of
personal power, which overrides impulse.
• The defence of his theories led to his expulsion from the Vienna School,
and to the creation of his own "Individual Psychology".
• He coined the term "compensation". For Adler compensation is an organic
inferiority, which provokes an auxiliary construction, consisting in the
establishment of a fiction that counterbalances the inferiority. The fiction,
or fictitious line, is a psychological system that tries to transform
inferiority into superiority.
• Emphasises the conscious dimension and social
• He focuses on the analysis of the feeling of
inferiority that affects all people during childhood
and the mechanisms to overcome it, or, on the
contrary, to develop an inferiority complex.
• The main moAve in existence is the search for
meaning, which leads him to emphasise the
theory of "as if" inspired by Vaihinger.
• CreaAve self: man is free to create meaning.
4. Carl Jung (1875- 1961)
4. Carl Jung (1875- 1961)
4. Carl Jung (1875- 1961)
The EGO is for Jung the ”Self".
Self: understood as the consciousness of each individual.
Archetypes are predispositions of perceptual and emotional
dimension to respond to certain experiences.
• "Self" or "self": is that which transcends the SELF. It is the union
of opposites, psychic integration, a vital growth process of union
of unconscious and conscious elements. It is the archetype that
corresponds to the human being's need for transcendence.
• Person: tendency to show to others only a part of the
4. Carl Jung (1875- 1961)
• Anima: feminine dimension of the
masculine personality.
• Animus: masculine dimension of the
feminine personality.
• Shadow: repressed evil, which we do not
accept in ourselves and project onto
others. Inheritance from pre-human
ancestors that marks a tendency to
aggressiveness and immortality.
“The more perfect a person is on
the outside, the more demons
they have on the inside.”
Hergenhahn, B.R. (2009). An Introduction to the History of Psychology. Belmont:
Lucila Pascua Suárez