Entmig 0806
Entmig 0806
Entmig 0806
volume ‘Insect movement: mechanisms and consequences’. Version 8th June, 2000.
1, Entomology and Nematology Dept., IACR-Rothamsted, Harpenden, Herts., AL5 2JQ. U.K.; 2,
Biodiversity and Ecology Division, School of Biological Sciences, Basset Crescent East,
Southampton University, Southampton, SO16 7PX, U.K
1. General introduction
The power of flight probably evolved in semi-aquatic insects in the Middle and Upper
Devonian when watery habitats regularly dried out (Wigglesworth, 1976; Kurkalova-
Peck, 1978). This necessitated dispersal in search of new habitats, resources and mates
and may have selected for morphs using articulated gill-plates as wings (Wigglesworth,
1976; Kurkalova-Peck, 1978; Marden & Kramer, 1995; Thomas & Norberg, 1996; see
also Wootton this volume). Flight dispersal to other localities also served to mix
populations, thereby increasing the likelihood of favourable genotypes arising from
these distinct, quite literal gene pools in a constantly changing environment.
Present address: Crop Protection Program, Eastern Cereal & Oilseed Research Centre, K.W. Neatby
Building, C.E.F., Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA, K1A 0C6.
individuals is rare. This is especially so if: 1, the population size is small; 2, the spatial
scale over which migrants move is geographically extensive or 3, the small size of the
insects themselves means that their movement involves inert or random transport on
the wind above their flight speed in still air. As a consequence, individuals are usually
collected from the field with little prior knowledge of where they have come from,
thereby undermining what can be learnt from these arbitrary collections.
Amongst the methods used to explore variation across an insect population are those
that can be considered non-molecular ‘tags’, i.e. that describe phenotypic
polymorphisms. These include behavioural differences e.g. insect song (Henry, 1994);
wing pattern (Dowdeswell & Ford, 1953; Roskam & Brakefield, 1999); wing size
(Zera & Denno, 1997); eye colour (Dobzhansky & Wright, 1943); and body pigments
(Odonald & Majerus, 1992). Use has also been made of element markers (see Sherlock
et al., 1985), radio-labelling (Taimr & Kříž, 1978) and other innovative markers such
as pollen from unique sites (Westbrook et al., 1998), fluorescent dust dyes
(Dobzhansky & Powell, 1974; Byrne et al., 1996), as well as radar (Smith & Riley,
1996) (see Reynolds et al., 1997 for a detailed review of these aspects). Pheromone
lures (Suckling et al., 1999) are, physiologically-speaking, molecular substances, but
they differ from the next group of markers in that population data may be collected
with little further processing. Molecular ‘tags’ require the collection of samples and
their subsequent molecular processing before a population can be typed. These include
proteins, especially allozymes, and DNA markers, both of which are separated
electrophoretically; chromosomal markers (White, 1978; Bullini & Nascetti, 1989),
e.g. chromosome number, nuclear organising regions (NORs) and C-banding (Berry et
al., 1992 and references therein), and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) markers
(Blackman et al., 1995; Bizzaro et al., 1996). Allozyme and DNA based markers are
the most commonly used as molecular tags in entomological studies of population
structure and movement and hence we concentrate on these, whilst paying tribute to
the important findings made using the aforementioned other markers. Some of the
most informative studies have utilised a two-pronged approach, for example using
mark-release-recapture (MRR) protocols in conjunction with molecular analysis of the
re-trapped samples to study movement (e.g. Lewis et al., 1997).
and Aphididae, allozyme loci are found to be generally invariant (Loxdale, 1994).
When allozyme variability is found to be low over a range of loci in the insect species
under study, DNA markers are usually sought (Carvalho, 1998; Loxdale & Lushai,
1998). DNA analysis is based on six basic practices of molecular biology: 1,
acquisition of DNA (DNA release or extraction); 2, cutting (restricting) the DNA; 3,
joining (ligating) the DNA; 4, probing the DNA with a labelled sequence to investigate
sequence homology between samples; 5, amplifying the DNA in a polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) and 6, sequencing the DNA.
Involved with one or a number of these basic processes are the following
molecular marker types: restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs);
minisatellites (DNA ‘fingerprinting’ using single and multilocus probes); PCR
involving mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA (nDNA), and scrutinised
using primer pairs which amplify hypervariable regions, e.g. rDNA, introns and
microsatellites (single sequence repeats, SSRs); random amplified polymorphic DNA
markers (RAPDs); amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), and
transposons. Each marker has its advantages and disadvantages for population studies,
as discussed in detail elsewhere (Hoy, 1994; Carvalho, 1998; Karp et al., 1998;
Loxdale et al., 1996; Loxdale & Lushai, 1998). In particular, whether the marker
produced is dominant or co-dominant, the latter thereby allowing heterozygotes to be
screened for analysing population structure and inbreeding, etc. (see Loxdale &
Lushai, 1998).
Allozymes mutate at rates of around 10-6 to 10-9 per gene per generation
whereas with microsatellites, rates are two to three orders of magnitude greater (Jarne
& Lagoda, 1996; Luikart & England, 1999). As a consequence of this relatively high
mutation rate, microsatellites are less useful for assessing historical patterns of
population structure and dynamics (Jarne & Lagoda, 1996). Within this group of
rapidly evolving marker, the different repeat classes (di and tri nucleotides) have
differential rates of evolution thereby complicating the picture derived when using a
range of these markers in conjunction (Rubinsztein et al., 1999). Similarly, mtDNA has
several regions which evolve at different rates (Zhang & Hewitt, 1997) and this has to
be taken into account when making conclusions derived from such markers. Zhang &
Hewitt (1996) have also highlighted another problem, that of multiple gene-copies for
a given mtDNA region, with some of these integrating within the nuclear genome.
Even so, mitochondrial markers are considered extremely versatile because of their
predominantly maternal inheritance, low recombination rate (Wallis, 1999) and fast rate of
evolution (Avise, 1994; Zhang & Hewitt, 1997). They have been employed in studies
where genetic bottlenecks may have had a role in shaping population structure (Loxdale et
al., 1996; Carvalho, 1998). However, whilst they are often found to show low variation in
migration studies, this could be as a direct result of the populations tending to move
together, i.e. the 'moving-deme' hypothesis (Loxdale & Lushai, 1999) rather than the
influence of a bottleneck. Concerted evolution occurs where multiple genes exist as if
they represent a single locus. Hence, homogeneity may occur among repeats within
individuals and populations, but heterogeneity among the tandem arrays from
divergent populations and species (Rand, 1994). Examples are found in nuclear rDNA
cistron genes (Black, 1993) and variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) in the
control region of mitochondrial genes (Rand, 1994). However, in some cases there
have intraspecific, even intraclonal variation at these sites, which can give as much
variation within an individual as in a population (Shufran et al., 1992).
stages and morph types as these may show different genetic patterns within an
individual lineage (cf. Loxdale, 1994; Loxdale et al., 1996; Lushai et al., 1997).
The above detail provides a framework of suitable markers along with analytical
approaches to address topics of spatial scale and gene flow. In the next section we show
how these have been applied to insect examples which reveal patterns of spatial distribution
across various geographic scales.
One study indicating displacement, and not migration, concerns the movement
of the cynipid Knopper gall wasp, Andricus quercuscalicis (Burgsdorf), which host
alternates between Turkey Oak, Quercus cerris and the pedunculate oak, Q. robur, in
spring and summer, respectively (Stone & Sunnucks, 1993). The wasp has tracked its
obligate host, Turkey Oak, in a typical radiating pattern of colonisation since this was
planted throughout Western Europe outside its native range over the last three to four
hundred years. Since the planted Turkey oak trees are rarer and more widely scattered
outside the native range than within in it, this was seen as likely to influence the
population structure of the insect. Allozyme analysis of 39 populations failed to detect
any new alleles in the invaded range, although allelic diversity and mean heterozygosity
decreased significantly with distance from the original refugia (Stone & Sunnucks,
1993). Spatial analysis revealed that genetic differences were greater in the invaded
compared with the native area. This suggested that genetic changes across Europe
were probably the result of strong directional movement followed by limited gene flow
between populations, rather than due to selection. There was also evidence that genetic
patterns of populations were founded sequentially from the east spreading westward by
a process of random invasion, from which new populations invaded further, with a
concomitant dilution of genetic diversity. Another recent study tracking invasion is
described by Taberner et al. (1997). Here RAPD markers were used to deduce the
spread of a pest sugar beet weevil, Aubeonymus mariaefranciscae (Roudier), in
southern Spain. A combination of phylogenetic and genetic distance versus
geographical distance approaches enabled the spread of the beetle to be ascertained in
relation to its ecology and evolution. This genetic information affirmed that the beetle
populations had arisen from a unique colonisation event, probably dating from 1979.
butterfly in north-east Hungary using both MRR and molecular markers (allozymes
and microsatellites) and utilising field and historical collections. Their work showed
that even large colonies appear to have small effective reproductive population sizes
with a lack of heterozygotes compared with H-W expectations, indicative of uneven
sex ratio, recent bottlenecks and/or founder effects. Therefore, the genetic approach
differentiates between subpopulations from some regions having metapopulation
structure (Hanski & Gilpin, 1997); some with homogeneous genetic structure within
regions; and some geographically widespread populations that are genetically
differentiated, indicative of restricted movement and genetic drift.
For some species, the apparent high estimates of gene flow are artifactual
rather than real and probably reflect historical patterns of movement. This leads to a
very important point of gene flow versus vagility. For many insects, even truly migratory
species, the further populations are away from each other, even without the problems of
physical barriers to gene flow, the more likely they are to diverge genetically, i.e. show more
heterogeneous genetic population patterns.
The relationship of isolation by distance (IBD) and dispersal ability of insects has
recently been studied in detail by Peterson & Denno (1998a). They analysed genetic data
versus IBD for 43 phytophagous species and races of insects and tested two opposing
hypotheses. In the first, IBD slopes in log plots of gene flow versus distance, were
unchanged by distance yet the intercepts increase with mobility. In the second, IBD slopes
varied with dispersal ability. They found that mobility trends tended to fit the second
hypothesis. In sedentary and highly mobile species, IBD appeared weak over distances from
10 - 1,000 km and both species categories had shallow slopes and markedly different
intercepts. In moderately mobile species, the relationship was more pronounced, i.e. there
was greater gene flow with distance. From the analysis of the genetic data they concluded
that divergence amongst most populations of sedentary species over the distances tested
was due to limited gene flow. The genetic homogeneity found in intermediate dispersers
over small spatial scales was due to appreciable gene flow, whilst the heterogeneity at larger
spatial scales was thought to be a result of its restriction. The homogeneous genetic
structure of highly mobile species at all spatial scales was considered to be due to high gene
flow. Hence, genetic structure was to some degree directly correlated with the ability of the
insect to disperse providing valuable insights and demonstrating the usefulness of the genetic
marker approach in arriving at these conclusions. However, there are numerous factors that
influence population genetic structure, some of which have already been outlined (cf. also
Peterson & Denno, 1998b). In some instances, genetic structuring is strongly influenced by
biotic factors. In the next section we relate evolutionary and biological processes of various
host-herbivore interactions, host ranges and fidelity to genetic variation.
the homogeneous national genetic pattern observed may reflect a historical
colonisation rather than inter-population migration over seasons (Wynne et al.,1994).
The green bug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), a serious predominanntly asexual
aphid pest of cereals in north America studied using rDNA IGS markers, also showed
population genetic homogeneity at various spatial scales (Shufran et al., 1991).
Numerous genotypes were detected, yet the populations appeared as genetically
diverse at the lowest spatial (sorghum leaf) scale as at the County scale (Kansas),
possibly the result of long distance dispersal (see also Fenton et al., 1994).
If insects have low vagility, they are perhaps more likely to be subject to local
differentiating selective forces (Cobb & Whitham, 1998) and produce host adapted
demes with little gene flow between them (Mopper & Strauss, 1998). There is some
genetic evidence that this is occurring in the holocyclic (with sexual phase) cereal
aphid, Sitobion fragariae (Walker). Local British populations of this species (< 30 km
apart) showed genetic heterogeneity and stable genotypes frequencies at an allozyme
locus (glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase, GOT) over a five year sampling period
during the summer asexual phase of reproduction (Loxdale & Brookes, 1990).
pine forms of the moth were either host races or sympatric species that hybridized
Patterns of genetic diversity and gene flow of insects are influenced by niche
patchiness and behaviour-related patch fidelity even when obvious plant host influences
appear to be absent. Some butterflies with low vagility such as the Glanville fritillary,
Melitaea cinxia L. show metapopulation structure. Genetic studies on island
populations in south-western Finland using both allozyme and microsatellite markers
(Saccheri et al., 1998) have revealed that the risk of extinction of subpopulations
increased significantly with decreasing heterozygosity, a sign of inbreeding. These
deleterious effects were manifest in larval survival, adult longevity and egg hatch rate,
which in turn appeared to be the fitness components responsible for the relationship
between inbreeding and extinction (Saccheri et al., 1998) (see also Sutcliffe et al.,
1997). In a lyceanid blue butterfly, Euphilotes enoptes (Boisduval) subpopulations
from Washington State and Oregon, USA were studied using allozyme markers. The
apparent low vagility of the butterfly was thought to be the cause of genetic
heterogeneity found between subpopulations (Peterson, 1996). This was described by
clustering analysis of genetic distances as well as a regression analysis of gene flow
versus geographical distance. The two parameters were as expected, negatively
correlated. Even so, estimates of gene flow among population pairs separated by more
than 100 km were greater than 10 individuals per generation, a value higher than
predicted from the butterfly's apparent aerial dispersion (rarely more than 1 km). Yet
neighbourhood size was estimated at around 40 individuals, consistent with poor
vagility (Peterson, 1996). Thus it appears that in sedentary insects, the magnitude of
gene flow described by the 'stepping stone' hypothesis (Peterson, 1996) has a
significant influence on genetic homogenisation over large spatial scales. This is
precisely the scenario in the Knopper gall wasp. These studies again emphasise the
potential utility of molecular markers for deriving behavioural and ecological trends.
Spatial heterogeneity within a population can also have a temporal component to it. As
described below, these include lifecycle synchrony, with annual (short-term) temporal
aspects, and very much longer historical patterns of genetic variation.
In the satyrid butterfly, the inornate ringlet, Coenonympha tullia Mőller ssp.
inornata Edwards, populations in the northern USA and Canada showed a step-
latitudinal cline in some allozyme frequencies monitored as well as wing characters
(Wiernasz, 1989). In the old, more northern part of the range, the insects are
predominantly univoltine, but in the south-western and eastern United States they are
bivoltine. The eastern region is an area of recent range expansion. The level of genetic
variability is strongly correlated with life history so that bivoltine populations tended to
have higher levels of polymorphism and heterozygosity with a higher average number
of alleles than univoltine populations, and were differentiated using genetic distance
and wing pattern data. Although interpopulation gene flow (movement) is high,
selection is the probable cause maintaining the cline. In bivoltine populations,
asynchrony between larval diapause and parents leads to alternating selection, thereby
increasing the level of genetic variation present (cf. Wiernasz, 1989).
ecological parameters. It also emphasises the complexity that has to be unravelled if
the biology of a given species is to be better understood.
selection operates on these glycolytic enzymes, which clearly influences the time and
temperature at which butterflies first become active, and in migratory species, when
they are liable to disperse. They also appear to affect populations in relation to
genotype and sex and hence, these enzymes play a pivotal functional role in
determining population structuring and dynamics. So clearly without molecular
markers, and even more so, the right molecular marker (in this case a relevant
functional one), such biological intricacy for flight behaviour would allude us.
In the context of historical trends, allele frequency patterns are sometimes seen
to be rather homogeneous, even at large spatial scales. Such patterns may or may not
relate to concomitant large-scale aerial movements of the insects concerned. For
example, the fruit fly, Drosophila willistoni Sturtevant displays similar allele
frequencies at a range of allozyme loci over much of Mexico, Florida, Central
America, the West Indies and tropical South America (Ayala et al., 1972). Likewise,
two noctuid moth species examined also display homogenous among population allele
frequencies, i.e. the Velvetbean Caterpillar, Anticarsia gemmatalis Hőbner in
Louisiana and middle America (Pashley & Johnson, 1986), and the African armyworm,
Spodoptera exempta (Walker) in east Africa (Den Boer, 1978), as does the Cabbage
butterfly, Pieris rapae (L.) along the eastern seaboard of the USA (Vawter &
Brussard, 1983). In the case of D. willistoni, this homogeneity of pattern is thought to
be the result of locally differentiating forces, i.e. stabilising selection rather than the
result of dispersal counteracting the effects of drift and mutation (e.g. Nevo et al.,
1998). Although, Drosophila are known to be capable of dispersing up to 15 km.
across inhospitable desert in California (Coyne et al., 1982), it is unlikely that the
homogeneity observed is due to long range movements. The effect here is probably a
historical pattern of expansion and colonisation, reinforced to some degree by selection
and occasional migrants between populations (Slatkin, 1987). In the Velvet bean
Caterpillar, etc., the homogeneity observed is considered to be predominantly the
result of large-scale inter-population movement over long distances, and high levels of
gene flow.
plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), it was shown, again using mtDNA markers,
that populations which annually invade Korea most probably arise from populations in
China which share haplotypes in common, rather than those from the Indochina
Peninsula, which do not (Mun et al., 1999).
6. Concluding remarks
Prior to the 1970s, even though a wealth of information was collected and
analysed for various moving insects (e.g. Johnson, 1969), molecular tools were not
available. Today however, a plethora of such markers exist. Despite this utility and
availability, whilst there is copious and random gathering of information, yesterday’s
questions remain largely unanswered, even for the most well studied migratory species,
including various international pests. Major questions that are largely unresolved are:
1, what is the orientation and defining range of a given moving species population?; 2,
are there for given species, 'true' migratory genotypes and populations, separate from
genotypes of established perennial populations of the same species?; 3, what are the
rates of movement of species individuals and populations?; 4, to what extent do flying
insects travel individually or collectively, initiating gene flow between isolated
populations?; and 5, does mating take place in some groups producing moving demes?
It is not even well known in most instances whether homogeneous allelic patterns
reflect the influence of recent gene flow or are the result of stabilising selection on
historical demographic patterning. Whilst it may be argued that these are the
fundamental and applied questions that we strive and seek to answer to illuminate
adaptation and evolution, it may also be timely to reflect upon the words of Sir Isaac
Newton (1642-1727), “....I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore
and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than
ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me” (Partington,
1992). With the advent of the Millennium, our endeavours should perhaps be focussed
on the above questions more clearly in a case specific way to move the science forward
e.g. Lenormand et al., (1999). Our knowledge of the movement of flying insects is far
from complete in spite of the massive efforts of those of the preceding fifty years in
particular. Further advances will undoubtedly result from the application of the right
molecular marker and careful consideration of the questions asked.
7. Acknowledgements
This paper was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, MAFF (H.D.L) and The
Leverhulme Trust (G.L.; F/180/AP). IACR-Rothamsted receives grant-aided support from the
BBSRC. We are most grateful to Ian Woiwod, Ian Denholm and Jim Mallet for their helpful
comments on the manuscript.
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