e-STUDIO - 3015AC - 3515AC - 5015AC - Self Diagnosis - Codes - V1

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Test Print (05) Codes

Code List Version Ver01 © 2018, 2019 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights
SM Version Ver00 Under the copyright laws, this manual cannot be
SYS Version TC01HD0W120x reproduced in any form without prior written permission
Publish Date January 2019

Explanatory notes 05/08/13 codes: Supplemental explanation for the items
Save location
Model name Expression in code list SYS: SYS board
M: LGC board
e-STUDIO2515AC 25ppm Indicating the saved FIN: Finisher board
e-STUDIO3015AC 30ppm location of the setting H/S: HDD/SSD
e-STUDIO3515AC 35ppm values. FROM: FROM
e-STUDIO4515AC 45ppm SCN: CCD board
-: Not saved
e-STUDIO5015AC 50ppm Cloning
Def: Default Settings
Indicating the category in Net: Network/Print Service
which cloning data are Sec: Security
stored. User: User Management
-: Cloning not made
Indicating the possibility to perform backup by means of the backup functions or the back-
up/restoring utilities.
Keeping Value
Indicating whether the H: Values are retained even after formatting the HDD.
values are retained after S: Values are retained even after performing the SRAM clear.
replacing the HDD or HS: Values are retained even after formatting the HDD and
initializing the SYS performing the SRAM clear.
board. -: Values not retained
7+,6(48,30(17 WKH0)3DVSRVVLEOH















CND only Others

Vorsicht: Vor Benutzung der Manschette der Betätigung des Armbandes, das Netzkabel des
WARTUNG Gerätes herausziehen und prüfen, dass es in der Nähe keine geladenen
Gegenstände, die nicht isoliert sind, gibt.
Die Installation und die Wartung sind von einem qualifizierten Service-
Techniker durchzuführen. - Setzen Sie sich während der Wartungsarbeiten nicht dem Laserstrahl aus. Dieses Gerät ist mit
einer Laserdiode ausgestattet. Es ist unbedingt zu vermeiden, direkt in den Laserstrahl zu
blicken. Keine reflektierenden Teile oder Werkzeuge, wie z. B. Schraubendreher, in den Pfad des
1. Transport/Installation
Laserstrahls halten. Vor den Wartungsarbeiten sämtliche reflektierenden Metallgegenstände, wie
- Zum Transportieren/Installieren des Gerätes werden 2 Personen benötigt. Nur an den in der
Uhren, Ringe usw., entfernen.
Abbildung gezeigten Stellen tragen.
- Auf keinen Fall Hochtemperaturbereiche, wie die Fixiereinheit, die Heizquelle und die
Das Gerät ist sehr schwer und wiegt etwa 78.1 kg; deshalb muss bei der Handhabung des
umliegenden Bereiche, berühren.
Geräts besonders aufgepasst werden.
- Auf keinen Fall Hochspannungsbereiche, wie die Ladeeinheiten, das Transferband, die zweite
Transferwalze, die Entwicklereinheit, den Hochspannungstransformator und das Netzgerät,
berühren. Insbesondere sollten die Platinen dieser Komponenten nicht berührt werden, da die
Kondensatoren usw. auch nach dem Ausschalten des Geräts noch elektrisch geladen sein
- Vor dem Berühren potenziell gefährlicher Bereiche (z. B. drehbare oder betriebsrelevante
Bereiche, wie Zahnräder, Riemen, Riemenscheiben, Lüfter und die Laseraustrittsöffnung der
optischen Lasereinheit) sicherstellen, dass das Gerät sich nicht bedienen lässt.
- Beim Entfernen von Abdeckungen vorsichtig vorgehen, da sich darunter scharfkantige
Komponenten befinden können.
- Bei Wartungsarbeiten am eingeschalteten Gerät dürfen keine unter Strom stehenden, drehbaren
oder betriebsrelevanten Bereiche berührt werden. Nicht direkt in den Laserstrahl blicken.
- Ausschließlich vorgesehene Werkzeuge und Hilfsmittel verwenden.
- Beim Transportieren des Geräts nicht an den beweglichen Teilen oder Einheiten (z.B. das
- Empfohlene oder gleichwertige Messgeräte verwenden.
Bedienungsfeld, die Duplexeinheit oder die automatische Dokumentenzuführung) halten.
- Nach Abschluss der Wartungsarbeiten das Gerät in den ursprünglichen Zustand zurück
- Eine spezielle Steckdose mit Stromversorgung von AC 110V/15A, 120V/12A, 220-240V/8A als
versetzen und den einwandfreien Betrieb überprüfen.
Stromquelle verwenden.
- Das berührungsempfindliche Bedienungsfeld stets vorsichtig handhaben und keinen Stößen
- Das Gerät ist aus Sicherheitsgründen zu erden.
aussetzen. Wenn die Oberfläche beschädigt wird, kann dies zu Funktionsstörungen führen.
- Einen geeigneten Standort für die Installation wählen. Standorte mit zuviel Hitze, hoher
- Bewahren Sie Kunststofftüten kindersicher auf. Es besteht Erstickungsgefahr, wenn sich Kinder
Luftfeuchtigkeit, Staub, Vibrieren und direkter Sonneneinstrahlung sind zu vermeiden.
beim Spielen eine Kunststofftüte über den Kopf ziehen. Bitte nehmen Sie die Kunststofftüten von
- Für ausreichende Belüftung sorgen, da das Gerät etwas Ozon abgibt.
Optionen oder Serviceparts wieder zurück.
- Um einen optimalen Kopierbetrieb zu gewährleisten, muss ein Abstand von mindestens 80 cm
- Wenn der Schutzmantel eines Kabels oder die Steckerisolierung beschädigt werden, besteht
links, 80 cm rechts und 20 cm dahinter eingehalten werden.
Brandgefahr oder die Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlags. Um dies zu vermeiden, sollten Kabel in
- Das Gerät ist in der Nähe der Steckdose zu installieren; diese muss leicht zu erreichen sein.
der gleichen Weise verlegt werden, wie sie vor der Demontage/dem Transport verlegt waren.
- Nach der Installation muss das Netzkabel richtig hineingesteckt und befestigt werden, damit
niemand darüber stolpern kann.
3. Allgemeine Sicherheïtsmassnahmen
- Falls der Auspackungsstandort und der Installationsstandort des Geräts verschieden sind, die
- Die Verfahren sind zu überprüfen und wie im Wartungshandbuch beschrieben durchzuführen.
Bildqualitätsjustierung (automatische Gammajustierung) je nach der Temperatur und
- Vorsichtig, dass Sie nicht umfallen.
Luftfeuchtigkeit des Installationsstandorts und der Papiersorte, die verwendet wird, durchführen.
- Um Aussetzung zur Haut zur vermeiden, tragen Sie wenn nötig Schutzhandschuhe.
4. Sicherheitsrelevante Wartungsteile
2. Allgemeine Sicherheitsmassnahmen in bezug auf die Wartung
- Der Leistungsschutzschalter, der Türschalter, die Sicherung, der Thermostat, die
- Während der Wartung das Gerät ausschalten und das Netzkabel herausziehen (ausser Wartung,
Thermosicherung, der Thermistor, der Akkus, die IC-RAMs einschließlich der Lithiumakkus usw.
die bei einem eingeschalteten Gerät, durchgeführt werden muss).
sind besonders sicherheitsrelevant. Sie müssen unbedingt korrekt gehandhabt und installiert
- Das Netzkabel herausziehen und den Bereich um die Steckerpole und die Steckdose die
werden. Wenn diese Teile kurzgeschlossen und funktionsunfähig werden, kann dies zu
Umgebung in der Nähe von den Steckerzacken und der Steckdose wenigstens einmal im Jahr
schwerwiegenden Schäden, wie einer Explosion oder einem Abbrand, führen. Kurzschlüsse sind
reinigen. Wenn Staub sich in dieser Gegend ansammelt, kann dies ein Feuer verursachen.
zu vermeiden, und es sind ausschließlich Teile zu verwenden, die von der Toshiba TEC
- Die Sicherung kann eingeschaltet bleiben. Der Stromstecker sollte jedoch gezogen werden,
Corporation empfohlen sind.
damit die internen Leiter von der Phase getrennt sind.
- Wenn die Teile auseinandergenommen werden, wenn nicht anders in diesem Handbuch usw
5. Warnetiketten
erklärt, ist das Zusammenbauen in umgekehrter Reihenfolge durchzuführen. Aufpassen, dass
- Im Rahmen der Wartung unbedingt das Leistungsschild und die Etiketten mit Warnhinweisen
kleine Teile wie Schrauben, Dichtungsringe, Bolzen, E-Ringe, Stern-Dichtungsringe,
überprüfen [z. B. „Unplug the power cable during service“ („Netzkabel vor Beginn der
Kabelbäume nicht an den verkehrten Stellen eingebaut werden.
Wartungsarbeiten abziehen“), „CAUTION. HOT“ („VORSICHT, HEISS“), „CAUTION. HIGH
- Grundsätzlich darf das Gerät mit enfernten oder auseinandergenommenen Teilen nicht in
Betrieb genommen werden.
LASER“) usw.], um sicherzustellen, dass sie nicht verschmutzt sind und korrekt am Gerät
- Das PC-Board muss in einer Anti-elektrostatischen Hülle gelagert werden. Nur Mit einer
angebracht sind.
Manschette bei Betätigung eines Armbandes anfassen, sonst könnte es sein, dass die
integrierten Schaltkreise durch statische Elektrizität beschädigt werden.
6. Entsorgung des Geräts, der Verbrauchs- und Verpackungsmaterialien
- In Bezug auf die Entsorgung und Wiederverwertung des Geräts, der Verbrauchs- und
Verpackungsmaterialien, sind die einschlägigen nationalen oder regionalen Vorschriften zu

7. Akkus und IC RAMs einschließlich Lithiumakkus etc.


1 Input check
The status of each input signal can be checked by operating the [F1], [F2], [F3] and the digital keys.

<Operation procedure>
[FS] [03] [START] [Digital keys] (LCD ON)
[F3] mode OFF

• When the [START] button is pressed, the equipment enters the input check mode and the following screen appears.
• "100%" is displayed on the input check mode ready screen. "C%" is displayed when [F1] is turned ON. "F%" is displayed when [F2] is turned ON. "S%" is dis-
played when [F3] is turned ON.
• The PRINT DATA lamp blinks when the input check is running.

Fig. 1


2 Output check
The status of the output signal can be checked.

Fig. 2

<Operation procedure>
Procedure 1

Operation Stop Operation Self-diagnostic

[FS] [03] (Code) [START] [START]
ON code OFF mode OFF

Procedure 2

Operation Test mode Self-diagnostic

[FS] [03] *1 (Code) [START] One direction [CLEAR]
standby mode OFF

*1 To perform the fax line 2 test, press the [F2] key to switch the line mode. (By pressing the [F2] key, the line mode is switched between line1 and line 2.)


Procedure 3

Operation Operation Test mode Self-diagnostic

[FS] [03] (Code) [START] [START] [CLEAR]
ON OFF standby mode OFF

Procedure 4

[FS] [03] (Code) [START] Self-diagnostic mode OFF

Procedure 5

[FS] [03] *1 (Code) [START] [Digital keys] [START] Self-diagnostic

mode OFF


*1 To perform the fax line 2 test, press the [F2] key to switch the line mode. (By pressing the [F2] key, the line mode is switched between line1 and line 2.)

* Return to the standby screen for code input by pressing [CLEAR].


The embedded test pattern can be printed out.

<Operation procedure>
Procedure 1

[FS] (Code) (Media selection) [START] Self-diagnostic

[04] Operation [CLEAR]
Continuous mode OFF
Test Printing

Procedure 2

Media Color Self-diagnostic

[FS] [04] (Code) [START] [START] Operation [CLEAR]
selection selection Continuous mode OFF
[CLEAR] Test Printing

Procedure 5

[FS] [04] (Code) (Media (Color [Digital key] [START] Operation [CLEAR] Self-diagnostic
selection) selection) (Input density) (Continuous mode OFF
[CLEAR] Test Print)

• When an error occurs, it is indicated on the panel, but the recovery operation is not performed. Turn OFF the power and then back ON to clear the error.
• During test printing, [CLEAR] is disabled when “Wait adding toner” is displayed.

In the (Color selection) of <Procedure 2> or <Procedure 5>, the printing method is different between [K(1)] and [K(4)] as follows.
• [K(1)]: Printing by bringing one K color developer unit into contact with the transfer belt
• [K(4)]: The developer units of four (YMCK) colors are brought into contact with the transfer belt, but the test pattern is printed in K color only.

* The number in parentheses indicates the contact of the developer unit and the transfer belt.


Various adjustments can be performed.

<Operation procedure>
• [05] indicates that the equipment is shifted to the [CLASSIC] mode after [05 ADJUSTMENT MODE] is selected.
• The procedure indicated by the dotted lines should be performed when a check using a printout is required.

Procedure 1

[Digital key]
[Digital key] Self-diagnostic
(Code) mode OFF
(Key in a value) Stores value
(Corrects value)

* Press the [FUNCTION CLEAR] button to enter minus (-).

Procedure 2

[FS] [05] [Digital key]

[START] ( Value
displayed ) [OK]
(Value unchangeable)
mode OFF


Procedure 3

[Digital key] or [OK] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [05] [START]
(Code) [DOWN] mode OFF
(Stores value in RAM)
(Adjust a value) TEST COPY
(Corrects value)


Procedure 4
[FS] [05] [Digital key] [START] [Digital key] [START] [Digital key] [OK]
mode OFF
(Code) (Sub code) *[FUNCTION CLEAR] Stores value
(Key in a value)
(Corrects value) [CLEAR] START
(Corrects value)

* Press the [FUNCTION CLEAR] button to enter minus (-).

Procedure 5
[FS] [05] [Digital key] [START] Automatic [OK] Self-diagnostic
adjustment mode OFF
(Code) Stores value


Procedure 6

[Digital key] Automatic Self-diagnostic

[FS] [05] [START]
(Code) adjustment mode OFF

* When the automatic adjustment ends abnormally, an error message is displayed.

* Return to the standby screen by pressing [CANCEL] or [CLEAR].


Procedure 7

[Digital key] [Digital key] Automatic Self-diagnostic
[FS] [05] [START] [START] Stores value
(Code) (Sub-code) adjustment mode OFF
in RAM
(Corrects value) START

*1 If there is no sub-code, entry is unnecessary.

*2 When the automatic adjustment ends abnormally, an error message is displayed. Return to the standby screen by pressing [CANCEL].

Procedure 10

[Digital key] [Digital key] Value [OK] Self-diagnostic

[FS] [05] [START] [START]
(Code) (Sub-code) displayed Value mode OFF
unchangeable TEST COPY
(Corrects value) START

Procedure 12

[FS] [Digital key] [START] [Digital key] [OK] Self-diagnostic

(Code) (Key in a value) (Stores value mode OFF
[START] (Ringing) in RAM)
(Corrects value) [CLEAR]


Procedure 14

[UP] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [05] [Digital key] [START] [Digital key] [START] or [OK] mode OFF
(Code) (Sub-code) [DOWN] Stores value
(Adjust a value) in RAM TEST COPY


(Corrects value) (Corrects value)

Procedure 17


[UP] [UP]
[ ]
or Automatic or Self-diagnostic
[FS] [05] [Digital key]
[DOWN] ( adjustment ) [DOWN] [OK]
mode OFF
(Adjust a value) (Adjust a value) Stores value
in RAM

* The automatic adjustment starts when 2 minutes have passed after the [START] button is pressed.
The fuser belt / fuser roller temperature control at the adjustment mode is different from that in the normal state. Therefore, the problem of the fusing efficiency
may occur in the test copying in the adjustment mode. In that case, turn ON the power normally, leave the equipment for approx. 3 minutes after it has entered
the ready state and then start up the adjustment mode again.

05 ADJUSTMENT MODE (Test print)

Various test printings can be performed.

<Operation procedure>
One sheet of the test print for various patterns can be printed out by entering a 1 to 3-digit code and pressing [TEST PRINT] in the [CLASSIC] Mode standby screen


Various settings can be set.

<Operation procedure>
[08] indicates that the equipment is shifted to the [CLASSIC] mode after [08 SETTING MODE] is selected.

Procedure 1

[Digital key] [Digital key] [OK] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [08] [START]
(Code) *[FUNCTION CLEAR] (Stores value in RAM) mode OFF
Sets or
changes value
(Corrects value)

* Press the [FUNCTION CLEAR] button to enter minus (-).

Procedure 2

[Digital key] [OK] Self-diagnostic

[FS] [08] [START]
(Code) mode OFF
Adjustment value
cannot be changed

Procedure 3

[Digital key] Self-diagnostic

[FS] [08] [START] [INITIALIZE] (Automatic setting)
(Code) mode OFF



Procedure 4
[Digital key] [Digital key] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [08] [START] [START] [Digital key] [OK]
(Code) (Sub-code) mode OFF
* [FUNCTION CLEAR] (Stores value
Sets or in RAM)
changes value
(Corrects value) (Corrects value)

* Press the [FUNCTION CLEAR] button to enter minus (-).

Procedure 5

[Digital key] [Digital key] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [08] [START] [OK]
(Code) Sets or mode OFF
changes value (Stores value in RAM)

(Corrects value)

Procedure 9

[Digital key] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [08] [START] [Select icon] [OK]
(Code) mode OFF
(Stores value in RAM)

(Corrects value)


- 10 -
Procedure 10


[Digital key] [Digital key] [Digital key] [Digital key] Self-diagnostic

[FS] [08] [START] [START] [START] [OK]
(Code) (Sub-code) (1st setting) (2nd setting) mode OFF
(Stores value
in RAM)
(Corrects value) (Corrects value)

*1 If there is no sub-code, entry is unnecessary.

*2 The [START] button is not operable if no sub-code is entered.

Procedure 11

*1 [Digital key]
[Digital key] [Digital key] *1 or [OK] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [08] [START] [START]
(Code) (Sub-code) [Software keyboard] (Stores value in RAM) mode OFF
*2 [PAUSE]

Sets or
changes value [CLEAR]
(Corrects value)
*1 If there is no sub-code, entry is unnecessary.
*2 Press [MONITOR/PAUSE] to enter (-) when inputting a telephone number.

Procedure 14

[Digital key] [Digital key] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [08] [START] [START] [OK]
(Code) (Sub-code) mode OFF
Adjustment value
cannot be changed
(Corrects value)


- 11 -
Various fax functions can be set.

The data automatically received during the self-diagnostic mode are sometimes not printed. Therefore, be sure to disconnect the modular cord form the line
connector (LINE1, LINE2) of the equipment before starting the self-diagnostic mode. After the equipment is released from the self-diagnostic mode, reconnect
the modular cord.

1. Setting procedure
The setting value of the specified code can be changed.

<Operation procedure>

[Digital key]
[FS] [FAX] [13] [START] [OK] [POWER] OFF
Adjustment value
cannot be changed

2. Confirmation procedure

<Operation procedure>

[Digital key]
[FS] [FAX] [13] [START] [Digital key] [OK] [POWER] OFF
Sets or (Stores value
changes value in RAM)
(Corrects value)


- 12 -
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC

Input check (Test mode 03) A New/Old drum detection (K) Old New
B New/Old drum detection (C) Old New
Items to be checked and the condition of the equipment when the buttons [A] to [H] are highlighted are C New/Old drum detection (M) Old New
listed on the following pages. D New/Old drum detection (Y) Old New
E - - -
[F2] button: OFF/[F1] button: OFF/[F3] button: OFF F - - -
("100%" is displayed.) G - - -
H - - -
Contents Stop/Non-regular
A Drum / TBU motor Normal rotation
Highlighted display Normal display rotation
Digital Stop/Non-regular
Button Items to check (H) (L) B Fuser motor Normal rotation
key rotation
e.g. e.g.
C Paper feeding/developer unit drive motor Normal rotation
[5] rotation
A 1st drawer paper width detection sensor 3 OFF ON D Waste toner box full detection sensor Shielded Transmissive
B 1st drawer paper width detection sensor 2 OFF ON E Polygonal motor Normal rotation
F - - -
C 1st drawer paper width detection sensor 1 OFF ON G - - -
H - - -
D 1st drawer paper width detection sensor 0 OFF ON A Fuser belt rotation detection sensor Shielded Transmissive
[1] B Fusing abnormality Normal Abnormal
E 1st drawer paper length detection sensor 3 OFF ON C Fuser belt rotation status Stop Rotation
D IH OFF latch detection signal Normal AC power OFF
F 1st drawer paper length detection sensor 2 OFF ON [6]
E - - -
F - - -
G 1st drawer paper length detection sensor 1 OFF ON G - - -
H - - -
H 1st drawer paper length detection sensor 0 OFF ON A Side cover switch Open Closed
Bypass feed paper width detection sensor 3
A OFF (H) ON (L) JSP cover open detection /
(Refer to table1) B Closed Open
Bridge unit cover open detection
Bypass feed paper width detection sensor 2
B OFF (H) ON (L)
(Refer to table1) C Front cover switch Open Closed
Bypass feed paper width detection sensor 1 [7] Open/Blowout of
C OFF (H) ON (L) D Cover open detection switch Normal
(Refer to table1) 24V fuse
[2] Power off/Not
Bypass feed paper width detection sensor 0 E SYS power supply 1 In power supply
D OFF (H) ON (L) connected
(Refer to table1)
E Bypass feed sensor No paper Paper present Power off/Not
F SYS power supply 2 (only 45/50ppm) In power supply
F Registration sensor (PFC detection) Paper present No paper connected
G Exit sensor (PFC detection) No paper Paper present G - - -
Jam access cover opening/closing switch H - - -
H Open Closed
(PFC detection) A Developer unit connection detection (K) Not connected Connected
A Option connection detection signal B (Refer to table2) (Refer to table2)
B Option connection detection signal A (Refer to table2) (Refer to table2) B Developer unit connection detection (C) Not connected Connected
C Option connection detection signal C (Refer to table2) (Refer to table2)
D Finisher connection detection Not connected Connected C Developer unit connection detection (M) Not connected Connected
E Fuser unit connection detection Connected Not connected
F - - - [8] D Developer unit connection detection (Y) Not connected Connected
G - - -
H - - - Occurrence of
E High-voltage leak detection Normal
charging leak
F 1st transfer roller status detection sensor Black drive Color drive
G Drum switching detection sensor Color drive Black drive
H - - -

03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 1 Ver01 03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 2 Ver01
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC

A Registration sensor Paper present No paper [F2] button: ON/[F1] button: OFF/[F3] button OFF
B Feed sensor Paper present No paper ("F%" is displayed.)
C Exit sensor No paper Paper present
D Reverse sensor Paper present No paper Contents
E Paper clinging detection sensor No paper Paper present Digital Highlighted display Normal display
F Registration pass sensor Paper present No paper Button Items to check (H) (L)
G ADU entrance sensor Paper present No paper e.g. e.g.
H ADU exit sensor Paper present No paper
A Bridge unit transport sensor-1 (Entrance No paper Paper present A Image position aligning sensor (Rear) Toner present Toner not present
B Bridge unit transport sensor-2 (Exit sensor) No paper Paper present B Image position aligning sensor (Front) Toner present Toner not present
C Image position aligning sensor (Center) Toner present Toner not present
RLY ejection full sensor (When bridge unit D - - -
C Normal Full E - - -
is connected)
F - - -
[0] D JSP upper ejection tray full sensor Normal Full G - - -
Tray at upper limit Other than upper limit H - - -
E 1st drawer tray-up sensor
position position A New/Old detection of fuser unit New Old
F 1st drawer detection switch Open Closed B IH error input 1 (Refer to table 4) (Refer to table 4)
C IH error input 2 (Refer to table 4) (Refer to table 4)
G 1st drawer empty sensor No paper Paper present D IH error input 3 (Refer to table 4) (Refer to table 4)
H 1st drawer paper remaining sensor Shielded Transmissive E IH error input 4 (Refer to table 4) (Refer to table 4)
F IH power voltage destination check 0 (Refer to table 5) (Refer to table 5)

G IH power voltage destination check 1 (Refer to table 5) (Refer to table 5)

Pressure roller contact/release detection
H Contact Release
A - - -
B - - -
C LCF connection detection Not connected Connected
D PFP connection detection Not connected Connected
[3] E - - -
F - - -
Open/Blowout of
G Cover open detection (PFC side) Normal
24V fuse
H - - -
A Jam access cover opening/closing switch Open Closed
B - - -
C - - -
D 2nd drawer paper feed sensor No paper Paper present
Tray at upper limit Other than upper limit
E 2nd drawer tray-up sensor
position position
F 2nd drawer detection switch Open Closed
G 2nd drawer empty sensor No paper Paper present
H 2nd drawer paper remaining sensor Shielded Transmissive
A - - -
B - - -
C Platen sensor-1 Platen cover opened Platen cover closed
Automatic original detection sensor-1 (A/LT
D Original present No original
[5] Automatic original detection sensor-2 (LT
E Original present No original
format only)
F RADF/DSDF connection Connected Not connected
G Platen sensor-2 Platen cover opened Platen cover closed
Other than home
H Carriage home position sensor Home position

03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 3 Ver01 03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 4 Ver01
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC

A DSDF shading sheet home position sensor ON OFF [F2] button: OFF/[F1] button: ON/[F3] button OFF
B - - - ("C%" is displayed.)
DSDF lower cover opening/closing
C Cover opened Cover closed
detection sensor Contents
[6] D DSDF read-in sensor-2 Original present No original Highlighted display Normal display
E DSDF tray lift upper limit sensor ON OFF Button Items to check (H) (L)
F DSDF tray lift lower limit sensor ON OFF e.g. e.g.
G - - -
H - - - Temperature/humidity sensor (displays
RADF tray original length sensor [1] - - Temperature [°C]
A Original present No original temperature inside of the equipment)
DSDF tray original length sensor-1 Temperature/humidity sensor (displays
B RADF/DSDF original empty sensor Original present No original [2] - - Humidity [%RH]
humidity inside of the equipment)
RADF/DSDF upper cover opening/closing [3] - Drum thermistor temperature - Temperature [°C]
C Cover opened Cover closed
detection sensor [4] - - - -
[7] D - - - Tray at upper limit Other than upper limit
E RADF/DSDF exit sensor Original present No original A PFP upper drawer tray-up sensor
position position
F RADF intermediate sensor Original present No original B PFP upper drawer detection sensor Open Closed
RADF read-in sensor C PFP upper drawer paper empty sensor No paper Paper present
G Original present No original
DSDF read-in sensor-1 D PFP upper drawer paper nearly empty Shielded Transmissive
H RADF/DSDF registration sensor Original present No original Tray at upper limit Other than upper limit
E PFP lower drawer tray-up sensor
RADF original tray width sensor 3 position position
A OFF(H) ON(L) F PFP lower drawer detection sensor Open Closed
(Refer to table3)
G PFP lower drawer paper empty sensor No paper Paper present
RADF original tray width sensor 2 H PFP lower drawer paper nearly empty Shielded Transmissive
(Refer to table3) A PFP upper drawer paper width detection OFF ON
B PFP upper drawer paper width detection OFF ON
RADF original tray width sensor 1 C PFP upper drawer paper width detection OFF ON
[8] C OFF(H) ON(L)
(Refer to table3) D PFP upper drawer paper width detection OFF ON
D DSDF tray original length sensor-2 Original present No original PFP upper drawer paper length detection
RADF original length sensor [6] sensor 3
E Original present No original PFP upper drawer paper length detection
DSDF feed sensor F OFF ON
F RADF/DSDF original width sensor 1 Original present No original sensor 2
G RADF/DSDF original width sensor 2 Original present No original PFP upper drawer paper length detection
H - - - sensor 1
PFP upper drawer paper length detection
A 2nd drawer paper width detection sensor 3 OFF ON H OFF ON
sensor 0
B 2nd drawer paper width detection sensor 2 OFF ON A PFP lower drawer paper width detection OFF ON
B PFP lower drawer paper width detection OFF ON
C 2nd drawer paper width detection sensor 1 OFF ON C PFP lower drawer paper width detection OFF ON
D PFP lower drawer paper width detection OFF ON
D 2nd drawer paper width detection sensor 0 OFF ON PFP lower drawer paper length detection
[9] E OFF ON
[7] sensor 3
E 2nd drawer paper length detection sensor 3 OFF ON PFP lower drawer paper length detection
sensor 2
F 2nd drawer paper length detection sensor 2 OFF ON PFP lower drawer paper length detection
G 2nd drawer paper length detection sensor 1 OFF ON sensor 1
PFP lower drawer paper length detection
H 2nd drawer paper length detection sensor 0 OFF ON sensor 0
Paper feeding jam releasing cover
A Open Closed
opening/closing switch
B - - -
C PFP transport sensor (Upper) No paper Paper present
[0] D PFP transport sensor (Lower) No paper Paper present
E - - -
F - - -
H PFP motor Normal rotation

03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 5 Ver01 03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 6 Ver01
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC

Tray at upper limit Other than upper limit Table 1. Relation between the status of the bypass paper width sensor and paper size (width)
A LCF tray-up sensor
position position Bypass paper width sensor
Paper width size
3 2 1 0
B LCF feeding side drawer detection switch Open Closed
C LCF feeding side empty sensor No paper Paper present H L H H A4-R/LT-R
D LCF feeding side paper stock sensor Nearly empty Normal H H L H A5-R/ST-R
[8] Tray at bottom Other than bottom H H H L A6-R
E LCF feeding side bottom sensor
position position L L H H B4-R/LG
F - - - H L L H B5-R
Position after tray Other than position
G LCF end fence stop position sensor
transport after tray transport Table 2. Option connection detection signal
Other than home
H LCF end fence home position sensor Home position Detection signal Detection signal Detection signal
LCF jam access cover open/close detection B A C
A Closed Open No option is connected H H H
switch (5V)
Bridge unit is connected L L H
LCF standby side tray detection: Drawer JSP is connected H H L
B Open Closed
C LCF standby side empty sensor No paper Paper present Table 3. Relation between the status of the original tray width sensor and paper size (width)
D - - - Original tray width sensor Paper width size Paper width size
LCF standby side paper mis-stacking 3 2 1 (LT series) (A4 series)
E Properly loaded Paper misload H H L - B5-R
detection sensor
F LCF transport sensor No paper Paper present
H L L LD / LT A3 / A4
G - - -
Accelerating/Deceler 8.5x8.5 / LT-R /
H LCF transport motor Normal rotation LG / 13"LG
A - - - L L L COMPUTER B4 / B5
B - - - H (= high level): Open L (= low level): Short
C - - -
D Security enabler Connectable Not connectable Table 4. IH error input
[0] Judgement for acceptable USB storage Contents IH error input 4 IH error input 3 IH error input 2 IH error input 1
E Acceptable Not acceptable Power OFF (initial check
device (*1) L L L L
F - - - state)
G - - -
H - - - Ready state (without error) L L L H

*1 IGBT high temperature /

- Be sure to install the USB storage device to the equipment and check if the device can be used breaking of wire abnormality
with this code. Fuser unit overload
- Be sure to turn OFF the write protection (the function to prevent data from erasure by the accidental L L H H
recording or deleting) of the USB storage device before performing the check, otherwise this code
cannot be used. Input power voltage upper
- It may take some time (2 sec. to 10 sec.) before this check is completed depending on the USB L H L L
limit abnormality
storage device.
IGBT 70°C temperature status
Input power voltage lower limit
[F2] button: OFF/[F1] button: OFF/[F3] button ON (-10% of the rated voltage) H H H L
("S%" is displayed.) abnormality
Contents Input power voltage lower limit
Highlighted display Normal display abnormality
Button Items to check (H) (L)
key IHROM combination error H L L L
e.g. e.g.

[1] - LSU thermistor 1 temperature - Temperature [°C] Table 5. IH power voltage destination
[2] - LSU thermistor 2 temperature - Temperature [°C] 0 1
JPD (100V) H H
NAD(115V) H L
MJD (230V) L L

03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 7 Ver01 03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 8 Ver01
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC

Output check (test mode 03) Code Function Procedure

Discharge LED (Y/M/C) ON/OFF
Code Function Procedure 236 * Do not let it radiate to the photoconductive drum for a long 3
Drum/TBU motor ON time.
101 1 240 Mono/color switching motor 2
* Operational without process unit Y/M/C/K
102 Waste toner paddle motor ON 1 1st transfer contact/release clutch + Mono/color switching
103 Polygonal motor ON 1 241 motor 2
Laser ON (Out put the setting value as follows * Operational with drum TBU motor ON
104 1 242 1st drawer tray-up motor ON (tray up) 2
Y: 05-2853, M: 05-2854, C: 05-2855, K: 05-2856)
108 Registration motor ON 1 243 2nd drawer tray-up motor ON (tray up) 2
109 PFP motor ON 1 Developer bias (K) [DC] ON/OFF
248 3
110 ADU motor ON 1 * Operational without process unit K
Paper feeding/developer unit drive motor ON Main charger (K) ON/OFF
112 1 252 3
* Operational without process unit Y/M/C/K * Operational without process unit K
113 Fuser motor ON 1 Main charger (Y/M/C) ON/OFF
253 3
Paper feeding/developer unit drive motor ON + Drum/TBU * Operational without process unit Y/M/C
114 motor ON (Normal speed) 1 Developer bias (C) [DC] ON/OFF
254 3
* Remove the transfer belt before execution. * Operational without process unit C
115 ADU motor ON (transport speed) 1 Developer bias (M) [DC] ON/OFF
255 3
116 Reverse motor (reversal rotation) ON (transport speed) 1 * Operational without process unit M
120 Reverse motor (normal rotation) ON 1 Developer bias (Y) [DC] ON/OFF
256 3
121 Reverse motor (reversal rotation) ON 1 * Operational without process unit Y
122 LCF motor ON 1 261 Scan motor ON (Automatically stops at limit position) 2
125 Image position aligning sensor shutter ON (open) 1 262 Original present lamp ON/OFF 3
126 Image position aligning sensor (front/rear) LED ON 1 263 Error lamp ON/OFF 3
151 Code No.101 function OFF 1 267 Scanner exposure lamp ON/OFF 3
152 Code No.102 function OFF 1 271 LCF tray-up motor UP/DOWN 2
153 Code No.103 function OFF 1 272 Pressure roller contact/release motor - contact/release 2
154 Code No.104 function OFF 1 274 Move cleaning position of shading sheet 2
158 Code No.108 function OFF 1 277 Paper transport aging action 1 3
159 Code No.109 function OFF 1 278 PFP upper drawer tray-up motor ON (tray up) 2
160 Code No.110 function OFF 1 279 Paper transport aging action 2 3
162 Code No.112 function OFF 1 280 PFP lower drawer tray-up motor ON (tray up) 2
163 Code No.113 function OFF 1 281 RADF/DSDF feed motor ON/OFF (normal rotation) 3
164 Code No.114 function OFF 1 RADF feed motor ON/OFF (reverse rotation)
282 3
165 Code No.115 function OFF 1 DSDF registration motor ON/OFF (normal rotation)
166 Code No.116 function OFF 1 283 RADF/DSDF read motor ON/OFF 3
170 Code No.120 function OFF 1 RADF exit/reverse motor ON/OFF (normal rotation)
284 3
171 Code No.121 function OFF 1 DSDF exit motor ON/OFF (normal rotation)
172 Code No.122 function OFF 1 RADF exit/reverse motor ON/OFF (reverse rotation)
285 3
175 Code No.125 function OFF 1 DSDF exit motor ON/OFF (reverse rotation)
176 Code No.126 function OFF 1 291 DSDF tray lift rising 2
201 1st drawer feed clutch ON/OFF 3 292 DSDF tray lift descent 2
202 2nd drawer feed clutch ON/OFF 3 293 DSDF tray lift aging 3
204 Bypass feed clutch ON/OFF 3 295 Fuser AC power relay forcible OFF 2
206 LCF pickup solenoid ON/OFF 3 296 DSDF cooling fan motor ON/OFF 3
207 LCF end fence reciprocating movement 2 297 RADF/DSDF fan motor ON/OFF 3
209 LCF feed clutch ON/OFF 3 301 Modem test 462Hz 2
218 Key copy counter count up 2 302 Modem test 1080Hz 2
222 Paper reverse gate solenoid ON (exit side) 2 303 Modem test 1100Hz 2
223 Paper reverse gate solenoid ON (ADU side) 2 304 Modem test 1300Hz 2
225 PFP transport clutch ON/OFF 3 305 Modem test 1650Hz 2
226 PFP upper drawer feed clutch ON/OFF 3 306 Modem test 1850Hz 2
228 PFP lower drawer feed clutch ON/OFF 3 307 Modem test 2100Hz 2
230 Transport clutch (H) ON/OFF 3 308 Modem test V21 300bps 2
232 Bridge unit gate solenoid ON/OFF 3 309 Modem test V27ter 2400bps 2
233 Transport clutch (L) ON/OFF 3 310 Modem test V27ter 4800bps 2
Discharge LED (K) ON/OFF 311 Modem test V29 7200bps 2
235 * Do not let it radiate to the photoconductive drum for a long 3 312 Modem test V29 9600bps 2
time. 313 Modem test V17 TC7200bps 2
314 Modem test V17 TC9600bps 2

03 TEST MODE (Output Check) 9 Ver01 03 TEST MODE (Output Check) 10 Ver01
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC

Code Function Procedure Code Function Procedure

315 Modem test V17 12000bps 2 375 Modem test INFO0c & TONEB 2
316 Modem test V17 14400bps 2 376 Modem test INFO0c & TONEA 2
317 Modem test V34 2400 sr 2400 bps 2 377 Modem test PPh & AC & ALT 2
318 Modem test V34 2400 sr 4800 bps 2 378 Dialing test DTMF Single Tone 5
319 Modem test V34 2400 sr 7200 bps 2 379 Dialing test DTMF Dual Tone 5
320 Modem test V34 2400 sr 9600 bps 2 380 Dialing test 10PPS 5
321 Modem test V34 2400 sr 12000 bps 2 381 Dialing test 20PPS 5
322 Modem test V34 2400 sr 14400 bps 2 382 CML relay ON 2
323 Modem test V34 2400 sr 16800 bps 2 Toner motor (K) ON/OFF
410 3
324 Modem test V34 2400 sr 19200 bps 2 * Operational without toner cartridge K
325 Modem test V34 2400 sr 21600 bps 2 Toner motor (C) ON/OFF
411 3
326 Modem test V34 2800 sr 4800 bps 2 * Operational without toner cartridge C
327 Modem test V34 2800 sr 7200 bps 2 Toner motor (M) ON/OFF
412 3
328 Modem test V34 2800 sr 9600 bps 2 * Operational without toner cartridge M
329 Modem test V34 2800 sr 12000 bps 2 Toner motor (Y) ON/OFF
413 3
330 Modem test V34 2800 sr 14400 bps 2 * Operational without toner cartridge Y
331 Modem test V34 2800 sr 16800 bps 2 435 Suctioning fan (low speed) ON/OFF 3
332 Modem test V34 2800 sr 19200 bps 2 436 Suctioning fan (high speed) ON/OFF 3
333 Modem test V34 2800 sr 21600 bps 2 437 LSU/Development unit cooling fan (high speed) ON/OFF 3
334 Modem test V34 2800 sr 24000 bps 2 438 LSU/Development unit cooling fan (low speed) ON/OFF 3
335 Modem test V34 2800 sr 26400 bps 2 442 IH board cooling fan ON/OFF 3
336 Modem test V34 3000 sr 4800 bps 2 443 Ozone exhaust fan (low speed) ON/OFF 3
337 Modem test V34 3000 sr 7200 bps 2 444 Ozone exhaust fan (high speed) ON/OFF 3
338 Modem test V34 3000 sr 9600 bps 2 445 Fuser section cooling fan 2 ON/OFF (45/50ppm only) 3
339 Modem test V34 3000 sr 12000 bps 2 446 Exit section cooling fan (high speed) ON/OFF 3
340 Modem test V34 3000 sr 14400 bps 2 447 Power supply unit cooling fan (low speed drive) ON/OFF 3
341 Modem test V34 3000 sr 16800 bps 2 448 Power supply unit cooling fan (high speed drive) ON/OFF 3
342 Modem test V34 3000 sr 19200 bps 2 450 Fuser section cooling fan 1 ON/OFF 3
343 Modem test V34 3000 sr 21600 bps 2 451 Developer cooling/exhaust fan ON/OFF 3
344 Modem test V34 3000 sr 24000 bps 2 Finisher packing position shift
461 2
345 Modem test V34 3000 sr 26400 bps 2 * Available when MJ-1042 is connected only
346 Modem test V34 3000 sr 28800 bps 2
347 Modem test V34 3200 sr 4800 bps 2
348 Modem test V34 3200 sr 7200 bps 2
349 Modem test V34 3200 sr 9600 bps 2
350 Modem test V34 3200 sr 12000 bps 2
351 Modem test V34 3200 sr 14400 bps 2
352 Modem test V34 3200 sr 16800 bps 2
353 Modem test V34 3200 sr 19200 bps 2
354 Modem test V34 3200 sr 21600 bps 2
355 Modem test V34 3200 sr 24000 bps 2
356 Modem test V34 3200 sr 26400 bps 2
357 Modem test V34 3200 sr 28800 bps 2
358 Modem test V34 3200 sr 31200 bps 2
359 Modem test V34 3429 sr 4800 bps 2
360 Modem test V34 3429 sr 7200 bps 2
361 Modem test V34 3429 sr 9600 bps 2
362 Modem test V34 3429 sr 12000 bps 2
363 Modem test V34 3429 sr 14400 bps 2
364 Modem test V34 3429 sr 16800 bps 2
365 Modem test V34 3429 sr 19200 bps 2
366 Modem test V34 3429 sr 21600 bps 2
367 Modem test V34 3429 sr 24000 bps 2
368 Modem test V34 3429 sr 26400 bps 2
369 Modem test V34 3429 sr 28800 bps 2
370 Modem test V34 3429 sr 31200 bps 2
371 Modem test V34 3429 sr 33600 bps 2
372 Modem test ANSam 2
373 Modem test CM 2
374 Modem test JM 2

03 TEST MODE (Output Check) 11 Ver01 03 TEST MODE (Output Check) 12 Ver01


Code Types of test pattern Remarks Operation Output from

33 Overall halftone for printer (Image) 5 SYS

Printer secondary scanning direction 33

36 1 SYS
gradation steps (Image)

142 Grid pattern (black) Pattern width: 2 dot, Pitch: 10 mm 1 LGC

204 Grid pattern (color selection available) Pattern width: 1 dot, Pitch: 10 mm 1 LGC

205 Grid pattern (color selection available) Pattern width: 2 dot, Pitch: 10 mm 1 LGC

245 Halftone (3 pixels) 1 LGC

250 Position adjustment pattern 1 LGC

Primary scanning center position

269 1 LGC
adjustment chart

270 Image quality control test pattern For checking the image quality control 1 LGC

286 Writing light source check pattern Pattern width: 4 dot, 4 pattern 1 LGC


05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Development Auto adj. for ATS 2400 Y, M, C, K 0~255 M The value starts changing approx. 3 minutes 5 Yes - No HS
ment after this adjustment is started. The value is
mode automatically set during this adjustment (approx.
2 minutes).
(As the value increases, the sensor output
increases correspondingly.)
* This code can be executed only when the
process unit is installed.
05 Adjust Process Development Auto adj. for ATS 2401 Y 0~255 M The value starts changing approx. 3 minutes 5 Yes - No HS
ment after this adjustment is started. The value is
mode automatically set during this adjustment (approx.
2 minutes).
(As the value increases, the sensor output
increases correspondingly.)
* This code can be executed only when the
process unit is installed.
05 Adjust Process Development Auto adj. for ATS 2402 M 0~255 M The value starts changing approx. 3 minutes 5 Yes - No HS
ment after this adjustment is started. The value is
mode automatically set during this adjustment (approx.
2 minutes).
(As the value increases, the sensor output
increases correspondingly.)
* This code can be executed only when the
process unit is installed.
05 Adjust Process Development Auto adj. for ATS 2403 C 0~255 M The value starts changing approx. 3 minutes 5 Yes - No HS
ment after this adjustment is started. The value is
mode automatically set during this adjustment (approx.
2 minutes).
(As the value increases, the sensor output
increases correspondingly.)
* This code can be executed only when the
process unit is installed.
05 Adjust Process Development Auto adj. for ATS 2404 K 0~255 M The value starts changing approx. 3 minutes 5 Yes - No HS
ment after this adjustment is started. The value is
mode automatically set during this adjustment (approx.
2 minutes).
(As the value increases, the sensor output
increases correspondingly.)
* This code can be executed only when the
process unit is installed.
05 Adjust Process Development Adjustment of 2405 0 Y Refer to 0~255 M <Default value> 4 Yes - No HS
ment auto-toner initial contents 20/25/30/35ppm: 130
mode adjustment 45/50ppm: 140
reference setting
05 Adjust Process Development Adjustment of 2405 1 M Refer to 0~255 M <Default value> 4 Yes - No HS
ment auto-toner initial contents 20/25/30/35ppm: 130
mode adjustment 45/50ppm: 140
reference setting
05 Adjust Process Development Adjustment of 2405 2 C Refer to 0~255 M <Default value> 4 Yes - No HS
ment auto-toner initial contents 20/25/30/35ppm: 130
mode adjustment 45/50ppm: 140
reference setting

Adjustment mode 1 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Development Adjustment of 2405 3 K Refer to 0~255 M <Default value> 4 Yes - No HS
ment auto-toner initial contents 20/25/30/35ppm: 130
mode adjustment 45/50ppm: 140
reference setting
05 Adjust Process Development Auto adj. for ATS 2406 Y, M, C 0~255 M The value starts changing approx. 3 minutes 5 Yes - No HS
ment after this adjustment is started. The value is
mode automatically set during this adjustment (approx.
2 minutes).
(As the value increases, the sensor output
increases correspondingly.)
* This code can be executed only when the
process unit is installed.
05 Adjust Process Development Developer bias Y 2627 0 Lower limit 200 0~1000 M (Unit: V) 4 Yes - No HS
ment DC (-) calibration
mode voltage
05 Adjust Process Development Developer bias Y 2627 1 Upper limit 900 0~1000 M (Unit: V) 4 Yes - No HS
ment DC (-) calibration
mode voltage
05 Adjust Process Development Developer bias M 2628 0 Lower limit 200 0~1000 M (Unit: V) 4 Yes - No HS
ment DC (-) calibration
mode voltage
05 Adjust Process Development Developer bias M 2628 1 Upper limit 900 0~1000 M (Unit: V) 4 Yes - No HS
ment DC (-) calibration
mode voltage
05 Adjust Process Development Developer bias C 2629 0 Lower limit 200 0~1000 M (Unit: V) 4 Yes - No HS
ment DC (-) calibration
mode voltage
05 Adjust Process Development Developer bias C 2629 1 Upper limit 900 0~1000 M (Unit: V) 4 Yes - No HS
ment DC (-) calibration
mode voltage
05 Adjust Process Development Developer bias K 2630 0 Lower limit 200 0~1000 M (Unit: V) 4 Yes - No HS
ment DC (-) calibration
mode voltage
05 Adjust Process Development Developer bias K 2630 1 Upper limit 900 0~1000 M (Unit: V) 4 Yes - No HS
ment DC (-) calibration
mode voltage
05 Adjust Process Image quality High-density Target value 2662 0 Y 298 100~450 M Sets the target value of the high-density control 4 - No HS
ment control control for image control.
mode * After the setting value of this code is changed,
be sure to perform 05-2742 (Enforced performing
of image quality control).
05 Adjust Process Image quality High-density Target value 2662 1 M 294 100~450 M Sets the target value of the high-density control 4 - No HS
ment control control for image control.
mode * After the setting value of this code is changed,
be sure to perform 05-2742 (Enforced performing
of image quality control).
05 Adjust Process Image quality High-density Target value 2662 2 C 357 100~450 M Sets the target value of the high-density control 4 - No HS
ment control control for image control.
mode * After the setting value of this code is changed,
be sure to perform 05-2742 (Enforced performing
of image quality control).

Adjustment mode 2 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Image quality High-density Target value 2662 3 K 349 100~450 M Sets the target value of the high-density control 4 - No HS
ment control control for image control.
mode * After the setting value of this code is changed,
be sure to perform 05-2742 (Enforced performing
of image quality control).
05 Adjust Process Image quality Contrast voltage Maximum number 2670 0 Y 5 0~16 M Sets the maximum correction number of time of 4 - No HS
ment control of time corrected the contrast voltage in the closed-loop control full
mode (Full mode) mode.
05 Adjust Process Image quality Contrast voltage Maximum number 2670 1 M 5 0~16 M Sets the maximum correction number of time of 4 - No HS
ment control of time corrected the contrast voltage in the closed-loop control full
mode (Full mode) mode.
05 Adjust Process Image quality Contrast voltage Maximum number 2670 2 C 5 0~16 M Sets the maximum correction number of time of 4 - No HS
ment control of time corrected the contrast voltage in the closed-loop control full
mode (Full mode) mode.
05 Adjust Process Image quality Contrast voltage Maximum number 2670 3 K 5 0~16 M Sets the maximum correction number of time of 4 - No HS
ment control of time corrected the contrast voltage in the closed-loop control full
mode (Full mode) mode.
05 Adjust Process Image quality Laser power Upper limit value 2701 0 Y Refer to 40~280 M Sets the upper limit value of the laser power at 4 - No HS
ment control contents the image quality control.
mode (Unit: μW)
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 261
45/50ppm: 194
05 Adjust Process Image quality Laser power Upper limit value 2701 1 M Refer to 40~280 M Sets the upper limit value of the laser power at 4 - No HS
ment control contents the image quality control.
mode (Unit: μW)
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 261
45/50ppm: 194
05 Adjust Process Image quality Laser power Upper limit value 2701 2 C Refer to 40~280 M Sets the upper limit value of the laser power at 4 - No HS
ment control contents the image quality control.
mode (Unit: μW)
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 261
45/50ppm: 194
05 Adjust Process Image quality Laser power Upper limit value 2701 3 K Refer to 40~280 M Sets the upper limit value of the laser power at 4 - No HS
ment control contents the image quality control.
mode (Unit: μW)
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 261
45/50ppm: 194
05 Adjust Process Image quality Laser power Lower limit value 2702 0 Y Refer to 40~280 M Sets the upper limit value of the laser power at 4 - No HS
ment control contents the image quality control.
mode (Unit: μW)
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 61
45/50ppm: 46
05 Adjust Process Image quality Laser power Lower limit value 2702 1 M Refer to 40~280 M Sets the upper limit value of the laser power at 4 - No HS
ment control contents the image quality control.
mode (Unit: μW)
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 61
45/50ppm: 46

Adjustment mode 3 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Image quality Laser power Lower limit value 2702 2 C Refer to 40~280 M Sets the upper limit value of the laser power at 4 - No HS
ment control contents the image quality control.
mode (Unit: μW)
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 61
45/50ppm: 46
05 Adjust Process Image quality Laser power Lower limit value 2702 3 K Refer to 40~280 M Sets the upper limit value of the laser power at 4 - No HS
ment control contents the image quality control.
mode (Unit: μW)
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 61
45/50ppm: 46
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2729 When the light 0 0~1023 M Displays the output value of image quality sensor 2 - No HS
ment control sensor display source is OFF when the sensor light source is OFF.
mode (Unit: bit)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2730 Transfer belt 0 0~1023 M Displays the output value of image quality sensor 2 - No HS
ment control sensor display surface (when there is no test pattern) on the transfer
mode belt.
(Unit: bit)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2731 0 Y (High-density 0 0~1023 M Displays the output value of image quality sensor 10 Yes - No HS
ment control sensor display test pattern) when a high-density test pattern is written. The
mode larger the value, the smaller the toner amount
adhered becomes.
(Unit: bit)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2731 1 M (High-density 0 0~1023 M Displays the output value of image quality sensor 10 Yes - No HS
ment control sensor display test pattern) when a high-density test pattern is written. The
mode larger the value, the smaller the toner amount
adhered becomes.
(Unit: bit)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2731 2 C (High-density 0 0~1023 M Displays the output value of image quality sensor 10 Yes - No HS
ment control sensor display test pattern) when a high-density test pattern is written. The
mode larger the value, the smaller the toner amount
adhered becomes.
(Unit: bit)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2731 3 K (High-density 0 0~1023 M Displays the output value of image quality sensor 10 Yes - No HS
ment control sensor display test pattern) when a high-density test pattern is written. The
mode larger the value, the smaller the toner amount
adhered becomes.
(Unit: bit)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2732 0 Y (Low-density test 0 0~1023 M Displays the output value of image quality sensor 10 Yes - No HS
ment control sensor display pattern) when a low-density test pattern is written. The
mode larger the value, the smaller the toner amount
adhered becomes.
(Unit: bit)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2732 1 M (Low-density 0 0~1023 M Displays the output value of image quality sensor 10 Yes - No HS
ment control sensor display test pattern) when a low-density test pattern is written. The
mode larger the value, the smaller the toner amount
adhered becomes.
(Unit: bit)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2732 2 C (Low-density 0 0~1023 M Displays the output value of image quality sensor 10 Yes - No HS
ment control sensor display test pattern) when a low-density test pattern is written. The
mode larger the value, the smaller the toner amount
adhered becomes.
(Unit: bit)

Adjustment mode 4 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2732 3 K (Low-density test 0 0~1023 M Displays the output value of image quality sensor 10 Yes - No HS
ment control sensor display pattern) when a low-density test pattern is written. The
mode larger the value, the smaller the toner amount
adhered becomes.
(Unit: bit)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2734 Light amount 0 0~255 M Sensor LED light amount to set the reflected light 2 - No HS
ment control sensor display adjustment value from the transfer belt surface as the reference
mode of image quality value.
sensor (Unit: bit)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Closed-loop 2737 Relative humidity 0 0~100 M Displays the relative humidity at the latest 2 - No HS
ment control at the latest performing of the closed-loop control.
mode execution (Unit: %)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Closed-loop Color (Short mode) 2738 Enforced M Performs the closed-loop control short mode for 6 Yes - No HS
ment control performing the color mode.
05 Adjust Process Image quality Closed-loop Monochrome 2739 Enforced M Performs the closed-loop control short mode for 6 Yes - No HS
ment control (Short mode) performing the monochrome mode.
05 Adjust Process Image quality Open-loop 2740 Enforced M Performs the image quality open-loop control. 6 Yes - No HS
ment control performing
05 Adjust Process Image quality Closed-loop Color (Full mode) 2742 Enforced M Performs the closed-loop control full mode for the 6 Yes - No HS
ment control performing color mode.
05 Adjust Process Image quality 2745 Enforced M Performs the image quality TRC control. 6 Yes - No HS
ment control performing of TRC
mode control
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2756 0 When a CE10 0 0~999 M Displays the sensor output value when the light 4 - No HS
ment control sensor display error occurs source of the data writing is OFF at the most
mode (Transfer belt recent CE10 error.
surface) (Unit: bit)
* Only "0" can be entered.
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2757 0 When an error 0 0~999 M Displays the sensor output value when the light 4 - No HS
ment control sensor display equivalent to a source of the data writing is OFF at the most
mode CE20 one occurs recent error detection equivalent to a CE20 one.
(Transfer belt (Unit: bit)
surface) * Only "0" can be entered.
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2757 1 At the occurrence 0 0~999 M Displays the light intensity adjustment value of 4 - No HS
ment control sensor display of a CE20 the light source of the data writing at the most
mode equivalent error recent error detection equivalent to a CE20 one.
(sensor light (Unit: bit)
intensity * Only "0" can be entered.
adjustment value)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2758 0 When an error 0 0~999 M Displays the sensor output value when the light 4 - No HS
ment control sensor display equivalent to a source of the data writing is OFF at the most
mode CE40 one occurs recent error detection equivalent to a CE40 one.
(Transfer belt (Unit: bit)
surface) * Only "0" can be entered.
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2758 1 At the occurrence 0 0~999 M Displays the light intensity adjustment value of 4 - No HS
ment control sensor display of a CE40 the light source of the data writing at the most
mode equivalent error recent error detection equivalent to a CE40 one.
(sensor light (Unit: bit)
intensity * Only "0" can be entered.
adjustment value)

Adjustment mode 5 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2758 2 When an error 0 0~999 M Displays the value which has scanned the high- 4 - No HS
ment control sensor display equivalent to a density test pattern (Y).
mode CE40 one occurs (Unit: bit)
(Y) (High-density * Only "0" can be entered.
test pattern)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2758 3 When an error 0 0~999 M Displays the value which has scanned the high- 4 - No HS
ment control sensor display equivalent to a density test pattern (M).
mode CE40 one occurs (Unit: bit)
(M) (High-density * Only "0" can be entered.
test pattern)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2758 4 When an error 0 0~999 M Displays the value which has scanned the high- 4 - No HS
ment control sensor display equivalent to a density test pattern (C).
mode CE40 one occurs (Unit: bit)
(C) (High-density * Only "0" can be entered.
test pattern)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2758 5 When an error 0 0~999 M Displays the value which has scanned the high- 4 - No HS
ment control sensor display equivalent to a density test pattern (K).
mode CE40 one occurs (Unit: bit)
(K) (High-density * Only "0" can be entered.
test pattern)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2758 6 When an error 0 0~999 M Displays the value which has scanned the low- 4 - No HS
ment control sensor display equivalent to a density test pattern (Y).
mode CE40 one occurs (Unit: bit)
(Y) (Low-density * Only "0" can be entered.
test pattern)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2758 7 When an error 0 0~999 M Displays the value which has scanned the low- 4 - No HS
ment control sensor display equivalent to a density test pattern (M).
mode CE40 one occurs (Unit: bit)
(M) (Low-density * Only "0" can be entered.
test pattern)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2758 8 When an error 0 0~999 M Displays the value which has scanned the low- 4 - No HS
ment control sensor display equivalent to a density test pattern (C).
mode CE40 one occurs (Unit: bit)
(C) (Low-density * Only "0" can be entered.
test pattern)
05 Adjust Process Image quality Image quality Output value 2758 9 When an error 0 0~999 M Displays the value which has scanned the low- 4 - No HS
ment control sensor display equivalent to a density test pattern (K).
mode CE40 one occurs (Unit: bit)
(K) (Low-density * Only "0" can be entered.
test pattern)
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2761 Temperature/humid 23 0~100 M Displays the temperature value set at the image 2 - No HS
ment ity sensor quality open-loop control transfer correction.
mode temperature display (Unit: ºC)
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2762 Temperature/humid 50 0~100 M Displays the humidity value set at the image 2 - No HS
ment ity sensor humidity quality open-loop control transfer correction.
mode display (Unit: %)
05 Adjust Process Charger 2763 Drum thermistor 23 0~100 M (Unit: ºC) 2 - No HS
ment temperature
mode display 1
05 Adjust Process Charger 2764 Drum thermistor 23 0~100 M (Unit: ºC) 2 - No HS
ment temperature
mode display 2

Adjustment mode 6 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 1st transfer bias Standard speed 2905 0 Y 5 0~10 M Sets the offset amount of the 1st transfer output. 4 - No HS
ment offset Offsetting level
mode 0: 0.75 1: 0.80 2: 0.85 3: 0.90 4: 0.95 5: 1.00
6: 1.05 7: 1.10 8: 1.15 9: 1.20 10: 1.25
05 Adjust Process Transfer 1st transfer bias Standard speed 2905 1 M 5 0~10 M Sets the offset amount of the 1st transfer output. 4 - No HS
ment offset Offsetting level
mode 0: 0.75 1: 0.80 2: 0.85 3: 0.90 4: 0.95 5: 1.00
6: 1.05 7: 1.10 8: 1.15 9: 1.20 10: 1.25
05 Adjust Process Transfer 1st transfer bias Standard speed 2905 2 C 5 0~10 M Sets the offset amount of the 1st transfer output. 4 - No HS
ment offset Offsetting level
mode 0: 0.75 1: 0.80 2: 0.85 3: 0.90 4: 0.95 5: 1.00
6: 1.05 7: 1.10 8: 1.15 9: 1.20 10: 1.25
05 Adjust Process Transfer 1st transfer bias Standard speed 2905 3 K 5 0~10 M Sets the offset amount of the 1st transfer output. 4 - No HS
ment offset Offsetting level
mode 0: 0.75 1: 0.80 2: 0.85 3: 0.90 4: 0.95 5: 1.00
6: 1.05 7: 1.10 8: 1.15 9: 1.20 10: 1.25
05 Adjust Process Transfer 1st transfer bias Standard speed 2905 5 Monochrome 5 0~10 M Sets the offset amount of the 1st transfer output. 4 - No HS
ment offset Offsetting level
mode 0: 0.75 1: 0.80 2: 0.85 3: 0.90 4: 0.95 5: 1.00
6: 1.05 7: 1.10 8: 1.15 9: 1.20 10: 1.25
05 Adjust Process Transfer 1st transfer bias Decelerating 2905 6 Y 5 0~10 M Sets the offset amount of the 1st transfer output. 4 - No HS
ment offset Offsetting level
mode 0: 0.75 1: 0.80 2: 0.85 3: 0.90 4: 0.95 5: 1.00
6: 1.05 7: 1.10 8: 1.15 9: 1.20 10: 1.25
05 Adjust Process Transfer 1st transfer bias Decelerating 2905 7 M 5 0~10 M Sets the offset amount of the 1st transfer output. 4 - No HS
ment offset Offsetting level
mode 0: 0.75 1: 0.80 2: 0.85 3: 0.90 4: 0.95 5: 1.00
6: 1.05 7: 1.10 8: 1.15 9: 1.20 10: 1.25
05 Adjust Process Transfer 1st transfer bias Decelerating 2905 8 C 5 0~10 M Sets the offset amount of the 1st transfer output. 4 - No HS
ment offset Offsetting level
mode 0: 0.75 1: 0.80 2: 0.85 3: 0.90 4: 0.95 5: 1.00
6: 1.05 7: 1.10 8: 1.15 9: 1.20 10: 1.25
05 Adjust Process Transfer 1st transfer bias Decelerating 2905 9 K 5 0~10 M Sets the offset amount of the 1st transfer output. 4 - No HS
ment offset Offsetting level
mode 0: 0.75 1: 0.80 2: 0.85 3: 0.90 4: 0.95 5: 1.00
6: 1.05 7: 1.10 8: 1.15 9: 1.20 10: 1.25
05 Adjust Process Transfer 1st transfer bias Decelerating 2905 11 Monochrome 5 0~10 M Sets the offset amount of the 1st transfer output. 4 - No HS
ment offset Offsetting level
mode 0: 0.75 1: 0.80 2: 0.85 3: 0.90 4: 0.95 5: 1.00
6: 1.05 7: 1.10 8: 1.15 9: 1.20 10: 1.25
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 0 Plain paper 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 1 Thick paper 1 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used

Adjustment mode 7 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 2 Thick paper 2 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 3 Thick paper 3 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 4 OHP 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 5 Special paper 1 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 6 Special paper 2 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 7 Recycled paper 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 8 Thick paper 4 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 9 Thin paper 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used

Adjustment mode 8 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 10 Envelope 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 11 Special paper 3 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 16 User paper type 1 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 17 User paper type 2 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 18 User paper type 3 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 19 User paper type 4 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 20 User paper type 5 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 21 User paper type 6 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0

Adjustment mode 9 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 22 User paper type 7 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 23 User paper type 8 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 24 User paper type 9 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2934 25 User paper type 10 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 0 Plain paper 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 1 Thick paper 1 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 2 Thick paper 2 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 3 Thick paper 3 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used

Adjustment mode 10 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 5 Special paper 1 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 6 Special paper 2 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 7 Recycled paper 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 8 Thick paper 4 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 9 Thin paper 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 10 Envelope 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 11 Special paper 3 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 16 User paper type 1 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0

Adjustment mode 11 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 17 User paper type 2 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 18 User paper type 3 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 19 User paper type 4 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 20 User paper type 5 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 21 User paper type 6 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 22 User paper type 7 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 23 User paper type 8 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 24 User paper type 9 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0

Adjustment mode 12 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2935 25 User paper type 10 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 0 Plain paper 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 1 Thick paper 1 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 2 Thick paper 2 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 3 Thick paper 3 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 4 OHP 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 5 Special paper 1 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 6 Special paper 2 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used

Adjustment mode 13 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 7 Recycled paper 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 8 Thick paper 4 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 9 Thin paper 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 10 Envelope 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 11 Special paper 3 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 16 User paper type 1 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 17 User paper type 2 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0

Adjustment mode 14 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 18 User paper type 3 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 19 User paper type 4 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 20 User paper type 5 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 21 User paper type 6 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 22 User paper type 7 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 23 User paper type 8 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 24 User paper type 9 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0

Adjustment mode 15 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2936 25 User paper type 10 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 0 Plain paper 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 1 Thick paper 1 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 2 Thick paper 2 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 3 Thick paper 3 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 5 Special paper 1 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 6 Special paper 2 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used

Adjustment mode 16 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 7 Recycled paper 5 0~15 M Sets the bias offset amount of the 2nd transfer 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) bias.
mode When a larger value is set, printing density
becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 8 Thick paper 4 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 9 Thin paper 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 10 Envelope 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 11 Special paper 3 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0
* 11 to 15: Not used
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 16 User paper type 1 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 17 User paper type 2 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 18 User paper type 3 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0

Adjustment mode 17 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 19 User paper type 4 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 20 User paper type 5 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 21 User paper type 6 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 22 User paper type 7 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 23 User paper type 8 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 24 User paper type 9 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2937 25 User paper type 10 5 0~15 M Sets the offset amount of the 2nd transfer bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) When a larger value is set, printing density
mode becomes darker; however, the image quality may
become worse.
0: 0 1: 0.2 2: 0.4 3: 0.6 4: 0.8 5: 1.0 6: 1.2 7:
1.4 8: 1.6 9: 1.8 10: 2.0 11: 2.2 12: 2.4 13:
2.6 14: 2.8 15: 3.0

Adjustment mode 18 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2938 0 Plain paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2938 1 Thick paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2938 2 Thick paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2938 3 Thick paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2938 4 OHP (Leading 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 19 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2938 5 Special paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2938 6 Special paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2938 7 Recycled paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2938 8 Thick paper 4 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2938 9 Thin paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 20 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2938 10 Envelope (Leading 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 2938 11 Special paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2939 0 Plain paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2939 1 Thick paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2939 2 Thick paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 21 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2939 3 Thick paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2939 5 Special paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2939 6 Special paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2939 7 Recycled paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2939 8 Thick paper 4 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 22 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2939 9 Thin paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2939 10 Envelope (Leading 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 2939 11 Special paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2940 0 Plain paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2940 1 Thick paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 23 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2940 2 Thick paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2940 3 Thick paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2940 4 OHP (Leading 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2940 5 Special paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2940 6 Special paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 24 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2940 7 Recycled paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2940 8 Thick paper 4 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2940 9 Thin paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2940 10 Envelope (Leading 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2940 11 Special paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Front side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 25 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2941 0 Plain paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2941 1 Thick paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2941 2 Thick paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2941 3 Thick paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2941 5 Special paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 26 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2941 6 Special paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2941 7 Recycled paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2941 8 Thick paper 4 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2941 9 Thin paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2941 10 Envelope (Leading 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 27 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 2941 11 Special paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer leading edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment offset (Back side) (Leading edge) When the value is changed, white void at the
mode leading edge of the paper will be suppressed;
however, image quality may become worse.
When a larger value is set, the paper may cling
to the roller.
Offsetting level
0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer Setting of number Printing 2961 0 Standard 0 0~7 M 0: Once 1: Twice 2: 3 times 3: 5 times 4: 7 4 - No HS
ment of cleaning times performance speed/High speed times 5: 10 times 6: 12 times 7: 15 times
mode completed
05 Adjust Process Transfer Setting of number Printing 2961 1 Decelerating 0 0~7 M 0: Once 1: Twice 2: 3 times 3: 5 times 4: 7 4 - No HS
ment of cleaning times performance times 5: 10 times 6: 12 times 7: 15 times
mode completed
05 Adjust Process Transfer Setting of number At jam 2962 0 Standard 5 0~7 M 0: Once 1: Twice 2: 3 times 3: 5 times 4: 7 4 - No HS
ment of cleaning times recovery/bypass speed/High speed times 5: 10 times 6: 12 times 7: 15 times
mode non-standard
05 Adjust Process Transfer Setting of number At jam 2962 1 Decelerating 5 0~7 M 0: Once 1: Twice 2: 3 times 3: 5 times 4: 7 4 - No HS
ment of cleaning times recovery/bypass times 5: 10 times 6: 12 times 7: 15 times
mode non-standard
05 Adjust Process Transfer Setting of number Image quality 2963 Standard speed 0 0~7 M 0: Once 1: Twice 2: 3 times 3: 5 times 4: 7 1 - No HS
ment of cleaning times control completed times 5: 10 times 6: 12 times 7: 15 times
05 Adjust Process Transfer Setting value of 2964 0 Standard speed 4 -50~25 M Adjusts the value when dirt occurs between the 4 - No HS
ment 2nd transfer paper.
mode restraining current (Unit: μA)
05 Adjust Process Transfer Setting value of 2964 1 Decelerating 4 -50~25 M Adjusts the value when dirt occurs between the 4 - No HS
ment 2nd transfer paper.
mode restraining current (Unit: μA)
05 Adjust Process Transfer Setting of number Enforced toner 2966 0 Standard 2 0~7 M 0: Once 1: Twice 2: 3 times 3: 5 times 4: 7 4 - No HS
ment of cleaning times supply/Wait for speed/High speed times 5: 10 times 6: 12 times 7: 15 times
mode fusing completed
05 Adjust Process Transfer Setting of number Enforced toner 2966 1 Decelerating 2 0~7 M 0: Once 1: Twice 2: 3 times 3: 5 times 4: 7 4 - No HS
ment of cleaning times supply/Wait for times 5: 10 times 6: 12 times 7: 15 times
mode fusing completed
05 Adjust Process Color Setting of number 2994 0 Standard speed 2 0~7 M Sets the number of cleaning times when color 4 - No HS
ment registration of cleaning times registration between sheets of paper is executed.
mode 0: Once 1: Twice 2: 3 times 3: 5 times 4: 7
times 5: 10 times 6: 12 times 7: 15 times
05 Adjust Process Transfer Setting of number Tab paper 2995 Tab paper 3 0~7 M 0: Once 1: Twice 2: 3 times 3: 4 times 4: 7 1 - No HS
ment of cleaning times times 5: 10 times 6: 12 times 7: 15 times

Adjustment mode 28 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Scanner DF Front side 3009 Log table switching 2 0~4 SYS Adjusts the reproduction ratio of the background 1 - Yes H
ment in DF scanning. When a larger value is set,
mode background fogging or see-through images will
occur easily.
0: Same log table as the one used at copying
with original glass
1: Background reproduction - Light 2
2: Background reproduction - Light 1
3: Background reproduction - Dark 1
4: Background reproduction - Dark 2
* Be sure to confirm that the height of the DF is
appropriate before the value is changed.
05 Adjust Scanner DSDF Back side 3011 Log table switching 2 0~4 SYS Adjusts the reproduction ratio of the background 1 - Yes H
ment in DSDF scanning. When a larger value is set,
mode background fogging or see-through images will
occur easily.
0: The same log table as that for the front side
1: Background reproduction - Light 2
2: Background reproduction - Light 1
3: Background reproduction - Dark 1
4: Background reproduction - Dark 2
* Be sure to confirm that the height of the DSDF
is appropriate before the value is changed.
05 Adjust Scanner Image location 3030 Primary scanning 110 0~255 SYS When the value increases by "1", the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment adjustment direction (scan. shifts by approx. 0.04233 mm toward the front
mode section) side of the paper.
05 Adjust Scanner Image location 3031 Secondary 140 90~148 SYS When the value increases by "1", the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment adjustment scanning direction shifts by approx. 0.08193 mm toward the trailing
mode (scan.section) edge of the paper.
05 Adjust Scanner Reproduction 3032 Adj. secondary 136 63~193 SYS When the value increases by "1", the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment ratio scan.direction reproduction ratio in the secondary scanning
mode adjustment direction (vertical to paper feeding direction)
increases by approx. 0.018 %.
05 Adjust Scanner 3033 Distortion mode - Moves carriages to the adjusting position. 6 Yes - No -
05 Adjust Scanner Shading 3034 Original glass 117 92~165 SYS 0.08193 mm/step 1 - Yes H
ment position
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Scanner Shading 3035 DF 133 92~165 SYS 0.08193 mm/step 1 - Yes H
ment position
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Scanner DF Alignment 3040 When the front 12 0~30 SYS When the value increases by "1", the aligning 1 Yes - Yes H
ment position side of the paper is amount increases by approx. 0.5 mm.
mode adjustment being fed
05 Adjust Scanner RADF Alignment 3041 When the back 12 0~30 SYS When the value increases by "1", the aligning 1 Yes - Yes H
ment position side of the paper is amount increases by approx. 0.5 mm.
mode adjustment being fed
05 Adjust Scanner DF Reproduction 3042 Adj. secondary 50 0~100 SYS When the value increases by "1", the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment ratio adjustment scan. direction reproduction ratio of the secondary scanning
mode direction when using the DF increases by approx.
05 Adjust Scanner DF 3043 Sideways deviation 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases by "1", the image of 1 Yes - Yes H
ment adjustment original fed from the DF shifts toward the rear
mode side of paper by approx. 0.08423 mm.

Adjustment mode 29 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Scanner DF Leading edge 3044 When the front 71 0~200 SYS When the value increases by "1", the copied 1 Yes - Yes H
ment position side of the paper is image of original fed from the DF shifts toward
mode adjustment being fed the trailing edge of paper by approx. 0.2 mm.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Leading edge 3045 When the back 71 0~200 SYS When the value increases by "1", the copied 1 Yes - Yes H
ment position side of the paper is image of original fed from the DF shifts toward
mode adjustment being fed the trailing edge of paper by approx. 0.2 mm.
05 Adjust Scanner DSDF Back side 3049 Sideways deviation 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases by "1", the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment adjustment shifts by approx. 0.04233 mm toward the front
mode side of the paper.
05 Adjust Scanner Data transfer 3203 SLG board -> SYS - Acquires the characteristics values of the 6 - No -
ment of board scanner (shading correction factor/RGB color
mode characteristic correction factor/reproduction ratio color
value deviation correction factor/shading position
correction factor/reproduction ratio correction
value in primary scanning direction).
05 Adjust Scanner 3209 Data transfer of - Transfers the characteristic values of the scanner 6 - No -
ment characteristic (shading correction factor/RGB color
mode value of correction/reproduction ratio color aberration
scanner/SYS correction/shading position correction
board -> SLG factor/reproduction ratio correction value in
board primary scanning direction)
05 Adjust Scanner DSDF Pre-read sensor 1 Reference voltage 3210 Automatic - Adjusts the reference voltage to the optimal one 6 Yes - No -
ment adjustment in order to operate the sensor properly.
05 Adjust Scanner Automatic dust 3218 Shading correction - Performs adjustment for shading correction plate 6 - No -
ment detection plate by automatically detecting dust. If dust is
mode adjustment detected, shading correction is performed by
avoiding the dust.
05 Adjust Scanner Automatic dust 3219 DF glass - Performs adjustment for the DF glass by 6 Yes - No -
ment detection automatically detecting dust. If dust is detected,
mode adjustment shading correction is performed by keeping it out.
05 Adjust Scanner DSDF 3220 EEPROM - 6 - No -
ment initialization
05 Adjust Scanner DSDF Pre-read sensor 1 Reference voltage 3221 Manual adjustment - Adjusts the reference voltage to the optimal one 6 Yes - No -
ment in order to operate the sensor properly.
05 Adjust Scanner Size detection 3233 Position 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the detection range for size of original. 1 - Yes H
ment of original adjustment in the
mode primary scanning
05 Adjust Scanner Size detection 3234 Waiting position 200 0~255 SYS Adjusts the position where the carriage stops at 1 - Yes H
ment of original adjustment of the size detection of the original.
mode carriage Default value: 200 (20 mm from leading edge of
Maximum value: 255 (25.5 mm from leading
edge of original)
Minimum value: 0 (0 mm from leading edge of
05 Adjust Scanner Size detection 3236 Adjustment of 64 0~255 SYS Adjusts the lighting time of the lamp at the size 1 - Yes H
ment of original lamp lighting time detection of the original.
mode Maximum value: 255 (Minimum time + 2040 ms)
Minimum value: 0 (Minimum time)

Adjustment mode 30 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Scanner Size detection 3237 Starting time 64 0~255 SYS Adjusts the starting time of lamp lighting when 1 - Yes H
ment of original adjustment of lamp the detection accuracy of dark originals is poor.
mode lighting Maximum value: 255 (Minimum time + 2040 ms)
Minimum value: 0 (Minimum time)
05 Adjust Scanner DSDF 3240 Data acquisition of - Acquires the characteristic values of the scanner 6 - No -
ment characteristic for the MFP and DSDF.
mode value of the * This code can be executed only when the
scanner DSDF is installed.
05 Adjust Scanner LED light 3270 Automatic - Performs adjustment when the LED light source 6 - No -
ment source adjustment has been replaced.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Trailing edge 3350 Front side (DSDF), 50 0~100 SYS When the value increases by "1", the trailing 1 - Yes H
ment adjustment of Duplex (RADF) edge of scanned original becomes longer by 0.3
mode scanning mm at DF copying.
When the value decreases by "1", the trailing
edge of scanned original becomes shorter by 0.3
mm at DF copying.
* This code is effective when the value of 08-
3075 is "1" (Allowed).
05 Adjust Scanner DSDF Trailing edge 3351 Back side 50 0~100 SYS When the value increases by "1", the trailing 1 - Yes H
ment adjustment of edge of scanned original becomes longer by 0.3
mode scanning mm at DSDF copying.
When the value decreases by "1", the trailing
edge of scanned original becomes shorter by 0.3
mm at DSDF copying.
* This code is effective when the value of 08-
3075 is "1" (Allowed).
05 Adjust Scanner DSDF Shading 3352 Display of the 0 0~255 SCN Displays the scanning position for the shading 1 - No HS
ment correction plate scanning position correction plate.
05 Adjust Scanner DSDF Dust detection 3353 Number of errors 0 0~255 SCN The number of times in which dust is detected 1 Yes - No HS
ment while this is performed in the DSDF.
05 Adjust Scanner DSDF Dust detection 3354 Forced execution - Performs dust detection in the DSDF. 6 Yes - No -
05 Adjust Scanner DF Dust detection Slit glass 3360 Number of errors 0 0~255 SCN The number of times in which dust is detected 1 Yes - No HS
ment while this is performed in the DF.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Dust detection Slit glass 3361 Section of errors 0 0~255 SCN The number of places in which dust is detected 1 Yes - No HS
ment while this is performed in the DF.
05 Adjust Scanner DSDF 3400 Self-diagnostic - Changes the default values of 05-3044, 3045, 6 - No -
ment code switching 3042 and 3043 to the ones for the DSDF.
mode * Change them only when the DSDF is installed.
05 Adjust Scanner RADF 3401 Self-diagnostic - Changes the default values of 05-3044, 3045, 6 - No -
ment code switching 3042 and 3043 to the ones for the RADF.
mode * Change them only when the RADF is installed.
05 Adjust Scanner DF 3402 Correction value - Acquires the DF correction value and backs it up 6 - No -
ment acquisition into the SYS board.
05 Adjust Scanner DF 3403 Correction value - Writes the DF correction value backed up in the 6 - No -
ment writing SYS board to the DF.

Adjustment mode 31 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Scanner DF Reproduction 3404 A3 Front side 50 1~100 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up into 1 - No H
ment ratio correction the SYS board.
mode value in the When a larger value is set, an image scanned by
secondary the DF is enlarged toward the paper feeding
scanning direction direction. When a smaller value is set, an image
scanned by the DF is reduced toward the paper
feeding direction.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Reproduction 3405 A3 Back side 50 1~100 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment ratio correction the SYS board.
mode value in the When a larger value is set, a back side image
secondary scanned by the DSDF is enlarged toward the
scanning direction paper feeding direction. When a smaller value is
set, a back side image scanned by the DSDF is
reduced toward the paper feeding direction.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Sideways 3406 A3 Front side 128 1~254 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment deviation the SYS board.
mode correction value When a larger value is set, a front side image
scanned by the DSDF is shifted toward the front
side of the original. When a smaller value is set,
a front side image scanned by the DSDF is
shifted toward the rear side of the original.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Sideways 3407 A3 Back side 128 1~254 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment deviation the SYS board.
mode correction value When a larger value is set, a back side image
scanned by the DSDF is shifted toward the front
side of the original. When a smaller value is set,
a front side image scanned by the DSDF is
shifted toward the rear side of the original.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Leading edge 3408 A3 Front side 100 1~200 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment position the SYS board.
mode correction value When a larger value is set, a front side image
in the secondary scanned by the DSDF is shifted toward the paper
scanning direction feeding direction. When a smaller value is set, a
front side image scanned by the DSDF is shifted
toward the paper feeding counter direction.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Leading edge 3409 A3 Back side 100 1~200 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment position the SYS board.
mode correction value When a larger value is set, a back side image
in the secondary scanned by the DSDF is shifted toward the paper
scanning direction feeding direction. When a smaller value is set, a
front side image scanned by the DSDF is shifted
toward the paper feeding counter direction.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Leading edge 3410 A3 Rear-Front gap 100 1~200 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up into 1 - No H
ment position in the the SYS board.
mode secondary
scanning direction
05 Adjust Scanner DF Reproduction 3411 A4 Front side 50 1~100 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up into 1 - No H
ment ratio correction the SYS board.
mode value in the When a larger value is set, an image scanned by
secondary the DF is enlarged toward the paper feeding
scanning direction direction. When a smaller value is set, an image
scanned by the DF is reduced toward the paper
feeding direction.

Adjustment mode 32 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Scanner DF Reproduction 3412 A4 Back side 50 1~100 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment ratio correction the SYS board.
mode value in the When a larger value is set, a back side image
secondary scanned by the DSDF is enlarged toward the
scanning direction paper feeding direction. When a smaller value is
set, a back side image scanned by the DSDF is
reduced toward the paper feeding direction.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Sideways 3413 A4 Front side 128 1~254 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment deviation the SYS board.
mode correction value When a larger value is set, a front side image
scanned by the DSDF is shifted toward the front
side of the original. When a smaller value is set,
a front side image scanned by the DSDF is
shifted toward the rear side of the original.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Sideways 3414 A4 Back side 128 1~254 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment deviation the SYS board.
mode correction value When a larger value is set, a back side image
scanned by the DSDF is shifted toward the front
side of the original. When a smaller value is set,
a front side image scanned by the DSDF is
shifted toward the rear side of the original.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Leading edge 3415 A4 Front side 100 1~200 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment position the SYS board.
mode correction value When a larger value is set, a front side image
in the secondary scanned by the DSDF is shifted toward the paper
scanning direction feeding direction. When a smaller value is set, a
front side image scanned by the DSDF is shifted
toward the paper feeding counter direction.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Leading edge 3416 A4 Back side 100 1~200 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment position the SYS board.
mode correction value When a larger value is set, a back side image
in the secondary scanned by the DSDF is shifted toward the paper
scanning direction feeding direction. When a smaller value is set, a
front side image scanned by the DSDF is shifted
toward the paper feeding counter direction.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Leading edge 3417 A4 Rear-Front gap 100 1~200 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up into 1 - No H
ment position in the the SYS board.
mode secondary
scanning direction
05 Adjust Scanner DF Reproduction 3418 A4R Front side 50 1~100 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up into 1 - No H
ment ratio correction the SYS board.
mode value in the When a larger value is set, an image scanned by
secondary the DF is enlarged toward the paper feeding
scanning direction direction. When a smaller value is set, an image
scanned by the DF is reduced toward the paper
feeding direction.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Reproduction 3419 A4R Back side 50 1~100 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment ratio correction the SYS board.
mode value in the When a larger value is set, a back side image
secondary scanned by the DSDF is enlarged toward the
scanning direction paper feeding direction. When a smaller value is
set, a back side image scanned by the DSDF is
reduced toward the paper feeding direction.

Adjustment mode 33 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Scanner DF Sideways 3420 A4R Front side 128 1~254 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment deviation the SYS board.
mode correction value When a larger value is set, a front side image
scanned by the DSDF is shifted toward the front
side of the original. When a smaller value is set,
a front side image scanned by the DSDF is
shifted toward the rear side of the original.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Sideways 3421 A4R Back side 128 1~254 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment deviation the SYS board.
mode correction value When a larger value is set, a back side image
scanned by the DSDF is shifted toward the front
side of the original. When a smaller value is set,
a front side image scanned by the DSDF is
shifted toward the rear side of the original.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Leading edge 3422 A4R Front side 100 1~200 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment position the SYS board.
mode correction value When a larger value is set, a front side image
in the secondary scanned by the DSDF is shifted toward the paper
scanning direction feeding direction. When a smaller value is set, a
front side image scanned by the DSDF is shifted
toward the paper feeding counter direction.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Leading edge 3423 A4R Back side 100 1~200 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up in 1 - No H
ment position the SYS board.
mode correction value When a larger value is set, a back side image
in the secondary scanned by the DSDF is shifted toward the paper
scanning direction feeding direction. When a smaller value is set, a
front side image scanned by the DSDF is shifted
toward the paper feeding counter direction.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Leading edge 3424 A4R Rear-Front 100 1~200 SYS Changes the DF correction value backed up into 1 - No H
ment position in the gap the SYS board.
mode secondary
scanning direction
05 Adjust Scanner DF Carriage position 3425 White background 50 0~100 SYS Adjusts the carriage position at the DF scanning. 1 - No H
ment adjustment at When a larger value is set, the carriage position
mode scanning at the DF scanning is shifted toward the right
side. When a smaller value is set, the carriage
position at the DF scanning is shifted toward the
left side.
05 Adjust Scanner DF Carriage position 3426 Black background 50 0~100 SYS Adjusts the carriage position at the DF scanning. 1 - No H
ment adjustment at When a larger value is set, the carriage position
mode scanning at the DF scanning is shifted toward the right
side. When a smaller value is set, the carriage
position at the DF scanning is shifted toward the
left side.
05 Adjust Printer Image Reproduction 4000 Copy 128 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the 1 Yes - No HS
ment ratio fine reproduction ratio in the primary scanning
mode adjustment of direction is enlarged by approx. 0.07%.
primary scanning (0.1 mm/step)
05 Adjust Printer Image Reproduction 4001 Print 128 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the 1 Yes - No HS
ment ratio fine reproduction ratio in the primary scanning
mode adjustment of direction is enlarged by approx. 0.07%.
primary scanning (0.1 mm/step)

Adjustment mode 34 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Image Adjustment of 4005 Copy 128 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the writing start 1 Yes - No HS
ment primary scanning position shifts to the front side by approx. 0.0423
mode writing start mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Adjustment of 4006 Print 115 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the writing start 1 Yes - No HS
ment primary scanning position shifts to the front side by approx. 0.0423
mode writing start mm.
05 Adjust Printer Drive ADU motor Fine adjustment of 4016 0 Standard speed 128 0~255 M 0.06%/step 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed
05 Adjust Printer Drive ADU motor Fine adjustment of 4016 4 Decelerating 128 0~255 M 0.06%/step 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed
05 Adjust Printer Drive ADU motor Fine adjustment of 4016 8 Speed 1 128 0~255 M 0.06%/step 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed
05 Adjust Printer Drive ADU motor Fine adjustment of 4016 9 Speed 2 128 0~255 M 0.06%/step 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed
05 Adjust Printer Drive ADU motor Fine adjustment of 4016 10 Speed 3 128 0~255 M 0.06%/step 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed
05 Adjust Printer Drive ADU motor Fine adjustment of 4016 11 Speed 4 128 0~255 M 0.06%/step 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed
05 Adjust Printer Drive ADU motor Fine adjustment of 4016 12 Speed 5 128 0~255 M 0.06%/step 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed
05 Adjust Printer Drive ADU motor Fine adjustment of 4016 13 Speed 6 128 0~255 M 0.06%/step 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed
05 Adjust Printer Image Adjustment of 4018 0 1st drawer 140 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment drawer sideways shifts toward the front side by 0.0423 mm.
mode deviation
05 Adjust Printer Image Adjustment of 4018 1 2nd drawer 128 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment drawer sideways shifts toward the front side by 0.0423 mm.
mode deviation
05 Adjust Printer Image Adjustment of 4018 2 PFP upper drawer 128 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment drawer sideways shifts toward the front side by 0.0423 mm.
mode deviation
05 Adjust Printer Image Adjustment of 4018 3 PFP lower drawer 128 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment drawer sideways shifts toward the front side by 0.0423 mm.
mode deviation
05 Adjust Printer Image Adjustment of 4018 4 LCF 128 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment drawer sideways shifts toward the front side by 0.0423 mm.
mode deviation
05 Adjust Printer Image Adjustment of 4018 5 Bypass feeding 128 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment drawer sideways shifts toward the front side by 0.0423 mm.
mode deviation

Adjustment mode 35 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Image Adjustment of 4019 0 Long size 140 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 Yes - No HS
ment ADU sideways shifts by 0.0423 mm toward the front side of the
mode deviation paper.
* The value of this code is reflected to 05-4019-1
to 2.
05 Adjust Printer Image Adjustment of 4019 1 Short size 140 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 Yes - No HS
ment ADU sideways shifts by 0.0423 mm toward the front side of the
mode deviation paper.
05 Adjust Printer Image Adjustment of 4019 2 Middle size 128 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 Yes - No HS
ment ADU sideways shifts by 0.0423 mm toward the front side of the
mode deviation paper.
05 Adjust Printer Image Top margin 4050 Copy 0 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 1 Yes - No HS
ment adjustment becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Left margin 4051 Copy 0 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 1 - No HS
ment adjustment becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Right margin 4052 Copy 0 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 1 Yes - No HS
ment adjustment becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Bottom margin 4053 Copy 0 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 1 Yes - No HS
ment adjustment becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Top margin 4054 Print 24 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 1 - No HS
ment adjustment becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Left margin 4055 Print 0 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 1 - No HS
ment adjustment becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Right margin 4056 Print 0 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 1 - No HS
ment adjustment becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Bottom margin 4057 Print 0 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 1 - No HS
ment adjustment becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Standard speed 4058 1st drawer 57 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 1 Yes - No HS
ment position shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Standard speed 4059 2nd drawer 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 1 Yes - No HS
ment position shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Standard speed 4060 PFP upper drawer 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 1 Yes - No HS
ment position shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Standard speed 4061 Bypass feeding 57 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 1 Yes - No HS
ment position shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Standard speed 4062 Duplex feeding 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 1 Yes - No HS
ment position shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.

Adjustment mode 36 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Image Bottom margin Duplex (Back side) 4064 0 Plain paper 24 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 4 - No HS
ment adjustment (Monochrome) becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
mode * The value of 05-4053 or 05-4057 is taken as a
reference one.
05 Adjust Printer Image Right margin Duplex (Back side) 4064 1 Plain paper 18 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 4 - No HS
ment adjustment (Monochrome) becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
mode * The value of 05-4052 or 05-4056 is taken as a
reference one.
05 Adjust Printer Image Bottom margin Duplex (Back side) 4064 2 Plain paper (Color) 24 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 4 - No HS
ment adjustment becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
mode * The value of 05-4053 or 05-4057 is taken as a
reference one.
05 Adjust Printer Image Right margin Duplex (Back side) 4064 3 Plain paper (Color) 18 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 4 - No HS
ment adjustment becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
mode * The value of 05-4052 or 05-4056 is taken as a
reference one.
05 Adjust Printer Image Bottom margin Duplex (Back side) 4064 4 Thick paper 1 18 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 4 - No HS
ment adjustment becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
mode * The value of 05-4053 or 05-4057 is taken as a
reference one.
05 Adjust Printer Image Right margin Duplex (Back side) 4064 5 Thick paper 1 12 0~255 M When the value increases by "1", the blank area 4 - No HS
ment adjustment becomes wider by approx. 0.0423 mm.
mode * The value of 05-4052 or 05-4056 is taken as a
reference one.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Reference for 4065 Decelerating 100 0~200 M When the value increases by "1", the image 1 - No HS
ment position adjustment shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Reference for 4066 Speed at low 100 0~200 M When the value increases by "1", the image 1 - No HS
ment position adjustment temperature shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Subsidiary 4067 0 1st drawer (Speed 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment position adjustment value at low temperature) shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Subsidiary 4067 1 2nd drawer (Speed 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment position adjustment value at low temperature) shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Subsidiary 4067 2 PFP upper drawer 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment position adjustment value (Speed at low shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment temperature) approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Subsidiary 4067 3 PFP lower drawer 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment position adjustment value (Speed at low shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment temperature) approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Subsidiary 4067 4 Bypass feed 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment position adjustment value (Speed at low shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment temperature) approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Subsidiary 4067 5 ADU (Speed at low 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment position adjustment value temperature) shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Subsidiary 4067 6 LCF (Speed at low 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment position adjustment value temperature) shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.

Adjustment mode 37 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Image Automatic leading 4086 0 Reference value 0 0~9999999 M Displays the reference value of the automatic 10 - No HS
ment edge position 9 leading edge position adjustment.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Image Automatic leading 4086 1 Actual measured 0 0~9999999 M Displays the actual measured value of the latest 10 - No HS
ment edge position value 9 automatic leading edge position adjustment.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Image Automatic leading 4087 Correction value 100 0~200 M Displays the correction value to the margin of the 2 - No HS
ment edge position leading edge at the latest performance of the
mode adjustment automatic leading edge position adjustment.
05 Adjust Printer Image Automatic leading 4088 Correction factor 50 0~100 M Displays the correction factor when the automatic 1 - No HS
ment edge position leading edge position adjustment has been
mode adjustment carried out. Do not change this setting except for
special reasons or instructions.
05 Adjust Printer Image Automatic leading Processing speed 4089 0 Reference value 0 0~60000 M Displays the processing speed at the reference 10 - No HS
ment edge position value collection.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Image Automatic leading Processing speed 4089 1 Actual measured 0 0~60000 M Displays the processing speed at the actual 10 - No HS
ment edge position value measured value collection.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 1st drawer 4100 0 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Long size) contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 27
45/50ppm: 15
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 1st drawer 4100 1 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Middle contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment size) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 28
45/50ppm: 16

Adjustment mode 38 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 1st drawer 4100 2 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 1) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 28
45/50ppm: 15
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 1st drawer 4100 3 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 2) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 28
45/50ppm: 15
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 1st drawer 4100 4 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 3) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 28
45/50ppm: 15
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 2nd drawer 4101 0 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Long size) contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 27
45/50ppm: 15

Adjustment mode 39 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 2nd drawer 4101 1 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Middle contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment size) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 27
45/50ppm: 14
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 2nd drawer 4101 2 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 1) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 8
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 2nd drawer 4101 3 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 2) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 8
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 2nd drawer 4101 4 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 3) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 8

Adjustment mode 40 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4103 0 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k/Thin paper (Long contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment size) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 15
45/50ppm: 10
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4103 1 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k/Thin paper contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment (Middle size) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 15
45/50ppm: 10
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4103 2 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k/Thin paper contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment (Short size 1) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 15
45/50ppm: 10
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4103 3 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k/Thin paper contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment (Short size 2) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 15
45/50ppm: 10

Adjustment mode 41 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4103 4 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k/Thin paper contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment (Short size 3) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 15
45/50ppm: 10
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4104 0 Thick paper 1 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Long size) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4104 1 Thick paper 1 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Middle size) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4104 2 Thick paper 1 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 1) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4104 3 Thick paper 1 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 2) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4104 4 Thick paper 1 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 3) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter

Adjustment mode 42 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4105 0 Thick paper 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 2/Envelope (Long amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment size) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4105 1 Thick paper 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 2/Envelope (Middle amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment size) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4105 2 Thick paper 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 2/Envelope (Short amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment size 1) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4105 3 Thick paper 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 2/Envelope (Short amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment size 2) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4105 4 Thick paper 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 2/Envelope (Short amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment size 3) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4106 0 Thick paper 3~4 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Long size) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4106 1 Thick paper 3~4 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Middle size) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter

Adjustment mode 43 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4106 2 Thick paper 3~4 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 1) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4106 3 Thick paper 3~4 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 2) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4106 4 Thick paper 3~4 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 3) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4107 0 OHP (Long size) 30 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4107 1 OHP (Middle size) 30 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4107 2 OHP (Short size 1) 30 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4107 3 OHP (Short size 2) 30 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter

Adjustment mode 44 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4107 4 OHP (Short size 3) 30 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP upper drawer 4108 0 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Long size) contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 23
45/50ppm: 12
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP upper drawer 4108 1 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Middle contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment size) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 10
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP upper drawer 4108 2 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 1) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 10

Adjustment mode 45 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP upper drawer 4108 3 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 2) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 10
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP upper drawer 4108 4 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 3) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 10
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP lower drawer 4109 0 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Long size) contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 10
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP lower drawer 4109 1 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Middle contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment size) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 10

Adjustment mode 46 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP lower drawer 4109 2 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 1) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 10
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP lower drawer 4109 3 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 2) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 10
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP lower drawer 4109 4 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 3) 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 10
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU 4110 0 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Long size) contents amount increases by approx. 0.8 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 21
45/50ppm: 11

Adjustment mode 47 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU 4110 1 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Middle contents amount increases by approx. 0.8 mm.
mode transport adjustment size) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 21
45/50ppm: 11
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU 4110 2 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases by approx. 0.8 mm.
mode transport adjustment 1) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 21
45/50ppm: 5
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU 4110 3 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases by approx. 0.8 mm.
mode transport adjustment 2) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 21
45/50ppm: 5
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU 4110 4 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position k paper (Short size contents amount increases by approx. 0.8 mm.
mode transport adjustment 3) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 21
45/50ppm: 5
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment LCF 4111 Plain paper Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 1 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position contents amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment 20/25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm
<Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 10

Adjustment mode 48 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Adjustment of Bypass feeding 4112 0 Plain/Recycled/Thic 2 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the paper 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper paper pushing k paper pushing amount at bypass feeding increases as
mode transport amount at feeding follows:
20/25/30/35ppm: 1.08 mm
45/50ppm: 1.62 mm
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Adjustment of Bypass feeding 4112 1 Thick paper 22 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the paper 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper paper pushing 1~4/Special paper pushing amount at bypass feeding increases by
mode transport amount at feeding /OHP approx. 0.54 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Adjustment of 1st drawer 4113 0 Plain/Recycled/Thic Refer to 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the paper 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper paper pushing k paper contents pushing amount at feeding from 1st drawer
mode transport amount at feeding increases as follows:
20/25/30/35ppm: 1.08 mm
45/50ppm: 1.62 mm
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 6
45/50ppm: 4
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Adjustment of 1st drawer 4113 1 Thick paper 22 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the paper 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper paper pushing 1~3/Special paper pushing amount at feeding from 1st drawer
mode transport amount at feeding increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 1st drawer 4115 0 Thick paper 1~3 26 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Long size) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 1st drawer 4115 1 Thick paper 1~3 23 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Middle size) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 1st drawer 4115 2 Thick paper 1~3 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 1) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 1st drawer 4115 3 Thick paper 1~3 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 2) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter

Adjustment mode 49 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 1st drawer 4115 4 Thick paper 1~3 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 3) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 2nd drawer 4116 0 Thick paper 21 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Long size) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 2nd drawer 4116 1 Thick paper 21 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Middle size) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 2nd drawer 4116 2 Thick paper 16 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Short size 1) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 2nd drawer 4116 3 Thick paper 16 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Short size 2) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 2nd drawer 4116 4 Thick paper 16 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Short size 3) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP upper drawer 4117 0 Thick paper 23 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Long size) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter

Adjustment mode 50 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP upper drawer 4117 1 Thick paper 16 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Middle size) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP upper drawer 4117 2 Thick paper 16 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Short size 1) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP upper drawer 4117 3 Thick paper 16 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Short size 2) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP upper drawer 4117 4 Thick paper 16 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Short size 3) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP lower drawer 4118 0 Thick paper 19 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Long size) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP lower drawer 4118 1 Thick paper 16 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Middle size) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP lower drawer 4118 2 Thick paper 16 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Short size 1) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter

Adjustment mode 51 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP lower drawer 4118 3 Thick paper 16 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Short size 2) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment PFP lower drawer 4118 4 Thick paper 16 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Envelope amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Short size 3) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU 4120 0 Thick paper 13 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Special paper amount increases by approx. 0.8 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Long size) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU 4120 1 Thick paper 13 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Special paper amount increases by approx. 0.8 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Middle size) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU 4120 2 Thick paper 13 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Special paper amount increases by approx. 0.8 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Short size 1) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU 4120 3 Thick paper 13 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Special paper amount increases by approx. 0.8 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Short size 2) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU 4120 4 Thick paper 13 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position 1~3/Special paper amount increases by approx. 0.8 mm.
mode transport adjustment (Short size 3) <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter

Adjustment mode 52 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4128 0 Special paper 1 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Long size) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4128 1 Special paper 1 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Middle size) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4128 2 Special paper 1 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 1) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4128 3 Special paper 1 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 2) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4128 4 Special paper 1 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 3) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4129 0 Special paper 2~3 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Long size) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4129 1 Special paper 2~3 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Middle size) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter

Adjustment mode 53 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4129 2 Special paper 2~3 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 1) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4129 3 Special paper 2~3 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 2) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4129 4 Special paper 2~3 27 0~63 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position (Short size 3) amount increases by approx. 0.54 mm.
mode transport adjustment <Paper length>
Long size: 330 mm or longer
Middle size: 220 mm to 329 mm
Short size 1: 205 mm to 219 mm
Short size 2: 160 mm to 204 mm
Short size 3: 159 mm or shorter
05 Adjust Printer Image Secondary 4350 0 Y 128 118~138 M Corrects image position to be shifted to the 4 - No HS
ment scanning position trailing edge side of paper.
mode fine adjustment 0.5 line/bit
05 Adjust Printer Image Secondary 4350 1 M 128 118~138 M Corrects image position to be shifted to the 4 - No HS
ment scanning position trailing edge side of paper.
mode fine adjustment 0.5 line/bit
05 Adjust Printer Image Secondary 4350 2 C 128 118~138 M Corrects image position to be shifted to the 4 - No HS
ment scanning position trailing edge side of paper.
mode fine adjustment 0.5 line/bit
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Standard speed 4402 Common items 125 0~200 M When the value increases by "1", the image 1 Yes - No HS
ment position shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Drive Registration motor Fine adjustment of 4523 0 Standard speed 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed becomes faster. (0.06%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Registration motor Fine adjustment of 4523 3 Standard speed 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed (Extra long size) becomes faster. (0.06%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Registration motor Fine adjustment of 4523 4 Decelerating 110 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed becomes faster. (0.06%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Registration motor Fine adjustment of 4523 7 Decelerating 150 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed (Extra long size) becomes faster. (0.06%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Registration motor Fine adjustment of 4523 8 Speed 1 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed becomes faster. (0.07%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Registration motor Fine adjustment of 4523 9 Speed 2 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed becomes faster. (0.07%/step)

Adjustment mode 54 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Drive Drum/Transfer Fine adjustment of 4526 0 Standard speed 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment belt motor rotational speed becomes faster. (0.056%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Drum/Transfer Fine adjustment of 4526 4 Decelerating 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment belt motor rotational speed becomes faster. (0.056%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Fuser belt Fine adjustment of 4529 0 Standard speed 141 0~255 M (0.06%/step) 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed
05 Adjust Printer Drive Fuser belt Fine adjustment of 4529 3 Standard speed 128 0~255 M (0.06%/step) 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed (Extra long size)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Fuser belt Fine adjustment of 4529 4 Decelerating 128 0~255 M (0.06%/step) 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed
05 Adjust Printer Drive Fuser belt Fine adjustment of 4529 7 Decelerating 142 0~255 M (0.06%/step) 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed (Extra long size)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Paper Fine adjustment of 4532 0 Standard speed 128 0~255 M (0.06%/step) 4 - No HS
ment feeding/developer rotational speed
mode unit drive motor
05 Adjust Printer Drive Paper Fine adjustment of 4532 3 Standard speed 128 0~255 M (0.06%/step) 4 - No HS
ment feeding/developer rotational speed (Extra long size)
mode unit drive motor
05 Adjust Printer Drive Paper Fine adjustment of 4532 4 Decelerating 128 0~255 M (0.06%/step) 4 - No HS
ment feeding/developer rotational speed
mode unit drive motor
05 Adjust Printer Drive Paper Fine adjustment of 4532 7 Decelerating 128 0~255 M (0.06%/step) 4 - No HS
ment feeding/developer rotational speed (Extra long size)
mode unit drive motor
05 Adjust Printer Drive Exit motor Fine adjustment of 4535 0 Standard speed 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed becomes faster. (0.06%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Exit motor Fine adjustment of 4535 3 Standard speed 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed (Extra long size) becomes faster. (0.06%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Exit motor Fine adjustment of 4535 4 Decelerating 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed becomes faster. (0.06%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Exit motor Fine adjustment of 4535 7 Decelerating 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed (Extra long size) becomes faster. (0.06%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Exit motor Fine adjustment of 4535 8 Speed 1 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed becomes faster. (0.06%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Exit motor Fine adjustment of 4535 9 Speed 2 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed becomes faster. (0.06%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Exit motor Fine adjustment of 4535 10 Speed 3 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed becomes faster. (0.06%/step)

Adjustment mode 55 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Drive Exit motor Fine adjustment of 4535 11 Speed 4 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed becomes faster. (0.06%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Exit motor Fine adjustment of 4535 12 Standard speed 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed (Transport in ADU) becomes faster. (0.06%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Drive Exit motor Fine adjustment of 4535 16 Decelerating 128 0~255 M When the value increases, the motor speed 4 - No HS
ment rotational speed (Transport in ADU) becomes faster. (0.06%/step)
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Standard speed 4560 PFP lower drawer 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 1 Yes - No HS
ment position shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Leading edge Standard speed 4561 T-LCF 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 1 Yes - No HS
ment position shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode adjustment approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary 1st drawer 4562 0 Thick paper 1 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary 1st drawer 4562 1 Thick paper 2 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary 1st drawer 4562 2 Thick paper 3 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary 2nd drawer 4563 0 Thick paper 1 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary 2nd drawer 4563 1 Thick paper 2 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary 2nd drawer 4563 2 Thick paper 3 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary PFP upper drawer 4564 0 Thick paper 1 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.

Adjustment mode 56 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary PFP upper drawer 4564 1 Thick paper 2 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary PFP upper drawer 4564 2 Thick paper 3 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary PFP lower drawer 4565 0 Thick paper 1 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary PFP lower drawer 4565 1 Thick paper 2 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary PFP lower drawer 4565 2 Thick paper 3 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary Bypass feeding 4567 0 Thick paper 1 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary Bypass feeding 4567 1 Thick paper 2 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary Bypass feeding 4567 2 Thick paper 3 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary Bypass feeding 4567 3 OHP 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary Bypass feeding 4567 4 Special paper 1 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary Bypass feeding 4567 5 Special paper 2 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.

Adjustment mode 57 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary ADU 4568 0 Thick paper 1 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary ADU 4568 1 Thick paper 2 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Image Auxiliary ADU 4568 2 Thick paper 3 50 0~100 M When the value increases by "1", the image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment value shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper by
mode of leading edge approx. 0.1 mm.
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment 4579 Using icons M Press the button on the LCD. 4 Yes - No HS
ment system/Paper position
mode transport adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Image control 4719 Forced color M Forcibly performs the color registration control 6 Yes - No HS
ment registration control adjustment in order to eliminate the color
mode deviation of Y, M, C and K colors.
05 Adjust Printer Image control Displaying 4720 0 Front/Rear side 0~255 M Checks the cause of a "CA00" error when it 10 Yes - No HS
ment parameters for occurs. An error for each portion is indicated by
mode color regist. the value as shown below. When errors occur at
several portions, the sum of the values of error
portions is indicated.
0: Normal
1: Y on the rear side abnormality
2: Y on the front side abnormality
4: M on the rear side abnormality
8: M on the front side abnormality
16: C on the rear side abnormality
32: C on the front side abnormality
64: K on the rear side abnormality
128: K on the front side abnormality
05 Adjust Printer Image control Displaying 4720 1 Center side 0~255 M Checks the cause of a "CA00" error when it 10 Yes - No HS
ment parameters for occurs. An error for each portion is indicated by
mode color regist. the value as shown below. When errors occur at
several portions, the sum of the values of error
portions is indicated.
0: Normal
1: Y on the center side abnormality
4: M on the center side abnormality
16: C on the center side abnormality
64: K on the center side abnormality
05 Adjust Printer Maintenance 4721 Mirror motor initial M Perform this when the laser optical unit has been 6 Yes - No HS
ment excitation setting replaced or the SRAM on the LGC board has
mode been exchanged.
05 Adjust Printer Image Image void Top margin 4731 0 Copy 29 0~48 M (0.4 mm/10step) 4 - No HS
ment correction code (Monochrome)
05 Adjust Printer Image Image void Top margin 4731 1 Copy (Color) 48 0~48 M (0.4 mm/10step) 4 - No HS
ment correction code

Adjustment mode 58 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Image Image void Top margin 4731 2 Print (Monochrome) 29 0~48 M (0.4 mm/10step) 4 - No HS
ment correction code
05 Adjust Printer Image Image void Top margin 4731 3 Print (Color) 29 0~48 M (0.4 mm/10step) 4 - No HS
ment correction code
05 Adjust Printer Image Image void Bottom margin 4731 4 Copy 24 0~48 M (0.4 mm/10step) 4 - No HS
ment correction code (Monochrome)
05 Adjust Printer Image Image void Bottom margin 4731 5 Copy (Color) 24 0~48 M (0.4 mm/10step) 4 - No HS
ment correction code
05 Adjust Printer Image Image void Bottom margin 4731 6 Print (Monochrome) 36 0~48 M (0.4 mm/10step) 4 - No HS
ment correction code
05 Adjust Printer Image Image void Bottom margin 4731 7 Print (Color) 36 0~48 M (0.4 mm/10step) 4 - No HS
ment correction code
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Setting method of 4800 0 1st drawer Refer to 0~2 SYS 0: Manual 4 - Yes H
ment system/Paper drawer size contents 1: Automatic (mm)
mode transport 2: Automatic (inch)
<Default value>
NAD: 2
Others: 1
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Setting method of 4800 1 2nd drawer Refer to 0~2 SYS 0: Manual 4 - Yes H
ment system/Paper drawer size contents 1: Automatic (mm)
mode transport 2: Automatic (inch)
<Default value>
NAD: 2
Others: 1
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Setting method of 4800 2 PFP upper drawer Refer to 0~2 SYS 0: Manual 4 - Yes H
ment system/Paper drawer size contents 1: Automatic (mm)
mode transport 2: Automatic (inch)
<Default value>
NAD: 2
Others: 1
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Setting method of 4800 3 PFP lower drawer Refer to 0~2 SYS 0: Manual 4 - Yes H
ment system/Paper drawer size contents 1: Automatic (mm)
mode transport 2: Automatic (inch)
<Default value>
NAD: 2
Others: 1
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Drawer batch 4808 0 Plain 0 -20~20 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper position conversion paper/Recycled amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment paper/Thick paper 25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm/step
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm/step
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4808 1 Plain 0 -20~20 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper position batch conversion paper/Recycled amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment paper/Thick paper 25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm/step
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm/step
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU batch 4808 2 Plain 0 -20~20 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper position conversion paper/Recycled amount increases as follows:
mode transport adjustment paper/Thick paper 25/30/35ppm: 0.6 mm/step
45/50ppm: 0.9 mm/step

Adjustment mode 59 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Drawer batch 4809 0 Thick paper 1 0 -20~20 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper position conversion amount increases by approx. 0.6 mm.
mode transport adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4809 1 Thick paper 1 0 -20~20 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper position batch conversion amount increases by approx. 0.6 mm.
mode transport adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU batch 4809 2 Thick paper 1 0 -20~20 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper position conversion amount increases by approx. 0.6 mm.
mode transport adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Drawer batch 4810 0 Thick paper 2 0 -20~20 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper position conversion amount increases by approx. 0.6 mm.
mode transport adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4810 1 Thick paper 2 0 -20~20 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper position batch conversion amount increases by approx. 0.6 mm.
mode transport adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU batch 4810 2 Thick paper 2 0 -20~20 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper position conversion amount increases by approx. 0.6 mm.
mode transport adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Drawer batch 4811 0 Thick paper 3 0 -20~20 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper position conversion amount increases by approx. 0.6 mm.
mode transport adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment Bypass feeding 4811 1 Thick paper 3 0 -20~20 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper position batch conversion amount increases by approx. 0.6 mm.
mode transport adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Feeding Alignment ADU batch 4811 2 Thick paper 3 0 -20~20 M When the value increases by "1", the aligning 4 - No HS
ment system/Paper position conversion amount increases by approx. 0.6 mm.
mode transport adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Alignment 4822 0 Front 0 -17~17 M (0.2 mm/step) 4 Yes - No HS
ment position
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Alignment 4822 1 Rear 0 -17~17 M (0.2 mm/step) 4 Yes - No HS
ment position
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Stapling position 4823 0 Rear – One place 0 -17~17 M (0.2 mm/step) 4 Yes - No HS
ment adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Stapling position 4823 1 Rear – One place 0 -17~17 M (0.2 mm/step) 4 Yes - No HS
ment adjustment (R-series size)
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Stapling position 4823 2 Front – One place 0 -17~17 M (0.2 mm/step) 4 Yes - No HS
ment adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Stapling position 4823 3 Front – One place 0 -17~17 M (0.2 mm/step) 4 Yes - No HS
ment adjustment (R-series size)
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Stapling position 4823 4 Center – 2 places 0 -17~17 M (0.2 mm/step) 4 Yes - No HS
ment adjustment
05 Adjust Printer Finisher 4825 Adjustment of hole 0 -17~12 M (0.2 mm/step) 1 Yes - No HS
ment punch position

Adjustment mode 60 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Image Amount of void at 4831 Non-standard 100 0~200 M Adjusts the amount of void at the trailing edge of 1 Yes - No HS
ment the trailing edge paper by bypass non-standard paper by bypass feeding. When the
mode feeding value is too small, stain may appear on the back
side of paper.
(0.1 mm/step)
05 Adjust Printer Aligning ADU Small-sized paper 4832 0 Plain/Recycled/Thic 0 0~50 M 0.8 mm/step 4 - No HS
ment adjustment k paper
05 Adjust Printer Aligning ADU Small-sized paper 4832 1 Thick paper 0 0~50 M 0.8 mm/step 4 - No HS
ment adjustment 1~3/Special paper
05 Adjust Printer 4833 Recovery from M Perform this code to recover from toner 6 - No HS
ment toner empty/waste empty/waste toner full.
mode toner full
05 Adjust Printer Laser Highlight density 4837 0 K 60 0~255 M When a larger value is set, the density of the low- 4 - No HS
ment correction density area mainly becomes darker.
mode * Fully pay attention when you attempt to change
the value since this will not affect only on the low-
density area but also on entire-density ones.
05 Adjust Printer Laser Solid image 4837 1 K 85 0~255 M When a larger value is set, the density of the low- 4 - No HS
ment correction density density area mainly becomes darker.
mode * Fully pay attention when you attempt to change
the value since this will not affect only on the low-
density area but also on entire-density ones.
05 Adjust Printer Laser Highlight density 4837 2 Y 60 0~255 M When a larger value is set, the density of the low- 4 - No HS
ment correction density area mainly becomes darker.
mode * Fully pay attention when you attempt to change
the value since this will not affect only on the low-
density area but also on entire-density ones.
05 Adjust Printer Laser Solid image 4837 3 Y 85 0~255 M When a larger value is set, the density of the low- 4 - No HS
ment correction density density area mainly becomes darker.
mode * Fully pay attention when you attempt to change
the value since this will not affect only on the low-
density area but also on entire-density ones.
05 Adjust Printer Laser Highlight density 4837 4 M 60 0~255 M When a larger value is set, the density of the low- 4 - No HS
ment correction density area mainly becomes darker.
mode * Fully pay attention when you attempt to change
the value since this will not affect only on the low-
density area but also on entire-density ones.
05 Adjust Printer Laser Solid image 4837 5 M 85 0~255 M When a larger value is set, the density of the low- 4 - No HS
ment correction density density area mainly becomes darker.
mode * Fully pay attention when you attempt to change
the value since this will not affect only on the low-
density area but also on entire-density ones.
05 Adjust Printer Laser Highlight density 4837 6 C 60 0~255 M When a larger value is set, the density of the low- 4 - No HS
ment correction density area mainly becomes darker.
mode * Fully pay attention when you attempt to change
the value since this will not affect only on the low-
density area but also on entire-density ones.
05 Adjust Printer Laser Solid image 4837 7 C 85 0~255 M When a larger value is set, the density of the low- 4 - No HS
ment correction density density area mainly becomes darker.
mode * Fully pay attention when you attempt to change
the value since this will not affect only on the low-
density area but also on entire-density ones.

Adjustment mode 61 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Finisher Alignment Hole punch 4838 0 Feeding direction 6 0~11 FIN Adjusts the hole punch position in the paper 4 - No HS
ment position position feeding direction. When a positive value is set, it
mode adjustment shifts toward the feeding side. When a negative
value is set, it shifts toward the exit side.
0: Finisher not installed
1: -1.10 mm 2: -0.88 mm 3: -0.66 mm 4: -0.44
5: -0.22 mm 6: 0.00 mm 7: +0.22 mm 8: +0.44
9: +0.66 mm 10: +0.88 mm 11: +1.10 mm
05 Adjust Finisher Alignment Horizontal 4838 1 A-series paper 6 0~11 FIN Adjusts the horizontal position of the paper. 4 - No HS
ment position position of the When a positive value is set, the pitch of the
mode adjustment paper alignment plate becomes smaller. When a
negative value is set, the pitch of the alignment
plate becomes larger.
0: Finisher not installed
1: -2.10 mm 2: -1.68 mm 3: -1.26 mm 4: -0.84
5: -0.42 mm 6: 0.00 mm 7: +0.42 mm 8: +0.84
9: +1.26 mm 10: +1.68 mm 11: +2.10 mm
05 Adjust Finisher Alignment Horizontal 4838 2 LT-series paper 6 0~11 FIN Adjusts the horizontal position of the paper. 4 - No HS
ment position position of the When a positive value is set, the pitch of the
mode adjustment paper alignment plate becomes smaller. When a
negative value is set, the pitch of the alignment
plate becomes larger.
0: Finisher not installed
1: -2.10 mm 2: -1.68 mm 3: -1.26 mm 4: -0.84
5: -0.42 mm 6: 0.00 mm 7: +0.42 mm 8: +0.84
9: +1.26 mm 10: +1.68 mm 11: +2.10 mm
05 Adjust Finisher Alignment 4838 3 Stapling position 9 0~17 FIN Adjusts the stapling position. When a positive 4 - No HS
ment position value is set, it shifts toward the rear side. When a
mode adjustment negative value is set, it shifts toward the front
0: Finisher not installed
1: -2.16 mm 2: -1.89 mm 3: -1.62 mm 4: -1.35
5: -1.08 mm 6: -0.81 mm 7: -0.54 mm 8: -0.27
9: ±0.00 mm 10: +0.27 mm 11: +0.54 mm 12:
+0.81 mm
13: +1.08 mm 14: +1.35 mm 15: +1.62 mm 16:
+1.89 mm
17: +2.16 mm
05 Adjust Finisher Alignment Saddle stitch 4838 4 A3, LD 11 0~15 FIN Adjusts the saddle stitch stapling position in the 4 - No HS
ment position stapling position paper feeding direction. When a positive value is
mode adjustment set, it shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper
(stacker hook side). When a negative value is
set, it shifts toward the leading edge of the paper.
0: Finisher not installed
1: -2.8 mm 2: -2.4 mm 3: -2.0 mm 4: -1.8 mm
5: -1.2 mm 6: -0.8 mm 7: -0.4 mm 8: 0.0 mm
9: +0.4 mm 10: +0.8 mm 11: +1.2 mm 12: +1.6
13: +2.0 mm 14: +2.4 mm 15: +2.8 mm

Adjustment mode 62 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Finisher Alignment Saddle stitch 4838 5 Other than A3 and 11 0~15 FIN Adjusts the saddle stitch stapling position in the 4 - No HS
ment position stapling position LD paper feeding direction. When a positive value is
mode adjustment set, it shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper
(stacker hook side). When a negative value is
set, it shifts toward the leading edge of the paper.
0: Finisher not installed
1: -2.8 mm 2: -2.4 mm 3: -2.0 mm 4: -1.8 mm
5: -1.2 mm 6: -0.8 mm 7: -0.4 mm 8: 0.0 mm
9: +0.4 mm 10: +0.8 mm 11: +1.2 mm 12: +1.6
13: +2.0 mm 14: +2.4 mm 15: +2.8 mm
05 Adjust Finisher Alignment Saddle stitch 4838 6 A3, LD 8 0~15 FIN Adjusts the saddle stitch folding position in the 4 - No HS
ment position folding position paper feeding direction. When a positive value is
mode adjustment set, it shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper
(stacker hook side). When a negative value is
set, it shifts toward the leading edge of the paper.
0: Finisher not installed
1: -1.4 mm 2: -1.2 mm 3: -1.0 mm 4: -0.8 mm
5: -0.6 mm 6: -0.4 mm 7: -0.2 mm 8: 0.0 mm
9: +0.2 mm 10: +0.4 mm 11: +0.6 mm 12: +0.8
13: +1.0 mm 14: +1.2 mm 15: +1.4 mm
05 Adjust Finisher Alignment Saddle stitch 4838 7 Other than A3 and 8 0~15 FIN Adjusts the saddle stitch folding position in the 4 - No HS
ment position folding position LD paper feeding direction. When a positive value is
mode adjustment set, it shifts toward the trailing edge of the paper
(stacker hook side). When a negative value is
set, it shifts toward the leading edge of the paper.
0: Finisher not installed
1: -1.4 mm 2: -1.2 mm 3: -1.0 mm 4: -0.8 mm
5: -0.6 mm 6: -0.4 mm 7: -0.2 mm 8: 0.0 mm
9: +0.2 mm 10: +0.4 mm 11: +0.6 mm 12: +0.8
13: +1.0 mm 14: +1.2 mm 15: +1.4 mm
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Stationary tray 4851 0 User paper type 1 36 1~40 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the stationary tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Stationary tray 4851 1 User paper type 2 36 1~40 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the stationary tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Stationary tray 4851 2 User paper type 3 36 1~40 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the stationary tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Stationary tray 4851 3 User paper type 4 36 1~40 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the stationary tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Stationary tray 4851 4 User paper type 5 36 1~40 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the stationary tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Stationary tray 4851 5 User paper type 6 36 1~40 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the stationary tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Stationary tray 4851 6 User paper type 7 36 1~40 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the stationary tray increases.

Adjustment mode 63 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Stationary tray 4851 7 User paper type 8 36 1~40 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the stationary tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Stationary tray 4851 8 User paper type 9 36 1~40 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the stationary tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Stationary tray 4851 9 User paper type 10 36 1~40 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the stationary tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Movable tray 4852 0 User paper type 1 8 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the movable tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Movable tray 4852 1 User paper type 2 8 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the movable tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Movable tray 4852 2 User paper type 3 8 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the movable tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Movable tray 4852 3 User paper type 4 8 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the movable tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Movable tray 4852 4 User paper type 5 8 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the movable tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Movable tray 4852 5 User paper type 6 8 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the movable tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Movable tray 4852 6 User paper type 7 8 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the movable tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Movable tray 4852 7 User paper type 8 8 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the movable tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Movable tray 4852 8 User paper type 9 8 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the movable tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed Movable tray 4852 9 User paper type 10 8 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper to the movable tray increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At sorting 4853 0 User paper type 1 2 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at sorting increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At sorting 4853 1 User paper type 2 2 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at sorting increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At sorting 4853 2 User paper type 3 2 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at sorting increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At sorting 4853 3 User paper type 4 2 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at sorting increases.

Adjustment mode 64 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At sorting 4853 4 User paper type 5 2 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at sorting increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At sorting 4853 5 User paper type 6 2 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at sorting increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At sorting 4853 6 User paper type 7 2 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at sorting increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At sorting 4853 7 User paper type 8 2 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at sorting increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At sorting 4853 8 User paper type 9 2 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at sorting increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At sorting 4853 9 User paper type 10 2 1~16 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at sorting increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At stapling 4854 0 User paper type 1 1 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at stapling increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At stapling 4854 1 User paper type 2 1 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at stapling increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At stapling 4854 2 User paper type 3 1 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at stapling increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At stapling 4854 3 User paper type 4 1 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at stapling increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At stapling 4854 4 User paper type 5 1 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at stapling increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At stapling 4854 5 User paper type 6 1 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at stapling increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At stapling 4854 6 User paper type 7 1 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at stapling increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At stapling 4854 7 User paper type 8 1 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at stapling increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At stapling 4854 8 User paper type 9 1 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at stapling increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Ejection speed At stapling 4854 9 User paper type 10 1 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the speed to eject 4 - No HS
ment paper at stapling increases.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position First page 4855 0 User paper type 1 5 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.

Adjustment mode 65 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position First page 4855 1 User paper type 2 5 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position First page 4855 2 User paper type 3 5 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position First page 4855 3 User paper type 4 5 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position First page 4855 4 User paper type 5 5 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position First page 4855 5 User paper type 6 5 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position First page 4855 6 User paper type 7 5 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position First page 4855 7 User paper type 8 5 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position First page 4855 8 User paper type 9 5 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position First page 4855 9 User paper type 10 5 1~15 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Second page 4856 0 User paper type 1 3 1~12 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Second page 4856 1 User paper type 2 3 1~12 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Second page 4856 2 User paper type 3 3 1~12 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Second page 4856 3 User paper type 4 3 1~12 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Second page 4856 4 User paper type 5 3 1~12 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Second page 4856 5 User paper type 6 3 1~12 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Second page 4856 6 User paper type 7 3 1~12 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Second page 4856 7 User paper type 8 3 1~12 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.

Adjustment mode 66 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Second page 4856 8 User paper type 9 3 1~12 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Second page 4856 9 User paper type 10 3 1~12 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Third page 4857 0 User paper type 1 15 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Third page 4857 1 User paper type 2 15 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Third page 4857 2 User paper type 3 15 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Third page 4857 3 User paper type 4 15 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Third page 4857 4 User paper type 5 15 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Third page 4857 5 User paper type 6 15 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Third page 4857 6 User paper type 7 15 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Third page 4857 7 User paper type 8 15 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Third page 4857 8 User paper type 9 15 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Stop position Third page 4857 9 User paper type 10 15 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the stop position 4 - No HS
ment shifts toward the exit side. When a smaller value
mode is set, it shifts toward the feeding side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport First 4858 0 User paper type 1 3 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed page/Second of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode page the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport First 4858 1 User paper type 2 3 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed page/Second of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode page the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport First 4858 2 User paper type 3 3 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed page/Second of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode page the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport First 4858 3 User paper type 4 3 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed page/Second of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode page the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport First 4858 4 User paper type 5 3 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed page/Second of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode page the exit side.

Adjustment mode 67 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Finisher Transport First 4858 5 User paper type 6 3 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed page/Second of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode page the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport First 4858 6 User paper type 7 3 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed page/Second of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode page the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport First 4858 7 User paper type 8 3 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed page/Second of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode page the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport First 4858 8 User paper type 9 3 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed page/Second of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode page the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport First 4858 9 User paper type 10 3 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed page/Second of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode page the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Third page 4859 0 User paper type 1 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Third page 4859 1 User paper type 2 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Third page 4859 2 User paper type 3 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Third page 4859 3 User paper type 4 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Third page 4859 4 User paper type 5 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Third page 4859 5 User paper type 6 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Third page 4859 6 User paper type 7 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Third page 4859 7 User paper type 8 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Third page 4859 8 User paper type 9 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Third page 4859 9 User paper type 10 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Fourth page 4860 0 User paper type 1 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Fourth page 4860 1 User paper type 2 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.

Adjustment mode 68 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Fourth page 4860 2 User paper type 3 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Fourth page 4860 3 User paper type 4 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Fourth page 4860 4 User paper type 5 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Fourth page 4860 5 User paper type 6 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Fourth page 4860 6 User paper type 7 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Fourth page 4860 7 User paper type 8 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Fourth page 4860 8 User paper type 9 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Finisher Transport Fourth page 4860 9 User paper type 10 7 1~19 M When a larger value is set, the ejection position 4 - No HS
ment speed of the paper on the finishing tray is shifted toward
mode the exit side.
05 Adjust Printer Color Temperature at Thermistor 1 4866 0 Temperature at the 230 -200~2000 M Records the temperature at color registration. 10 - No HS
ment registration color registration time before the last (Unit: 0.1ºC)
mode control performance * The value 1000 or 2000 of this code indicates
the thermistor abnormality.
05 Adjust Printer Color Temperature at Thermistor 1 4866 1 Temperature at the 230 -200~2000 M Records the temperature at color registration. 10 - No HS
ment registration color registration last time (Unit: 0.1ºC)
mode control performance * The value 1000 or 2000 of this code indicates
the thermistor abnormality.
05 Adjust Printer Color Temperature at Thermistor 2 4866 2 Temperature at the 230 -200~2000 M Records the temperature at color registration. 10 - No HS
ment registration color registration time before the last (Unit: 0.1ºC)
mode control performance * The value 1000 or 2000 of this code indicates
the thermistor abnormality.
05 Adjust Printer Color Temperature at Thermistor 2 4866 3 Temperature at the 230 -200~2000 M Records the temperature at color registration. 10 - No HS
ment registration color registration last time (Unit: 0.1ºC)
mode control performance * The value 1000 or 2000 of this code indicates
the thermistor abnormality.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Short 4885 0 User paper type 1 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Short 4885 1 User paper type 2 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Short 4885 2 User paper type 3 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.

Adjustment mode 69 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Short 4885 3 User paper type 4 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Short 4885 4 User paper type 5 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Short 4885 5 User paper type 6 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Short 4885 6 User paper type 7 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Short 4885 7 User paper type 8 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Short 4885 8 User paper type 9 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Short 4885 9 User paper type 10 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Large 4886 0 User paper type 1 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Large 4886 1 User paper type 2 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Large 4886 2 User paper type 3 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Large 4886 3 User paper type 4 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Large 4886 4 User paper type 5 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Large 4886 5 User paper type 6 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.

Adjustment mode 70 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Large 4886 6 User paper type 7 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Large 4886 7 User paper type 8 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Large 4886 8 User paper type 9 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Sort/Large 4886 9 User paper type 10 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Short 4887 0 User paper type 1 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Short 4887 1 User paper type 2 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Short 4887 2 User paper type 3 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Short 4887 3 User paper type 4 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Short 4887 4 User paper type 5 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Short 4887 5 User paper type 6 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Short 4887 6 User paper type 7 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Short 4887 7 User paper type 8 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Short 4887 8 User paper type 9 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.

Adjustment mode 71 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Short 4887 9 User paper type 10 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Large 4888 0 User paper type 1 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Large 4888 1 User paper type 2 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Large 4888 2 User paper type 3 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Large 4888 3 User paper type 4 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Large 4888 4 User paper type 5 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Large 4888 5 User paper type 6 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Large 4888 6 User paper type 7 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Large 4888 7 User paper type 8 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Large 4888 8 User paper type 9 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Staple/Large 4888 9 User paper type 10 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment size/Plain paper When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4889 0 User paper type 1 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A5- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value R,A6-R,B5-R,ST- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R/Plain paper standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4889 1 User paper type 2 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A5- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value R,A6-R,B5-R,ST- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R/Plain paper standby position becomes higher.

Adjustment mode 72 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4889 2 User paper type 3 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A5- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value R,A6-R,B5-R,ST- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R/Plain paper standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4889 3 User paper type 4 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A5- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value R,A6-R,B5-R,ST- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R/Plain paper standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4889 4 User paper type 5 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A5- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value R,A6-R,B5-R,ST- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R/Plain paper standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4889 5 User paper type 6 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A5- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value R,A6-R,B5-R,ST- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R/Plain paper standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4889 6 User paper type 7 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A5- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value R,A6-R,B5-R,ST- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R/Plain paper standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4889 7 User paper type 8 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A5- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value R,A6-R,B5-R,ST- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R/Plain paper standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4889 8 User paper type 9 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A5- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value R,A6-R,B5-R,ST- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R/Plain paper standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4889 9 User paper type 10 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A5- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value R,A6-R,B5-R,ST- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R/Plain paper standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4890 0 User paper type 1 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A3- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value wide,LD-wide,16K- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R,Non- standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4890 1 User paper type 2 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A3- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value wide,LD-wide,16K- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R,Non- standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4890 2 User paper type 3 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A3- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value wide,LD-wide,16K- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R,Non- standby position becomes higher.

Adjustment mode 73 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4890 3 User paper type 4 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A3- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value wide,LD-wide,16K- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R,Non- standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4890 4 User paper type 5 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A3- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value wide,LD-wide,16K- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R,Non- standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4890 5 User paper type 6 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A3- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value wide,LD-wide,16K- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R,Non- standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4890 6 User paper type 7 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A3- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value wide,LD-wide,16K- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R,Non- standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4890 7 User paper type 8 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A3- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value wide,LD-wide,16K- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R,Non- standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4890 8 User paper type 9 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A3- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value wide,LD-wide,16K- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R,Non- standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer Finisher Movable tray Movable tray direct 4890 9 User paper type 10 6 1~11 M Sets the standby position of the movable tray 4 - No HS
ment height adjustment paper exiting/A3- When a larger value is set, the standby position
mode value wide,LD-wide,16K- becomes lower. When a smaller value is set, the
R,Non- standby position becomes higher.
05 Adjust Printer 4920 Execution of image M Adjusts the void by means of the difference in the 6 - No HS
ment adjustment in the paper size between the manufacturing
mode field adjustment and the field adjustment during
* When this code is carried out, the value of 05-
4922 is stored into 05-4921.

Adjustment mode 74 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Printer Paper size for 4921 0 Vertical Refer to Refer to M Makes used when 05-4920 (Execution of image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment in contents contents adjustment in the field) is carried out
mode the Do not change the value.
manufacturing (Unit: 0.1mm)
<Default value>
NAD: 4318
Other: 4200
<Acceptable value>
NAD: 4268~4368
Other: 4150~4250
05 Adjust Printer Paper size for 4921 1 Horizontal Refer to Refer to M Makes used when 05-4920 (Execution of image 4 - No HS
ment adjustment in contents contents adjustment in the field) is carried out
mode the Do not change the value.
manufacturing (Unit: 0.1mm)
<Default value>
NAD: 2794
Other: 2970
<Acceptable value>
NAD: :2744~2844
Other: 2920~3020
05 Adjust Printer Paper size for 4922 0 Vertical Refer to Refer to M Be sure to set this before carrying out 05-4920 4 - No HS
ment adjustment in contents contents (Execution of image adjustment in the field).
mode the field The setting range should be +/-5 mm.
(Unit: 0.1mm)
<Default value>
NAD: 4318
Other: 4200
<Acceptable value>
NAD: 4268~4368
Other: 4150~4250
05 Adjust Printer Paper size for 4922 1 Horizontal Refer to Refer to M Be sure to set this before carrying out 05-4920 4 - No HS
ment adjustment in contents contents (Execution of image adjustment in the field).
mode the field The setting range should be +/-5 mm.
(Unit: 0.1mm)
<Default value>
NAD: 2794
Other: 2970
<Acceptable value>
NAD: :2744~2844
Other: 2920~3020
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 5400 0 Plain paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 5400 1 Thick paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 5400 2 Thick paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 75 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 5400 3 Thick paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 5400 4 OHP (Trailing 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 5400 5 Special paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 5400 6 Special paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 5400 7 Recycled paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 5400 8 Thick paper 4 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 5400 9 Thin paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 5400 10 Envelope (Trailing 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Front side) 5400 11 Special paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 76 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 5401 0 Plain paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 5401 1 Thick paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 5401 2 Thick paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 5401 3 Thick paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 5401 5 Special paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 5401 6 Special paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 5401 7 Recycled paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 5401 8 Thick paper 4 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 5401 9 Thin paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 77 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 5401 10 Envelope (Trailing 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Color (Back side) 5401 11 Special paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5402 0 Plain paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Front side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5402 1 Thick paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Front side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5402 2 Thick paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Front side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5402 3 Thick paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Front side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5402 4 OHP (Trailing 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Front side) edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5402 5 Special paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Front side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5402 6 Special paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Front side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 78 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5402 7 Recycled paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Front side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5402 8 Thick paper 4 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Front side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5402 9 Thin paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Front side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5402 10 Envelope (Trailing 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Front side) edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5402 11 Special paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Front side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5403 0 Plain paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Back side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5403 1 Thick paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Back side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5403 2 Thick paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Back side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5403 3 Thick paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Back side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:

Adjustment mode 79 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5403 5 Special paper 1 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Back side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5403 6 Special paper 2 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Back side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5403 7 Recycled paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Back side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5403 8 Thick paper 4 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Back side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5403 9 Thin paper 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Back side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5403 10 Envelope (Trailing 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Back side) edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Process Transfer 2nd transfer bias Monochrome 5403 11 Special paper 3 0 0~16 M Corrects the 2nd transfer trailing edge bias. 4 - No HS
ment correction factor (Back side) (Trailing edge) Offsetting level
mode 0: 1.00 1: 0.95 2: 0.90 3: 0.85 4: 0.80 5: 0.75
6: 0.70 7: 0.65 8: 0.60 9: 0.55 10: 0.50 11:
0.45 12: 0.40 13: 0.35 14: 0.30 15: 0.25 16:
05 Adjust Image Reproduction Reproduction DSDF 7011 Copy (Back side) 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases by "1", the 1 - Yes H
ment Processing ratio ratio adjustment reproduction ratio in the primary scanning
mode adjustment of primary direction increases by approx. 0.1%.
scanning direction * Moire may occur depending on the setting
05 Adjust Image Reproduction Reproduction DF 7012 Scan (Front side) 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases by "1", the 1 - Yes H
ment Processing ratio ratio adjustment reproduction ratio in the primary scanning
mode adjustment of primary direction increases by approx. 0.1%.
scanning direction * Moire may occur depending on the setting
05 Adjust Image Reproduction Reproduction DSDF 7013 Scan (Back side) 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases by "1", the 1 - Yes H
ment Processing ratio ratio adjustment reproduction ratio in the primary scanning
mode adjustment of primary direction increases by approx. 0.1%.
scanning direction * Moire may occur depending on the setting

Adjustment mode 80 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color correction DSDF 7021 Data creation for - Corrects the color difference between the front 7 - No -
ment Processing color correction side and the back side, which is reproduced by
mode the DSDF.
Do not execute this code as it is if there is no
special reason or instruction to do otherwise.
05 Adjust Image Background Monochrome Back side 7023 DSDF 128 0~255 SYS The larger the adjustment value, the darker the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing offset background becomes. The smaller the
mode adjustment adjustment value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Color Back side 7024 DSDF 128 0~255 SYS The larger the adjustment value, the darker the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing offset background becomes. The smaller the
mode adjustment adjustment value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Copy 7025 DF 128 0~255 SYS The larger the adjustment value, the darker the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing offset (Monochrome), background becomes. The smaller the
mode adjustment Scan adjustment value, the lighter the background
(Monochrome) becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Color), 7026 DF 128 0~255 SYS The larger the adjustment value, the darker the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing offset Scan (Color) background becomes. The smaller the
mode adjustment adjustment value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy 7056 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy 7057 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy 7058 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy 7061 Gray scale 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy 7062 Drop out color 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Drop out color Copy 7066 Drop out color 50 20~80 SYS When a larger value is set, a gray-like color in an 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) original tends to be dropped out. When a smaller
mode value is set, a gray-like color in an original tends
to be remaining.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy Offset background 7086 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Smudged/faint Copy 7097 Text/Photo 2 0~4 SYS When a larger value is set, text and lines become 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing text adjustment (Monochrome) thinner. When a smaller value is set, they
mode become thicker.
05 Adjust Image Smudged/faint Copy 7098 Text 2 0~4 SYS When a larger value is set, text and lines become 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing text adjustment (Monochrome) thinner. When a smaller value is set, they
mode become thicker.

Adjustment mode 81 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Background Copy 7100 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy 7101 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy 7102 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy 7105 Gray scale 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy 7106 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy 7107 Drop out color 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy Manual 7114 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy Manual 7115 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy Manual 7116 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy Automatic density 7123 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy Automatic density 7124 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy Automatic density 7125 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy Manual 7134 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy Automatic density 7137 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy Manual 7138 Gray scale 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy Automatic density 7141 Gray scale 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment becomes.

Adjustment mode 82 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Copy 7150 User custom 100 0~200 SYS When the value decreases, the effect of reducing 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction level (Monochrome) streaks (set with 08-7617) becomes larger. When
mode setting the value increases, the effect of reducing
streaks (set with 08-7617) becomes smaller.
When the value is too small, text might be blurry.
When "0" is set, this function is disabled.
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Copy 7151 Text/Photo 100 0~200 SYS When the value decreases, the effect of reducing 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction level (Monochrome) streaks (set with 08-7617) becomes larger. When
mode setting the value increases, the effect of reducing
streaks (set with 08-7617) becomes smaller.
When the value is too small, text might be blurry.
When "0" is set, this function is disabled.
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Copy 7152 Text 100 0~200 SYS When the value decreases, the effect of reducing 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction level (Monochrome) streaks (set with 08-7617) becomes larger. When
mode setting the value increases, the effect of reducing
streaks (set with 08-7617) becomes smaller.
When the value is too small, text might be blurry.
When "0" is set, this function is disabled.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy Manual 7160 Drop out color 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Drop out color 7187 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Drop out color 7187 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Drop out color 7187 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy User custom 7189 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy User custom 7189 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy User custom 7189 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Text/Photo 7190 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Text/Photo 7190 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Text/Photo 7190 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Text 7191 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment

Adjustment mode 83 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Text 7191 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Text 7191 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Photo 7192 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Photo 7192 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Photo 7192 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Gray scale 7193 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Gray scale 7193 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy Gray scale 7193 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Emission level Copy Text/Photo 7218 0 Emission level 0/4 0 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Copy Text/Photo 7218 1 Emission level 1/4 63 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Copy Text/Photo 7218 2 Emission level 2/4 127 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Copy Text/Photo 7218 3 Emission level 3/4 191 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Copy Text/Photo 7218 4 Emission level 4/4 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Copy Text 7219 0 Emission level 0/4 0 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.

Adjustment mode 84 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Emission level Copy Text 7219 1 Emission level 1/4 63 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Copy Text 7219 2 Emission level 2/4 127 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Copy Text 7219 3 Emission level 3/4 191 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Copy Text 7219 4 Emission level 4/4 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Range Copy Manual density 7237 User custom 1 0~1 SYS 0: Background peak - Fixed 1 - Yes H
ment Processing correction (Monochrome) adjustment 1: Background peak - Varied
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy 7249 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Smudged/faint Copy 7252 User custom 2 0~4 SYS When a larger value is set, text and lines become 1 - Yes H
ment Processing text adjustment (Monochrome) thinner. When a smaller value is set, they
mode become thicker.
05 Adjust Image Range Copy Manual density 7286 Text/Photo 0 0~1 SYS 0: Background peak - Fixed 1 - Yes H
ment Processing correction (Monochrome) adjustment 1: Background peak - Varied
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Range Copy Manual density 7287 Text 1 0~1 SYS 0: Background peak - Fixed 1 - Yes H
ment Processing correction (Monochrome) adjustment 1: Background peak - Varied
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Upper limit Print 1200 dpi 7302 PS 176 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, printing becomes 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing value in toner (Monochrome) darker. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode saving mode lighter.
05 Adjust Image Adjustment of Print 1200 dpi 7305 PS 5 0~9 SYS When a larger value is set, black text becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing smudged text (Monochrome) thinner. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode in black thicker.
05 Adjust Image Upper limit Print 600 dpi 7307 0 PS 176 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, printing becomes 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing value in toner (Monochrome) darker. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode saving mode lighter.
05 Adjust Image Upper limit Print 600 dpi 7307 1 PCL 176 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, printing becomes 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing value in toner (Monochrome) darker. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode saving mode lighter.
05 Adjust Image Upper limit Print 600 dpi 7307 2 XPS 176 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, printing becomes 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing value in toner (Monochrome) darker. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode saving mode lighter.

Adjustment mode 85 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Smooth) 7309 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (1200 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Smooth) 7309 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (1200 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Smooth) 7309 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (1200 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Detail) (1200 7310 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Detail) (1200 7310 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Detail) (1200 7310 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Smooth) (600 7315 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Smooth) (600 7315 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Smooth) (600 7315 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Detail) (600 7316 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Detail) (600 7316 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Detail) (600 7316 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Smooth) 7317 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Smooth) 7317 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Smooth) 7317 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Detail) (600 7318 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Detail) (600 7318 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment

Adjustment mode 86 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Detail) (600 7318 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Smooth) 7319 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Smooth) 7319 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Smooth) 7319 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Detail) (600 7320 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Detail) (600 7320 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Detail) (600 7320 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line Print 7322 0 PS 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing enhancement (Monochrome) 1: ON
mode switchover
05 Adjust Image Fine line Print 7322 1 PCL 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing enhancement (Monochrome) 1: ON
mode switchover
05 Adjust Image Fine line Print 7322 2 XPS 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing enhancement (Monochrome) 1: ON
mode switchover
05 Adjust Image Adjustment of Print 600 dpi 7325 PS 2 0~9 SYS When a larger value is set, black text becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing smudged text (Monochrome) thinner. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode in black thicker.
05 Adjust Image Adjustment of Print 600 dpi 7326 PCL 5 0~9 SYS When a larger value is set, black text becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing smudged text (Monochrome) thinner. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode in black thicker.
05 Adjust Image Adjustment of Print 600 dpi 7327 XPS 5 0~9 SYS When a larger value is set, black text becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing smudged text (Monochrome) thinner. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode in black thicker.
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print 7340 PS 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density (Monochrome) become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print 7341 PCL 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density (Monochrome) become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print 7342 XPS 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density (Monochrome) become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment become lighter.

Adjustment mode 87 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Emission level Print Toner save OFF 7350 0 Emission level 0/4 0 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Print Toner save OFF 7350 1 Emission level 1/4 63 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Print Toner save OFF 7350 2 Emission level 2/4 127 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Print Toner save OFF 7350 3 Emission level 3/4 191 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Print Toner save OFF 7350 4 Emission level 4/4 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Print e-Filing printing 7356 0 Emission level 0/4 0 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Print e-Filing printing 7356 1 Emission level 1/4 63 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Print e-Filing printing 7356 2 Emission level 2/4 127 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Print e-Filing printing 7356 3 Emission level 3/4 191 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Print e-Filing printing 7356 4 Emission level 4/4 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 - Yes H
ment Processing setting (Monochrome) level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto (text)) 7357 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (1200 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment

Adjustment mode 88 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto (text)) 7357 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (1200 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto (text)) 7357 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (1200 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto 7358 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (graphics)) (1200 target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment dpi)
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto 7358 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (graphics)) (1200 target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment dpi)
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto 7358 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (graphics)) (1200 target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment dpi)
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto (image)) 7359 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (1200 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto (image)) 7359 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (1200 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto (image)) 7359 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (1200 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto (text)) 7360 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto (text)) 7360 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto (text)) 7360 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto 7361 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (graphics)) (600 target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment dpi)
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto 7361 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (graphics)) (600 target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment dpi)
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto 7361 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (graphics)) (600 target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment dpi)
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto (image)) 7362 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto (image)) 7362 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PS (Auto (image)) 7362 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment

Adjustment mode 89 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Auto (text)) 7363 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Auto (text)) 7363 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Auto (text)) 7363 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Auto 7364 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (graphics)) (600 target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment dpi)
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Auto 7364 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (graphics)) (600 target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment dpi)
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Auto 7364 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (graphics)) (600 target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment dpi)
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Auto 7365 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (image)) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Auto 7365 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (image)) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print PCL (Auto 7365 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (image)) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Auto (text)) 7366 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Auto (text)) 7366 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Auto (text)) 7366 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Auto 7367 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (graphics)) (600 target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment dpi)
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Auto 7367 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (graphics)) (600 target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment dpi)
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Auto 7367 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (graphics)) (600 target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment dpi)
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Auto 7368 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (image)) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Auto 7368 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (image)) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment

Adjustment mode 90 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Gamma Print XPS (Auto 7368 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) (image)) (600 dpi) target area becomes higher.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Auto screen Print 1200 dpi 7383 0 Text 1 0~1 SYS 0: Smooth 4 - Yes H
ment Processing settings 1: Detail
05 Adjust Image Auto screen Print 1200 dpi 7383 1 Graphics 0 0~1 SYS 0: Smooth 4 - Yes H
ment Processing settings 1: Detail
05 Adjust Image Auto screen Print 1200 dpi 7383 2 Image 0 0~1 SYS 0: Smooth 4 - Yes H
ment Processing settings 1: Detail
05 Adjust Image Text/gradation Print PS 7386 0 600 dpi 0 0~1 SYS 0: Text reproduction priority 4 - Yes H
ment Processing switching (Monochrome) 1: Gradation reproduction priority
mode * When "1" (Gradation reproduction priority) is
set, the middle-density text becomes lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text/gradation Print PCL 7386 1 600 dpi 0 0~1 SYS 0: Text reproduction priority 4 - Yes H
ment Processing switching (Monochrome) 1: Gradation reproduction priority
mode * When "1" (Gradation reproduction priority) is
set, the middle-density text becomes lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text/gradation Print XPS 7386 2 600 dpi 0 0~1 SYS 0: Text reproduction priority 4 - Yes H
ment Processing switching (Monochrome) 1: Gradation reproduction priority
mode * When "1" (Gradation reproduction priority) is
set, the middle-density text becomes lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text/gradation Print PS 7387 1200 dpi 0 0~1 SYS 0: Text reproduction priority 1 - Yes H
ment Processing switching (Monochrome) 1: Gradation reproduction priority
mode * When "1" (Gradation reproduction priority) is
set, the middle-density text becomes lighter.
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Scan 7400 User custom 100 0~200 SYS When the value decreases, the effect of reducing 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction level (Monochrome) streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes larger. When
mode setting the value increases, the effect of reducing
streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes smaller.
When the value is too small, text might be blurry.
When "0" is set, this function is disabled.
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Scan 7401 Text/Photo 100 0~200 SYS When the value decreases, the effect of reducing 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction level (Monochrome) streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes larger. When
mode setting the value increases, the effect of reducing
streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes smaller.
When the value is too small, text might be blurry.
When "0" is set, this function is disabled.
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Scan 7402 Text 100 0~200 SYS When the value decreases, the effect of reducing 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction level (Monochrome) streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes larger. When
mode setting the value increases, the effect of reducing
streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes smaller.
When the value is too small, text might be blurry.
When "0" is set, this function is disabled.
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Scan 7403 Photo 100 0~200 SYS When the value decreases, the effect of reducing 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction level (Monochrome) streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes larger. When
mode setting the value increases, the effect of reducing
streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes smaller.
When the value is too small, text might be blurry.
When "0" is set, this function is disabled.

Adjustment mode 91 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Scan 7404 Gray scale 100 0~200 SYS When the value decreases, the effect of reducing 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction level (Monochrome) streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes larger. When
mode setting the value increases, the effect of reducing
streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes smaller.
When the value is too small, text might be blurry.
When "0" is set, this function is disabled.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Scan 7430 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Scan 7431 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Scan 7432 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Scan 7433 Gray scale 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Background Scan 7436 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Scan 7437 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Scan 7438 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Scan 7439 Gray scale 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Scan 7441 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Scan 7442 Drop out color 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Scan Manual 7443 Drop out color 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Scan Manual 7444 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Scan Manual 7445 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Scan Manual 7446 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)

Adjustment mode 92 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Density Scan Manual 7447 Gray scale 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Scan Automatic density 7456 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Scan Automatic density 7457 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Scan Automatic density 7458 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Scan Automatic density 7459 Gray scale 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Scan 7470 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Drop out color Scan 7472 Drop out color 50 20~80 SYS When a larger value is set, a gray-like color in an 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) original tends to be dropped out. When a smaller
mode value is set, a gray-like color in an original tends
to be remaining.
05 Adjust Image Density Scan Manual 7475 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Scan Automatic density 7478 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Gamma Scan User custom 7480 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Scan User custom 7480 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Scan User custom 7480 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Scan Text/Photo 7485 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Scan Text/Photo 7485 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Scan Text/Photo 7485 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Scan Photo 7487 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment

Adjustment mode 93 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Gamma Scan Photo 7487 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Scan Photo 7487 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Scan Gray scale 7488 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Scan Gray scale 7488 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Gamma Scan Gray scale 7488 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image of the 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance (Monochrome) area surrounding the target area becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Image Scan 7489 Amount of 0 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the blank area around 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing surrounding void the scanned image becomes wider. (At 600 dpi
mode conversion: Setting value 1 = 1 dot (equivalent to
24 by 1 mm))
05 Adjust Image Image Custom size scan Size specified 7490 Amount of 0 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the blank area around 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing surrounding void the scanned image becomes wider. (At 600 dpi
mode conversion: Setting value 1 = 1 dot (equivalent to
24 by 1 mm))
05 Adjust Image Image Custom size scan Size detected 7491 Amount of 0 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the blank area around 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing automatically surrounding void the scanned image becomes wider. (At 600 dpi
mode conversion: Setting value 1 = 1 dot (equivalent to
24 by 1 mm))
05 Adjust Image Density Fax Manual 7533 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Fax Manual 7534 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Fax Manual 7535 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Fax Automatic density 7542 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Fax Automatic density 7543 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Fax 7595 0 Emission level 0/4 0 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 - Yes H
ment Processing setting level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Fax 7595 1 Emission level 1/4 63 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 - Yes H
ment Processing setting level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.

Adjustment mode 94 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Emission level Fax 7595 2 Emission level 2/4 127 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 - Yes H
ment Processing setting level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Fax 7595 3 Emission level 3/4 191 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 - Yes H
ment Processing setting level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Emission level Fax 7595 4 Emission level 4/4 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lower the emission 4 - Yes H
ment Processing setting level becomes and the smaller the dots are
mode reproduced.
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
05 Adjust Image Void amount 7616 0 Copy/Scan 200 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, the image area to be 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment for used for the judgment is decreased. When a
mode blank page smaller value is set, the image area to be used
judgment for the judgment is increased. (At 600 dpi
conversion: Setting value 1 = 1 dot (equivalent to
24 by 1 mm))
05 Adjust Image Void amount 7616 1 Copy/Scan 200 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, the image area to be 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment for used for the judgment is decreased. When a
mode ACS judgment smaller value is set, the image area to be used
for the judgment is increased. (At 600 dpi
conversion: Setting value 1 = 1 dot (equivalent to
24 by 1 mm))
05 Adjust Image Void amount When an Image 7616 2 Copy/Scan 200 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, the image area to be 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment for Repeat is used used for the judgment is decreased. When a
mode blank page smaller value is set, the image area to be used
judgment for the judgment is increased. (At 600 dpi
conversion: Setting value 1 = 1 dot (equivalent to
24 by 1 mm))
05 Adjust Image Void amount When an Image 7616 3 Copy/Scan 0 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, the image area to be 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment for Repeat is used used for the judgment is decreased. When a
mode ACS judgment smaller value is set, the image area to be used
for the judgment is increased. (At 600 dpi
conversion: Setting value 1 = 1 dot (equivalent to
24 by 1 mm))
05 Adjust Image Blank page 7618 Copy/Scan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the more the original tends 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing judgment to be judged as a blank page.
mode threshold
05 Adjust Image ACS judgment 7630 Copy/Scan 70 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the more the original tends 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold to be judged as black even in the auto color
mode mode.
The smaller the value, the more it tends to be
judged as color.
05 Adjust Image Black area Copy (Twin color Selected 2 colors 7641 0 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the larger the area 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) recognized as black in the original becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the larger the area
recognized as colors other than black becomes.

Adjustment mode 95 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Black area Copy (Twin color Selected 2 colors 7641 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the larger the area 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) recognized as black in the original becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the larger the area
recognized as colors other than black becomes.
05 Adjust Image Black area Copy (Twin color Selected 2 colors 7641 2 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the larger the area 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) recognized as black in the original becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the larger the area
recognized as colors other than black becomes.
05 Adjust Image Black area Copy (Twin color Black and red 7642 0 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the larger the area 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) recognized as red in the original becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the larger the area
recognized as colors other than red becomes.
05 Adjust Image Black area Copy (Twin color Black and red 7642 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the larger the area 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) recognized as red in the original becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the larger the area
recognized as colors other than red becomes.
05 Adjust Image Black area Copy (Twin color Black and red 7642 2 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the larger the area 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) recognized as red in the original becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the larger the area
recognized as colors other than red becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Magenta 7644 0 Y 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Magenta 7644 1 M 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Magenta 7644 2 C 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Magenta 7644 3 K 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Yellow 7645 0 Y 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Yellow 7645 1 M 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Yellow 7645 2 C 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the

Adjustment mode 96 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Yellow 7645 3 K 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Yellow green 7646 0 Y 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Yellow green 7646 1 M 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Yellow green 7646 2 C 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Yellow green 7646 3 K 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Cyan 7647 0 Y 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Cyan 7647 1 M 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Cyan 7647 2 C 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Cyan 7647 3 K 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Pink 7648 0 Y 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Pink 7648 1 M 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Pink 7648 2 C 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.

Adjustment mode 97 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Pink 7648 3 K 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Red 7649 0 Y 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Red 7649 1 M 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Red 7649 2 C 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Red 7649 3 K 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Orange 7650 0 Y 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Orange 7650 1 M 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Orange 7650 2 C 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Orange 7650 3 K 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Green 7651 0 Y 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Green 7651 1 M 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Green 7651 2 C 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the

Adjustment mode 98 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Green 7651 3 K 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Blue 7652 0 Y 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Blue 7652 1 M 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Blue 7652 2 C 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono Blue 7652 3 K 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color/Twin color) color during mono color copying/twin color
mode copying. The larger the value, the darker the
density. The smaller the value, the lighter the
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Purple 7653 0 Y 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Purple 7653 1 M 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Purple 7653 2 C 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Mono color) Purple 7653 3 K 128 0~255 SYS Performs the density adjustment for the specified 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color during mono color copying. The larger the
mode value, the darker the density. The smaller the
value, the lighter the density.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Color) 7656 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Color) 7657 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Color) 7658 Printed image 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Color) 7659 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.

Adjustment mode 99 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Color) 7660 Map 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Color) 7661 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Color) 7662 Red seal color 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7665 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the yellow 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue magenta becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7665 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the green 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue red becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7665 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the cyan 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue yellow becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7665 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the blue 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue green becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7665 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the magenta 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue cyan becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7665 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the red 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue blue becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text 7666 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the yellow 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue magenta becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text 7666 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the green 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue red becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text 7666 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the cyan 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue yellow becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text 7666 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the blue 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue green becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text 7666 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the magenta 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue cyan becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text 7666 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the red 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue blue becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Printed image 7667 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the yellow 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue magenta becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Printed image 7667 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the green 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue red becomes.

Adjustment mode 100 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Printed image 7667 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the cyan 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue yellow becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Printed image 7667 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the blue 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue green becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Printed image 7667 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the magenta 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue cyan becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Printed image 7667 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the red 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue blue becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Photo 7668 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the yellow 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue magenta becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Photo 7668 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the green 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue red becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Photo 7668 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the cyan 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue yellow becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Photo 7668 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the blue 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue green becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Photo 7668 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the magenta 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue cyan becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Photo 7668 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the red 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue blue becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Map 7669 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the yellow 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue magenta becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Map 7669 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the green 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue red becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Map 7669 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the cyan 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue yellow becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Map 7669 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the blue 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue green becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Map 7669 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the magenta 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue cyan becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Map 7669 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the red 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue blue becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) User custom 7670 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the yellow 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue magenta becomes.

Adjustment mode 101 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) User custom 7670 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the green 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue red becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) User custom 7670 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the cyan 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue yellow becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) User custom 7670 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the blue 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue green becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) User custom 7670 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the magenta 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue cyan becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) User custom 7670 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the red 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue blue becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Red seal color 7671 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the yellow 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue magenta becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Red seal color 7671 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the green 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue red becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Red seal color 7671 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the cyan 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue yellow becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Red seal color 7671 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the blue 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue green becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Red seal color 7671 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the magenta 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue cyan becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Red seal color 7671 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the red 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the darker the
mode hue blue becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7675 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7675 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7675 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7675 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7675 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7675 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.

Adjustment mode 102 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text 7676 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text 7676 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text 7676 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text 7676 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text 7676 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Text 7676 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Printed image 7677 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Printed image 7677 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Printed image 7677 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Printed image 7677 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Printed image 7677 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Printed image 7677 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Photo 7678 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Photo 7678 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Photo 7678 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Photo 7678 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Photo 7678 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.

Adjustment mode 103 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Photo 7678 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Map 7679 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Map 7679 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Map 7679 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Map 7679 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Map 7679 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Map 7679 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) User custom 7680 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) User custom 7680 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) User custom 7680 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) User custom 7680 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) User custom 7680 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) User custom 7680 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Red seal color 7681 0 Red 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Red seal color 7681 1 Yellow 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Red seal color 7681 2 Green 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Red seal color 7681 3 Cyan 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.

Adjustment mode 104 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Red seal color 7681 4 Blue 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Copy (Color) Red seal color 7681 5 Magenta 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the higher the saturation 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of becomes. The smaller the value, the lower the
mode saturation saturation becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color Copy (Color) 7690 User custom 0 0~6 SYS 0: Same as Text/Photo, printed image, text, 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reproduction map(text priority) mode
mode selection 1: Same as Photo mode
2: Same as Red seal color mode
3: The gray level becomes a more bluish one
than the one specified in the setting value "0".
4: The highlight reproduction becomes more
emphasized than the one specified in the setting
5: Same as Text/Photo, printed image, text,
map(photo priority) mode
6: Text/Photo, printed image, text, map mode
(equivalent to "0" of the base model parameter)
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Copy (Color) User custom 7693 Enable/disable 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction setting 1: Enabled
mode This code is enabled only when the value of 08-
7614 is "1"(Text/Photo).
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7694 Enable/disable 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction setting 1: Enabled
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Mono color) 7707 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Mono color) 7708 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Mono color) 7709 Printed image 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Twin color 7710 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Twin color 7711 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Copy (Twin color 7712 Printed image 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Manual 7713 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Manual 7714 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Manual 7715 Printed image 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)

Adjustment mode 105 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Manual 7716 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Manual 7717 Map 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Manual 7718 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Manual 7719 Red seal color 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Automatic density 7720 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Automatic density 7721 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Automatic density 7722 Printed image 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Automatic density 7723 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Automatic density 7724 Map 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Automatic density 7725 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Color) Automatic density 7726 Red seal color 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Mono color) Manual 7727 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Mono color) Manual 7728 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Mono color) Manual 7729 Printed image 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Mono color) Automatic density 7730 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Mono color) Automatic density 7731 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Mono color) Automatic density 7732 Printed image 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.

Adjustment mode 106 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Twin color Manual 7733 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) adjustment becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Twin color Manual 7734 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) adjustment becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Twin color Manual 7735 Printed image 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) adjustment becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Twin color Automatic density 7736 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Twin color Automatic density 7737 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Density Copy (Twin color Automatic density 7738 Printed image 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) adjustment center value becomes.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy (Color) 7794 Red seal color 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy (Color) 7795 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy (Color) 7796 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy (Color) 7797 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy (Color) 7798 Printed image 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy (Color) 7799 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy (Color) 7800 Map 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy (Mono color) 7801 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.

Adjustment mode 107 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy (Mono color) 7802 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy (Mono color) 7803 Printed image 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy (Twin color 7804 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy (Twin color 7805 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Copy (Twin color 7806 Printed image 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment copy) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Black header Copy (Color) 7811 Text/Photo 0 0~8 SYS The larger the value, the darker the header 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density level becomes.
mode adjustment The smaller the value, the lighter the header
05 Adjust Image Black header Copy (Color) 7812 Text 0 0~8 SYS The larger the value, the darker the header 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density level becomes.
mode adjustment The smaller the value, the lighter the header
05 Adjust Image Black header Copy (Color) 7816 User custom 0 0~8 SYS The larger the value, the darker the header 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density level becomes.
mode adjustment The smaller the value, the lighter the header
05 Adjust Image Black header Copy (Color) 7817 Red seal color 0 0~8 SYS The larger the value, the darker the header 1 - Yes H
ment Processing density level becomes.
mode adjustment The smaller the value, the lighter the header
05 Adjust Image Text/Photo Copy (Color) 7840 Text/Photo 0 0~9 SYS 1 to 4: Photo-oriented 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing reproduction 0, 5: Default
mode level 6 to 9: Text-oriented
adjustment * Text is blurred if the value is too small. Noise
increases in the photo area if the value is too
05 Adjust Image Text/Photo Copy (Color) 7841 User custom 0 0~9 SYS 1 to 4: Photo-oriented 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing reproduction 0, 5: Default
mode level 6 to 9: Text-oriented
adjustment * Text is blurred if the value is too small. Noise
increases in the photo area if the value is too
05 Adjust Image Text/Photo Copy (Color) 7842 Red seal color 0 0~9 SYS 1 to 4: Photo-oriented 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reproduction 0, 5: Default
mode level 6 to 9: Text-oriented
adjustment * Text is blurred if the value is too small. Noise
increases in the photo area if the value is too

Adjustment mode 108 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Reproducibility Copy (Color) 7843 0 Text/Photo 0 0~1 SYS 0: Black text priority 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of 1: Color text and gray print pattern priority
mode the black text, * When "1" is set, changing to blue text to black
the color text can be prevented, but black fine lines tend to be
and the gray cut.
print pattern
05 Adjust Image Reproducibility Copy (Color) 7843 1 Text 0 0~1 SYS 0: Black text priority 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of 1: Color text and gray print pattern priority
mode the black text, * When "1" is set, changing to blue text to black
the color text can be prevented, but black fine lines tend to be
and the gray cut.
print pattern
05 Adjust Image Reproducibility Copy (Color) 7843 2 Map 0 0~1 SYS 0: Black text priority 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of 1: Color text and gray print pattern priority
mode the black text, * When "1" is set, changing to blue text to black
the color text can be prevented, but black fine lines tend to be
and the gray cut.
print pattern
05 Adjust Image Reproducibility Copy (Color) 7843 3 User custom 0 0~1 SYS 0: Black text priority 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of 1: Color text and gray print pattern priority
mode the black text, * When "1" is set, changing to blue text to black
the color text can be prevented, but black fine lines tend to be
and the gray cut.
print pattern
05 Adjust Image Reproducibility Copy (Color) 7843 4 Red seal color 0 0~1 SYS 0: Black text priority 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of 1: Color text and gray print pattern priority
mode the black text, * When "1" is set, changing to blue text to black
the color text can be prevented, but black fine lines tend to be
and the gray cut.
print pattern
05 Adjust Image Marker color Copy (Color) 7850 0 Y 3 0~6 SYS The color of the one-touch adjustment "Marker" 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment can be adjusted.
05 Adjust Image Marker color Copy (Color) 7850 1 M 3 0~6 SYS The color of the one-touch adjustment "Marker" 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment can be adjusted.
05 Adjust Image Marker color Copy (Color) 7850 2 C 3 0~6 SYS The color of the one-touch adjustment "Marker" 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment can be adjusted.
05 Adjust Image Marker color Copy (Color) 7850 3 R 3 0~6 SYS The color of the one-touch adjustment "Marker" 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment can be adjusted.
05 Adjust Image Marker color Copy (Color) 7850 4 G 3 0~6 SYS The color of the one-touch adjustment "Marker" 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment can be adjusted.
05 Adjust Image Marker color Copy (Color) 7850 5 B 3 0~6 SYS The color of the one-touch adjustment "Marker" 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment can be adjusted.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Copy (Color) Color/Monochrome 7869 All media types - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
to all media types.

Adjustment mode 109 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Automatic Copy (Color) Color/Monochrome 7871 0 Plain paper - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Copy (Color) Color/Monochrome 7871 1 Thick paper - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Copy (Color) Color/Monochrome 7871 2 Recycled paper - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Copy (Color) Color/Monochrome 7871 3 Thick paper 1 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Copy (Color) Color/Monochrome 7871 4 Thick paper 2 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Copy (Color) Color/Monochrome 7871 5 Thick paper 3 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Copy (Color) Color/Monochrome 7871 6 Thick paper 4 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Copy (Color) Color/Monochrome 7871 7 Special paper 1 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
to all media types.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Copy (Color) Color/Monochrome 7871 8 Special paper 2 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.

Adjustment mode 110 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Automatic Copy (Color) Color/Monochrome 7871 9 Special paper 3 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Copy (Color) Color/Monochrome 7871 10 Thin paper - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Maximum text Copy (Color) 7889 Y 5 0~10 SYS The larger the value, the darker the text becomes. 1 - Yes H
ment Processing density
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Maximum text Copy (Color) 7890 M 5 0~10 SYS The larger the value, the darker the text becomes. 1 - Yes H
ment Processing density
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Maximum text Copy (Color) 7891 C 5 0~10 SYS The larger the value, the darker the text becomes. 1 - Yes H
ment Processing density
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Maximum text Copy (Color) 7892 K 5 0~10 SYS The larger the value, the darker the text becomes. 1 - Yes H
ment Processing density
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7899 Special paper 3 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the less toner is adhered 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density to the high-density section of the image.
mode adjustment * Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7900 Thin paper 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the less toner is adhered 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density to the high-density section of the image.
mode adjustment * Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7901 Envelope 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the less toner is adhered 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density to the high-density section of the image.
mode adjustment * Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7902 Plain paper 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the less toner is adhered 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density to the high-density section of the image.
mode adjustment * Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7903 Thick paper 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the less toner is adhered 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density to the high-density section of the image.
mode adjustment * Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7904 Recycled paper 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the less toner is adhered 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density to the high-density section of the image.
mode adjustment * Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7905 Thick paper 1 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the less toner is adhered 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density to the high-density section of the image.
mode adjustment * Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7906 Thick paper 2 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the less toner is adhered 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density to the high-density section of the image.
mode adjustment * Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7907 Thick paper 3 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the less toner is adhered 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density to the high-density section of the image.
mode adjustment * Image offset may occur if the value is too large.

Adjustment mode 111 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7908 Thick paper 4 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the less toner is adhered 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density to the high-density section of the image.
mode adjustment * Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7909 Special paper 1 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the less toner is adhered 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density to the high-density section of the image.
mode adjustment * Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7910 Special paper 2 255 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the less toner is adhered 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density to the high-density section of the image.
mode adjustment * Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7911 OHP 240 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the less toner is adhered 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density to the high-density section of the image.
mode adjustment * Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7912 0 User paper type 1 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7912 1 User paper type 2 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7912 2 User paper type 3 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7912 3 User paper type 4 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7912 4 User paper type 5 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7912 5 User paper type 6 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7912 6 User paper type 7 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7912 7 User paper type 8 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.

Adjustment mode 112 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7912 8 User paper type 9 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Copy (Color) 7912 9 User paper type 10 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Copy (Color) 7913 0 Plain paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Copy (Color) 7913 1 Thick paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Copy (Color) 7913 2 Recycled paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Copy (Color) 7913 3 Thick paper 1 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Copy (Color) 7913 4 Thick paper 2 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.

Adjustment mode 113 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Toner density Copy (Color) 7913 5 Thick paper 3 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Copy (Color) 7913 6 Thick paper 4 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Copy (Color) 7913 7 Special paper 1 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Copy (Color) 7913 8 Special paper 2 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Copy (Color) 7913 9 Special paper 3 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Copy (Color) 7913 10 Thin paper 98 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.

Adjustment mode 114 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Toner density Copy (Color) 7913 11 Envelope 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Copy (Color) 7913 12 OHP 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Gamma Copy 7955 Switchover of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Color balance adjustment by fixing the solid 1 - Yes H
ment Processing balance adjustment mode density
mode adjustment 1: Color balance adjustment which makes the
solid density vary as well
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Text/Photo 7960 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Text/Photo 7960 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Text/Photo 7960 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Text 7961 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Text 7961 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Text 7961 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Printed image 7962 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Printed image 7962 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".

Adjustment mode 115 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Printed image 7962 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Photo 7963 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Photo 7963 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Photo 7963 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Map 7964 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Map 7964 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Map 7964 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Text/Photo 7965 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Text/Photo 7965 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Text/Photo 7965 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Text 7966 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Text 7966 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Text 7966 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".

Adjustment mode 116 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Printed image 7967 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Printed image 7967 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Printed image 7967 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Photo 7968 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Photo 7968 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Photo 7968 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Map 7969 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Map 7969 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Map 7969 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Text/Photo 7970 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Text/Photo 7970 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Text/Photo 7970 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Text 7971 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".

Adjustment mode 117 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Text 7971 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Text 7971 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Printed image 7972 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Printed image 7972 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Printed image 7972 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Photo 7973 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Photo 7973 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Photo 7973 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Map 7974 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Map 7974 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Map 7974 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Text/Photo 7975 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Text/Photo 7975 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".

Adjustment mode 118 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Text/Photo 7975 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Text 7976 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Text 7976 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Text 7976 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Printed image 7977 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Printed image 7977 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Printed image 7977 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Photo 7978 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Photo 7978 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Photo 7978 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Map 7979 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Map 7979 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Map 7979 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".

Adjustment mode 119 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) User custom 7980 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) User custom 7980 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) User custom 7980 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) User custom 7981 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) User custom 7981 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) User custom 7981 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) User custom 7982 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) User custom 7982 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) User custom 7982 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) User custom 7983 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) User custom 7983 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) User custom 7983 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Red seal color 7984 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".

Adjustment mode 120 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Red seal color 7984 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (Y) Red seal color 7984 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Red seal color 7985 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Red seal color 7985 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (M) Red seal color 7985 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Red seal color 7986 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Red seal color 7986 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (C) Red seal color 7986 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Red seal color 7987 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Red seal color 7987 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Copy (Color) (K) Red seal color 7987 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7988 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (Y) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7988 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (Y) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7988 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (Y) become lighter.

Adjustment mode 121 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7989 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (M) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7989 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (M) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7989 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (M) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7990 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (C) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7990 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (C) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7990 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (C) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7991 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (K) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7991 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (K) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) Text/Photo 7991 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (K) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) User custom 7992 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (Y) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) User custom 7992 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (Y) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) User custom 7992 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (Y) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) User custom 7993 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (M) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) User custom 7993 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (M) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) User custom 7993 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (M) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) User custom 7994 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (C) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) User custom 7994 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (C) become lighter.

Adjustment mode 122 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) User custom 7994 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (C) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) User custom 7995 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (K) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) User custom 7995 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (K) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Text gamma Copy (Color) User custom 7995 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, fine lines and thin text 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance become darker. When a smaller value is set, they
mode adjustment (K) become lighter.
05 Adjust Image Image 2 color printing 8002 Color reproduction 0 0~1 SYS 0: Gradation priority 1 Def Yes H
ment Processing switching 1: Text reproduction priority
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 600 dpi 8004 0 Plain paper - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 600 dpi 8004 1 Plain paper 2 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 600 dpi 8004 2 Recycled paper - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 600 dpi 8004 3 Thick paper 1 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 600 dpi 8004 4 Thick paper 2 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 600 dpi 8004 5 Thick paper 3 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.

Adjustment mode 123 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 600 dpi 8004 6 Thick paper 4 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 600 dpi 8004 7 Special paper 1 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 600 dpi 8004 8 Special paper 2 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 600 dpi 8004 9 Special paper 3 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 600 dpi 8004 10 Thin paper - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8005 0 Plain paper - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8005 1 Thick paper - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8005 2 Recycled paper - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8005 3 Thick paper 1 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.

Adjustment mode 124 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8005 4 Thick paper 2 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8005 5 Thick paper 3 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8005 6 Thick paper 4 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8005 7 Special paper 1 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8005 8 Special paper 2 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8005 9 Special paper 3 - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8005 10 Thin paper - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
for each media type.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 600 dpi 8008 All media types - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
to all media types.
05 Adjust Image Automatic Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8009 All media types - When color deviation is found in gradation 7 Yes - No -
ment Processing gamma reproduction, the gradation reproduction of 4
mode adjustment colors can be corrected with the automatic
gamma adjustment.
The result of the correction above will be applied
to all media types.

Adjustment mode 125 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8010 0 PS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8010 1 PCL 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8010 2 XPS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Twin color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8011 0 PS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Twin color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8011 1 PCL 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Twin color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8011 2 XPS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print 600 dpi (Smooth) 8012 0 PS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print 600 dpi (Smooth) 8012 1 PCL 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print 600 dpi (Smooth) 8012 2 XPS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8013 0 PS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8013 1 PCL 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8013 2 XPS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Twin color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8014 0 PS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background

Adjustment mode 126 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Twin color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8014 1 PCL 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Twin color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8014 2 XPS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print 600 dpi (Detail) 8015 0 PS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print 600 dpi (Detail) 8015 1 PCL 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print 600 dpi (Detail) 8015 2 XPS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8016 PS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8017 PS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8018 PS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Background Print 1200 dpi (Detail) 8019 PS 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the lighter the background
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Black 8023 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Black 8023 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Black 8023 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Cyan-Y 8024 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Cyan-Y 8024 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.

Adjustment mode 127 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Cyan-Y 8024 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Cyan-M 8025 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Cyan-M 8025 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Cyan-M 8025 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Cyan-C 8026 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Cyan-C 8026 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Cyan-C 8026 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Magenta-Y 8027 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Magenta-Y 8027 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Magenta-Y 8027 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Magenta-M 8028 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Magenta-M 8028 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Magenta-M 8028 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Magenta-C 8029 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Magenta-C 8029 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Magenta-C 8029 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Yellow-Y 8030 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.

Adjustment mode 128 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Yellow-Y 8030 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Yellow-Y 8030 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Yellow-M 8031 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Yellow-M 8031 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Yellow-M 8031 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Yellow-C 8032 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Yellow-C 8032 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Yellow-C 8032 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Red-Y 8033 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Red-Y 8033 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Red-Y 8033 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Red-M 8034 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Red-M 8034 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Red-M 8034 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Red-C 8035 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Red-C 8035 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Red-C 8035 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.

Adjustment mode 129 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Green-Y 8036 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Green-Y 8036 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Green-Y 8036 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Green-M 8037 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Green-M 8037 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Green-M 8037 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Green-C 8038 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Green-C 8038 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Green-C 8038 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Blue-Y 8039 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Blue-Y 8039 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Blue-Y 8039 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Blue-M 8040 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Blue-M 8040 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Blue-M 8040 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Blue-C 8041 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Blue-C 8041 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.

Adjustment mode 130 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Twin color) Blue-C 8041 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) XPS (Smooth) 8042 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) XPS (Smooth) 8042 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) XPS (Smooth) 8042 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) XPS (Smooth) 8043 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) XPS (Smooth) 8043 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) XPS (Smooth) 8043 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) XPS (Smooth) 8044 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) XPS (Smooth) 8044 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) XPS (Smooth) 8044 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) XPS (Smooth) 8045 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) XPS (Smooth) 8045 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) XPS (Smooth) 8045 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) XPS (Detail) (600 8046 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) XPS (Detail) (600 8046 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) XPS (Detail) (600 8046 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) XPS (Detail) (600 8047 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.

Adjustment mode 131 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) XPS (Detail) (600 8047 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) XPS (Detail) (600 8047 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) XPS (Detail) (600 8048 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) XPS (Detail) (600 8048 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) XPS (Detail) (600 8048 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) XPS (Detail) (600 8049 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) XPS (Detail) (600 8049 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) XPS (Detail) (600 8049 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Smooth) (600 8050 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Smooth) (600 8050 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Smooth) (600 8050 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Smooth) (600 8051 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Smooth) (600 8051 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Smooth) (600 8051 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Smooth) (600 8052 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Smooth) (600 8052 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Smooth) (600 8052 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.

Adjustment mode 132 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Smooth) (600 8053 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Smooth) (600 8053 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Smooth) (600 8053 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Detail) (600 8054 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Detail) (600 8054 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Detail) (600 8054 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Detail) (600 8055 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Detail) (600 8055 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Detail) (600 8055 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Detail) (600 8056 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Detail) (600 8056 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Detail) (600 8056 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Detail) (600 8057 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Detail) (600 8057 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Detail) (600 8057 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PCL (Smooth) 8058 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PCL (Smooth) 8058 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.

Adjustment mode 133 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PCL (Smooth) 8058 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PCL (Smooth) 8059 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PCL (Smooth) 8059 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PCL (Smooth) 8059 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PCL (Smooth) 8060 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PCL (Smooth) 8060 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PCL (Smooth) 8060 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PCL (Smooth) 8061 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PCL (Smooth) 8061 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PCL (Smooth) 8061 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (600 dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PCL (Detail) (600 8062 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PCL (Detail) (600 8062 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PCL (Detail) (600 8062 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PCL (Detail) (600 8063 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PCL (Detail) (600 8063 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PCL (Detail) (600 8063 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PCL (Detail) (600 8064 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.

Adjustment mode 134 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PCL (Detail) (600 8064 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PCL (Detail) (600 8064 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PCL (Detail) (600 8065 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PCL (Detail) (600 8065 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PCL (Detail) (600 8065 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker only the target 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) color becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) 8066 Switchover of 1 0~1 SYS Switches the image processing method for the 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment mode density of solid images at color balance
mode adjustment for network printing.
0: Adjusts color balance with the solid image
density fixed
1: Adjusts color balance with the solid image
density varied
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8070 0 Plain paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8070 1 Thick paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8070 2 Recycled paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.

Adjustment mode 135 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8070 3 Thick paper 1 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8070 4 Thick paper 2 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8070 5 Thick paper 3 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8070 6 Thick paper 4 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8070 7 Special paper 1 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8070 8 Special paper 2 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.

Adjustment mode 136 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8070 9 Special paper 3 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8070 10 Thin paper 98 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8070 11 Envelope 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Detail) 8070 12 OHP 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8071 0 Plain paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8071 1 Thick paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.

Adjustment mode 137 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8071 2 Recycled paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8071 3 Thick paper 1 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8071 4 Thick paper 2 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8071 5 Thick paper 3 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8071 6 Thick paper 4 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8071 7 Special paper 1 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.

Adjustment mode 138 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8071 8 Special paper 2 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8071 9 Special paper 3 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8071 10 Thin paper 98 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8071 11 Envelope 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 600 dpi (Smooth) 8071 12 OHP 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8089 0 Plain paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.

Adjustment mode 139 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8089 1 Thick paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8089 2 Recycled paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8089 3 Thick paper 1 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8089 4 Thick paper 2 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8089 5 Thick paper 3 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8089 6 Thick paper 4 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.

Adjustment mode 140 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8089 7 Special paper 1 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8089 8 Special paper 2 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8089 9 Special paper 3 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8089 10 Thin paper 98 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8089 11 Envelope 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Detail) 8089 12 OHP 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.

Adjustment mode 141 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8090 0 Plain paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8090 1 Thick paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8090 2 Recycled paper 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8090 3 Thick paper 1 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8090 4 Thick paper 2 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8090 5 Thick paper 3 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.

Adjustment mode 142 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8090 6 Thick paper 4 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8090 7 Special paper 1 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8090 8 Special paper 2 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8090 9 Special paper 3 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8090 10 Thin paper 98 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8090 11 Envelope 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.

Adjustment mode 143 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Toner density Print (Color) 1200 dpi (Smooth) 8090 12 OHP 128 0~255 SYS Adjusts the amount of toner adhering when more 4 - Yes H
ment Processing threshold than three types of toner are overlaid. When a
mode adjustment smaller value is set, toner scattering at the edge
of dark color is less likely to occur but the color
may become lighter.
The larger the value is set, the higher the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
The smaller the value is set, the lower the
maximum amount of toner adhering becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine line Print (Twin color) 8101 0 PS 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing enhancement 1: ON
mode switchover
05 Adjust Image Fine line Print (Twin color) 8101 1 PCL 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing enhancement 1: ON
mode switchover
05 Adjust Image Fine line Print (Twin color) 8101 2 XPS 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing enhancement 1: ON
mode switchover
05 Adjust Image Fine line Print (Color) 8102 0 PS 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing enhancement 1: ON
mode switchover
05 Adjust Image Fine line Print (Color) 8102 1 PCL 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing enhancement 1: ON
mode switchover
05 Adjust Image Fine line Print (Color) 8102 2 XPS 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing enhancement 1: ON
mode switchover
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) 8107 e-Filing print 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, the sharpness 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes stronger.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Twin color 8108 0 Text 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Twin color 8108 1 Graphics 0 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Twin color 8108 2 Image 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Red seal color 8109 0 Text 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image

Adjustment mode 144 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Red seal color 8109 1 Graphics 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Red seal color 8109 2 Image 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) General 8110 0 Text 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) General 8110 1 Graphics 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) General 8110 2 Image 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Photographic 8111 0 Text 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Photographic 8111 1 Graphics 0 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Photographic 8111 2 Image 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Presentation 8112 0 Text 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Presentation 8112 1 Graphics 0 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Presentation 8112 2 Image 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image

Adjustment mode 145 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Line art 8113 0 Text 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Line art 8113 1 Graphics 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print (Color) Line art 8113 2 Image 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print White void 8114 0 Text 0 0~1 SYS While sharpness adjustment is enabled, set “1” 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment reduction setting (Enabled) to suppress white voids which will
mode occur on object boundaries.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print White void 8114 1 Graphics 0 0~1 SYS While sharpness adjustment is enabled, set “1” 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment reduction setting (Enabled) to suppress white voids which will
mode occur on object boundaries.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print White void 8114 2 Image 0 0~1 SYS While sharpness adjustment is enabled, set “1” 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment reduction setting (Enabled) to suppress white voids which will
mode occur on object boundaries.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print 8118 0 Text 128 0~255 SYS 0: No adjustment 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes. The smaller the value, the softer the
image becomes.
If the value of 05-7322 is "0", the adjustment is
applied to text, and if the value is "1", the
adjustment is applied to text and others.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print 8118 1 Graphics 128 0~255 SYS 0: No adjustment 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes. The smaller the value, the softer the
image becomes.
If the value of 05-7322 is "0", the adjustment is
applied to graphics, and if the value is "1", the
adjustment is applied to thin text.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print 8118 2 Image 128 0~255 SYS 0: Sharpness OFF 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) The larger the value, the sharper the image
mode becomes.
The smaller the value, the softer the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Print 8120 e-Filing print 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, the sharpness 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (Monochrome) becomes stronger.
05 Adjust Image Adjustment of Print (Color) PS 8121 600 dpi 2 0~9 SYS When a larger value is set, black text becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing smudged text thinner. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode in black thicker.

Adjustment mode 146 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Adjustment of Print (Color) PCL 8122 600 dpi 5 0~9 SYS When a larger value is set, black text becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing smudged text thinner. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode in black thicker.
05 Adjust Image Adjustment of Print (Color) XPS 8123 600 dpi 5 0~9 SYS When a larger value is set, black text becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing smudged text thinner. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode in black thicker.
05 Adjust Image Adjustment of Print (Twin color) PS 8124 600 dpi 2 0~9 SYS When a larger value is set, black text becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing smudged text thinner. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode in black thicker.
05 Adjust Image Adjustment of Print (Twin color) PCL 8125 600 dpi 5 0~9 SYS When a larger value is set, black text becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing smudged text thinner. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode in black thicker.
05 Adjust Image Adjustment of Print (Twin color) XPS 8126 600 dpi 5 0~9 SYS When a larger value is set, black text becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing smudged text thinner. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode in black thicker.
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Color) PS 8130 0 General 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Color) PS 8130 1 Photographic 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Color) PS 8130 2 Presentation 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Color) PS 8130 3 LineArt 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Color) PCL 8131 0 General 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Color) PCL 8131 1 Photographic 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Color) PCL 8131 2 Presentation 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Color) PCL 8131 3 LineArt 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Color) XPS 8132 0 General 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Color) XPS 8132 1 Photographic 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Color) XPS 8132 2 Presentation 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Color) XPS 8132 3 LineArt 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment

Adjustment mode 147 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Twin color) 8133 PS 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 1 - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Twin color) 8134 PCL 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 1 - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Fine line/text Print (Twin color) 8135 XPS 0 0~8 SYS When a larger value is set, text becomes darker. 1 - Yes H
ment Processing density When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 600 dpi 8144 0 User paper type 1 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 600 dpi 8144 1 User paper type 2 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 600 dpi 8144 2 User paper type 3 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 600 dpi 8144 3 User paper type 4 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 600 dpi 8144 4 User paper type 5 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 600 dpi 8144 5 User paper type 6 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 600 dpi 8144 6 User paper type 7 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 600 dpi 8144 7 User paper type 8 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 600 dpi 8144 8 User paper type 9 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.

Adjustment mode 148 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 600 dpi 8144 9 User paper type 10 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 600 dpi 8145 OHP 200 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images. When a larger value is set,
printing density becomes darker.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8148 0 User paper type 1 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8148 1 User paper type 2 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8148 2 User paper type 3 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8148 3 User paper type 4 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8148 4 User paper type 5 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8148 5 User paper type 6 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8148 6 User paper type 7 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8148 7 User paper type 8 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.

Adjustment mode 149 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8148 8 User paper type 9 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8148 9 User paper type 10 255 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 4 - No H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Maximum Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8149 OHP 200 0~255 SYS When a smaller value is set, printing density 1 - Yes H
ment Processing toner density becomes lighter. When "0" is set, printing is
mode adjustment performed with a much too light density, resulting
in invisible images. When a larger value is set,
printing density becomes darker.
* Image offset may occur if the value is too large.
05 Adjust Image Upper limit Print (Color/Twin 600 dpi 8160 0 PS 176 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lighter the printed 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing value in toner Color) image becomes.
mode saving mode
05 Adjust Image Upper limit Print (Color/Twin 600 dpi 8160 1 PCL 176 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lighter the printed 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing value in toner Color) image becomes.
mode saving mode
05 Adjust Image Upper limit Print (Color/Twin 600 dpi 8160 2 XPS 176 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lighter the printed 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing value in toner Color) image becomes.
mode saving mode
05 Adjust Image Upper limit Print (Color) 1200 dpi 8161 PS 176 0~255 SYS The smaller the value, the lighter the printed 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing value in toner image becomes.
mode saving mode
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Auto (text)) 8164 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Auto (text)) 8164 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Auto (text)) 8164 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Auto (text)) 8165 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Auto (text)) 8165 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Auto (text)) 8165 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".

Adjustment mode 150 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Auto (text)) 8166 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Auto (text)) 8166 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Auto (text)) 8166 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Auto (text)) 8167 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Auto (text)) 8167 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Auto (text)) 8167 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Auto 8168 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (graphics)) (1200 darker as the value increases.
mode dpi) * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Auto 8168 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (graphics)) (1200 darker as the value increases.
mode dpi) * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Auto 8168 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (graphics)) (1200 darker as the value increases.
mode dpi) * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Auto 8169 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (graphics)) (1200 darker as the value increases.
mode dpi) * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Auto 8169 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (graphics)) (1200 darker as the value increases.
mode dpi) * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Auto 8169 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (graphics)) (1200 darker as the value increases.
mode dpi) * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Auto 8170 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (graphics)) (1200 darker as the value increases.
mode dpi) * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".

Adjustment mode 151 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Auto 8170 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (graphics)) (1200 darker as the value increases.
mode dpi) * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Auto 8170 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (graphics)) (1200 darker as the value increases.
mode dpi) * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Auto 8171 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (graphics)) (1200 darker as the value increases.
mode dpi) * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Auto 8171 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (graphics)) (1200 darker as the value increases.
mode dpi) * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Auto 8171 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (graphics)) (1200 darker as the value increases.
mode dpi) * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Auto (image)) 8172 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Auto (image)) 8172 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (Y) PS (Auto (image)) 8172 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Auto (image)) 8173 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Auto (image)) 8173 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (M) PS (Auto (image)) 8173 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Auto (image)) 8174 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Auto (image)) 8174 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".

Adjustment mode 152 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (C) PS (Auto (image)) 8174 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Auto (image)) 8175 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Auto (image)) 8175 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) (K) PS (Auto (image)) 8175 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS The target color, mode and density area become 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) darker as the value increases.
mode * Be sure that this adjustment is made after
performing "Automatic gamma adjustment".
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PCL (Text) 8210 0 General 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PCL (Text) 8210 1 Photographic 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PCL (Text) 8210 2 Presentation 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PCL (Text) 8210 3 LineArt 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PCL (Graphics) 8211 0 General 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PCL (Graphics) 8211 1 Photographic 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PCL (Graphics) 8211 2 Presentation 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PCL (Graphics) 8211 3 LineArt 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PCL (Image) 8212 0 General 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.

Adjustment mode 153 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PCL (Image) 8212 1 Photographic 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PCL (Image) 8212 2 Presentation 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PCL (Image) 8212 3 LineArt 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) Twin color print 8213 Text 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) Twin color print 8214 Graphics 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) Twin color print 8215 Image 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Black selection Print (Color) Twin color print 8218 Image 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether the image on an original is printed 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing in the color or the black mode.
mode 0: OFF (printed in color)
1: ON (printed in black)
05 Adjust Image Stroke PS/PDF 600 dpi 8239 0 Default setting 1 0~3 SYS This code is used to change the width of fine 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment automatic stroke lines in PS and PDF printing. Automatic stroke
mode adjustment adjustment is the function that prevents the width
from changing according to the position.
This code sets whether automatic stroke
adjustment is enabled or disabled if it is not
included in the print data. If this setting is
disabled, there will be an increase in cases in
which the width of fine lines becomes thicker by 1
dot when they are printed.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
2: Forcibly disabled (Ignores command in printing
3: Forcibly enabled (Ignores command in printing

Adjustment mode 154 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Stroke PS/PDF 600 dpi 8239 1 Minimum stroke 1 1~2 SYS This code is used to change the width of fine 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment automatic stroke width when lines in PS and PDF printing. Automatic stroke
mode adjustment disabled adjustment is the function that prevents the width
from changing according to the position.
This code sets the minimum width of fine lines
when the automatic stroke adjustment is
disabled. For example, if automatic stroke
adjustment is disabled and the width of fine lines
is set to "0" in the PS command, the width of the
lines becomes 1 dot if the value of this code is
set to "1"; equally, if it is set to "2", the width of
the lines becomes 2 dots.
1: 1 dot
2: 2 dots
05 Adjust Image Stroke PS/PDF 1200 dpi 8239 2 Default setting 1 0~3 SYS This code is used to change the width of fine 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment automatic stroke lines in PS and PDF printing. Automatic stroke
mode adjustment adjustment is the function that prevents the width
from changing according to the position.
This code sets whether automatic stroke
adjustment is enabled or disabled if it is not
included in the print data. If this setting is
disabled, there will be an increase in cases in
which the width of fine lines becomes thicker by 1
dot when they are printed.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
2: Forcibly disabled (Ignores command in printing
3: Forcibly enabled (Ignores command in printing
05 Adjust Image Stroke PS/PDF 1200 dpi 8239 3 Minimum stroke 1 1~2 SYS This code is used to change the width of fine 4 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment automatic stroke width when lines in PS and PDF printing. Automatic stroke
mode adjustment disabled adjustment is the function that prevents the width
from changing according to the position.
This code sets the minimum width of fine lines
when the automatic stroke adjustment is
disabled. For example, if automatic stroke
adjustment is disabled and the width of fine lines
is set to "0" in the PS command, the width of the
lines becomes 1 dot if the value of this code is
set to "1"; equally, if it is set to "2", the width of
the lines becomes 2 dots.
1: 1 dot
2: 2 dots
05 Adjust Image Graphic line Print 8240 600 dpi 2 1~9 SYS The larger the value, the darker the fine lines 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing width minimum become.
mode value
05 Adjust Image Graphic line Print 8241 1200 dpi 2 1~9 SYS The larger the value, the darker the fine lines 1 - Yes H
ment Processing width minimum become.
mode value
05 Adjust Image Graphic line Print 1200 dpi 8242 0 Gray (K) 3 0~5 SYS The larger the value, the darker the fine line 4 - Yes H
ment Processing density becomes.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Graphic line Print 1200 dpi 8242 1 Color (CMYK) 1 0~5 SYS The larger the value, the darker the fine line 4 - Yes H
ment Processing density becomes.
mode adjustment

Adjustment mode 155 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Graphic line Print 1200 dpi 8243 0 Gray (K) lower limit 1 0~255 SYS Specifies the effective density range of 05-8242 4 - Yes H
ment Processing density value from 0 to 255.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Graphic line Print 1200 dpi 8243 1 Gray (K) upper 200 0~255 SYS Specifies the effective density range of 05-8242 4 - Yes H
ment Processing density limit value from 0 to 255.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Graphic line Print 1200 dpi 8243 2 Color (CMYK) 1 0~255 SYS Specifies the effective density range of 05-8242 4 - Yes H
ment Processing density lower limit value from 0 to 255.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Graphic line Print 1200 dpi 8243 3 Color (CMYK) 255 0~255 SYS Specifies the effective density range of 05-8242 4 - Yes H
ment Processing density upper limit value from 0 to 255.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Auto Trapping Print (Color) PS 8244 0 Trapping width 2 1~3 SYS Sets the value of width for Auto Trapping. When 4 - Yes H
ment Processing setting (dot) the value increases, the bigger gap is
mode suppressed, but the overlap part becomes more
1: 1 dot
2: 2 dot
3: 3 dot
05 Adjust Image Auto Trapping Print (Color) PS 8244 1 Trapping density 128 0~255 SYS Sets the value of the overlap density of the data 4 - Yes H
ment Processing setting (%) for Auto Trapping. Set this when the overlap
mode density of the data is adjusted to reduce image
deviation. When the value increases, the bigger
gap is suppressed, but the overlap part becomes
more visible.
When a smaller value is set, the density
becomes darker.
05 Adjust Image Auto Trapping Print (Color) 8245 In direct printing 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to perform auto trapping in 1 - Yes H
ment Processing setting direct printing.
mode 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Text) 8249 0 General 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Text) 8249 1 Photographic 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Text) 8249 2 Presentation 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Text) 8249 3 LineArt 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Text) 8249 4 Advanced 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.

Adjustment mode 156 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Graphics) 8250 0 General 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Graphics) 8250 1 Photographic 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Graphics) 8250 2 Presentation 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Graphics) 8250 3 LineArt 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Graphics) 8250 4 Advanced 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Image) 8251 0 General 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Image) 8251 1 Photographic 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Image) 8251 2 Presentation 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Image) 8251 3 LineArt 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) XPS (Image) 8251 4 Advanced 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Text) 8252 0 General 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Text) 8252 1 Photographic 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Text) 8252 2 Presentation 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.

Adjustment mode 157 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Text) 8252 3 LineArt 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Text) 8252 4 Advanced 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Graphics) 8253 0 General 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Graphics) 8253 1 Photographic 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Graphics) 8253 2 Presentation 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Graphics) 8253 3 LineArt 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Graphics) 8253 4 Advanced 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Image) 8254 0 General 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Image) 8254 1 Photographic 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Image) 8254 2 Presentation 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Image) 8254 3 LineArt 8 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Pure Print (Color) PS (Image) 8254 4 Advanced 1 1~255 SYS The larger the value, the wider the range of 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing Black/Gray colors to be replaced with black becomes.
mode threshold The smaller the value, the narrower the range
adjustment becomes.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Smooth) 8268 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) (Y) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Smooth) 8268 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) (Y) target area becomes higher.

Adjustment mode 158 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Smooth) 8268 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) (Y) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Smooth) 8269 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) (M) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Smooth) 8269 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) (M) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Smooth) 8269 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) (M) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Smooth) 8270 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) (C) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Smooth) 8270 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) (C) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Smooth) 8270 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) (C) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Smooth) 8271 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) (K) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Smooth) 8271 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) (K) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Smooth) 8271 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment (1200 dpi) (K) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Detail) (1200 8272 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) (Y) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Detail) (1200 8272 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) (Y) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Detail) (1200 8272 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) (Y) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Detail) (1200 8273 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) (M) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Detail) (1200 8273 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) (M) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Detail) (1200 8273 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) (M) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Detail) (1200 8274 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) (C) target area becomes higher.

Adjustment mode 159 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Detail) (1200 8274 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) (C) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Detail) (1200 8274 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) (C) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Detail) (1200 8275 0 Low density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) (K) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Detail) (1200 8275 1 Medium density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) (K) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image Color balance Print (Color) PS (Detail) (1200 8275 2 High density 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the density in the 4 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment dpi) (K) target area becomes higher.
05 Adjust Image JPEG Scan (Color) 8304 0 Low 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the quality gets 4 - Yes H
ment Processing compression better, and the file size gets larger.
mode level
05 Adjust Image JPEG Scan (Color) 8304 1 Mid 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the quality gets 4 - Yes H
ment Processing compression better, and the file size gets larger.
mode level
05 Adjust Image JPEG Scan (Color) 8304 2 High 128 0~255 SYS When the value increases, the quality gets 4 - Yes H
ment Processing compression better, and the file size gets larger.
mode level
05 Adjust Image Background Scan (Color) 8309 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Scan (Color) 8310 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Background Scan (Color) 8311 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Scan (Color) 8314 Text/Photo 1 0~4 SYS The larger the value, the darker the black side of 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of the image becomes.
mode black density
05 Adjust Image Fine Scan (Color) 8315 Text 0 0~4 SYS The larger the value, the darker the black side of 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of the image becomes.
mode black density
05 Adjust Image Fine Scan (Color) 8316 Photo 0 0~4 SYS The larger the value, the darker the black side of 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of the image becomes.
mode black density
05 Adjust Image RGB Scan (Color) 8319 Text/Photo 0 0~3 SYS Sets the color space format of the output image. 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing conversion 0: sRGB
mode method 1: AppleRGB
selection 2: ROMMRGB
3: AdobeRGB
05 Adjust Image RGB Scan (Color) 8320 Text 0 0~3 SYS Sets the color space format of the output image. 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing conversion 0: sRGB
mode method 1: AppleRGB
selection 2: ROMMRGB
3: AdobeRGB

Adjustment mode 160 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image RGB Scan (Color) 8321 Photo 0 0~3 SYS Sets the color space format of the output image. 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing conversion 0: sRGB
mode method 1: AppleRGB
selection 2: ROMMRGB
3: AdobeRGB
05 Adjust Image Saturation Scan (Color) 8324 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the brighter the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the duller the image
05 Adjust Image Saturation Scan (Color) 8325 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the brighter the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the duller the image
05 Adjust Image Saturation Scan (Color) 8326 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the brighter the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the duller the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Scan (Color) Full color 8335 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Scan (Color) Full color 8336 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Density Scan (Color) Manual 8339 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Scan (Color) Manual 8340 Text 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Density Scan (Color) Manual 8341 Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Automatic Scan (Color) 8342 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, printing density 1 - Yes H
ment Processing density becomes darker.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Automatic Scan (Color) 8343 Text 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, printing density 1 - Yes H
ment Processing density becomes darker.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Automatic Scan (Color) 8344 Photo 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, printing density 1 - Yes H
ment Processing density becomes darker.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Scan (Color) Full color 8354 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Background Scan (Color) 8370 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the background 1 Yes - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes. The smaller the value, the lighter the
mode background becomes.
05 Adjust Image Fine Scan (Color) 8371 User custom 0 0~4 SYS The larger the value, the darker the black side of 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment of the image becomes.
mode black density

Adjustment mode 161 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image RGB Scan (Color) 8372 User custom 0 0~3 SYS Sets the color space format of the output image. 1 - Yes H
ment Processing conversion 0: sRGB
mode method 1: AppleRGB
selection 2: ROMMRGB
3: AdobeRGB
05 Adjust Image Saturation Scan (Color) 8373 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the brighter the image 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the duller the image
05 Adjust Image Sharpness Scan (Color) Full color 8375 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the sharper the image 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment becomes.
mode The smaller the value, the softer the image
becomes and the less moire appears.
05 Adjust Image Density Scan (Color) Manual 8380 User custom 128 0~255 SYS The larger the value, the darker the image at the 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment adjustment center value becomes.
mode (Center value)
05 Adjust Image Automatic Scan (Color) 8381 User custom 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, printing density 1 - Yes H
ment Processing density becomes darker.
mode adjustment
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Scan (Color) 8412 User custom 100 0~200 SYS When the value decreases, the effect of reducing 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction level streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes larger. When
mode setting the value increases, the effect of reducing
streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes smaller.
When the value is too small, text might be blurry.
When "0" is set, this function is disabled.
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Scan (Color) 8413 Text/Photo 100 0~200 SYS When the value decreases, the effect of reducing 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction level streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes larger. When
mode setting the value increases, the effect of reducing
streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes smaller.
When the value is too small, text might be blurry.
When "0" is set, this function is disabled.
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Scan (Color) 8414 Text 100 0~200 SYS When the value decreases, the effect of reducing 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction level streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes larger. When
mode setting the value increases, the effect of reducing
streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes smaller.
When the value is too small, text might be blurry.
When "0" is set, this function is disabled.
05 Adjust Image ADF noise Scan (Color) 8415 Photo 100 0~200 SYS When the value decreases, the effect of reducing 1 - Yes H
ment Processing reduction level streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes larger. When
mode setting the value increases, the effect of reducing
streaks (set with 08-8300) becomes smaller.
When the value is too small, text might be blurry.
When "0" is set, this function is disabled.
05 Adjust Image Contrast Scan (Color) Fine adjustment 8419 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, the contrast becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment value of the center higher. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode curve lower.
05 Adjust Image Contrast Scan (Color) Fine adjustment 8420 Text 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, the contrast becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment value of the center higher. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode curve lower.
05 Adjust Image Contrast Scan (Color) Fine adjustment 8421 Photo 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, the contrast becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment value of the center higher. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode curve lower.

Adjustment mode 162 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust Image Contrast Scan (Color) Fine adjustment 8422 User custom 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, the contrast becomes 1 - Yes H
ment Processing adjustment value of the center higher. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode curve lower.
05 Adjust Image RGB color Scan (Color) (R) Fine adjustment 8425 0 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, red becomes darker. 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance value of the center When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment curve
05 Adjust Image RGB color Scan (Color) (G) Fine adjustment 8425 1 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, green becomes 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance value of the center darker. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode adjustment curve lighter.
05 Adjust Image RGB color Scan (Color) (B) Fine adjustment 8425 2 Text/Photo 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, blue becomes darker. 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance value of the center When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment curve
05 Adjust Image RGB color Scan (Color) (R) Fine adjustment 8426 0 Text 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, red becomes darker. 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance value of the center When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment curve
05 Adjust Image RGB color Scan (Color) (G) Fine adjustment 8426 1 Text 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, green becomes 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance value of the center darker. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode adjustment curve lighter.
05 Adjust Image RGB color Scan (Color) (B) Fine adjustment 8426 2 Text 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, blue becomes darker. 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance value of the center When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment curve
05 Adjust Image RGB color Scan (Color) (R) Fine adjustment 8427 0 Photo 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, red becomes darker. 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance value of the center When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment curve
05 Adjust Image RGB color Scan (Color) (G) Fine adjustment 8427 1 Photo 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, green becomes 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance value of the center darker. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode adjustment curve lighter.
05 Adjust Image RGB color Scan (Color) (B) Fine adjustment 8427 2 Photo 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, blue becomes darker. 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance value of the center When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment curve
05 Adjust Image RGB color Scan (Color) (R) Fine adjustment 8428 0 User custom 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, red becomes darker. 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance value of the center When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment curve
05 Adjust Image RGB color Scan (Color) (G) Fine adjustment 8428 1 User custom 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, green becomes 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance value of the center darker. When a smaller value is set, it becomes
mode adjustment curve lighter.
05 Adjust Image RGB color Scan (Color) (B) Fine adjustment 8428 2 User custom 128 0~255 SYS When a larger value is set, blue becomes darker. 4 - Yes H
ment Processing balance value of the center When a smaller value is set, it becomes lighter.
mode adjustment curve
05 Adjust System Maintenance 9043 Equipment number SYS If this code is performed, 08-9601 is performed. 7 1 - Yes H
ment (serial number) digits out of 9 digits can be entered except for
mode entry upper 2 digits (fixed digits).
05 Adjust System Image 9104 Compression 5 0~10 SYS 0~10 1 - Yes H
ment quality of SLIM 0: High compression, low image quality
mode PDF background 10: Low compression, high image quality
05 Adjust System Image 9107 Resolution of SLIM 1 0~3 SYS 0: 75 dpi 1 - Yes H
ment PDF background 1: 100 dpi
mode processing 2: 150 dpi
3: 200 dpi

Adjustment mode 163 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
05 Adjust FAX Fax 9850 Volume 4 0~7 SYS When the value is entered for this code the ring 12 - Yes H
ment adjustment for tone comes from the speaker at the set volume.
mode telephone/fax The set value is stored when the [OK] button is
(JP only)
05 Adjust System Maintenance 9960 Display of Refer to 0~2 SYS Displays the equipment information in SRAM. 2 - Yes H
ment equipment contents 0: Not set
mode information (SRAM) 1: Destinations other than NAD
2: NAD
<Default value>
NAD: 2
Others: 1

Adjustment mode 164 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System IP Fax 1000 SIP function 0 0~1 H/S Sets whether the SIP function is enabled or 1 Net Yes S
mode disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1002 0 Preamble 33 1~100 SYS Sets the preamble transmission interval when the 4 Net Yes H
mode transmission equipment is being operated in the fax mode.
interval (Unit: 10msec)
* This setting does not apply when the equipment
is being operated in the IP Fax mode.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server Audio media 1003 0 Port number 5004 1~65535 H/S Sets the port number for RTP communication 4 Net Yes S
mode * Be sure to set a number which is not used for
other protocols.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway Audio media 1003 2 Port number 5004 1~65535 H/S Sets the port number for RTP communication 4 Net Yes S
mode * Be sure to set a number which is not used for
other protocols.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server Audio media 1004 0 Port number 0 0~1 SYS Set "1" (Enabled) when a random port number 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection needs to be used in order to enhance the
security level for RTP communication.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* A non-used port number is selected between
the minimum value (08-1005-0) and the
maximum value (08-1006-0).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway Audio media 1004 2 Port number 0 0~1 SYS Set "1" (Enabled) when a random port number 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection needs to be used in order to enhance the
security level for RTP communication.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* A non-used port number is selected between
the minimum value (08-1005-2) and the
maximum value (08-1006-2).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server Audio media 1005 0 Port number 1024 1~65535 SYS Sets the minimum value of the port number when 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection "1" (Enabled) is set for 08-1004-0.
minimum value * Be sure to set a value less than the maximum
one (08-1006-0).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway Audio media 1005 2 Port number 1024 1~65535 SYS Sets the minimum value of the port number when 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection "1" (Enabled) is set for 08-1004-2.
minimum value * Be sure to set a value less than the maximum
one (08-1006-2).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server Audio media 1006 0 Port number 65535 1~65535 SYS Sets the maximum value of the port number 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection when "1" (Enabled) is set for 08-1004-0.
maximum value * Be sure to set a larger value than the minimum
one (08-1005-0).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway Audio media 1006 2 Port number 65535 1~65535 SYS Sets the maximum value of the port number 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection when "1" (Enabled) is set for 08-1004-2.
maximum value * Be sure to set a larger value than the minimum
one (08-1005-2).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server T.38 media 1007 0 Port number 5006 1~65535 H/S Sets the port number for T.38 communication. 4 Net Yes S
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway T.38 media 1007 2 Port number 5006 1~65535 H/S Sets the port number for T.38 communication. 4 Net Yes S

Setting mode 1 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server T.38 media 1008 0 Port number 0 0~1 SYS Set "1" (Enabled) when a random port number 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection needs to be used in order to enhance the
security level for T.38 communication.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* A non-used port number is selected between
the minimum value (08-1009-0) and the
maximum value (08-1010-0).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway T.38 media 1008 2 Port number 0 0~1 SYS Set "1" (Enabled) when a random port number 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection needs to be used in order to enhance the
security level for T.38 communication.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* A non-used port number is selected between
the minimum value (08-1009-2) and the
maximum value (08-1010-2).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server T.38 media 1009 0 Port number 1024 1~65535 SYS Sets the minimum value of the port number when 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection "1" (Enabled) is set for 08-1008-0.
minimum value * Be sure to set a value less than the maximum
one (08-1010-0).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway T.38 media 1009 2 Port number 1024 1~65535 SYS Sets the minimum value of the port number when 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection "1" (Enabled) is set for 08-1008-2.
minimum value * Be sure to set a value less than the maximum
one (08-1010-2).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server T.38 media 1010 0 Port number 65535 1~65535 SYS Sets the maximum value of the port number 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection when "1" (Enabled) is set for 08-1008-0.
maximum value * Be sure to set a larger value than the minimum
one (08-1009-0).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway T.38 media 1010 2 Port number 65535 1~65535 SYS Sets the maximum value of the port number 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection when "1" (Enabled) is set for 08-1008-2.
maximum value * Be sure to set a larger value than the minimum
one (08-1009-2).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server V.21 packet size 1013 0 7-Bytes limitation 0 0~1 SYS Set "1" (Enabled) when the V.21 packet size 4 Net Yes H
mode needs to be limited to 7-bytes in order to reduce
jitteriness or delay in communication between
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* When "1" is set in this code, the communication
quality will be improved; however, communication
will take longer.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1016 0 SIP transmission 1 1~2 H/S Sets the protocol which is used for IP Fax 4 Net Yes S
mode transport protocol transmission.
1: UDP
2: TCP
* The protocol which is used for IP Fax reception
corresponds to that for transmission device.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1016 2 SIP transmission 1 1~2 H/S Sets the protocol which is used for IP Fax 4 Net Yes S
mode transport protocol transmission.
1: UDP
2: TCP
* The protocol which is used for IP Fax reception
corresponds to that for transmission device.

Setting mode 2 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1018 0 SIP reception port 5060 1~65535 H/S Sets the port number for SIP reception. 4 Net Yes S
mode number * Be sure to set a number which is not used for
other protocols.
* When UDP is selected for the SIP protocol, it
will be also used for the transmission port.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1018 2 SIP reception port 5060 1~65535 H/S Sets the port number for SIP reception. 4 Net Yes S
mode number * Be sure to set a number which is not used for
other protocols.
* When UDP is selected for the SIP protocol, it
will be also used for the transmission port.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1019 2 SIP transmission 5060 1~65535 SYS Sets the port number for SIP transmission. 4 Net Yes H
mode port number * Be sure to set a number which is not used for
other protocols.
* This setting will be used when "0" is set for 08-
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway SIP transmission 1020 2 Port number 1 0~1 SYS Set "1" (Enabled) when a random port number 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection needs to be used in order to enhance the
security level for SIP communication.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* A non-used port number is selected between
the minimum value (08-1021-2) and the
maximum value (08-1022-2).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway SIP transmission 1021 2 Port number 1024 1~65535 SYS Sets the minimum value of the port number when 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection "1" (Enabled) is set for 08-1020-2.
minimum value * Be sure to set a value less than the maximum
one (08-1022-2).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway SIP transmission 1022 2 Port number 65535 1~65535 SYS Sets the maximum value of the port number 4 Net Yes H
mode random selection when "1" (Enabled) is set for 08-1020-2.
maximum value * Be sure to set a larger value than the minimum
one (08-1021-2).
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1023 0 100rel function 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether 100rel function are supported or 4 Net Yes H
mode support not.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* When "0" (Disabled) is set, the communication
quality will be lowered.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server Session timer 1024 0 Number of retries 2 0~32 SYS Sets the upper limit of the number of negotiations. 4 Net Yes H
mode of negotiation * When "1" is set in this code, retries will not be
carried out.
* When “0” is set in this code, the processing will
not be completed under an environment which
does not accrue the negotiation.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server Session timer 1025 0 Lower limit value 300 60~1800 SYS Sets the session sustention time for reception. 4 Net Yes H
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server Session timer 1026 0 Expiration 300 60~1800 SYS Sets the session sustention time for transmission. 4 Net Yes H
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1027 0 UPDATE function 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to perform the session 4 Net Yes H
mode setting sustention.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled

Setting mode 3 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server Session timer 1028 0 Periodic sending 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not forcibly to send a refresh 4 Net Yes H
mode packet of the session.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* Even if the packet is sent, the session is
sometimes not updated.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1029 0 UAC/UAS setting 1 0~1 SYS Specifies the setting when Refresher at reception 4 Net Yes H
mode (default Refresher has not been set.
at reception) 0: uas
1: uac
* When Refresher is set, its setting will be
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1030 0 Refresher setting 0 0~1 SYS Sets Refresher at transmission. 4 Net Yes H
mode at transmission 0: Not set
1: uac
* When "0" is set, the setting of the device being
communicated will be reflected.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1051 0 SIP-URI user name Refer to Refer to H/S Sets the user ID for communication. 4 - Yes S
mode contents contents Minimum 1 letter, Maximum 64 letters
<Default value>
* Be sure to set the ID assigned for the
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1051 2 SIP-URI user name Refer to H/S Sets the user ID for communication. 4 - Yes S
mode contents Maximum 64 letters
* When setting is not attempted, the value of 08-
1051-0 is used.
08 Setting System IP Fax Direct connection 1051 3 SIP-URI user name Refer to H/S Sets the user ID for communication. 4 - Yes S
mode contents Maximum 64 letters
* When setting is not attempted, the value of 08-
1051-0 is used.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1052 0 SIP-URI domain Refer to H/S Sets the domain name for communication. 4 Net Yes S
mode name contents Maximum 128 letters
* When no value is set in this code, the registrar
server address will take the place.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1052 2 SIP-URI domain Refer to Refer to H/S Sets the domain name for communication. 4 Net Yes S
mode name contents contents Maximum 128 letters
<Default value>
* When no value is set in this code, the registrar
server address will take the place.
08 Setting System IP Fax Direct connection 1052 3 SIP-URI domain Refer to Refer to H/S Sets the domain name for communication. 4 Net Yes S
mode name contents contents Maximum 128 letters
<Default value>
* When no value is set in this code, the registrar
server address will take the place.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1054 0 Reception 0 0~32 H/S Sets the period between reception and response. 4 Net Yes S
mode response delay (Unit: Seconds)

Setting mode 4 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1058 0 Timeout period for 0 0~60000 SYS Sets the timeout period of the CNG signal 4 Net Yes H
mode CNG detection detection.
(Unit: msec)
* When "0" is set, the CNG signal is not detected.
When a value other than "0" is set,
communication with equipment which does not
send a CNG signal will become impossible.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1058 2 Timeout period for 0 0~60000 SYS Sets the timeout period of the CNG signal 4 Net Yes H
mode CNG detection detection.
(Unit: msec)
* When "0" is set, the CNG signal is not detected.
When a value other than "0" is set,
communication with equipment which does not
send a CNG signal will become impossible.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1061 0 CED transmission 500 200~5000 SYS Sets the delay time of the CED signal. 4 Net Yes H
mode delay (Unit: msec)
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1061 2 CED transmission 500 200~5000 SYS Sets the delay time of the CED signal. 4 Net Yes H
mode delay (Unit: msec)
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1062 0 CED transmission 0 0~4000 SYS Sets the time to transmit the CED signal. 4 Net Yes H
mode guard time (Unit: msec)
* When "0" is set, the CED signal is not
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1062 2 CED transmission 0 0~4000 SYS Sets the time to transmit the CED signal. 4 Net Yes H
mode guard time (Unit: msec)
* When "0" is set, the CED signal is not
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1064 0 Audio session 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to connect the audio session 4 Net Yes H
mode support before image data transmission.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* When a CISCO server is used, enable this
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1064 2 Audio session 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to connect the audio session 4 Net Yes H
mode support before image data transmission.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* When a CISCO server is used, enable this
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server T.38 transport 1067 0 Channel model 1 1~6 H/S Sets the protocol of T.38 communication. 4 Net Yes S
mode protocol 1: UDPTL
2: UDP
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway T.38 transport 1067 2 Channel model 1 1~6 H/S Sets the protocol of T.38 communication. 4 Net Yes S
mode protocol 1: UDPTL
2: UDP

Setting mode 5 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server T.38 SDP 1068 0 media type 1 0~1 H/S Sets the media type of T.38 communication. 4 Net Yes S
mode 0: application
1: image
* When a CISCO server is used, set “1” for this
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway T.38 SDP 1068 2 media type 1 0~1 H/S Sets the media type of T.38 communication. 4 Net Yes S
mode 0: application
1: image
* When a CISCO server is used, set “1” for this
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1069 0 Maximum 1000 64~65535 H/S Sets the bandwidth which is used for fax 4 Net Yes S
mode bandwidth communication.
declared value (Unit: Kbps)
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1069 2 Maximum 1000 64~65535 H/S Sets the bandwidth which is used for fax 4 Net Yes S
mode bandwidth communication.
declared value (Unit: Kbps)
08 Setting System IP Fax Direct connection 1069 3 Maximum 1000 64~65535 H/S Sets the bandwidth which is used for fax 4 Net Yes S
mode bandwidth communication.
declared value (Unit: Kbps)
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1075 0 T38FaxMaxBuffer 1800 200~2000 SYS Sets the T38FaxMaxBuffer value negotiated by 4 Net Yes H
mode attribute SDP.
(Unit: byte)
* This will be used only when UDP is set for the
T.38 protocol.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1075 2 T38FaxMaxBuffer 1800 200~2000 SYS Sets the T38FaxMaxBuffer value negotiated by 4 Net Yes H
mode attribute SDP.
(Unit: byte)
* This will be used only when UDP is set for the
T.38 protocol.
08 Setting System IP Fax Direct connection 1075 3 T38FaxMaxBuffer 1800 200~2000 SYS Sets the T38FaxMaxBuffer value negotiated by 4 Net Yes H
mode attribute SDP.
(Unit: byte)
* This will be used only when UDP is set for the
T.38 protocol.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1076 0 T38FaxMaxDatagra 400 72~1400 SYS Sets the T38FaxMaxDatagram value negotiated 4 Net Yes H
mode m attribute by SDP.
(Unit: byte)
* This will be used only when UDP is set for the
T.38 protocol.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1076 2 T38FaxMaxDatagra 400 72~1400 SYS Sets the T38FaxMaxDatagram value negotiated 4 Net Yes H
mode m attribute by SDP.
(Unit: byte)
* This will be used only when UDP is set for the
T.38 protocol.
08 Setting System IP Fax Direct connection 1076 3 T38FaxMaxDatagra 400 72~1400 SYS Sets the T38FaxMaxDatagram value negotiated 4 Net Yes H
mode m attribute by SDP.
(Unit: byte)
* This will be used only when UDP is set for the
T.38 protocol.

Setting mode 6 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1077 0 T38FaxUdpEC 2 1~2 SYS Sets the correction method of errors negotiated 4 Net Yes H
mode attribute by SDP.
1: FEC
* This will be used only when UDP is set for the
T.38 protocol.
* Do not change the setting if communication has
succeeded by means of the default setting.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1077 2 T38FaxUdpEC 2 1~2 SYS Sets the correction method of errors negotiated 4 Net Yes H
mode attribute by SDP.
1: FEC
* This will be used only when UDP is set for the
T.38 protocol.
* Do not change the setting if communication has
succeeded by means of the default setting.
08 Setting System IP Fax Direct connection 1077 3 T38FaxUdpEC 2 1~2 SYS Sets the correction method of errors negotiated 4 Net Yes H
mode attribute by SDP.
1: FEC
* This will be used only when UDP is set for the
T.38 protocol.
* Do not change the setting if communication has
succeeded by means of the default setting.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1079 0 HDLC 2 0~5 SYS Sets the delay time between the V.21 modem 4 Net Yes H
mode transmission delay data (at every transmission of 1-byte data).
(Unit: 10msec)
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1080 0 HDLC command 9 0~20 SYS Sets the delay time between NSF and CSI. 4 Net Yes H
mode delay (Unit: 10msec)
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server T.38 1081 0 UDPTL redundant 1 0~3 SYS Sets the number of redundant packets in 4 Net Yes H
mode packet number communication by UDP of T.38.
* When a larger value is set in this code, the
bandwidth may be compressed.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway T.38 1081 2 UDPTL redundant 1 0~3 SYS Sets the number of redundant packets in 4 Net Yes H
mode packet number communication by UDP of T.38.
* When a larger value is set in this code, the
bandwidth may be compressed.
08 Setting System IP Fax Direct connection T.38 1081 3 UDPTL redundant 1 0~3 SYS Sets the number of redundant packets in 4 Net Yes H
mode packet number communication by UDP of T.38.
* When a larger value is set in this code, the
bandwidth may be compressed.
08 Setting System IP Fax Via SIP Server 1082 0 Same UDPTL 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to resend the UDP packet. 4 Net Yes H
mode packet resend 0: Disabled
setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System IP Fax Via VoIP Gateway 1082 2 Same UDPTL 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to resend the UDP packet. 4 Net Yes H
mode packet resend 0: Disabled
setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System IP Fax Direct connection 1082 3 Same UDPTL 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to resend the UDP packet. 4 Net Yes H
mode packet resend 0: Disabled
setting 1: Enabled

Setting mode 7 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System IP Fax Sound Transmission/Rece 1083 End sound pattern 0 0~1 SYS Sets the type of the notification sound when IP 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode ption Fax transmission/reception has ended.
0: Normal end sound
1: Small note sound 1
* This setting is used for only the touch panel
sound source when the fax board is not installed.
08 Setting Process Fuser 2002 Fuser unit error 0 0~71 M 0: No error 1: - 2: - 3: - 4: - 5: C445 error 6: 1 - No HS
mode status counter C446 error 7: C447 error 8: - 9: C449 error
10: - 11: C471 error 12: C472 error 13: C473
error 14: C480 error 15: - 16: C474 error 17: -
18: - 19: - 20: - 21: - 22: C449 error 23: C449
error 24: C447 error 25: C449 error 26: - 27:
C449 error 28: - 29: C449 error 30: - 31: -
32: - 33: - 34: - 35: C440 error 36: - 37: -
38: - 39: - 40: - 41: - 42: - 43: - 44: - 45: -
46: - 47: - 48: - 49: - 50: - 51: - 52: - 53: -
54: - 55: - 56: - 57: - 58: - 59: C449 error
60: - 61: C449 error 62: - 63: C447 error 64:
C447 error 65: C447 error 66: C447 error 67:
C449 error 68: C449 error 69: C449 error 70:
C449 error 71: -
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Plain paper 2010 0 Normal 8 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Monochrome) temperatures 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
during printing (Center thermistor) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Plain paper (Color) 2010 1 Normal Refer to 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature temperatures contents 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
during printing (Center thermistor) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 9
45/50ppm: 10
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Plain paper 2010 2 Low temperatures 9 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Monochrome) (Center thermistor) 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
during printing 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Plain paper (Color) 2010 3 Low temperatures Refer to 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Center thermistor) contents 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
during printing 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 10
45/50ppm: 11

Setting mode 8 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thick paper 2010 4 Normal Refer to 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Monochrome) temperatures contents 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
during printing (Center thermistor) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 9
45/50ppm: 10
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thick paper (Color) 2010 5 Normal Refer to 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature temperatures contents 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
during printing (Center thermistor) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 10
45/50ppm: 12
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thick paper 2010 6 Low temperatures Refer to 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Monochrome) (Center thermistor) contents 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
during printing 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 10
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thick paper (Color) 2010 7 Low temperatures Refer to 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Center thermistor) contents 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
during printing 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 11
45/50ppm: 13
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Plain paper (Extra 2010 8 Center thermistor 7 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature long size) 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
during printing 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thick paper (Extra 2010 9 Center thermistor 8 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature long size) 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
during printing 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Special paper 1 2017 0 Center thermistor Refer to 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Except for Extra contents 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
long size) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 12
45/50ppm: 11

Setting mode 9 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Special paper 2 2017 1 Center thermistor Refer to 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Except for Extra contents 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
long size) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 12
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Special paper 3 2017 2 Center thermistor 8 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Except for Extra 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
long size) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Special paper 1 2017 3 Center thermistor 12 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Extra long size) 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Special paper 2 2017 4 Center thermistor 12 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Extra long size) 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Special paper 3 2017 5 Center thermistor 8 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Extra long size) 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Special paper 1 2020 0 Except for Extra 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing long size set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec.
5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Special paper 2 2020 1 Except for Extra 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing long size set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec.
5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Special paper 3 2020 2 Except for Extra 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing long size set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec.
5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Special paper 1 2020 3 Extra long size 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec.
5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.

Setting mode 10 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Special paper 2 2020 4 Extra long size 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec.
5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Special paper 3 2020 5 Extra long size 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec.
5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thin paper 2021 0 Monochrome 0 0~10 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing (Normal set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
temperature) fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 1 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 9
sec. 10: 10 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thin paper 2021 1 Color (Normal 0 0~10 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing temperature) set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 1 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 9
sec. 10: 10 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thin paper 2021 2 Monochrome (Low 0 0~10 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing temperature) set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 1 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 9
sec. 10: 10 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thin paper 2021 3 Color (Low 0 0~10 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing temperature) set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 1 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 9
sec. 10: 10 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thick paper 3 2028 0 Center thermistor 10 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Except for Extra 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
long size) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thick paper 3 2028 1 Center thermistor 10 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Extra Long size) 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Thick paper 3 2030 Center/Edge 1 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 1 - No HS
mode setting for starting thermistor 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC

Setting mode 11 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thick paper 3 2031 0 Except for Extra 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing long size 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thick paper 3 2031 1 Extra long size 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing 2042 Center thermistor 0 0~25 M 0: OFF 1: 40ºC 2: 45ºC 3: 50ºC 4: 55ºC 5: 1 Yes - No HS
mode temperature in 60ºC 6: 65ºC 7: 70ºC 8: 75ºC 9: 80ºC 10:
the low power 85ºC 11: 90ºC 12: 95ºC 13: 100ºC 14: 105ºC
mode 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC 17: 120ºC 18: 125ºC 19:
130ºC 20: 135ºC 21: 140ºC 22: 145ºC 23:
150ºC 24: 155ºC 25: 160ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thin paper 2048 0 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: 90 ºC 1: 95 ºC 2: 100 ºC 3: 105 ºC 4: 110 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Monochrome) temperature contents ºC 5: 115 ºC 6: 120 ºC 7: 125 ºC 8: 130 ºC 9:
(Center thermistor) 135 ºC 10: 140 ºC 11: 145 ºC 12: 150 ºC 13:
155 ºC 14: 160 ºC 15: 165 ºC 16: 170 ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 7
45/50ppm: 8
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thin paper (Color) 2048 1 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: 90 ºC 1: 95 ºC 2: 100 ºC 3: 105 ºC 4: 110 4 - No HS
mode temperature temperature contents ºC 5: 115 ºC 6: 120 ºC 7: 125 ºC 8: 130 ºC 9:
(Center thermistor) 135 ºC 10: 140 ºC 11: 145 ºC 12: 150 ºC 13:
155 ºC 14: 160 ºC 15: 165 ºC 16: 170 ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 7
45/50ppm: 9
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thin paper 2048 2 Low temperature Refer to 0~16 M 0: 90 ºC 1: 95 ºC 2: 100 ºC 3: 105 ºC 4: 110 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Monochrome) (Center thermistor) contents ºC 5: 115 ºC 6: 120 ºC 7: 125 ºC 8: 130 ºC 9:
135 ºC 10: 140 ºC 11: 145 ºC 12: 150 ºC 13:
155 ºC 14: 160 ºC 15: 165 ºC 16: 170 ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 7
45/50ppm: 8
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thin paper (Color) 2048 3 Low temperature Refer to 0~16 M 0: 90 ºC 1: 95 ºC 2: 100 ºC 3: 105 ºC 4: 110 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Center thermistor) contents ºC 5: 115 ºC 6: 120 ºC 7: 125 ºC 8: 130 ºC 9:
135 ºC 10: 140 ºC 11: 145 ºC 12: 150 ºC 13:
155 ºC 14: 160 ºC 15: 165 ºC 16: 170 ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 8
45/50ppm: 10
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thick paper 1 2049 0 Center thermistor 9 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Except Extra long 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
size) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thick paper 1 2049 1 Center thermistor 9 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Extra long size) 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thick paper 2 2050 0 Center thermistor 10 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Except Extra long 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
size) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC

Setting mode 12 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Thick paper 2 2050 1 Center thermistor 10 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Extra long size) 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing OHP 2051 Center thermistor 12 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 1 - No HS
mode temperature 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time 2052 OHP 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 1 - No HS
mode for first printing 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Plain paper 2053 0 Monochrome (Low Refer to 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing temperature) contents 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 5
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Plain paper 2053 1 Color (Low Refer to 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing temperature) contents 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 9
45/50ppm: 5
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thick paper 2053 2 Monochrome (Low Refer to 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing temperature) contents 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 5
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thick paper 2053 3 Color (Low Refer to 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing temperature) contents 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 9
45/50ppm: 5
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thick paper 1 2054 0 Except Extra long 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing size 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thick paper 1 2054 1 Extra long size 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thick paper 2 2055 0 Except Extra long 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing size 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thick paper 2 2055 1 Extra long size 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.

Setting mode 13 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Transport motor 2069 0 At warm-up Refer to 0~2 M 0: 225 mm/sec. 4 - No HS
mode decelerating for contents 1: 150 mm/sec.
pre-running in the 2: 75 mm/sec.
ready state <Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 2
45/50ppm: 0
08 Setting Process Fuser Transport motor 2069 1 In the ready state Refer to 0~2 M 0: 225 mm/sec. 4 - No HS
mode decelerating for (Contacted) contents 1: 150 mm/sec.
pre-running in the 2: 75 mm/sec.
ready state <Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 1
45/50ppm: 0
08 Setting Process Fuser Transport motor 2069 2 In the ready state 2 0~2 M 0: 225 mm/sec. 4 - No HS
mode decelerating for (Released) 1: 150 mm/sec.
pre-running in the 2: 75 mm/sec.
ready state
08 Setting Process Fuser Transport motor 2069 3 Recovery from Refer to 0~2 M 0: 225 mm/sec. 4 - No HS
mode decelerating for prewarming/sleep contents 1: 150 mm/sec.
pre-running in the 2: 75 mm/sec.
ready state <Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 2
45/50ppm: 0
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Thick paper 1 2079 0 Monochrome 0 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Thick paper 1 2079 1 Color 0 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Plain paper 2080 0 Monochrome Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting (Normal contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality temperature) 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 16
45/50ppm: 0
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Plain paper 2080 1 Color (Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting temperature) contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 16
45/50ppm: 1
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Thick paper 2080 2 Monochrome Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting (Normal contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality temperature) 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 1

Setting mode 14 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Thick paper 2080 3 Color (Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting temperature) contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 2
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Thick paper 2 2081 0 Monochrome 1 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Thick paper 2 2081 1 Color 1 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Plain paper 2085 0 Monochrome (Low Refer to 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running temperature) contents min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
printing <Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 8
45/50ppm: 0
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Plain paper 2085 1 Color (Low Refer to 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running temperature) contents min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
printing <Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 10
45/50ppm: 0
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Thick paper 2085 2 Monochrome (Low Refer to 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running temperature) contents min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
printing <Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 8
45/50ppm: 0
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Thick paper 2085 3 Color (Low Refer to 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running temperature) contents min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
printing <Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 10
45/50ppm: 0
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Recycled paper 2085 4 Monochrome (Low 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running temperature) min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Recycled paper 2085 5 Color (Low 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running temperature) min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Thin paper 2085 6 Monochrome (Low 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running temperature) min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Thin paper 2085 7 Color (Low 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running temperature) min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.

Setting mode 15 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Thick paper 1 2085 8 Low temperature 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Thick paper 2 2085 9 Low temperature 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Thick paper 3 2085 10 Low temperature 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Thick paper 4 2085 11 Low temperature 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period OHP 2085 12 Low temperature 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Special paper 1 2085 13 Low temperature 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Special paper 2 2085 14 Low temperature 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Envelope 2085 15 Low temperature 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Special paper 3 2085 16 Low temperature 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Extra long size 2085 17 Low temperature 8 0~11 M 0: Invalid (always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 3: 1 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min. 8:
time for first 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Plain paper 2087 0 Monochrome (Low Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting temperature) contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 1
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Plain paper 2087 1 Color (Low Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting temperature) contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 3

Setting mode 16 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Thick paper 2087 2 Monochrome (Low Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting temperature) contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 1
45/50ppm: 3
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Thick paper 2087 3 Color (Low Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting temperature) contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 1
45/50ppm: 5
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature OHP 2088 Monochrome/Color 3 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 1 - No HS
mode setting for starting 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disable 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Normal 2111 0 At warm-up 0 0~6 M 0: Invalid 1: 5 sec. 2: 10 sec. 3: 15 sec. 4: 20 4 - No HS
mode temperature sec. 5: 25 sec. 6: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Normal 2111 1 At recovery from 0 0~6 M 0: Invalid 1: 5 sec. 2: 10 sec. 3: 15 sec. 4: 20 4 - No HS
mode temperature sleep mode sec. 5: 25 sec. 6: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Low temperature 2129 0 Warming up 4 0~14 M 0: None 1: 5 sec. 2: 10 sec. 3: 15 sec. 4: 20 4 - No HS
mode sec. 5: 25 sec. 6: 30 sec. 7: 35 sec. 8: 40 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 60 sec. 11: 70 sec. 12: 80 sec.
13: 90 sec. 14: 100 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Low temperature 2129 1 Recovery from 4 0~14 M 0: None 1: 5 sec. 2: 10 sec. 3: 15 sec. 4: 20 4 - No HS
mode sleep sec. 5: 25 sec. 6: 30 sec. 7: 35 sec. 8: 40 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 60 sec. 11: 70 sec. 12: 80 sec.
13: 90 sec. 14: 100 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Retention period At print end 2179 0 Plain/Recycled/Thin 0 0~10 M 0: Disabled 1: 10 sec. 2: 20 sec. 3: 30 sec. 4: 4 - No HS
mode of temperature of /Thick paper 40 sec. 5: 50 sec. 6: 60 sec. 7: 90 sec. 8: 120
print operation sec. 9: 150 sec. 10: 180 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Retention period At print end 2179 1 Thick paper 0 0~10 M 0: Disabled 1: 10 sec. 2: 20 sec. 3: 30 sec. 4: 4 - No HS
mode of temperature of 1~4/OHP/Special 40 sec. 5: 50 sec. 6: 60 sec. 7: 90 sec. 8: 120
print operation paper 1~3/Extra sec. 9: 150 sec. 10: 180 sec.
long size/Envelope
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Plain paper 2190 0 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Monochrome) (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Plain paper 2190 1 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) (Color) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11

Setting mode 17 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 2190 2 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Monochrome) (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 2190 3 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) (Color) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Recycled paper 2190 4 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Monochrome) (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Recycled paper 2190 5 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) (Color) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thin paper 2190 6 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Monochrome) (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thin paper 2190 7 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) (Color) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 1 2190 8 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 2 2190 9 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 3 2190 10 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16

Setting mode 18 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 4 2190 11 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Special paper 1 2190 12 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Special paper 2 2190 13 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Special paper 3 2190 14 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Plain paper 2190 15 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Monochrome) (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Plain paper 2190 16 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) (Color) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 4
45/50ppm: 15
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 2190 17 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Monochrome) (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 14
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 2190 18 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) (Color) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 4
45/50ppm: 13

Setting mode 19 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Recycled paper 2190 19 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Monochrome) (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Recycled paper 2190 20 Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) (Color) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 4
45/50ppm: 15
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 1 2190 23 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 2 2190 24 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 3 2190 25 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 4 2190 26 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Special paper 1 2190 27 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Special paper 2 2190 28 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Special paper 3 2190 29 Normal 0 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) temperature Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16

Setting mode 20 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Plain paper 2190 30 Low temperature Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) (Center thermistor) contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Plain paper 2190 31 High temperature Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) (Center thermistor) contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Plain paper 2190 32 Low temperature Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) (Center thermistor) contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Plain paper 2190 33 High temperature Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) (Color) (Center thermistor) contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 4
45/50ppm: 15
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 2190 34 Low temperature Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) (Center thermistor) contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 2190 35 High temperature Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) (Center thermistor) contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 2190 36 Low temperature Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) (Center thermistor) contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 11

Setting mode 21 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 2190 37 High temperature 4 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) (Color) (Center thermistor) Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Recycled paper 2190 38 High temperature Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) (Color) (Center thermistor) contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 4
45/50ppm: 15
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Plain paper 2190 39 High temperature Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) (Center thermistor) contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Monochrome) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 2190 40 High temperature Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) (Center thermistor) contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Monochrome) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 15
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Recycled paper 2190 41 High temperature Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) (Center thermistor) contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Monochrome) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Plain paper 2190 42 Normal 2 Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Plain paper 2190 43 Normal 2 Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11

Setting mode 22 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 2190 44 Normal 2 Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Simplex) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature drop Thick paper 2190 45 Normal 2 Refer to 0~16 M 0: None 1: Pattern1 2: Pattern2 3: Pattern3 4: 4 - No HS
mode setting during (Duplex) temperature contents Pattern4 5: Pattern5 6: Pattern6 7: Pattern7 8:
printing (Center thermistor) Pattern8 9: Pattern9 10: Pattern10 11:
Pattern11 12: Pattern12 13: Pattern13 14:
Pattern14 15: Pattern15 16: Pattern16
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Envelope 2194 0 Normal 13 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature temperature 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
during printing (Center thermistor) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Envelope 2194 1 Low temperature 13 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Center thermistor) 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
during printing 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Plain paper 2205 0 Normal 9 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Monochrome) temperature 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature (Center thermistor) 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Plain paper (Color) 2205 2 Normal Refer to 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control temperature contents 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature (Center thermistor) 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 9
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Thick paper 2205 4 Normal Refer to 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Monochrome) temperature contents 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature (Center thermistor) 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 10
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Thick paper (Color) 2205 6 Normal Refer to 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control temperature contents 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature (Center thermistor) 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 10
45/50ppm: 11

Setting mode 23 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Plain paper 2206 0 Low temperature Refer to 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Monochrome) (Center thermistor) contents 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 11
45/50ppm: 10
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Plain paper (Color) 2206 2 Low temperature Refer to 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Center thermistor) contents 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 11
45/50ppm: 12
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Thick paper 2206 4 Low temperature 12 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Monochrome) (Center thermistor) 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Thick paper (Color) 2206 6 Low temperature Refer to 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Center thermistor) contents 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 12
45/50ppm: 13
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Thick paper 1 2208 0 Center thermistor 9 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Thick paper 2 2209 0 Center thermistor 10 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value 2210 Thick paper 3 10 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 1 - No HS
mode of control 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature 2233 Envelope 3 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 1 - No HS
mode setting for starting 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Switchover of 2245 Thick paper 3 0 0~2 M 0: Disabled 1 - No HS
mode print speed 1: Enabled for 5 minutes after warm-up
2: Enabled

Setting mode 24 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature 2246 0 Special paper 1 Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 2
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature 2246 1 Special paper 2 Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 2
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature 2246 2 Special paper 3 16 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Thin paper 2247 0 Monochrome 16 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting (Normal 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality temperature) 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Thin paper 2247 1 Color (Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting temperature) contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 16
45/50ppm: 0
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Thin paper 2247 2 Monochrome (Low 16 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting temperature) 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Thin paper 2247 3 Color (Low Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting temperature) contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 1
08 Setting Process Fuser 2248 Threshold value for 2 0~10 M 0: Disabled 1: 30 sec. 2: 60 sec. 3: 90 sec. 4: 1 - No HS
mode application time of 120 sec. 5: 150 sec. 6: 180 sec. 7: 210 sec. 8:
pre-running when 240 sec. 9: 270 sec. 10: 300 sec.
finished printing
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Envelope 2282 0 Normal 0 0~15 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing temperature set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 1 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 9
sec. 10: 10 sec. 11: 12 sec. 12: 14 sec. 13: 16
sec. 14: 18 sec. 15: 20 sec.

Setting mode 25 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Envelope 2282 1 Low temperature 0 0~15 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 1 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 9
sec. 10: 10 sec. 11: 12 sec. 12: 14 sec. 13: 16
sec. 14: 18 sec. 15: 20 sec.
08 Setting Process Transfer Setting of 2nd 2307 For each Refer to 0~5 M 0: 80 g/m2 (21.3 lb.)/EUR 1 - No HS
mode transfer bias table destination (Paper contents 1: 75 g/m2 (20 lb.)/UC
thickness) 2: 64 g/m2 (17.1 lb.)/JPN
3: -
4: -
5: -
<Default value>
MJD: 0
NAD: 1
Others: 2
08 Setting Process Cleaner 2349 Drum/belt reverse 2 0~4 M Sets a larger value when poor cleaning has 1 - No HS
mode amount control occurred in the transfer belt.
period 0: Disabled.
1 to 4: Setting value x 0.0675 sec.
(A value is truncated to four decimal places.)
* If a larger value is set, staining may appear on
the back side of paper.
08 Setting Process Main charger 2365 Display cycle 5 0~9 M Sets the display interval for cleaning if "Color 1 Yes - No HS
mode setting for the main banding (in feeding direction)" occurs.
charger wire 0: Invalid 1: 3,000 pages 2: 5,000 pages 3:
cleaning 7,500 pages 4: 10,000 pages 5: 15,000 pages
6: 20,000 pages 7: 25,000 pages 8: 30,000
pages 9: 35,000 pages
* Judgment is carried out by means of the value
set in 08-6282-6.
08 Setting Process Cleaner 2370 Exhaust fan high- 6 0~10 M Sets the longer time if blurred image, white 1 Yes - No HS
mode speed rotation banding (at right angles to feeding direction), or
control period of color banding (at right angles to feeding
time setting in direction) occurs.
ready status 0: No control 1: 10 sec. 2: 20 sec. 3: 30 sec. 4:
40 sec. 5: 50 sec. 6: 1 min. 7: 2 min. 8: 3 min.
9: 7 min. 10: 15 min.
08 Setting Process General 2373 Enable/disable 1 0~1 M 0: Disabled 1 - No HS
mode setting of new or 1: Enabled
old detection of
developer and
08 Setting Process Enable/disable 2374 At feeding retry 0 0~1 M 0: Disabled 1 - No HS
mode setting of 1: Enabled
rotation control
08 Setting Process Cleaner Control of 2380 Enable/disable 1 0~1 M 0: Disabled 1 Yes - No HS
mode photoconductive setting 1: Enabled
drum idling in
standby mode

Setting mode 26 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Cleaner Control of 2381 Rotation starting 0 0~6 M Refer to "3.11.4 Drum driving sleep mode". 1 Yes - No HS
mode photoconductive time 0: 10 sec. 1: 20 sec. 2: 30 sec. 3: 1 min. 4: 2
drum idling in min. and 50 sec. 5: 6 min. and 50 sec. 6: 9 min.
standby mode and 50 sec.
08 Setting Process Cleaner Control of 2382 Time interval 4 0~7 M Refer to "3.11.4 Drum driving sleep mode". 1 Yes - No HS
mode photoconductive 0: 10 sec. 1: 20 sec. 2: 30 sec. 3: 1 min. 4: 2
drum idling in min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min.
standby mode
08 Setting Process Cleaner Control of 2383 Maximum number 5 0~6 M Refer to "3.11.4 Drum driving sleep mode". 1 Yes - No HS
mode photoconductive 0: Once 1: Twice 2: 3 times 3: 4 times 4: 5
drum idling in times 5: 7 times 6: 10 times
standby mode
08 Setting Process General Shifting condition 2385 Number of output 7 1~255 M Setting value x 10 (sheets) 1 - No HS
mode to the sleep mode pages
for the drum drive
08 Setting Process General Condition of shift 2386 Temperature 4 0~7 M 0: None (Temperature condition is disabled) 1 - No HS
mode to pre-sleep mode condition 1: 10ºC or less 2: 12ºC or less 3: 14ºC or less
4: 16ºC or less 5: 18ºC or less 6: 20ºC or less
7: 22ºC or less
08 Setting Process Development Main charger/LED 2387 Synchronization 0 0~1 M Synchronizes the display timing of the cleaning of 1 - No HS
mode head setting of notice for the main charger and LED head. If the
cleaning synchronization setting is enabled, the main
charger and LED head may become dirty
because of the insufficient cleaning.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Process Image quality Contrast voltage Voltage correction 2486 Valid/Invalid setting 1 0~1 M Sets whether or not correcting the contrast 1 - No HS
mode control voltage in image quality control.
0: Invalid
1: Valid
08 Setting Process Image quality Closed-loop Automatic start-up 2492 Enable/disable 1 0~2 M Sets the behavior of closed-loop control at power- 1 - No HS
mode control (At power-ON) setting ON when the fuser roller temperature becomes
below the specified level.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled (Performed in the short mode)
2: Enabled (Performed in the full mode)
08 Setting Process Image quality Contrast voltage 2493 Default value 1 0~1 M 0: Calculated with environmental parameter 1 - No HS
mode control determination 1: Result of last close + environmental variation
method selection
08 Setting Process Image quality Short mode 2495 Enable/disable 1 0~1 M 0: Disabled 1 - No HS
mode control setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting Process Image quality Closed-loop Automatic 2496 Enable/disable 1 0~2 M Sets the behavior of closed-loop control at the 1 - No HS
mode control execution (when setting operation start when the equipment has not been
the equipment is used for a specified period of time in the energy
being left saving mode.
unattended in the 0: Disabled
energy saving 1: Enabled (Performed in the short mode)
mode) 2: Enabled (Performed in the full mode)
08 Setting Process Image quality Short mode Automatic start-up 2497 Accumulated 100 0~500 M (Unit: Sheet) 1 - No HS
mode control (Accumulated print printed number of
volume) sheets setting 2

Setting mode 27 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Image quality Full mode Automatic start-up 2498 Enable/disable 1 0~1 M Sets whether or not to perform the image quality 1 - No HS
mode control (Accumulated print setting control full mode automatically when more than
volume) the specified number of sheets have been printed
out after the previous control execution.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Process Image quality Closed-loop Automatic start-up 2500 Enable/disable 1 0~1 M Sets whether or not performing closed-loop 1 - No HS
mode control (When recovered setting control automatically when recovered from
from "Toner "Toner empty".
empty") 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Process Image quality Closed-loop Automatic start-up 2504 Temperature 8 0~20 M Sets the fuser unit temperature to perform closed- 1 - No HS
mode control (At power-ON) setting of fuser unit loop control when "1" or "2" (valid) is set in 08-
at power-ON 2492.
0: 20ºC 1: 25ºC 2: 30ºC 3: 35ºC 4: 40ºC 5:
45ºC 6: 50ºC 7: 55ºC 8: 60ºC 9: 65ºC 10:
70ºC 11: 75ºC 12: 80ºC 13: 85ºC 14: 90ºC 15:
95ºC 16: 100ºC 17: 105ºC 18: 110ºC 19:
115ºC 20: 120ºC
08 Setting Process Image quality Closed-loop Automatic start-up 2505 Relative humidity 2 0~6 M Sets the relative humidity difference for the 1 - No HS
mode control (Relative humidity difference setting control execution.
variation) 0: 0% 1: 5% 2: 10% 3: 15% 4: 20% 5: 25% 6:
08 Setting Process Development 2506 Enable/disable 1 0~1 M 0: Disabled 1 - No HS
mode setting of toner 1: Enabled
density correction When setting the value of 08-2707 (Toner density
control ratio manual offset control) to other than "0"
(Disabled), set the value of this code to "0"
08 Setting Process Image quality Closed-loop Automatic 2507 Period of time 15 0~15 M Sets the unattended period of time before closed- 1 Yes - No HS
mode control execution unattended loop control automatically starts in the energy
saving mode when "1" (Enabled) is set for 08-
0: 3 min. 1: 5 min. 2: 7 min. 3: 10 min. 4: 15
min. 5: 20 min. 6: 30 min. 7: 45 min. 8: 60
min. 9: 90 min. 10: 120 min. 11: 150 min. 12:
180 min. 13: 240 min. 14: 300 min. 15: 360 min.
08 Setting Process Image quality Closed-loop Automatic start-up 2509 Setting of 1000 100~9999 M Sets the number of accumulated print volume to 1 - No HS
mode control (Accumulated print accumulated print perform closed-loop control when "1" (valid) is
volume) volume set in 08-2498.
Image problems may occur if the value extremely
smaller than the default value is set to the
equipment whose print ratio of monochrome is
relatively high.
(Unit: page)
08 Setting Process Image quality Contrast voltage Offset correction 2513 0 Y 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting (Standard 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
speed) (Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Image quality Contrast voltage Offset correction 2513 1 M 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting (Standard 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
speed) (Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Image quality Contrast voltage Offset correction 2513 2 C 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting (Standard 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
speed) (Unit: V)

Setting mode 28 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Image quality Contrast voltage Offset correction 2513 3 K 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting (Standard 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
speed) (Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Image quality Contrast voltage Offset correction 2514 0 Y 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
(Decelerating) (Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Image quality Contrast voltage Offset correction 2514 1 M 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
(Decelerating) (Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Image quality Contrast voltage Offset correction 2514 2 C 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
(Decelerating) (Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Image quality Contrast voltage Offset correction 2514 3 K 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
(Decelerating) (Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Image quality Laser power Offset correction 2525 0 Y 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting (Standard 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
speed) (Unit: W)
08 Setting Process Image quality Laser power Offset correction 2525 1 M 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting (Standard 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
speed) (Unit: W)
08 Setting Process Image quality Laser power Offset correction 2525 2 C 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting (Standard 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
speed) (Unit: W)
08 Setting Process Image quality Laser power Offset correction 2525 3 K 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting (Standard 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
speed) (Unit: W)
08 Setting Process Image quality Laser power Offset correction 2526 0 Y 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
(Decelerating) (Unit: W)
08 Setting Process Image quality Laser power Offset correction 2526 1 M 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
(Decelerating) (Unit: W)
08 Setting Process Image quality Laser power Offset correction 2526 2 C 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
(Decelerating) (Unit: W)
08 Setting Process Image quality Laser power Offset correction 2526 3 K 5 0~10 M 0: -100 1: -80 2: -60 3: -40 4: -20 5: 0 6: +20 4 - No HS
mode control setting 7: +40 8: +60 9: +80 10: +100
(Decelerating) (Unit: W)
08 Setting Process Image quality Abnormality Display/0 clearing 2528 Y 0 0~16 M Counts the abnormality detection of image quality 1 Yes - No HS
mode control detection control.
Accumulating total of [CE10], [CE20] and [CE40]
08 Setting Process Image quality Abnormality Display/0 clearing 2529 M 0 0~16 M Counts the abnormality detection of image quality 1 Yes - No HS
mode control detection control.
Accumulating total of [CE10], [CE20] and [CE40]
08 Setting Process Image quality Abnormality Display/0 clearing 2530 C 0 0~16 M Counts the abnormality detection of image quality 1 Yes - No HS
mode control detection control.
Accumulating total of [CE10], [CE20] and [CE40]
08 Setting Process Image quality Abnormality Display/0 clearing 2531 K 0 0~16 M Counts the abnormality detection of image quality 1 Yes - No HS
mode control detection control.
Accumulating total of [CE10], [CE20] and [CE40]

Setting mode 29 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Image quality Potential on white Standard speed 2548 0 Y 6 0~12 M Sets the offset amount of the potential on the 4 - No HS
mode control background/Corre white background. When a larger value is set,
ction setting smudged text is suppressed, but adhering of the
carrier will occur easily. When a smaller value is
set, adhering of the carrier to the white
background is suppressed, but the text will
become thicker easily.
0: -30 1: -25 2: -20 3: -15 4: -10 5: -5 6: 0 7:
5 8: 10 9: 15 10: 20 11: 25 12: 30
(Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Image quality Potential on white Standard speed 2548 1 M 6 0~12 M Sets the offset amount of the potential on the 4 - No HS
mode control background/Corre white background. When a larger value is set,
ction setting smudged text is suppressed, but adhering of the
carrier will occur easily. When a smaller value is
set, adhering of the carrier to the white
background is suppressed, but the text will
become thicker easily.
0: -30 1: -25 2: -20 3: -15 4: -10 5: -5 6: 0 7:
5 8: 10 9: 15 10: 20 11: 25 12: 30
(Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Image quality Potential on white Standard speed 2548 2 C 6 0~12 M Sets the offset amount of the potential on the 4 - No HS
mode control background/Corre white background. When a larger value is set,
ction setting smudged text is suppressed, but adhering of the
carrier will occur easily. When a smaller value is
set, adhering of the carrier to the white
background is suppressed, but the text will
become thicker easily.
0: -30 1: -25 2: -20 3: -15 4: -10 5: -5 6: 0 7:
5 8: 10 9: 15 10: 20 11: 25 12: 30
(Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Image quality Potential on white Standard speed 2548 3 K 6 0~12 M Sets the offset amount of the potential on the 4 - No HS
mode control background/Corre white background. When a larger value is set,
ction setting smudged text is suppressed, but adhering of the
carrier will occur easily. When a smaller value is
set, adhering of the carrier to the white
background is suppressed, but the text will
become thicker easily.
0: -30 1: -25 2: -20 3: -15 4: -10 5: -5 6: 0 7:
5 8: 10 9: 15 10: 20 11: 25 12: 30
(Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Image quality Potential on white Decelerating 2549 0 Y 6 0~12 M Sets the offset amount of the potential on the 4 - No HS
mode control background/Corre white background. When a larger value is set,
ction setting smudged text is suppressed, but adhering of the
carrier will occur easily. When a smaller value is
set, adhering of the carrier to the white
background is suppressed, but the text will
become thicker easily.
0: -30 1: -25 2: -20 3: -15 4: -10 5: -5 6: 0 7:
5 8: 10 9: 15 10: 20 11: 25 12: 30
(Unit: V)

Setting mode 30 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Image quality Potential on white Decelerating 2549 1 M 6 0~12 M Sets the offset amount of the potential on the 4 - No HS
mode control background/Corre white background. When a larger value is set,
ction setting smudged text is suppressed, but adhering of the
carrier will occur easily. When a smaller value is
set, adhering of the carrier to the white
background is suppressed, but the text will
become thicker easily.
0: -30 1: -25 2: -20 3: -15 4: -10 5: -5 6: 0 7:
5 8: 10 9: 15 10: 20 11: 25 12: 30
(Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Image quality Potential on white Decelerating 2549 2 C 6 0~12 M Sets the offset amount of the potential on the 4 - No HS
mode control background/Corre white background. When a larger value is set,
ction setting smudged text is suppressed, but adhering of the
carrier will occur easily. When a smaller value is
set, adhering of the carrier to the white
background is suppressed, but the text will
become thicker easily.
0: -30 1: -25 2: -20 3: -15 4: -10 5: -5 6: 0 7:
5 8: 10 9: 15 10: 20 11: 25 12: 30
(Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Image quality Potential on white Decelerating 2549 3 K 6 0~12 M Sets the offset amount of the potential on the 4 - No HS
mode control background/Corre white background. When a larger value is set,
ction setting smudged text is suppressed, but adhering of the
carrier will occur easily. When a smaller value is
set, adhering of the carrier to the white
background is suppressed, but the text will
become thicker easily.
0: -30 1: -25 2: -20 3: -15 4: -10 5: -5 6: 0 7:
5 8: 10 9: 15 10: 20 11: 25 12: 30
(Unit: V)
08 Setting Process Transfer 2556 1st transfer 1 0~1 M 0: Disabled 1 - No HS
mode environmental 1: Enabled
control switchover
08 Setting Process Image quality Image quality Pattern formation 2600 Enable/disable 1 0~1 M 0: Disabled 1 - No HS
mode control TRC control setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting Process Image quality Full mode 2630 Light intensity 0 0~1 M 0: Performs light intensity adjustment at every 1 - No HS
mode control adjustment mode Full mode IQC execution
selection 1: Performs light intensity adjustment when Full
mode IQC is executed after 50,000 sheets of
paper are printed
08 Setting Process Development Toner refreshment Execution after 2677 Enable/disable 0 0~1 M Sets whether the control to stabilize image 1 - No HS
mode being left the setting quality after the equipment is left unattended for
equipment a long time is enabled or not. When this setting is
unattended enabled, the amount of toner consumption and
waste toner may increase.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Process Development Toner refreshment Execution after 2678 0 Display of number 0 0~9999 M Displays the number of level 1 executions of 4 - No HS
mode being left the of times of toner refreshing behavior after being unattended.
equipment execution (Level 1)
08 Setting Process Development Toner refreshment Execution after 2678 1 Display of number 0 0~9999 M Displays the number of level 2 executions of 4 - No HS
mode being left the of times of toner refreshing behavior after being unattended.
equipment execution (Level 2)

Setting mode 31 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Development Toner refreshment Execution after 2678 2 Display of number 0 0~9999 M Displays the number of level 3 executions of 4 - No HS
mode being left the of times of toner refreshing behavior after being unattended.
equipment execution (Level 3)
08 Setting Process Development Toner refreshment Execution after 2679 0 Number of printing 1 1~20 M Sets the number of toner refresh patterns to be 4 - No HS
mode being left the test pattern (Level printed on the transfer belt in level 1 toner
equipment 1) refreshing after leaving.
08 Setting Process Development Toner refreshment Execution after 2679 1 Number of printing 2 1~20 M Sets the number of toner refresh patterns to be 4 - No HS
mode being left the test pattern (Level printed on the transfer belt in level 2 toner
equipment 2) refreshing after leaving.
08 Setting Process Development Toner refreshment Execution after 2679 2 Number of printing 3 1~20 M Sets the number of toner refresh patterns to be 4 - No HS
mode being left the test pattern (Level printed on the transfer belt in level 3 toner
equipment 3) refreshing after leaving.
08 Setting Process Development Toner density ratio Manual offset 2707 0 Y 0 0~8 M 0: Disabled 1: +4 bit 2: +7 bit 3: +10 bit 4: +14 4 - No HS
mode control bit 5: -4 bit 6: -7 bit 7: -10 bit 8: -14 bit
* When setting the value of this code to other
than "0", set the value of 08-2506
(Enable/disable setting of toner density correction
control) to "0" (Disabled).
08 Setting Process Development Toner density ratio Manual offset 2707 1 M 0 0~8 M 0: Disabled 1: +4 bit 2: +7 bit 3: +10 bit 4: +14 4 - No HS
mode control bit 5: -4 bit 6: -7 bit 7: -10 bit 8: -14 bit
* When setting the value of this code to other
than "0", set the value of 08-2506
(Enable/disable setting of toner density correction
control) to "0" (Disabled).
08 Setting Process Development Toner density ratio Manual offset 2707 2 C 0 0~8 M 0: Disabled 1: +4 bit 2: +7 bit 3: +10 bit 4: +14 4 - No HS
mode control bit 5: -4 bit 6: -7 bit 7: -10 bit 8: -14 bit
* When setting the value of this code to other
than "0", set the value of 08-2506
(Enable/disable setting of toner density correction
control) to "0" (Disabled).
08 Setting Process Development Toner density ratio Manual offset 2707 3 K 0 0~8 M 0: Disabled 1: +4 bit 2: +7 bit 3: +10 bit 4: +14 4 - No HS
mode control bit 5: -4 bit 6: -7 bit 7: -10 bit 8: -14 bit
* When setting the value of this code to other
than "0", set the value of 08-2506
(Enable/disable setting of toner density correction
control) to "0" (Disabled).
08 Setting Scanner 3015 Pre-scan setting 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not performing pre-scanning 1 Yes - Yes H
mode switchover 1: Performing pre-scanning

Setting mode 32 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Scanner RADF 3021 Set for switchback- 0 0~1 SYS This setting is whether the original length is 1 Yes - Yes H
mode mixed size copy detected or not by transporting without scanning
in reverse when A4-R/FOLIO paper or LT-R/LG
paper is detected in a mixed-size copying.
0: Disabled - AMS:
A series - Judges as A4-R without transporting in
reverse with no scanning.
LT series - Judges whether it is LT-R or LG by its
without transporting in reverse with no scanning.
A series - Judges whether it is A4-R or FOLIO
transporting in reverse with no scanning.
LT series - Judges whether it is LT-R or LG
transporting in reverse with no scanning.
1: Enable 1 AMS:
A series - Judges whether it is A4-R or FOLIO by
transporting without scanning in reverse to detect
its length.
LT series - Judges whether it is LT-R or LG by
without scanning in reverse to detect its length.
The same as that of APS in 0: Disabled.
08 Setting Scanner 3025 Correction of 2 0~2 SYS 0: No correction 1 - Yes H
mode carriage position 1: Performs correction before scanning
2: Performs correction after scanning
08 Setting Scanner DF 3026 Maximum size 0 0~1 SYS Selects the detection method of the maximum 1 - No H
mode detection method length for the mixed-size original placed on the
for mixed-size original tray of the DF.
original 0: Detecting by both the width and length sensors
on the original tray.
1: Detecting by only the width sensor on the
original tray.
* Set "1" if the maximum length of the original
cannot be detected by the length sensor(s) on
the original tray due to the mixed status of the
original. When "1" is set, an original on the
original tray is judged as the maximum size
among standard-size papers of the same length
detected by the width sensor. Therefore, if the
actual length of the original is shorter than
judged, performance will decrease.
08 Setting Scanner Maintenance DF 3027 Serial number SYS 2 Yes - No H
mode display for DF
08 Setting Scanner 3065 Initialization of - Normally this code is not used. When an error 3 - No -
mode model information occurs by installing the lens unit used for other
in lens unit models, perform this code to initialize the model
08 Setting Scanner DF 3075 Allowing of trailing 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not allowed 1 - Yes H
mode edge adjustment of 1: Allowed

Setting mode 33 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Scanner RADF 3076 Detection method Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Detects the size by the sensor in the 1 - Yes H
mode of original size contents equipment.
1: Detects the width of the original tray.
<Default value>
JPD: 1
Other: 0
08 Setting Scanner DSDF 3077 Tray up settings 0 0~1 SYS 0: Enabled 1 - Yes H
mode 1: Disabled
08 Setting Scanner Original glass 3080 Detection method 1 1, 3 SYS 1: Two-step detection (lights twice) 1 - Yes H
mode of original size 3: Single-step detection (lights once)
When "3" is set, the detection accuracy of dark
originals may decrease.
08 Setting Scanner DF 3090 Dust detection in 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode the slit glass 1: Enabled
08 Setting Scanner DSDF 3091 Dust detection in 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode the shading 1: Enabled
correction plate
08 Setting System User interface Card reading 1st type 3500 Device setting 0 0~4294967 SYS 0 or 60001: USB HID KB I/F reader (Elatec 5 Yes Def Yes H
mode device 295 TWN4 with KB I/F and others)
0 or 100001: Elatec TWN4 with Simple Protocol
60101 or 80101: Nuance(PC Only)
80001: Nuance(Binary Mode)
90001: Magnetic Stripe Card Reader I/F(Elatec
TWN4 with TOSHIBA proprietary F/W)
0003: SSFC mode
08 Setting System User interface Card reading 1st type 3501 Card reader format 0 0~4294967 SYS Sets the configuration of a card reader by means 5 Yes Def Yes H
mode device information -1 295 of "BLSP0000" (4-byte and 8 digits/the last 4
digits fixed with "0000"). This is set when "90001"
is selected in 3500.
- B: Bit Rate (other than 1 through 7: 9,600 bps)
1: 2,400 bps
2: 4,800 bps
3: 9,600 bps
4: 19,200 bps
5: 38,400 bps
6: 57,600 bps
7: 115,200 bps
- L: Data Length
7: 7 bits
8: 8 bits
- S: Stop Bit
1: 1 stop bit
2: 2 stop bits
3: 1.5 stop bits
- P: Parity
0: none
1: odd
2: even
08 Setting System User interface Card reading 1st type 3502 Card reader format 0 0~4294967 SYS 3502 JPD only 5 Yes Def Yes H
mode device information -2 295
08 Setting System User interface Card reading 1st type 3503 Card reader format 0 Refer to SYS 3503 JPD only 5 Yes Def Yes H
mode device information -3 contents
08 Setting System User interface Card reading 3504 Card 0 0~100 SYS LDAP server number for the card authentication 1 Sec Yes H
mode device authentication when a noncontact IC card is used should be set.
LDAP server

Setting mode 34 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface Control panel 3509 0 Volume 2 0~4 SYS Sets the volume of the operation sound. 4 Yes Def Yes H
mode touch sound 0: OFF
1: Volume 1
2: Volume 2
3: Volume 3
4: Volume 4
08 Setting System User interface Control panel 3509 1 Tone 0 0~8 SYS Sets the solfa (tone) of the operation sound. 4 Yes Def Yes H
mode touch sound (Unit: kHz)
0: 2.0 1: 1.5 2: 1.8 3: 1.9 4: 2.1 5: 2.2 6: 2.4
7: 2.5 8: 2.8
08 Setting System 3510 Serial No. display SYS 2 - No H
mode (FRAM)
08 Setting System User interface Customized UI 3511 Installation - Installs the customized UI data. 3 - No -
08 Setting System User interface Customized UI 3512 Uninstallation - Uninstalls the customized UI data to return them 3 - No -
mode to the status before the installation.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 0 Application 1 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 1 Application 2 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 2 Application 3 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 3 Application 4 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 4 Application 5 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 5 Application 6 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 6 Application 7 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 7 Application 8 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 8 Application 9 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.

Setting mode 35 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 9 Application 10 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 10 Application 11 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 11 Application 12 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 12 Application 13 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 13 Application 14 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 14 Application 15 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 15 Application 16 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 16 Application 17 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 17 Application 18 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 18 Application 19 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 19 Application 20 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 20 Application 21 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 21 Application 22 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.

Setting mode 36 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 22 Application 23 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 23 Application 24 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 24 Application 25 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 25 Application 26 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 26 Application 27 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 27 Application 28 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 28 Application 29 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in AppID 3515 29 Application 30 H/S The application ID of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 0 Application 1 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 1 Application 2 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 2 Application 3 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 3 Application 4 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 4 Application 5 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.

Setting mode 37 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 5 Application 6 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 6 Application 7 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 7 Application 8 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 8 Application 9 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 9 Application 10 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 10 Application 11 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 11 Application 12 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 12 Application 13 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 13 Application 14 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 14 Application 15 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 15 Application 16 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 16 Application 17 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 17 Application 18 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.

Setting mode 38 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 18 Application 19 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 19 Application 20 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 20 Application 21 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 21 Application 22 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 22 Application 23 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 23 Application 24 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 24 Application 25 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 25 Application 26 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 26 Application 27 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 27 Application 28 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 28 Application 29 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Version 3516 29 Application 30 H/S The version of built-in application. This is 14 - Yes S
mode application recorded at the installation. The values are
returned to the initial ones when the HDD is
replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 0 Application 1 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 1 Application 2 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.

Setting mode 39 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 2 Application 3 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 3 Application 4 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 4 Application 5 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 5 Application 6 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 6 Application 7 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 7 Application 8 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 8 Application 9 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 9 Application 10 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 10 Application 11 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 11 Application 12 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 12 Application 13 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 13 Application 14 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 14 Application 15 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 15 Application 16 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 16 Application 17 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 17 Application 18 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 18 Application 19 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.

Setting mode 40 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 19 Application 20 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 20 Application 21 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 21 Application 22 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 22 Application 23 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 23 Application 24 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 24 Application 25 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 25 Application 26 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 26 Application 27 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 27 Application 28 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 28 Application 29 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Number of start- 3517 29 Application 30 0 H/S Number of start-up times of built-in application 14 - Yes S
mode application up times installed. The values are returned to the initial
ones when the HDD is replaced or cleared.
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 0 Application 1 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 1 Application 2 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 2 Application 3 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 3 Application 4 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default

Setting mode 41 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 4 Application 5 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 5 Application 6 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 6 Application 7 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 7 Application 8 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 8 Application 9 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 9 Application 10 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 10 Application 11 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 11 Application 12 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 12 Application 13 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 13 Application 14 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 14 Application 15 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default

Setting mode 42 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 15 Application 16 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 16 Application 17 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 17 Application 18 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 18 Application 19 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 19 Application 20 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 20 Application 21 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 21 Application 22 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 22 Application 23 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 23 Application 24 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 24 Application 25 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 25 Application 26 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default

Setting mode 43 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 26 Application 27 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 27 Application 28 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 28 Application 29 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System Built-in Product ID 3518 29 Application 30 H/S Product ID for built-in application and registered 14 - Yes S
mode application at the installation
When the replacing or clearing of the HDD is
carried out, the value is returned to the default
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 0 PS_IS34_00.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 1 PS_IS34_01.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 2 PS_IS34_02.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 3 PS_IS34_03.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 4 PS_IS34_04.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 5 PS_IS34_05.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 6 PS_IS34_06.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 7 PS_IS34_07.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 8 PS_IS34_08.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 9 PS_IS34_09.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 10 PS_IS34_10.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same

Setting mode 44 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 11 PS_IS34_11.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 12 PS_IS34_12.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 13 PS_IS34_13.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 14 PS_IS34_14.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 15 PS_IS34_15.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 16 PS_IS34_16.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 17 PS_IS34_17.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 18 PS_IS34_18.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 19 PS_IS34_19.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 20 PS_IS34_20.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 21 PS_IS34_21.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 22 PS_IS34_22.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 23 PS_IS34_23.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 24 PS_IS34_24.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 25 PS_IS34_25.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 26 PS_IS34_26.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 27 PS_IS34_27.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same

Setting mode 45 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 28 PS_IS34_28.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 29 PS_IS34_29.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 30 PS_IS34_30.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 31 PS_IS34_31.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 32 PS_IS34_32.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 33 PS_IS34_33.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 34 PS_IS34_34.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 35 PS_IS34_35.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 36 PS_IS34_36.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 37 PS_IS34_37.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 38 PS_IS34_38.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 39 PS_IS34_39.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 40 PS_IS34_40.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 41 PS_IS34_41.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 42 PS_IS34_42.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 43 PS_IS34_43.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 44 PS_IS34_44.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same

Setting mode 46 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 45 PS_IS34_45.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 46 PS_IS34_46.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 47 PS_IS34_47.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 48 PS_IS34_48.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 49 PS_IS34_49.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 50 PS_IS34_50.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 51 PS_IS34_51.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 52 PS_IS34_52.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General Available profile 3600 53 PS_IS34_53.icc - Displays PG Device Pure Gray TRC attribute for 14 - No -
mode display the current RGB Ink Sim profile and the same
08 Setting System General 3601 Recovery of the 0 0~53 - Recovers the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 1 - No -
mode profile at the Device Pure Gray TRC in the same sub-code.
shipment 0: PS_IS34_00 1: PS_IS34_01 2:
PS_IS34_02 ・・・ 51: PS_IS34_51 52:
PS_IS34_52 53: PS_IS34_53
08 Setting System General 3602 Copying the profile 0 0~53 - Copies the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 1 - No -
mode at the shipment to Device Pure Gray TRC in the same sub-code to
USB memory the USB memory.
0: PS_IS34_00 1: PS_IS34_01 2:
PS_IS34_02 ・・・ 51: PS_IS34_51 52:
PS_IS34_52 53: PS_IS34_53
08 Setting System General 3603 Updating the 0 0~53 - Uploads the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 1 - No -
mode profile at the Device PureGray TRC in the same sub-code
shipment from from the USB memory.
UBS memory 0: PS_IS34_00 1: PS_IS34_01 2:
PS_IS34_02 ・・・ 51: PS_IS34_51 52:
PS_IS34_52 53: PS_IS34_53
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 0 PS_IS34_00.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 1 PS_IS34_01.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.

Setting mode 47 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 2 PS_IS34_02.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 3 PS_IS34_03.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 4 PS_IS34_04.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 5 PS_IS34_05.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 6 PS_IS34_06.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 7 PS_IS34_07.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 8 PS_IS34_08.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 9 PS_IS34_09.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 10 PS_IS34_10.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 11 PS_IS34_11.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 12 PS_IS34_12.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 13 PS_IS34_13.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 14 PS_IS34_14.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.

Setting mode 48 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 15 PS_IS34_15.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 16 PS_IS34_16.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 17 PS_IS34_17.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 18 PS_IS34_18.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 19 PS_IS34_19.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 20 PS_IS34_20.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 21 PS_IS34_21.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 22 PS_IS34_22.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 23 PS_IS34_23.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 24 PS_IS34_24.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 25 PS_IS34_25.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 26 PS_IS34_26.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 27 PS_IS34_27.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.

Setting mode 49 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 28 PS_IS34_28.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 29 PS_IS34_29.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 30 PS_IS34_30.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 31 PS_IS34_31.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 32 PS_IS34_32.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 33 PS_IS34_33.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 34 PS_IS34_34.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 35 PS_IS34_35.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 36 PS_IS34_36.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 37 PS_IS34_37.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 38 PS_IS34_38.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 39 PS_IS34_39.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 40 PS_IS34_40.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.

Setting mode 50 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 41 PS_IS34_41.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 42 PS_IS34_42.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 43 PS_IS34_43.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 44 PS_IS34_44.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 45 PS_IS34_45.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 46 PS_IS34_46.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 47 PS_IS34_47.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 48 PS_IS34_48.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 49 PS_IS34_49.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 50 PS_IS34_50.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 51 PS_IS34_51.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 52 PS_IS34_52.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3604 53 PS_IS34_53.000 - Displays the default RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Device PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.

Setting mode 51 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General 3605 Making the profile 0 0~53 - Selecting a profile Overwrites the adjusted RGB 1 - No -
mode available Ink Sim profile on the current area
(PG CIE Based PureGray TRC in the same sub-
code is overwritten to the current area.)
0: PS_IS34_00 1: PS_IS34_01 2:
PS_IS34_02 ・・・ 51: PS_IS34_51 52:
PS_IS34_52 53: PS_IS34_53
08 Setting System General 3606 Copying the 0 0~53 - Copies the adjusted RGB Ink Sim profile and PG 1 - No -
mode adjusted profile to CIE Based Pure Gray TRC in the same sub-code
USB memory to USB memory.
0: PS_IS34_00 1: PS_IS34_01 2:
PS_IS34_02 ・・・ 51: PS_IS34_51 52:
PS_IS34_52 53: PS_IS34_53
08 Setting System General 3607 Uploading the 0 0~53 - Uploads the adjusted RGBInkSim profile and PG 1 - No -
mode adjusted profile CIE Based PureGray TRC in the same sub-code
from USB memory from the USB memory.
0: PS_IS34_00 1: PS_IS34_01 2:
PS_IS34_02 ・・・ 51: PS_IS34_51 52:
PS_IS34_52 53: PS_IS34_53
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 0 PS_IS34_00.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 1 PS_IS34_01.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 2 PS_IS34_02.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 3 PS_IS34_03.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 4 PS_IS34_04.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 5 PS_IS34_05.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 6 PS_IS34_06.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 7 PS_IS34_07.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 8 PS_IS34_08.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.

Setting mode 52 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 9 PS_IS34_09.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 10 PS_IS34_10.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 11 PS_IS34_11.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 12 PS_IS34_12.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 13 PS_IS34_13.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 14 PS_IS34_14.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 15 PS_IS34_15.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 16 PS_IS34_16.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 17 PS_IS34_17.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 18 PS_IS34_18.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 19 PS_IS34_19.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 20 PS_IS34_20.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 21 PS_IS34_21.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.

Setting mode 53 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 22 PS_IS34_22.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 23 PS_IS34_23.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 24 PS_IS34_24.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 25 PS_IS34_25.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 26 PS_IS34_26.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 27 PS_IS34_27.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 28 PS_IS34_28.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 29 PS_IS34_29.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 30 PS_IS34_30.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 31 PS_IS34_31.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 32 PS_IS34_32.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 33 PS_IS34_33.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 34 PS_IS34_34.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.

Setting mode 54 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 35 PS_IS34_35.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 36 PS_IS34_36.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 37 PS_IS34_37.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 38 PS_IS34_38.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 39 PS_IS34_39.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 40 PS_IS34_40.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 41 PS_IS34_41.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 42 PS_IS34_42.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 43 PS_IS34_43.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 44 PS_IS34_44.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 45 PS_IS34_45.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 46 PS_IS34_46.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 47 PS_IS34_47.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.

Setting mode 55 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 48 PS_IS34_48.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 49 PS_IS34_49.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 50 PS_IS34_50.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 51 PS_IS34_51.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 52 PS_IS34_52.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Displaying the 3608 53 PS_IS34_53.001 SYS Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - Yes H
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General 3609 Download function 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Net Yes H
mode setting of plug-in 1: Enabled
file for printer * When the status is shifted to the high security
drivers mode, the default value becomes "0".
08 Setting System General 3612 Date of unpacking 13 digits SYS Year/month/date/day/hour/minute/second 11 Yes - Yes H
mode Example: 03 07 01 3 13 27 48
"Day" - "0" is for "Sunday".
Proceeds Monday through Saturday from "1" to
08 Setting System General 3615 List print USB 0 0~1 SYS 0: Enable (USB storage available) 1 - Yes H
mode storage setting 1: Disable (USB storage not available)
08 Setting System Electricity 3618 0 Sleep mode 0 0~4294967 SYS Counts the time during the Sleep mode. 4 Yes - No H
mode monitoring 295 (Unit: Second)
08 Setting System Electricity 3618 1 Super Sleep mode 0 0~4294967 SYS Counts the time during the Super Sleep mode. 4 Yes - No H
mode monitoring 295 (Unit: Second)
08 Setting System Electricity 3618 2 Energy Saving 0 0~4294967 SYS Counts the time during the Energy Saving mode. 4 Yes - No H
mode monitoring mode 295 (Unit: Second)
08 Setting System Electricity 3618 3 Ready status 0 0~4294967 SYS Counts the time during the ready status. 4 Yes - No H
mode monitoring 295 (Unit: Second)
08 Setting System Electricity 3618 4 Warm up status 0 0~4294967 SYS Counts the time during the warm up status. 4 Yes - No H
mode monitoring 295 (Unit: Second)
08 Setting System Electricity 3618 5 Printing status 0 0~4294967 SYS Counts the time during printing. 4 Yes - No H
mode monitoring 295 (Unit: Second)
08 Setting System Electricity 3618 6 Scanning status 0 0~4294967 SYS Counts the time during scanning. 4 Yes - No H
mode monitoring 295 (Unit: Second)
08 Setting System General 3619 Clearing of service - Initializes the service history list file. 3 - No -
mode history list file

Setting mode 56 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Real time log 3623 Job filtering setting 0 0~65535 SYS Changes the target type of jobs for notification in 1 - Yes H
mode notification real time log notification function.
08 Setting System General Real time log 3624 Log item filtering 214748392 0~4294967 SYS Changes the target type of logs for notification in 5 - Yes H
mode notification setting 1 295 real time log notification function.
08 Setting System General Real time log 3626 Department 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether the department information 1 - Yes H
mode notification information (number, name, code) is transmitted or not in the
function transmission real time log notification function.
setting 0: Department number, department name,
department code
1: Department number, department name
08 Setting System General 3627 User paper type - When this code is carried out, the menu to 3 - No -
mode setting menu install/uninstall the user paper type is displayed.
08 Setting System General 3629 Enabling/Disabling 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode standard EWB 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network 3631 Remote Access 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Net Yes H
mode (SNMP) 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 3632 Early time toner 1 0~2 SYS Sets the display of the early time toner 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode replacement replacement prevention message when the front
prevention cover is opened.
message 0: Not displayed
1: Displayed at the toner-near empty
2: Always displayed
08 Setting System General License control 3633 0 Pre-notification 0 0~30 H/S 0: Notifies the day of the expiration of the 4 Def Yes S
mode setting of trial limitation period
license expiration 1 to 30: Notifies the specified day before the
expiration of the limitation period
08 Setting System General License control 3633 1 Pre-notification 0 0~30 H/S 0: Notifies the day of the expiration of the 4 Def Yes S
mode setting of term limitation period
license expiration 1 to 30: Notifies the specified day before the
expiration of the limitation period
08 Setting System General License control 3634 Intermediate Refer to Refer to H/S Sets the URL for a server which is built between 11 Def Yes S
mode server URL setting contents contents a license server and an MFP
Maximum 256 letters
<Default value>
08 Setting System User interface 3635 Trial copy function 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Def Yes H
mode 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network Internet Fax 3637 Addition of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode transmission 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network Internet Fax 3638 Addition of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode receiving record 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network Internet Fax 3639 Adding method of 1 1~2 SYS 1: Overwriting inside the image (5 mm from the 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode transmission top)
header 2: Adding outside the image (5 mm from the top)

Setting mode 57 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network MDS Authentication 3640 Authentication of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled (Normal mode) 1 Def Yes H
mode MDS system 1: Enabled (MDS authentication mode)
* If the EWB license has not been installed at
startup, this code becomes "0".
* In order to enable this setting, specify the
following functions.
[Enable Port] or [Enable SSL/TLS Port](08-9819)
in ODCA Setting -> Enable(1)
[Department Code](08-3669) -> Disable(0)
[User Authentication](08-9264) -> Enable(1)
[User Authentication According to Function](08-
8630) -> Disable(0)
[Authentication Type](08-9293) -> MFP Local
[Auto Change Login User](08-8758) in Card
Authentication Setting -> Disable(0)
08 Setting System Network MDS Authentication 3641 Display in 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether the information of MDS 1 Def Yes H
mode TopAccess Authentication will be displayed or not in
TopAccess and control panel.
0: Non display
1: Display
* When "1" is set in 3640, the setting value of this
code becomes "1" accordingly. The setting value
cannot be changed to "0".
* If the EWB license has not been installed at
startup, this code becomes "0".
08 Setting System Print/NW User 3642 0 Authentication 0 0~4 SYS 0: Authentication with a user name and domain 4 Def Yes H
mode Fax/IP authentication method name (current method)
Fax/Internet setting 1: No authentication control in the equipment
Fax 2: Authentication with a user name only
3: Authentication with domain participation
information only
4: Authentication with an external application
* "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System DPWS Scan 3642 2 Job 0 0, 1, 4 SYS 0: Performs job authentication, permission check 4 Def Yes H
mode authentication/Per and Quota check.
mission 1: Does not perform job authentication,
check/Quota check permission check and Quota check.
4: Authentication with an external application
* "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Print/NW User 3642 3 Remote Scan 0 0, 4 SYS 0: Normal authentication 4 Def Yes H
mode Fax/IP authentication 4: Authentication with an external application
Fax/Internet setting * "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Print/NW User 3642 4 Client Application 0 0, 4 SYS 0: Normal authentication 4 Def Yes H
mode Fax/IP authentication 4: Authentication with an external application
Fax/Internet setting * "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Print/NW User 3642 5 TopAccess 0 0, 4 SYS 0: Normal authentication 4 Def Yes H
mode Fax/IP authentication 4: Authentication with an external application
Fax/Internet setting * "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System User interface 3643 Filtering condition 1 0~1 SYS 0: Filtered with user name 1 Def Yes H
mode for job list on the 1: Filtered with domain name and user name
panel * This code is valid only when the value of 08-
3642-0 is "1".

Setting mode 58 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General 3644 Login restriction for 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode reissued card 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface User 3646 Copy 1 0~1 H/S 0: Disabled 1 Sec Yes S
mode authentication 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface User 3647 Fax/IP Fax/Internet 1 0~1 H/S 0: Disabled 1 Sec Yes S
mode authentication Fax 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface User 3648 Printer/e-Filing 1 0~1 H/S 0: Disabled 1 Sec Yes S
mode authentication 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface User 3649 Scanning 1 0~1 H/S 0: Disabled 1 Sec Yes S
mode authentication 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface User 3650 List print 1 0~1 H/S 0: Disabled 1 Sec Yes S
mode authentication 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface 3651 Authentication 1 0~1 H/S 0: Only password 1 Sec Yes S
mode method for 1: User name and password
08 Setting System User interface 3652 Switchover of card 0 0~1 SYS Switches the display on the control panel 1 - Yes H
mode reader display on (authentication screen) depending on the
the control panel connected card reader.
0: Non-contact type
1: Card insertion type
08 Setting System User interface 3653 Timing of the 0 0~1 SYS Selects the timing to be determined whether the 1 - Yes H
mode determined for the print job connectable.
print job 0: Consumables life priority
connectable It is judged whether the following print job exists
by the time the last page of the predecessor job
is printed.
After the last page is discharged, the machine is
stopped when the following print job doesn't
1: Print Performance priority
It is judged whether the following print job exists
by the time the last page of the predecessor job
is discharged.
08 Setting System Security Security Stamp 3654 0 Copy 0 0~1 H/S 0: OFF 4 Sec Yes S
mode 1: ON
08 Setting System Security Security Stamp 3654 1 Print 0 0~1 H/S 0: OFF 4 Sec Yes S
mode 1: ON
* When the value of this code is set to "1", the
value of 08-9306 is automatically set to "1"
08 Setting System Security Security Stamp Fax/IP Fax 3654 2 Transmission 0 0~1 H/S 0: OFF 4 Sec Yes S
mode 1: ON
08 Setting System Security Security Stamp 3654 3 e-Filing 0 0~1 H/S 0: OFF 4 Sec Yes S
mode 1: ON
08 Setting System Security Security Stamp Information in the 3655 0 Date and time 2 0~2 H/S 0: OFF 4 Sec Yes S
mode stamp 1: Date
2: Date & Time

Setting mode 59 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Security Security Stamp Information in the 3655 1 Card ID 1 0~1 H/S 0: OFF 4 Sec Yes S
mode stamp 1: ON
08 Setting System Security Security Stamp Information in the 3655 2 User Name 1 0~1 H/S 0: OFF 4 Sec Yes S
mode stamp 1: ON
08 Setting System Security Security Stamp 3655 3 Job ID 1 0~1 H/S 0: OFF 4 Sec Yes S
mode 1: ON
08 Setting System Security Security Stamp 3655 4 Serial Number 1 0~1 H/S 0: OFF 4 Sec Yes S
mode 1: ON
08 Setting System Security Security Stamp 3655 5 Department Name 1 0~1 H/S 0: OFF 4 Sec Yes S
mode 1: ON
08 Setting System Security Security Stamp 3655 6 Optional text 1 0~1 H/S 0: OFF 4 Sec Yes S
mode 1: ON
08 Setting System Security Security Stamp 3656 Setting UI 1 0~1 SYS 0: Not Display 1 - Yes H
mode 1: Display
08 Setting System Feeding system 3657 List/report printing 0 0~1 SYS Sets to feed the paper from a drawer whose 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode from the drawer attribute is specified to "FAX" when a list or
specified for "FAX" report is printed.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network Internet Fax 3658 To/Bcc Destination 0 0~1 SYS Switches the destination of an internet fax to be 1 Def Yes H
mode sent to To or Bcc.
0: To
1: Bcc
08 Setting System Fax/IP Fax 3659 Image position and 1 0~2 SYS This setting is applied only when a received 1 Yes - Yes H
mode size setting at the fax/IP fax job is forwarded with a pdf format file.
time of forwarding 0: Sets to select the paper size from the drawers
received fax/IP fax in which paper is loaded by corresponding to an
jobs image size. The image position is the upper part
of the paper.
1: Sets to select the paper size from the drawers
in which paper is loaded by corresponding to an
image size. The image position is the center part
of the paper.
2: Sets to select standard size paper
corresponding to an image size. The image
position is the upper part of the paper.
- If "FAX" has been set as the attribute of a
drawer, its paper size will be applied when "0" or
"1" is selected.
* This code is available only when “1” is set in 08-
8519 (Scan PDF file paper size is set to “Fitted
into any standard size”).
08 Setting System Fax 3661 Fax operation 1 0~2 SYS 0: Transmission is not operable during off-hook 1 - Yes H
mode setting during off- 1: Direct transmission is operable during off-hook
hook transmission 2: Transmission is operable during off-hook
* If you set "2", select [Memory Transmission] in
[User Functions] - [User] - [FAX] - [TTI].
08 Setting System Scan DF 3662 Waiting period for 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode continue after the 1: Enabled
DF scanning * When "Enabled" is set, the screen to notify
continuity appears for 1 second after DF
scanning has been completed.

Setting mode 60 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System 3666 Process of user 0 0~1 H/S 0: Normal process 1 - Yes S
mode authentication 1: Special process
08 Setting System 3667 Addition of the QR Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode code to the total contents 1: Enabled
counter list <Default value>
JPD: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting System User interface Department 3669 User Functions 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 User Yes H
mode setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface User 3670 User Functions 1 0~1 H/S 0: Disabled 1 Sec Yes S
mode authentication 1: Enabled
08 Setting System 3672 Setting for each 0 0~1 SYS 0: 5M 1 - Yes H
mode debug log file size 1: 10MB
08 Setting System Self-diagnostic 3673 In one-go setting - When processing is carried out, a setting file is 3 Yes - No -
mode codes in one- from a USB read from a USB storage device and the setting
go setting storage device values of the self-diagnostic codes listed in the
setting file are written sequentially.
08 Setting System Network 3674 Specifying whether 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not displayed 1 Def Yes H
mode to display the 1: Displayed
network timeout
error page on the
EWB or not
08 Setting System Security 3676 Change of Remote- #1048#tosh Refer to H/S Maximum 65 letters 11 - Yes S
mode access-service iba contents Sets a password for a built-in user "Remote-
user password access-service".
08 Setting System User interface Display/non- 3677 0 EWB access 1 0~1 H/S 0: Not displayed 4 - Yes S
mode display of the authorization 1: Displayed
setting section setting
08 Setting System User interface Display/non- 3677 1 USB direct printing 1 0~1 H/S 0: Not displayed 4 - Yes S
mode display of the authorization 1: Displayed
setting section setting
08 Setting System User interface Display/non- 3677 2 IP fax transmission 1 0~1 H/S 0: Not displayed 4 - Yes S
mode display of the authorization 1: Displayed
setting section setting
08 Setting System Address book 3678 Default address 0 0~1 SYS Selects the address book to be displayed as 1 Yes - Yes H
mode book default.
0: Local address book
1: Shared address book
08 Setting System Fax/IP Result list output 3680 0 Print settings 1 0~1 SYS 0: Not printed 4 Yes Def Yes H
mode Fax/Internet 1: Printed
08 Setting System Fax/IP Result list output 3680 1 File save settings 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not saved 4 Yes Def Yes H
mode Fax/Internet 1: Saved
08 Setting System Fax/IP Result list output 3680 2 E-mail 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not sent 4 Yes Def Yes H
mode Fax/Internet transmission 1: Sent
Fax settings

Setting mode 61 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Confidentiality 3681 Job Status/Job Log Refer to 0~3 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Def Yes H
mode contents 1: Only job status is made confidential.
2: Only job log is made confidential.
3: The job status and jog log are made
<Default value>
MJD: 3
Others: 0
08 Setting System Confidentiality 3682 0 User information Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Does not make confidential. 4 Def Yes H
mode contents 1: Makes confidential.
<Default value>
MJD: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting System Confidentiality 3682 1 Send to information Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Does not make confidential. 4 Def Yes H
mode contents 1: Makes confidential.
<Default value>
MJD: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting System Confidentiality 3682 2 Send from Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Does not make confidential. 4 Def Yes H
mode information contents 1: Makes confidential.
<Default value>
MJD: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting System Confidentiality 3682 3 Agent information 0 0~1 SYS 0: Does not make confidential. 4 Def Yes H
mode 1: Makes confidential.
08 Setting System Address book 3683 Setting of 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to allow the access to the 1 Def Yes H
mode accessible/inacces address book from the outside (*).
sible from the * Outside: TopAccess, Outputmanagement I/F,
outside MIB, Client application
0: Allowed
1: Not allowed
08 Setting System Centering copy 3688 Default setting 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Def Yes H
mode 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Address book 3691 Maximum 30 0~6000 SYS Sets the upper limit of the numbers of the 1 Yes - Yes H
mode registration addresses to be registered in FAVORITE of the
numbers in address book.
08 Setting System Address book Display setting Fax/IP 3692 0 Tab displayed as 0 0~2 SYS Selects the tab which is displayed when starting 4 Def Yes H
mode Fax/Internet Fax default the address book.
0: [SINGLE] tab
1: [GROUP] tab
2: [DIRECT] tab
08 Setting System Address book Display setting Fax/IP 3692 1 Address book for 0 0~1 SYS Selects the display style of the address book. 4 Def Yes H
mode Fax/Internet Fax [SINGLE] 0: Button style
1: List style
08 Setting System Address book Display setting Fax/IP 3692 2 Address book for 1 0~1 SYS Selects the display style of the address book. 4 Def Yes H
mode Fax/Internet Fax [GROUP] 0: Button style
1: List style
08 Setting System Address book Display setting Scan 3693 0 Tab displayed as 0 0~2 SYS Selects the tab which is displayed when starting 4 Def Yes H
mode default the address book.
0: [SINGLE] tab
1: [GROUP] tab
2: [DIRECT] tab

Setting mode 62 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Address book Display setting Scan 3693 1 Address book for 0 0~1 SYS Selects the display style of the address book. 4 Def Yes H
mode [SINGLE] 0: Button style
1: List style
08 Setting System Address book Display setting Scan 3693 2 Address book for 1 0~1 SYS Selects the display style of the address book. 4 Def Yes H
mode [GROUP] 0: Button style
1: List style
08 Setting System User interface 3694 Display method of 0 0~1 SYS Sets how to express in the UI the combination of 1 - Yes H
mode the prohibited functions prohibited.
combination in * Some functions in SCAN and OCR only
functions 0: Disabling the button operation.
1: Button operation is enabled, but a pop-up is
displayed not to make a setting performance.
08 Setting System Embedded Default setting 3695 0 1st language Refer to 1~18 SYS Sets the initial value of the 1st language of the 4 Def Yes H
mode OCR contents embedded OCR.
1: English 2: German 3: French 4: Spanish 5:
Italian 6: Danish 7: Finnish 8: Norwegian 9:
Swedish 10: Netherlandish 11: Polish 12:
Russian 13: Japanese 14: Chinese (Simplified)
15: Chinese (Traditional) 16: Brazilian
Portuguese 17: European Portuguese 18:
<Default value>
JPD: 13
CND: 14
TWD: 15
Other: 1
08 Setting System Embedded Default setting 3695 1 2nd language Refer to 0~18 SYS Sets the initial value of the 2nd language of the 4 Def Yes H
mode OCR contents embedded OCR.
0: None 1: English 2: German 3: French 4:
Spanish 5: Italian 6: Danish 7: Finnish 8:
Norwegian 9: Swedish 10: Netherlandish 11:
Polish 12: Russian 13: Japanese 14: Chinese
(Simplified) 15: Chinese (Traditional) 16:
Brazilian Portuguese 17: European Portuguese
18: Turkish
<Default value>
Other: 0
08 Setting System Embedded Default setting 3695 2 Rotation correction 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Def Yes H
mode OCR 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Embedded Default setting Page creation 3695 3 XLSX (Multi) 0 0~1 SYS 0: 1 page in 1 sheet 4 Def Yes H
mode OCR method 1: Compiles multiple pages in 1 sheet
08 Setting System Built-in 3698 Permission of the 1 0~1 SYS 0: Built-in applications are not allowed 1 Def Yes H
mode application settings, 1: Built-in applications are allowed
installation and * "0" is set in the high security mode. In addition,
execution if the main memory size is 2 GB, "1" cannot be
set and thus "0" is set forcibly.
08 Setting System Waste toner 3699 Nearly-full 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode box notification setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network 3702 Logon User Name Refer to H/S Maximum 128 letters 11 Net Yes S
mode of Windows contents

Setting mode 63 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network 3703 Logon User Name Refer to H/S Maximum 128 letters 11 - Yes S
mode Password of contents
Windows Domain
08 Setting System Network 3704 PDC2 of user Refer to SYS Maximum 128 letters 11 Sec Yes H
mode authentication contents
08 Setting System Network 3705 BDC2 of user Refer to SYS Maximum 128 letters 11 Sec Yes H
mode authentication contents
08 Setting System Network 3706 PDC3 of user Refer to SYS Maximum 128 letters 11 Sec Yes H
mode authentication contents
08 Setting System Network 3707 BDC3 of user Refer to SYS Maximum 128 letters 11 Sec Yes H
mode authentication contents
08 Setting System Network 3708 PDC of Windows Refer to H/S Maximum 128 letters 11 Net Yes S
mode Domain contents
08 Setting System Network 3709 BDC of device Refer to H/S Maximum 128 letters 11 Net Yes S
mode authentication contents
08 Setting System Network 3718 Domain name of Refer to H/S Maximum 128 letters 11 Net Yes S
mode device contents
08 Setting System Network User 3719 Windows domain Refer to SYS Maximum 96 letters 11 Sec Yes H
mode authentication No. 2 contents
08 Setting System Network User 3720 Windows domain Refer to SYS Maximum 96 letters 11 Sec Yes H
mode authentication No. 3 contents
08 Setting System Network 3721 AppleTalk device MFP's Refer to H/S Maximum 32 letters 11 - Yes S
mode name serial contents "MFP's serial number" is set as default. Perform
number 08-9083 to set the default value.
08 Setting System Network Device 3722 PDC/BDC timeout 60 1~180 H/S Applied to the device authentication 1 Net Yes S
mode authentication period (Unit: Second)
08 Setting System Network User 3723 PDC/BDC timeout 30 1~180 SYS Applied to the user authentication 1 Sec Yes H
mode authentication period (Unit: Second)
08 Setting System Network Windows domain User authentication 3724 0 Setting for User 1 1~4 H/S Sets the Windows domain authentication method 4 Net Yes S
mode authentication authentication for device authentication, user authentication.
method When the setting of the domain authentication
method is unknown, it's strongly recommended to
set the value of this code to "1" (Auto).
1: Auto
2: Kerberos
3: NTLMv2
4: NTLMv2
08 Setting System Network Windows domain 3724 1 Setting for Scan to 5 1~5 H/S Sets the authentication method of the SMB client 4 Net Yes S
mode authentication SMB/Windows (Scan to SMB/Windows logon).
method Logon 1: Kerberos/NTLMv1
2: Kerberos
3: NTLMv2
4: NTLMv1
5: Kerberos/NTLMv2
* If an SMB server to which Scan to SMB is
connected does not support the NTLMv2
authentication, change this code to "1"
* If "1" (Kerberos/NTLMv1) is set, connection to
Mac OS X 10.10 or later becomes disabled.

Setting mode 64 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network 3725 IPP max 16 1~16 H/S 1 - Yes S
mode connection
08 Setting System Network 3726 IPP active 100 1~100 H/S Sets the maximum connection number of all 1 - Yes S
mode connection clients (IPP Print, AirPrint, Mopria Print, Multi-
Station Print) connected to an IPP server.
08 Setting System Network 3727 LPD max 10 1~16 H/S 1 - Yes S
mode connection
08 Setting System Network 3728 LPD active 10 1~16 H/S 1 - Yes S
mode connection
08 Setting System Network 3729 ATalk PS max 10 1~16 H/S 1 - Yes S
mode Connection
08 Setting System Network 3730 ATalk PS active 10 1~16 H/S 1 - Yes S
mode Connection
08 Setting System Network 3731 Raw TCP max 10 1~16 H/S 1 - Yes S
mode Connection
08 Setting System Network 3732 Raw TCP active 10 1~16 H/S 1 - Yes S
mode connection
08 Setting System Network 3736 DNS client TimeOut 5 1~180 H/S Use when a timeout occurred at DNS client 1 - Yes S
mode connection.
08 Setting System Network 3739 FTP Client 30 1~180 H/S Use when a timeout occurred at FTP client 1 Net Yes S
mode TimeOut (SCAN) connection.
08 Setting System Network 3743 LDAP client 5 1~180 H/S Use when a timeout occurred at LDAP client 1 Net Yes S
mode TimeOut connection.
08 Setting System Network DPWS 3754 Switching printer 1 1~2 H/S DPWS printer function is switched. 1 Net Yes S
mode setting 1: Enabled
2: Disabled
* "2" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Network DPWS 3755 Switching scanner 1 1~2 H/S DPWS scanner function is switched. 1 Net Yes S
mode setting 1: Enabled
2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network DPWS 3757 Discovery Port 3702 1~65535 H/S Port number used for DPWS Discovery. 1 Net Yes S
mode Number
08 Setting System Network DPWS 3758 Metadata 50081 1~65535 H/S Port number used for DPWS Metadata Exchange. 1 Net Yes S
mode Exchange Port
08 Setting System Network DPWS 3759 Print Port Number 50082 1~65535 H/S Port number used for DPWS Print. 1 Net Yes S
08 Setting System Network DPWS 3760 Scan Port Number 50083 1~65535 H/S Port number used for DPWS Scan. 1 Net Yes S
08 Setting System Network DPWS 3765 Print Max numbers 10 1~20 H/S Maximum numbers received from more than one 1 - Yes S
mode of connection connection request in the DPWS print.
08 Setting System Network DPWS 3766 Print Max numbers 10 1~20 H/S Maximum numbers of data received from more 1 - Yes S
mode of reception than one clients in the DPWS print.
08 Setting System Network IPv6 3767 Switching IPv6 1 1~2 H/S IPv6 function is switched. 1 Net Yes S
mode setting 1: Enabled
2: Disabled

Setting mode 65 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network IPv6 3768 Switching address 3 1~3 H/S IP (IPv6) address acquisition setting is switched. 1 - Yes S
mode acquisition 1: Manual
2: Stateless
3: Stateful
08 Setting System Network IPv6 3770 IPv6 Address Refer to H/S Displays IPv6 address. 11 - Yes S
mode contents Maximum 40 characters (byte).
08 Setting System Network IPv6 3771 Prefix display Refer to H/S Sets the length of the displayed prefix. 11 - Yes S
mode setting contents Maximum 3 characters (byte).
08 Setting System Network IPv6 3772 Default Gateway Refer to H/S Sets the default gateway for IPv6 address. 11 - Yes S
mode setting contents Maximum 40 characters (byte).
08 Setting System Network 3774 DHCPv6 Option 2 1~2 H/S DHCPv6 Option is switched when the Manual is 1 - Yes S
mode setting set.
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network 3777 Stateless Address 1 1~2 H/S IP Address is acquired by both Stateless and 1 - Yes S
mode setting State full Address.
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
* "2" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Network 3778 Acquiring DHCPv6 1 1~2 H/S When Stateless Address is selected, an option is 1 - Yes S
mode Option acquired from DHCPv6 server.
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
* "2" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Network 3779 Stateful Address 1 1~2 H/S IP Address is acquired from DHCPv6 server. 1 Net Yes S
mode setting 1: Enabled
2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network 3780 Stateful Option 1 1~2 H/S An option is acquired from DHCPv6 server. 1 Net Yes S
mode setting 1: Enabled
2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network IPv6 3781 Primary DNS Refer to H/S Registration of Primary DNS Server Address. 11 Net Yes S
mode Server Address contents Maximum 40 characters (byte)
08 Setting System Network IPv6 3782 Secondary DNS Refer to H/S Registration of Secondary DNS Server Address. 11 Net Yes S
mode Server Address contents Maximum 40 characters (byte)
08 Setting System Extension 3786 0 WSScan 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Net Yes H
mode setting for WSD 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network 3793 LLTD function 1 1~2 H/S Sets the LLTD function. 1 Net Yes S
mode setting 1: Enabled
2: Disabled
08 Setting System General 3797 PJL USTATUS 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether to remain or initialize the PJL 1 Net Yes H
mode setting USTATUS setting for each job.
0: Remaining
1: Initialized
* This setting is available only when SNMP
communication is performed.
08 Setting System Built-in 3798 Upper limit of 30 0~100 SYS Sets the upper limit of the available installation 1 Def Yes H
mode application installation number of the times of a built-in application.

Setting mode 66 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Built-in 3799 Upper limit number 15 0~100 SYS Sets the upper limit number of the built-in 1 Def Yes H
mode application of applications applications which can be executed at one time
executed at one in the background.
08 Setting System Extra long size Count switching 3800 0 461~800 mm 2 1~30 SYS Specify a multiplier as N. When printing is 4 Yes - Yes H
mode paper count setting performed, one sheet of extra long size paper is
counted as N sheets.
08 Setting System Extra long size Count switching 3800 1 801~1200 mm 3 1~30 SYS Specify a multiplier as N. When printing is 4 Yes - Yes H
mode paper count setting performed, one sheet of extra long size paper is
counted as N sheets.
08 Setting System General Direct printing Default value 3802 Paper size setting Refer to 0~13 SYS 0: Ledger 1: Legal 2: Letter 3: Computer 4: 1 Def Yes H
mode setting contents Statement 5: A3 6: A4 7: A5 9: B4 10: B5 11:
Folio 12: Legal13" 13: LetterSquare
<Default value>
NAD: 2
Others: 6
* In the printing of a PDF file, this setting will be
enabled while "0" (Disabled) is set in 08-3829-3
(Direct printing - Priority setting to the PDF
original size).
08 Setting System General USB media direct 3803 Enable/disable 1 0~1 SYS Sets the USB media direct printing function. 1 Def Yes H
mode printing setting 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Scan 3805 Department 3 0~3 SYS Sets the department management with remote 1 - Yes H
mode Management scanning as follows:
setting by Remote 0: w/o GUI OFF, w/ GUI OFF
Scan 1: w/o GUI ON, w/ GUI OFF
2: w/o GUI OFF, w/ GUI ON
3: w/o GUI ON, w/ GUI ON

w/o GUI:
Remote scanning is operated on SSOP
application of eCOPY Inc.
w/ GUI:
Remote scanning is operated on TTEC-specific

This setting is only for department management

with remote scanning. When GUI is set ON, a
department code dialog is displayed at the start-
up of remote scanning. This code is valid only
when the code 08-9120 is set "1 (Valid)".
08 Setting System Network Intranet Fax Sender E-mail 3809 Mixed transmission Refer to H/S When "2" is selected in 08-3810 (Internet and 11 Yes - Yes S
mode address contents Intranet Faxes are mixed), the address entered in
this code is used as the one for the Intranet Fax
Maximum 192 characters
* Once the HDD clearance has been performed,
the default value is set.

Setting mode 67 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network Intranet Fax 3810 Function setting 0 0~2 SYS When an Internet Fax is sent, Intranet Fax 1 Yes - Yes H
mode communication is set.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
2: Internet and Intranet Faxes are mixed
* When "0" is set, an Internet Fax is sent using
an SMTP server.
* When "1" is set, Intranet Fax communication is
enabled and an Internet Fax is sent to MFPs on
the intranet without using an SMTP server. Since
no SMTP server is used, the SSL encryption and
SMTPAUTH function cannot be used for internet
Fax transmission.
* When "2" is set, Internet and Intranet Faxes are
* If "1: Enabled" is set in 08-3810, set "1:
Enabled" in 08-3812 as well. In addition, if a port
number other than "25" is used for Intranet Fax,
specify the one to be used in 08-8847.
08 Setting System Network Intranet Fax 3811 Image encrypting 0 0~1 SYS When Intranet Fax communication is performed, 1 Yes - Yes H
mode at the Intranet Fax an attached image is encrypted.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network Internet Fax 3812 Dummy full mode 0 0~1 SYS When an Internet Fax is sent, the resolution ratio 1 Yes - Yes H
mode at transmission and the paper size of an attached image are set
to the full mode.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
If "1: Enabled" is set in 08-3810, set "1: Enabled"
in 08-3812 as well.
08 Setting System Scan XPS file 3815 Thumbnail addition 1 0~1 SYS Thumbnail is added to the XPS file produced by 1 - Yes H
mode the Scan function.
0: Not added
1: Only the top page added
08 Setting System Scan XPS file 3816 Paper size setting 1 0~1 SYS The paper size of the XPS file produced by the 1 - Yes H
mode Scan function is set.
0: Scanned image size
1: Standard size
08 Setting System Scan PDF file 3817 Version setting 4 0, 1, 4 SYS The version of PDF file produced by the Scan 1 - Yes H
mode function is set.
0: PDF V1.3
1: PDF V1.4
4: PDF V1.7
08 Setting System User 3819 Shared HOME 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to use the shared HOME 1 Def Yes H
mode authentication screen screen while user authentication is enabled.
0: Not used
1: Used
08 Setting System e-BRIDGE 3820 Function setting 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes - Yes H
mode CloudConnect 1: Enabled
08 Setting System e-BRIDGE 3822 Function setting of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes - Yes H
mode CloudConnect Proxy Server 1: Enabled
08 Setting System e-BRIDGE 3823 IP Address setting Refer to Refer to SYS <Default value> 11 Yes - Yes H
mode CloudConnect of Proxy Server contents contents
<Acceptable value>

Setting mode 68 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System e-BRIDGE 3824 Port number 80 1~65535 SYS 1 Yes - Yes H
mode CloudConnect setting of Proxy
08 Setting System e-BRIDGE 3825 Account ID setting Refer to SYS Maximum 30 characters. 11 Yes - Yes H
mode CloudConnect of Proxy Server contents
08 Setting System e-BRIDGE 3826 Account password Refer to SYS Maximum 30 characters. 11 Yes - Yes H
mode CloudConnect setting of Proxy contents
08 Setting System e-BRIDGE 3827 Connection server Refer to Refer to H/S Sets the URL of the server to be connected at 11 Yes - Yes S
mode CloudConnect at ECC starting contents contents ECC starting.
Maximum 259 characters (ASCII)
<Default value>
AUD: https://gsidevice-ap.toshiba-
CND: https://eccdevice.toshiba-tec.com.cn:443
Others: Blank
* When no value is set, the standard server of
ECC will be connected.
08 Setting System e-BRIDGE 3828 Limitation in Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to permit the connection of 1 Yes - Yes H
mode CloudConnect connection to contents an ECC server set in 08-3827 or the connection
another ECC server of a server other than the standard one.
0: Connection not permitted
1: Connection permitted
<Default value>
Others: 1
* When the setting value is "0" (Connection not
permitted), the server in the URL other than that
set in 08-3827 is not connected.
* When you want to change the setting value
from "1" to "0", be sure to do so before
registering the MFP in ECC.
08 Setting System General Direct printing Default value 3829 0 Color mode setting 0 0~2 SYS 0: Auto color 4 Def Yes H
mode setting 1: Black
2: Full color
08 Setting System General Direct printing Default value 3829 1 Duplex setting 0 0~2 SYS 0: Single 4 Def Yes H
mode setting 1: Book
2: Tablet
* This setting is not applied to e-mail direct
08 Setting System General Direct printing Default value 3829 2 Finishing setting 0 0~2 SYS 0: None 4 Def Yes H
mode setting 1: Staple(Upper left)
2: Staple(Upper right)
* This setting is not applied to e-mail direct
08 Setting System General Direct printing Default value 3829 3 Priority setting to 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Def Yes H
mode setting the PDF original 1: Enabled
08 Setting System General Direct printing Default value 3829 4 PDF size option 1 1~2 SYS 1: Fits to the paper size 4 Def Yes H
mode setting setting 2: Reduces the size to fit to the paper size
* This setting will be enabled while "0" (Disabled)
is set in 08-3829-3 (Direct printing - Priority
setting to the PDF original size).
08 Setting System General E-mail direct 3830 0 Function setting 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Def Yes H
mode printing 1: Auto print

Setting mode 69 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General E-mail direct 3830 1 E-mail header print 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Def Yes H
mode printing setting 1: Enabled
* Printing will not be performed even if this setting
is enabled while "0" (Disabled) is set in 08-3830-
0 (E-mail direct printing - Function setting).
08 Setting System General E-mail direct 3830 2 E-mail body print 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Def Yes H
mode printing setting 1: Enabled
* Printing will not be performed even if this setting
is enabled while "0" (Disabled) is set in 08-3830-
0 (E-mail direct printing - Function setting).
08 Setting System General 3833 Home directory 0 0~1 SYS Function to store a file in the user's home 1 Def Yes H
mode function directory.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System General 3837 Display switching 0 0~1 SYS The display method of the machine name shown 1 - Yes H
mode for the machine in the event related notification is switched.
name shown in the 0: IP address
notification 1: NetBIOS name
08 Setting System General License control 3840 Registration/deletio - Registers electronic keys for setting related 3 Yes - No -
mode n optional items (e.g. when the equipment is
delivered). Returns the license file having the
same ID as that in the one-time dongle. Displays
all the electronic keys stored in a USB media
connected to the equipment in a list. Displays
electronic keys registered in the equipment.
08 Setting System Option Fax/IP 3847 Fax mis- 0 0~1 SYS FAX mis-transmission prevention function is 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode Fax/Internet Fax transmission switched.
prevention 0: OFF (Disabled)
1: ON (Enabled)
08 Setting System Option Fax 3848 Restriction on 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether the address in the address book is 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode Address Book selectable or not for the FAX mis-transmission
destination prevention function.
0: OFF (Disabled)
1: ON (Enabled)
08 Setting System Option Fax 3849 Restriction on 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether the direct entry of the FAX number 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode destination direct is available or not for the FAX mis-transmission
entry prevention function.
0: OFF (Disabled)
1: ON (Enabled)
08 Setting System General 3851 Template display 0 0~1 SYS 0: ID number order 1 Def Yes H
mode 1: Alphabetical order
08 Setting System General Summer time 3852 Summer time Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Def Yes H
mode Automatic change contents 1: Enabled
function <Default value>
Others: 0
08 Setting System General Summer time 3853 Time to shift 2 0~7 SYS 0: +2:00 1: +1:30 2: +1:00 3: +0:30 4: -0:30 1 Def Yes H
mode 5: -1:00 6: -1:30 7: -2:00
08 Setting System General Summer time Start 3854 Month Refer to 1~12 SYS 1: Jan 2: Feb 3: Mar 4: Apr 5: May 1 Def Yes H
mode contents 6: Jun 7: Jul 8: Aug 9: Sep 10: Oct
11: Nov 12: Dec
<Default value>
Others: 1

Setting mode 70 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Summer time Start 3855 Week Refer to 1~5 SYS 1: 1st 2: 2nd 3: 3rd 4: 4th 5: Last 1 Def Yes H
mode contents <Default value>
MJD: 5
NAD: 2
Others: 1
08 Setting System General Summer time Start 3856 Day of the week 0 0~6 SYS 0: Sun 1: Mon 2: Tue 3: Wed 4: Thu 5: Fri 6: 1 Def Yes H
mode Sat
08 Setting System General Summer time Start 3857 Hours Refer to 0~23 SYS 0 to 23 1 Def Yes H
mode contents <Default value>
Others: 0
08 Setting System General Summer time Start 3858 Minutes 0 0~59 SYS 0 to 59 1 Def Yes H
08 Setting System General Summer time End 3859 Month Refer to 1~12 SYS 1: Jan 2: Feb 3: Mar 4: Apr 5: May 6: Jun 1 Def Yes H
mode contents 7: Jul 8: Aug 9: Sep 10: Oct 11: Nov 12: Dec
<Default value>
MJD: 10
NAD: 11
Others: 1
08 Setting System General Summer time End 3860 Week Refer to 1~5 SYS 1: 1st 2: 2nd 3: 3rd 4: 4th 5: Last 1 Def Yes H
mode contents <Default value>
MJD: 5
Others: 1
08 Setting System General Summer time End 3861 Day of the week 0 0~6 SYS 0: Sun 1: Mon 2: Tue 3: Wed 4: Thu 5: Fri 6: 1 Def Yes H
mode Sat
08 Setting System General Summer time End 3862 Hours Refer to 0~23 SYS 0 to 23 1 Def Yes H
mode contents <Default value>
MJD: 3
NAD: 2
Others: 0
08 Setting System General Summer time End 3863 Minutes 0 0~59 SYS 0 to 59 1 Def Yes H
08 Setting System Network 3864 Disclosure of telnet 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not disclosed 1 - Yes H
mode function 1: Disclosed
When this value is set to "0", the value of code
08-3865 is set to "2".
08 Setting System Network 3865 Availability of telnet 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enable 1 Net Yes S
mode server 2: Disable
08 Setting System Fax/IP 3875 Address Refer to 0~1 SYS Enable this setting to display the address 1 Def Yes H
mode Fax/Internet confirmation for contents confirmation screen before sending fax to
Fax multiple prevent mis-transmission when multiple
destinations destination addresses are specified.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
<Default value>
JPD: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting System Anywhere Print 3876 Replacing Hold 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to replace Hold Job with 1 Net Yes H
mode Job with Anywhere Anywhere Job.
Job 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Anywhere Print 3877 Print order of 0 0~1 SYS Sets the print order of Anywhere Job. 1 Net Yes H
mode Anywhere Job 0: Received order
1: Displayed order in Job List

Setting mode 71 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Anywhere Print 3878 Reprinting 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to enable reprinting in the 1 Net Yes H
mode Anywhere Print function.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Anywhere Print 3879 Linkable unit 10 1~10 SYS Sets the linkable unit numbers of MFPs in the 1 Net Yes H
mode numbers of MFPs Anywhere Print function.
(Unit: number)
08 Setting System Anywhere Print 3880 Print Data 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to apply Print Data Converter 1 Net Yes H
mode Converter (*) when Anywhere Job printing is performed.
* Print Data Converter: A tool for reflecting the
model specific settings such as image quality to
Anywhere Job. Since multiple Converters may
execute redundantly depending on the
environment, pay attention not to make a
consistency between their functions.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Project code 3881 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 User Yes H
mode setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Project code 3882 Action to a job 1 0~2 SYS Sets the action to be taken when a job without 1 User Yes H
mode without the project the project code is received.
code Applicable jobs: Printing, N/W-fax, IP fax,
Internet fax
0: Executed
1: Saved in the Hold queue
2: Deleted
08 Setting System Address book Shared address 3883 Enable/disable 0 0~2 SYS Sets whether or not to enable the address book 1 Def Yes H
mode book setting sharing function. Select "2 (Enabled (Master))" to
share the address book of this equipment with
another MFP.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled (Secondary)
2: Enabled (Primary)
08 Setting System Address book Shared address 3884 Shared address 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to allow the edition of the 1 Def Yes H
mode book book operation shared address book by an administrator when
when "Slave" is "1 (Enabled (Slave))" is selected in 08-3883.
selected 0: Not allowed
1: Allowed
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Switching setting 3885 Log-in/log-off of 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether to register in the message log the 1 Yes - Yes H
mode controlled service of message log (Built-in) Admin events which are logged in or logged off from an
registration MFP with (Built-in) Admin.
0: Not registered in the message log
1: Registered in the message log
08 Setting System Address book Search screen 3886 Sort key selection Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Index, full name, ID 1 Def Yes H
mode contents 1: Index, ID
<Default value>
JPD: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registration status 3887 0 Registered number 0 0~1 H/S 0: Not registered 4 Def Yes S
mode 1 1: Registered
* When "0" is set for this setting, those for 08-
3888-x (Registered name) and 08-3889-x
(Registered size) with the same registered
number are also initialized.

Setting mode 72 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registration status 3887 1 Registered number 0 0~1 H/S 0: Not registered 4 Def Yes S
mode 2 1: Registered
* When "0" is set for this setting, those for 08-
3888-x (Registered name) and 08-3889-x
(Registered size) with the same registered
number are also initialized.
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registration status 3887 2 Registered number 0 0~1 H/S 0: Not registered 4 Def Yes S
mode 3 1: Registered
* When "0" is set for this setting, those for 08-
3888-x (Registered name) and 08-3889-x
(Registered size) with the same registered
number are also initialized.
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registration status 3887 3 Registered number 0 0~1 H/S 0: Not registered 4 Def Yes S
mode 4 1: Registered
* When "0" is set for this setting, those for 08-
3888-x (Registered name) and 08-3889-x
(Registered size) with the same registered
number are also initialized.
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registration status 3887 4 Registered number 0 0~1 H/S 0: Not registered 4 Def Yes S
mode 5 1: Registered
* When "0" is set for this setting, those for 08-
3888-x (Registered name) and 08-3889-x
(Registered size) with the same registered
number are also initialized.
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registration status 3887 5 Registered number 0 0~1 H/S 0: Not registered 4 Def Yes S
mode 6 1: Registered
* When "0" is set for this setting, those for 08-
3888-x (Registered name) and 08-3889-x
(Registered size) with the same registered
number are also initialized.
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registration status 3887 6 Registered number 0 0~1 H/S 0: Not registered 4 Def Yes S
mode 7 1: Registered
* When "0" is set for this setting, those for 08-
3888-x (Registered name) and 08-3889-x
(Registered size) with the same registered
number are also initialized.
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registration status 3887 7 Registered number 0 0~1 H/S 0: Not registered 4 Def Yes S
mode 8 1: Registered
* When "0" is set for this setting, those for 08-
3888-x (Registered name) and 08-3889-x
(Registered size) with the same registered
number are also initialized.
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registration status 3887 8 Registered number 0 0~1 H/S 0: Not registered 4 Def Yes S
mode 9 1: Registered
* When "0" is set for this setting, those for 08-
3888-x (Registered name) and 08-3889-x
(Registered size) with the same registered
number are also initialized.
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registration status 3887 9 Registered number 0 0~1 H/S 0: Not registered 4 Def Yes S
mode 10 1: Registered
* When "0" is set for this setting, those for 08-
3888-x (Registered name) and 08-3889-x
(Registered size) with the same registered
number are also initialized.
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered name 3888 0 Registered number Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 Def Yes S
mode 1 contents

Setting mode 73 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered name 3888 1 Registered number Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 Def Yes S
mode 2 contents
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered name 3888 2 Registered number Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 Def Yes S
mode 3 contents
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered name 3888 3 Registered number Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 Def Yes S
mode 4 contents
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered name 3888 4 Registered number Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 Def Yes S
mode 5 contents
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered name 3888 5 Registered number Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 Def Yes S
mode 6 contents
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered name 3888 6 Registered number Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 Def Yes S
mode 7 contents
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered name 3888 7 Registered number Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 Def Yes S
mode 8 contents
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered name 3888 8 Registered number Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 Def Yes S
mode 9 contents
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered name 3888 9 Registered number Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 Def Yes S
mode 10 contents
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered size 3889 0 Registered number Refer to Refer to H/S Vertical: 51~297(Default value:51) 10 Def Yes S
mode 1 contents contents Horizontal: 89~432(Default value:89)
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered size 3889 1 Registered number Refer to Refer to H/S Vertical: 51~297(Default value:51) 10 Def Yes S
mode 2 contents contents Horizontal: 89~432(Default value:89)
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered size 3889 2 Registered number Refer to Refer to H/S Vertical: 51~297(Default value:51) 10 Def Yes S
mode 3 contents contents Horizontal: 89~432(Default value:89)
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered size 3889 3 Registered number Refer to Refer to H/S Vertical: 51~297(Default value:51) 10 Def Yes S
mode 4 contents contents Horizontal: 89~432(Default value:89)
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered size 3889 4 Registered number Refer to Refer to H/S Vertical: 51~297(Default value:51) 10 Def Yes S
mode 5 contents contents Horizontal: 89~432(Default value:89)
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered size 3889 5 Registered number Refer to Refer to H/S Vertical: 51~297(Default value:51) 10 Def Yes S
mode 6 contents contents Horizontal: 89~432(Default value:89)
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered size 3889 6 Registered number Refer to Refer to H/S Vertical: 51~297(Default value:51) 10 Def Yes S
mode 7 contents contents Horizontal: 89~432(Default value:89)
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered size 3889 7 Registered number Refer to Refer to H/S Vertical: 51~297(Default value:51) 10 Def Yes S
mode 8 contents contents Horizontal: 89~432(Default value:89)
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered size 3889 8 Registered number Refer to Refer to H/S Vertical: 51~297(Default value:51) 10 Def Yes S
mode 9 contents contents Horizontal: 89~432(Default value:89)
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Registered size 3889 9 Registered number Refer to Refer to H/S Vertical: 51~297(Default value:51) 10 Def Yes S
mode 10 contents contents Horizontal: 89~432(Default value:89)
(Unit: mm)

Setting mode 74 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Scan Custom size 3890 Setting whether 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not permitted 1 - Yes H
mode custom size 1: Permitted
registration by a
user is permitted
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Default value 3891 Skew Correction 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether the default value of the skew 1 Yes - Yes H
mode setting correction function is turned on or off when
scanning with the custom size set is performed.
0: OFF
1: ON
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Default value 3892 Registered number 1 1~10 SYS Sets the number of the registered custom size to 1 Yes - Yes H
mode setting display as the default value of the original size
when the custom size is selected.
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Default value 3893 Expand Size 2 0~30 SYS Sets the default value of the expand size of the 1 Yes - Yes H
mode setting auto cut of the print area size during scanning
with custom size set.
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Auto Cut of Print 3894 0 Vertical 297 51~297 SYS Sets the scan size in the vertical direction of the 4 Yes - Yes H
mode Area size auto cut of the print area size during scanning
with custom size set.
(Unit: mm)
* When an original whose size is larger than the
selected one is scanned, images outside area of
the selected size cannot be obtained.
08 Setting System Scan Custom size Auto Cut of Print 3894 1 Horizontal 432 89~432 SYS Sets the scan size in the vertical direction of the 4 Yes - Yes H
mode Area size auto cut of the print area size during scanning
with custom size set.
(Unit: mm)
* When an original whose size is larger than the
selected one is scanned, images outside area of
the selected size cannot be obtained.
08 Setting System User interface Card 3895 Card auto 0 0~1 H/S Sets whether or not automatically to register the 1 - Yes S
mode authentication registration non-registered card when it is passed over,
without having displayed the user registration
0: Disabled (registration screen displayed)
1: Enabled (registration screen not displayed)
08 Setting System User interface Card 3896 Password for card 8 digits Refer to H/S Sets the password which is registered 11 - Yes S
mode authentication auto registration contents automatically when "1" is set to 08-3895.
Maximum 64 letters
08 Setting Printer Laser Judged number of 4002 Normal rotation 0 0~2 M Displays the error [CA10] when the set number of 1 - No HS
mode polygonal motor rotation error has been detected.
rotation error 0: 2 times
1: 10 times
2: 20 times
08 Setting Printer Feeding system 4010 Default setting of 0 0~5 SYS 0: A4/LT 1 - Yes H
mode paper source 1: LCF
2: 1st drawer
3: 2nd drawer
4: PFP upper drawer
5: PFP lower drawer

Setting mode 75 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Automatic change Auto 4011 Copy 1 1~2 SYS Sets whether the drawer is changed 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode of paper source automatically if the paper runs out in the selected
drawer and the paper of the same size is in other
1: ON (Changes to the drawer with the same
paper direction and size: ex. A4 to A4)
2: ON (Changes to the drawer with the same
paper size. Paper with the different direction is
acceptable as long as the size is the same: ex.,
A4 to A4-R, LT-R to LT. "1" is applied when the
staple/hole punch is specified.)
08 Setting Printer Laser 4012 Pre-running of 0 0~2 SYS Sets whether or not switching the status of print 1 - Yes H
mode print device device from the standby to the ready to print
when the original is set on the RADF or the
platen cover is opened.
0: Valid (when using RADF and the original is set
1: Invalid
2: Valid (when using RADF only)
08 Setting Printer Laser 4015 Time to shift to 1 0~6 SYS Switches the status of print device from the ready 1 - Yes H
mode energy saving of for print to the standby when a certain period of
print device time has passed from the pre-running. This code
sets the period to switch the status to the
0: 15 sec. 1: 20 sec. 2: 25 sec. 3: 30 sec. 4:
35 sec. 5: 40 sec. 6: 45 sec.
This setting is effective when the value of 08-
4012 is set to "0" or "2."
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Automatic change When a drawer is 4016 0 Copy Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets whether the automatic change of paper 4 Yes Def Yes H
mode of paper source specified contents source is performed or not if the drawer is
specified as the paper source and the paper in
the specified drawer runs out when copying.
0: Does not change the paper source
1: Changes the paper source automatically
* The operation at the automatic change of the
paper source follows the setting conditions of 08-
<Default value>
CND: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Automatic change When a drawer is 4016 1 Printing/e-Filing Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets whether the automatic change of paper 4 Yes Def Yes H
mode of paper source specified printing contents source is performed or not if the drawer is
specified as the paper source and the paper in
the specified drawer runs out when printing/e-
Filing printing.
0: Does not change the paper source
1: Changes the paper source automatically
* The operation at the automatic change of the
paper source follows the setting conditions of 08-
<Default value>
CND: 1
Others: 0

Setting mode 76 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer 4017 Polygonal motor 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode stop function when 1: Enabled
CLEAR] button is
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Feeding retry 1st drawer 4020 0 Plain/Recycled/Thin 5 0~5 M Sets the number of times feeding retry occurs 4 Yes - No HS
mode number setting /Thick paper from the 1st drawer.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Feeding retry 1st drawer 4020 1 Other paper 5 0~5 M Sets the number of times feeding retry occurs 4 Yes - No HS
mode number setting from the 1st drawer.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Feeding retry 2nd drawer 4021 0 Plain/Recycled/Thin 5 0~5 M Sets the number of times feeding retry occurs 4 Yes - No HS
mode number setting /Thick paper from the 2nd drawer.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Feeding retry 2nd drawer 4021 1 Other paper 5 0~5 M Sets the number of times feeding retry occurs 4 Yes - No HS
mode number setting from the 2nd drawer.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Feeding retry PFP upper drawer 4022 0 Plain/Recycled/Thin 5 0~5 M Sets the number of times feeding retry occurs 4 Yes - No HS
mode number setting /Thick paper from the PFP upper drawer.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Feeding retry PFP upper drawer 4022 1 Other paper 5 0~5 M Sets the number of times feeding retry occurs 4 Yes - No HS
mode number setting from the PFP upper drawer.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Feeding retry PFP lower drawer 4023 0 Plain/Recycled/Thin 5 0~5 M Sets the number of times feeding retry occurs 4 Yes - No HS
mode number setting /Thick paper from the PFP lower drawer.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Feeding retry PFP lower drawer 4023 1 Other paper 5 0~5 M Sets the number of times feeding retry occurs 4 Yes - No HS
mode number setting from the PFP lower drawer.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Feeding retry Bypass feeding 4024 0 Plain/Recycled/Thin 5 0~5 M Sets the number of times feeding retry occurs 4 Yes - No HS
mode number setting /Thick paper from the bypass tray.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Feeding retry Bypass feeding 4024 1 Other paper 5 0~5 M Sets the number of times feeding retry occurs 4 Yes - No HS
mode number setting from the bypass tray.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Feeding retry LCF 4025 Plain/Recycled/Thic 5 0~5 M Sets the number of times feeding retry occurs 1 Yes - No HS
mode number setting k paper from the LCF.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4100 1st drawer Refer to 0~255 M Press the button on the LCD to select the size. 9 - No HS
mode contents This code is reset every time a paper size is
detected automatically.
4: A4 19: A3 20: A4-R 21: A5-R 37: B5 52:
B4 53: B5-R 64: LT 80: LT-R 81: LD 82: LG
83: ST-R 84: COMP 85: FOLIO 86: 13"LG 87:
8.5" x 8.5" 129: 16K 144: 8K 145: 16K-R 254:
<Default value>
NAD: 64
Others: 4
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4101 2nd drawer Refer to 0~255 M Press the button on the LCD to select the size. 9 - No HS
mode contents This code is reset every time a paper size is
detected automatically.
4: A4 19: A3 20: A4-R 21: A5-R 37: B5 52:
B4 53: B5-R 64: LT 80: LT-R 81: LD 82: LG
83: ST-R 84: COMP 85: FOLIO 86: 13"LG 87:
8.5" x 8.5" 112: CHO3-R 113: YOU4-R 114:
COM10-R 115: Monarch-R 116: DL-R 121:
Kaku2-R 129: 16K 144: 8K 145: 16K-R 254:
<Default value>
NAD: 81
Others: 19

Setting mode 77 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4102 PFP upper drawer Refer to 0~255 M Press the button on the LCD to select the size. 9 - No HS
mode contents This code is reset every time a paper size is
detected automatically.
4: A4 19: A3 20: A4-R 21: A5-R 37: B5 52:
B4 53: B5-R 64: LT 80: LT-R 81: LD 82: LG
83: ST-R 84: COMP 85: FOLIO 86: 13"LG 87:
8.5" x 8.5" 112: CHO3-R 113: YOU4-R 114:
COM10-R 115: Monarch-R 116: DL-R 121:
Kaku2-R 129: 16K 144: 8K 145: 16K-R 254:
<Default value>
NAD: 80
Others: 20
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4103 PFP lower drawer Refer to 0~255 M Press the button on the LCD to select the size. 9 - No HS
mode contents This code is reset every time a paper size is
detected automatically.
4: A4 19: A3 20: A4-R 21: A5-R 37: B5 52:
B4 53: B5-R 64: LT 80: LT-R 81: LD 82: LG
83: ST-R 84: COMP 85: FOLIO 86: 13"LG 87:
8.5" x 8.5" 112: CHO3-R 113: YOU4-R 114:
COM10-R 115: Monarch-R 116: DL-R 121:
Kaku2-R 129: 16K 144: 8K 145: 16K-R 254:
<Default value>
NAD: 82
JPD: 52
Others: 4
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4104 LCF Refer to 0~255 M Press the button on the LCD to select the size. 9 - No HS
mode contents This code is reset every time a paper size is
detected automatically.
4: A4 19: A3 20: A4-R 21: A5-R 37: B5 52:
B4 53: B5-R 64: LT 80: LT-R 81: LD 82: LG
83: ST-R 84: COMP 85: FOLIO 86: 13"LG 87:
8.5" x 8.5" 129: 16K 144: 8K 145: 16K-R
<Default value>
NAD: 64
Others: 4
08 Setting Printer Feeding system 4105 PFP/LCF 0 0~4 M 0: Auto 1 - No HS
mode installation 1: PFP upper drawer installed
2: PFP upper and lower drawers installed
3: LCF installed
4: Neither PFP nor LCF installed
When the use of the PFP or LCF needs to be
stopped due to some reason such as a
malfunction, set "4" to this code.
When the PFP or LCF is newly installed, set "0"
to this code. When the PFP or LCF is removed,
set "4" to this code.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4106 A3-R 4200/2970 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4107 A4-R 2970/2100 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4108 A5-R 2100/1480 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4109 B4-R 3640/2570 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)

Setting mode 78 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4110 B5-R 2570/1820 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4111 LT-R 2794/2159 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4112 LD-R 4318/2794 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4113 LG-R 3556/2159 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4114 ST-R 2159/1397 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1397~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4115 COMPUTER-R 3556/2571 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4116 FOLIO-R 3300/2100 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4117 13"LG-R 3302/2159 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4118 8.5" x 8.5" 2159/2159 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4119 Non-standard 432/279 148~432/10 SYS Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - Yes H
mode 5~297 (Unit: mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4120 8K-R 3900/2700 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4121 16K-R 2700/1950 1820~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1400~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4122 305 mm x 457 mm 4570/3050 1820~4570/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode (12" x 18") 1400~3050 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4123 A6 1480/1050 1480~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1050~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4124 #10-R 2413/1047 1480~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1047~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4127 DL-R 2200/1100 1480~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1050~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system 4131 Feeding retry 0 0~1 M 0: ON 1 Yes - No HS
mode setting 1: OFF
* When the value of 08-9016 is set to "5", the
value of this code is automatically set to "1".
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting Copy 4140 Bypass feed 255 0~431 SYS Press the button on the LCD to select the size. 9 - Yes H
mode 4: A4 19: A3 20: A4-R 21: A5-R 22: A6-R 37:
B5 52: B4 53: B5-R 64: LT 80: LT-R 81: LD
82: LG 83: ST-R 84: COMP 85: FOLIO 86:
13"LG 87: 8.5" x 8.5" 129: 16K 144: 8K 145:
16K-R 146: JPostcard 147: A3Wide 149: 320 x
450 mm (SRA3) 150: 320 x 460 mm (x460) 255:
Undefined 301: Com10 331: DL 361: Monarch
381: Cho3 391: You4 431: Kaku2
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4143 Envelope: 1905/984 1480~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode Monarch-R 980~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4144 Envelope: 120 x 2350/1200 1480~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 235-R 1050~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)

Setting mode 79 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4145 Envelope: 105 x 2350/1050 1480~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 235-R 1050~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4205 305 mm x 457 mm 4570/3050 1480~4570/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode (12" x 18") 1050~3050 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4206 Post card 1480/1000 1480~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction. 10 - No HS
mode 1000~2970 (Unit: 0.1 mm)
* Post card is supported only for JPN model.
08 Setting Printer Fuser Fusing error Center thermistor 4530 0 Thermistor output 0 0~255 M 4 - No HS
mode temperature A/D value
08 Setting Printer Fuser Fusing error Center thermistor 4530 1 Data after 0 0~255 M 4 - No HS
mode temperature correction
08 Setting Printer Fuser Fusing error Side thermistor 4532 Thermistor output 0 0~255 M 1 - No HS
mode temperature A/D value
08 Setting Printer Waste toner Continuous use 4541 Use number 0 0~10 M The continuous use number without replacing the 1 - No HS
mode box after the full waste toner box with a new one after the waste
status is detected toner box full status has been detected.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system 4542 Switching for 0 0~1 M 0: Enabled 1 Yes - No HS
mode incorrect size jam 1: Disabled
08 Setting Printer Transfer Color registration 4546 Execution mode 1 0~3 M 0: Not performed automatically 1 Yes - No HS
mode control setting 1: (a)
2: (a)+(b)
3: (b)+(c)
(a) Performs the adjustment automatically at the
start of the color mode job, when the temperature
condition is satisfied.
(b) Performs the adjustment automatically at
recovery from prewarming/sleep/warming-up.
(c) Performs the adjustment automatically at the
end of printing.
08 Setting Printer Finisher 4547 Manual stapling 15 3~30 M 3-30 sec. 1 - No HS
mode time-out period (In increments of 1 sec.)
08 Setting Printer Development Waste toner During printing 4551 0 Mixing start 2 0~6 M 0: 100 counts 4 - No HS
mode mixing paddle 1: 200 counts
setting 2: 300 counts
3: 600 counts
4: 1200 counts
5: 2400 counts
6: 3600 counts
08 Setting Printer Development Waste toner During printing 4551 1 Rotation period 3 0~6 M 0: Agitated for 3 sec. 4 - No HS
mode mixing paddle 1: Agitated for 5 sec.
setting 2: Agitated for 7 sec.
3: Agitated for 9 sec.
4: Agitated for 12 sec.
5: Agitated for 18 sec.
6: Agitated for 30 sec.

Setting mode 80 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Pausing of 4553 1 2nd drawer 1 0~7 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode pushing paper 1: Enabled (recycled paper only)
2: Enabled (plain paper only)
3: Enabled (plain paper and recycled paper)
4: Enabled (thin paper only)
5: Enabled (recycled paper and thin paper)
6: Enabled (plain paper and thin paper)
7: Enabled (plain paper, recycled paper, and thin
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Pausing of 4553 2 PFP upper drawer 1 0~7 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode pushing paper 1: Enabled (recycled paper only)
2: Enabled (plain paper only)
3: Enabled (plain paper and recycled paper)
4: Enabled (thin paper only)
5: Enabled (recycled paper and thin paper)
6: Enabled (plain paper and thin paper)
7: Enabled (plain paper, recycled paper, and thin
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Pausing of 4553 3 PFP lower drawer 1 0~7 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode pushing paper 1: Enabled (recycled paper only)
2: Enabled (plain paper only)
3: Enabled (plain paper and recycled paper)
4: Enabled (thin paper only)
5: Enabled (recycled paper and thin paper)
6: Enabled (plain paper and thin paper)
7: Enabled (plain paper, recycled paper, and thin
08 Setting Printer Development Waste toner Warming-up 4554 0 At normal status 1 0~5 M 0: Agitated for 2 sec. 4 - No HS
mode mixing paddle 1: Agitated for 3 sec.
setting 2: Agitated for 5 sec.
3: Agitated for 8 sec.
4: Agitated for 10 sec.
5: Agitated for 20 sec.
08 Setting Printer Development Waste toner Warming-up 4554 1 During warming-up 2 0~5 M 0: Agitated for 3 sec. 4 - No HS
mode mixing paddle after used toner 1: Agitated for 5 sec.
setting full status detection 2: Agitated for 8 sec.
3: Agitated for 10 sec.
4: Agitated for 15 sec.
5: Agitated for 20 sec.
08 Setting Printer Transfer Color registration 4562 Time of pausing 2 1~60 M Sets the time in order to start color registration 1 Yes - No HS
mode control control when its start-up conditions are satisfied.
(Unit: minute)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4567 320 mm x 450 mm 4500/3200 1480~4600/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1050~3200 (Unit : 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4568 460 mm x 320 mm 4600/3200 1480~4600/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1050~3200 (Unit : 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer General Checking of 4586 Models Refer to 110~115 M <Default value> 2 - No HS
mode SRAM board data contents 110: 20ppm
on LGC board 111: 25ppm
No. 1 112: 30ppm
113: 35ppm
114: 45ppm
115: 50ppm

Setting mode 81 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Fuser 4591 Identification of Refer to 0~2 M 0: 100 V series 2 - No HS
mode fuser unit voltage contents 1: 120 V series
2: 200 V series
<Default value>
NAD: 1
Others: 2
08 Setting Printer Laser 4604 Polygonal motor 4 0~9 M 0: 0 sec. 1 - No HS
mode standby rotation 1 to 9: Setting value x 5 sec.
Shift waiting time
after warm-up
08 Setting Printer Transfer Color registration Forcible execution 4605 0 Accumulated 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of color registration control 4 Yes - No HS
mode control counter value 9 when color registration control is executed
08 Setting Printer Transfer Color registration Automatic 4605 1 Accumulated 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of color registration control 4 Yes - No HS
mode control execution counter value 9 when color registration control is executed
08 Setting Printer General Destination 4608 Destination Refer to 0~9 M For EEPROM on LGC board 2 - No HS
mode categorized code contents 0: NAD 1: MJD 2: JPD 3: ASD 5: TWD 6:
<Default value>
MJD: 1, NAD: 0, JPD: 2, ASD: 3, AUD: 8, TWD:
5, CND: 6, ARD: 9
08 Setting Printer Counter 4615 0 Counter for job 0 0~9999999 M Once 4 - No HS
mode number of sheets 9
08 Setting Printer Counter 4615 1 Counter for job 0 0~9999999 M Twice 4 - No HS
mode number of sheets 9
08 Setting Printer Counter 4615 2 Counter for job 0 0~9999999 M 3 times 4 - No HS
mode number of sheets 9
08 Setting Printer Counter 4615 3 Counter for job 0 0~9999999 M Up to 5 times 4 - No HS
mode number of sheets 9
08 Setting Printer Counter 4615 4 Counter for job 0 0~9999999 M Up to 10 times 4 - No HS
mode number of sheets 9
08 Setting Printer Counter 4615 5 Counter for job 0 0~9999999 M Up to 20 times 4 - No HS
mode number of sheets 9
08 Setting Printer Counter 4615 6 Counter for job 0 0~9999999 M Up to 50 times 4 - No HS
mode number of sheets 9
08 Setting Printer Counter 4615 7 Counter for job 0 0~9999999 M Up to 100 times 4 - No HS
mode number of sheets 9
08 Setting Printer Counter 4615 8 Counter for job 0 0~9999999 M Up to 250 times 4 - No HS
mode number of sheets 9
08 Setting Printer Counter 4615 9 Counter for job 0 0~9999999 M Up to 500 times 4 - No HS
mode number of sheets 9
08 Setting Printer Counter 4615 10 Counter for job 0 0~9999999 M Up to 1000 times 4 - No HS
mode number of sheets 9
08 Setting Printer Counter 4615 11 Counter for job 0 0~9999999 M Up to 2000 times 4 - No HS
mode number of sheets 9
08 Setting Printer Counter 4615 12 Counter for job 0 0~9999999 M 2001 times or more 4 - No HS
mode number of sheets 9

Setting mode 82 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Counter History storing 4616 0 Latest 0 0~255 M 0: No error 1: C411 error 14 - No HS
mode area of fusing 2: C412 error 3: C443 error
error counter 4: Not used 5: C445, C465 error
6: C446, C466 error 7: C447 error
8: C468 error 9: C449 error
10 to 17: Not used 18: C468 error
19: C449 error 20: C468 error
21: C449 error 22: C449 error
23: C449 error 24: C447 error
25: C449 error 26: C468 error
27: C449 error 28: C468 error
29: C449 error 30: Not used
31: C4D0 error 32: C448 error
33: C467 error 34: C467 error
35 to 37: Not used 38: C450 error
39: C450 error 40: Not used
41: C451 error 42: C451 error
43 to 47: Not used 48: C450 error
49: C450 error 50: C452 error
51: C452 error 52 to 255: Not used
08 Setting Printer Counter History storing 4616 1 Once earlier 0 0~255 M 0: No error 1: C411 error 14 - No HS
mode area of fusing 2: C412 error 3: C443 error
error counter 4: Not used 5: C445, C465 error
6: C446, C466 error 7: C447 error
8: C468 error 9: C449 error
10 to 17: Not used 18: C468 error
19: C449 error 20: C468 error
21: C449 error 22: C449 error
23: C449 error 24: C447 error
25: C449 error 26: C468 error
27: C449 error 28: C468 error
29: C449 error 30: Not used
31: C4D0 error 32: C448 error
33: C467 error 34: C467 error
35 to 37: Not used 38: C450 error
39: C450 error 40: Not used
41: C451 error 42: C451 error
43 to 47: Not used 48: C450 error
49: C450 error 50: C452 error
51: C452 error 52 to 255: Not used
08 Setting Printer Counter History storing 4616 2 Twice earlier 0 0~255 M 0: No error 1: C411 error 14 - No HS
mode area of fusing 2: C412 error 3: C443 error
error counter 4: Not used 5: C445, C465 error
6: C446, C466 error 7: C447 error
8: C468 error 9: C449 error
10 to 17: Not used 18: C468 error
19: C449 error 20: C468 error
21: C449 error 22: C449 error
23: C449 error 24: C447 error
25: C449 error 26: C468 error
27: C449 error 28: C468 error
29: C449 error 30: Not used
31: C4D0 error 32: C448 error
33: C467 error 34: C467 error
35 to 37: Not used 38: C450 error
39: C450 error 40: Not used
41: C451 error 42: C451 error
43 to 47: Not used 48: C450 error
49: C450 error 50: C452 error
51: C452 error 52 to 255: Not used

Setting mode 83 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Counter History storing 4616 3 3 times earlier 0 0~255 M 0: No error 1: C411 error 14 - No HS
mode area of fusing 2: C412 error 3: C443 error
error counter 4: Not used 5: C445, C465 error
6: C446, C466 error 7: C447 error
8: C468 error 9: C449 error
10 to 17: Not used 18: C468 error
19: C449 error 20: C468 error
21: C449 error 22: C449 error
23: C449 error 24: C447 error
25: C449 error 26: C468 error
27: C449 error 28: C468 error
29: C449 error 30: Not used
31: C4D0 error 32: C448 error
33: C467 error 34: C467 error
35 to 37: Not used 38: C450 error
39: C450 error 40: Not used
41: C451 error 42: C451 error
43 to 47: Not used 48: C450 error
49: C450 error 50: C452 error
51: C452 error 52 to 255: Not used
08 Setting Printer Counter History storing 4616 4 4 times earlier 0 0~255 M 0: No error 1: C411 error 14 - No HS
mode area of fusing 2: C412 error 3: C443 error
error counter 4: Not used 5: C445, C465 error
6: C446, C466 error 7: C447 error
8: C468 error 9: C449 error
10 to 17: Not used 18: C468 error
19: C449 error 20: C468 error
21: C449 error 22: C449 error
23: C449 error 24: C447 error
25: C449 error 26: C468 error
27: C449 error 28: C468 error
29: C449 error 30: Not used
31: C4D0 error 32: C448 error
33: C467 error 34: C467 error
35 to 37: Not used 38: C450 error
39: C450 error 40: Not used
41: C451 error 42: C451 error
43 to 47: Not used 48: C450 error
49: C450 error 50: C452 error
51: C452 error 52 to 255: Not used
08 Setting Printer Counter History storing 4616 5 5 times earlier 0 0~255 M 0: No error 1: C411 error 14 - No HS
mode area of fusing 2: C412 error 3: C443 error
error counter 4: Not used 5: C445, C465 error
6: C446, C466 error 7: C447 error
8: C468 error 9: C449 error
10 to 17: Not used 18: C468 error
19: C449 error 20: C468 error
21: C449 error 22: C449 error
23: C449 error 24: C447 error
25: C449 error 26: C468 error
27: C449 error 28: C468 error
29: C449 error 30: Not used
31: C4D0 error 32: C448 error
33: C467 error 34: C467 error
35 to 37: Not used 38: C450 error
39: C450 error 40: Not used
41: C451 error 42: C451 error
43 to 47: Not used 48: C450 error
49: C450 error 50: C452 error
51: C452 error 52 to 255: Not used

Setting mode 84 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Feeding system 4621 Bypass paper size 0 0~1 M Detects whether the size of paper fed by bypass 1 - No HS
mode detection setting feeding is the same as the paper size set on the
control panel. If the sizes are not the same, the
warning message is displayed (Paper jam does
not occur).
When the bypass paper size detection is broken,
the equipment can be used without the size
detection by disabling this setting. After repair,
enable this setting.
0: Enabled
1: Disabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system 4622 Bypass paper size 0 0~65535 M This is a counter for bypass paper size detection 1 - No HS
mode detection counter setting. If the printing is executed with the paper
size that differs from the paper size set on the
control panel, the counter is counted up.
08 Setting Printer All clear Destination 4659 Storing area for Refer to 0~255 M Stores SYS-SRAM destination data when code 2 - No HS
mode SYS destination contents 08-9090 is performed.
information 0: MJD 1: NAD 2: JPC 3: AUD 4: CND 5: Not
defined 6: TWD 7: Not defined 8: Not defined
9: ASD 10: ARD
<Default value>
MJD: 0, NAD: 1, JPC: 2, AUD: 3, CND: 4, TWD:
6, ASD: 9, ARD: 10
08 Setting Printer Maintenance 4661 Serial number M 1st digit: Country of production (fixed) 1 - No HS
mode display for engine 2nd digit: Model (fixed)
3rd digit: Dominical year (changes)
4th digit: Month (changes)
5th to 9th digit: Serial number (changes)
10th to 13th digit: ****
14th to 17th digit: Model information (changes)
("UNDEFINED" is displayed before input)
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up 4665 Error count 1 0~1 M Switches the error count process for the tray-up 1 - No HS
mode abnormality process for tray-up abnormality.
abnormality 0: An occurrence is counted as a 1-time error
when a tray-up abnormality is generated at least
1 time.
1: An occurrence is counted as a 1-time error
when a tray-up abnormality is generated at least
2 times in a row.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up 1st drawer 4668 0 1 time 0 0~255 M Displays the number of the tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality occurrences which are generated only 1 time.
An error is counted when "1" is set for 08-4665.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up 1st drawer 4668 1 2 times in a row 0 0~255 M Displays the number of the tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality occurrences which are generated 2 times in a
An error is counted when "1" is set for 08-4665,
and is listed in the error history.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up 1st drawer 4668 2 At least 3 times in 0 0~255 M Displays the number of the tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality a row occurrences which are generated at least 3 times
in a row. The 3 times error is counted as 1, the 4
times one is 2, the 5 times one is 3 and the later
ones are counted consequently.
An error is counted when "1" is set for 08-4665.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up 1st drawer 4668 3 Total number of 0 0~255 M Displays the total number of tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality occurrences occurrences.
An error is counted when "0" is set for 08-4665,
and is listed in the error history.

Setting mode 85 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up 2nd drawer 4669 0 1 time 0 0~255 M Displays the number of the tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality occurrences which are generated only 1 time.
An error is counted when "1" is set for 08-4665.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up 2nd drawer 4669 1 2 times in a row 0 0~255 M Displays the number of the tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality occurrences which are generated 2 times in a
An error is counted when "1" is set for 08-4665,
and is listed in the error history.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up 2nd drawer 4669 2 At least 3 times in 0 0~255 M Displays the number of the tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality a row occurrences which are generated at least 3 times
in a row. The 3 times error is counted as 1, the 4
times one is 2, the 5 times one is 3 and the later
ones are counted consequently.
An error is counted when "1" is set for 08-4665.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up 2nd drawer 4669 3 Total number of 0 0~255 M Displays the total number of tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality occurrences occurrences.
An error is counted when "0" is set for 08-4665,
and is listed in the error history.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up PFP upper drawer 4670 0 1 time 0 0~255 M Displays the number of the tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality occurrences which are generated only 1 time.
An error is counted when "1" is set for 08-4665.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up PFP upper drawer 4670 1 2 times in a row 0 0~255 M Displays the number of the tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality occurrences which are generated 2 times in a
An error is counted when "1" is set for 08-4665,
and is listed in the error history.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up PFP upper drawer 4670 2 At least 3 times in 0 0~255 M Displays the number of the tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality a row occurrences which are generated at least 3 times
in a row. The 3 times error is counted as 1, the 4
times one is 2, the 5 times one is 3 and the later
ones are counted consequently.
An error is counted when "1" is set for 08-4665.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up PFP upper drawer 4670 3 Total number of 0 0~255 M Displays the total number of tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality occurrences occurrences.
An error is counted when "0" is set for 08-4665,
and is listed in the error history.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up PFP lower drawer 4671 0 1 time 0 0~255 M Displays the number of the tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality occurrences which are generated only 1 time.
An error is counted when "1" is set for 08-4665.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up PFP lower drawer 4671 1 2 times in a row 0 0~255 M Displays the number of the tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality occurrences which are generated 2 times in a
An error is counted when "1" is set for 08-4665,
and is listed in the error history.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up PFP lower drawer 4671 2 At least 3 times in 0 0~255 M Displays the number of the tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality a row occurrences which are generated at least 3 times
in a row. The 3 times error is counted as 1, the 4
times one is 2, the 5 times one is 3 and the later
ones are counted consequently.
An error is counted when "1" is set for 08-4665.
08 Setting Printer Counter Tray-up PFP lower drawer 4671 3 Total number of 0 0~255 M Displays the total number of tray-up abnormality 4 - No HS
mode abnormality occurrences occurrences.
An error is counted when "0" is set for 08-4665,
and is listed in the error history.

Setting mode 86 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Feeding system 4675 Paper ejection 2 0~2 M 0: Disabled 1 - No HS
mode setting for size 1: Position change of jammed paper
error of bypass 2: Ejects paper
08 Setting Printer Feeding system 4676 Counter of paper 0 0~65535 M Number of paper ejection 1 - No HS
mode ejection for size
error of bypass
08 Setting Printer General 4686 Printer ROM M Displays the last 2 or 3 digits of the printer ROM 2 - No HS
mode version display at version (08-9901) when printer all clear (08-9090)
printer all clear is performed. The version number is described by
alphanumeric characters.
08 Setting Printer IC chip Board information 4689 0 Y 0 0~255 M 0: Normal 4 - No HS
mode of toner cartridge 1: Access abnormality 1
2: Access abnormality 2
3: Access abnormality 3
4: Access abnormality 4
5: Occurrence of C911
08 Setting Printer IC chip Board information 4689 1 M 0 0~255 M 0: Normal 4 - No HS
mode of toner cartridge 1: Access abnormality 1
2: Access abnormality 2
3: Access abnormality 3
4: Access abnormality 4
5: Occurrence of C911
08 Setting Printer IC chip Board information 4689 2 C 0 0~255 M 0: Normal 4 - No HS
mode of toner cartridge 1: Access abnormality 1
2: Access abnormality 2
3: Access abnormality 3
4: Access abnormality 4
5: Occurrence of C911
08 Setting Printer IC chip Board information 4689 3 K 0 0~255 M 0: Normal 4 - No HS
mode of toner cartridge 1: Access abnormality 1
2: Access abnormality 2
3: Access abnormality 3
4: Access abnormality 4
5: Occurrence of C911
08 Setting Printer Finisher Inner Finisher 4695 Batch writing of M When replacing the finisher control PC board, 3 Yes - No HS
mode adjustment value writes all the adjustment value of the finisher
saved on the equipment to the finisher control PC
08 Setting Printer Finisher Inner Finisher 4696 Batch read-in of M Copies and saves all the adjustment values of 3 Yes - No HS
mode adjustment value the finisher to the equipment for the replacement
of the finisher control PC board due to damage.
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4698 ISO-B5-R 2500/1760 1480~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1050~2970 (Unit : 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Paper size setting 4699 KAKU2-R 3320/2400 1480~4320/ M Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - No HS
mode 1050~2970 (Unit : 0.1 mm)
08 Setting Printer Maintenance Waste toner box 4700 Detection setting 4 0~9 M Sets the correction value to the counter which is 1 Yes - No HS
mode of nearly-full status being in the nearly-full status.
0: 0.40 1: 0.55 2: 0.70 3: 0.85 4: 1.00 5: 1.15
6: 1.30 7: 1.45 8: 1.60 9: Nearly-full detection is

Setting mode 87 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer General 4708 Switchover setting 0 0~1 M When feeding 305 x 457 mm sized paper by 1 - No HS
mode of transport control bypass feeding, set the value of this code to "1"
for custom size for JAM detection. When the value is set to "1",
(297 x 431.8 mm) the print speed decreases.
0: Disabled (Setting for 297 × 431.8 mm)
1: Enabled (Setting for 305 × 457 mm)
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 0 Plain/Recycled/Thic 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at k paper occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 1 Thick paper 1 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 2 Thick paper 2~4 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 3 Special paper/OHP 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 4 Envelope 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 5 User paper type 1 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 6 User paper type 2 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled

Setting mode 88 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 7 User paper type 3 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 8 User paper type 4 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 9 User paper type 5 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 10 User paper type 6 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 11 User paper type 7 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 12 User paper type 8 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 13 User paper type 9 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Printer Feeding system Performance 4713 14 User paper type 10 0 0~1 M Use this code when retry by bypass feeding 4 - No HS
mode improvement at occurs frequently and the performance
retry by bypass decreases. Note that the performance decreases
feeding if this setting is enabled when retry does not
0: Disabled
1: Enabled

Setting mode 89 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Image control 4744 Self check interval 0 0~2 M 0: STANDARD 1 - No HS
mode Setting 1: LONGER
* Select "0" to give higher priority to the image
08 Setting Printer Finisher Special mode 4746 1 Shift amount 1 0~2 FIN 0: Finisher not installed 4 - No HS
mode setting at A4-R 1: 15 mm
sorting 2: 10 mm
08 Setting Printer Finisher Special mode 4746 2 Shift amount 2 0~2 FIN 0: Finisher not installed 4 - No HS
mode setting at large- 1: 15 mm
sized paper sorting 2: 12.5 mm
08 Setting Printer 4757 Fan stopping time 4 0~10 M When the time of the Ready status or Energy 1 - No HS
mode Saving mode exceeds the setting value, the fans
other than the IH fan and the SYS fan are
stopped. When a smaller value is set, the noise
at paper feeding may become worse due to the
rise in temperature.
0: Not controlled 1: 15 min. 2: 20 min. 3: 25
min. 4: 30 min. 5: 35 min. 6: 40 min. 7: 45
min. 8: 50 min. 9: 55 min. 10: 60 min.
08 Setting Printer Waste toner Nearly-full 4760 Transfer efficiency 79 60~99 M (Unit: %) 1 - No HS
mode box prediction setting
08 Setting Printer Waste toner Nearly-full 4761 Toner supply 100 85~115 M (Unit: %) 1 - No HS
mode box prediction amount correction
08 Setting Printer Waste toner Continuous use 4768 Error generating Refer to 0~2 M Sets to generate an error if the equipment is 1 - No HS
mode box after the full setting contents used continuously without placing the waste
status is detected toner box with a new one after the waste toner
box full status has been detected.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled (Error can be released with power
2: Enabled (Error cannot be released with power
<Default value>
CND: 2
Others: 0
08 Setting Printer Start-up At the start of 4778 1 COPY job 2 1~3 M Sets the copy job conditions to perform color 4 - No HS
mode condition of printing registration control.
color 1: Color
registration 2: Auto color + color
control 3: Every copy job
08 Setting Printer Start-up At the start of 4778 2 PRINT job 2 1~3 M Sets the print job conditions to perform color 4 - No HS
mode condition of printing registration control.
color 1: Color
registration 2: Auto color + color
control 3: Every print job
08 Setting Printer Image Automatic leading 4780 Enable/disable 1 0~1 M Sets whether automatic leading edge position 1 - No HS
mode edge position setting adjustment is enabled/disabled.
adjustment 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* Change the value to "0" (Disabled) only when
CA00 repeatedly occurs during 05-2742
(Enforced performing of image quality control).

Setting mode 90 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Maintenance HSYNC detection Abnormal 4796 0 K 0 0~7 M 0: Not abnormal 14 - No HS
mode error information 1: Step 0
2: Step 1
3: Step 2
4: Step 2.5
5: Step 3
6: Step 4
7: Under printing
08 Setting Printer Maintenance HSYNC detection Abnormal 4796 1 Y 0 0~7 M 0: Not abnormal 14 - No HS
mode error information 1: Step 0
2: Step 1
3: Step 2
4: Step 2.5
5: Step 3
6: Step 4
7: Under printing
08 Setting Printer Transfer Color registration 4797 Abnormality 0 0~255 M Counts up when a color registration abnormality 2 - No HS
mode control counter has occurred
08 Setting Printer Transfer Color registration Thermistor 1 4798 0 Reference 230 -200~2000 M [ºC] temperature x 0.1ºC 14 - No HS
mode control temperature
08 Setting Printer Transfer Color registration Thermistor 2 4798 1 Reference 230 -200~2000 M [ºC] temperature x 0.1ºC 14 - No HS
mode control temperature
08 Setting Printer Drawer type 4803 1 2nd drawer 0 0~2 SYS 0: Auto detection 4 - Yes H
mode setting 1: Normal drawer
2: Envelope drawer
08 Setting Printer Drawer type 4803 2 PFP upper drawer 0 0~2 SYS 0: Auto detection 4 - Yes H
mode setting 1: Normal drawer
2: Envelope drawer
08 Setting Printer Drawer type 4803 3 PFP lower drawer 0 0~2 SYS 0: Auto detection 4 - Yes H
mode setting 1: Normal drawer
2: Envelope drawer
08 Setting Printer Fuser Intermittence 4804 0 Temperature 3 0~100 M Threshold in order to skip the color registration 4 - No HS
mode setting threshold when control during intermittent printing
working (lower limit) (Unit: ºC)
08 Setting Printer Fuser Intermittence 4804 1 Temperature 12 0~100 M Threshold in order to skip the color registration 4 - No HS
mode setting threshold when control during intermittent printing
working (upper (Unit: ºC)
08 Setting Printer Fuser Intermittence 4804 2 Lower temperature 4 0~100 M Threshold in order to skip the color registration 4 - No HS
mode setting threshold when control during intermittent printing
stopping (Unit: ºC)
08 Setting Printer Fuser Intermittence 4804 3 Elapsed time 25 0~100 M Threshold in order to skip the color registration 4 - No HS
mode setting threshold control during intermittent printing
(Unit: minute)
08 Setting Printer Transfer Color registration Forcible execution 4805 Setting of 100 0~100 M (Unit: μm) 1 - No HS
mode control judgment whether
or not to add a
pattern to be
printed during
color registration

Setting mode 91 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Printer Transfer Image clock 4806 0 Auto execution 2 0~7 M 0: Not executed 4 - No HS
mode modulation interval 1: 0.5 days
adjustment 2: 1 day
3: 2 days
4: 3 days
5: 7 days
6: 14 days
7: 30 days
08 Setting Printer Transfer Image clock 4806 1 Auto execution 0 0~1 M 0: Short mode 4 - No HS
mode modulation mode switch 1: Full mode
08 Setting Printer Maintenance Error detection 4807 Service call 0 0~1 M 0: Error detected 1 - No HS
mode setting CA60/CA61 1: Error not detected
detection setting
08 Setting Printer Transfer Color registration 4808 Set of output 20 7~20 M 1 - No HS
mode control numbers of the
color registration
08 Setting Printer Maintenance HSYNC detection 4835 Judgment number 50 3~10000 M Sets the number of judgment times for detecting 1 - No HS
mode error time a CA20 error during printing.
(Unit: Times)
08 Setting Printer Maintenance HSYNC detection Counter 4836 0 K 0 0~255 M Counts the number of occurrence times of an 4 - No HS
mode error HSYNC detection error (CA20) during printing.
(Unit: Times)
* Only "0" can be entered.
08 Setting Printer Maintenance HSYNC detection Counter 4836 1 Y 0 0~255 M Counts the number of occurrence times of an 4 - No HS
mode error HSYNC detection error (CA20) during printing.
(Unit: Times)
* Only "0" can be entered.
08 Setting Process Development Toner near empty 5155 Toner near empty 1 0~5 M 0: The period from the appearance of the toner 1 Yes - No HS
mode threshold setting near-empty sign to the actual complete
consumption of the toner is set to long.
1: Normal (Default)
2: The period from the appearance of the toner
near-empty sign to the actual complete
consumption of the toner is set to short.
3: No detection
4: Toner near-empty status threshold value: (%)*
5: Toner near-empty status threshold value:
(Number of sheets)*
* The toner near-empty status is displayed if the
remaining amount of toner is equal to or less
than the amount set in 08-5810/5811
(percentage or number of sheets).
08 Setting Process Development Toner near empty Fine adjustment of 5156 0 Y 100 50~300 M Adjusts the threshold value for displaying 4 - No HS
mode threshold for remaining amount of toner and toner near empty.
displaying Display threshold value = default threshold value
remaining toner x setting value/100 (Unit: %)
and toner near
08 Setting Process Development Toner near empty Fine adjustment of 5156 1 M 100 50~300 M Adjusts the threshold value for displaying 4 - No HS
mode threshold for remaining amount of toner and toner near empty.
displaying Display threshold value = default threshold value
remaining toner x setting value/100 (Unit: %)
and toner near

Setting mode 92 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Development Toner near empty Fine adjustment of 5156 2 C 100 50~300 M Adjusts the threshold value for displaying 4 - No HS
mode threshold for remaining amount of toner and toner near empty.
displaying Display threshold value = default threshold value
remaining toner x setting value/100 (Unit: %)
and toner near
08 Setting Process Development Toner near empty Fine adjustment of 5156 3 K 100 50~300 M Adjusts the threshold value for displaying 4 - No HS
mode threshold for remaining amount of toner and toner near empty.
displaying Display threshold value = default threshold value
remaining toner x setting value/100 (Unit: %)
and toner near
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running 5204 0 Warm-up 0 0~60 M Setting value x 1 sec. 4 - No HS
mode starting time at 0: Disabled
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running 5204 1 Recovery from the 0 0~60 M Setting value x 1 sec. 4 - No HS
mode starting time at sleep mode 0: Disabled
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running 5204 2 Warm-up (Low 0 0~60 M Setting value x 1 sec. 4 - No HS
mode starting time at temperature) 0: Disabled
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running 5204 3 Recovery from 0 0~60 M Setting value x 1 sec. 4 - No HS
mode starting time at sleep mode (Low 0: Disabled
warm-up temperature)
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running 5204 4 Prewarming 0 0~60 M Setting value x 1 sec. 4 - No HS
mode starting time at recovery (Normal 0: Disabled
warm-up temperature)
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running 5204 5 Prewarming 0 0~60 M Setting value x 1 sec. 4 - No HS
mode starting time at recovery (Low 0: Disabled
warm-up temperature)
08 Setting Process Fuser 5207 Extension control 0 0~1 M 0: Enabled 1 - No HS
mode of warm-up 1: Disabled
08 Setting Process Fuser 5208 Threshold value for 0 0~15 M 0: None 1: 30ºC 2: 40ºC 3: 50ºC 4: 60ºC 5: 1 - No HS
mode disabling extension 70ºC 6: 80ºC 7: 90ºC 8: 100ºC 9: 110ºC 10:
of warm-up 120ºC 11: 130ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 150ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature to 5239 0 Normal Refer to 0~26 M 0: 70ºC 1: 75ºC 2: 80ºC 3: 85ºC 4: 90ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode start pre-running temperature contents 95ºC 6: 100ºC 7: 105ºC 8: 110ºC 9: 115ºC 10:
in ready 120ºC 11: 125ºC 12: 130ºC 13: 135ºC 14:
140ºC 15: 145ºC 16: 150ºC 17: 20ºC 18: 25ºC
19: 30ºC 20: 35ºC 21: 40ºC 22: 45ºC 23: 50ºC
24: 55ºC 25: 60ºC 26: 65ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 6
45/50ppm: 12
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature to 5239 1 Low temperature Refer to 0~26 M 0: 70ºC 1: 75ºC 2: 80ºC 3: 85ºC 4: 90ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode start pre-running contents 95ºC 6: 100ºC 7: 105ºC 8: 110ºC 9: 115ºC 10:
in ready 120ºC 11: 125ºC 12: 130ºC 13: 135ºC 14:
140ºC 15: 145ºC 16: 150ºC 17: 20ºC 18: 25ºC
19: 30ºC 20: 35ºC 21: 40ºC 22: 45ºC 23: 50ºC
24: 55ºC 25: 60ºC 26: 65ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 12
45/50ppm: 15

Setting mode 93 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting and 5248 0 Normal 1 0~2 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode releasing setting temperature 1: Released
of pressure roller 2: Semi-contacting
in ready
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting and 5248 1 Low temperature 1 0~2 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode releasing setting 1: Released
of pressure roller 2: Semi-contacting
in ready
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running Ready state 5251 Enable/disable 1 0~3 M 0: Disabled 1 - No HS
mode control setting of pre- 1: Enabled
running control in 2: Enabled only when normal temperature
ready 3: Enabled only when low temperature
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5258 0 User paper type 1 10 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5258 1 User paper type 2 10 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5258 2 User paper type 3 10 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5258 3 User paper type 4 10 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5258 4 User paper type 5 10 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5258 5 User paper type 6 10 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5258 6 User paper type 7 10 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:

Setting mode 94 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5258 7 User paper type 8 10 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5258 8 User paper type 9 10 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5258 9 User paper type 10 10 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time 5260 0 User paper type 1 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9:
10 sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13:
18 sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time 5260 1 User paper type 2 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9:
10 sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13:
18 sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time 5260 2 User paper type 3 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9:
10 sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13:
18 sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time 5260 3 User paper type 4 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9:
10 sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13:
18 sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.

Setting mode 95 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time 5260 4 User paper type 5 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9:
10 sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13:
18 sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time 5260 5 User paper type 6 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9:
10 sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13:
18 sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time 5260 6 User paper type 7 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9:
10 sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13:
18 sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time 5260 7 User paper type 8 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9:
10 sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13:
18 sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time 5260 8 User paper type 9 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9:
10 sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13:
18 sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time 5260 9 User paper type 10 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Disabled 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9:
10 sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13:
18 sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Center/Side 5261 0 User paper type 1 1 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting thermistor 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Center/Side 5261 1 User paper type 2 1 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting thermistor 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC

Setting mode 96 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Center/Side 5261 2 User paper type 3 1 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting thermistor 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Center/Side 5261 3 User paper type 4 1 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting thermistor 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Center/Side 5261 4 User paper type 5 1 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting thermistor 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Center/Side 5261 5 User paper type 6 1 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting thermistor 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Center/Side 5261 6 User paper type 7 1 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting thermistor 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Center/Side 5261 7 User paper type 8 1 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting thermistor 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Center/Side 5261 8 User paper type 9 1 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting thermistor 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Center/Side 5261 9 User paper type 10 1 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting thermistor 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Intermittent control 5262 0 User paper type 1 0 0~1 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode 1: Enabled
Be sure to keep this setting as it is if there is no
special reason or instruction to do otherwise.
08 Setting Process Fuser Intermittent control 5262 1 User paper type 2 0 0~1 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode 1: Enabled
Be sure to keep this setting as it is if there is no
special reason or instruction to do otherwise.
08 Setting Process Fuser Intermittent control 5262 2 User paper type 3 0 0~1 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode 1: Enabled
Be sure to keep this setting as it is if there is no
special reason or instruction to do otherwise.
08 Setting Process Fuser Intermittent control 5262 3 User paper type 4 0 0~1 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode 1: Enabled
Be sure to keep this setting as it is if there is no
special reason or instruction to do otherwise.
08 Setting Process Fuser Intermittent control 5262 4 User paper type 5 0 0~1 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode 1: Enabled
Be sure to keep this setting as it is if there is no
special reason or instruction to do otherwise.

Setting mode 97 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Intermittent control 5262 5 User paper type 6 0 0~1 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode 1: Enabled
Be sure to keep this setting as it is if there is no
special reason or instruction to do otherwise.
08 Setting Process Fuser Intermittent control 5262 6 User paper type 7 0 0~1 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode 1: Enabled
Be sure to keep this setting as it is if there is no
special reason or instruction to do otherwise.
08 Setting Process Fuser Intermittent control 5262 7 User paper type 8 0 0~1 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode 1: Enabled
Be sure to keep this setting as it is if there is no
special reason or instruction to do otherwise.
08 Setting Process Fuser Intermittent control 5262 8 User paper type 9 0 0~1 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode 1: Enabled
Be sure to keep this setting as it is if there is no
special reason or instruction to do otherwise.
08 Setting Process Fuser Intermittent control 5262 9 User paper type 10 0 0~1 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode 1: Enabled
Be sure to keep this setting as it is if there is no
special reason or instruction to do otherwise.
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature to 5275 0 Plain paper Refer to 0~26 M 0: 70ºC 1: 75ºC 2: 80ºC 3: 85ºC 4: 90ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode switch print speed (Monochrome) contents 95ºC 6: 100ºC 7: 105ºC 8: 110ºC 9: 115ºC 10:
120ºC 11: 125ºC 12: 130ºC 13: 135ºC 14:
140ºC 15: 145ºC 16: 150ºC 17: 155ºC 18:
160ºC 19: 165ºC 20: 170ºC 21: 175ºC 22:
180ºC 23: 185ºC 24: 190ºC 25: 195ºC 26:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 10
45/50ppm: 12
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature to 5275 1 Plain paper (Color) Refer to 0~26 M 0: 70ºC 1: 75ºC 2: 80ºC 3: 85ºC 4: 90ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode switch print speed contents 95ºC 6: 100ºC 7: 105ºC 8: 110ºC 9: 115ºC 10:
120ºC 11: 125ºC 12: 130ºC 13: 135ºC 14:
140ºC 15: 145ºC 16: 150ºC 17: 155ºC 18:
160ºC 19: 165ºC 20: 170ºC 21: 175ºC 22:
180ºC 23: 185ºC 24: 190ºC 25: 195ºC 26:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 10
45/50ppm: 13
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature to 5275 2 Thick paper Refer to 0~26 M 0: 70ºC 1: 75ºC 2: 80ºC 3: 85ºC 4: 90ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode switch print speed (Monochrome) contents 95ºC 6: 100ºC 7: 105ºC 8: 110ºC 9: 115ºC 10:
120ºC 11: 125ºC 12: 130ºC 13: 135ºC 14:
140ºC 15: 145ºC 16: 150ºC 17: 155ºC 18:
160ºC 19: 165ºC 20: 170ºC 21: 175ºC 22:
180ºC 23: 185ºC 24: 190ºC 25: 195ºC 26:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 11
45/50ppm: 13

Setting mode 98 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature to 5275 3 Thick paper (Color) Refer to 0~26 M 0: 70ºC 1: 75ºC 2: 80ºC 3: 85ºC 4: 90ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode switch print speed contents 95ºC 6: 100ºC 7: 105ºC 8: 110ºC 9: 115ºC 10:
120ºC 11: 125ºC 12: 130ºC 13: 135ºC 14:
140ºC 15: 145ºC 16: 150ºC 17: 155ºC 18:
160ºC 19: 165ºC 20: 170ºC 21: 175ºC 22:
180ºC 23: 185ºC 24: 190ºC 25: 195ºC 26:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 11
45/50ppm: 13
08 Setting Process Fuser Switchover 5276 0 Plain paper 0 0~2 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode setting of print (Monochrome) 1: Enabled for 5 minutes after start-up
speed 2: Enabled
08 Setting Process Fuser Switchover 5276 1 Plain paper (Color) 0 0~2 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode setting of print 1: Enabled for 5 minutes after start-up
speed 2: Enabled
08 Setting Process Fuser Switchover 5276 2 Thick paper 0 0~2 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode setting of print (Monochrome) 1: Enabled for 5 minutes after start-up
speed 2: Enabled
08 Setting Process Fuser Switchover 5276 3 Thick paper (Color) 0 0~2 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode setting of print 1: Enabled for 5 minutes after start-up
speed 2: Enabled
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5277 0 Thick paper 4 11 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Except for long 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
sized) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5277 1 Thick paper 4 11 0~16 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Long sized) 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Heater forcible Thick paper 4 5279 0 Except for Extra 1 0~10 M Forcible ON time of upper limit electricity 4 - No HS
mode ON time long sized paper 0: Disabled 1: 1 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 9
sec. 10: 10 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Heater forcible Thick paper 4 5279 1 Extra long sized 3 0~10 M Forcible ON time of upper limit electricity 4 - No HS
mode ON time paper 0: Disabled 1: 1 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4
sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 9
sec. 10: 10 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thick paper 4 5280 0 Except for Extra 0 0~16 M 0: Disabled 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 4 - No HS
mode for first printing long sized paper sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9:
10 sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13:
18 sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thick paper 4 5280 1 Extra long sized 0 0~16 M 0: Disabled 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 4 - No HS
mode for first printing paper sec. 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9:
10 sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13:
18 sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5293 0 Recycled paper 8 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Monochrome) 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
(Normal 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
temperature) 160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:

Setting mode 99 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5293 1 Recycled paper Refer to 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Color) (Normal contents 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
temperature) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 9
45/50ppm: 10
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5293 2 Recycled paper 9 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Monochrome) 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
(Low temperature) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
08 Setting Process Fuser Fusing Center thermistor 5293 3 Recycled paper Refer to 0~22 M 0: 90ºC 1: 95ºC 2: 100ºC 3: 105ºC 4: 110ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode temperature (Color) (Low contents 115ºC 6: 120ºC 7: 125ºC 8: 130ºC 9: 135ºC
temperature) 10: 140ºC 11: 145ºC 12: 150ºC 13: 155ºC 14:
160ºC 15: 165ºC 16: 170ºC 17: 175ºC 18:
180ºC 19: 185ºC 20: 190ºC 21: 195ºC 22:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 10
45/50ppm: 11
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Recycled paper 5299 0 Monochrome 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing (Low temperature) set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec.
5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Recycled paper 5299 1 Color 0 0~16 M When image offset occurs from the first sheet, 4 - No HS
mode for first printing (Low temperature) set a larger value. When a larger value is set, the
fusing ability will become better, but it will take
longer for the printing to start.
0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec.
5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Center thermistor 5300 0 Recycled paper 9 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Monochrome) 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature (Normal 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
temperature) 150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Center thermistor 5300 2 Recycled paper Refer to 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Color) (Normal contents 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature temperature) 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 9
45/50ppm: 11

Setting mode 100 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Center thermistor 5300 4 Thin paper Refer to 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Monochrome) contents 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature (Normal 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
temperature) 150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 7
45/50ppm: 8
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Center thermistor 5300 5 Thin paper (Color) Refer to 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Normal contents 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature temperature) 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 7
45/50ppm: 9
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Center thermistor 5301 0 Recycled paper Refer to 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Monochrome) contents 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature (Low temperature) 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 11
45/50ppm: 10
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Center thermistor 5301 2 Recycled paper Refer to 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Color) (Low contents 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature temperature) 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 11
45/50ppm: 12
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Center thermistor 5301 4 Thin paper Refer to 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Monochrome) contents 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature (Low temperature) 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 7
45/50ppm: 8
08 Setting Process Fuser Lower limit value Center thermistor 5301 5 Thin paper (Color) Refer to 0~18 M 0: 80ºC 1: 85ºC 2: 90ºC 3: 95ºC 4: 100ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode of control (Low temperature) contents 105ºC 6: 110ºC 7: 115ºC 8: 120ºC 9: 125ºC
temperature 10: 130ºC 11: 135ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 145ºC 14:
150ºC 15: 155ºC 16: 160ºC 17: 165ºC 18:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 8
45/50ppm: 10
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Plain paper 5308 0 Monochrome 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing (Normal 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
temperature) sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Plain paper 5308 1 Color (Normal 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing temperature) 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.

Setting mode 101 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thick paper 5308 2 Monochrome 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing (Normal 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
temperature) sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Thick paper 5308 3 Color (Normal 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing temperature) 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Plain/Thick paper 5308 4 Monochrome 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing (Normal 2 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
temperature) sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Plain/Thick paper 5308 5 Color (Normal 2 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing temperature) 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Recycled paper 5309 0 Monochrome 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing (Normal 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
temperature) sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Pre-running time Recycled paper 5309 1 Color (Normal 0 0~16 M 0: Invalid 1: 0 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 3 sec. 4: 4 sec. 4 - No HS
mode for first printing temperature) 5: 5 sec. 6: 6 sec. 7: 7 sec. 8: 8 sec. 9: 10
sec. 10: 12 sec. 11: 14 sec. 12: 16 sec. 13: 18
sec. 14: 20 sec. 15: 25 sec. 16: 30 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Plain paper 5310 0 Monochrome 0 0~11 M 0: Disabled (Always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running (Normal 3: 1 min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min.
time for first temperature) 8: 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Plain paper 5310 1 Color (Normal 0 0~11 M 0: Disabled (Always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running temperature) 3: 1 min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min.
time for first 8: 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Thick paper 5310 2 Monochrome 0 0~11 M 0: Disabled (Always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running (Normal 3: 1 min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min.
time for first temperature) 8: 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Thick paper 5310 3 Color (Normal 0 0~11 M 0: Disabled (Always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running temperature) 3: 1 min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min.
time for first 8: 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Recycled paper 5310 4 Monochrome 0 0~11 M 0: Disabled (Always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running (Normal 3: 1 min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min.
time for first temperature) 8: 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Recycled paper 5310 5 Color (Normal 0 0~11 M 0: Disabled (Always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running temperature) 3: 1 min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min.
time for first 8: 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Thin paper 5310 6 Monochrome 0 0~11 M 0: Disabled (Always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running (Normal 3: 1 min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min.
time for first temperature) 8: 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.

Setting mode 102 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Thin paper 5310 7 Color (Normal 0 0~11 M 0: Disabled (Always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running temperature) 3: 1 min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min.
time for first 8: 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Plain/Thick paper 5310 8 Monochrome 0 0~11 M 0: Disabled (Always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running (Normal 2 3: 1 min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min.
time for first temperature) 8: 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Applicable period Plain/Thick paper 5310 9 Color (Normal 2 0 0~11 M 0: Disabled (Always ON) 1: 0 min. 2: 0.5 min. 4 - No HS
mode of pre-running temperature) 3: 1 min. 4: 2 min. 5: 3 min. 6: 5 min. 7: 7 min.
time for first 8: 10 min. 9: 15 min. 10: 30 min. 11: 60 min.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting 5311 Paper feeding 0 0~2 M Sets a job to which paper feeding interval control 1 - No HS
mode before wide-size interval control for small-size paper is applied when an attempt is
paper feeding made to print a wide-size sheet of paper after a
small-size one has been fed.
0: Disabled
1: Rotate sort-printing
2: Always
* If offset occurs when a wide-size sheet of paper
is printed after the feeding of a small-size one,
change the setting of this code.
08 Setting Process Fuser 5315 Enable/disable 0 0~1 M 0: Disabled 1 - No HS
mode setting of elevation 1: Enabled
correction for wide
08 Setting Process Fuser Decreasing cpm 5316 Enable/disable 0 0~1 M 0: Disabled 1 - No HS
mode for small-size setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Thick/Recycl 5354 0 Normal Refer to 0~1 M Sets whether the Wait control is enabled or 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size ed/Thin paper temperature contents disabled when a print job with wide-size paper is
paper feeding carried out after one with small-size paper and
Ready have been performed.
0: Enabled
1: Disabled
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 1
45/50ppm: 0
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5354 1 Normal Refer to 0~1 M Sets whether the Wait control is enabled or 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper temperature contents disabled when a print job with wide-size paper is
paper feeding 1~3/OHP carried out after one with small-size paper and
Ready have been performed.
0: Enabled
1: Disabled
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 1
45/50ppm: 0
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Thick/Recycl 5354 2 Low temperature Refer to 0~1 M Sets whether the Wait control is enabled or 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size ed/Thin paper contents disabled when a print job with wide-size paper is
paper feeding carried out after one with small-size paper and
Ready have been performed.
0: Enabled
1: Disabled
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 1
45/50ppm: 0

Setting mode 103 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5354 3 Low temperature Refer to 0~1 M Sets whether the Wait control is enabled or 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper contents disabled when a print job with wide-size paper is
paper feeding 1~3/OHP carried out after one with small-size paper and
Ready have been performed.
0: Enabled
1: Disabled
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 1
45/50ppm: 0
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Recycled/Thi 5355 0 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size n paper setting 1 (Normal contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-0, 4 and 8: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-0≦
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5355 1 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper setting 1 (Normal contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding 1~3/OHP temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-1, 5 and 9: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-1≦

Setting mode 104 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Recycled/Thi 5355 2 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size n paper setting 1 (Low contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-2, 6 and 10: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-2≦
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5355 3 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper setting 1 (Low contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding 1~3/OHP temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-3, 7 and 11: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-3≦
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Recycled/Thi 5355 4 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size n paper setting 2 (Normal contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-0, 4 and 8: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-0≦

Setting mode 105 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5355 5 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper setting 2 (Normal contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding 1~3/OHP temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-1, 5 and 9: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-1≦
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Recycled/Thi 5355 6 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size n paper setting 2 (Low contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-2, 6 and 10: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-2≦
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5355 7 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper setting 2 (Low contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding 1~3/OHP temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-3, 7 and 11: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-3≦

Setting mode 106 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Recycled/Thi 5355 8 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size n paper setting 3 (Normal contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 1
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-0, 4 and 8: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-0≦
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5355 9 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper setting 3 (Normal contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding 1~3/OHP temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 1
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-1, 5 and 9: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-1≦
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Recycled/Thi 5355 10 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size n paper setting 3 (Low contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 1
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-2, 6 and 10: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-2≦

Setting mode 107 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5355 11 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper setting 3 (Low contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding 1~3/OHP temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 1
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-3, 7 and 11: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-3≦
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5355 12 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size setting 1 (Normal contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-0, 4 and 8: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-12
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5355 13 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size setting 2 (Normal contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-0, 4 and 8: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-12

Setting mode 108 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5355 14 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size setting 3 (Normal contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 1
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-0, 4 and 8: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-12
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5355 15 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size setting 1 (Low contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 22
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-2, 6 and 10: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-15
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5355 16 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size setting 2 (Low contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-2, 6 and 10: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-15

Setting mode 109 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5355 17 Print number Refer to 0~23 M Sets the number of the continuous printing with 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size setting 3 (Low contents small-size paper to carry out the Wait control for
paper feeding temperature) wide-size paper feeding after Ready.
0: 5 Sheets 1: 10 Sheets 2: 15 Sheets 3: 20
Sheets 4: 25 Sheets 5: 30 Sheets 6: 35
Sheets 7: 40 Sheets 8: 45 Sheets 9: 50
Sheets 10: 55 Sheets 11: 60 Sheets 12: 65
Sheets 13: 70 Sheets 14: 75 Sheets 15: 80
Sheets 16: 100 Sheets 17: 200 Sheets 18: 300
Sheets 19: 400 Sheets 20: 500 Sheets 21: 1
Sheet 22: 2 Sheets 23: 3 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 1
45/50ppm: 3
* 08-5355-2, 6 and 10: This setting is available
when plain, recycled or thin paper is printed at
normal temperatures.
* Set the values so that they become 08-5355-15
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Recycled/Thi 5357 0 Period setting 1 Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size n paper (Normal contents fed.
paper feeding temperature) 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 2
45/50ppm: 5
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5357 1 Period setting 1 Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper (Normal contents fed.
paper feeding 1~3/OHP temperature) 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 2
45/50ppm: 5
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Recycled/Thi 5357 2 Period setting 1 Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size n paper (Low temperature) contents fed.
paper feeding 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 2
45/50ppm: 5
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.

Setting mode 110 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5357 3 Period setting 1 Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper (Low temperature) contents fed.
paper feeding 1~3/OHP 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 2
45/50ppm: 5
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Recycled/Thi 5357 4 Period setting 2 Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size n paper (Normal contents fed.
paper feeding temperature) 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 5
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5357 5 Period setting 2 Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper (Normal contents fed.
paper feeding 1~3/OHP temperature) 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 5
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Recycled/Thi 5357 6 Period setting 2 Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size n paper (Low temperature) contents fed.
paper feeding 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 5
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.

Setting mode 111 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5357 7 Period setting 2 Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper (Low temperature) contents fed.
paper feeding 1~3/OHP 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 5
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Recycled/Thi 5357 8 Period setting 3 5 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size n paper (Normal fed.
paper feeding temperature) 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5357 9 Period setting 3 5 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper (Normal fed.
paper feeding 1~3/OHP temperature) 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Recycled/Thi 5357 10 Period setting 3 5 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size n paper (Low temperature) fed.
paper feeding 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5357 11 Period setting 3 5 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper (Low temperature) fed.
paper feeding 1~3/OHP 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.

Setting mode 112 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5357 12 Period setting 1 Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size (Normal contents fed.
paper feeding temperature) 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 2
45/50ppm: 5
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5357 13 Period setting 2 Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size (Normal contents fed.
paper feeding temperature) 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 5
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5357 14 Period setting 3 5 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size (Normal fed.
paper feeding temperature) 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5357 15 Period setting 1 Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size (Low temperature) contents fed.
paper feeding 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 2
45/50ppm: 5
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.

Setting mode 113 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5357 16 Period setting 2 Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size (Low temperature) contents fed.
paper feeding 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 5
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5357 17 Period setting 3 Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size (Low temperature) contents fed.
paper feeding 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec..
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 2
45/50ppm: 5
* The same value set in the sub code selected in
08-5355 is used.
* The Ready period before wide-side paper is fed
is included in the Wait period.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Thick/Recycl 5358 0 Small-size paper Refer to 0~12 M Selects the paper size to be judged as a small- 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size ed/Thin paper definition (Normal contents size one.
paper feeding temperature) The Wait control before wide-side paper feeding
is performed when paper whose size is wider
than or equal to the selected one is fed after
smaller-size paper has been fed and Ready.
0: A6-R 1: ST-R 2: A5-R 3: B5-R 4: 16K-R 5:
A4-R 6: LT-R/LG 7: B4/COMP 8: 8K 9: LT/LD
10: A4/A3 11: A3WIDE 12: SRA3
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 12
45/50ppm: 2
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5358 1 Small-size paper Refer to 0~12 M Selects the paper size to be judged as a small- 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper definition (Normal contents size one.
paper feeding 1~3/OHP temperature) The Wait control before wide-side paper feeding
is performed when paper whose size is wider
than or equal to the selected one is fed after
smaller-size paper has been fed and Ready.
0: A6-R 1: ST-R 2: A5-R 3: B5-R 4: 16K-R 5:
A4-R 6: LT-R/LG 7: B4/COMP 8: 8K 9: LT/LD
10: A4/A3 11: A3WIDE 12: SRA3
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 12
45/50ppm: 2

Setting mode 114 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Plain/Thick/Recycl 5358 2 Small-size paper Refer to 0~12 M Selects the paper size to be judged as a small- 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size ed/Thin paper definition (Low contents size one.
paper feeding temperature) The Wait control before wide-side paper feeding
is performed when paper whose size is wider
than or equal to the selected one is fed after
smaller-size paper has been fed and Ready.
0: A6-R 1: ST-R 2: A5-R 3: B5-R 4: 16K-R 5:
A4-R 6: LT-R/LG 7: B4/COMP 8: 8K 9: LT/LD
10: A4/A3 11: A3WIDE 12: SRA3
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 12
45/50ppm: 2
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting Thick paper 5358 3 Small-size paper Refer to 0~12 M Selects the paper size to be judged as a small- 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size 1~4/Special paper definition (Low contents size one.
paper feeding 1~3/OHP temperature) The Wait control before wide-side paper feeding
is performed when paper whose size is wider
than or equal to the selected one is fed after
smaller-size paper has been fed and Ready.
0: A6-R 1: ST-R 2: A5-R 3: B5-R 4: 16K-R 5:
A4-R 6: LT-R/LG 7: B4/COMP 8: 8K 9: LT/LD
10: A4/A3 11: A3WIDE 12: SRA3
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 12
45/50ppm: 2
08 Setting Process Fuser Electricity variable 5364 Enable/disable Refer to 0~1 M 0: Disabled 1 - No HS
mode control at printing setting contents 1: Enabled
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 1
* Be sure to keep this setting as it is if there is no
special reason or instruction to do otherwise.
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature 5390 Thick paper 4 2 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 1 - No HS
mode setting for starting 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Recycled paper 5409 0 Monochrome Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting (Normal contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality temperature) 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 16
45/50ppm: 0
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Recycled paper 5409 1 Color (Normal Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting temperature) contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 16
45/50ppm: 1
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Recycled paper 5410 0 Monochrome (Low Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting temperature) contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 1

Setting mode 115 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature Recycled paper 5410 1 Color (Low Refer to 0~16 M 0: 120ºC 1: 125ºC 2: 130ºC 3: 135ºC 4: 140ºC 4 - No HS
mode setting for starting temperature) contents 5: 145ºC 6: 150ºC 7: 155ºC 8: 160ºC 9: 165ºC
abnormality 10: 170ºC 11: 175ºC 12: Disabled 13: 100ºC
handling 14: 105ºC 15: 110ºC 16: 115ºC
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 3
08 Setting Process Fuser 5412 Threshold value for 0 0~15 M 0: None 1: 30ºC 2: 40ºC 3: 50ºC 4: 60ºC 5: 1 - No HS
mode disabling elevation 70ºC 6: 80ºC 7: 90ºC 8: 100ºC 9: 110ºC 10:
correction due to 120ºC 11: 130ºC 12: 140ºC 13: 150ºC 14:
low temperature 160ºC 15: 170ºC
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature to 5413 0 Thick paper 3 13 0~26 M 0: 70ºC 1: 75ºC 2: 80ºC 3: 85ºC 4: 90ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode switch print speed 95ºC 6: 100ºC 7: 105ºC 8: 110ºC 9: 115ºC 10:
120ºC 11: 125ºC 12: 130ºC 13: 135ºC 14:
140ºC 15: 145ºC 16: 150ºC 17: 155ºC 18:
160ºC 19: 165ºC 20: 170ºC 21: 175ºC 22:
180ºC 23: 185ºC 24: 190ºC 25: 195ºC 26:
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature to 5413 1 Thick paper 4 14 0~26 M 0: 70ºC 1: 75ºC 2: 80ºC 3: 85ºC 4: 90ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode switch print speed 95ºC 6: 100ºC 7: 105ºC 8: 110ºC 9: 115ºC 10:
120ºC 11: 125ºC 12: 130ºC 13: 135ºC 14:
140ºC 15: 145ºC 16: 150ºC 17: 155ºC 18:
160ºC 19: 165ºC 20: 170ºC 21: 175ºC 22:
180ºC 23: 185ºC 24: 190ºC 25: 195ºC 26:
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature to 5413 2 Special paper 1 Refer to 0~26 M 0: 70ºC 1: 75ºC 2: 80ºC 3: 85ºC 4: 90ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode switch print speed contents 95ºC 6: 100ºC 7: 105ºC 8: 110ºC 9: 115ºC 10:
120ºC 11: 125ºC 12: 130ºC 13: 135ºC 14:
140ºC 15: 145ºC 16: 150ºC 17: 155ºC 18:
160ºC 19: 165ºC 20: 170ºC 21: 175ºC 22:
180ºC 23: 185ºC 24: 190ºC 25: 195ºC 26:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 15
45/50ppm: 14
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature to 5413 3 Special paper 2 Refer to 0~26 M 0: 70ºC 1: 75ºC 2: 80ºC 3: 85ºC 4: 90ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode switch print speed contents 95ºC 6: 100ºC 7: 105ºC 8: 110ºC 9: 115ºC 10:
120ºC 11: 125ºC 12: 130ºC 13: 135ºC 14:
140ºC 15: 145ºC 16: 150ºC 17: 155ºC 18:
160ºC 19: 165ºC 20: 170ºC 21: 175ºC 22:
180ºC 23: 185ºC 24: 190ºC 25: 195ºC 26:
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 15
45/50ppm: 14
08 Setting Process Fuser Temperature to 5413 4 Special paper 3 11 0~26 M 0: 70ºC 1: 75ºC 2: 80ºC 3: 85ºC 4: 90ºC 5: 4 - No HS
mode switch print speed 95ºC 6: 100ºC 7: 105ºC 8: 110ºC 9: 115ºC 10:
120ºC 11: 125ºC 12: 130ºC 13: 135ºC 14:
140ºC 15: 145ºC 16: 150ºC 17: 155ºC 18:
160ºC 19: 165ºC 20: 170ºC 21: 175ºC 22:
180ºC 23: 185ºC 24: 190ºC 25: 195ºC 26:
08 Setting Process Fuser Switchover of 5415 0 Special paper 1 0 0~2 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode print speed 1: Enabled for 5 minutes after start-up
2: Enabled

Setting mode 116 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Switchover of 5415 1 Special paper 2 0 0~2 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode print speed 1: Enabled for 5 minutes after start-up
2: Enabled
08 Setting Process Fuser Switchover of 5415 2 Special paper 3 0 0~2 M 0: Disabled 4 - No HS
mode print speed 1: Enabled for 5 minutes after start-up
2: Enabled
08 Setting Process Fuser Effective time of 5446 0 Normal Refer to 0~19 M Effective time of contacting rotation in ready 4 - No HS
mode contacting rotation temperature contents 0: 0 sec. 1: 3 sec. 2: 5 sec. 3: 10 sec. 4: 15
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 45 sec. 7: 60 sec. 8: 90 sec.
9: 120 sec. 10: 3 min. 11: 5 min. 12: 10 min.
13: 15 min. 14: 30 min. 15: 45 min. 16: 60 min.
17: 90 min. 18: 120 min. 19: Continuance
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 2
45/50ppm: 4
08 Setting Process Fuser Effective time of 5446 1 Low temperature 2 0~19 M Effective time of contacting rotation in ready 4 - No HS
mode contacting rotation 0: 0 sec. 1: 3 sec. 2: 5 sec. 3: 10 sec. 4: 15
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 45 sec. 7: 60 sec. 8: 90 sec.
9: 120 sec. 10: 3 min. 11: 5 min. 12: 10 min.
13: 15 min. 14: 30 min. 15: 45 min. 16: 60 min.
17: 90 min. 18: 120 min. 19: Continuance
08 Setting Process Fuser Effective time of 5447 0 Normal 7 0~19 M Effective time of released rotation in ready 4 - No HS
mode released rotation temperature 0: 0 sec. 1: 3 sec. 2: 5 sec. 3: 10 sec. 4: 15
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 45 sec. 7: 60 sec. 8: 90 sec.
9: 120 sec. 10: 3 min. 11: 5 min. 12: 10 min.
13: 15 min. 14: 30 min. 15: 45 min. 16: 60 min.
17: 90 min. 18: 120 min. 19: Continuance
08 Setting Process Fuser Effective time of 5447 1 Low temperature 7 0~19 M Effective time of released rotation in ready 4 - No HS
mode released rotation 0: 0 sec. 1: 3 sec. 2: 5 sec. 3: 10 sec. 4: 15
sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 45 sec. 7: 60 sec. 8: 90 sec.
9: 120 sec. 10: 3 min. 11: 5 min. 12: 10 min.
13: 15 min. 14: 30 min. 15: 45 min. 16: 60 min.
17: 90 min. 18: 120 min. 19: Continuance
08 Setting Process Fuser Small-size paper Plain/Recycled/Thi 5455 0 Print number Refer to 0~14 M Sets the number of sheets in continuous printing 4 - No HS
mode feeding interval n paper setting [1] contents which enables paper feeding interval control after
control setting small-size paper has passed during combination
(combination job) jobs
0: 10 Sheets 1: 20 Sheets 2: 30 Sheets 3: 50
Sheets 4: 75 Sheets 5: 100 Sheets 6: 150
Sheets 7: 250 Sheets 8: 300 Sheets 9: 400
Sheets 10: 500 Sheets 11: 1 Sheet 12: 2
Sheets 13: 3 Sheets 14: 5 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 12
45/50ppm: 1
* Set the values so that they become 08- 5455-0

Setting mode 117 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Small-size paper Plain/Recycled/Thi 5455 1 Print number Refer to 0~14 M Sets the number of sheets in continuous printing 4 - No HS
mode feeding interval n paper setting [2] contents which enables paper feeding interval control after
control setting small-size paper has passed during combination
(combination job) jobs
0: 10 Sheets 1: 20 Sheets 2: 30 Sheets 3: 50
Sheets 4: 75 Sheets 5: 100 Sheets 6: 150
Sheets 7: 250 Sheets 8: 300 Sheets 9: 400
Sheets 10: 500 Sheets 11: 1 Sheet 12: 2
Sheets 13: 3 Sheets 14: 5 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 14
45/50ppm: 1
* Set the values so that they become 08- 5455-0
08 Setting Process Fuser Small-size paper Plain/Recycled/Thi 5455 2 Print number Refer to 0~14 M Sets the number of sheets in continuous printing 4 - No HS
mode feeding interval n paper setting [3] contents which enables paper feeding interval control after
control setting small-size paper has passed during combination
(combination job) jobs
0: 10 Sheets 1: 20 Sheets 2: 30 Sheets 3: 50
Sheets 4: 75 Sheets 5: 100 Sheets 6: 150
Sheets 7: 250 Sheets 8: 300 Sheets 9: 400
Sheets 10: 500 Sheets 11: 1 Sheet 12: 2
Sheets 13: 3 Sheets 14: 5 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 1
* Set the values so that they become 08- 5455-0
08 Setting Process Fuser Small-size paper Thick/Thick 5455 3 Print number Refer to 0~14 M Sets the number of sheets in continuous printing 4 - No HS
mode feeding interval 1~4/Special paper setting [1] contents which enables paper feeding interval control after
control setting 1~3/OHP small-size paper has passed during combination
(combination job) jobs
0: 10 Sheets 1: 20 Sheets 2: 30 Sheets 3: 50
Sheets 4: 75 Sheets 5: 100 Sheets 6: 150
Sheets 7: 250 Sheets 8: 300 Sheets 9: 400
Sheets 10: 500 Sheets 11: 1 Sheet 12: 2
Sheets 13: 3 Sheets 14: 5 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 12
45/50ppm: 1
* Set the values so that they become 08- 5455-3
08 Setting Process Fuser Small-size paper Thick/Thick 5455 4 Print number Refer to 0~14 M Sets the number of sheets in continuous printing 4 - No HS
mode feeding interval 1~4/Special paper setting [2] contents which enables paper feeding interval control after
control setting 1~3/OHP small-size paper has passed during combination
(combination job) jobs
0: 10 Sheets 1: 20 Sheets 2: 30 Sheets 3: 50
Sheets 4: 75 Sheets 5: 100 Sheets 6: 150
Sheets 7: 250 Sheets 8: 300 Sheets 9: 400
Sheets 10: 500 Sheets 11: 1 Sheet 12: 2
Sheets 13: 3 Sheets 14: 5 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 14
45/50ppm: 1
* Set the values so that they become 08- 5455-3

Setting mode 118 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Small-size paper Thick/Thick 5455 5 Print number Refer to 0~14 M Sets the number of sheets in continuous printing 4 - No HS
mode feeding interval 1~4/Special paper setting [3] contents which enables paper feeding interval control after
control setting 1~3/OHP small-size paper has passed during combination
(combination job) jobs
0: 10 Sheets 1: 20 Sheets 2: 30 Sheets 3: 50
Sheets 4: 75 Sheets 5: 100 Sheets 6: 150
Sheets 7: 250 Sheets 8: 300 Sheets 9: 400
Sheets 10: 500 Sheets 11: 1 Sheet 12: 2
Sheets 13: 3 Sheets 14: 5 Sheets
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 1
* Set the values so that they become 08- 5455-3
08 Setting Process Fuser Small-size paper Plain/Recycled/Thi 5456 0 Period setting [1] Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode feeding interval n paper contents fed during a combination job.
control setting 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
(combination job) sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 2
45/50ppm: 5
08 Setting Process Fuser Small-size paper Plain/Recycled/Thi 5456 1 Period setting [2] Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode feeding interval n paper contents fed during a combination job.
control setting 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
(combination job) sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 5
08 Setting Process Fuser Small-size paper Plain/Recycled/Thi 5456 2 Period setting [3] 5 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode feeding interval n paper fed during a combination job.
control setting 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
(combination job) sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Small-size paper Thick/Thick 5456 3 Period setting [1] Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode feeding interval 1~4/Special paper contents fed during a combination job.
control setting 1~3/OHP 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
(combination job) sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 2
45/50ppm: 5
08 Setting Process Fuser Small-size paper Thick/Thick 5456 4 Period setting [2] Refer to 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode feeding interval 1~4/Special paper contents fed during a combination job.
control setting 1~3/OHP 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
(combination job) sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 3
45/50ppm: 5

Setting mode 119 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Small-size paper Thick/Thick 5456 5 Period setting [3] 5 0~15 M Sets the Wait period before wide-size paper is 4 - No HS
mode feeding interval 1~4/Special paper fed during a combination job.
control setting 1~3/OHP 0: 5 sec. 1: 10 sec. 2: 15 sec. 3: 20 sec. 4: 25
(combination job) sec. 5: 30 sec. 6: 35 sec. 7: 40 sec. 8: 45 sec.
9: 50 sec. 10: 55 sec. 11: 60 sec. 12: 70 sec.
13: 80 sec. 14: 90 sec. 15: 100 sec.
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting 5457 0 Normal Refer to 0~3 M Sets whether the Wait control for wide-size paper 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size temperature contents feeding is enabled or disabled after small-size
paper feeding paper has passed during combination jobs
(combination job) 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
2: Plain/Recycled/Thin Enabled
3: Thick/Thick 1~4/Special 1~3/OHP Enabled
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 1
08 Setting Process Fuser Wait setting 5457 1 Low temperature Refer to 0~3 M Sets whether the Wait control for wide-size paper 4 - No HS
mode before wide-size contents feeding is enabled or disabled after small-size
paper feeding paper has passed during combination jobs
(combination job) 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
2: Plain/Recycled/Thin Enabled
3: Thick/Thick 1~4/Special 1~3/OHP Enabled
<Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 0
45/50ppm: 1
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting setting 5464 0 Thick paper 1 0 0~1 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode of pressure roller 1: Semi-contacting
at printing
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting setting 5464 1 Thick paper 2 0 0~1 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode of pressure roller 1: Semi-contacting
at printing
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting setting 5464 2 Thick paper 3 0 0~1 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode of pressure roller 1: Semi-contacting
at printing
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting setting 5464 3 Thick paper 4 0 0~1 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode of pressure roller 1: Semi-contacting
at printing
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting setting 5464 4 OHP 0 0~1 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode of pressure roller 1: Semi-contacting
at printing
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting setting 5464 5 Special paper 1 0 0~1 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode of pressure roller 1: Semi-contacting
at printing
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting setting 5464 6 Special paper 2 0 0~1 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode of pressure roller 1: Semi-contacting
at printing
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting setting 5464 7 Special paper 3 0 0~1 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode of pressure roller 1: Semi-contacting
at printing
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting setting 5464 8 Envelope 1 0~1 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode of pressure roller 1: Semi-contacting
at printing

Setting mode 120 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting setting 5464 9 Thin paper 0 0~1 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode of pressure roller 1: Semi-contacting
at printing
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting setting 5464 10 Plain paper 0 0~1 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode of pressure roller 1: Semi-contacting
at printing
08 Setting Process Fuser Contacting setting 5464 11 Thick paper 0 0~1 M 0: Contacting 4 - No HS
mode of pressure roller 1: Semi-contacting
at printing
08 Setting Process Fuser Energy save 5469 Enable/disable 1 0~1 M 0: Disabled 1 - No HS
mode setting of energy 1: Enabled
saving mode
08 Setting Process Fuser 5473 Detection time Refer to 0~11 M 0: 1 min. 1: 5 min. 2: 10 min. 3: 15 min. 4: 30 1 - No HS
mode setting of contents min. 5: 45 min. 6: 60 min. 7: 90 min. 8: 120
environmental min. 9: 180 min. 10: 240 min. 11: Disabled
temperature <Default value>
20/25/30/35ppm: 11
45/50ppm: 8
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter M 5550 Setting value Refer to 0~9999999 M Sets the threshold for displaying a message for 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 PM timing.
0: Not displayed
20ppm: 60000
25ppm: 75000
30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: page)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter M 5551 Setting value Refer to 0~9999999 M Sets the threshold for displaying a message for 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 PM timing.
0: Not displayed
20ppm: 217000
25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter C 5552 Setting value Refer to 0~9999999 M Sets the threshold for displaying a message for 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 PM timing.
0: Not displayed
20ppm: 60000
25ppm: 75000
30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: page)

Setting mode 121 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter C 5553 Setting value Refer to 0~9999999 M Sets the threshold for displaying a message for 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 PM timing.
0: Not displayed
20ppm: 217000
25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Developer material 5554 Setting value (K) Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default> 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 20ppm: 120000
25ppm: 150000
30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter Developer material 5555 Setting value (K) Refer to 0~9999999 M Time accumulating counter 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 <Default value>
20ppm: 480000
25ppm: 480000
30ppm: 480000
35ppm: 480000
45ppm: 500000
50ppm: 450000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Developer material 5556 Setting value (Y) Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default> 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 20ppm: 120000
25ppm: 150000
30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter Developer material 5557 Setting value (Y) Refer to 0~9999999 M Time accumulating counter 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 <Default value>
20ppm: 480000
25ppm: 480000
30ppm: 480000
35ppm: 480000
45ppm: 500000
50ppm: 450000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Developer material 5558 Setting value (M) Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default> 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 20ppm: 120000
25ppm: 150000
30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)

Setting mode 122 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter Developer material 5559 Setting value (M) Refer to 0~9999999 M Time accumulating counter 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 <Default value>
20ppm: 480000
25ppm: 480000
30ppm: 480000
35ppm: 480000
45ppm: 500000
50ppm: 450000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Developer material 5560 Setting value (C) Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default> 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 20ppm: 120000
25ppm: 150000
30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter Developer material 5561 Setting value (C) Refer to 0~9999999 M Time accumulating counter 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 <Default value>
20ppm: 480000
25ppm: 480000
30ppm: 480000
35ppm: 480000
45ppm: 500000
50ppm: 450000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Parts 5562 Setting value Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 20ppm: 120000
25ppm: 150000
30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter Parts 5563 Setting value Refer to 0~9999999 M Time accumulating counter 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 <Default value>
20ppm: 675000
25ppm: 675000
30ppm: 675000
35ppm: 675000
45ppm: 625000
50ppm: 562000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter M 5564 Current value 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
(Unit: page)
same as 08-6254-0
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter M 5565 Current value 0 0~9999999 M Counts the drum driving time. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
Same as 08-6254-3
1 count = 1.5 seconds (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)
1 count = 1 second (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)

Setting mode 123 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter C 5566 Current value 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
(Unit: page)
same as 08-6256-0
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter C 5567 Current value 0 0~9999999 M Counts the drum driving time. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
Same as 08-6256-3
1 count = 1.5 seconds (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)
1 count = 1 second (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Developer material 5568 Current value (K) 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
(Unit: page)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter Developer material 5569 Current value (K) 0 0~9999999 M Counts the drum driving time. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
1 count = 1.5 seconds (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)
1 count = 1 second (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Developer material 5570 Current value (Y) 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
(Unit: page)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter Developer material 5571 Current value (Y) 0 0~9999999 M Counts the drum driving time. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
1 count = 1.5 seconds (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)
1 count = 1 second (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Developer material 5572 Current value (M) 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
(Unit: page)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter Developer material 5573 Current value (M) 0 0~9999999 M Counts the drum driving time. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
1 count = 1.5 seconds (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)
1 count = 1 second (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Developer material 5574 Current value (C) 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
(Unit: page)

Setting mode 124 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter Developer material 5575 Current value (C) 0 0~9999999 M Counts the drum driving time. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
1 count = 1.5 seconds (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)
1 count = 1 second (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Parts 5576 Current value 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
(Unit: page)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter Parts 5577 Current value 0 0~9999999 M Counts the drum driving time. 1 - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
1 count = 1.5 seconds (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)
1 count = 1 second (Normal), 1 count = 3
seconds (Decelerating mode)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Switching of 5578 Y 2 0~2 M Selects the reference to notify the PM timing. 1 - No HS
mode output (The message is displayed on the LCD screen.)
pages/driving 0: PM counter (The number of output pages is
counts set at 08-6192.)
1: PM time counter (The timing is set at 08-6193.)
2: Whichever comes faster
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Switching of 5579 M 2 0~2 M Selects the reference to notify the PM timing. 1 - No HS
mode output (The message is displayed on the LCD screen.)
pages/driving 0: PM counter (The number of output pages is
counts set at 08-5550.)
1: PM time counter (The timing is set at 08-5551.)
2: Whichever comes faster
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Switching of 5580 C 2 0~2 M Selects the reference to notify the PM timing. 1 - No HS
mode output (The message is displayed on the LCD screen.)
pages/driving 0: PM counter (The number of output pages is
counts set at 08-5552.)
1: PM time counter (The timing is set at 08-5553.)
2: Whichever comes faster
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Switching of 5581 Developer material 2 0~2 M Selects the reference to notify the PM timing. 1 - No HS
mode output (K) (The message is displayed on the LCD screen.)
pages/driving 0: PM counter (The number of output pages is
counts set at 08-5554.)
1: PM time counter (The timing is set at 08-5555.)
2: Whichever comes faster
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Switching of 5582 Developer material 2 0~2 M Selects the reference to notify the PM timing. 1 - No HS
mode output (Y) (The message is displayed on the LCD screen.)
pages/driving 0: PM counter (The number of output pages is
counts set at 08-5556.)
1: PM time counter (The timing is set at 08-5557.)
2: Whichever comes faster
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Switching of 5583 Developer material 2 0~2 M Selects the reference to notify the PM timing. 1 - No HS
mode output (M) (The message is displayed on the LCD screen.)
pages/driving 0: PM counter (The number of output pages is
counts set at 08-5558.)
1: PM time counter (The timing is set at 08-5559.)
2: Whichever comes faster

Setting mode 125 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Switching of 5584 Developer material 2 0~2 M Selects the reference to notify the PM timing. 1 - No HS
mode output (C) (The message is displayed on the LCD screen.)
pages/driving 0: PM counter (The number of output pages is
counts set at 08-5560.)
1: PM time counter (The timing is set at 08-5561.)
2: Whichever comes faster
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Switching of 5585 Parts 0 0~2 M Selects the reference to notify the PM timing. 1 - No HS
mode output (The message is displayed on the LCD screen.)
pages/driving 0: PM counter (The number of output pages is
counts set at 08-5562.)
1: PM time counter (The timing is set at 08-5563.)
2: Whichever comes faster
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer K 5618 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer K 5618 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 120000
pages for 25ppm: 150000
replacement 30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer K 5618 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer K 5618 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer K 5618 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 675000
be replaced 25ppm: 675000
30ppm: 675000
35ppm: 675000
45ppm: 625000
50ppm: 562000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer K 5618 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer K 5618 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer K 5618 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer K 5618 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer K 5619 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer Y 5620 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9

Setting mode 126 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer Y 5620 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer Y 5620 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer Y 5620 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer Y 5620 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 337000
be replaced 25ppm: 337000
30ppm: 337000
35ppm: 337000
45ppm: 312000
50ppm: 281000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer Y 5620 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer Y 5620 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer Y 5620 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer Y 5620 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer Y 5621 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer M 5622 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer M 5622 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer M 5622 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer M 5622 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode counts 9

Setting mode 127 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer M 5622 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 337000
be replaced 25ppm: 337000
30ppm: 337000
35ppm: 337000
45ppm: 312000
50ppm: 281000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer M 5622 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer M 5622 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer M 5622 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer M 5622 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer M 5623 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer C 5624 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer C 5624 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer C 5624 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer C 5624 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer C 5624 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 337000
be replaced 25ppm: 337000
30ppm: 337000
35ppm: 337000
45ppm: 312000
50ppm: 281000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer C 5624 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer C 5624 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer C 5624 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer C 5624 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9

Setting mode 128 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum gap spacer C 5625 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Process Development Toner near empty Toner near-empty 5810 0 K 5 1~99 M This code is used when the value of 08-5155 is 4 - No HS
mode status threshold set to "4". Use this code to specify the threshold
value setting (%) value (unit: %) for displaying the toner near-
empty status. The accuracy of value is influenced
by usage environment or originals.
08 Setting Process Development Toner near empty Toner near-empty 5810 1 Y 5 1~99 M This code is used when the value of 08-5155 is 4 - No HS
mode status threshold set to "4". Use this code to specify the threshold
value setting (%) value (unit: %) for displaying the toner near-
empty status. The accuracy of value is influenced
by usage environment or originals.
08 Setting Process Development Toner near empty Toner near-empty 5810 2 M 5 1~99 M This code is used when the value of 08-5155 is 4 - No HS
mode status threshold set to "4". Use this code to specify the threshold
value setting (%) value (unit: %) for displaying the toner near-
empty status. The accuracy of value is influenced
by usage environment or originals.
08 Setting Process Development Toner near empty Toner near-empty 5810 3 C 5 1~99 M This code is used when the value of 08-5155 is 4 - No HS
mode status threshold set to "4". Use this code to specify the threshold
value setting (%) value (unit: %) for displaying the toner near-
empty status. The accuracy of value is influenced
by usage environment or originals.
08 Setting Process Development Toner near empty Toner near-empty 5811 0 K 1000 1~9999 M This code is used when the value of 08-5155 is 4 - No HS
mode status threshold set to "5". Use this code to specify the threshold
value setting value (unit: number of sheets) for displaying the
(number of sheets) toner near-empty status. The accuracy of value is
influenced by usage environment or originals.
08 Setting Process Development Toner near empty Toner near-empty 5811 1 Y 1000 1~9999 M This code is used when the value of 08-5155 is 4 - No HS
mode status threshold set to "5". Use this code to specify the threshold
value setting value (unit: number of sheets) for displaying the
(number of sheets) toner near-empty status. The accuracy of value is
influenced by usage environment or originals.
08 Setting Process Development Toner near empty Toner near-empty 5811 2 M 1000 1~9999 M This code is used when the value of 08-5155 is 4 - No HS
mode status threshold set to "5". Use this code to specify the threshold
value setting value (unit: number of sheets) for displaying the
(number of sheets) toner near-empty status. The accuracy of value is
influenced by usage environment or originals.
08 Setting Process Development Toner near empty Toner near-empty 5811 3 C 1000 1~9999 M This code is used when the value of 08-5155 is 4 - No HS
mode status threshold set to "5". Use this code to specify the threshold
value setting value (unit: number of sheets) for displaying the
(number of sheets) toner near-empty status. The accuracy of value is
influenced by usage environment or originals.
08 Setting Counter Process Number of output 5990 Thick paper 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is turned 1 - No HS
mode pages 9 ON in the Thick mode
08 Setting Counter Process Number of output 5996 Special paper 1 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is turned 1 - No HS
mode pages 9 ON in the Special 1 mode
08 Setting Counter Process Number of output 5997 Special paper 2 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is turned 1 - No HS
mode pages 9 ON in the Special 2 mode

Setting mode 129 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Paper size 6010 Large-sized paper Refer to 0~2 M 0: Counted as 1 1 Yes - No HS
mode contents 1: Counted as 2
2: Counted as 1 (Mechanical counter is double
<Default value>
JPD: 0
Others: 1
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Paper size 6011 Definition setting of 0 0~1 M 0: A3/LD 1 Yes - No HS
mode large sized paper 1: A3/LD/B4/LG/FOLIO/COMP
08 Setting Counter Double count For PM Paper size 6012 Large-sized paper 1 0~1 M 0: Counted as 1 1 Yes - No HS
mode 1: Counted as 2
08 Setting Counter Double count For PM Paper size 6013 Definition setting of 1 0~1 M 0: A3/LD 1 Yes - No HS
mode large sized paper 1: A3/LD/B4/LG/FOLIO/COMP
08 Setting Counter Double count For PM Media Type 6014 Thick paper 1 0~1 M 0: Counted as 1 1 Yes - No HS
mode 1: Counted as 2
08 Setting Counter Double count For PM Media Type 6015 OHP 1 0~1 M 0: Counted as 1 1 Yes - No HS
mode 1: Counted as 2
08 Setting Counter Double count For PM Media Type 6016 Envelope 1 0~1 M 0: Counted as 1 1 Yes - No HS
mode 1: Counted as 2
08 Setting Counter Double count For PM Media Type 6017 Tab paper 1 0~1 M 0: Counted as 1 1 Yes - No HS
mode 1: Counted as 2
08 Setting Counter Double count For PM Media Type 6018 Special paper 1 0~1 M 0: Counted as 1 1 Yes - No HS
mode 1: Counted as 2
08 Setting Counter Setting of the Number of job 6052 0 Copy 0 0~9999999 SYS Displays the number of copy jobs whose 14 - No H
mode original with execution times 9 scanning is executed in the setting of the original
folding with folding
Counts up by 1 at the starting of a job. Counts up
by 1 at the restarting after a job interruption.
* The scanning of an original placed on the
original glass is not counted up.
08 Setting Counter Setting of the Number of job 6052 1 Scanning 0 0~9999999 SYS Displays the number of scan jobs whose 14 - No H
mode original with execution times 9 scanning is executed in the setting of the original
folding with folding
Counts up by 1 at the starting of a job. Counts up
by 1 at the restarting after a job interruption.
* The scanning of an original placed on the
original glass is not counted up.
08 Setting Counter Setting of the Number of job 6052 2 Fax 0 0~9999999 SYS Displays the number of fax jobs whose scanning 14 - No H
mode original with execution times 9 is executed in the setting of the original with
folding folding
Counts up by 1 at the starting of a job. Counts up
by 1 at the restarting after a job interruption.
* The scanning of an original placed on the
original glass is not counted up.
08 Setting Counter Copy Print Full color 6060 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages in the full 14 - No H
mode 9 color mode in the Copying function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper

Setting mode 130 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Copy Print Full color 6060 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages in the full 14 - No H
mode 9 color mode in the Copying function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Printer Full color 6061 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages at the full 14 - No H
mode 9 color mode in the Printer function according to its
size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Printer Full color 6061 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages at the full 14 - No H
mode 9 color mode in the Printer function according to its
size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Copy Print Twin/Mono Color 6062 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages at the twin 14 - No H
mode 9 color mode in the Copying function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Copy Print Twin/Mono Color 6062 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages in the twin 14 - No H
mode 9 color mode in the Copying function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Copy Print Monochrome 6063 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages in the 14 - No H
mode 9 monochrome mode in the Copying function
according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper

Setting mode 131 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Copy Print Monochrome 6063 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages in the 14 - No H
mode 9 monochrome mode in the Copying function
according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Printer Monochrome 6064 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages in the 14 - No H
mode 9 nonochrome node in the Printer function
according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Printer Monochrome 6064 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages in the 14 - No H
mode 9 monochrome mode in the Printer function
according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter List print Monochrome 6065 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages in the List 14 - No H
mode 9 print mode function according to its size
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter List print Monochrome 6065 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages in the List 14 - No H
mode 9 print mode function according to its size
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Fax Print 6066 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages in the Fax 14 - No H
mode 9 function according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper

Setting mode 132 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Fax Print 6066 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages in the Fax 14 - No H
mode 9 function according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Copy Scan Full color 6067 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of scanning pages in the full 14 - No H
mode 9 color mode in the Copying function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Copy Scan Full color 6067 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of scanning pages in the full 14 - No H
mode 9 color mode in the Copying function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Scan Full color 6068 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of scanning pages in the full 14 - No H
mode 9 color mode in the Scanning function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Scan Full color 6068 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of scanning pages in the full 14 - No H
mode 9 color mode in the Scanning function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Copy Scan Twin/Mono Color 6069 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of scanning pages in the twin 14 - No H
mode 9 color mode in the Copying function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper

Setting mode 133 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Copy Scan Twin/Mono Color 6069 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of scanning pages in the twin 14 - No H
mode 9 color mode in the Copying function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Copy Scan Black 6070 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of scanning pages in the 14 - No H
mode 9 black mode in the Copying function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Copy Scan Black 6070 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of scanning pages in the 14 - No H
mode 9 black mode in the Copying function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Fax Scan 6071 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of scanning pages in the Fax 14 - No H
mode 9 function according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Fax Scan 6071 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of scanning pages in the Fax 14 - No H
mode 9 function according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Scan Black 6072 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of scanning pages in the 14 - No H
mode 9 black mode in the Scanning function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper

Setting mode 134 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Scan Black 6072 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of scanning pages in the 14 - No H
mode 9 black mode in the Scanning function according to
its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Fax Transmission 6073 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of transmitted pages in the 14 - No H
mode 9 Fax function according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Fax Transmission 6073 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of transmitted pages in the 14 - No H
mode 9 Fax function according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Fax Reception 6074 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of received pages in the Fax 14 - No H
mode 9 function according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Fax Reception 6074 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of received pages in the Fax 14 - No H
mode 9 function according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Printer Twin/Mono Color 6078 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of print sheets in twin color 14 - No H
mode 9 printing per large and small sizes respectively
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Printer Twin/Mono Color 6078 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of print sheets in twin color 14 - No H
mode 9 printing per large and small sizes respectively
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper

Setting mode 135 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Custom For administrator Weighting/Scannin 6081 0 Black/Gray Scale 0 0~9999 SYS Weights subtraction of scanning from 4 Yes Def No H
mode counter/Job g department/user Job Quota and addition of Scan
Quota Counter to Custom Counter.
(An integer which decupled the threshold which
is divided into 0.1%-units)
08 Setting Counter Custom For administrator Weighting/Scannin 6081 1 Full color 0 0~9999 SYS Weights subtraction of scanning from 4 Yes Def No H
mode counter/Job g department/user Job Quota and addition of Scan
Quota Counter to Custom Counter.
(An integer which decupled the threshold which
is divided into 0.1%-units)
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 0 Thick paper (Back) 0 0~1 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 1 Thick paper 1~4 Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode (Back) contents per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
<Default value>
Others: 1
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 2 Special paper 1~3 Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode (Back) contents per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
<Default value>
Others: 1
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 3 OHP Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode contents per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
<Default value>
Others: 1
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 4 Envelope Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode contents per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
<Default value>
Others: 1
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 5 Tab paper Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode contents per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
<Default value>
Others: 1

Setting mode 136 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 6 User paper type 1 2 0~2 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
2: Depend on based media type
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 7 User paper type 2 2 0~2 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
2: Depend on based media type
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 8 User paper type 3 2 0~2 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
2: Depend on based media type
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 9 User paper type 4 2 0~2 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
2: Depend on based media type
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 10 User paper type 5 2 0~2 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
2: Depend on based media type
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 11 User paper type 6 2 0~2 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
2: Depend on based media type
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 12 User paper type 7 2 0~2 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
2: Depend on based media type
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 13 User paper type 8 2 0~2 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
2: Depend on based media type
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 14 User paper type 9 2 0~2 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
2: Depend on based media type

Setting mode 137 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Double count For fee charging Media Type 6083 15 User paper type 10 2 0~2 SYS Sets the weight of fee charging count for printing 4 Yes - No H
mode per page. Scan counter and fax counter are not
0: Single
1: Double
2: Depend on based media type
08 Setting Counter Double count For administrator 6084 Enabling/Disabling 0 0~1 SYS When "1" (Enabled) is selected, the value of 08- 1 Yes Def No H
mode custom 9116 (Black-free function) becomes "0"
counter/Job Quota (Disabled).
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Counter Counter Color/Black quota 6087 Twin/Mono color 0 0~1 SYS When the pages are counted for twin/mono color 1 - No H
mode Settings selection count counter, this code sets whether the pages are
subtracted from Color Quota or Black Quota.
Not all the pages of twin/mono color are
subtracted. The pages assigned to twin/mono
color counter are subtracted. The setting of this
code is enabled only in the Color/Black Quota
mode and not enabled in the Job Quota mode.
If the value of this code is set to "0" (Color
Quota), an error occurs if a user without color
permission performs twin color printing. Note that
the same error occurs in the Job Quota mode.
0: Color Quota
1: Black Quota

Related code:
08-6084, 08-9128, 08-9892
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6093 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6093 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6094 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6094 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6095 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6095 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6096 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6096 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 0 A3 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 1 A4 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 2 A5 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 3 A6 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9

Setting mode 138 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 4 B4 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 5 B5 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 6 FOLIO 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 7 LD 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 8 LG 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 9 LT 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 10 ST 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 11 COMP 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 12 13"LG 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 13 8.5" x 8.5" 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 14 16k 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 15 8k 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 16 305 mm x 457 mm 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode (12" x 18") 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 17 Envelope (Large 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode size) 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 18 320 mm x 450 mm, 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 320 mm x 460 mm 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 19 330 mm x 483 mm 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode (13" x 19") 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 20 Envelope 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 21 Extra long size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode paper a 9 Extra-long size paper a: Length in the feeding
direction is longer than 460 mm and 800 mm or
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 22 Extra long size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode paper b 9 Extra-long size paper b: Length in the feeding
direction is longer than 800 mm and 1200 mm or
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 23 Custom (Small 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode size) 9 Custom (small size)
When "0” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is 415 mm or less
When "1” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is 325 mm or less

Setting mode 139 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 24 Custom (Large 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode size) 9 Custom (large size)
When “0” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is longer than 415 mm
and less than that for extra-long size paper a
When “1” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is longer than 325mm and
less than that for extra-long size paper a
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 25 Undefined 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 0 A3 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 1 A4 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 2 A5 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 3 A6 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 4 B4 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 5 B5 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 6 FOLIO 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 7 LD 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 8 LG 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 9 LT 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 10 ST 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 11 COMP 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 12 13"LG 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 13 8.5" x 8.5" 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 14 16k 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 15 8k 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 16 305 mm x 457 mm 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode (12" x 18") 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 17 Envelope (Large 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode size) 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 18 320 mm x 450 mm, 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 320 mm x 460 mm 9

Setting mode 140 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 19 330 mm x 483 mm 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode (13" x 19") 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 20 Envelope 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 21 Extra long size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode paper a 9 Extra-long size paper a: Length in the feeding
direction is longer than 460 mm and 800 mm or
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 22 Extra long size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode paper b 9 Extra-long size paper b: Length in the feeding
direction is longer than 800 mm and 1200 mm or
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 23 Custom Small 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9 Custom (small size)
When "0” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is 415 mm or less
When "1” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is 325 mm or less
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 24 Custom Large 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9 Custom (large size)
When “0” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is longer than 415 mm
and less than that for extra-long size paper a
When “1” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is longer than 325mm and
less than that for extra-long size paper a
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6098 25 Undefined 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 0 A3 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 1 A4 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 2 A5 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 3 A6 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 4 B4 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 5 B5 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 6 FOLIO 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 7 LD 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 8 LG 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 9 LT 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 10 ST 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9

Setting mode 141 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 11 COMP 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 12 13"LG 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 13 8.5" x 8.5" 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 14 16k 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 15 8k 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 16 305 mm x 457 mm 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode (12" x 18") 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 17 Envelope (Large 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode size) 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 18 320 mm x 450 mm, 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 320 mm x 460 mm 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 19 330 mm x 483 mm 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode (13" x 19") 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 20 Envelope 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 21 Extra long size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode paper a 9 Extra-long size paper a: Length in the feeding
direction is longer than 460 mm and 800 mm or
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 22 Extra long size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode paper b 9 Extra-long size paper b: Length in the feeding
direction is longer than 800 mm and 1200 mm or
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 23 Custom (Small 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode size) 9 Custom (small size)
When "0” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is 415 mm or less
When "1” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is 325 mm or less
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 24 Custom (Large 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode size) 9 Custom (large size)
When “0” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is longer than 415 mm
and less than that for extra-long size paper a
When “1” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is longer than 325mm and
less than that for extra-long size paper a
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6099 25 Undefined 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 0 A3 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 1 A4 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 2 A5 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9

Setting mode 142 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 3 A6 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 4 B4 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 5 B5 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 6 FOLIO 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 7 LD 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 8 LG 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 9 LT 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 10 ST 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 11 COMP 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 12 13"LG 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 13 8.5" x 8.5" 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 14 16k 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 15 8k 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 16 305 mm x 457 mm 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode (12" x 18") 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 17 Envelope (Large 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode size) 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 18 320 mm x 450 mm, 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 320 mm x 460 mm 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 19 330 mm x 483 mm 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode (13" x 19") 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 20 Envelope 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 21 Extra long size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode paper a 9 Extra-long size paper a: Length in the feeding
direction is longer than 460 mm and 800 mm or
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 22 Extra long size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode paper b 9 Extra-long size paper b: Length in the feeding
direction is longer than 800 mm and 1200 mm or

Setting mode 143 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 23 Custom (Small 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode size) 9 Custom (small size)
When "0” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is 415 mm or less
When "1” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is 325 mm or less
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 24 Custom (Large 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode size) 9 Custom (large size)
When “0” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is longer than 415 mm
and less than that for extra-long size paper a
When “1” is set in 08-6011: Paper whose length
in the feeding direction is longer than 325mm and
less than that for extra-long size paper a
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6100 25 Undefined 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter IP Fax Transmission 6105 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of transmitted pages in the IP 14 - No H
mode 9 Fax function according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter IP Fax Transmission 6105 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of transmitted pages in the IP 14 - No H
mode 9 Fax function according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter IP Fax Reception 6106 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of received pages in the IP 14 - No H
mode 9 Fax function according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter IP Fax Reception 6106 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of received pages in the IP 14 - No H
mode 9 Fax function according to its size (large/small).
Large size:
Total number of output pages set in 08-6011
(Definition setting of large sized paper)
Small size:
Total number of output pages for other than large
sized paper
08 Setting Counter Counter of 6110 1st drawer 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of sheets fed from 1st drawer. 2 Yes - No HS
mode Paper feed 9
08 Setting Counter Counter of 6111 2nd drawer 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of sheets fed from 2nd 2 Yes - No HS
mode Paper feed 9 drawer.
08 Setting Counter Counter of 6112 Bypass feed 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of sheets fed from bypass 2 Yes - No HS
mode Paper feed 9 feed.
08 Setting Counter Counter of 6113 LCF 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of sheets fed from LCF. 2 Yes - No HS
mode Paper feed 9

Setting mode 144 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Counter of 6114 PFP upper drawer 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of sheets fed from PFP upper 2 Yes - No HS
mode Paper feed 9 drawer.
08 Setting Counter Counter of 6115 PFP lower drawer 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of sheets fed from PFP lower 2 Yes - No HS
mode Paper feed 9 drawer.
08 Setting Counter Counter of 6116 ADU 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of output pages of duplex 2 Yes - No HS
mode Paper feed 9 printing.
08 Setting Counter Counter of 6117 DF 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of originals fed from DF. 2 Yes - No H
mode Paper feed 9
08 Setting Counter DF 6120 0 1 Sheet 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of times which a job with 1 14 - No H
mode 9 sheet is performed from the DF.
08 Setting Counter DF 6120 1 2 Sheets 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of times which a job with 2 14 - No H
mode 9 sheets is performed from the DF.
08 Setting Counter DF 6120 2 3Sheets 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of times which a job with 3 14 - No H
mode 9 sheets is performed from the DF.
08 Setting Counter DF 6120 3 4~5Sheets 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of times which a job with 4 to 14 - No H
mode 9 5 sheets is performed from the DF.
08 Setting Counter DF 6120 4 6~10Sheets 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of times which a job with 6 to 14 - No H
mode 9 10 sheets is performed from the DF.
08 Setting Counter DF 6120 5 11~20Sheets 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of times which a job with 11 14 - No H
mode 9 to 20 sheets is performed from the DF.
08 Setting Counter DF 6120 6 21~50Sheets 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of times which a job with 21 14 - No H
mode 9 to 50 sheets is performed from the DF.
08 Setting Counter DF 6120 7 51~100Sheets 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of times which a job with 51 14 - No H
mode 9 to 100 sheets is performed from the DF.
08 Setting Counter DF 6120 8 101~200Sheets 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of times which a job with 101 14 - No H
mode 9 to 200 sheets is performed from the DF.
08 Setting Counter DF 6120 9 201~300Sheets 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of times which a job with 201 14 - No H
mode 9 to 300 sheets is performed from the DF.
08 Setting Counter DF 6120 10 301Sheets~ 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of times which a job with 301 14 - No H
mode 9 or more sheets is performed from the DF.
08 Setting Counter RADF 6121 DF duplex counter 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of times of scanning both 2 - No H
mode 9 sides of page in the DF.
08 Setting Counter OCR 6122 OCR counter 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the OCR execution number. 2 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Original glass 6123 Original glass 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of scanning through the 1 - No H
mode counter 9 original glass.
* Be sure to set "0" to this code when the
carriage wire is replaced.
08 Setting Counter Zonal OCR 6125 Performance 0 0~9999999 SYS 2 - No H
mode processing number 9

Setting mode 145 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter K 6190 Setting value Refer to 0~9999999 M Sets the threshold for displaying a message for 1 Yes - No HS
mode contents 9 PM timing.
0: Not displayed
<Default value>
20ppm: 120000
25ppm: 150000
30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: page)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter K 6191 Setting value Refer to 0~9999999 M Sets the threshold for displaying a message for 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 PM timing.
0: Not displayed
20ppm: 433000
25ppm: 433000
30ppm: 497000
35ppm: 526000
45ppm: 567000
50ppm: 556000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Y 6192 Setting value Refer to 0~9999999 M Sets the threshold for displaying a message for 1 Yes - No HS
mode contents 9 PM timing.
0: Not displayed
20ppm: 60000
25ppm: 75000
30ppm: 90000
35/45/50ppm: 105000
(Unit: page)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter Y 6193 Setting value Refer to 0~9999999 M Sets the threshold for displaying a message for 1 - No HS
mode contents 9 PM timing.
0: Not displayed
20ppm: 217000
25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter K 6194 Current value 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON. 1 Yes - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
(Unit: page)
same as 08-6250-0
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter K 6195 Current value 0 0~9999999 M Counts the drum driving time. 1 Yes - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
(Unit: 1 count = 2 seconds)
*Decelerating/Accelerating mode; 1 count = 4
Same as 08-6250-3
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Y 6196 Current value 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON. 1 Yes - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
(Unit: page)
same as 08-6252-0

Setting mode 146 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM time counter Y 6197 Current value 0 0~9999999 M Counts the drum driving time. 1 Yes - No HS
mode 9 0: clear
(Unit: 1 count = 2 seconds)
*Decelerating/Accelerating mode; 1 count = 4
Same as 08-6252-3
08 Setting Counter Maintenance PM counter Switching of 6198 K 2 0~2 M Selects the reference to notify the PM timing. 1 - No HS
mode output (The message is displayed on the LCD screen.)
pages/driving 0: PM counter (The number of output pages is
counts set at 08-6190.)
1: PM time counter (The timing is set at 08-6191.)
2: Whichever comes faster
08 Setting Counter Process 6211 Accumulated 0 0~9999 M Cleared to "0" by the image quality closed-loop 2 - No HS
mode counter of output control. Counts up with the number of printing job
pages since the received after this control.
performing of
image quality
08 Setting Counter Process Number of output 6223 Thick paper 4 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON in 1 - No HS
mode pages 9 the thick paper 4 mode.
08 Setting Counter Process Number of output 6225 Thick paper 1 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON in 1 - No HS
mode pages 9 the thick paper 1 mode.
08 Setting Counter Process Number of output 6226 Thick paper 2 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON in 1 - No HS
mode pages 9 the thick paper 2 mode.
08 Setting Counter Process Number of output 6227 Thick paper 3 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON in 1 - No HS
mode pages 9 the thick paper 3 mode.
08 Setting Counter Process Number of output 6228 OHP 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON in 1 - No HS
mode pages 9 the OHP mode.
08 Setting Counter Main charger 6229 Main charger 0 0~9999999 M Does not count up when cleaning is not effective. 1 - No HS
mode needle electrode 9
cleaning counter
08 Setting Counter Feeding system Feeding retry 6230 1st drawer 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of times of the feeding retry 1 Yes - No HS
mode counter 9 from the 1st drawer.
08 Setting Counter Feeding system Feeding retry 6231 2nd drawer 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of times of the feeding retry 1 Yes - No HS
mode counter 9 from the 2nd drawer.
08 Setting Counter Feeding system Feeding retry 6232 PFP upper drawer 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of times of feeding retries 1 Yes - No HS
mode counter 9 from the PFP upper drawer.
08 Setting Counter Feeding system Feeding retry 6233 PFP lower drawer 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of times of feeding retries 1 Yes - No HS
mode counter 9 from the PFP lower drawer.
08 Setting Counter Feeding system Feeding retry 6234 Bypass feed 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of times of the feeding retry 1 Yes - No HS
mode counter 9 from the bypass tray.
08 Setting Counter Feeding system Feeding retry 6235 LCF 0 0~9999999 M Counts the number of times of the feeding retry 1 Yes - No HS
mode counter 9 from the LCF.

Setting mode 147 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Feeding system Feeding retry Upper limit value 6236 1st drawer 20 0~9999999 M When the number of feeding retry (08-6230 to 1 - No HS
mode counter 9 6235) exceeds the setting value, the feeding retry
will not be performed subsequently. In case "0" is
set as a setting value, however, the feeding retry
continues regardless of the counter setting value.
In this equipment, a toner image is formed on the
transfer belt prior to a paper feeding. When the
feeding retry occurs and the transport timing is
delayed, the toner image on the transfer belt is
cleaned off without the 2nd transfer since the
paper cannot be reached for the 2nd transfer
process. After that, the toner image formation is
retried while the paper is waited. In this case, the
toner for this image formation is consumed
wastefully since the toner image on the transfer
belt is already cleaned off, even though the
printing is normally completed.
Therefore, note that the excessive toner will be
consumed consequently when the upper limit
value of feeding retry counter is set larger or set
as "0" (no limit). The toner is also consumed
wastefully when the paper misfeeding occurs.
Replace the roller at earlier timing if the paper
misfeedings have occurred frequently.
08 Setting Counter Feeding system Feeding retry Upper limit value 6237 2nd drawer 20 0~9999999 M When the number of feeding retry (08-6230 to 1 - No HS
mode counter 9 6235) exceeds the setting value, the feeding retry
will not be performed subsequently. In case "0" is
set as a setting value, however, the feeding retry
continues regardless of the counter setting value.
In this equipment, a toner image is formed on the
transfer belt prior to a paper feeding. When the
feeding retry occurs and the transport timing is
delayed, the toner image on the transfer belt is
cleaned off without the 2nd transfer since the
paper cannot be reached for the 2nd transfer
process. After that, the toner image formation is
retried while the paper is waited. In this case, the
toner for this image formation is consumed
wastefully since the toner image on the transfer
belt is already cleaned off, even though the
printing is normally completed.
Therefore, note that the excessive toner will be
consumed consequently when the upper limit
value of feeding retry counter is set larger or set
as "0" (no limit). The toner is also consumed
wastefully when the paper misfeeding occurs.
Replace the roller at earlier timing if the paper
misfeedings have occurred frequently.

Setting mode 148 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Feeding system Feeding retry Upper limit value 6238 PFP upper drawer 20 0~9999999 M When the number of feeding retry (08-6230 to 1 - No HS
mode counter 9 6235) exceeds the setting value, the feeding retry
will not be performed subsequently. In case "0" is
set as a setting value, however, the feeding retry
continues regardless of the counter setting value.
In this equipment, a toner image is formed on the
transfer belt prior to a paper feeding. When the
feeding retry occurs and the transport timing is
delayed, the toner image on the transfer belt is
cleaned off without the 2nd transfer since the
paper cannot be reached for the 2nd transfer
process. After that, the toner image formation is
retried while the paper is waited. In this case, the
toner for this image formation is consumed
wastefully since the toner image on the transfer
belt is already cleaned off, even though the
printing is normally completed.
Therefore, note that the excessive toner will be
consumed consequently when the upper limit
value of feeding retry counter is set larger or set
as "0" (no limit). The toner is also consumed
wastefully when the paper misfeeding occurs.
Replace the roller at earlier timing if the paper
misfeedings have occurred frequently.
08 Setting Counter Feeding system Feeding retry Upper limit value 6239 PFP lower drawer 20 0~9999999 M When the number of feeding retry (08-6230 to 1 - No HS
mode counter 9 6235) exceeds the setting value, the feeding retry
will not be performed subsequently. In case "0" is
set as a setting value, however, the feeding retry
continues regardless of the counter setting value.
In this equipment, a toner image is formed on the
transfer belt prior to a paper feeding. When the
feeding retry occurs and the transport timing is
delayed, the toner image on the transfer belt is
cleaned off without the 2nd transfer since the
paper cannot be reached for the 2nd transfer
process. After that, the toner image formation is
retried while the paper is waited. In this case, the
toner for this image formation is consumed
wastefully since the toner image on the transfer
belt is already cleaned off, even though the
printing is normally completed.
Therefore, note that the excessive toner will be
consumed consequently when the upper limit
value of feeding retry counter is set larger or set
as "0" (no limit). The toner is also consumed
wastefully when the paper misfeeding occurs.
Replace the roller at earlier timing if the paper
misfeedings have occurred frequently.

Setting mode 149 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Feeding system Feeding retry Upper limit value 6240 Bypass feed 0 0~9999999 M When the number of feeding retry (08-6230 to 1 - No HS
mode counter 9 6235) exceeds the setting value, the feeding retry
will not be performed subsequently. In case "0" is
set as a setting value, however, the feeding retry
continues regardless of the counter setting value.
In this equipment, a toner image is formed on the
transfer belt prior to a paper feeding. When the
feeding retry occurs and the transport timing is
delayed, the toner image on the transfer belt is
cleaned off without the 2nd transfer since the
paper cannot be reached for the 2nd transfer
process. After that, the toner image formation is
retried while the paper is waited. In this case, the
toner for this image formation is consumed
wastefully since the toner image on the transfer
belt is already cleaned off, even though the
printing is normally completed.
Therefore, note that the excessive toner will be
consumed consequently when the upper limit
value of feeding retry counter is set larger or set
as "0" (no limit). The toner is also consumed
wastefully when the paper misfeeding occurs.
Replace the roller at earlier timing if the paper
misfeedings have occurred frequently.
08 Setting Counter Feeding system Feeding retry Upper limit value 6241 LCF 20 0~9999999 M When the number of feeding retry (08-6230 to 1 - No HS
mode counter 9 6235) exceeds the setting value, the feeding retry
will not be performed subsequently. In case "0" is
set as a setting value, however, the feeding retry
continues regardless of the counter setting value.
In this equipment, a toner image is formed on the
transfer belt prior to a paper feeding. When the
feeding retry occurs and the transport timing is
delayed, the toner image on the transfer belt is
cleaned off without the 2nd transfer since the
paper cannot be reached for the 2nd transfer
process. After that, the toner image formation is
retried while the paper is waited. In this case, the
toner for this image formation is consumed
wastefully since the toner image on the transfer
belt is already cleaned off, even though the
printing is normally completed.
Therefore, note that the excessive toner will be
consumed consequently when the upper limit
value of feeding retry counter is set larger or set
as "0" (no limit). The toner is also consumed
wastefully when the paper misfeeding occurs.
Replace the roller at earlier timing if the paper
misfeedings have occurred frequently.
08 Setting Counter Feeding system 6243 Special paper 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON in 1 - No HS
mode 9 the special paper mode.
08 Setting Counter Feeding system 6244 Tab paper 0 0~9999999 M Counts up when the registration sensor is ON in 1 - No HS
mode 9 the tab paper mode.
08 Setting Counter Feeding system 6247 Envelope 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 1 - No HS
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Toner Toner refill motor Backup counter for 6249 0 Y 0 0~9999999 M The rotation time of toner refill motor is stored 14 - No HS
mode rotation time 9 when the toner cartridge becomes empty.
08 Setting Counter Toner Toner refill motor Backup counter for 6249 1 M 0 0~9999999 M The rotation time of toner refill motor is stored 14 - No HS
mode rotation time 9 when the toner cartridge becomes empty.

Setting mode 150 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Toner Toner refill motor Backup counter for 6249 2 C 0 0~9999999 M The rotation time of toner refill motor is stored 14 - No HS
mode rotation time 9 when the toner cartridge becomes empty.
08 Setting Counter Toner Toner refill motor Backup counter for 6249 3 K 0 0~9999999 M The rotation time of toner refill motor is stored 14 - No HS
mode rotation time 9 when the toner cartridge becomes empty.
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive K 6250 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drum output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive K 6250 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode drum number of output contents 9 20ppm: 120000
pages for 25ppm: 150000
replacement 30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive K 6250 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drum pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive K 6250 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode drum counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive K 6250 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode drum driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 433000
be replaced 25ppm: 433000
30ppm: 497000
35ppm: 526000
45ppm: 567000
50ppm: 556000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive K 6250 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode drum the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive K 6250 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drum pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive K 6250 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode drum counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive K 6250 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode drum replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive K 6251 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode drum replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive Y 6252 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drum output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive Y 6252 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode drum number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive Y 6252 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drum pages at the last 9

Setting mode 151 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive Y 6252 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode drum counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive Y 6252 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode drum driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive Y 6252 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode drum the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive Y 6252 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drum pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive Y 6252 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode drum counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive Y 6252 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode drum replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive Y 6253 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode drum replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive M 6254 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drum output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive M 6254 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode drum number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive M 6254 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drum pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive M 6254 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode drum counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive M 6254 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode drum driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive M 6254 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode drum the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive M 6254 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drum pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive M 6254 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode drum counts for control 9

Setting mode 152 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive M 6254 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode drum replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive M 6255 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode drum replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive C 6256 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drum output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive C 6256 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode drum number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive C 6256 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drum pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive C 6256 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode drum counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive C 6256 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode drum driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive C 6256 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode drum the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive C 6256 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drum pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive C 6256 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode drum counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive C 6256 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode drum replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Photoconductive C 6257 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode drum replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning K 6258 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode blade output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning K 6258 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode blade number of output contents 9 20ppm: 120000
pages for 25ppm: 150000
replacement 30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning K 6258 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode blade pages at the last 9

Setting mode 153 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning K 6258 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode blade counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning K 6258 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode blade driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 433000
be replaced 25ppm: 433000
30ppm: 497000
35ppm: 526000
45ppm: 567000
50ppm: 556000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning K 6258 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode blade the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning K 6258 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode blade pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning K 6258 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode blade counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning K 6258 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode blade replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning K 6259 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode blade replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning Y 6260 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode blade output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning Y 6260 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode blade number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning Y 6260 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode blade pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning Y 6260 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode blade counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning Y 6260 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode blade driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning Y 6260 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode blade the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning Y 6260 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode blade pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning Y 6260 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode blade counts for control 9

Setting mode 154 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning Y 6260 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode blade replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning Y 6261 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode blade replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning M 6262 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode blade output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning M 6262 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode blade number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning M 6262 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode blade pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning M 6262 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode blade counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning M 6262 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode blade driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning M 6262 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode blade the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning M 6262 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode blade pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning M 6262 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode blade counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning M 6262 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode blade replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning M 6263 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode blade replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning C 6264 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode blade output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning C 6264 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode blade number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning C 6264 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode blade pages at the last 9

Setting mode 155 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning C 6264 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode blade counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning C 6264 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode blade driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning C 6264 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode blade the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning C 6264 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode blade pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning C 6264 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode blade counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning C 6264 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode blade replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Drum cleaning C 6265 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode blade replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid K 6274 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid K 6274 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 120000
pages for 25ppm: 150000
replacement 30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid K 6274 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid K 6274 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid K 6274 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 433000
be replaced 25ppm: 433000
30ppm: 497000
35ppm: 526000
45ppm: 567000
50ppm: 556000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid K 6274 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid K 6274 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid K 6274 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9

Setting mode 156 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid K 6274 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid K 6275 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid Y 6276 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid Y 6276 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid Y 6276 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid Y 6276 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid Y 6276 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid Y 6276 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid Y 6276 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid Y 6276 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid Y 6276 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid Y 6277 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid M 6278 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid M 6278 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid M 6278 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9

Setting mode 157 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid M 6278 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid M 6278 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid M 6278 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid M 6278 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid M 6278 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid M 6278 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid M 6279 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid C 6280 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid C 6280 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid C 6280 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid C 6280 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid C 6280 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid C 6280 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid C 6280 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid C 6280 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9

Setting mode 158 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid C 6280 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger grid C 6281 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger K 6282 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger K 6282 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) number of output contents 9 20ppm: 120000
pages for 25ppm: 150000
replacement 30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger K 6282 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger K 6282 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger K 6282 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 433000
be replaced 25ppm: 433000
30ppm: 497000
35ppm: 526000
45ppm: 567000
50ppm: 556000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger K 6282 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger K 6282 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger K 6282 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger K 6282 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger K 6283 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger Y 6284 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger Y 6284 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger Y 6284 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) pages at the last 9

Setting mode 159 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger Y 6284 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger Y 6284 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger Y 6284 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger Y 6284 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger Y 6284 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger Y 6284 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger Y 6285 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger M 6286 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger M 6286 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger M 6286 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger M 6286 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger M 6286 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger M 6286 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger M 6286 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger M 6286 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) counts for control 9

Setting mode 160 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger M 6286 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger M 6287 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger C 6288 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger C 6288 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger C 6288 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger C 6288 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger C 6288 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger C 6288 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger C 6288 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger C 6288 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger C 6288 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger C 6289 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode (Wire/needle) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning K 6290 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pad output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning K 6290 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode pad number of output contents 9 20ppm: 120000
pages for 25ppm: 150000
replacement 30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning K 6290 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pad pages at the last 9

Setting mode 161 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning K 6290 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode pad counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning K 6290 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode pad driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 433000
be replaced 25ppm: 433000
30ppm: 497000
35ppm: 526000
45ppm: 567000
50ppm: 556000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning K 6290 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode pad the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning K 6290 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pad pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning K 6290 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode pad counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning K 6290 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode pad replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning K 6291 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode pad replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning Y 6292 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pad output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning Y 6292 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode pad number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning Y 6292 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode pad pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning Y 6292 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode pad counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning Y 6292 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode pad driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning Y 6292 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode pad the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning Y 6292 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pad pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning Y 6292 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode pad counts for control 9

Setting mode 162 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning Y 6292 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode pad replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning Y 6293 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode pad replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning M 6294 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pad output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning M 6294 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode pad number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning M 6294 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pad pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning M 6294 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode pad counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning M 6294 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode pad driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning M 6294 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode pad the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning M 6294 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pad pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning M 6294 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode pad counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning M 6294 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode pad replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning M 6295 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode pad replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning C 6296 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pad output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning C 6296 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode pad number of output contents 9 20ppm: 60000
pages for 25ppm: 75000
replacement 30ppm: 90000
35ppm: 105000
45ppm: 105000
50ppm: 105000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning C 6296 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pad pages at the last 9

Setting mode 163 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning C 6296 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode pad counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning C 6296 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode pad driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 217000
be replaced 25ppm: 217000
30ppm: 249000
35ppm: 263000
45ppm: 284000
50ppm: 278000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning C 6296 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode pad the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning C 6296 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pad pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning C 6296 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode pad counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning C 6296 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode pad replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Charger cleaning C 6297 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode pad replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Ozone filter 6298 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Ozone filter 6298 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 360000
pages for 25ppm: 450000
replacement 30ppm: 540000
35ppm: 630000
45ppm: 680400
50ppm: 756000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Ozone filter 6298 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Ozone filter 6298 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Ozone filter 6298 4 Recommended 2025000 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to 9
be replaced
08 Setting Counter PM counter Ozone filter 6298 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Ozone filter 6298 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Ozone filter 6298 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Ozone filter 6298 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Ozone filter 6299 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement

Setting mode 164 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material K 6300 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material K 6300 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 120000
pages for 25ppm: 150000
replacement 30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material K 6300 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material K 6300 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material K 6300 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 480000
be replaced 25ppm: 480000
30ppm: 480000
35ppm: 480000
45ppm: 500000
50ppm: 450000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material K 6300 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material K 6300 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material K 6300 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material K 6300 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material K 6301 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material Y 6302 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material Y 6302 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 120000
pages for 25ppm: 150000
replacement 30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material Y 6302 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material Y 6302 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9

Setting mode 165 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material Y 6302 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 480000
be replaced 25ppm: 480000
30ppm: 480000
35ppm: 480000
45ppm: 500000
50ppm: 450000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material Y 6302 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material Y 6302 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material Y 6302 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material Y 6302 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material Y 6303 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material M 6304 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material M 6304 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 120000
pages for 25ppm: 150000
replacement 30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material M 6304 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material M 6304 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material M 6304 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 480000
be replaced 25ppm: 480000
30ppm: 480000
35ppm: 480000
45ppm: 500000
50ppm: 450000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material M 6304 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material M 6304 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material M 6304 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material M 6304 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9

Setting mode 166 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material M 6305 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material C 6306 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material C 6306 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 120000
pages for 25ppm: 150000
replacement 30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material C 6306 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material C 6306 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material C 6306 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 480000
be replaced 25ppm: 480000
30ppm: 480000
35ppm: 480000
45ppm: 500000
50ppm: 450000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material C 6306 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material C 6306 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material C 6306 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material C 6306 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Developer material C 6307 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller K 6314 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller K 6314 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 360000
pages for 25ppm: 450000
replacement 30ppm: 540000
35ppm: 630000
45ppm: 680400
50ppm: 756000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller K 6314 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller K 6314 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9

Setting mode 167 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller K 6314 4 Recommended 2025000 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to 9
be replaced
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller K 6314 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller K 6314 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller K 6314 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller K 6314 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller K 6315 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller Y 6316 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller Y 6316 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 360000
pages for 25ppm: 450000
replacement 30ppm: 540000
35ppm: 630000
45ppm: 680400
50ppm: 756000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller Y 6316 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller Y 6316 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller Y 6316 4 Recommended 2025000 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to 9
be replaced
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller Y 6316 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller Y 6316 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller Y 6316 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller Y 6316 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller Y 6317 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller M 6318 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9

Setting mode 168 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller M 6318 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 360000
pages for 25ppm: 450000
replacement 30ppm: 540000
35ppm: 630000
45ppm: 680400
50ppm: 756000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller M 6318 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller M 6318 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller M 6318 4 Recommended 2025000 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to 9
be replaced
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller M 6318 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller M 6318 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller M 6318 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller M 6318 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller M 6319 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller C 6320 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller C 6320 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 360000
pages for 25ppm: 450000
replacement 30ppm: 540000
35ppm: 630000
45ppm: 680400
50ppm: 756000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller C 6320 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller C 6320 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller C 6320 4 Recommended 2025000 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to 9
be replaced
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller C 6320 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller C 6320 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller C 6320 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9

Setting mode 169 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller C 6320 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 1st transfer roller C 6321 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6328 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6328 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 360000
pages for 25ppm: 450000
replacement 30ppm: 540000
35ppm: 630000
45ppm: 680400
50ppm: 756000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6328 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6328 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6328 4 Recommended 2025000 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to 9
be replaced
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6328 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6328 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6328 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6328 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6329 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6332 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode cleaning blade output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6332 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode cleaning blade number of output contents 9 20ppm: 120000
pages for 25ppm: 150000
replacement 30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6332 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode cleaning blade pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6332 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode cleaning blade counts 9

Setting mode 170 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6332 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode cleaning blade driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 675000
be replaced 25ppm: 675000
30ppm: 675000
35ppm: 675000
45ppm: 625000
50ppm: 562000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6332 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode cleaning blade the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6332 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode cleaning blade pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6332 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode cleaning blade counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6332 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode cleaning blade replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Transfer belt 6333 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode cleaning blade replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter 2nd transfer roller 6340 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 2nd transfer roller 6340 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 120000
pages for 25ppm: 150000
replacement 30ppm: 180000
35ppm: 210000
45ppm: 210000
50ppm: 210000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter 2nd transfer roller 6340 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 2nd transfer roller 6340 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 2nd transfer roller 6340 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 675000
be replaced 25ppm: 675000
30ppm: 675000
35ppm: 675000
45ppm: 625000
50ppm: 562000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter 2nd transfer roller 6340 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 2nd transfer roller 6340 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 2nd transfer roller 6340 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter 2nd transfer roller 6340 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9

Setting mode 171 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter 2nd transfer roller 6341 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6350 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6350 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 160000
pages for 25ppm: 200000
replacement 30ppm: 240000
35ppm: 280000
45ppm: 302400
50ppm: 336000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6350 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6350 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6350 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 510000
be replaced 25ppm: 640000
30ppm: 770000
35ppm: 900000
45ppm: 650000
50ppm: 720000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6350 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6350 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6350 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6350 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6351 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6370 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode separation finger output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6370 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode separation finger number of output contents 9 20ppm: 160000
pages for 25ppm: 200000
replacement 30ppm: 240000
35ppm: 280000
45ppm: 302400
50ppm: 336000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6370 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode separation finger pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6370 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode separation finger counts 9

Setting mode 172 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6370 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode separation finger driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 510000
be replaced 25ppm: 640000
30ppm: 770000
35ppm: 900000
45ppm: 650000
50ppm: 720000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6370 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode separation finger the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6370 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode separation finger pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6370 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode separation finger counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6370 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode separation finger replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pressure roller 6371 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode separation finger replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser belt 6372 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser belt 6372 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 160000
pages for 25ppm: 200000
replacement 30ppm: 240000
35ppm: 280000
45ppm: 302400
50ppm: 336000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser belt 6372 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser belt 6372 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser belt 6372 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 510000
be replaced 25ppm: 640000
30ppm: 770000
35ppm: 900000
45ppm: 650000
50ppm: 720000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser belt 6372 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser belt 6372 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser belt 6372 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser belt 6372 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9

Setting mode 173 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser belt 6373 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller 6382 0 Number of current 0 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: sheet) 4 - No H
mode (RADF) reading sheets of 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller 6382 1 Recommended 120000 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: sheet) 4 - No H
mode (RADF) number of 9
replacing reading
sheets of paper
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller 6382 2 Number of 0 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: sheet) 4 - No H
mode (RADF) previous reading 9
sheets of paper
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller 6382 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: Times) 4 - No H
mode (RADF) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller 6383 Date of previous 0 8 digits SYS 2 - No H
mode (RADF) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller 6384 0 Number of current 0 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: sheet) 4 - No H
mode (RADF) reading sheets of 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller 6384 1 Recommended 120000 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: sheet) 4 - No H
mode (RADF) number of 9
replacing reading
sheets of paper
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller 6384 2 Number of 0 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: sheet) 4 - No H
mode (RADF) previous reading 9
sheets of paper
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller 6384 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: Times) 4 - No H
mode (RADF) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller 6385 Date of previous 0 8 digits SYS 2 - No H
mode (RADF) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6386 0 Number of current 0 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: sheet) 4 - No H
mode (RADF) reading sheets of 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6386 1 Recommended 120000 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: sheet) 4 - No H
mode (RADF) number of 9
replacing reading
sheets of paper
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6386 2 Number of 0 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: sheet) 4 - No H
mode (RADF) previous reading 9
sheets of paper
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6386 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: Times) 4 - No H
mode (RADF) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6387 Date of previous 0 8 digits SYS 2 - No H
mode (RADF) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (1st 6390 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (1st 6390 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) number of output 9
pages for

Setting mode 174 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (1st 6390 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (1st 6390 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (1st 6391 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode drawer) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (2nd 6392 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (2nd 6392 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) number of output 9
pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (2nd 6392 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (2nd 6392 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (2nd 6393 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode drawer) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (LCF) 6394 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (LCF) 6394 1 Recommended 160000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode number of output 9
pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (LCF) 6394 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (LCF) 6394 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (LCF) 6395 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (1st 6398 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (1st 6398 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) number of output 9
pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (1st 6398 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (1st 6398 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (1st 6399 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode drawer) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (2nd 6400 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) output pages 9

Setting mode 175 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (2nd 6400 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) number of output 9
pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (2nd 6400 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (2nd 6400 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode drawer) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (2nd 6401 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode drawer) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (LCF) 6402 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (LCF) 6402 1 Recommended 160000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode number of output 9
pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (LCF) 6402 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (LCF) 6402 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (LCF) 6403 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6406 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (1st drawer) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6406 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (1st drawer) number of output 9
pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6406 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (1st drawer) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6406 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode (1st drawer) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6407 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode (1st drawer) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6408 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (2nd drawer) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6408 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (2nd drawer) number of output 9
pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6408 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (2nd drawer) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6408 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode (2nd drawer) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6409 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode (2nd drawer) replacement

Setting mode 176 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6410 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (LCF) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6410 1 Recommended 160000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (LCF) number of output 9
pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6410 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (LCF) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6410 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode (LCF) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6411 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode (LCF) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6412 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (PFP upper output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6412 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (PFP upper number of output 9
drawer) pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6412 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (PFP upper pages at the last 9
drawer) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6412 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode (PFP upper replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6413 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode (PFP upper replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6414 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (PFP lower output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6414 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (PFP lower number of output 9
drawer) pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6414 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (PFP lower pages at the last 9
drawer) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6414 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode (PFP lower replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6415 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode (PFP lower replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6416 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Bypass unit) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6416 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Bypass unit) number of output 9
pages for

Setting mode 177 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6416 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Bypass unit) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6416 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode (Bypass unit) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Separation roller 6417 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode (Bypass unit) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (PFP 6420 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode upper drawer) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (PFP 6420 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode upper drawer) number of output 9
pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (PFP 6420 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode upper drawer) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (PFP 6420 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode upper drawer) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (PFP 6421 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode upper drawer) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (PFP 6422 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode lower drawer) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (PFP 6422 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode lower drawer) number of output 9
pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (PFP 6422 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode lower drawer) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (PFP 6422 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode lower drawer) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller (PFP 6423 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode lower drawer) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller 6424 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Bypass unit) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller 6424 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Bypass unit) number of output 9
pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller 6424 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode (Bypass unit) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller 6424 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode (Bypass unit) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Feed roller 6425 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode (Bypass unit) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (PFP 6428 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode upper drawer) output pages 9

Setting mode 178 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (PFP 6428 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode upper drawer) number of output 9
pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (PFP 6428 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode upper drawer) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (PFP 6428 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode upper drawer) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (PFP 6429 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode upper drawer) replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (PFP 6430 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode lower drawer) output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (PFP 6430 1 Recommended 80000 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode lower drawer) number of output 9
pages for
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (PFP 6430 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode lower drawer) pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (PFP 6430 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode lower drawer) replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Pickup roller (PFP 6431 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode lower drawer) replacement
08 Setting Pixel counter Setting 6500 Standard paper Refer to 0~1 SYS Selects the standard paper size to convert it into 1 - No H
mode size contents the pixel count (%).
0: A4
1: LT
<Default value>
NAD: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting Pixel counter Clearing 6501 All clearing - Clears all information related to the pixel counter. 3 - No -
08 Setting Pixel counter Clearing 6502 Service technician - Clears all information related to the service 3 - No -
mode reference counter technician reference pixel counter.
08 Setting Pixel counter Clearing 6503 Toner cartridge - Clears all information related to the toner 3 - No -
mode reference counter cartridge reference pixel counter.
08 Setting Pixel counter Setting 6504 Pixel counter 1 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to display the pixel 1 - No H
mode display counter on the LCD screen.
0: Displayed
1: Not displayed
08 Setting Pixel counter Setting 6505 Displayed 0 0~1 SYS Selects the reference when displaying the pixel 1 - No H
mode reference counter on the LCD screen.
0: Service technician reference
1: Toner cartridge reference
08 Setting Pixel counter Setting 6506 Toner empty 0 0~1 SYS Selects the counter to determine toner empty. 1 - No H
mode determination 0: Output pages
counter 1: Pixel counter
08 Setting Pixel counter Setting Threshold setting 6507 Output pages 500 0~999 SYS Sets the number of output pages to determine 1 - No H
mode for toner empty toner empty. This setting is valid when "0" is set
determination at 08-6506.

Setting mode 179 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Setting Threshold setting 6508 Pixel counter 21500 0~60000 SYS Sets the number of output pages to determine 1 - No H
mode for toner empty toner empty. This setting is valid when "1" is set
determination at 08-6506.
08 Setting Pixel counter Clearing Flag 6509 Service technician 0 0~1 SYS Becomes "1" when 08-6502 is performed. 2 - No H
mode reference
08 Setting Pixel counter Display Cleared date 6510 Service technician 0 8 digits SYS Displays the date on which 08-6502 was 2 - No H
mode reference performed.
08 Setting Pixel counter Display Cleared date Toner cartridge 6511 Y 0 8 digits SYS Displays the date on which 08-6503 was 2 - No H
mode reference performed.
08 Setting Pixel counter Display Cleared date Toner cartridge 6512 M 0 8 digits SYS Displays the date on which 08-6503 was 2 - No H
mode reference performed.
08 Setting Pixel counter Display Cleared date Toner cartridge 6513 C 0 8 digits SYS Displays the date on which 08-6503 was 2 - No H
mode reference performed.
08 Setting Pixel counter Display Cleared date Toner cartridge 6514 K 0 8 digits SYS Displays the date on which 08-6503 was 2 - No H
mode reference performed.
08 Setting Pixel counter Display Count started date Toner cartridge 6519 Y 0 8 digits SYS Displays the date on which 08-6503 was 2 - No H
mode reference performed.
08 Setting Pixel counter Display Count started date Toner cartridge 6520 M 0 8 digits SYS Displays the date on which 08-6503 was 2 - No H
mode reference performed.
08 Setting Pixel counter Display Count started date Toner cartridge 6521 C 0 8 digits SYS Displays the date on which 08-6503 was 2 - No H
mode reference performed.
08 Setting Pixel counter Display Count started date Toner cartridge 6522 K 0 8 digits SYS Displays the date on which 08-6503 was 2 - No H
mode reference performed.
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Service Copy 6557 Full color 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages technician 9 the standard paper size in the copy function, full
reference color mode and service technician reference.
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Service Copy 6558 Monochrome 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages technician 9 the standard paper size in the copy function,
reference monochrme mode and service technician
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Service Print 6559 Full color 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages technician 9 the standard paper size in the printer function,
reference full color mode and service technician reference.
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Service Print 6560 Monochrome 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages technician 9 the standard paper size in the printer function,
reference black mode and service technician reference.
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 180 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Service Fax 6561 Monochrome 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages technician 9 the standard paper size in the Fax function, black
reference mode and service technician reference.
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Toner cartridge Copy 6562 Full color (K) 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages reference 9 the standard paper size in the copy function, full
color mode, toner K and toner cartridge
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Toner cartridge Copy 6563 Monochrome 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages reference 9 the standard paper size in the copy function,
black mode and toner cartridge reference.
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Toner cartridge Print 6564 Full color (K) 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages reference 9 the standard paper size in the printer function,
full color mode, toner K and toner cartridge
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Toner cartridge Print 6565 Monochrome 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages reference 9 the standard paper size in the printer function,
black mode and toner cartridge reference.
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Toner cartridge Fax 6566 Black 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages reference 9 the standard paper size in the Fax function, black
mode and toner cartridge reference.
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Toner cartridge Copy 6567 Full color (Y) 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages reference 9 the standard paper size in the copy function, full
color mode, toner Y and toner cartridge
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Toner cartridge Print 6568 Full color (Y) 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages reference 9 the standard paper size in the printer function,
full color mode, toner Y and toner cartridge
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 181 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Toner cartridge Copy 6569 Full color (M) 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages reference 9 the standard paper size in the copy function, full
color mode, toner M and toner cartridge
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Toner cartridge Print 6570 Full color (M) 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages reference 9 the standard paper size in the printer function,
full color mode, toner M and toner cartridge
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Toner cartridge Copy 6571 Full color (C) 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages reference 9 the standard paper size in the copy function, full
color mode, toner C and toner cartridge
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Number of Toner cartridge Print 6572 Full color (C) 0 0~9999999 SYS Counts the number of output pages converted to 2 - No H
mode output pages reference 9 the standard paper size in the printer function,
full color mode, toner C and toner cartridge
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Toner cartridge 6573 Y 0 0~999 SYS Counts the number of time of the toner cartridge 2 - No H
mode replacement Y replacement.
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Toner cartridge 6574 M 0 0~999 SYS Counts the number of time of the toner cartridge 2 - No H
mode replacement M replacement.
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Toner cartridge 6575 C 0 0~999 SYS Counts the number of time of the toner cartridge 2 - No H
mode replacement C replacement.
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Toner cartridge 6576 K 0 0~999 SYS Counts the number of time of the toner cartridge 2 - No H
mode replacement K replacement.
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy 6587 Full color 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode count (Service (Y+M+C+K) function, full color mode, all toner and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy 6588 Full color (Y) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode count (Service function, full color mode, toner Y and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy 6589 Full color (M) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode count (Service function, full color mode, toner M and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)

Setting mode 182 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy 6590 Full color (C) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode count (Service function, full color mode, toner C and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy 6591 Full color (K) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode count (Service function, full color mode, toner K and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Print 6592 Full color 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode count (Service (Y+M+C+K) function, full color mode, all toner and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Print 6593 Full color (Y) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode count (Service function, full color mode, toner Y and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Print 6594 Full color (M) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode count (Service function, full color mode, toner M and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Print 6595 Full color (C) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode count (Service function, full color mode, toner C and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Print 6596 Full color (K) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode count (Service function, full color mode, toner K and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy/Print 6597 Full color 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the 2 - No H
mode count (Service (Y+M+C+K) copy/printer function, full color mode, all toner
technician and service technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy/Print 6598 Full color (Y) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the 2 - No H
mode count (Service copy/printer function, full color mode, toner Y and
technician service technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy/Print 6599 Full color (M) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the 2 - No H
mode count (Service copy/printer function, full color mode, toner M
technician and service technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy/Print 6600 Full color (C) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the 2 - No H
mode count (Service copy/printer function, full color mode, toner C and
technician service technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy/Print 6601 Full color (K) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the 2 - No H
mode count (Service copy/printer function, full color mode, toner K and
technician service technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy 6602 Monochrome 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode count (Service function, monochrome mode and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)

Setting mode 183 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Print 6603 Monochrome 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode count (Service function, monochrome mode and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Fax 6604 Monochrome 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the Fax 2 - No H
mode count (Service function, monochrome mode and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy/Print/Fax 6605 Monochrome 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the 2 - No H
mode count (Service copy/printer/Fax function, monochrome mode
technician and service technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Copy 6606 Full color 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode (Service (Y+M+C+K) function, full color mode, all toner and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Copy 6607 Full color (Y) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode (Service function, full color mode, toner Y and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Copy 6608 Full color (M) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode (Service function, full color mode, toner M and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Copy 6609 Full color (C) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode (Service function, full color mode, toner C and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Copy 6610 Full color (K) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode (Service function, full color mode, toner K and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Print 6611 Full color 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode (Service (Y+M+C+K) function, full color mode, all toner and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Print 6612 Full color (Y) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode (Service function, full color mode, toner Y and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Print 6613 Full color (M) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode (Service function, full color mode, toner M and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Print 6614 Full color (C) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode (Service function, full color mode, toner C and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Print 6615 Full color (K) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode (Service function, full color mode, toner K and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)

Setting mode 184 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Copy 6616 Monochrome 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode (Service function, monochrome mode and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Print 6617 Monochrome 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode (Service function, monochrome mode and service
technician technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Fax 6618 Monochrome 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the Fax function, 2 - No H
mode (Service monochrome mode and service technician
technician reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy 6619 Full color (Y) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode count (Toner function, full color mode, toner Y and toner
cartridge cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy 6620 Full color (M) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode count (Toner function, full color mode, toner M and toner
cartridge cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy 6621 Full color (C) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode count (Toner function, full color mode, toner C and toner
cartridge cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy 6622 Full color (K) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode count (Toner function, full color mode, toner K and toner
cartridge cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy 6623 Monochrome 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode count (Toner function, monochrome mode and toner cartridge
cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy 6624 Full color (K)+black 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode count (Toner function, full color/black mode, toner K and toner
cartridge cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Print 6625 Full color (Y) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode count (Toner function, full color mode, toner Y and toner
cartridge cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Print 6626 Full color (M) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode count (Toner function, full color mode, toner M and toner
cartridge cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Print 6627 Full color (C) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode count (Toner function, full color mode, toner C and toner
cartridge cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Print 6628 Full color (K) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode count (Toner function, full color mode, toner K and toner
cartridge cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)

Setting mode 185 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Print 6629 Monochrome 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode count (Toner function, monochrome mode and toner cartridge
cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Print 6630 Full color (K)+black 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode count (Toner function, full color/black mode, toner K and toner
cartridge cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy/Print 6631 Full color (Y) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the 2 - No H
mode count (Toner copy/printer function, full color mode, toner Y and
cartridge toner cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy/Print 6632 Full color (M) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the 2 - No H
mode count (Toner copy/printer function, full color mode, toner M
cartridge and toner cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy/Print 6633 Full color (C) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the 2 - No H
mode count (Toner copy/printer function, full color mode, toner C and
cartridge toner cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Copy/Print/Fax 6634 Full color (K)+black 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the 2 - No H
mode count (Toner copy/printer/Fax function, black mode, toner K
cartridge and toner cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Average pixel Fax 6635 Monochrome 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the average pixel count in the Fax 2 - No H
mode count (Toner function, black mode and toner cartridge
cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Copy 6636 Full color (Y) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode (Toner cartridge function, full color mode, toner Y and toner
reference) cartridge reference.
(Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Copy 6637 Full color (M) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode (Toner cartridge function, full color mode, toner M and toner
reference) cartridge reference.
(Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Copy 6638 Full color (C) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode (Toner cartridge function, full color mode, toner C and toner
reference) cartridge reference.
(Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Copy 6639 Full color (K) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode (Toner cartridge function, full color mode, toner K and toner
reference) cartridge reference.
(Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Print 6640 Full color (Y) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode (Toner cartridge function, full color mode, toner Y and toner
reference) cartridge reference.
(Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Print 6641 Full color (M) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode (Toner cartridge function, full color mode, toner M and toner
reference) cartridge reference.
(Unit: 0.01%)

Setting mode 186 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Print 6642 Full color (C) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode (Toner cartridge function, full color mode, toner C and toner
reference) cartridge reference.
(Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Print 6643 Full color (K) 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode (Toner cartridge function, full color mode, toner K and toner
reference) cartridge reference.
(Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Fax 6644 Black 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the Fax function, 2 - No H
mode (Toner cartridge black mode and toner cartridge reference.
reference) (Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6713 0 0-5% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6713 1 5.1-10% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6713 2 10.1-15% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6713 3 15.1-20% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6713 4 20.1-25% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 187 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6713 5 25.1-30% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6713 6 30.1-40% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6713 7 40.1-60% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6713 8 60.1-80% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6713 9 80.1-100% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6714 0 0-5% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6714 1 5.1-10% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 188 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6714 2 10.1-15% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6714 3 15.1-20% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6714 4 20.1-25% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6714 5 25.1-30% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6714 6 30.1-40% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6714 7 40.1-60% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6714 8 60.1-80% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 189 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6714 9 80.1-100% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6715 0 0-5% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6715 1 5.1-10% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6715 2 10.1-15% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6715 3 15.1-20% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6715 4 20.1-25% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6715 5 25.1-30% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 190 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6715 6 30.1-40% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6715 7 40.1-60% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6715 8 60.1-80% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6715 9 80.1-100% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6716 0 0-5% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6716 1 5.1-10% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6716 2 10.1-15% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 191 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6716 3 15.1-20% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6716 4 20.1-25% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6716 5 25.1-30% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6716 6 30.1-40% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6716 7 40.1-60% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6716 8 60.1-80% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6716 9 80.1-100% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 192 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6717 0 0-5% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6717 1 5.1-10% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6717 2 10.1-15% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6717 3 15.1-20% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6717 4 20.1-25% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6717 5 25.1-30% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6717 6 30.1-40% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 193 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6717 7 40.1-60% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6717 8 60.1-80% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6717 9 80.1-100% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (Y)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner Y are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6718 0 0-5% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6718 1 5.1-10% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6718 2 10.1-15% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6718 3 15.1-20% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 194 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6718 4 20.1-25% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6718 5 25.1-30% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6718 6 30.1-40% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6718 7 40.1-60% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6718 8 60.1-80% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6718 9 80.1-100% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (M)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner M are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6719 0 0-5% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 195 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6719 1 5.1-10% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6719 2 10.1-15% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6719 3 15.1-20% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6719 4 20.1-25% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6719 5 25.1-30% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6719 6 30.1-40% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6719 7 40.1-60% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 196 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6719 8 60.1-80% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6719 9 80.1-100% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (C)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner C are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6720 0 0-5% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6720 1 5.1-10% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6720 2 10.1-15% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6720 3 15.1-20% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6720 4 20.1-25% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 197 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6720 5 25.1-30% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6720 6 30.1-40% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6720 7 40.1-60% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6720 8 60.1-80% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6720 9 80.1-100% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution (Full 9 The number of output pages in each range is
color (K)) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function, full color mode and toner K are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6721 0 0-5% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6721 1 5.1-10% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 198 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6721 2 10.1-15% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6721 3 15.1-20% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6721 4 20.1-25% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6721 5 25.1-30% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6721 6 30.1-40% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6721 7 40.1-60% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6721 8 60.1-80% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 199 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Copy 6721 9 80.1-100% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
copy function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6722 0 0-5% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6722 1 5.1-10% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6722 2 10.1-15% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6722 3 15.1-20% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6722 4 20.1-25% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6722 5 25.1-30% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function and mnochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 200 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6722 6 30.1-40% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6722 7 40.1-60% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6722 8 60.1-80% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Print 6722 9 80.1-100% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
printer function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Fax 6723 0 0-5% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
Fax function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Fax 6723 1 5.1-10% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
Fax function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Fax 6723 2 10.1-15% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
Fax function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 201 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Fax 6723 3 15.1-20% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
Fax function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Fax 6723 4 20.1-25% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
Fax function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Fax 6723 5 25.1-30% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
Fax function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Fax 6723 6 30.1-40% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
Fax function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Fax 6723 7 40.1-60% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
Fax function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Fax 6723 8 60.1-80% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
Fax function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Pixel count Fax 6723 9 80.1-100% 0 0~9999999 SYS The pixel count data are divided into 10 ranges. 14 - No H
mode distribution 9 The number of output pages in each range is
(Monochrome) displayed. In this code, the distributions in the
Fax function and monochrome mode are
The last two digits indicate the values after the
decimal point. One hundredth of the indicated
value is "converted number of sheets for A4/LT".

Setting mode 202 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Copy 6724 Black 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the copy 2 - No H
mode (Toner cartridge function, black mode and toner cartridge
reference) reference.
(Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Pixel counter Counter Latest pixel count Print 6725 Black 0 0~10000 SYS Displays the latest pixel count in the printer 2 - No H
mode (Toner cartridge function, black mode and toner cartridge
reference) reference.
(Unit: 0.01%)
08 Setting Counter 6817 Calibration counter 0 0~9999999 SYS Displays the number of times a calibration chart 1 - No H
mode 9 is printed. When "0" is set for this code, this
counter is reset. The counter value goes up
every time a calibration chart is printed,
regardless of the setting value of the code 08-
9894 (Calibration chart charging method).
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser pad 6979 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode output pages 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser pad 6979 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode number of output contents 9 20ppm: 160000
pages for 25ppm: 200000
replacement 30ppm: 240000
35ppm: 280000
45ppm: 302400
50ppm: 336000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser pad 6979 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser pad 6979 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser pad 6979 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 510000
be replaced 25ppm: 640000
30ppm: 770000
35ppm: 900000
45ppm: 650000
50ppm: 720000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser pad 6979 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser pad 6979 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser pad 6979 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser pad 6979 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser pad 6980 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode replacement
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser slipping 6981 0 Present number of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode sheet output pages 9

Setting mode 203 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser slipping 6981 1 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode sheet number of output contents 9 20ppm: 160000
pages for 25ppm: 200000
replacement 30ppm: 240000
35ppm: 280000
45ppm: 302400
50ppm: 336000
(Unit: sheet)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser slipping 6981 2 Number of output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode sheet pages at the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser slipping 6981 3 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode sheet counts 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser slipping 6981 4 Recommended Refer to 0~9999999 M <Default value> 4 - No HS
mode sheet driving counts to contents 9 20ppm: 510000
be replaced 25ppm: 640000
30ppm: 770000
35ppm: 900000
45ppm: 650000
50ppm: 720000
(Unit: count)
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser slipping 6981 5 Driving counts at 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode sheet the last 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser slipping 6981 6 Present output 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 4 - No HS
mode sheet pages for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser slipping 6981 7 Present driving 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: count) 4 - No HS
mode sheet counts for control 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser slipping 6981 8 Number of times 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 4 - No HS
mode sheet replaced 9
08 Setting Counter PM counter Fuser slipping 6982 Date of previous 0 8 digits M 2 - No HS
mode sheet replacement
08 Setting Counter Counter 6983 Thin paper counter 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: sheet) 1 - No HS
mode (number of sheets) 9
08 Setting Counter Counter 6984 Waste toner box 0 0~9999999 M Total count of the values of Y, M, C, and BK of 1 - No HS
mode nearly-full 9 counter for period of toner cartridge rotation time.
detection counter
08 Setting Counter Cleaning Main charger 6993 Cleaning counter 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 1 - No HS
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Cleaning LED head/LSU 6994 Cleaning counter 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 1 - No HS
mode slit glass 9
08 Setting Counter Cleaning LED head/LSU 6995 Number of times of 0 0~9999999 M (Unit: Times) 1 - No HS
mode slit glass cleaning/0 clear 9
08 Setting Counter Image control Execution number Full mode 6997 0 Execution number 0 0~9999999 M Clearing the number to 0 is only available. 4 - No HS
mode counter execution number counter of image 9 (Unit: times)
quality control
08 Setting Counter Image control Execution number Short paper and 6997 1 Execution number 0 0~9999999 M Clearing the number to 0 is only available. 4 - No HS
mode counter full color mode counter of image 9 (Unit: times)
execution number quality control

Setting mode 204 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Counter Image control Execution number Short paper and 6997 2 Execution number 0 0~9999999 M Clearing the number to 0 is only available. 4 - No HS
mode counter monochrome counter of image 9 (Unit: times)
mode execution quality control
08 Setting Image Image All clearing Adjustment values 7000 Copy related codes - Clears the values of the following codes and 3 - No -
mode Processing of all 05/08 image copy related areas of the HDD.
process codes 05-7023~7026
08 Setting Image Image All clearing Gamma correction 7001 Copy related codes - Clears copy related areas of the HDD. 3 - No -
mode Processing table
08 Setting Image DSDF Clear Calibration data 7002 For Service - Clears the Calibration data of DSDF. 3 - No -
mode Processing
08 Setting Image Scanner wire 7003 Enable/disable 1 0~1 SYS Performs image correction if the scanner wire is 1 - Yes H
mode Processing extension setting extended because of scanning with large
correction numbers through the original glass.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting Image User interface User custom Copy 7034 Black 0 0~2 SYS 0: Not displayed 1 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing 1: Text/Photo base
2: Text base
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Copy 7052 0 Plain paper 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Copy 7052 1 Thick paper 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Copy 7052 2 Recycled paper 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Copy 7052 3 Thick paper 1 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Copy 7052 4 Thick paper 2 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Copy 7052 5 Thick paper 3 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:

Setting mode 205 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Copy 7052 6 Thick paper 4 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Copy 7052 7 Special paper 1 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Copy 7052 8 Special paper 2 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Copy 7052 9 Special paper 3 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Copy 7052 10 Thin paper 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Image All clearing Adjustment values 7300 Printer related - Clears the values of the following codes: 3 - No -
mode Processing of all 05/08 image codes 05-7302~7387
process codes 05-8002~8275
08 Setting Image Image All clearing Gamma correction 7301 Printer related - Clears print related area in HDD. 3 - No -
mode Processing table codes
08 Setting Image Screen Printer 600 x 600 dpi 7310 Monochrome 0 0~1 SYS 0: High screen ruling value 1 - Yes H
mode Processing switchover 1: Low screen ruling value
08 Setting Image Screen Printer High screen ruling 7314 600 x 600 dpi 1 0~3 SYS 0: Standard 1 - Yes H
mode Processing switchover value (Monochrome) 1: Reducing white voids on the same color
background (low)
2: Reducing white voids on the same color
background (high)
3: Reducing white voids on the same color
background (middle)
* This setting will become available when "0" is
set in 08-7310.
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (600 dpi) 7352 0 Plain paper 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (600 dpi) 7352 1 Thick paper 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:

Setting mode 206 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (600 dpi) 7352 2 Recycled paper 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (600 dpi) 7352 3 Thick paper 1 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (600 dpi) 7352 4 Thick paper 2 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (600 dpi) 7352 5 Thick paper 3 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (600 dpi) 7352 6 Thick paper 4 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (600 dpi) 7352 7 Special paper 1 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (600 dpi) 7352 8 Special paper 2 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (600 dpi) 7352 9 Special paper 3 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (600 dpi) 7352 10 Thin paper 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (1200 dpi) 7354 0 Plain paper 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (1200 dpi) 7354 1 Thick paper 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:

Setting mode 207 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (1200 dpi) 7354 2 Recycled paper 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (1200 dpi) 7354 3 Thick paper 1 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (1200 dpi) 7354 4 Thick paper 2 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (1200 dpi) 7354 5 Thick paper 3 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (1200 dpi) 7354 6 Thick paper 4 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (1200 dpi) 7354 7 Special paper 1 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (1200 dpi) 7354 8 Special paper 2 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (1200 dpi) 7354 9 Special paper 3 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Automatic tone Last updated date Printer (1200 dpi) 7354 10 Thin paper 0 0~4212312 SYS Last updated date and time of automatic tone 14 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing correction data and time 359 correction data.
YY: year, MM: month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM:
08 Setting Image Image All clearing Adjustment values 7400 Scan related codes - Clears the values of the following codes: 3 - No -
mode Processing of all 05/08 image 05-7400~7491
process codes 05-8304~8428
08 Setting Image User interface User custom Scan 7401 Monochrome 0 0~3 SYS 0: Not displayed 1 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing 1: Black Text/Photo base
2: Black Text base
3: Black Photo base

Setting mode 208 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Image Image All clearing Adjustment values 7500 Fax related codes - Clears the adjustment values of the following 3 - No -
mode Processing of all 05/08 image codes:
process codes 05-7533~7595
08 Setting Image User interface Copy (Color) 7610 Display setting of Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Display setting OFF 1 - Yes H
mode Processing red seal color mode contents 1: Display setting ON
<Default value>
CND: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting Image Image 7612 Image repeat gap 5 0~10 SYS Sets the pitch of images for the image repeat 1 - Yes H
mode Processing feature.
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting Image User interface User custom Copy 7614 Color 0 0~5 SYS 0: Not displayed 1 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing 1: Text/Photo base
2: Text base
3: Printed image base
4: Photo base
5: Map base
08 Setting Image Image Copy 7617 ADF noise 3 0~3 SYS Sets the adjustment level for reducing color 1 - Yes H
mode Processing reduction streaks when the RADF is used.
3: Disabled (default)
2: Noise reduction level - Low
1: Noise reduction level - Middle (recommended)
0: Noise reduction level - High
* This code is valid in the Text/Photo mode for
color copying. This code is valid in the
Text/Photo mode and Text mode for
monochrome copying.
08 Setting Image User interface Color NW printer Display setting of 8005 Display of check Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Display setting OFF 1 - Yes H
mode Processing red seal color box contents 1: Display setting ON
mode <Default value>
CND: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting Image Image quality TRC correction 8103 Switchover of 1 0~1 SYS Switches the Enable/disable setting of tone 1 - Yes H
mode Processing control Enable/disable correction with image quality TRC control. Do not
setting of tone change the value as it may decrease the tone
correction correction.
0: Disable
1: Enable
08 Setting Image Screen Printer 8110 600 x 600 dpi 0 0~1 SYS 0: High screen ruling value 1 - Yes H
mode Processing switchover (Color) 1: Low screen ruling value
08 Setting Image Screen Printer Low screen ruling 8111 600 x 600 dpi 1 0~1 SYS 0: Low screen ruling to reduce unevenness of the 1 - Yes H
mode Processing switchover value (Color) printed image
1: Low screen ruling to reduce jitter
* This setting will become available when "1" is
set in 08-8110.
08 Setting Image Screen Printer High screen ruling 8112 600 x 600 dpi 1 0~3 SYS 0: Standard 1 - Yes H
mode Processing switchover value (Color) 1: Reducing white voids on the same color
background (K:low, YMC:middle)
2: Reducing white voids on the same color
background (K:high, YMC:middle)
3: Reducing white voids on the same color
background (K:middle, YMC:middle)
* This setting will become available when "0" is
set in 08-8110.

Setting mode 209 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting Image Image Scan 8300 ADF noise 3 0~3 SYS Sets the adjustment level for reducing color 1 - Yes H
mode Processing reduction streaks when the ADF is used.
3: Disabled (default)
2: Noise reduction level - Low
1: Noise reduction level - Middle (recommended)
0: Noise reduction level - High
08 Setting Image User interface User custom Scan 8303 Color 0 0~4 SYS 0: Not displayed 1 Yes - Yes H
mode Processing 1: Text/Photo base
2: Text base
3: Photo base
4: e-document base
* e-document: This is a mode to conform to the
law in Japan. This mode is used to clarify area
where changes were made with such as a
correction fluid.
08 Setting System General 8504 Feeding method of 0 0~1 SYS 0: One side 1 Def Yes H
mode odd page number 1: Both sides
in duplex printing
(Raw print)
08 Setting System General 8506 Forcible mode 0 0~2 SYS 0: Sleep mode 1 - Yes H
mode change in cartridge 1: Automatic Energy Save mode
empty status 2: Ready
08 Setting System General 8508 Controlling method 0 0~2 SYS 0: No control 1 Def Yes H
mode for print image 1: Cuts the image
position 2: Shifts the image
adjustment in
scanning direction
08 Setting System General 8509 Controlling amount 12 0~36 SYS (Unit: dot) 1 Def Yes H
mode for print image 1 dot = 0.04 mm
adjustment in
scanning direction
08 Setting System General 8510 Menu display for 0 0~1 SYS 0: Menu not displayed 1 - Yes H
mode controlling print 1: Menu displayed
image position
adjustment in
scanning direction
08 Setting System General 8511 Wide A4 Mode (for 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disable 1 Def Yes H
mode PCL) 1: Enable
08 Setting System General 8512 Number of jobs in 10 2~10 SYS Specifies the number of jobs from 2 to 10 1 - Yes H
mode batch processing - For jobs in batch processing, their printing order
in the queue cannot be changed.
- When the number of jobs in batch processing is
reduced, the performance of an MFP will be
08 Setting System General Overprint function 8513 0 For PDF printing 2 0~2 SYS Enables or disables the overprinting function 4 Def Yes H
mode setting setting when printing PDF files.
0: OFF
1: ON
2: ON (only for PDF/X files)

Setting mode 210 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Overprint function 8513 1 For PostScript 0 0~1 SYS Enables or disables the overprinting function 4 Def Yes H
mode setting printing setting for PostScript printing.
0: OFF
1: ON
08 Setting System General 8514 Threshold value 20 5~30 SYS This code is used for changing the range in 1 Yes - Yes H
mode setting for RIP which non-standard paper sizes are judged as
standard paper standard ones. If the page size data are within
judgment the standard paper size ± the setting value, the
page size is judged as a standard paper size in
PS/PDF printing. If the page size data are out of
the range, the page size is judged as a non-
standard paper size. The unit for the setting
value is PS points. 1 PS point is approx. 0.35 mm.
08 Setting System General Outside erase 8515 Copy 0 -3~3 SYS The larger the value, area to be erased 1 - Yes H
mode Judgment increases. The smaller the value, area to be
threshold (Default) erased decreases.
08 Setting System General Outside erase 8516 Scan 0 -3~3 SYS The larger the value, area to be erased 1 - Yes H
mode Judgment increases. The smaller the value, area to be
threshold (Default) erased decreases.
08 Setting System General 8517 Remote Scan User 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF (A user always enters manually (current 1 - Yes H
mode authentication method))
automatic login 1: ON (Previous authentication information will be
08 Setting System General 8518 Overwriting mode 0 0~3 SYS 0: Always OFF 1 - Yes H
mode for scanned files 1: Meta Scan function ON/Normal scan function
2: Meta Scan function OFF/Normal scan function
3: Always ON
08 Setting System General 8519 Scan PDF file 1 0~1 SYS 0: Equivalent to scan image size 1 - Yes H
mode Paper size 1: Fitted into any standard size
08 Setting System General 8520 Underscore 1 0~1 SYS Sets the prohibited characters in filename to 1 - Yes H
mode conversion of covert to underscore.
prohibited 0: \ / > < , " | ? * : ; = [ ] +
character in 1: \ / > < " | ? * :
filename * 0: Existing model standard 1: Windows
Since setting the value to "1" allows some
prohibited characters, filename might not be
processed in external application or server.
08 Setting System General 8521 Switchover of Refer to 0~1 SYS Switches the output format of date in attachment 1 - Yes H
mode output format of contents of Service Notification.
Service 0: YYYY.MM.DD
Notification 1: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
attachment <Default value>
NAD: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 8523 Toner near-empty Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: ON 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode status Message contents 1: OFF
<Default value>
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 8524 No paper message 1 0~1 SYS 0: ON 1 Def Yes H
mode 1: OFF

Setting mode 211 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 8525 No paper message 0 0~1 SYS 0: ON 1 Def Yes H
mode (T-LCF left tray) 1: OFF
08 Setting System User interface Preview Default setting 8526 Scan 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to enable the preview 1 Def Yes H
mode function as the default when using the Scanning
0: OFF
1: ON
08 Setting System General Transfer belt Short size 8529 0 Number of pages Refer to 0~9 SYS Sets a threshold (the number of pages) for 4 - Yes H
mode release threshold released (Copier) contents switching from ACS to the black mode. When the
in ACS specified number of pages has been printed in
the black mode only, the transfer belt is released
and ACS shifts to the black mode.
<Default value>
20/25ppm: 4
30/35ppm: 5
45/50ppm: 6
(Unit: page)
08 Setting System General Transfer belt Short size 8529 1 Number of pages Refer to 0~9 SYS Sets a threshold (the number of pages) for 4 - Yes H
mode release threshold released (Printer) contents switching from ACS to the black mode. When the
in ACS specified number of pages has been printed in
the black mode only, the transfer belt is released
and ACS shifts to the black mode.
<Default value>
20/25ppm: 4
30/35ppm: 5
45/50ppm: 6
(Unit: page)
08 Setting System General Transfer belt Short size 8529 2 Number of pages Refer to 0~9 SYS Sets a threshold (the number of pages) for 4 - Yes H
mode release threshold released (Box print) contents switching from ACS to the black mode. When the
in ACS specified number of pages has been printed in
the black mode only, the transfer belt is released
and ACS shifts to the black mode.
<Default value>
20/25ppm: 4
30/35ppm: 5
45/50ppm: 6
(Unit: page)
08 Setting System General 8532 Control panel 4 1~7 SYS 1~7: Brightness level 1 - Yes H
mode Brightness level
08 Setting System General 1st transfer roller Contact/release 8533 Except copy 0 0~2 SYS When jittering occurs during the printing of thick 1 - Yes H
mode setting paper in the black mode with the 1st transfer
roller released from the transfer belt, this setting
makes the roller contact.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled only for thick paper and special paper
2: Enabled for all media types
08 Setting System General 1st transfer roller Contact/release 8534 Copy 0 0~2 SYS When jittering occurs during the printing of thick 1 - Yes H
mode setting paper in the black mode with the 1st transfer
roller released from the transfer belt, this setting
makes the roller contact.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled only for thick paper and special paper
2: Enabled for all media types

Setting mode 212 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General 8537 Sorting method for 0 0~1 SYS Changes the sorting order for print jobs on the 1 - Yes H
mode displaying private/hold print list.
private/hold print 0: Descending order
jobs 1: Ascending order
08 Setting System User interface 8538 Toner near empty 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode notification setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface Scan 8540 Date/time format in 1 0~1 SYS 0: YYYY/MM/DDhh:mm:ss.mmm 1 Def Yes H
mode the Meta Scan 1: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mmmTZD
XML file
08 Setting System User interface 8543 Switching to the 1 0~1 SYS 0: Not switched 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode low power 1: Switched under certain conditions
consumption mode
in the Sleep mode
08 Setting System User interface 8544 Tolerance for 5 5~600 SYS Sets the range of tolerance in which the 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode switching to Super equipment returns to the Super Sleep mode after
Sleep mode the system is started during that mode.
(Unit: Second)
08 Setting System User interface 8546 Input setting of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Inputting a minus value is disabled. 1 Yes - Yes H
mode minus value for 1: Inputting a minus value is enabled.
image shift when
08 Setting System User interface Paper feeding 8548 Operation of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Operation of cassette size change is disabled. 1 - Yes H
mode drawer size 1: Operation of cassette size change is enabled.
change when
printing is
interrupted by size
08 Setting System Counter 8549 Hardware key 0 0~1 SYS 0: No restriction 1 - Yes H
mode installed control when 1: Disabled for some buttons
externally external counter is * When “1” is set, the [Home], [Programmable 1]
installed and [Programmable 2] buttons become disabled.
08 Setting System User interface Manual change of 8558 0 1st drawer 1 0~1 SYS 0: Manual (changeable) 4 Def Yes H
mode the standard size 1: Auto (not changeable)
08 Setting System User interface Manual change of 8558 1 2nd drawer 1 0~1 SYS 0: Manual (changeable) 4 Def Yes H
mode the standard size 1: Auto (not changeable)
08 Setting System User interface Manual change of 8558 2 PFP upper drawer 1 0~1 SYS 0: Manual (changeable) 4 Def Yes H
mode the standard size 1: Auto (not changeable)
08 Setting System User interface Manual change of 8558 3 PFP lower drawer 1 0~1 SYS 0: Manual (changeable) 4 Def Yes H
mode the standard size 1: Auto (not changeable)
08 Setting System 8559 Password at VNC Refer to SYS Sets a password within 6 to 8 alphanumeric 11 - Yes H
mode connection contents character digits when VNC is connected.
08 Setting System Notification Quota 8567 Near empty 0 0~10000 SYS Sets the number of print pages to notify that the 1 Def Yes H
mode Quota has been nearly reached when it has been
0: Not notified
1 to 10000: Notified when printed pages reach
the set number
08 Setting System eAPI 8568 Authentication 30 1~180 SYS Sets the time-out period when authentication is 1 Def Yes H
mode Application time-out performed by an external application.
(Unit: seconds)

Setting mode 213 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System eAPI 8569 Error sound when 0 0~1 SYS 0: OFF (not sounded) 1 Def Yes H
mode Application an event 1: ON (sounded)
generated by a
card does not
08 Setting System Counter Interface 8574 Color/Size signal 0 0~20 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode installed timing 1~20: Delays setting value x 10msec
externally * This code is valid only when the code 08-9016
is set "5".
08 Setting System External 8577 Key-map setting us SYS Sets a key-map of an externally-connected 11 Def Yes H
mode keyboard keyboard such as a USB device.
us: US keyboard (USA)
uk: UK keyboard (UK)
de: DE keyboard (German)
fr: FR keyboard (France)
dk: DK keyboard (Denmark)
es: ES keyboard (Spain)
fi: FI keyboard (Finland)
it: IT keyboard (Italia)
nl: NL keyboard (Netherland)
no: NO keyboard (Norway)
pl: PL keyboard (Poland)
ru: RU keyboard (Russia)
se: SE keyboard (Sweden)
tr: TR keyboard (Turkey)
jp: JP keyboard (Japan)
br: BR keyboard (Brazil)
08 Setting System Network 8585 Edit setting of E- 1 0~1 SYS 0: Not allowed 1 Def Yes H
mode mail subject 1: Allowed
08 Setting System Network 8586 Addition of date 1 0~1 SYS 0: Not added 1 Def Yes H
mode and time to E-mail 1: Added
08 Setting System Network 8587 Character string of 0 0~1 SYS Switches the default character string of subject. 1 Def Yes H
mode E-mail subject 0: Character string at the shipment
1: Character string specified by users
08 Setting System User interface 8597 Automatic update 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode of private/hold print 1: Enabled
job list
08 Setting System Maintenance 8598 Template icon 0 0~1 SYS 0: Pattern 1 1 - Yes H
mode layout on the (1) (2) (3) (4)
control panel (5) (6) (7) (8)
(9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14) (15) (16)
1: Pattern 2
(1) (2) (9) (10)
(3) (4) (11) (12)
(5) (6) (13) (14)
(7) (8) (15) (16)
08 Setting System General Outside erase 8600 Change of default 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode value 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface 8603 Special usage of 0 0~2 SYS 0: None 1 - Yes H
mode external options I/F 1: Usage 1
2: Usage 2

Setting mode 214 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 8607 Keyboard 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to display the keyboard on 1 Def Yes H
mode the touch panel when entering characters.
0: Not displayed
1: Displayed
08 Setting System Network Prioritized 8608 Windows 0 0~16 SYS Sets the prioritized authentication server to be 1 Yes Sec Yes H
mode authentication searched (0 to 16).
server The servers displayed on the screen accessed
by TopAccess -> Administration -> Maintenance -
> Directory Service are numbered beginning at
the top (0 to 16).
08 Setting System Network Prioritized 8609 LDAP 0 0~16 SYS Sets the prioritized authentication server to be 1 Yes Sec Yes H
mode authentication searched (0 to 16).
server The servers displayed on the screen accessed
by TopAccess -> Administration -> Maintenance -
> Directory Service are numbered beginning at
the top (0 to 16).
08 Setting System Network Prioritized 8610 Card 0 0~16 SYS Sets the prioritized authentication server to be 1 Yes Sec Yes H
mode authentication searched (0 to 16).
server The servers displayed on the screen accessed
by TopAccess -> Administration -> Maintenance -
> Directory Service are numbered beginning at
the top (0 to 16).
08 Setting System User interface Fax/IP 8611 Recipient selection 0 0~2 SYS 0: Group recipients selectable (Recipients 1 Def Yes H
mode Fax/Internet Fax method switching registered in a group cannot be selected
1: Group recipients selectable (Recipients
registered in the selected group cannot be
selected individually.)
2: Group recipients not selectable (Only
individual recipients registered in a group can be
* When “1” or “2” is set in this code, the value of
08-9069-2 will become “0” (Disabled).
08 Setting System User interface Department 8612 EWB 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes User Yes H
mode setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface Shutdown type 8613 Display/non- Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Not displayed 1 Def Yes H
mode selection display of the contents 1: Displayed
selection menu <Default value>
CND: 0
Others: 1
* "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System User interface Shutdown type 8614 Shutdown type 1 0~1 SYS 0: Shutdown 1 - Yes H
mode selection selection when the 1: Hibernation
selection menu is * "0" is set in the high security mode.
not displayed
08 Setting System Maintenance MFP management 8615 Execution of the - Employ this to make the MFP state so that it can 3 - No -
mode MFP use end be returned from a user site due to the end of
process use caused by the expiration of the contract
* The MFP becomes unusable.
* The customer information such as network
settings is all deleted.
08 Setting System Maintenance MFP management 8616 Clearance of the - Employ this to make the MFP, to which the use 3 - No -
mode MFP use end state end process has been applied, usable.
* The customer information such as network
settings has been all deleted.

Setting mode 215 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User 8618 Information 0 0~2 H/S Sets whether to synchronize the user 1 Sec Yes S
mode management synchronization management information with another MFP.
setting Select "1" to share the user management
information of this equipment with another MFP.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled (Primary)
2: Enabled (Secondary)
* "1" and "2" can be selected only when 08-9293
is set to "0" (local authentication).
08 Setting System User paper type Registration status 8619 0 User paper type 1 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not registered 4 Yes - No H
mode 1: Registered
08 Setting System User paper type Registration status 8619 1 User paper type 2 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not registered 4 Yes - No H
mode 1: Registered
08 Setting System User paper type Registration status 8619 2 User paper type 3 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not registered 4 Yes - No H
mode 1: Registered
08 Setting System User paper type Registration status 8619 3 User paper type 4 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not registered 4 Yes - No H
mode 1: Registered
08 Setting System User paper type Registration status 8619 4 User paper type 5 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not registered 4 Yes - No H
mode 1: Registered
08 Setting System User paper type Registration status 8619 5 User paper type 6 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not registered 4 Yes - No H
mode 1: Registered
08 Setting System User paper type Registration status 8619 6 User paper type 7 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not registered 4 Yes - No H
mode 1: Registered
08 Setting System User paper type Registration status 8619 7 User paper type 8 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not registered 4 Yes - No H
mode 1: Registered
08 Setting System User paper type Registration status 8619 8 User paper type 9 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not registered 4 Yes - No H
mode 1: Registered
08 Setting System User paper type Registration status 8619 9 User paper type 10 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not registered 4 Yes - No H
mode 1: Registered
08 Setting System User paper type Type name 8620 0 User paper type 1 Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 - No S
mode contents
08 Setting System User paper type Type name 8620 1 User paper type 2 Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 - No S
mode contents
08 Setting System User paper type Type name 8620 2 User paper type 3 Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 - No S
mode contents
08 Setting System User paper type Type name 8620 3 User paper type 4 Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 - No S
mode contents
08 Setting System User paper type Type name 8620 4 User paper type 5 Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 - No S
mode contents
08 Setting System User paper type Type name 8620 5 User paper type 6 Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 - No S
mode contents
08 Setting System User paper type Type name 8620 6 User paper type 7 Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 - No S
mode contents
08 Setting System User paper type Type name 8620 7 User paper type 8 Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 - No S
mode contents
08 Setting System User paper type Type name 8620 8 User paper type 9 Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 - No S
mode contents
08 Setting System User paper type Type name 8620 9 User paper type 10 Refer to H/S Maximum 16 letters 11 - No S
mode contents

Setting mode 216 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User paper type Base type 8621 0 User paper type 1 0 0~32 SYS Sets the base media type. 4 Yes - No H
mode 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper
2 3: Thick paper 3 4: Thick paper 4 6: Special
paper 1 7: Special paper 2 8: Recycled paper
11: Thin paper 12: Special paper 3 14: Thick
paper 16: OHP 32: Envelope
08 Setting System User paper type Base type 8621 1 User paper type 2 0 0~32 SYS Sets the base media type. 4 Yes - No H
mode 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper
2 3: Thick paper 3 4: Thick paper 4 6: Special
paper 1 7: Special paper 2 8: Recycled paper
11: Thin paper 12: Special paper 3 14: Thick
paper 16: OHP 32: Envelope
08 Setting System User paper type Base type 8621 2 User paper type 3 0 0~32 SYS Sets the base media type. 4 Yes - No H
mode 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper
2 3: Thick paper 3 4: Thick paper 4 6: Special
paper 1 7: Special paper 2 8: Recycled paper
11: Thin paper 12: Special paper 3 14: Thick
paper 16: OHP 32: Envelope
08 Setting System User paper type Base type 8621 3 User paper type 4 0 0~32 SYS Sets the base media type. 4 Yes - No H
mode 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper
2 3: Thick paper 3 4: Thick paper 4 6: Special
paper 1 7: Special paper 2 8: Recycled paper
11: Thin paper 12: Special paper 3 14: Thick
paper 16: OHP 32: Envelope
08 Setting System User paper type Base type 8621 4 User paper type 5 0 0~32 SYS Sets the base media type. 4 Yes - No H
mode 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper
2 3: Thick paper 3 4: Thick paper 4 6: Special
paper 1 7: Special paper 2 8: Recycled paper
11: Thin paper 12: Special paper 3 14: Thick
paper 16: OHP 32: Envelope
08 Setting System User paper type Base type 8621 5 User paper type 6 0 0~32 SYS Sets the base media type. 4 Yes - No H
mode 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper
2 3: Thick paper 3 4: Thick paper 4 6: Special
paper 1 7: Special paper 2 8: Recycled paper
11: Thin paper 12: Special paper 3 14: Thick
paper 16: OHP 32: Envelope
08 Setting System User paper type Base type 8621 6 User paper type 7 0 0~32 SYS Sets the base media type. 4 Yes - No H
mode 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper
2 3: Thick paper 3 4: Thick paper 4 6: Special
paper 1 7: Special paper 2 8: Recycled paper
11: Thin paper 12: Special paper 3 14: Thick
paper 16: OHP 32: Envelope
08 Setting System User paper type Base type 8621 7 User paper type 8 0 0~32 SYS Sets the base media type. 4 Yes - No H
mode 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper
2 3: Thick paper 3 4: Thick paper 4 6: Special
paper 1 7: Special paper 2 8: Recycled paper
11: Thin paper 12: Special paper 3 14: Thick
paper 16: OHP 32: Envelope
08 Setting System User paper type Base type 8621 8 User paper type 9 0 0~32 SYS Sets the base media type. 4 Yes - No H
mode 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper
2 3: Thick paper 3 4: Thick paper 4 6: Special
paper 1 7: Special paper 2 8: Recycled paper
11: Thin paper 12: Special paper 3 14: Thick
paper 16: OHP 32: Envelope

Setting mode 217 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User paper type Base type 8621 9 User paper type 10 0 0~32 SYS Sets the base media type. 4 Yes - No H
mode 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper
2 3: Thick paper 3 4: Thick paper 4 6: Special
paper 1 7: Special paper 2 8: Recycled paper
11: Thin paper 12: Special paper 3 14: Thick
paper 16: OHP 32: Envelope
08 Setting System User interface 8622 Date and time 1 0~1 SYS 0: Not added 1 - Yes H
mode addition setting to 1: Added
file name of scan
to file/E-mail
08 Setting System General 8623 0 RIP function setting 1 0~1 SYS Enables/Disables the function related to Excel 4 - Yes H
mode boarder rendering of PCL6. The function is to
prevent missing lines when scaling down and
inconsistent line width when scaling up.
0: Disabled (No correction. Compliant with PCL6
1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface 8624 Switchover of 3 0~3 SYS Switches the display method of filename. 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode filename display 0: Displays the filename from the beginning
method 1: Displays the trailing characters
2: Displays the beginning and trailing characters
3: Displays the filename without abbreviation
08 Setting System Waste toner At nearly-full 8625 Display message 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to display the following items 1 Yes - Yes H
mode box status when the waste toner box has become the nearly-
full status.
- A message on the status window
- A waste toner box replacing guidance when the
front cover is opened
0: Not displayed
1: Displayed
08 Setting System Waste toner At determining 8626 Waste toner box Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to display the waste toner 1 Yes - Yes H
mode box the full status replacing guidance contents box replacing guide while the front cover is
opened when the full status of the box has been
0: Not displayed
1: Displayed
<Default value>
CND: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting System Coin controller 8628 Job operation on 0 0~1 SYS This setting enables user to move from the 1 - Yes H
mode the COPY screen COPY screen to JOB STATUS screen, and then
when the coin operate jobs during printing when the coin
controller is controller is connected. This code is valid when
connected the value of 08-9016 is "1".
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface User 8629 EWB 1 0~1 H/S Sets to disable or enable the user authentication 1 Sec Yes S
mode authentication in EWB.
setting 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface User 8630 Functional user 1 0~1 H/S Sets to disable or enable the functional user 1 Sec Yes S
mode authentication authentication authentication.
setting 0: Disabled
1: Enabled

Setting mode 218 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Fax/IP Fax 8631 Filename creation 0 0~1 SYS 0: Use address name (family-name/first-name) 1 - Yes H
mode at Fax/IP Fax as filename if multiple names are found by
reception and address book search of TSI (sender information).
forwarding 1: Use address name (family-name/first-name)
as filename only when single name is found by
address book search of TSI (sender information).
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8632 Enable/disable 0 0~1 H/S 0: Disabled 1 Def Yes S
mode setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 0 Sunday (ON) 00:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 1 Sunday (OFF) 24:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 2 Monday (ON) 00:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 3 Monday (OFF) 24:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 4 Tuesday (ON) 00:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 5 Tuesday (OFF) 24:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 6 Wednesday (ON) 00:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 7 Wednesday (OFF) 24:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 8 Thursday (ON) 00:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 9 Thursday (OFF) 24:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 10 Friday (ON) 00:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 11 Friday (OFF) 24:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 12 Saturday (ON) 00:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System Weekly timer 8633 13 Saturday (OFF) 24:00:00 H/S HH:MM:SS 4 Def Yes S
08 Setting System NTP 8634 0 Enable/disable 0 0~1 H/S 0: Disabled 4 Sec Yes S
mode Authentication setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System NTP 8634 1 Key ID 1 1~65535 H/S 4 Sec Yes S
mode Authentication
08 Setting System NTP 8635 Password H/S ASCII, 8Byte 11 Sec Yes S
mode Authentication

Setting mode 219 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Built-in 8636 Package - Displays the built-in application package 3 Yes - No -
mode application management management screen. The following operations
are available in the management screen.
- Displaying of the list of the installed applications
- Installation and uninstallation of the applications
- Displaying of the language pack date for the
installed applications
- Installation of the language pack for the
installed applications
Before installing the built-in application package,
be sure to gain approval from users. In addition,
confirmation of the license agreement
(browseable from TopView) by users is
08 Setting System Security 8637 F-code operation 0 0~1 SYS F-code operation setting at the high security 1 - Yes H
mode setting at the high mode
security mode 0: F-code operation not allowed
1: F-code operation allowed
* When "1" is set in the setting in the high
security mode, the equipment will become the
CC authentication non-conforming state.
* "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Built-in 8638 License - Displays the built-in application license 3 Yes - No -
mode application management management screen. The following operations
are available in the management screen.
- Displaying of the list of the installed licenses
- Installation and uninstallation of the licenses
Before installing the built-in application license,
be sure to gain approval from users. In addition,
confirmation of the license agreement
(browseable from TopView) by users is
08 Setting System User interface 8640 Job build operation 0 0~1 SYS This setting enables user to use the job build 1 - Yes H
mode when the coin function when the coin controller is connected.
controller is This code is valid when the value of 08-9016 is
connected "1".
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System General 8641 Notification setting 1 0~1 SYS Sets the notification setting for job cancel. This 1 Def Yes H
mode for job cancel setting is effective for the following error codes:
1CC0, 2BB0, 2CC0, 2DC0, 2EC0
0: Disabled (Not notified)
1: Enabled (Notified)
08 Setting System Sound 8657 Placing original 0 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode 1: ON
08 Setting System Sound 8660 Completion of job 0 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode (except for Fax/IP 1: ON
Fax/Internet Fax)
08 Setting System Sound 8661 End of warming- 0 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode up/prewarming/slee 1: ON
08 Setting System Sound 8662 Job interrupt (out 0 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode of paper) 1: ON
08 Setting System Sound Hours for mute 8664 0 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS 0: Mute is disabled 4 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting of mute 1: Mute is enabled

Setting mode 220 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Sound Hours for mute 8664 1 Starting time 0 0~2359 SYS (HHMM) 4 Yes Def Yes H
08 Setting System Sound Hours for mute 8664 2 Ending time 0 0~2359 SYS (HHMM) 4 Yes Def Yes H
08 Setting System General 8667 Saving image log 0 0~1 H/S 0: Disabled 1 Def Yes S
mode 1: Enabled
* This setting is available only when the value for
08-8673 is "1" (Open to the public).
08 Setting System General 8668 Number of pages 1 0~1 H/S 0: First page 1 Def Yes S
mode saved as image log 1: All pages
* This setting is available only when the value for
08-8673 is "1" (Open to the public).
08 Setting System General 8670 e-Filing print 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not allowed 1 - Yes H
mode setting when key 1: Allowed
counter/totalizer is
08 Setting System Network FTP 8671 0 Number of retry for 3 0~10 SYS The transmission may succeed when the number 4 - Yes H
mode file transfer of retry increases. However, it takes longer time
to complete the job.
08 Setting System Network SMB 8671 1 Number of retry for 3 0~10 SYS The transmission may succeed when the number 4 - Yes H
mode file transfer of retry increases. However, it takes longer time
to complete the job.
08 Setting System Network NetWare 8671 2 Number of retry for 3 0~10 SYS The transmission may succeed when the number 4 - Yes H
mode file transfer of retry increases. However, it takes longer time
to complete the job.
08 Setting System Network FTP 8672 0 Retry interval for 180 0~999 SYS The transmission may succeed when the retry 4 - Yes H
mode file transfer interval becomes longer. However, it takes longer
time to complete the job. (Unit: sec.)
08 Setting System Network SMB 8672 1 Retry interval for 180 0~999 SYS The transmission may succeed when the retry 4 - Yes H
mode file transfer interval becomes longer. However, it takes longer
time to complete the job. (Unit: sec.)
08 Setting System Network NetWare 8672 2 Retry interval for 180 0~999 SYS The transmission may succeed when the retry 4 - Yes H
mode file transfer interval becomes longer. However, it takes longer
time to complete the job. (Unit: sec.)
08 Setting System General 8673 Disclosure of 0 0~1 H/S 0: Not opened to public 1 - Yes S
mode image log function 1: Opened to public
08 Setting System General Prohibition of 8674 During network 1 0~1 SYS 0: Allowed 1 Def Yes H
mode transition to initialization 1: Prohibited
automatic sleep
08 Setting System Fax Initialized 8675 Line 1 - The destination code when the fax board for line 2 Yes - No -
mode destination 1 has been initialized.
08 Setting System Fax Initialized 8676 Line 2 - The destination code when the fax board for line 2 Yes - No -
mode destination 2 has been initialized.
08 Setting System OCR Counter 8677 When using two 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to count doubly when the 1 Yes - Yes H
mode types of the file result of OCR scanning is output by means of
format to be output two types of the file format.
0: Not counted doubly
1: Counted doubly

Setting mode 221 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System HDD backup 8679 Disabled/enabled 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the HDD backup function is 1 Def Yes H
mode setting enabled or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System HDD backup Backup to 8680 Disabled/enabled 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to save the HDD backup 1 Def Yes H
mode external server setting data in an external server.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System HDD backup Automatic backup Schedule setting 8681 0 Execution interval 0 0~3 SYS Sets the execution interval of the automatic HDD 4 Def Yes H
mode backup.
0: Disabled
1: Once per week
2: Once every two weeks
3: Once per month
08 Setting System HDD backup Automatic backup Schedule setting 8681 1 Execution day of 0 0~6 SYS Sets the execution day of the week of the 4 Def Yes H
mode week automatic HDD backup.
0: Sun 1: Mon 2: Tue 3: Wed 4: Thu 5: Fri 6:
* When "2" is set for 08-8681, the backup will be
executed on the specified day of the 1st and 3rd
week of every month.
* When "3" is set for 08-8681, the backup will be
executed on the specified day of the 1st week of
every month.
08 Setting System HDD backup Automatic backup Schedule setting 8681 2 Execution time 0 0~23 SYS Sets the execution time of the automatic HDD 4 Def Yes H
mode (hour) backup.
08 Setting System HDD backup Automatic backup Schedule setting 8681 3 Execution time 0 0~59 SYS Sets the execution time of the automatic HDD 4 Def Yes H
mode (minute) backup.
08 Setting System HDD backup Backup to Communication 8682 Protocol 0 0~2 H/S Sets the protocol which accesses an external 1 Def Yes S
mode external server setting server.
0: SMB
1: FTP
08 Setting System HDD backup Backup to Communication 8683 Port number 0 0~65535 H/S Sets the port number to access an external 1 Def Yes S
mode external server setting server.
08 Setting System HDD backup Backup to Communication 8684 Server name Refer to H/S Sets the name of an external server. 11 Def Yes S
mode external server setting contents Maximum 64 characters (ASCII)
08 Setting System HDD backup Backup to Communication 8685 Network path Refer to H/S Sets the path of an external server. 11 Def Yes S
mode external server setting contents Maximum 128 characters (ASCII)
08 Setting System HDD backup Backup to Communication 8686 Logon user name Refer to H/S Sets the logon user name of the external server. 11 Def Yes S
mode external server setting contents Maximum 32 characters (ASCII)
08 Setting System HDD backup Backup to Communication 8687 Password Refer to H/S Sets the logon password of the external server. 11 Def Yes S
mode external server setting contents Maximum 32 characters (ASCII)
08 Setting System HDD backup Backup items 8688 0 Each setting value 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to back up this item at HDD 4 Def Yes H
mode of the MFP backup.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System HDD backup Backup items 8688 1 User data 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to back up this item at HDD 4 Def Yes H
mode backup.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled

Setting mode 222 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System HDD backup Backup items 8688 2 Home data 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to back up this item at HDD 4 Def Yes H
mode backup.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System HDD backup Backup items 8688 3 Application data 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to back up this item at HDD 4 Def Yes H
mode backup.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System HDD backup Backup items 8688 4 e-Filing data 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to back up this item at HDD 4 Def Yes H
mode backup.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System HDD backup Backup items 8688 5 F-cod data 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to back up this item at HDD 4 Def Yes H
mode backup.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Drop out color Copy 8689 Drop out level 0 -3~3 SYS The larger the value is, the colors close to black 1 Def Yes H
mode adjustment tend to be removed. The smaller the value is, the
colors close to black tend to remain.
08 Setting System Drop out color Scan 8690 Drop out level 0 -3~3 SYS The larger the value is, the colors close to black 1 Def Yes H
mode adjustment tend to be removed. The smaller the value is, the
colors close to black tend to remain.
08 Setting System User interface Shutdown type Display setting 8691 Message display Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Not displayed 1 Yes Def No H
mode selection setting during contents 1: Displayed
shutdown <Default value>
CND: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting System General License control License activation 8693 IP address Refer to H/S Sets the IP address of the license activation 11 Def Yes S
mode proxy server contents proxy server
Maximum 128 letters (ASCII)
08 Setting System General License control License activation 8694 Port number 80 1~65535 H/S Sets the port number of the license activation 1 Def Yes S
mode proxy server proxy server
08 Setting System General License control License activation 8695 Logon user name Refer to H/S Sets the logon user name of the license 11 Def Yes S
mode proxy server contents activation proxy server
Maximum 30 letters (ASCII)
08 Setting System General License control License activation 8696 Password Refer to H/S Sets the logon password of the license activation 11 Def Yes S
mode proxy server contents proxy server
Maximum 30 letters (ASCII)
08 Setting System Fax Initial selection 8697 Destination type of 0 0~3 SYS Sets the initial value of the destination type of the 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode direct entry direct entry on the Fax screen.
0: G3
1: Gateway
2: SIP
3: Internet Fax
08 Setting System Fax Initial selection 8698 Destination type of 0 0~3 SYS Sets the initial value of the destination type of the 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode the LDAP search LDAP search result on the Fax screen.
result 0: G3
1: Gateway
2: SIP
3: Direct

Setting mode 223 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface Remote panel 8699 SSL function 0 0~1 SYS Sets enable or disable of the SSL connection 1 Def Yes H
mode setting function when the remote panel is accessed
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* This function is not worked when "0" (Not
allowed to connect) is set in 08-8794 (VNC
connection of control panel).
08 Setting System Fax/IP Fax 8700 Secret reception 0 0~2 SYS When the value of 08-8924 is "0", the value of 1 Def Yes H
mode setting this code can be set to "1" or "2".
0: Always Off
1: Always On
2. Scheduled reception
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 8709 SERVICE Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets whether the [SERVICE NOTIFICATION 1 Yes - Yes H
mode NOTIFICATION contents (DEVICE INFO)] button is displayed on the
(DEVICE INFO) screen accessed by [USER FUNCTIONS] ->
0: Not displayed
1: Displayed
<Default value>
Others: 0
08 Setting System Scan 8710 Designation of 0 0~2 SYS 0: Automatic selection 1 - Yes H
mode language code for 1: UTF8
ScanToFTP 2: Shift-JIS
08 Setting System General Hardcopy security 8711 Enable/disable 1 0~1 SYS Set this code to "1: Disabled" to disable the 1 Sec Yes H
mode printing setting of watermark information tracking application at
watermark hardcopy security printing. When this code is set
information to "1: Disabled", a license error occurs even if the
tracking application license for hardcopy security printing is enabled.
If this error occurs, hardcopy security printing is
available, but copy prohibition function and
tracking application are not available.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 8712 Drawer setting 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the drawer button in USER 1 Yes - Yes H
mode button FUNCTIONS is displayed or not.
0: Not displayed
1: Displayed
08 Setting System EWB 8713 Setting of web 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the web upload and web printing 1 Def Yes H
mode upload/web printing function is enabled or disabled.
- Web upload is a function which uploads the
image data created on the equipment to the web
page displayed on EWB.
- Web printing is a function which prints the web
page displayed on EWB or the PDF file included
in the web page displayed on EWB.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface Service 8715 Password for zip #1048109 Refer to H/S Password for zip file with password of service 11 - Yes S
mode notification file with password contents notification information.
information Minimum number of digits: 0, maximum number
of digits: 20
Available character: alphanumeric characters
and symbols
* The values are returned to the initial ones when
the HDD is replaced or cleared.

Setting mode 224 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network 8719 MTU setting of 1500 576~1500 H/S Normally there's no need to change the MTU 1 Net Yes S
mode network value. However, set the proper MTU value when
communication MFP is connected to the Internet using
broadband router and so on.
08 Setting System User interface 8720 Department code 0 0~1 SYS 0: Displays department code with asterisk when 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode display with inputting it.
asterisk 1: Displays department code as it is when
inputting it.
08 Setting System Fax/IP Automatic 8721 Operation is being 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to send the already scanned 1 Yes - Yes H
mode Fax/Internet sending setting interrupted at the originals when auto clear or overwriting login
Fax next original occurs while the interruption screen to confirm
confirmation. the next original at scanning is being displayed.
0: Sends the already scanned originals
1: Cancels jobs
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 8722 Display method of 0 0~1 SYS Sets the display method of error if the Home 1 Yes - Yes H
mode "Cannot find the Directory for user cannot be obtained from the
Home Directory" server when setting the Home Directory for
on the control panel scanning. Use this code to disable the pop-up
display when the Home Directory cannot be
obtained depending on the user.
0: Displays the pop-up dialogue when user logs in
1: Displays the message in the guidance area
when the Scan to File screen is displayed
08 Setting System User interface Display setting Pop-up 8723 Logging out of 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the pop-up dialog of confirmation 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode user authentication for logging out is displayed or not.
0: Logs out without displaying pop-up dialog
1: Displays pop-up dialog when logging out
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 8724 Display setting of 1 0~1 SYS 0: Not displayed (From Address cannot be edited) 1 Yes - Yes H
mode Edit From Address 1: Displayed (From Address can be edited)
button for Scan to
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 8725 Display setting of 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the [CHANGE LANGUAGE] button 1 Yes - Yes H
mode [USER accessed from [USER FUNCTIONS] button is
FUNCTIONS]-> displayed or not. Use this code to prohibit users
CHANGE from changing the language displayed on the
LANGUAGE button control panel. Administrators can change the
0: Not displayed
1: Displayed
08 Setting System General 8726 Job deletion on the 0 0~1 SYS Use this code to enable the job deletion on the 1 Yes Net Yes H
mode Job Status screen [Job Status] screen. When "3: High level" is set
for code 08-8911, be sure to disable this setting.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Security User 8727 Display of 0 0~3 SYS Switches whether the message to hold a card 1 Sec Yes H
mode authentication dedicated screen over the card reader is displayed on the login
for card/mobile screen when the card/mobile authentication is
authentication enabled.
0: Disabled
1: Display the card authentication screen
2: Display the mobile authentication screen
3: Display the card and mobile authentication
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 0 Display/Non- 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name display setting in 1: Enabled

Setting mode 225 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 1 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS Normally this setting is made in TopAccess. 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name setting of forced 0: Disabled
printing 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 2 Prioritizing printer 1 0~1 SYS Normally this setting is made in TopAccess. 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name driver setting 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 3 Application to 0 0~1 SYS Normally this setting is made in TopAccess. 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name network fax/IP 0: Disabled
fax/Internet fax job 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 4 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS Normally this setting is made in TopAccess. 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name setting of 0: Disabled
prefix/suffix 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 5 Obfuscation setting 0 0~1 SYS Normally this setting is made in TopAccess. 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 6 White background 1 0~1 SYS Normally this setting is made in TopAccess. 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name setting 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 7 Print position 0 0~3 SYS Normally this setting is made in TopAccess. 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name 0: Bottom left
1: Top left
2: Bottom right
3: Top right
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 8 Fine adjustment of 3 0~100 SYS Adjusts the print position in X direction. The print 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name print position (X) position shifts toward inside of original when the
value increases. Unit: pt. 1pt = 0.35 mm.
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 9 Fine adjustment of 3 0~100 SYS Adjusts the print position in Y direction. The print 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name print position (Y) position shifts toward inside of original when the
value increases. Unit: pt. 1pt = 0.35 mm.
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 10 Font setting 0 0~9 SYS Normally this setting is made in TopAccess. 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name 0: Helvetica 1: AlbertusMT 2: Chicago 3:
Eurostile 4: Geneva 5: GillSans 6: LetterGothic
7: Monaco 8: Taffy 9: TimesNewRomanPSMT
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 11 Font size setting 8 6~16 SYS Normally this setting is made in TopAccess. 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name (6~16 pt)
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 12 Font color setting 0 0~7 SYS Normally this setting is made in TopAccess. 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name 0: Black 1: Gray 2: Red 3: Green 4: Blue 5:
Light red 6: Light green 7: Light blue
08 Setting System Forced printing 8728 13 Density setting of 40 10~90 SYS Sets the density when the font color is set to 4 Def Yes H
mode of user name light font color gray, light red, light green, or light blue.
08 Setting System Forced printing 8729 Prefix setting Printed by Refer to SYS Normally this setting is made in TopAccess. 11 Def Yes H
mode of user name contents Maximum 64 characters.
08 Setting System Forced printing 8730 Suffix setting Refer to SYS Normally this setting is made in TopAccess. 11 Def Yes H
mode of user name contents Maximum 64 characters.
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 8732 Default screen for 0 0~1 SYS 0: My Menu (Default) 1 Def Yes H
mode Menu 1: Public Menu
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 0 HDD/SSD model - 14 - No -
mode information name
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 1 HDD/SSD serial - 14 - No -
mode information No.

Setting mode 226 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 2 Number of the -1 - - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information motor start-up 1~2147483
times 647
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 3 Number of the -1 - - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information alternate sectors 1~2147483
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 4 Power-ON hours -1 - - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information 1~2147483
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 5 Number of the -1 - - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information power ON/OFF 1~2147483
times 647
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 6 Shock sensor count -1 - - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information 1~2147483
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 7 Number of the -1 - - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information emergency unload 1~2147483
times 647
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 8 Number of the -1 - - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information load/unload times 1~2147483
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 9 Minimum -1 -1~255 - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information temperature
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 10 Maximum -1 -1~255 - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information temperature
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 11 Number of the -1 - - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information alternate event 1~2147483
times 647
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 12 Number of the -1 - - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information alternate pending 1~2147483
sectors 647
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 13 CRC error count -1 - - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information 1~2147483
08 Setting System HDD/SSD 8733 14 Load time -1 - - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information 1~2147483
08 Setting System HDD/SSD SSD 8733 15 Erase count 1 -1 - - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information 1~2147483
08 Setting System HDD/SSD SSD 8733 16 Erase count 2 -1 - - When non-supported, the value is "-1". 14 - No -
mode information 1~2147483
08 Setting System Scan 8735 Sending setting of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Def Yes H
mode ScanToURL 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Scan 8736 Maximum size for 5 0~100 SYS Sets the maximum size of attachment that can be 1 Def Yes H
mode ScanToURL sent with ScanToURL.
attachment 0: Always sends URL
1~100: Maximum size (MB)

Setting mode 227 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General 8737 Restart behavior 0 0~1 SYS 0: Automatically restarted 1 - Yes H
mode when out of paper 1: Restarted by pressing the [START] button
is solved (bypass
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 8738 E-mail address 1 0~1 SYS Switches the display setting of the [INPUT @] 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode direct input button button.
0: Not displayed
1: Displayed
* When the value of 08-8738 is changed to "0"
while that of 08-3693-0 is set to "2", it is
overwritten to "0".
08 Setting System Public Home Synchronization 8739 IP address Refer to H/S Sets the IP address of the server to manage the 11 Def Yes S
mode data management contents synchronization data of the public HOME
server Maximum 64 letters (ASCII)
08 Setting System Public Home Synchronization 8740 Port number 21 1~65535 H/S Sets the port number of the server to manage the 1 Def Yes S
mode data management synchronization data of the public HOME
server * When the status is shifted to the high security
mode, the default value becomes "990".
08 Setting System Public Home Synchronization 8741 Logon user name Refer to H/S Sets the logon user name of the server to 11 Def Yes S
mode data management contents manage the synchronization data of the public
server HOME
Maximum 32 letters (ASCII)
08 Setting System Public Home Synchronization 8742 Password Refer to H/S Sets the logon password of the server to manage 11 Def Yes S
mode data management contents the synchronization data of the public HOME
server Maximum 32 letters (ASCII)
08 Setting System Public Home Synchronization 8743 SSL function 0 0~1 H/S Sets enable or disable of the SSL connection 1 Def Yes S
mode data management setting function when communicating with a server which
server manages the synchronization data of the public
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* When the status is shifted to the high security
mode, the default value becomes "1".
08 Setting System User interface Display setting Pop-up 8744 During scanning 1 0~1 SYS Switches the pop-up display during scanning 1 Def Yes H
mode 0: Not displayed
1: Displayed
08 Setting System EWB 8745 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether part of the cookie, password, and 1 Def Yes H
mode setting of EWB form data of user who logs in to EWB is saved or
history not.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network 8746 Port number 162 1~65535 H/S Sets the port number of destination 10 for 1 Net Yes S
mode setting of sending SNMP trap. If the port is used when
destination 10 for using the real time log notification function,
sending trap change the port number.
08 Setting System User interface 8747 Switchover of 1 0~1 SYS Switches screen transition at job end of self- 1 - Yes H
mode screen transition at copying.
self-copying 0: Traditional
1: New
08 Setting System User interface 8748 Input of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not required 1 Def Yes H
mode department code 1: Required
at user

Setting mode 228 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network 8749 User 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode authentication by 1: Enabled
logon information * When this code is enabled, 08-8774 is
to domain automatically disabled.
08 Setting System General 8750 Time to wait for 8 0~30 SYS Sets whether or not to execute drum idling when 1 - Yes H
mode print image waiting for print images occurred. If there is a
stain on the back side of the paper, set the value
of this code to "0".
When the value is set to "0", the number of times
the equipment stops printing may increase.
When a larger value is set, stains on the back
side of the paper may occur or the life of the
consumables may become shortened.
(Unit: Sec.)
08 Setting System Maintenance Display setting Time to replace 8752 Switching the 0 0~1 SYS Specifies the contents of the message displayed 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode the unit has come display for notice on the control panel when the time to replace the
unit has come.
0: Contact the service engineer for replacement
1: Replacement by user
08 Setting System General 8754 Output of error 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Def Yes H
mode sheet at reception 1: Enabled
of PDL data not
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8755 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes - Yes H
mode remaining amount setting 1: Enabled
of toner
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8756 0 Remaining amount 25 0~100 SYS 0 to 100% 4 Yes - Yes H
mode remaining amount at first notification
of toner
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8756 1 Notification interval 10 1~25 SYS 1 to 25% 4 Yes - Yes H
mode remaining amount
of toner
08 Setting System User interface Display setting LED head/Main 8757 Cleaning button 2 0~2 SYS 0: Not displayed 1 Yes - Yes H
mode charger 1: Displayed (USER FUNCTIONS -> USER)
2: Displayed (USER FUNCTIONS -> ADMIN)
08 Setting System User interface Card reading 8758 Overwriting of login 0 0~1 SYS Switches the enable/disable setting for the 1 Sec Yes H
mode device at authentication function to overwrite the login information at the
card authentication.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System General 8761 Retention of print 0 0~1 SYS Use this code to retain and obtain the print data 1 Yes - Yes H
mode (spooling) data (spooling data) if problem occurs. After obtaining
the data, be sure to disable the setting.
0: Disabled (print data is deleted)
1: Enabled (print data is retained)
08 Setting System Maintenance Display of 8762 0 K 0 0~100 SYS 0 to 100% 14 - Yes H
mode remaining amount
of toner (for
08 Setting System Maintenance Display of 8762 1 C 0 0~100 SYS 0 to 100% 14 - Yes H
mode remaining amount
of toner (for

Setting mode 229 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Maintenance Display of 8762 2 M 0 0~100 SYS 0 to 100% 14 - Yes H
mode remaining amount
of toner (for
08 Setting System Maintenance Display of 8762 3 Y 0 0~100 SYS 0 to 100% 14 - Yes H
mode remaining amount
of toner (for
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 8763 Notification setting 1 0~1 SYS If thick paper is set to the 1st drawer, this code 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode for thick paper sets whether the notification to set the thick
paper to the drawer is displayed or not when the
drawer is opened.
0: Not displayed
1: Displayed
08 Setting System Network 8771 Account setting for 0 0~1 SYS 0: Setting of Remote 1 is used 1 Sec Yes H
mode access to Home 1: Setting of Remote 1 and Remote 2 is used
08 Setting System Network 8774 Password 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether the user authentication for network 1 Def Yes H
mode authentication of printing/Fax/IP Fax/Internet Fax using the user
print job information and password input on the printer
driver is enabled or disabled. When this setting is
enabled, the setting of 08-8749 is automatically
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network PIN code 8775 PIN code 0 0~2 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Sec Yes H
mode authentication 1: PIN code
setting at user 2: Card + PIN code
08 Setting System Network PIN code 8776 Logging setting of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Sec Yes H
mode PIN code 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network PIN code 8780 Prioritized 1 1~3 SYS Sets the prioritized authentication server to be 1 Sec Yes H
mode authentication searched.
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 8781 Default setting of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled (The setting of 08-9236 is used) 1 Def Yes H
mode print screen when 1: USB print screen
USB is inserted
08 Setting System General Interval setting Transition to 8782 For Fax 15 15~600 SYS Sets the interval to shift to Super Sleep again 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode Super Sleep after recovery from Super Sleep. (Unit: Second)
08 Setting System General 8783 Switchover of 1 0~1 SYS 0: Sorted by saved date 1 Def Yes H
mode document sorting 1: Sorted by document name
order of e-Filing
08 Setting System User interface Display setting Pop-up 8785 After the success Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets whether the pop-up is displayed or not after 1 - Yes H
mode of card contents the success of card authentication. This code is
authentication available when the value of 08-8727 is “1”, “2” or
0: Does not display pop-up
1: Displays pop-up
<Default value>
JPD: 0
Others: 1

Setting mode 230 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface Default keyboard 8786 0 Japanese 3 0~4 SYS 0: Romaji 4 Def Yes H
mode setting for 1: Hiragana
inputting user 2: Katakana (one-byte)
name 3: Alphabetical character (one-byte)
4: Symbol (one-byte)
08 Setting System User interface Default keyboard 8786 1 Chinese 0 0~2 SYS 0: Alphabetical character (one-byte) 4 Def Yes H
mode setting for 1: Pinyin
inputting user 2: Symbol (one-byte)
08 Setting System Network 8788 Detection interval 60 1~1440 H/S Sets the interval to access the authentication 1 Sec Yes S
mode when server again after the detection of server down.
authentication 1-1440 (min.)
server is down
08 Setting System User interface Display setting Pop-up 8789 Automatic job 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the pop-up is displayed or not when 1 Def Yes H
mode output after user jobs are automatically released after user
authentication authentication. This code is effective when the
value of 08-8915 is "1" (Enabled).
0: Does not display pop-up
1: Displays pop-up
08 Setting System Network 8790 Switchover of 0 0~1 H/S Enables/disables the function that switches the 1 Sec Yes S
mode server when access to another authentication server when it
authentication is detected that the authentication server is down.
server is down 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network 8791 Transition to sleep 1 0~1 SYS This code sets whether the equipment shifts to 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode mode after printing the sleep mode again immediately after
completion of printing when the equipment
recovers from the super-sleep mode for network
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network 8792 Format of host 0 0~2 SYS 0: IP address 1 Def Yes H
mode name used for 1: Host name (FQDN)
Scan To URL 2: NetBIOS name
08 Setting System General 8794 VNC connection of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not allowed to connect 1 Def Yes H
mode control panel 1: Allowed to connect
08 Setting System User interface 8795 Default setting of Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Single-sided 1 Net Yes H
mode duplex mode for contents 1: Duplex
printer driver <Default value>
Others: 1
08 Setting System Maintenance General 8796 Performing of 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Def Yes H
mode special reboot 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance General 8797 Reboot setting for 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 1 Def Yes H
mode resource check 1: ON
08 Setting System Network IEEE802.1X 8800 Enable/disable 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 - Yes S
mode setting 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network IPsec 8802 Enable/disable 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 - Yes S
mode setting 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network SNMPv3 8803 Enable/disable 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode setting 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network IP Filtering 8804 Enable/disable 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Sec Yes S
mode setting 2: Disabled

Setting mode 231 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network MAC Address 8805 Enable/disable 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Sec Yes S
mode Filtering setting 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network IPsec NAT-Traversal 8820 Enable/disable 1 1~3 H/S 1: Default (IKEv1: Disabled, IKEv2: Enabled) 1 - Yes S
mode setting 2: Enable IKEv1 & IKEv2
3: Disable IKEv1 & IKEv2
08 Setting System Network IPsec CRL 8821 Enable/disable 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enable CRL 1 - Yes S
mode setting 2: Disable CRL
08 Setting System Network 8824 FTP client mode 0 0~2 H/S Sets the FTP transfer mode when FTP is 1 Net Yes S
mode selected for "FILE" to save the scanned data.
0: Automatic
1: Passive mode
2: Active mode
08 Setting System Network 8825 Sending of host 2 1~2 H/S Since MFP is deleted from the master browser of 1 Net Yes S
mode announcement in Windows network if MFP is in the Super Sleep
Super Sleep mode mode for 36 minutes or more, enable this setting
to always display MFP in the browse list.
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network Dynamic update 8826 Enable/disable 1 1~2 H/S Sets whether the function that gets the 1 Yes Net Yes S
mode of DNS server setting secondary DNS server to work as the primary
DNS server temporarily is enabled or not when
the primary DNS server is not available.
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network Dynamic update 8827 Operating interval 60 1~1440 H/S Sets the operating interval of dynamic update. 1 Yes Net Yes S
mode of DNS server 1-1440 (min.)
08 Setting System Network AirPrint IPP printer 8830 0 Beep setting 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the beep for identifying printer is 4 Net Yes H
mode identification emitted or not when IPP is used for AirPrint.
0: No beep
1: Emits beep
08 Setting System Network AirPrint IPP printer 8830 1 Blinking setting 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the blinking for identifying printer is 4 Net Yes H
mode identification enabled or not when IPP is used for AirPrint.
0: Disabled (No blinking)
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network AirPrint 8830 2 Switchover of PDF 1 1~2 SYS Sets the PDF print size switch mode in AirPrint 4 Net Yes H
mode print size and Mopria.
1: Prints by means of the A4 or LT size (AirPrint
specifications compatible)
2: Prints by means of the PDF original size
(AirPrint specifications non-compatible)
* Be sure to keep this setting as it is if there is no
special reason or instruction to do otherwise.
08 Setting System Network EWB 8831 Time-out period for 60 1~300 SYS 1 to 300 (sec.) 1 Net Yes H
mode network connection
08 Setting System Network SMB 8833 Server protocol 3 1~3 H/S 1: SMB 1.0 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: SMB 2.0
3: SMB 3.0
08 Setting System Network SMB 8834 Client protocol 3 1~3 H/S 1: SMB 1.0 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: SMB 2.0
3: SMB 3.0
08 Setting System Network 8835 Link down 1 0~1 H/S Displays a message on the panel when the LAN 1 Net Yes S
mode detection of cable is not connected properly.
network cable 0: Disabled
1: Enabled

Setting mode 232 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network SMB 8836 Time-out period for 30 1~180 H/S Sets the time-out period for the SMB client 1 - Yes S
mode client connection connection to a server.
1 to 180 (seconds)
* If a small value is set, connection to an SMB
server may fail.
* If the time-out is carried out while a connection
to No. 445 port of an SMB server is set, the
connection request is switched to No. 139 port.
08 Setting System Network 8837 IPP Organizatio Refer to H/S Maximum 127 characters. 11 - Yes S
mode PrinterOrganization nName contents
08 Setting System Network 8838 IPP Organizatio Refer to H/S Maximum 127 characters. 11 - Yes S
mode PrinterOrganization nalUnitNam contents
Unit e
08 Setting System Client 8839 Interface setting 1 0~1 SYS Sets to disable or enable the interface of the 1 - Yes H
mode application following client applications.
- File Downloader
- BackUp-Restore Utility
-Addressbook Viewer
-TWAIN Driver
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Network Port setting 8843 WebInstaller in Refer to 1~2 H/S Selects the port name and the printer name 1 Yes Net Yes S
mode MFP contents which will be used in WebInstaller equipped in
the MFP.
1: NetBIOS name
2: IPv4 address
* When "1" is set, printing is available only when
any of the following conditions is satisfied.
- A client PC and the equipment are in the same
- A network used by a user is controlled by a
DNS or WINS server.
<Default value>
JPD: 2
Others: 1
08 Setting System EWB Display setting Pop-up bloc 8844 Enable/disable 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Authentication Sorting of results 8846 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Net Yes H
mode of name setting of the 1: Enabled
resolution in the sorting function * If it takes a while for authentication when
DNS server Kerberos has been used for user or card
authentication, set "1".
08 Setting System Network Intranet Fax 8847 Port number 25 1~65535 H/S Sets the port number to be connected when 1 Yes Net Yes S
mode Intranet Fax is used. Communication is possible
with the default value "25" usually. This setting is
not applied to the Internet Fax and E-mail
08 Setting System Security User 8849 Card 1 0~1 SYS Switches the enable/disable setting of card 1 Sec Yes H
mode authentication authentication authentication function.
settings 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* In order to use the card authentication function,
a card reader should be connected and the user
authentication should be enabled.

Setting mode 233 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General NFC 8850 0 NFC function Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes Sec Yes H
mode disabled/enabled contents 1: Enabled
setting <Default value>
JPD: 1
Others: 0
* Even if this setting is enabled, the NFC function
cannot be used when an available card reader is
08 Setting System General NFC 8850 1 Mobile 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes Sec No H
mode authentication 1: Enabled
disabled/enabled * This function cannot be used when an available
setting card reader is unconnected or "0" (Disabled) is
set for 08-8850-0 (NFC).
08 Setting System General NFC 8850 2 Mobile 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes Sec No H
mode authentication 1: Enabled
overwriting login * This function cannot be used when an available
disabled/enabled card reader is unconnected or "0" (Disabled) is
setting set for 08-8850-0 (NFC).
08 Setting System General NFC 8850 3 Handover function 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes Sec No H
mode to the Wi-Fi 1: Enabled
infrastructure * This function cannot be used when an available
mode card reader is unconnected or "0" (Disabled) is
disabled/enabled set for 08-8850-0 (NFC).
08 Setting System General NFC 8850 4 Handover function 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes Sec No H
mode to the Wi-Fi Direct 1: Enabled
disabled/enabled * This function cannot be used when an available
setting card reader is unconnected or "0" (Disabled) is
set for 08-8850-0 (NFC).
08 Setting System General Mobile printing 8851 Mobile settings 1 0~1 SYS Switches the application priority; print speed or 1 Net Yes H
mode image quality, when printing of a job including a
page with transparency processing is attempted
from AirPrint or Mopria
0: Priority to image quality
1: Priority to print speed
* When "0" is set in this code, the image quality
will be improved; however, printing may become
08 Setting System Network SMB server 8852 Guest Logon 1 0~1 H/S Switches enable or disable the guest login 1 Net Yes S
mode authentication settings function of the SMB server authentication
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network SMB server 8853 Logon user name Refer to H/S Sets the logon user name of the SMB server 11 Net Yes S
mode authentication contents authentication
Maximum 32 letters (ASCII)
08 Setting System Network SMB server 8854 Password Refer to H/S Sets the logon password of the SMB server 11 Net Yes S
mode authentication contents authentication
Maximum 128 letters (ASCII)
08 Setting System General Recovery control 8856 Pre-recovery 1 0~1 SYS Switches enable or disable the pre-recovery 1 - Yes H
mode control by means control when receiving a network printing job
of receiving a Disable this setting if the pre-recovery control will
network printing be a cause of unnecessary recovering from the
job during the sleep or super sleep mode depending on the
sleep or super user environment.
sleep mode 0: Disabled
1: Enabled

Setting mode 234 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network DNS 8857 Single request 0 0~1 H/S Switches enable or disable the single request of 1 Net Yes S
mode settings DNS
Enable this setting when the response from DNS
is delayed.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System 8858 Toner nearly Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets to switch whether or not to make the toner 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode empty information contents nearly empty reply in the Public MIB response
reply 0: ON (replied)
1: OFF (not replied)
* When "1" (OFF) is set, toner nearly empty will
not be displayed on the printer driver screen.
<Default value>
Others: 0
08 Setting System Built-in Display setting 8861 Icon auto addition 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to add application icons 1 Def Yes H
mode application setting automatically.
0: Not added automatically
1: Added automatically
08 Setting System Zonal OCR Counter 8862 Count up setting of 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to count up the OCR counter 1 - Yes H
mode processing the OCR counter when the Zonal OCR processing is performed.
0: Not counted up
1: Counted up
08 Setting System eAPI Version 8864 Framework version H/S The version of the eAPI framework is displayed. 2 - Yes S
08 Setting System Built-in Home application 8866 Number of process 5 1~10 SYS Sets the number of process cache for Home 1 Def Yes H
mode application cache application.
08 Setting System Network Print 8867 Printing direction 0 0~1 SYS Select "1" (Enabled) not to rotate the image by 1 - Yes H
mode correction of 180 degrees when a print job with landscape-
landscape-oriented oriented original is printed in huge numbers by
images specifying landscape-oriented paper.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface Control panel 8868 Touch sensitivity 0 0~1 SYS Sets the key touch sensitivity. 1 Yes - No H
mode setting 0: Default
1: Level 1
* When "1" (Level 1) is set to this code, incorrect
key entry will be reduced but the sensitivity of
pinch-in/pinch-out will become rough.
08 Setting System HDD/SSD Partition use size 8869 0 root 0~2147483 - Displays the use size for each partition. 14 - No -
mode information 647 (Unit: KB)
08 Setting System HDD/SSD Partition use size 8869 1 /rollback 0~2147483 - Displays the use size for each partition. 14 - No -
mode information 647 (Unit: KB)
08 Setting System HDD/SSD Partition use size 8869 2 /work 0~2147483 - Displays the use size for each partition. 14 - No -
mode information 647 (Unit: KB)
08 Setting System HDD/SSD Partition use size 8869 3 /registration 0~2147483 - Displays the use size for each partition. 14 - No -
mode information 647 (Unit: KB)
08 Setting System HDD/SSD Partition use size 8869 4 /backup 0~2147483 - Displays the use size for each partition. 14 - No -
mode information 647 (Unit: KB)
08 Setting System HDD/SSD Partition use size 8869 5 /imagedata 0~2147483 - Displays the use size for each partition. 14 - No -
mode information 647 (Unit: KB)
08 Setting System HDD/SSD Partition use size 8869 6 /application 0~2147483 - Displays the use size for each partition. 14 - No -
mode information 647 (Unit: KB)

Setting mode 235 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System HDD/SSD Partition use size 8869 7 /storage 0~2147483 - Displays the use size for each partition. 14 - No -
mode information 647 (Unit: KB)
08 Setting System HDD/SSD Partition use size 8869 8 /encryption 0~2147483 - Displays the use size for each partition. 14 - No -
mode information 647 (Unit: KB)
08 Setting System HDD/SSD Partition use size 8869 9 /platform 0~2147483 - Displays the use size for each partition. 14 - No -
mode information 647 (Unit: KB)
08 Setting System General Registration 8900 0 Total 2000 1000~2000 SYS Changes the maximum number for workflow that 4 Def Yes H
mode number for is registrable.
08 Setting System General Registration 8900 1 Number of 1 1 SYS Changes the maximum number for workflow that 4 Def Yes H
mode number for interrupt copy is registrable.
08 Setting System General Registration 8900 2 Number of 100 10~100 SYS Changes the maximum number for workflow that 4 Def Yes H
mode number for transmission and is registrable.
workflow calling of Fax/IP
Fax/Internet Fax
08 Setting System General Registration 8900 3 Number of printing 1000 150~1000 SYS Changes the maximum number for workflow that 4 Def Yes H
mode number for is registrable.
08 Setting System User interface Preview Default setting 8901 Fax 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether the preview function is enabled or 1 Def Yes H
mode disabled by default when using the Fax/IP
Fax/Internet Fax function.
0: OFF
1: ON
08 Setting System General Job Skip 8904 Enable/disable Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets whether waiting job is executed or not if 1 Def Yes H
mode setting contents print job in process is interrupted.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
<Default value>
CND: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting System 8905 Forcible printing 0 0~1 SYS 0: OFF (printing not continued) 1 Def Yes H
mode against 1: ON (printing continued by automatically
unacceptable selecting the available exit tray)
paper error
08 Setting System Finisher Continuous print 8906 Copy 0 0~1 SYS 0: OFF (copying not continued) 1 Def Yes H
mode setting when 1: ON (copying continued by canceling punching
punching dust setting)
box is full
08 Setting System Finisher Continuous print 8907 Printer/e-Filing 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF (printing not continued) 1 Def Yes H
mode setting when 1: ON (printing continued by canceling punching
punching dust setting)
box is full
08 Setting System Barcode 8909 Counting as an 0 0~1 SYS 0: Counted 1 - Yes H
mode processing OCR job 1: Not counted
08 Setting System General 8910 Time to auto- 0 0~5 SYS 0: None 1 - Yes H
mode clearing when in 1: 1 min.
the self-diagnostic 2: 5 min.
mode 3: 10 min.
4: 30 min.
5: 99 min.

Setting mode 236 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Security 8911 Security mode 1 1~4 SYS Level setting for security function 1 - Yes H
mode (level) setting 1: Low level
2: -
3: High level
4: -
* When "3" (High level) is set in this code, "0"
(OFF) is automatically set in 08-9268 (Inbound
fax function).
* When "3" (High level) is set in this code, "0"
(OFF) is automatically set in 08-8637 (F-code
operation setting at the high security mode).
08 Setting System Maintenance General 8912 Serial number - FIN S/N: XXXXXXXXX 2 Yes - No -
mode display of finisher
08 Setting System Maintenance General 8913 Warning display 15 0~30 SYS 0: None 1 Yes - Yes H
mode for password 1 to 30: Remaining days until the password
expiration expiration warning starts.
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 0 Copy 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the Copier function is enabled or 4 Def Yes H
mode setting disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 1 e-Filing 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the e-Filing function is enabled or 4 Def Yes H
mode setting disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 2 Fax 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the Fax function is enabled or 4 Def Yes H
mode setting disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 3 Internet Fax 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the Internet Fax function is enabled 4 Def Yes H
mode setting or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 4 E-mail 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the E-mail function is enabled or 4 Def Yes H
mode setting disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 5 Save as Local HDD 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the function that saves data to 4 Def Yes H
mode setting HDD in the equipment is enabled or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 6 Save as Local 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the function that saves data to 4 Def Yes H
mode setting HDD from Print HDD in the equipment using print function is
enabled or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 7 Save as Local 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the function that saves data to 4 Def Yes H
mode setting HDD from Fax HDD in the equipment using Fax/IP Fax function
is enabled or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled

Setting mode 237 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 8 Save to USB Media 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the function that saves scanned 4 Def Yes H
mode setting data of originals to USB media is enabled or
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 9 Save as FTP 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the function that saves scanned 4 Def Yes H
mode setting data of originals to FTP server is enabled or
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 10 Save as FTPS 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the function that saves scanned 4 Def Yes H
mode setting data of originals to FTP server using SSL is
enabled or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 11 Save as SMB 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the function that saves scanned 4 Def Yes H
mode setting data of originals to the SMB server is enabled or
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 12 Save as Netware 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the function that saves scanned 4 Def Yes H
mode setting data of originals to the Netware server is enabled
or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 13 Web Service 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the WS scanning function is 4 Def Yes H
mode setting Scanning (WS enabled or disabled.
Scan) 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 14 Twain Scanning 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the remote scanning function is 4 Def Yes H
mode setting (Remote Scan) enabled or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 15 Send to External 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the function that saves data to the 4 Def Yes H
mode setting Controller external server is enabled or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 16 Network Fax 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the Network Fax function is 4 Def Yes H
mode setting enabled or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 17 Intranet Fax 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the Intranet Fax function is enabled 4 Def Yes H
mode setting or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 18 IP Fax transmission 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the IP Fax transmission function is 4 Def Yes H
mode setting enabled or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled

Setting mode 238 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 19 Network IP Fax 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the Network IP Fax transmission 4 Def Yes H
mode setting transmission function is enabled or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System MFP function 8914 20 IP Fax reception 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the IP Fax reception function is 4 Def Yes H
mode setting enabled or disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Network 8915 Automatic output 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether jobs registered in the hold queue of 1 Sec Yes H
mode of jobs at login user are automatically output or not when the
user logs in.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Security 8919 Service password Refer to SYS Sets the password to log into the self-diagnostic 11 Yes - Yes H
mode contents mode and Service UI.
Maximum 64 characters(ASCII)
08 Setting System Option Fax 8920 Output tray for 0 0~2 SYS Selects the tray onto which the received 1 Yes - Yes H
mode Fax/IP Fax/Internet document is output.
Fax/E-mail printing * When MJ-1042 is installed:
0: Finisher upper receiving tray
1: Finisher lower receiving tray
2: Finisher lower receiving tray
* When MJ-1109/1110 is installed:
0: Exit tray
1: Finisher upper receiving tray
2: Finisher lower receiving tray
* When the job separator is installed:
0: Job separator tray
1: Exit tray
2: Job separator tray
08 Setting System Department 8921 Clearing of the 1 0~1 SYS 0: Not allowed 1 Yes - Yes H
mode management user/department 1: Allowed
08 Setting System User interface E-mail 8922 E-mail header print 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether the header of an E-mail or an 1 Net Yes H
mode setting Internet Fax is printed or not as they are received.
0: Not printed
1: Printed
08 Setting System User interface E-mail 8923 E-mail body print 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the body of an E-mail or an Internet 1 Net Yes H
mode setting Fax is printed or not as they are received.
0: Not printed
1: Printed
08 Setting System User interface 8924 Registration of the 0 0~1 SYS Registers the received Fax/IP Fax/Internet Fax/E- 1 - Yes H
mode received Fax/IP mail jobs to the hold queue instead of printing
Fax/Internet Fax/E- immediately. Data in the hold queue are not
mail jobs to hold printed unless the user allows printing by means
queue of the control panel.
0: Not registered (normal printing)
1: Registered
08 Setting System General 8925 Data tampering 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether data tampering is checked or not at 1 - Yes H
mode checking at start-up startup.
0: Not checked
1: Checked
* When the value of 08-8911 is set to "3"
(Security mode: High level), the value of this
code is automatically set to "1."

Setting mode 239 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Department 8926 Clearing of all - In cases when the administrator has prohibited 3 Yes - No -
mode management department the clearing of department counter data using
counters code 08-8921, a service technician can clear the
data using this code.
08 Setting System Department 8927 Clearing of all user - In cases when the administrator has prohibited 3 Yes - No -
mode management counter the clearing of user counter data using code 08-
8921, a service technician can clear the data
using this code.
08 Setting System Finisher Maximum setting 8928 0 Plain 0 -25~25 SYS -25 to +25 4 - Yes H
mode for saddle stitching paper/Recycled
08 Setting System Finisher Maximum setting 8928 1 Thick paper 1 0 -25~25 SYS -25 to +25 4 - Yes H
mode for saddle stitching
08 Setting System Finisher Maximum setting 8928 2 Thick paper 2 0 -25~25 SYS -25 to +25 4 - Yes H
mode for saddle stitching
08 Setting System Finisher Maximum setting 8928 3 Thick paper 3 0 -25~25 SYS -25 to +25 4 - Yes H
mode for saddle stitching
08 Setting System Password 8929 Administrator - The default password is set. When "3: High level" 3 Yes - No -
mode password reset is set for code 08-8911, the default password is
set as a temporary password.
08 Setting System User interface Off Device 8931 Output 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode Customization Management 1: Enabled
Architecture Service setting
08 Setting System User interface 8932 Availability of 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode Netware 2: Disabled
08 Setting System User interface SSL 8933 SSL SMTP Client 2 1~3 H/S 1: Enabled (accepts all server certificates) 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
3: Enabled (uses the imported CA certificate)
08 Setting System User interface SSL 8934 SMTP Client 1 1~2 H/S 1: STARTTLS 1 Net Yes S
mode SSL/TLS 2: Over SSL
08 Setting System User interface Remote Scan 8935 Enable/disable 1 0~1 H/S 0: Disabled 1 - Yes S
mode setting 1: Enabled
* "0" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System User interface Remote Scan 8936 Remote scanning 0 0~1 H/S 0: Disabled 1 - Yes S
mode with SSL 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface Remote Scan 8937 Port number 20080 0~65535 H/S 1 - Yes S
08 Setting System User interface Remote Scan 8938 SSL port number 20443 0~65535 H/S 1 - Yes S
08 Setting System 8942 Debug level setting 2 0, 2 H/S Sets the output volume of debug log. When the 1 - Yes S
mode value is set to "0", the performance may
0: Debug log level - high
2: Debug log level - normal
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS Acquisition time 8946 0 Starting time 0 0~9999999 SYS Month/day/hour/minute of starting time 14 - No H
mode for RDMS 9
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS Acquisition time 8946 1 Ending time 0 0~9999999 SYS Month/day/hour/minute of ending time 14 - No H
mode for RDMS 9
08 Setting System User interface Card 8947 Automatic user 0 0~1 H/S 0: Disabled 1 - Yes S
mode authentication registration for 1: Enabled
card authentication

Setting mode 240 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface 8948 Language package - Displays the information of the installed language 2 Yes - No -
mode information package.
08 Setting System Version 8952 External version of H/S External version of file system for system 2 - Yes S
mode HD data software.
08 Setting System Version 8960 UI customize data Refer to H/S Displays the UI customize data version 2 - Yes S
mode version information contents information.
(Maximum 26 characters)
08 Setting System Feeding system 8967 Rotation printing 1 0~1 SYS If the printing size and the guides width of the 1 - Yes H
mode by guides width of bypass feed tray are different, it is judged that
bypass feed tray paper is set in the wrong direction. The
occurrence frequency of interruption by the error
of the guides width may be decreased. However,
this code does not work depending on the
conditions, such as when stapling is selected.
Set this code when requested by user or the
guides width sensor is broken. Related code: 08-
0: Invalid
1: Valid
08 Setting System User interface General Language 8969 WebHelp - Displays the language package information of the 2 Yes - No -
mode package installed WebHelp.
08 Setting System User interface General Language 8970 Service UI - Displays the language package information of the 2 Yes - No -
mode package installed Service UI.
08 Setting System User interface General 8971 Installation of - Installs the language package. 3 Yes - No -
mode language package
08 Setting System General Self-certificate 8973 Length of public 1 0~1 SYS 0: 1024 bit 1 - Yes H
mode key 1: 2048 bit
08 Setting System General Self-certificate 8974 Signature algorithm 2 Refer to SYS 0: SHA1 1 - Yes H
mode contents 2: SHA256
3: SHA384
4: SHA512
* "1" cannot be set in this code.
08 Setting System Network 8975 Data clearing of - Point and Print in the equipment is deleted when 3 - No -
mode Point and Print this code is performed. Perform this code when a
trouble occurs such as when uploading Point and
Print is not possible. After performing this code,
upload Point and Print from [Maintenance] menu
in the [Administration] menu of TopAccess.
08 Setting System General Detection of 8977 0 Copy 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the originals that are prohibited 4 - Yes H
mode originals from duplication are detected or not.
prohibited from 0: Detection disabled
duplication 1: Detection enabled
08 Setting System General Detection of 8977 1 Scan 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the originals that are prohibited 4 - Yes H
mode originals from duplication are detected or not.
prohibited from 0: Detection disabled
duplication 1: Detection enabled
08 Setting System General Detection of 8977 2 Fax 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the originals that are prohibited 4 - Yes H
mode originals from duplication are detected or not.
prohibited from 0: Detection disabled
duplication 1: Detection enabled

Setting mode 241 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Scan 8980 Execution of 0 0~1 H/S Sets whether the remote scanning is enabled or 1 - Yes S
mode Remote Scan disabled if the user is logged in using the control
while control panel panel when user authentication or department
is operated management is enabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System General Scheduled 8981 Day of the week 64 0~255 SYS Sets the condition and day of the week for 1 - Yes H
mode automatic reboot scheduled automatic reboot. The condition and
day of the week are assigned to each bit as
follows. Input the sum of each bit as setting value.
<Input value>
bit1: Monday 0: Disabled 1: Enabled
bit2: Tuesday 0: Disabled 2: Enabled
bit3: Wednesday 0: Disabled 4: Enabled
bit4: Thursday 0: Disabled 8: Enabled
bit5: Friday 0: Disabled 16: Enabled
bit6: Saturday 0: Disabled 32: Enabled
bit7: Sunday 0: Disabled 64: Enabled
bit8: Set the condition of reboot
0: Reboots only when in the sleep or super
sleep mode
128: Reboots regardless of the sleep mode
- Reboots every day regardless of the sleep
mode: 255
- Reboots on Sundays: 192
- Reboots every day only when in the sleep or
super sleep mode: 127
- Reboots on Sundays only when in the sleep or
super sleep mode: 64
08 Setting System General Scheduled 8982 Time (Hour) 3 0~23 SYS Sets time (hour) for scheduled automatic reboot. 1 - Yes H
mode automatic reboot
08 Setting System General Scheduled 8983 Time (Minute) 0 0~59 SYS Sets time (minute) for scheduled automatic 1 - Yes H
mode automatic reboot reboot.
08 Setting System User interface Card reading Second type 8986 Device setting 0 0~4294967 SYS 8986 JPD Only 5 Yes Def Yes H
mode device 295
08 Setting System User interface Card reading Second type 8987 Format information 0 0~4294967 SYS 8987 JPD Only 5 Yes Def Yes H
mode device 1 295
08 Setting System User interface Card reading Second type 8988 Format information 0 0~4294967 SYS 8988 JPD Only 5 Yes Def Yes H
mode device 2 295
08 Setting System User interface Card reading Second type 8989 Format information 0 0~0xFFFFF SYS 8989 JPD Only 5 Yes Def Yes H
mode device 3 FFFFFFFFF
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8991 Notification setting 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 2 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8992 Notification day 1 0 0~31 SYS 1st to 31st. Input "0" to disable this setting. 1 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8993 Notification day 2 0 0~31 SYS 1st to 31st. Input "0" to disable this setting. 1 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment

Setting mode 242 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8994 Notification day of 0 0~127 SYS Input the value which corresponds to the day of 1 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment the week the week. Input "0" to disable this setting.
information Sunday: 64
Monday: 32
Tuesday: 16
Wednesday: 8
Thursday: 4
Friday: 2
Saturday: 1
Monday: 32
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 127
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8995 Notification time 300 0~2359 SYS (Hour/Hour/Minute/Minute) 1 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8996 E-mail address 1 Refer to SYS Maximum 192 characters. 11 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment for notification contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8997 E-mail address 2 Refer to SYS Maximum 192 characters. 11 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment for notification contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8998 E-mail address 3 Refer to SYS Maximum 192 characters. 11 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment for notification contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8999 1 Adjustment mode 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment (05) data list 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8999 2 Setting mode (08) 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment data list 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8999 3 PM support mode 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment data list 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of Pixel counter list 8999 4 Toner cartridge 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment reference 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of Pixel counter list 8999 5 Service engineer 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment reference 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of Error history list 8999 6 Maximum 1000 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment items 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of Error history list 8999 7 Latest 80 items 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of Firmware upgrade 8999 8 Maximum 200 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment log items 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8999 9 Power ON/OFF log 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment 1: Enabled

Setting mode 243 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8999 10 Version list 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8999 11 Engine firmware log 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8999 12 Total counter list 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8999 14 13Code List 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 8999 15 Application list 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode equipment 1: Enabled
08 Setting System General Power supply 9000 Destination Refer to 0~2 M 0: Others (200V series) 1 - No HS
mode series selection contents 1: North America (115V series)
classification 2: Japan (100V series)
<Default value>
NAD: 1
JPD: 2
Others: 0
08 Setting System Fax 9001 Destination setting Refer to 0~33 SYS 0: Japan 1: Asia(Singapore) 2: Australia 3: 1 Yes - Yes H
mode contents Hong Kong 4: U.S.A./Canada 5: Germany 6:
U.K. 7: Italy 8: Belgium 9: Netherlands 10:
Finland 11: Spain 12: Austria 13: Switzerland
14: Sweden 15: Denmark 16: Norway 17:
Portugal 18: France 19: Greece 20: Poland 21:
Hungary 22: Czech Republic 23: Turkey 24:
Republic of South Africa 25: Taiwan 26: Russia
27: Brazil 28: China 29: New Zealand 30:
Malaysia 31: Thailand 32: Universal 33:
<Default value>
NAD: 4
MJD: 33
JPD: 0
Others: 1
08 Setting System HDD alert S.M.A.R.T self- 9006 0 Execution setting 1 0~1 SYS 0: Not executed 4 Yes - Yes H
mode test 1: Executed
08 Setting System HDD alert S.M.A.R.T self- Schedule setting 9006 1 Execution day of 0 0~6 SYS Sets the execution day of the week of the 4 Yes - Yes H
mode test week S.M.A.R.T self-test.
0: Sun 1: Mon 2: Tue 3: Wed 4: Thu 5: Fri 6:
08 Setting System HDD alert S.M.A.R.T self- Schedule setting 9006 2 Execution time 0 0~23 SYS Sets the execution time of the S.M.A.R.T. self- 4 Yes - Yes H
mode test (hour) test.
08 Setting System HDD alert S.M.A.R.T self- Schedule setting 9006 3 Execution time 0 0~59 SYS Sets the execution time of the S.M.A.R.T. self- 4 Yes - Yes H
mode test (minute) test.
08 Setting System HDD alert 9008 Judgment result 0~3 - 0: No problem occurred 2 Yes - No -
mode 1: Backup required
2: Replacement required
3: S.M.R.A.T. self-test being performed

Setting mode 244 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System HDD alert Warning indication 9009 0 HDD replacement 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode 1: Enabled
* When "1" is set in this code while "2" is set in
08-9008, a warning message to advise HDD
replacement is displayed.
08 Setting System HDD alert Warning indication 9009 1 HDD backup Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Yes - Yes H
mode contents 1: Enabled
* If "1" is set for this code, the message to back
up the HDD is displayed in the control panel and
TopAccess when the value of 08-9008 is "1".
* In the following cases, even if "1" is set for this
code, the warning is not displayed when the
value of 08-9008 is "1".
-When the value of 08-8681 is not "0"
-When the HDD backup has ever been executed
using the HDD backup function in the past
<Default value>
JPD: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting System General 9010 Line adjustment 0 0~1 M 0: For factory shipment 1 - No HS
mode mode 1: For line
Field: "0" must be selected
08 Setting System General 9012 Language Refer to SYS en_US: English 11 - Yes H
mode selection to be contents de_DE: German
displayed at power- fr_FR: French
ON es_ES: Spanish
it_IT: Italian
ja_JP: Japanese
en_GB: English (British)
zh_CN: Simplified Chinese
zh_TW: Traditional Chinese
ko_KR: Korean
<Default value>
JPD: Japanese
CND: Simplified Chinese
TWD: Traditional Chinese
MJD: English (British)
Others: English
08 Setting System Counter 9016 External counter 0 0~5 M 0: No external counter 1 - No HS
mode installed type setting 1: Coin controller (If the value of 08-9979 is "0"
externally (ACS), it is changed to "2" (Full color). If the
value of 08-3829-0 is "0" (Auto color), it is
changed to "2" (Full color).)
2: Copy key card (This value is valid only when
"2" is set for 08-9000.)
3: Key copy counter
5: Coin controller supporting ACS/mixed-size
(The value of 08-4131 is set to "1")
* "4" cannot be set.
08 Setting System Counter 9017 Target function 1 0~7 M Selects the job to count up for the external 1 - No HS
mode installed setting for count-up counter.
externally 0: Not selected
1: Copy
2: Fax/IP Fax
3: Copy + Fax/IP Fax
4: Print
5: Copy + Print
6: Fax/IP Fax + Print
7: Copy + Fax/IP Fax + Print

Setting mode 245 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Memory 9020 Size information of - Displays the sizes of the main memory and page 2 Yes - No -
mode memory memory.
Enables to check if each memory is properly
08 Setting System General 9022 Production 99 Refer to SYS Perform this code when an error occurs during 1 - Yes H
mode process contents the easy setup (unpacking manual adjustment)
management and you want to finish the easy setup, or when
status for easy you want to restart the unpacking manual
setup adjustment from the beginning. Only 0 to 10 and
99 are available for this code.
0: Packing mode completed (before starting to
1: Auto toner adjustment completed
2: Installation of toner cartridge confirmed
3: Installation of toner cartridge completed
4: Forced image quality control completed
5: Forced registration completed
6: Enforced performing of fuser thermistor
correction completed
7: Auto gamma adjustment (Copy) completed
8: Auto gamma adjustment (Print 600 dpi)
9: Auto gamma adjustment (Print 1200 dpi)
10: 05 adjustment values/08 setting values
backup completed
99: Unpacking and adjustment completed
08 Setting System Initialization 9030 Initialization after - Perform this code when the software in this 3 Yes - No -
mode software version up equipment has been upgraded.
08 Setting System User interface 9036 ON/OFF setting of 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether the self-copy function is enabled or 1 - Yes H
mode self-copy function disabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface External counter 9037 Job handling-short 1 0~2 SYS Sets whether to pause or stop the printing job 1 - Yes H
mode paid-coin controller when a short payment is made using a coin
0: Pause the job
1: Stop the job
2: Stop the job in a moment
* In case printing of multiple jobs will be
performed together, set "2". (If "1" is set, the
stopping of a job may be delayed.)
08 Setting System Maintenance Notification of 9046 HDD alert 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode equipment 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Maintenance 9050 Panel calibration - * Perform this code when any problems occur in 1 Yes - No -
mode execution the panel operation due to time-related
08 Setting System General License control 9053 License - Recreates license data in the SRAM from the 3 - No -
mode reinitialization license database
08 Setting System General Memory 9057 Physical size - Displays the physical size information of the 2 - No -
mode information of the installed main memory
main memory (Unit: megabyte)

Setting mode 246 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Maintenance General 9059 Operation Refer to 0~1 SYS Switches whether a menu for selecting paper in 1 Yes - Yes H
mode switching at contents user calibration (automatic gamma adjustment) is
calibration displayed or not.
0: Not displayed
1: Displayed (copy/print)
<Default value>
MJD: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting System 9060 Destination display Refer to 0~255 SYS 0: MJD 1: NAD 2: JPD 3: AUD 4: CND 5: Not 2 - Yes H
mode at SRAM contents defined 6: TWD 7: Not defined 8: Not defined
initialization 9: ASD 10: ARD 11: Not defined
<Default value>
JPD: 2, NAD: 1, MJD: 0, ASD: 9, AUD: 3, TWD:
6, CND: 4, ARD: 10
08 Setting System General Setting of the 9061 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS Switches to enable the use of an original with 1 Def Yes H
mode original with setting folding
folding 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
* This setting will not function even if "1" is set
while the DSDF is not installed.
08 Setting System General Setting of the Default value 9062 0 Copy 0 0~1 SYS Switches the default value of the setting of the 4 Def Yes H
mode original with setting original with folding for a copying job
folding 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System General Setting of the Default value 9062 1 Scanning 0 0~1 SYS Switches the default value of the setting of the 4 Def Yes H
mode original with setting original with folding for a scanning job
folding 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System General Setting of the Default value 9062 2 Fax 0 0~1 SYS Switches the default value of the setting of the 4 Def Yes H
mode original with setting original with folding for a fax job
folding 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System HDD 9065 HDD diagnostic - Displays the HDD information. 2 Yes - No -
mode menu display
08 Setting System Fax Address book ID searching 9069 0 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Def Yes H
mode function setting 1: Enabled
* When this code is changed in the equipment in
which user authentication has been enabled, log
out and then log into the equipment again to
reflect the changed content.
* This setting is applied to Fax, IP Fax and
Internet Fax.
08 Setting System Fax Address book ID searching 9069 1 Initial setting of the 1 0~3 SYS 0: None 4 Def Yes H
mode function items for searching 1: All
2: Fax only
3: Internet Fax only
* When this code is changed in the equipment in
which user authentication has been enabled, log
out and then log into the equipment again to
reflect the changed content.
* This setting is applied to Fax, IP Fax and
Internet Fax.

Setting mode 247 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Fax Address book ID searching 9069 2 Automatic 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Def Yes H
mode function selection of 1: Enabled
searched results * When this code is changed in the equipment in
which user authentication has been enabled, log
out and then log into the equipment again to
reflect the changed content.
* This setting is applied to Fax, IP Fax and
Internet Fax.
08 Setting System HDD 9072 Performing HDD - Checks the bad sector. It may take more than 30 3 - No -
mode testing minutes to finish the checking.
08 Setting System Fax Address book 9076 Sorting method of Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Index 1 Def Yes H
mode searched results contents 1: ID number
<Default value>
JPD: 1
Others: 0
* This setting is applied to Fax, IP Fax and
Internet Fax.
08 Setting System Fax Address book 9077 Index automatic Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to enter the index 1 Def Yes H
mode entry at the contents automatically when the addresses are registered
address registration in the address book.
0: Not registered automatically
1: Registered automatically
* When the value "1" (Registered automatically)
is set in this code, registration will be performed
only when the first character of the text to be
entered in both the [First Name] and [Last Name]
fields is one-byte.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
<Default value>
JPD: 0
Others: 1
08 Setting System General 9081 Initialization of - Initializing of the department management 3 - No -
mode department information.
management Enter the code with the digital keys and press the
information [INITIALIZE] button to perform the initialization.
If the area storing the department management
information is destroyed for some reason, "Enter
Department Code" is displayed on the control
panel even if the department management
function is not set on. In this case, initialize the
area with this code. This area is normally
initialized at the factory.
08 Setting System Initialization 9083 Initialization of NIC - Returns the value to the factory shipping default 3 Yes - No -
mode information value.
08 Setting System All clear LGC-SRAM board 9090 Printer all clear - Initializes all the self-diagnosis 05/08 codes with 3 Yes - No -
mode "M" in the "RAM" field.
08 Setting System General 9100 Date and time 13 digits - Year/month/date/day/hour/minute/second 5 - No -
mode setting Example: 03 07 01 3 13 27 48
"Day" - "0" is for "Sunday".
Proceeds Monday through Saturday from "1" to

Setting mode 248 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface 9102 Date display format Refer to 0~2 SYS 0: YYYY.MM.DD 1 Def Yes H
mode contents 1: DD.MM.YYYY
<Default value>
MJD: 1
JPD: 0
Others: 2
08 Setting System General 9103 Time differences Refer to Refer to SYS 0: +12.0h 2: +11.0h 4: +10.0h 5: +9.5h 6: 1 Def Yes H
mode contents contents +9.0h 8: +8.0h 10: +7.0h 11: +6.5h 12: +6.0h
13: +5.5h 14: +5.0h 15: +4.5h 16: +4.0h 17:
+3.5h 18: +3.0h 20: +2.0h 22: +1.0h 24: 0.0h
26: -1.0h 28: -2.0h 30: -3.0h 31: -3.5h 32: -
4.0h 34: -5.0h 36: -6.0h 38: -7.0h 40: -8.0h
42: -9.0h 44: -10.0h 46: -11.0h
<Default value>
MJD: 24
NAD: 40
ASU: 18
AUD: 4
ARD: 30
Others: 8
* After this code has been set, doing so for 08-
9105 is required accordingly. For details of the
setting, see "Appendix-1".
08 Setting System General 9105 Area setting for Refer to Refer to SYS Sets the destination corresponding to the time 1 Def Yes H
mode time zone contents contents zone.
<Default value>
TWD: 4
KRD: 1
Others: 0
* After 08-9103 has been set, doing so for this
code is required accordingly. For details of the
setting, see "Appendix-1".
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper size setting Envelope custom 9107 2nd drawer 162/100 162~380/10 SYS Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - Yes H
mode size 0~240 (Unit: 1 mm)
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper size setting Envelope custom 9108 PFP upper drawer 162/100 162~380/10 SYS Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - Yes H
mode size 0~240 (Unit: 1 mm)
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper size setting Envelope custom 9109 PFP lower drawer 162/100 162~380/10 SYS Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - Yes H
mode size 0~240 (Unit: 1 mm)
08 Setting System User interface 9110 Auto-clear timer 3 0~10 SYS Timer to return the equipment to the default 1 Def Yes H
mode setting settings when the [START] button is not pressed
after the function and the mode are set.
0: Not cleared
1 to 10: Set number x 15 sec.
08 Setting System User interface 9111 Auto power save 4 0, 4, 6~15 SYS Timer to automatically switch to the auto power 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode mode timer setting save mode when the equipment has not been
0: Invalid 4: 1 min. 6: 3 min. 7: 4 min. 8: 5 min.
9: 7 min. 10: 10 min. 11: 15 min. 12: 20 min.
13: 30 min. 14: 45 min. 15: 60 min.

Setting mode 249 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface 9112 Auto Shut Off timer 21 0~21 SYS Timer to turn OFF the power or to enter the 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting (Sleep Sleep Mode automatically when the equipment
mode) has not been used.
0: 3 min. 1: 5 min. 2: 10 min. 3: 15 min. 4: 20
min. 5: 25 min. 6: 30 min. 7: 40 min. 8: 50
min. 9: 60 min. 10: 70 min. 11: 80 min. 12: 90
min. 13: 100 min. 14: 110 min. 15: 120 min.
16: 150 min. 17: 180 min. 18: 210 min. 19: 240
min. 21: 1 min.
08 Setting System User interface Energy save Auto Power Save 9113 Settings for turning 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 1 Yes - Yes H
mode mode or Auto Shut the screen OFF 1: ON
Off mode
08 Setting System User interface General 9116 No Limit Black 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes - Yes H
mode 1: Enabled
When "1" (enabled) is set at this code, "1" (black)
is automatically set at the code 08-9979. In this
case "0" (ACS) and "2" (full color) are not
selectable for 08-9979.
When "0" (Invalid) is set at 08-9120 and "1"
(Valid) is set at 08-9264, the value for this code
becomes "0" (disabled) automatically ("1" is not
When the value of 08-6084 is "1" (Quota type =
Job Quota), the value of this code cannot be set
to "1".
08 Setting System General Raw printing job 9117 Blank page will not 0 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode be printed 1: ON
08 Setting System User interface Department 9120 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 Yes User Yes H
mode setting setting 1: Valid
* When "0" (Invalid) is set at this code, "0" (
Invalid) is automatically set at the code 08-9264.
08 Setting System User interface Department 9121 Print setting 1 0~2 SYS 0: Printed forcibly 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting without department 1: Not printed
code 2: Deleted forcibly
* This setting is applied to Print job, Fax, IP Fax
and Internet Fax job.
08 Setting System User interface Department 9122 Copy 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes User Yes H
mode setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface Department 9123 Fax 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes User Yes H
mode setting 1: Enabled
* This setting is applied to Fax, IP Fax and
Internet Fax.
08 Setting System User interface Department 9124 Printer/e-Filing 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes User Yes H
mode setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface Department 9125 Scan 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes User Yes H
mode setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface Department 9126 List print 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Yes User Yes H
mode setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Counter 9128 Counting method 0 0~2 SYS Sets the counting method of fee charging or 1 - Yes H
mode in Twin Color Mode duplexing count in the Twin Color Mode.
0: Count as Twin Color Mode
1: Count as Black Mode
2: Count as Full Color Mode

Setting mode 250 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface External counter Coin controller 9129 Duplex print setting 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether duplex printing is allowed or not 1 Yes - Yes H
mode (only permitting single printing) when a coin
controller is used.
0: Invalid (printing only one side)
1: Valid (printing both sides)
08 Setting System User interface 9130 Highlighting 0 0~1 SYS 0: Black letter on white background 1 - Yes H
mode display on LCD 1: White letter on black background
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Default setting 9131 ID setting of the Refer to H/S Sets the ID of the Home application to be started 11 Yes Def Yes S
mode setting Home application contents when it is set as the default mode.
as the default mode Maximum 128 characters (ASCII)
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Default setting 9132 Default setting of 6 0~10, 99 SYS Sets the screen to be displayed after the auto- 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting screen (Function) clear time has passed or it has recovered from
the energy saving mode or sleep mode.
0: Copier
1: Fax
2: Scan
3: Box
4: Print
5: Template
6: Home
7: Job Status
8: Simple Copy
9: Simple Scan
10: Home application
99: EWB
* Only 0~10, 99 can be entered.
08 Setting System User interface 9133 Default setting for 0 0~2 SYS 0: APS (Automatic Paper Selection) 1 - Yes H
mode APS/AMS 1: AMS (Automatic Magnification Selection)
2: Not selected
08 Setting System User interface Default setting of 9134 Default setting 0 0~1 SYS 0: Continuous feeding (by pressing the [START] 1 Yes - Yes H
mode DF mode button)
1: Single feeding (by setting original on the tray)
08 Setting System User interface 9135 Book type original 0 0~1 SYS 0: Left page to right page 1 Def Yes H
mode priority 1: Right page to left page
08 Setting System User interface 9136 Maximum number 1 1~3 SYS 1: 999 1 Def Yes H
mode of copy volume 2: 99
3: 9
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Default setting 9137 Setting for 0 0~3 SYS 0: Invalid 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting automatic 1: Single-sided to duplex copying
duplexing mode 2: Two-sided to duplex copying
3: User selection
08 Setting System User interface 9140 Paper size Refer to 0~431 SYS Press the icon on the LCD to select the size. 9 - Yes H
mode selection for the contents 4: A4 19: A3 20: A4-R 21: A5-R 22: A6-R 37:
[OTHER] button B5 52: B4 53: B5-R 64: LT 80: LT-R 81: LD
82: LG 83: ST-R 84: COMP 85: FOLIO 86:
13"LG 87: 8.5" x 8.5" 129: 16K 144: 8K 145:
16K-R 146: JPostcard 147: A3Wide 149: 320 x
450 mm [SRA3] 150: 320 x 460 mm [x460] 255:
Undefined 301: Com10 331: DL 361: Monarch
381: Cho3 391: You4 431: Kaku2
<Default value>
Others: FOLIO

Setting mode 251 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface Default setting of 9142 Original size 0 0~1 SYS 0: Same size originals 1 Yes - Yes H
mode DF mode setting (same size 1: Mixed size originals
or mixed size)
08 Setting System Feeding system 9143 Time lag before 10 0~10 SYS Sets the time taken to add paper feeding when 1 Def Yes H
mode auto-start of paper in the bypass tray has run out during the
bypass feeding bypass feed copying.
0: Paper is not drawn in unless the [START]
button is pressed.
1~10: Setting value x 0.5 sec.
08 Setting System User interface 9144 Blank copying 0 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 1 - Yes H
mode prevention mode 1: ON (Start printing when the scanning of each
during DF jamming page is finished)
08 Setting System User interface Rotation printing 9146 Rotation printing at 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not rotating 1 Yes - Yes H
mode the non-sorting 1: Rotating
08 Setting System User interface 9148 Inner receiving tray 0 0~1 SYS 0: Normal 1 Def Yes H
mode priority at Non-sort 1: Inner receiving tray
08 Setting System User interface 9149 Width setting for 0 0~1 SYS 0: ON 1 - Yes H
mode image shift 1: OFF
copying (linkage of
front side and back
08 Setting System User interface 9150 Automatic Sorting 2 0~4 SYS 0: Invalid 1 - Yes H
mode Mode setting (DF) 1: STAPLE
08 Setting System User interface 9151 Default setting of 0 0~4 SYS 0: NON-SORT 1 Def Yes H
mode Sorter Mode 1: STAPLE
08 Setting System User interface 9152 Correction of 10 0~10 SYS Sets the reproduction ratio for the "X in 1" 1 Def Yes H
mode reproduction ratio printing (including magazine sort) to the
in editing copy "Reproduction ratio x Correction ratio".
0: 90% 1: 91% 2: 92% 3: 93% 4: 94% 5: 95%
6: 96% 7: 97% 8: 98% 9: 99% 10: 100%
08 Setting System User interface 9153 Image position in 2 0, 2 SYS Sets the page pasted position for "X in 1" to the 1 - Yes H
mode editing upper left corner/center.
0: Cornering (copy)/Cornering (print)
2: Cornering (copy)/Centering (print)
08 Setting System User interface 9155 Magazine sort 0 0~1 SYS 0: Left page to right page 1 Def Yes H
mode setting 1: Right page to left page
08 Setting System User interface 9156 2 in 1/4 in 1 page 0 0~1 SYS 0: Horizontal 1 Def Yes H
mode allocating order 1: Vertical
08 Setting System User interface Time Stamp and 9157 Printing format 0 0~1 SYS Hyphen 1 Def Yes H
mode Page Number setting 0: OFF
1: ON
Hyphen printing format
ON: -1-
OFF: 1

Setting mode 252 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface Cascade Copy/Fax 9158 0 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Def Yes H
mode operation setting setting 1: Enabled
* This setting is applied to Copy, Fax, IP Fax,
Internet Fax and E-mail.
08 Setting System User interface Cascade Copy/Fax 9158 1 Operation setting 0 0~1 SYS 0: Once 4 Def Yes H
mode operation setting 1: Circulation (Loop)
* This setting is applied to Copy, Fax, IP Fax,
Internet Fax and E-mail.
08 Setting System User interface Cascade Printer/Box 9159 0 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 4 Def Yes H
mode operation setting setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface Cascade Printer/Box 9159 1 Operation setting 0 0~1 SYS 0: Once 4 Def Yes H
mode operation setting 1: Circulation (Loop)
08 Setting System User interface Time Stamp and 9163 Default setting of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Short edge 1 - Yes H
mode Page Number printing direction 1: Long edge
08 Setting System User interface Paper Feed Auto-start setting 9164 Remote 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not feeding paper automatically 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode for bypass feed into the copier when it is placed on the bypass
printing tray.
0: OFF (Press the [START] button to start
1: ON (Automatic feeding)
08 Setting System User interface Paper Feed Auto-start setting 9165 Local 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not feeding paper automatically 1 Def Yes H
mode for bypass feed into the copier when it is placed on the bypass
printing tray.
0: OFF (Press the [START] button to start
1: ON (Automatic feeding)
08 Setting System User interface Twin color copy 9178 Color 1 (The color 0 0~6 SYS 0: K 1: Y 2: M 3: C 4: R 5: G 6: B 1 - Yes H
mode judged as black)
08 Setting System User interface Twin color copy 9179 Color 2 (The color 4 0~6 SYS 0: K 1: Y 2: M 3: C 4: R 5: G 6: B 1 - Yes H
mode judged as other
than black)
08 Setting System Option Fax 9183 Application of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not subjected for APS judgment 1 Yes - Yes H
mode paper source 1: Subjected for APS judgment
08 Setting System User interface Feeding paper 9185 0 Copy 259 Refer to SYS Sets a media type for APS drawer searching in 4 - Yes H
mode media contents the copier functions.
Only 1, 2, 3, 256, 257, 258 and 259 are available
to be set. The meaning of each value is as below.
1: Plain
2: Recycled
3: Plain and Recycled
256: User paper type
257: Plain and User paper type
258: Recycled and User paper type
259: Plain, Recycled and User paper type
* Do not set the paper type that is not supported.
08 Setting System User interface Feeding paper 9185 1 Printer/e-Filing 1 1 SYS Sets a media type to print on plain paper in the 4 - Yes H
mode media printer/e-Filing functions. This setting is used for
drawer searching or media type inconsistency
judgment. The setting result does not affect other
media types, other than plain paper.
Acceptable value (decimal number): 1 only

Setting mode 253 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network Retention period 9193 Web data retention 10 0~999 SYS When a certain period of time has passed 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode period without operation after accessing TopAccess, the
data being registered is automatically reset. This
period is set at this code.
(Unit: minute)
08 Setting System User interface 9198 Offsetting between 1 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 - Yes H
mode jobs 1: Valid
08 Setting System General 9199 Automatic 400 0~9999 SYS Sets the number of pages to interrupt printing 1 - Yes H
mode interruption page automatically.
number setting for If "1" or more is set to this code, printing is
printing interrupted at the set value. If "0" is set, printing
is not interrupted automatically. By the
combination of this code and 08-2509,
performing image quality control is possible while
processing jobs. Even if the number of jobs
exceeds the set value of 08-2509, image quality
control can be performed around the set value of
08-2509 by interrupting printing automatically
with this code, and the change of image density
can be suppressed.
However, image problems may occur if the value
extremely smaller than the default value is set to
the equipment whose print ratio of monochrome
is relatively high.
(Unit: page)
08 Setting System Network Retention period 9200 File retention Refer to 0~999 SYS 0: No limits 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode contents 1 to 999: 1 to 999 days
<Default value>
MJD: 1
Others: 30
08 Setting System Network E-mail 9201 Max. size in E- 30 2~100 SYS 2 to 100 M bytes 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode mail/Internet Fax
08 Setting System User interface When judging as 9204 Binarizing level 3 1~5 SYS 1: Step -2 1 Def Yes H
mode black in the ACS selection 2: Step -1
Mode 3: Step 0 (center)
4: Step 1
5: Step 2
The binarizing level of each step is set at 08-
08 Setting System Network e-Filing 9207 Default setting of 0 0~999 SYS Sets the data retention period when creating a 1 Def Yes H
mode user box retention user box.
period 0: Not deleted
1 to 999: Retention period (Unit: Day)
08 Setting System HDD Warning indication 9208 HDD remaining 90 0~100 SYS Sets the percentage of HDD partition filled when 1 Yes - Yes H
mode amount warning notification is sent.
0 to 100: 0 to 100%
* Checks the remaining amount of HDD with the
searching interval set at 08-9225.
08 Setting System Network E-mail 9209 Notification setting 3 0~99 SYS Sets the days left the notification of E-mail saving 1 Def Yes H
mode of E-mail saving time limit appears
time limit 0 to 99: 0 to 99 days
08 Setting System Network E-mail 9210 Default setting of 0 0~6 SYS Sets the default value for the partial size of E- 1 Def Yes H
mode partial size when mail to be transmitted when creating a template.
transmitting E-mail 0: Not divided 1: 64 KB 2: 128 KB 3: 256 KB 4:
512 KB 5: 1024 KB 6: 2048 KB

Setting mode 254 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network Internet Fax 9211 Default setting of 0 0~4 SYS Sets the default value for the page by page of 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode page by page Internet Fax to be transmitted when creating a
0: Not divided
1: 256 KB
2: 512 KB
3: 1024 KB
4: 2048 KB
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Scan 9213 Density adjustment 0 0~11 SYS 0: Automatic density 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting (Monochrome) 1: Step -5 2: Step -4
3: Step -3 4: Step -2
5: Step -1 6: Step 0 (Center)
7: Step +1 8: Step +2
9: Step +3 10: Step +4
11: Step +5
(1 to 11: Manual density)
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Scan 9214 Default setting of 5 1~9 SYS 1: Step -4 1 Def Yes H
mode setting background 2: Step -3
adjustment (Full 3: Step -2
Color) 4: Step -1
5: Step 0 (Center)
6: Step +1
7: Step +2
8: Step +3
9: Step +4
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Scan 9215 Color mode 0 0~4 SYS 0: Black 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting 1: Gray Scale
3: Full Color
4: Auto Color
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Scan 9216 Default setting of 2 0~5 SYS 0: 100 dpi 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting resolution (Full 1: 150 dpi
Color) 2: 200 dpi
3: 300 dpi
4: 400 dpi
5: 600 dpi
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Scan 9217 Default setting of 2 0~5 SYS 0: 100 dpi 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting resolution (Gray 1: 150 dpi
Scale) 2: 200 dpi
3: 300 dpi
4: 400 dpi
5: 600 dpi
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Scan 9218 Default setting of 1 0~5 SYS 0: 150 dpi 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting resolution 1: 200 dpi
(Monochrome) 2: 300 dpi
3: 400 dpi
4: 600 dpi
5: 100 dpi
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Scan 9219 Original mode (Full 0 0~3 SYS 0: Text 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting color) 1: Text/Photo
2: Photo
3: Custom (Valid only when a setting other than
"0" is set for 08-8303)

Setting mode 255 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Scan 9220 Original mode 0 0~3 SYS 0: Text 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting (Monochrome) 1: Text/Photo
2: Photo
3: Custom
The value other than "0" needs to be set for 08-
7401 to select "3: Custom."
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Scan 9221 Default setting of 0 0~2 SYS 0: Single 1 Def Yes H
mode setting duplexing mode 1: Book
2: Tablet
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Scan 9222 Default setting of 0 0~3 SYS 0: 0 degree 1 Def Yes H
mode setting rotation mode 1: 90 degrees
2: 180 degrees
3: 270 degrees
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Scan 9223 Default setting of 0 Refer to SYS 0: Automatic 1: A3 2: A4 3: LD 4: LT 5: A4-R 1 - Yes H
mode setting original paper size contents 6: A5-R 7: LT-R 8: LG 9: B4 10: B5 11: ST-R
12: COMP 13: B5-R 14: FOLIO 15: 13"LG 16:
8.5" x 8.5" 18: A6-R 19: Size mixed 20: 8K 21:
16K 22: 16K-R 50: Custom size (original size
automatic detection) 51: Custom size (print area
automatic cut-off) 52: Custom size (custom size
registration by a user)
* Only the above values can be set.
08 Setting System General 9225 Searching interval 12 1~24 SYS Sets the search interval of deleting expired files 1 Def Yes H
mode of deleting expired and checking capacity of HDD partitions.
files and checking (Unit: Hour)
capacity of HDD Related code: 08-9208
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Scan 9226 Default setting of 5 1~9 SYS 1: Step -4 1 Def Yes H
mode setting background 2: Step -3
adjustment (Gray 3: Step -2
Scale) 4: Step -1
5: Step 0 (Center)
6: Step +1
7: Step +2
8: Step +3
9: Step +4
08 Setting System User interface Default setting of E-mail 9227 Black 1 0~18 SYS 0: TIFF (Multi) 1: PDF (Multi) 3: TIFF (Single) 4: 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode filing format PDF (Single) 5: XPS (Multi) 6: XPS (Single) 7:
PDF/A (Multi) 8: PDF/A (Single) 9: Searchable
PDF (Multi) 10: Searchable PDF (Single) 11:
Searchable PDF/A (Multi) 12: Searchable PDF/A
(Single) 13: Word (Multi) 14: Word (Single) 15:
Excel (Multi) 16: Excel (Single) 17: PowerPoint
(Multi) 18: PowerPoint (Single)
08 Setting System User interface Default setting of Storing files 9228 Color/ACS 1 0~22 SYS 0: TIFF (Multi) 1: PDF (Multi) 2: JPG 3: TIFF 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode filing format (Single) 4: PDF (Single) 5: SlimPDF (Multi) 6:
SlimPDF (Single) 7: XPS (Multi) 8: XPS
(Single) 9: PDF/A (Multi) 10: PDF/A (Single)
11: Searchable PDF (Multi) 12: Searchable PDF
(Single) 13: Searchable SlimPDF (Multi) 14:
Searchable SlimPDF (Single) 15: Searchable
PDF/A (Multi) 16: Searchable PDF/A (Single)
17: Word (Multi) 18: Word (Single) 19: Excel
(Multi) 20: Excel (Single) 21: PowerPoint (Multi)
22: PowerPoint (Single)

Setting mode 256 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface Default setting of Storing files 9229 Black Refer to 0~18 SYS 0: TIFF (Multi) 1: PDF (Multi) 3: TIFF (Single) 4: 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode filing format contents PDF (Single) 5: XPS (Multi) 6: XPS (Single) 7:
PDF/A (Multi) 8: PDF/A (Single) 9: Searchable
PDF (Multi) 10: Searchable PDF (Single) 11:
Searchable PDF/A (Multi) 12: Searchable PDF/A
(Single) 13: Word (Multi) 14: Word (Single) 15:
Excel (Multi) 16: Excel (Single) 17: PowerPoint
(Multi) 18: PowerPoint (Single)
<Default value>
Others: 0
08 Setting System Scan ACS When judging as 9230 0 Threshold for step- 140 0~255 SYS Sets the binarizing level of each step. 4 - Yes H
mode black 2 When the value increases, the image becomes
lighter. When the value decreases, the image
becomes darker.
* This is the threshold when the value for 08-
9204 is "1".
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
> 1 > 2 > 3 > 4.
08 Setting System Scan ACS When judging as 9230 1 Threshold for step- 110 0~255 SYS Sets the binarizing level of each step. 4 - Yes H
mode black 1 When the value increases, the image becomes
lighter. When the value decreases, the image
becomes darker.
* This is the threshold when the value for 08-
9204 is "2".
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
> 1 > 2 > 3 > 4.
08 Setting System Scan ACS When judging as 9230 2 Threshold for step- 80 0~255 SYS Sets the binarizing level of each step. 4 - Yes H
mode black 0 (center) When the value increases, the image becomes
lighter. When the value decreases, the image
becomes darker.
* This is the threshold when the value for 08-
9204 is "3".
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
> 1 > 2 > 3 > 4.
08 Setting System Scan ACS When judging as 9230 3 Threshold for 50 0~255 SYS Sets the binarizing level of each step. 4 - Yes H
mode black step+1 When the value increases, the image becomes
lighter. When the value decreases, the image
becomes darker.
* This is the threshold when the value for 08-
9204 is "4".
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
> 1 > 2 > 3 > 4.
08 Setting System Scan ACS When judging as 9230 4 Threshold for 20 0~255 SYS Sets the binarizing level of each step. 4 - Yes H
mode black step+2 When the value increases, the image becomes
lighter. When the value decreases, the image
becomes darker.
* This is the threshold when the value for 08-
9204 is "5".
* Be sure to set the values for the sub codes as 0
> 1 > 2 > 3 > 4.
08 Setting System Scan 9233 Equipment name 0 0~2 SYS Sets whether or not adding the equipment name 1 Def Yes H
mode and user name and user name to the folder when saving files.
setting to a folder 0: Not added
when saving files 1: Add the equipment name
2: Add the user name

Setting mode 257 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface Default mode 9236 Default setting of 1 1~6 SYS 1: Private print screen (When user authentication 1 Def Yes H
mode setting print screen is enabled, the file list of the log-in user is
2: Hold print screen (When user authentication is
enabled, the file list of the log-in user is
3: Private print screen
- Private print screen (When user authentication
is enabled, all user list is displayed if a user logs
in as GUEST, and the file list of the log-in user is
displayed if a user logs in as a general user.)
- Hold print screen (When user authentication is
enabled, the file list of the log-in user is
4: Hold print screen
- Private print screen (When user authentication
is enabled, all user list is displayed if a user logs
in as GUEST, and the file list of the log-in user is
displayed if a user logs in as a general user.)
- Hold print screen (When user authentication is
enabled, the file list of the log-in user is
5: Shared print screen (When user authentication
is enabled, the file list of the log-in user is
6: Shared print screen
- Private print screen (When user authentication
is enabled, all user list is displayed if a user logs
in as GUEST, and the file list of the log-in user is
displayed if a user logs in as a general user.)
- Hold print screen (When user authentication is
enabled, the file list of the log-in user is

* If the user data department management (08-

9264) is changed from "Disabled" to "Enabled",
the value in this code is altered from "1" to "2",
and "3" to "4". The value is not altered if it is "2"
or "4". Reset this value as necessary when the
user data department management (08-9264) is
changed from "Disabled" to "Enabled".
08 Setting System Data overwrite 9240 HDD data 3 0~3 SYS Select the type of the overwriting level for 1 - Yes H
mode enabler overwriting type deleting HDD data. (This setting is enabled only
setting when the GP-1070 is installed.)
0: LOW
Standard overwriting method.
More secure overwriting method than LOW. The
overwriting time is between LOW and HIGH.
The most secure overwriting method. The
overwriting time is the longest.
Simple overwriting method. The time for
overwriting is the shortest.
08 Setting System User interface Default setting Omit blank page 9243 0 Copy 0 0~1 SYS Switches the default value of the setting of the 4 Def Yes H
mode function omit blank page function
0: Disabled
1: Enabled

Setting mode 258 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface Default setting Omit blank page 9243 1 NW Scan 0 0~1 SYS Switches the default value of the setting of the 4 Def Yes H
mode function omit blank page function
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Feeding system 9248 Tab paper/Inserter 1 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 - Yes H
mode paper automatic 1: Valid
feeding setting
08 Setting System User interface 9250 Image setting for 0 0~3 SYS 0: General 1 Def Yes H
mode Electronic Filing 1: Photograph
printing (Only for 2: Presentation
color image) 3: Line art
08 Setting System User interface 9251 Access code entry 0 0~1 SYS 0: Renewed automatically 1 - Yes H
mode for Electronic Filing 1: Enter every time
08 Setting System User interface 9252 Clearing timing for 1 0~1 SYS 0: Immediately after the completion of scanning 1 - Yes H
mode files and Electronic 1: Cleared by Auto Clear
Filing Agent
08 Setting System Feeding system 9253 Setting of paper 0 0~2 SYS 0: Not switched 1 - Yes H
mode size switching to 1: LG -> 13"LG
13" LG 2: FOLIO -> 13"LG
08 Setting System Option Fax 9255 FOLIO/A4-R 0 0~1 SYS When the value of this code is "0", the paper size 1 - Yes H
mode judgment when is judged by performing switchback.
width of paper is When the value of this code is "1" and the paper
mixed size is AB-series, FOLIO is judged as A4-R and
switchback is not performed. When the paper
size is LT-series, the switchback is always
performed. When the value of this code is set to
"1", the scanning performance increases at fax
transmission. However, the whole image cannot
be output since FOLIO is judged as A4-R.
0: Judgment is enabled
1: Judgment is disabled
* This setting is applied to Fax, IP Fax and
Internet Fax.
08 Setting System User interface 9261 Maximum number 1000 5~1000 SYS Sets the maximum number of time a job build 1 - Yes H
mode of time job build has been performed.
performed 5-1000: 5 to 1000 times
08 Setting System User interface User 9264 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Sec Yes H
mode authentication setting 1: Enabled
setting * Confirm that "1" (Valid) is set in 08-9120
(Department setting) in advance when "1" is set
in this code.
08 Setting System Feeding system 9267 Detection method 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode of 13" LG for 1: Enabled
08 Setting System Option Fax 9268 Inbound Fax 1 0~1 SYS Inbound Fax function (Forwarding by TSI) 1 Yes - Yes H
mode function 0: OFF (Function disabled)
1: ON (Function enabled)
* When Security mode level (08-8911) is set to
"3: High level", the value of this code is
automatically set to "0: OFF".

Setting mode 259 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Option Fax 9269 Tab/cover sheet- 0 0~1 SYS Sets ON or OFF of the printing function of special 1 Yes - Yes H
mode Fax Printing stop sheets such as tab or cover sheet of Fax/IP
function Fax/Internet Fax, E-mail or list print.
0: Function OFF
1: Function ON
08 Setting System Network 9271 Authentication 0 0~2 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Sec Yes H
mode method of "Scan to 1: SMTP authentication
E-mail" 2: LDAP authentication
08 Setting System Network 9272 Setting whether 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not permitted 1 Sec Yes H
mode use of the Internet 1: Permitted
Fax is permitted at
the time of
08 Setting System Network 9274 "From" address 0 0~3 SYS 0: User name + @ + Domain name 1 Sec Yes H
mode assignment 1: LDAP searching
method at the time 2: Use the address registered at "From" field of E-
of authentication mail setting
3: Use the address registered at Local User of E-
mail setting
* "3" can be set only when "0" (Local
authentication) is set in 08-9293.
08 Setting System Network 9276 Setting for "From" 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not permitted 1 Sec Yes H
mode address edit at 1: Permitted
"Scan to E-mail"
08 Setting System Network E-mail 9278 Domain name Refer to SYS 96 + 2 (delimiter) character 11 Sec Yes H
mode contents ASCII sequence only
08 Setting System User interface Sound 9280 Error sound 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode 1: ON
08 Setting System User interface Sound 9281 Sound setting -- Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode Energy Saving contents 1: ON
<Default value>
JPD: 0
Others: 1
08 Setting System General Color 9288 User data 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode management 1: Enabled
limitation setting
08 Setting System General Color 9289 User data 0 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: Sheet) 1 - Yes H
mode management
limitation Setting
by number of
08 Setting System General 9290 Default screen for 1 0~4 SYS 0: Roman 1 - Yes H
mode the entry of 1: Hiragana
Japanese 2: Katakana
characters 3: Alphabet
4: Symbol
08 Setting System User interface User 9293 User 0 0~2 SYS 0: Local authentication 1 Sec Yes H
mode authentication authentication 1: Windows domain authentication
setting method 2: LDAP authentication
Only when the value of 08-9120 (Department
setting) is "1" (Enabled) and the value of 08-9264
(User authentication setting) is "1" (Enabled), this
code can be set to "1" or "2".

Setting mode 260 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General 9294 Automatic user 1 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Sec Yes H
mode registration for 1: Enabled
08 Setting System General 9295 User data 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode management 1: Enabled
limitation setting
08 Setting System General 9296 User data 0 0~9999999 SYS (Unit: Sheet) 1 - Yes H
mode management
limitation Setting
by number of
08 Setting System Network 9298 Restriction on Refer to 0~1 SYS Some restrictions can be given on the 1 - Yes H
mode Address book contents administrator for operating the Address book.
operation by 0: No restriction
administrator 1: Can be operated only under the administrator's
<Default value>
MJD: 1
Others: 0
08 Setting System Network 9299 Restriction on "To" 0 0~3 SYS 0: No restriction 1 - Yes H
mode ("cc") address 1: Can be set from both of the Address book and
LDAP server
2: Can be set only from the Address book
3: Can be set only from the LDAP server
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper information 9300 1st drawer 0 Refer to SYS 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper 1 - Yes H
mode contents 2 3: Thick paper 3 8: Recycled paper 14: Thick
paper 80: User paper type 1 81: User paper
type 2 82: User paper type 3 83: User paper
type 4 84: User paper type 5 85: User paper
type 6 86: User paper type 7 87: User paper
type 8 88: User paper type 9 89: User paper
type 10
* Only the above values can be set. Do not set
the paper type that is not supported. Before User
paper type is set, specify the user paper type to
be set in 08-8619-x (User paper type).
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper information 9301 2nd drawer 0 Refer to SYS 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper 1 - Yes H
mode contents 2 3: Thick paper 3 8: Recycled paper 14: Thick
paper 32: Envelope 80: User paper type 1 81:
User paper type 2 82: User paper type 3 83:
User paper type 4 84: User paper type 5 85:
User paper type 6 86: User paper type 7 87:
User paper type 8 88: User paper type 9 89:
User paper type 10
* Only the above values can be set. Do not set
the paper type that is not supported. Before User
paper type is set, specify the user paper type to
be set in 08-8619-x (User paper type).

Setting mode 261 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper information 9302 PFP upper drawer 0 Refer to SYS 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper 1 - Yes H
mode contents 2 3: Thick paper 3 8: Recycled paper 14: Thick
paper 32: Envelope 80: User paper type 1 81:
User paper type 2 82: User paper type 3 83:
User paper type 4 84: User paper type 5 85:
User paper type 6 86: User paper type 7 87:
User paper type 8 88: User paper type 9 89:
User paper type 10
* Only the above values can be set. Do not set
the paper type that is not supported. Before User
paper type is set, specify the user paper type to
be set in 08-8619-x (User paper type).
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper information 9303 PFP lower drawer 0 Refer to SYS 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper 1 - Yes H
mode contents 2 3: Thick paper 3 8: Recycled paper 14: Thick
paper 32: Envelope 80: User paper type 1 81:
User paper type 2 82: User paper type 3 83:
User paper type 4 84: User paper type 5 85:
User paper type 6 86: User paper type 7 87:
User paper type 8 88: User paper type 9 89:
User paper type 10
* Only the above values can be set. Do not set
the paper type that is not supported. Before User
paper type is set, specify the user paper type to
be set in 08-8619-x (User paper type).
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper information 9304 LCF 0 Refer to SYS 0: Plain paper 8: Recycled paper 14: Thick 1 - Yes H
mode contents paper 80: User paper type 1 81: User paper
type 2 82: User paper type 3 83: User paper
type 4 84: User paper type 5 85: User paper
type 6 86: User paper type 7 87: User paper
type 8 88: User paper type 9 89: User paper
type 10
* Only the above values can be set. Do not set
the paper type that is not supported. Before User
paper type is set, specify the user paper type to
be set in 08-8619-x (User paper type).
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper information 9305 Bypass tray 0 0~142 SYS 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper 1 Def Yes H
mode 2 3: Thick paper 3 4: Thick paper 4 6: Special
paper 1 7: Special paper 2 8: Recycled paper
11: Thin paper 12: Special paper 3 14: Thick
paper 16: OHP 32: Envelope 80: User paper
type 1 81: User paper type 2 82: User paper
type 3 83: User paper type 4 84: User paper
type 5 85: User paper type 6 86: User paper
type 7 87: User paper type 8 88: User paper
type 9 89: User paper type 10 128: Plain paper
(back) 129: Thick paper 1 (back) 130: Thick
paper 2 (back) 131: Thick paper 3 (back) 132:
Thick paper 4 (back) 134: Special paper 1
(back) 135: Special paper 2 (back) 136:
Recycled paper (back) 139: Thin paper (back)
140: Special paper 3 (back) 142: Thick paper
* 0~4, 6~8, 11, 12, 14, 16, 32, 80~89, 128~132,
134~136, 139, 140, 142 are acceptable.
* Do not set the paper type that is not supported.

Setting mode 262 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Feeding system Size conversion 9306 LT <-> A4/LD <-> 0 0~1 SYS Sets to whether to print a document in a different 1 Def Yes H
mode A3 paper size from the one selected if there is no
drawer which has the same size setting.
0: Enabled
Prints a document specified in an LT/LD size with
an A4/A3 one, or vice versa.
1: Disabled:
Sets to display a message notifying that the
same paper size as the one selected should be
* If "1" is set in 08-3654, only "1" (Disabled) can
be set in this code.
08 Setting System Network Print Retention period 9307 Storage period at Refer to 0~53 SYS 0: No limits 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode trail and private contents 1 to 30: 1 to 30 days
31: 1 hour 32: 2 hours 33: 4 hours 34: 8 hours
35: 12 hours 50: 5 min. 51: 10 min. 52: 15 min.
53: 30 min.
<Default value>
MJD: 1
Others: 14
08 Setting System Network Print Raw printing job 9308 Duplex 1 0~1 SYS 0: Valid 1 Def Yes H
mode 1: Invalid
08 Setting System Network Print Raw printing job 9309 Paper size Refer to 0~13 SYS 0: LD 1: LG 1 Def Yes H
mode contents 2: LT 3: COMP
4: ST 5: A3
6: A4 7: A5
8: A6 9: B4
10: B5 11: FOLIO
12: 13"LG
13: 8.5" x 8.5"
<Default value>
NAD: 2
Others: 6
08 Setting System Network Print Raw printing job 9310 Media Type 0 0~7, 11 SYS 0: Plain paper 1: Thick paper 1 2: Thick paper 1 Def Yes H
mode 2 3: Thick paper 3 4: OHP 5: Thick paper 4 6:
Thin paper 7: Recycled paper 11: Thick paper
08 Setting System Network Print Raw printing job 9311 Paper direction 0 0~1 SYS 0: Portrait 1 Def Yes H
mode 1: Landscape
08 Setting System Network Print Raw printing job 9312 Staple 1 0~1 SYS 0: Valid 1 Def Yes H
mode 1: Invalid
08 Setting System Network Print Raw printing job 9313 Exit tray 0 0~2,4,5 SYS 0: Exit tray 1 Def Yes H
mode 1: Finisher Upper receiving tray
2: Finisher Lower receiving tray
4: Job separator tray
5: Exit tray
* The settings 1 and 2 are effective only when the
Finisher is installed.
* The settings 4 and 5 are effective only when the
Job separator is installed.
08 Setting System Network Print Raw printing job 9314 Number of form 1200 500~12800 SYS Sets the number of form lines from 5 to 128. (A 1 Def Yes H
mode lines hundredfold of the number of form lines is
defined as the setting value.)
08 Setting System Network Print Raw printing job 9315 PCL font pitch 1000 44~9999 SYS Sets the font pitch from 0.44 to 99.99. (A 1 Def Yes H
mode hundredfold of the font pitch is defined as the
setting value.)

Setting mode 263 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network Print Raw printing job 9316 PCL font size 1200 400~99975 SYS Sets the font size from 4 to 999.75. (A 1 Def Yes H
mode hundredfold of the font size is defined as the
setting value.)
08 Setting System Network Print Raw printing job 9317 PCL font number 0 0~9999 SYS Sets the PCL font number. 1 Def Yes H
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper size 9318 Memory 1 148/100 148~460/10 SYS Registers the paper size of bypass feed (non- 10 - Yes H
mode (bypass 0~305 standard type) into [MEMORY 1].
feeding/non- Feeding/Widthwise direction.
standard type) (Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper size 9319 Memory 2 148/100 148~460/10 SYS Registers the paper size of bypass feed (non- 10 - Yes H
mode (bypass 0~305 standard type) into [MEMORY 2].
feeding/non- Feeding/Widthwise direction.
standard type) (Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper size 9320 Memory 3 148/100 148~460/10 SYS Registers the paper size of bypass feed (non- 10 - Yes H
mode (bypass 0~305 standard type) into [MEMORY 3].
feeding/non- Feeding/Widthwise direction.
standard type) (Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper size 9321 Memory 4 148/100 148~460/10 SYS Registers the paper size of bypass feed (non- 10 - Yes H
mode (bypass 0~305 standard type) into [MEMORY 4].
feeding/non- Feeding/Widthwise direction.
standard type) (Unit: mm)
08 Setting System User interface Sound 9325 Key touch sound 1 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode of control panel 1: ON
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 9326 Size indicator 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode 1: Valid
08 Setting System General Banner advertising 9327 Setting of banner 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not displaying the banner 1 - Yes H
mode advertising display advertising. The setting contents of 08-9328 and
9329 are displayed at the time display section on
the right top of the screen. When both are set,
each content is displayed alternately.
0: Not displayed
1: Displayed
08 Setting System General Banner advertising 9328 Banner advertising Refer to SYS Maximum 27 letters (one-byte character) 11 - Yes H
mode display 1 contents
08 Setting System General Banner advertising 9329 Banner advertising Refer to SYS Maximum 27 letters (one-byte character) 11 - Yes H
mode display 2 contents
08 Setting System General Banner advertising 9330 Display of the 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not displayed 1 - Yes H
mode [BANNER 1: Displayed
MESSAGE] button This button enables the entry of "Banner
advertising display 1 (08-9328)" and "Banner
advertising display 2 (08-9329)" on the control
08 Setting System Network 9331 Local I/F time-out 6 1~50 SYS Sets the period of time when the job is judged as 1 - Yes H
mode period completed in local I/F printing (USB or parallel).
1: 1.0 sec.
2: 1.5 sec.
49: 25.0 sec.
50: 25.5 sec.
(in increments of 0.5 sec.)

Setting mode 264 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface 9332 Original counter Refer to 0, 2, 4 SYS Sets whether the original counter is displayed or 1 Def Yes H
mode display contents not.
0: Not displayed
2: Displayed
4: Displayed (Double sided original is counted as
<Default value>
MJD: 2
Others: 0
08 Setting System Network Print 9334 PCL line feed code 0 0~3 SYS Sets the PCL line feed code. 1 Def Yes H
mode setting 0: Automatic setting
08 Setting System Feeding system 9336 Default setting of 1 1~5 SYS 1: LCF 1 - Yes H
mode drawers (Printer/e- 2: 1st drawer
Filing) 3: 2nd drawer
4: PFP upper drawer
5: PFP lower drawer
08 Setting System User interface 9337 Restriction of the 0 0~1 SYS Selects the restriction of the template function 1 - Yes H
mode template function usage setting.
with the 0: No restriction
administrator 1: Only available with the administrator privilege.
08 Setting System Network Print Raw printing job 9338 Paper feeding 0 0~5 SYS 0: AUTO 1 Def Yes H
mode drawer 1: 1st drawer
2: 2nd drawer
3: PFP upper drawer
4: PFP lower drawer
5: LCF
08 Setting System Network Print Raw printing job 9339 PCL symbol set 0 0~39 SYS 0: Roman-8 1: ISO 8859/1 Latin 1 2: ISO 1 Def Yes H
mode 8859/2 Latin 2 3: ISO 8859/9 Latin 5 4: PC-8,
Code Page 437 5: PC-8 D/N, Danish/Norwegian
6: PC-850, Multilingual 7: PC-852, Latin2 8: PC-
8 Turkish 9: Windows 3.1 Latin 1 10: Windows
3.1 Latin 2 11: Windows 3.1 Latin 5 12:
DeskTop 13: PS Text 14: Ventura International
15: Ventura US 16: Microsoft Publishing 17:
Math-8 18: PS Math 19: Ventura Math 20: Pi
Font 21: Legal 22: ISO 4: United Kingdom 23:
ISO 6: ASCII 24: ISO 11 25: ISO 15: Italian 26:
ISO 17 27: ISO 21: German 28: ISO 60:
Danish/Norwegian 29: ISO 69: French 30:
Windows 3.0 Latin 1 31: MC Text 32: PC
Cyrillic 33: ITC Zapf Dingbats 34: ISO 8859/10
Latin 6 35: PC-775 36: PC-1004 37: Symbol
38: Windows Baltic 39: Wingdings
08 Setting System User interface Copy Binding margin 9341 0 Left binding front 7 0~100 SYS Sets the binding margin displayed as default on 4 Yes - Yes H
mode setting (Right binding the setting screen for the top/bottom/left/right
back) binding function when copying.
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting System User interface Copy Binding margin 9341 1 Left binding back 7 0~100 SYS Sets the binding margin displayed as default on 4 Yes - Yes H
mode setting (Right binding front) the setting screen for the top/bottom/left/right
binding function when copying.
(Unit: mm)

Setting mode 265 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface Copy Binding margin 9341 2 Top binding front 7 0~100 SYS Sets the binding margin displayed as default on 4 Yes - Yes H
mode setting (Bottom binding the setting screen for the top/bottom/left/right
back) binding function when copying.
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting System User interface Copy Binding margin 9341 3 Top binding back 7 0~100 SYS Sets the binding margin displayed as default on 4 Yes - Yes H
mode setting (Bottom binding the setting screen for the top/bottom/left/right
front) binding function when copying.
(Unit: mm)
08 Setting System User interface Copy Binding margin 9342 Margin width 14 0~30 SYS Sets the binding margin displayed as default on 1 Yes - Yes H
mode setting (Book binding) the setting screen for the book binding function
when copying.
08 Setting System Feeding system Automatic change Auto 9343 Printing/e-Filing 1 1~2 SYS Sets whether the drawer is changed 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode of paper source printing automatically if the paper runs out in the selected
drawer and the paper of the same size is in other
1: ON (Changes to the drawer with the same
paper direction and size: ex. A4 to A4)
2: ON (Changes to the drawer with the same
paper size. Paper with the different direction is
acceptable as long as the size is the same: ex.,
A4 to A4-R, LT-R to LT. "1" is applied when the
staple/hole punch is specified.)
08 Setting System Network Print 9344 Restriction mode 0 0~3 SYS 0: Normal 1 Def Yes H
mode of network printing 1: Private-print-only mode
2: Hold-print-only mode
3: Private/Hold-print-only mode
08 Setting System User interface 9352 Display of paper Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Not displayed 1 Def Yes H
mode size setting by contents 1: Displayed
installation <Default value>
operation of MJD/JPD/CND: 0
drawers Others: 1
08 Setting System General Print 9357 Enhanced bold for 0 0~1 SYS 0: OFF 1 - Yes H
mode PCL6 1: ON (Enhanced bold for PCL6.)
08 Setting System User interface Paper Feed 9359 Printing resume 1 0~1 SYS 0: Auto resume 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode after jam releasing 1: Resume by users
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 0 PS_OP_00.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 1 PS_OP_01.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 2 PS_OP_02.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 3 PS_OP_03.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)

Setting mode 266 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 4 PS_OP_04.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 5 PS_OP_05.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 6 PS_OP_06.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 7 PS_OP_07.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 8 PS_OP_08.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 9 PS_OP_09.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 10 PS_OP_10.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 11 PS_OP_11.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 12 PS_OP_12.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 13 PS_OP_13.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 14 PS_OP_14.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 15 PS_OP_15.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 16 PS_OP_16.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)

Setting mode 267 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 17 PS_OP_17.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 18 PS_OP_18.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 19 PS_OP_19.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 20 PS_OP_20.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 21 PS_OP_21.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 22 PS_OP_22.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 23 PS_OP_23.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 24 PS_OP_24.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 25 PS_OP_25.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 26 PS_OP_26.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 27 PS_OP_27.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 28 PS_OP_28.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 29 PS_OP_29.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)

Setting mode 268 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 30 PS_OP_30.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 31 PS_OP_31.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 32 PS_OP_32.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 33 PS_OP_33.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 34 PS_OP_34.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 35 PS_OP_35.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 36 PS_OP_36.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 37 PS_OP_37.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 38 PS_OP_38.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 39 PS_OP_39.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 40 PS_OP_40.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 41 PS_OP_41.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 42 PS_OP_42.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)

Setting mode 269 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 43 PS_OP_43.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 44 PS_OP_44.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 45 PS_OP_45.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 46 PS_OP_46.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 47 PS_OP_47.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 48 PS_OP_48.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 49 PS_OP_49.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 50 PS_OP_50.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 51 PS_OP_51.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 52 PS_OP_52.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Available profile 9361 53 PS_OP_53.icc - Displaying the current Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode display Based Pure GrayTRC attribute (PG CIE Based
PureGray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile 9362 Recovery of the 0 0~53 - Recovers the default Output Profile and PG CIE 1 - No -
mode profile at the Based Pure GrayTRC
shipment (PG CIE Based PureGray TRC in the same sub-
code is recovered to the default.)
0: PS_OP_00 1: PS_OP_01 2: PS_OP_02 ...
51: PS_OP_51 52: PS_OP_52 53: PS_OP_53
08 Setting System General Color profile 9363 Copying the profile 0 0~53 - Copies the default Output Profile and PG CIE 1 - No -
mode at the shipment to Based Pure Gray TRC to the USB memory.
USB memory 0: PS_OP_00 1: PS_OP_01 2: PS_OP_02 ...
51: PS_OP_51 52: PS_OP_52 53: PS_OP_53

Setting mode 270 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Color profile 9364 Uploading the 0 0~53 - Uploads the default Output Profile and PG CIE 1 - No -
mode profile at the Based Pure GrayTRC from the USB memory.
shipment from 0: PS_OP_00 1: PS_OP_01 2: PS_OP_02 ...
USB memory 51: PS_OP_51 52: PS_OP_52 53: PS_OP_53
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 0 PS_OP_00.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 1 PS_OP_01.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 2 PS_OP_02.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 3 PS_OP_03.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 4 PS_OP_04.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 5 PS_OP_05.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 6 PS_OP_06.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 7 PS_OP_07.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 8 PS_OP_08.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 9 PS_OP_09.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 10 PS_OP_10.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 11 PS_OP_11.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)

Setting mode 271 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 12 PS_OP_12.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 13 PS_OP_13.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 14 PS_OP_14.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 15 PS_OP_15.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 16 PS_OP_16.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 17 PS_OP_17.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 18 PS_OP_18.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 19 PS_OP_19.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 20 PS_OP_20.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 21 PS_OP_21.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 22 PS_OP_22.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 23 PS_OP_23.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 24 PS_OP_24.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)

Setting mode 272 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 25 PS_OP_25.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 26 PS_OP_26.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 27 PS_OP_27.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 28 PS_OP_28.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 29 PS_OP_29.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 30 PS_OP_30.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 31 PS_OP_31.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 32 PS_OP_32.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 33 PS_OP_33.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 34 PS_OP_34.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 35 PS_OP_35.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 36 PS_OP_36.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 37 PS_OP_37.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)

Setting mode 273 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 38 PS_OP_38.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 39 PS_OP_39.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 40 PS_OP_40.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 41 PS_OP_41.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 42 PS_OP_42.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 43 PS_OP_43.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 44 PS_OP_44.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 45 PS_OP_45.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 46 PS_OP_46.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 47 PS_OP_47.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 48 PS_OP_48.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 49 PS_OP_49.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 50 PS_OP_50.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)

Setting mode 274 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 51 PS_OP_51.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 52 PS_OP_52.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9365 53 PS_OP_53.000 - Displays the default Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure Gray TRC attribute. (PG CIE Based
profile at the Pure Gray TRC attribute in the same sub-code is
shipment displayed at the same time.)
08 Setting System General Color profile 9366 Making the profile 0 0~53 - Selecting a profile Overwrites the adjusted 1 - No -
mode available Output Profile on the current area (PG CIE
Based Pure Gray TRC in the same sub-code is
replaced with the adjusted profile at the same
0: PS_OP_00 1: PS_OP_01 2: PS_OP_02 ...
51: PS_OP_51 52: PS_OP_52 53: PS_OP_53
08 Setting System General Color profile 9367 Copying the 0 0~53 - Copies the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 1 - No -
mode adjusted profile to Based Pure GrayTRC to the USB memory.
USB memory (PG CIE Based PureGray TRC in the same sub-
code is copied to the USB memory at the same
0: PS_OP_00 1: PS_OP_01 2: PS_OP_02 ...
51: PS_OP_51 52: PS_OP_52 53: PS_OP_53
08 Setting System General Color profile 9368 Uploading the 0 0~53 - Uploads the Output Profile and PG CIE Based 1 - No -
mode adjusted profile Pure Gray TRC from the USB memory.
from USB memory 0: PS_OP_00 1: PS_OP_01 2: PS_OP_02 ...
51: PS_OP_51 52: PS_OP_52 53: PS_OP_53
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 0 PS_OP_00.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 1 PS_OP_01.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 2 PS_OP_02.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 3 PS_OP_03.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 4 PS_OP_04.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 5 PS_OP_05.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.

Setting mode 275 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 6 PS_OP_06.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 7 PS_OP_07.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 8 PS_OP_08.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 9 PS_OP_09.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 10 PS_OP_10.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 11 PS_OP_11.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 12 PS_OP_12.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 13 PS_OP_13.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 14 PS_OP_14.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 15 PS_OP_15.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 16 PS_OP_16.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 17 PS_OP_17.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 18 PS_OP_18.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.

Setting mode 276 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 19 PS_OP_19.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 20 PS_OP_20.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 21 PS_OP_21.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 22 PS_OP_22.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 23 PS_OP_23.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 24 PS_OP_24.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 25 PS_OP_25.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 26 PS_OP_26.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 27 PS_OP_27.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 28 PS_OP_28.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 29 PS_OP_29.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 30 PS_OP_30.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 31 PS_OP_31.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.

Setting mode 277 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 32 PS_OP_32.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 33 PS_OP_33.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 34 PS_OP_34.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 35 PS_OP_35.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 36 PS_OP_36.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 37 PS_OP_37.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 38 PS_OP_38.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 39 PS_OP_39.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 40 PS_OP_40.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 41 PS_OP_41.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 42 PS_OP_42.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 43 PS_OP_43.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 44 PS_OP_44.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.

Setting mode 278 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 45 PS_OP_45.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 46 PS_OP_46.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 47 PS_OP_47.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 48 PS_OP_48.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 49 PS_OP_49.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 50 PS_OP_50.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 51 PS_OP_51.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 52 PS_OP_52.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System General Color profile Displaying the 9369 53 PS_OP_53.001 - Displays the adjusted Output Profile and PG CIE 14 - No -
mode attribute of the Based Pure GrayTRC attribute in the same sub-
profile at the code.
08 Setting System User interface Security 9379 AES data 0 0~2 SYS 0: Encryption invalid 1 - Yes H
mode encryption function 1: Encryption valid (Security priority) Encrypts all
setting of the user's data.
2: Encryption valid (Performance priority)
Encrypts the user's data except the files
temporarily created and deleted in the image
processing such as copying or printing.
* If the setting is changed, the data including
user's data are erased.
08 Setting System User interface E-mail 9380 Converting 1-byte 0 0~1 SYS 0: Non-conversion 1 Def Yes H
mode katakana into 2 1: With conversion
byte-katakana at E-
mail transmission
08 Setting System General Paper size setting 9381 Custom size 148/100 10~434/10~ SYS Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - Yes H
mode (Photo size) 300 (Unit: mm)

Setting mode 279 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Image Copy 9382 Erasing leading 0 0~1 SYS 0: Whole page copied (No void) 1 - Yes H
mode edge shade on A3- 1: Leading edge masked
wide (full-page
08 Setting System User interface Default setting of E-mail 9384 Color/ACS 1 0~22 SYS 0: TIFF (Multi) 1: PDF (Multi) 2: JPG 3: TIFF 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode filing format (Single) 4: PDF (Single) 5: SlimPDF (Multi) 6:
SlimPDF (Single) 7: XPS (Multi) 8: XPS
(Single) 9: PDF/A (Multi) 10: PDF/A (Single)
11: Searchable PDF (Multi) 12: Searchable PDF
(Single) 13: Searchable SlimPDF/A (Multi) 14:
Searchable SlimPDF/A (Single) 15: Searchable
PDF/A (Multi) 16: Searchable PDF/A (Single)
17: Word (Multi) 18: Word (Single) 19: Excel
(Multi) 20: Excel (Single) 21: PowerPoint (Multi)
22: PowerPoint (Single)
08 Setting System Network Job notification Scan 9386 0 Job completion 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 4 Def Yes H
mode information event message 1: Valid
08 Setting System Network Job notification Scan 9386 1 Error message 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 4 Def Yes H
mode information event transmission 1: Valid
08 Setting System Network Scan 9387 File name format 0 0~6 SYS Sets the naming method of the file of "Save as 1 Def Yes H
mode of "Save as file" file" and Email transmission.
and E-mail 0: [FileName]-[Date]-[Page]
transmission 1: [FileName]-[Page]-[Date]
2: [Date]-[FileName]-[Page]
3: [Date]-[Page]-[FileName]
4: [Page]-[FileName]-[Date]
5: [Page]-[Date]-[FileName]
6: [FileName]_[Date]-[Page]
08 Setting System Network Scan 9388 Date display 0 0~5 SYS Sets the data display format of the file for "Save 1 Def Yes H
mode format of the file as file" and E-mail transmission.
name of "Save as 0: [YYYY][MM][DD][HH][mm][SS]
file" and E-mail 1: [YY][MM][DD][HH][mm][SS]
transmission 2: [YYYY][MM][DD]
3: [YY][MM][DD]
4: [HH][mm][SS]
5: [YYYY][MM][DD][HH][mm][SS][mm0]

The order of [YY], [MM] and [DD] varies

depending on the setting of the code 08-9102
(Data display format).
08 Setting System Network Scan 9389 Single page data 0 0~1 SYS Sets the directory where the file of "Save as file" 1 Def Yes H
mode saving directory at is saved.
"Save as file" 0: Save it under a subfolder
1: Save it without creating a subfolder
08 Setting System Network Scan 9390 Page number 4 3~6 SYS Sets the digit of a page number attached on the 1 Def Yes H
mode display format of file.
the file of "Save as 3-6: 3-6 digits
file" and E-mail
08 Setting System Network Scan 9391 Extension (suffix) 3 3~6 SYS Sets the extension digits of the file to be saved. 1 Def Yes H
mode format of the file of 3: Auto
"Save as file" 4: 4 digits
5: 5 digits
6: 6 digits

Setting mode 280 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network Scan 9394 Single-page option 0 0~1 SYS 0: Sets 1 page as 1 file 1 Def Yes H
mode for storing File and 1: Makes a file based on the original
sending E-mail
08 Setting System User interface LDAP 9397 Execution of user 2 0~2 SYS 0: Forcible execution 1 Sec Yes H
mode authentication authentication 1: Execution impossible (pooled in the invalid
when the user ID queue)
is not entered 2: Forcible deletion
08 Setting System User interface LDAP 9399 Role Based 0 0~4294967 SYS This code is used to specify the ID for the LDAP 5 - Yes H
mode authentication Access LDAP 295 server to implement Role-Based Access Control.
search index
08 Setting System Network Ethernet 9403 Communication 1 1~5, 7 H/S 1: Auto 1 Net Yes S
mode speed and settings 2: 10MBPS Half Duplex
of Ethernet 3: 10MBPS Full Duplex
4: 100MBPS Half Duplex
5: 100MBPS Full Duplex
7: 1000MBPS Full Duplex
08 Setting System Network TCP/IP Pv4 9406 Method of 2 1~3 H/S 1: Fixed IP address 1 - Yes S
mode acquiring IP 2: Dynamic IP address
address 3: Dynamic IP address without Auto IP
08 Setting System Network 9407 Domain name Refer to H/S Maximum 96 letters 11 Net Yes S
mode contents
08 Setting System Network TCP/IP IPv4 9408 IP address Refer to Refer to H/S <Default value> 11 Yes - Yes S
mode contents contents
<Acceptable value>
08 Setting System Network TCP/IP IPv4 9409 Subnet mask Refer to Refer to H/S <Default value> 11 Yes - Yes S
mode contents contents
<Acceptable value>
08 Setting System Network TCP/IP IPv4 9410 Gateway Refer to Refer to H/S <Default value> 11 Yes - Yes S
mode contents contents
<Acceptable value>
08 Setting System Network IPX/SPX setting 9411 Use of IPX/SPX 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network AppleTalk setting 9414 Use of AppleTalk 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network LDAP 9416 Availability of LDAP 1 1~2 H/S 1: Available 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Not available
08 Setting System Network DNS 9417 Use of DNS 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Yes Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network DNS IPv4 9418 IP address to DNS Refer to H/S <Acceptable value> 11 Yes Net Yes S
mode server (Primary) contents
08 Setting System Network DNS IPv4 9419 IP address to DNS Refer to H/S <Acceptable value> 11 Yes Net Yes S
mode server (Secondary) contents
08 Setting System Network NetWare 9421 Availability of SLP 1 1~2 H/S Sets the availability of SLP on NetWare. 1 - Yes S
mode 1: Enabled
2: Disabled
* "2" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Network SMB 9423 NetBios name MFP-serial Refer to H/S Maximum 15 letters 11 - Yes S
mode contents The network-related serial number of the
equipment appears at "serial"

Setting mode 281 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network SMB 9424 Name of WINS Refer to Refer to H/S 11 Net Yes S
mode server or IP contents contents (Default value:
address (Primary)
08 Setting System Network SMB 9425 Name of WINS Refer to Refer to H/S 11 Net Yes S
mode server or IP contents contents (Default value:
08 Setting System Network NetWare 9426 Use of Bindery 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network NetWare 9427 Use of NDS 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network HTTP 9430 Use of HTTP server 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network SMTP 9437 Use of SMTP client 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network SMTP 9438 SMTP server Refer to H/S Maximum 128 Bytes 11 Net Yes S
mode address contents
08 Setting System Network SMTP 9440 Use of SMTP 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode server 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network POP3 9446 Use of POP3 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode clients 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network 9459 Use of FTP server 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
* "2" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Network SNMP 9463 Availability of MIB 1 1~2 H/S 1: Valid 1 Net Yes S
mode function 2: Invalid
08 Setting System User interface Default setting of Storing files 9471 PDF/A grade 0 0~1 SYS Sets the PDF/A grade of the file format for 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode filing format setting scanning.
0: PDF/A-1B
1: PDF/A-2B
08 Setting System Network Raw TCP 9473 Use of Raw TCP 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode print 2: Disabled
* "2" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Network LPD 9475 Use of LPD print 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
* "2" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Network IPP 9478 Use of IPP print 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network IPP 9481 Printer name MFPserial Refer to H/S Maximum 127 letters 11 - Yes S
mode contents The network-related serial number of the
equipment appears at "serial"
08 Setting System Network IPP 9486 IPP printer "Make Refer to Refer to H/S Maximum 127 characters 11 - Yes S
mode and Model" contents contents <Default value>
MFP model name
08 Setting System Network IPP 9487 IPP printer Refer to H/S Maximum 127 characters 11 - Yes S
mode information (more) contents
08 Setting System Network IPP 9488 IPP message from Refer to H/S Maximum 127 characters 11 - Yes S
mode operator contents

Setting mode 282 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network FTP 9489 Use of FTP print 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network E-mail 9499 Page number 5 1~99 SYS 0 1 Def Yes H
mode limitation for
printing text of
received E-mail
08 Setting System Network Bonjour 9505 Use of Bonjour 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
* "2" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Network 9514 Host name MFP_serial Refer to H/S Maximum 63 letters 11 - Yes S
mode contents The network-related serial number of the
equipment appears at "serial"
08 Setting System Network User Windows domain 9515 Domain name Refer to SYS Maximum 96 letters 11 Sec Yes H
mode authentication authentication (No.1) contents
08 Setting System Network User Windows domain 9516 PDC (No.1) Refer to SYS Primary Domain Controller 11 Sec Yes H
mode authentication authentication contents Maximum 128 letters
08 Setting System Network User Windows domain 9517 BDC (No.1) Refer to SYS Backup Domain Controller 11 Sec Yes H
mode authentication authentication contents Maximum 128 letters
08 Setting System Network User 9518 Use of NT domain 4 3~4 H/S 3: ON (Domain selected) 1 Net Yes S
mode authentication server 4: OFF (Work group selected)
08 Setting System Network 9519 Workgroup name Workgroup Refer to H/S Maximum 15 letters 11 - Yes S
mode contents The default value "Workgroup" is set when "4"
(OFF: Work group selected) is set to 08-9518 or
Window logon fails.
08 Setting System Network 9525 Display of MAC H/S (**:**:**:**:**:**) 2 Yes - Yes S
mode address The address is displayed as above. 6-byte data
is divided by colon.
* "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF" is displayed at MAC
address abnormality.
08 Setting System Network SSL 9548 HTTP server 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network SSL 9550 IPP print 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network SSL 9552 Ftp server 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network SSL 9556 POP3 Client 2 1~3 H/S 1: Accepts all the certification of the server 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
3: Uses a registered CA certification
08 Setting System Network SMB 9561 SMB Max 13 1~50 H/S Sets the maximum connectable numbers of the 1 - Yes S
mode Connections Samba server.
1 to 50 (Number)
08 Setting System Network TCP/IP 9563 IP Conflict Detect 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network SNTP 9564 Use of SNTP 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Sec Yes S
mode 2: Disabled
08 Setting System Network SNTP 9565 Polling rate 24 1~168 H/S Data obtaining interval (Unit: Hour) 1 Sec Yes S
08 Setting System Network SNTP 9567 Primary SNTP H/S Primary SNTP server IP Address or FQDN 11 Sec Yes S
mode Address

Setting mode 283 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Network SNTP 9568 Secondary SNTP H/S Secondary SNTP server IP Address or FQDN 11 Sec Yes S
mode Address
08 Setting System Network SNTP 9569 Port number 123 1~65535 H/S Port number of SNTP 1 Sec Yes S
08 Setting System Network DHCP 9580 Domain server 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode address acquisition 2: Disabled
* This value is used only when DHCP is enabled.
08 Setting System Network DHCP 9581 WINS server 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode address acquisition 2: Disabled
* This value is used only when DHCP is enabled.
08 Setting System Network DHCP 9584 SMTP server 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode address acquisition 2: Disabled
* This value is used only when DHCP is enabled.
08 Setting System Network DHCP 9585 POP3 server 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode address acquisition 2: Disabled
* This value is used only when DHCP is enabled.
08 Setting System Network DHCP 9587 SNTP server 2 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode address acquisition 2: Disabled
* This value is used only when DHCP is enabled.
08 Setting System Network SMB 9599 SMB server 1 1~4 H/S 1: SMB server protocol enabled - no restriction 1 Net Yes S
mode protocol and 2: SMB server protocol disabled
restriction 3: SMB server protocol enabled - file shared
4: SMB server protocol enabled - print shared
* "2" is set in the high security mode.
08 Setting System Maintenance General 9601 Equipment number 9 digits SYS First digit: Production country (fixed) 11 Yes - Yes H
mode (serial number) Second digit: Model (fixed)
display Third digit: Month (variable)
Fourth to ninth digits: serial number (variable)
This can be also entered with 05-9043.
08 Setting System Maintenance 9602 Dealer's name Refer to SYS Maximum 100 letters 11 - Yes H
mode contents Needed at initial registration
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS 9603 Login name Refer to SYS Maximum 20 letters 11 Yes - Yes H
mode contents Needed at initial registration
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Call/Display 9604 Display set of the Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Not displayed 1 Yes - Yes H
mode controlled service function [Service contents 1: Displayed
Notification] button <Default value>
Others: 0
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS 9605 Sending error 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 - Yes H
mode contents of 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- 9606 Setting total SYS (Hour/Hour/Minute/Minute) 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service counter PM3:00 -> 1500
transmission time
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- 9607 Destination E-mail Refer to SYS Maximum 192 letters 11 - Yes H
mode controlled service address 2 contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- 9608 Destination E-mail Refer to SYS Maximum 192 letters 11 - Yes H
mode controlled service address 3 contents
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS 9610 Polling day 0 0~31 SYS 0: OFF 1 Net Yes H
mode selection Day-1 1 to 31: 1st to 31st of a month

Setting mode 284 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS 9611 Polling day 0 0~31 SYS 0: OFF 1 Net Yes H
mode selection Day-2 1 to 31: 1st to 31st of a month
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS 9612 Polling day 0 0~31 SYS 0: OFF 1 Net Yes H
mode selection Day-3 1 to 31: 1st to 31st of a month
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS 9613 Polling day 0 0~31 SYS 0: OFF 1 Net Yes H
mode selection Day-4 1 to 31: 1st to 31st of a month
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS Remote-controlled 9614 Sunday 1 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 Yes Net Yes H
mode service polling day 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS Remote-controlled 9615 Monday 1 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 Yes Net Yes H
mode service polling day 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS Remote-controlled 9616 Tuesday 1 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 Yes Net Yes H
mode service polling day 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS Remote-controlled 9617 Wednesday 1 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 Yes Net Yes H
mode service polling day 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS Remote-controlled 9618 Thursday 1 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 Yes Net Yes H
mode service polling day 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS Remote-controlled 9619 Friday 1 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 Yes Net Yes H
mode service polling day 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS Remote-controlled 9620 Saturday 1 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 Yes Net Yes H
mode service polling day 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9621 Setting of toner 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies cartridge C 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9622 Setting of toner 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies cartridge M 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9623 Setting of toner 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies cartridge Y 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9624 Setting of toner 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies cartridge K 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9625 Setting of waste 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies toner box 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS Long interval 9626 Setting of polling at 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 Net Yes H
mode polling the end of month 1: Valid
08 Setting System Network Internet Fax 9627 Sending mail text 1 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 Def Yes H
mode of Internet Fax 1: Valid
08 Setting System Wireless LAN 9649 Wireless LAN 2 1~2 H/S Sets whether the wireless LAN connection is 1 - Yes S
mode setting enabled or disabled.
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
* Only changing the setting to "2" (Disabled) and
referring to the current setting are available.
08 Setting System Bluetooth 9668 BIP ON/OFF 0 0~1 H/S 0: OFF 1 - Yes S
mode setting 1: ON
08 Setting System Bluetooth 9680 Bluetooth ON/OFF 0 0~1 H/S 0: OFF 1 Net Yes S
mode setting 1: ON
08 Setting System Bluetooth 9681 Bluetooth Device Refer to Refer to H/S Maximum 32 letters. Only alphanumeric 11 - Yes S
mode name contents contents characters, spaces, and symbols are acceptable.
<Default value>

Setting mode 285 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Bluetooth 9682 Bluetooth 1 0~1 H/S 0: Not allowed 1 Net Yes S
mode Discovery 1: Allowed
08 Setting System Bluetooth 9683 Bluetooth Security 1 0~1 H/S Switches the security level of the Bluetooth. 1 Net Yes S
mode 0: Low
1: High
08 Setting System Bluetooth 9684 Bluetooth PIN 0000 Refer to H/S Maximum 16 digits 11 Net Yes S
mode contents (16-digit sequence)
This setting is valid only when the bluetooth
security function is ON.
08 Setting System Bluetooth 9685 Bluetooth Data 1 0~1 H/S 0: Not encrypted 1 Net Yes S
mode encryption 1: Encrypted
This setting is valid only when the bluetooth
security function is ON.
08 Setting System Network DHCP 9694 Domain name 1 1~2 H/S 1: Enabled 1 Net Yes S
mode acquisition 2: Disabled
* This value is used only when DHCP is enabled.
08 Setting System User interface 9698 Color mode 0 0~1 SYS 0: Color 1 - Yes H
mode notification setting 1: Black
at ACS
08 Setting System Maintenance General 9700 Service technician 32 digits SYS A telephone number can be entered up to 32 11 Yes Def Yes H
mode telephone number digits.
Use the [PAUSE] button to enter a hyphen (-).
08 Setting System User interface 9702 Automatic 1 0~2 SYS Sets the disclosing level of automatic calibration. 1 Def Yes H
mode calibration 0: Service technician
disclosure level 1: Administrator
2: User
08 Setting System Maintenance General 9703 Error history display - Displays the latest 20 errors data 2 Yes - No -
08 Setting System User interface Scan 9709 Default data 0 0~2 SYS 0: Local directory 1 Def Yes H
mode saving directory of 1: REMOTE 1
"Scan to File" 2: REMOTE 2
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS General 9710 Remote-controlled 2 0~2 SYS 0: Valid (Remote-controlled server) 1 Yes Net Yes H
mode service function 1: Valid (L2)
2: Invalid
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS HTTP 9711 Remote-controlled Refer to SYS Maximum 256 letters 11 Yes Net Yes H
mode service URL setting contents
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS HTTP 9715 Initially-registered Refer to Refer to SYS Maximum 256 letters 11 Yes Net Yes H
mode server URL setting contents contents <Default value>
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS 9718 Short time interval 24 1~48 SYS Sets the time interval to recover from the 1 Net Yes H
mode setting of recovery Emergency Mode to the Normal Mode.
from Emergency (Unit: Hour)
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS 9719 Short time interval 60 30~360 SYS (Unit: Minute) 1 Net Yes H
mode setting of
Emergency Mode
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS General 9723 Periodical polling 1330 0~2359 SYS 0 (0:00) to 2359 (23:59) 1 Yes - Yes H
mode timing

Setting mode 286 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS General 9724 Writing data of self- 0 0~1 SYS 0: Prohibited 1 Yes Net Yes H
mode diagnostic code 1: Accepted
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS General 9726 Remote-service 0 0~3 SYS 0: OFF 1 Yes - Yes H
mode initial registration 1: Start
2: Only certification is scanned
3: RDMS communication starts
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS General 9727 Remote-controlled Refer to SYS Maximum 10 letters 11 Yes - Yes H
mode service tentative contents
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS General 9729 Status of remote- 0 0~1 SYS 0: Not registered 2 Yes - Yes H
mode service initial regist 1: Registered
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS Call/Display 9730 Service center call 1 0~2 SYS 0: OFF 1 Yes Net Yes H
mode function function 1: Notifies all service calls
2: Notifies all but paper jams
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS HTTP 9732 Service center call Refer to SYS Maximum 256 letters 11 Yes Net Yes H
mode HTTP server URL contents
08 Setting System Counter External counter 9736 Interrupt copying 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 - Yes H
mode 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS Call/Display 9739 Toner-end 0 0~2 SYS 0: RDMS toner empty notified immediately 1 Yes - Yes H
mode function notification 1: RDMS toner empty notified once a day
2: RDMS toner empty not notified
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS HTTP 9740 HTTP proxy setting 1 0~1 SYS 0: Valid 1 Yes Net Yes H
mode 1: Invalid
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS HTTP 9741 HTTP proxy IP Refer to Refer to SYS Input IP address or FQDN. 11 Yes Net Yes H
mode address setting contents contents Maximum 128 letters
<Default value>
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS HTTP 9742 HTTP proxy port 0 0~65535 SYS 1 Yes Net Yes H
mode number setting
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS HTTP 9743 HTTP proxy ID Refer to SYS Maximum 30 letters 11 Yes Net Yes H
mode setting contents
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS HTTP 9744 HTTP proxy Refer to SYS Maximum 30 letters 11 Yes Net Yes H
mode password setting contents
08 Setting System Maintenance RDMS HTTP 9745 HTTP proxy panel 1 0~1 SYS 0: Valid 1 Yes - Yes H
mode display 1: Invalid
08 Setting System Network Security 9746 802.1x Dynamic 1 0~1 SYS Switches whether a selecting button for Security 1 - Yes H
mode WEP selecting mode 802.1x Dynamic WEP is displayed or not.
button display 0: Not displayed
1: Displayed
08 Setting System Network Scan 9749 WIA Scan Driver 1 1~2 H/S Selects WIA Scan Driver. 1 - Yes S
mode 1: TTEC
2: Microsoft
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9750 Ordering method 3 0~3 SYS 0: Ordered by Fax 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service ordering 1: Ordered by E-mail
2: Ordered by HTTP
3: OFF
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9751 Fax number Refer to SYS Maximum 32 digits 11 - Yes H
mode controlled service ordering contents Enter hyphen with the [Pause] button
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9752 E-mail address Refer to SYS Maximum 192 letters 11 - Yes H
mode controlled service ordering contents List: 256 digits

Setting mode 287 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9756 User's name Refer to H/S Maximum 50 letters 11 - Yes S
mode controlled service ordering contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9757 User's telephone Refer to SYS Maximum 32 digits 11 - Yes H
mode controlled service ordering number contents Enter hyphen with the [Pause] button
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9758 User's E-mail Refer to SYS Maximum 192 letters 11 - Yes H
mode controlled service ordering address contents List: 256 digits
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9759 User's address Refer to H/S Maximum 100 letters 11 - Yes S
mode controlled service ordering contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9760 Service number Refer to SYS Maximum 5 digits 11 - Yes H
mode controlled service ordering contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9761 Service Refer to H/S Maximum 50 letters 11 - Yes S
mode controlled service ordering technician's name contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9762 Service Refer to SYS Maximum 32 digits 11 - Yes H
mode controlled service ordering technician's contents Enter hyphen with the [Pause] button
telephone number
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9763 Service Refer to SYS Maximum 192 letters 11 - Yes H
mode controlled service ordering technician's E-mail contents List: 256 digits
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9764 Supplier's name Refer to H/S Maximum 50 letters 11 - Yes S
mode controlled service ordering contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9765 Supplier's address Refer to H/S Maximum 100 letters 11 - Yes S
mode controlled service ordering contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9766 Notes Refer to H/S Maximum 128 letters 11 - Yes S
mode controlled service ordering contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9767 Part number of Refer to H/S Maximum 20 digits 11 - Yes S
mode controlled service supplies toner cartridge C contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9768 Order quantity of 1 1~99 SYS 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies toner cartridge C
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9769 Condition number 1 1~99 SYS 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies of toner cartridge C
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9770 Part number of Refer to H/S Maximum 20 digits 11 - Yes S
mode controlled service supplies toner cartridge M contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9771 Order quantity of 1 1~99 SYS 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies toner cartridge M
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9772 Condition number 1 1~99 SYS 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies of toner cartridge M
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9773 Part number of Refer to H/S Maximum 20 digits 11 - Yes S
mode controlled service supplies toner cartridge Y contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9774 Order quantity of 1 1~99 SYS 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies toner cartridge Y
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9775 Condition number 1 1~99 SYS 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies of toner cartridge Y
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9776 Part number of Refer to H/S Maximum 20 digits 11 - Yes S
mode controlled service supplies toner cartridge K contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9777 Order quantity of 1 1~99 SYS 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies toner cartridge K
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9778 Condition number 1 1~99 SYS 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies of toner cartridge K

Setting mode 288 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9779 Part number of Refer to H/S Maximum 20 digits 11 - Yes S
mode controlled service supplies waste toner box contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9780 Order quantity of 1 1~99 SYS 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies waste toner box
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Information of 9781 Condition number 1 1~99 SYS 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service supplies of waste toner box
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9783 Call /Display Refer to 0~2 SYS 0: Valid (Fax/Internet Fax) 1 Yes - Yes H
mode controlled service ordering function contents 1: Valid (Fax/Internet Fax/HTTP)
2: Invalid
<Default value>
NAD: 0
Others: 2
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- Automatic supply 9784 Counter Refer to SYS Maximum 32 digits 11 - Yes H
mode controlled service ordering notification contents Enter hyphen with the [Pause] button
Remote Fax setting
08 Setting System Counter 9787 Suspend when 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether the process is suspended 1 Def Yes H
mode quota is empty immediately or suspended after the job is
completed if quota is used up.
0: Suspended immediately
1: Suspended after the job is finished
08 Setting System Maintenance 9788 Service call 6 0~12 SYS 0: No checking period specified (= Calls service 1 - Yes H
mode checking period technician immediately) 1: 10 minutes 2: 30
setting minutes 3: 1 hour 4: 6 hours 5: 12 hours 6: 24
hours 7: 48 hours 8: 7 days 9: 1 month 10: 1
year 11: 5 years 12: Not limited (= Calls service
technician if such error has occurred in the past
even once or more)
08 Setting System General 9789 Default repeat 2 2~8 SYS (Unit: Times) 1 - Yes H
mode count
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- 9793 Service 0 0~2 SYS Enables to set up to 3 E-mail addresses to be 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service Notification setting sent. (08-9794, 9607, 9608)
0: Invalid
1: Valid (E-mail)
2: Valid (Fax)
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- 9794 Destination E-mail Refer to SYS Maximum 192 letters 11 - Yes H
mode controlled service address 1 contents
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- 9795 Total counter 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service information 1: Valid
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- 9796 Total counter 0 0~31 SYS 0 to 31 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service transmission date
08 Setting System Maintenance Remote- 9797 PM counter 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service notification setting 1: Valid
08 Setting System Network 9798 Temporary 99999 Refer to SYS Sets a temporary communication password. The 11 - Yes H
mode communication contents password can be entered in alphanumeric
password setting characters (A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9) up to 10 digits.
The entered password is displayed with "*" on
the touch panel and the self-diagnostic lists.
(Maximum 10 digits, minimum 5 digits)

Setting mode 289 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User Local 9799 Switchover of mode 0 0~1 SYS Sets the authentication mode when "0: (Internal 1 Sec Yes H
mode management authentication authentication)" is selected in the code 08-9293.
0: Card ID differs from the User ID
1: Card ID is the same as the User ID
08 Setting System Process 9804 Forcible mode 0 0~2 SYS 0: SLEEP MODE 1 - Yes H
mode change in toner 1: AUTO POWER SAVE
empty status 2: READY
08 Setting System Laser 9805 Polygonal motor 13 0~13 SYS 0: 0 sec. (current setting) 1 - Yes H
mode standby rotation (Polygonal motor ready rotation at job end)
Shift waiting time 1 to 13: Setting value x 5 sec.
at job end
08 Setting System Finisher Interruption of 9810 0 Copying 1 0~1 SYS When staple runs out while printing in the 4 Def Yes H
mode stapling operation stapling mode, sets whether printing is
(no staple) interrupted or printing is continued by switching
to sorting. This code is valid only when printing in
the stapling mode. However, printing is always
interrupted when staple for saddle stitch runs out.
0: Continues printing by switching to sort setting
1: Interrupts printing
08 Setting System Finisher Interruption of 9810 1 Printing/e-Filing 0 0~1 SYS When staple runs out while printing in the 4 Def Yes H
mode stapling operation printing stapling mode, sets whether printing is
(no staple) interrupted or printing is continued by switching
to sorting. This code is valid only when printing in
the stapling mode. However, printing is always
interrupted when staple for saddle stitch runs out.
0: Continues printing by switching to sort setting
1: Interrupts printing
08 Setting System Finisher Stapling setting: Long size 9811 0 Thin/Plain/Recycled 0 -50~50 SYS When numbers of sheets exceeding the ones 4 - Yes H
mode Acceptable /Thick paper defined in the finisher specifications are set, a
number of sheets malfunction may occur.
exceeding upper
08 Setting System Finisher Stapling setting: Long size 9811 1 Thick paper 1 0 -50~50 SYS When numbers of sheets exceeding the ones 4 - Yes H
mode Acceptable defined in the finisher specifications are set, a
number of sheets malfunction may occur.
exceeding upper
08 Setting System Finisher Stapling setting: Long size 9811 2 Thick paper 2 0 -50~50 SYS When numbers of sheets exceeding the ones 4 - Yes H
mode Acceptable defined in the finisher specifications are set, a
number of sheets malfunction may occur.
exceeding upper
08 Setting System Finisher Stapling setting: Long size 9811 3 Thick paper 3 0 -50~50 SYS When numbers of sheets exceeding the ones 4 - Yes H
mode Acceptable defined in the finisher specifications are set, a
number of sheets malfunction may occur.
exceeding upper
08 Setting System Image 2nd transfer Detection interval 9814 At normal 4 0~100 SYS When the setting value of this code is "1" or 1 - Yes H
mode resistance at continuous temperatures higher, the 2nd transfer resistance detection is
detection printing performed every time the number of pages of
(setting value x 100) have output.
When resistance is detected, printing will be
interrupted for 1 or 2 seconds.
When a smaller value is set, the image stability at
continuous printing will become better.

Setting mode 290 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Image 2nd transfer Detection interval 9815 At low 10 0~100 SYS When the setting value of this code is "1" or 1 - Yes H
mode resistance at continuous temperatures higher, the 2nd transfer resistance detection is
detection printing performed every time the number of pages of
(setting value x 10) have output.
When resistance is detected, printing will be
interrupted for 1 or 2 seconds.
When a smaller value is set, the image stability at
continuous printing will become better.
08 Setting System General 9816 Addition of the 0 0~1 SYS Only when job is executed with TimeStamp 1 - Yes H
mode page number to enabled for file storage, page number is added
the multi-page file with the format set at 08-9387.
name of File 0: Invalid (Page number not added)
1: Valid (Page number added)
08 Setting System General 9817 Maximum number 2 0~6 SYS 0 to 6 digits 1 - Yes H
mode of decimals in the
extension fields
08 Setting System General 9818 The default value 0 0~1 SYS 0: DOCYYMMDD 1 - Yes H
mode of the 1: NetBios name
stored/attached file
name of a File/E-
08 Setting System User interface Off Device 9819 STAGE SSL 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether SSL communication is enabled or 1 - Yes H
mode Customization disabled for remote scanning.
Architecture 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface Off Device 9820 STAGE I/F 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether interface is enabled or disabled for 1 - Yes H
mode Customization remote scanning.
Architecture 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface Off Device 9821 Port number 49629 0~65535 SYS Sets a port number for the remote scanning. 1 - Yes H
mode Customization
08 Setting System User interface Off Device 9822 SSL port number 49630 0~65535 SYS Sets an SSL port number for remote scanning 1 - Yes H
mode Customization using SSL communication.
08 Setting System Network 9823 User name and 0 0~2 SYS 0: User name and password of the device 1 Def Yes H
mode password at user 1: User name and password at the user
authentication or authentication (Template registration information
"Save as file" comes first when a template is retrieved.)
2: User name and password at the user
authentication (User information of the
authentication comes first when a template is
08 Setting System Image Scan 9825 Image quality of 0 0~1 SYS 0: Black 1 Def Yes H
mode the black part in 1: Gray scale
the ACS mode
08 Setting System General Department 9829 Limitation setting 0 0~3 SYS Decide the default limitation setting when the 1 User Yes H
mode management new department code is created.
0: No limit
1: Limited only in the black mode
2: Limited in the color mode
3: Limited in the black/color mode

Setting mode 291 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Bluetooth 9841 Bluetooth BIP Print 0 0~3 SYS 0: Fit page 1 Net Yes H
mode type 1: 1/2 size
2: 1/4 size
3: 1/8 size
08 Setting System Bluetooth 9846 Bluetooth BIP Refer to Refer to SYS 0: Ledger 1: Legal 2: Letter 3: Computer 4: 1 Net Yes H
mode Paper size contents contents Statement 5: A3 6: A4 7: A5 9: B4 10: B5 11:
Folio 12: Legal13" 13: LetterSquare 14: 8K 15:
* Only the above values can be set.
<Default value>
NAD: 2
Others: 6
08 Setting System Finisher 9847 Hole punching 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 - Yes H
mode setting 1: Valid
08 Setting System General Display setting 9848 Registration 2 0~2 SYS 0: Displays no icons 1 Def Yes H
mode disclosure level 1: ADMIN
setting 2: USER
08 Setting System General Remote- Automatic supply 9880 Total counter data 0 0~31 SYS 0 to 31 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service ordering transmission date 2
08 Setting System General Remote- Automatic supply 9881 Day of the total 0 0~127 SYS 1 byte 00000000(0)-01111111(127) 1 - Yes H
mode controlled service ordering counter data From the 2nd bit - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
transmission Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
08 Setting System General Security Hardcopy security 9883 Enable/disable 0 0~1 SYS 0: Disabled 1 - Yes H
mode printing setting 1: Enabled
08 Setting System General Security Hardcopy security 9884 Counting method 0 0~1 SYS 0: Counted as 1 1 - Yes H
mode printing switchover 1: Counted as 2
08 Setting System General 9886 Decimal point Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Comma 1 - Yes H
mode indication for contents 1: Full stop
Enhanced Scan <Default value>
Template MJD: 0
Others: 1
08 Setting System General 9888 Permission setting 0 0~1 SYS 0: Prohibited 1 - Yes H
mode for changing the 1: Accepted
scan parameter
when recalling an
extension template
08 Setting System General Data cloning 9889 Data cloning 0 0~1 SYS 0: Accepted 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode function setting 1: Prohibited
08 Setting System User interface Display setting 9891 Warning message 1 0~1 SYS 0: No warning notification 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode when PM time has 1: Warning notification
08 Setting System General 9892 Monocolor 0 0~2 SYS Sets the counting method of fee charging or 1 - Yes H
mode counting method duplexing count in the Monocolor mode.
Department and user counters are not applicable.
0: Mono/Twin Color
1: Black
2: Full Color
08 Setting System General 9894 Calibration chart 0 0~1 SYS Decide whether the calibration chart printing is 1 - Yes H
mode charging method charged or not.
0: No charge
1: Charge
08 Setting System Image Default value Background peak 9897 Black 5 1~9 SYS 1: -4 2: -3 3: -2 4: -1 5: 0 6: +1 7: +2 8: +3 9: 1 Def Yes H
mode setting adjustment +4

Setting mode 292 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Image Default value Density in the 9898 Color 6 0~11 SYS 0: Auto 1: -5 2: -4 3: -3 4: -2 5: -1 6: 0 7: +1 1 Def Yes H
mode setting scan mode 8: +2 9: +3 10: +4 11: +5
08 Setting System Image Default value Density in the 9899 Grayscale 6 0~11 SYS 0: Auto 1: -5 2: -4 3: -3 4: -2 5: -1 6: 0 7: +1 1 Def Yes H
mode setting scan mode 8: +2 9: +3 10: +4 11: +5
08 Setting System Version System 9900 System software H/S 2 Yes - Yes S
mode ROM version
08 Setting System Version Engine 9901 Engine firmware - 2 Yes - No -
mode version
08 Setting System Version Scanner 9902 Scanner firmware - 2 Yes - No -
mode version
08 Setting System Version DF 9903 DF firmware - 2 Yes - No -
mode version
08 Setting System Version Finisher 9904 Finisher firmware - 2 Yes - No -
mode version
08 Setting System Version Fax 1st line 9905 Fax firmware - 2 Yes - No -
mode version
08 Setting System Version System 9930 System firmware H/S 2 Yes - Yes S
mode version
08 Setting System Network LDAP 9933 Domain 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether domain participation of a client 1 - Yes H
mode authentication participation computer for print job authentication is confirmed
confirmation of or not when LDAP is selected as the
printing when authentication method for user authentication.
LDAP This function is enabled only when department
authentication is management is enabled.
used 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System General S-ACS operation 9934 0 Copy 1 1~9 SYS 1: The number of contact control: 1 4 - Yes H
mode setting Continuous color control: 1 sheet
2: The number of contact control: 2
Continuous color control: 2 sheets
3: The number of contact control: 3
Continuous color control: 3 sheets
4: The number of contact control: 4
Continuous color control: 4 sheets
5: The number of contact control: 5
Continuous color control: 5 sheets
6: The number of contact control: 6
Continuous color control: 6 sheets
7: The number of contact control: 7
Continuous color control: 7 sheets
8: The number of contact control: 8
Continuous color control: 8 sheets
9: The number of contact control: 9
Continuous color control: 9 sheets

Setting mode 293 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General S-ACS operation 9934 1 Print 1 1~9 SYS 1: The number of contact control: 1 4 - Yes H
mode setting Continuous color control: 1 sheet
2: The number of contact control: 2
Continuous color control: 2 sheets
3: The number of contact control: 3
Continuous color control: 3 sheets
4: The number of contact control: 4
Continuous color control: 4 sheets
5: The number of contact control: 5
Continuous color control: 5 sheets
6: The number of contact control: 6
Continuous color control: 6 sheets
7: The number of contact control: 7
Continuous color control: 7 sheets
8: The number of contact control: 8
Continuous color control: 8 sheets
9: The number of contact control: 9
Continuous color control: 9 sheets
08 Setting System General S-ACS operation 9934 2 e-Filing, Others 1 1~9 SYS 1: The number of contact control: 1 4 - Yes H
mode setting Continuous color control: 1 sheet
2: The number of contact control: 2
Continuous color control: 2 sheets
3: The number of contact control: 3
Continuous color control: 3 sheets
4: The number of contact control: 4
Continuous color control: 4 sheets
5: The number of contact control: 5
Continuous color control: 5 sheets
6: The number of contact control: 6
Continuous color control: 6 sheets
7: The number of contact control: 7
Continuous color control: 7 sheets
8: The number of contact control: 8
Continuous color control: 8 sheets
9: The number of contact control: 9
Continuous color control: 9 sheets
08 Setting System Finisher Stapling setting: Short size 9937 0 Plain/Recycled 0 -100~100 SYS When numbers of sheets exceeding the ones 4 - Yes H
mode Acceptable paper defined in the finisher specifications are set, a
number of sheets malfunction may occur.
exceeding upper
08 Setting System Finisher Stapling setting: Short size 9937 1 Thick paper 1 0 -100~100 SYS When numbers of sheets exceeding the ones 4 - Yes H
mode Acceptable defined in the finisher specifications are set, a
number of sheets malfunction may occur.
exceeding upper
08 Setting System Finisher Stapling setting: Short size 9937 2 Thick paper 2 0 -100~100 SYS When numbers of sheets exceeding the ones 4 - Yes H
mode Acceptable defined in the finisher specifications are set, a
number of sheets malfunction may occur.
exceeding upper
08 Setting System Finisher Stapling setting: Short size 9937 3 Thick paper 3 0 -100~100 SYS When numbers of sheets exceeding the ones 4 - Yes H
mode Acceptable defined in the finisher specifications are set, a
number of sheets malfunction may occur.
exceeding upper

Setting mode 294 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Finisher Stapling setting: Saddle stitch 9938 0 Plain/Recycled 0 -15~15 SYS When numbers of sheets exceeding the ones 4 - Yes H
mode Acceptable paper defined in the finisher specifications are set, a
number of sheets malfunction may occur.
exceeding upper
08 Setting System Finisher Stapling setting: Saddle stitch 9938 1 Thick paper 1 0 -15~15 SYS When numbers of sheets exceeding the ones 4 - Yes H
mode Acceptable defined in the finisher specifications are set, a
number of sheets malfunction may occur.
exceeding upper
08 Setting System Finisher Stapling setting: Saddle stitch 9938 2 Thick paper 2 0 -15~15 SYS When numbers of sheets exceeding the ones 4 - Yes H
mode Acceptable defined in the finisher specifications are set, a
number of sheets malfunction may occur.
exceeding upper
08 Setting System Finisher Stapling setting: Saddle stitch 9938 3 Thick paper 3 0 -15~15 SYS When numbers of sheets exceeding the ones 4 - Yes H
mode Acceptable defined in the finisher specifications are set, a
number of sheets malfunction may occur.
exceeding upper
08 Setting System Version Finisher 9944 Punch firmware - 2 Yes - No -
mode version
08 Setting System Network E-mail 9946 Number of E-mail 3 0~14 SYS The number of times of E-mail communication 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode transmission retries retry for Scan to E-mail and Internet Fax is set.
08 Setting System Network E-mail 9947 E-mail 1 0~15 SYS When E-mail transmission retry for Scan to E- 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode transmission retry mail and Internet Fax is performed, the interval is
interval set.
0 to 15 min.
08 Setting System General 9954 Counter/job list 0 0~1 SYS 0: Invalid 1 Sec Yes H
mode printing operation 1: Valid
08 Setting System Network E-mail 9958 Bcc address 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to display the Bcc address 1 Def Yes H
mode display ON/OFF on JobLog/JobStatus when Bcc is selected in the
setting (Job E-mail address specifying method.
Log/Job Status) 0: OFF (Bcc address not displayed)
1: ON (Bcc address displayed)
08 Setting System Network E-mail 9959 Bcc address 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to display the Bcc address 1 - Yes H
mode display ON/OFF on JobNotification which will be sent to other than
setting (Job administrators when Bcc is selected in the E-mail
Notification) address specifying method.
0: OFF (Bcc address not displayed)
1: ON (Bcc address displayed)
08 Setting System Maintenance 9960 Display of Refer to 0~2 SYS Displays the equipment information in SRAM. 2 - Yes H
mode equipment contents 0: Not set
information (SRAM) 1: Destinations other than NAD
2: NAD
<Default value>
NAD: 2
Others: 1
08 Setting System User interface 9963 Display of 2 0~2 SYS 0: Disabled 1 Def Yes H
mode receiving job on 1: Enabled (Other user's receiving job can be
PRINT/JOB deleted)
STATUS screen 2: Enabled (Other user's receiving job cannot be
* This setting is automatically disabled in the high
security mode.

Setting mode 295 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System General Home data 9964 Synchronization 0 0~2 SYS Uses this to share the HOME data 1 Def Yes H
mode settings 0: Disabled
1: Enabled (Synchronization in a network server)
2: Enabled (Synchronization between MFPs)
08 Setting System User 9967 Pre-running of the 0 0~1 SYS Sets whether or not to perform the polygonal 1 - Yes H
mode authentication polygonal motor motor pre-running at the user authentication. If
"1" (Enabled) is selected, the performance
between a print job submission and a start of
printing will be improved; however, the operating
noise of the motors or fans may become louder.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System Version Scanner 9968 Boot Version - Boot version of the scanner 2 Yes - No -
08 Setting System Version Fax 2nd line 9969 Fax firmware - ROM version of the 2nd line of Fax board 2 Yes - No -
mode version
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Default setting 9970 Original mode 0 0~4 SYS 0: Text/Photo 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting (Copy) (Black) 1: Text
2: Photo
3: Gray Scale
4: User custom
08 Setting System User interface Default setting Image quality 9971 Copy (Black) 0 0~1 SYS 0: Auto 1 Def Yes H
mode density 1: Manual
08 Setting System User interface Default setting Blank page 9972 Copy 0 -3~3 SYS The larger the value, the more the paper is 1 Def Yes H
mode judgment: Default judged as a blank page.
setting The smaller the value, the less the paper is
judged as a blank page.
08 Setting System User interface Default setting Blank page 9973 NW Scan 0 -3~3 SYS The larger the value, the more the paper is 1 Def Yes H
mode judgment: Default judged as a blank page.
setting The smaller the value, the less the paper is
judged as a blank page.
08 Setting System User interface Default setting ACS judgment 9974 Copy 0 -3~3 SYS The larger the value, the more the original is 1 Def Yes H
mode adjustment: judged as color data.
Default setting The smaller the value, the less the original is
judged as black data.
08 Setting System User interface Default setting ACS judgment 9975 NW Scan 0 -3~3 SYS The larger the value, the more the original is 1 Def Yes H
mode adjustment: judged as color data.
Default setting The smaller the value, the less the original is
judged as black data.
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Default setting 9976 Original mode 0 0~6 SYS Sets this code if you want to change the default 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting (Copy) (Color) setting of the original mode when the full color
mode is specified in copying.
0: Text/Photo
1: Text
2: Photo
3: Printed image
4: Map
5: User custom
6: Reproduction of red seal color
* If you want to select "5" (Custom), it is
necessary to set "1" to "5" (other than "0") for 08-
* If you want to select "6" (Red seal color), it is
necessary to set "1" for 08-7610.

Setting mode 296 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System User interface Default setting ACS original mode 9977 Copy 0 0~2 SYS 0: Text/Photo 1 Def Yes H
mode 1: Text
2: Printed image
08 Setting System User interface Default setting Image quality 9978 ACS/Copy (full 1 0~1 SYS 0: Auto 1 Def Yes H
mode density color) 1: Manual
08 Setting System User interface Default mode Default setting 9979 Color mode 2 0~2 SYS 0: Auto color 1 Yes Def Yes H
mode setting (Copy) 1: Black
2: Full color
* When the value of the code 08-9116 is "1:
Enabled", "1: Black" is automatically set for this
code and "0: ACS" and "2: Full color" become
08 Setting System Network E-mail 9980 Receiver's address 0 0~4 SYS Sets address of TO/CC/BCC when the user 1 Sec Yes H
mode fixing function at authentication and E-mail authentication are
authentication enabled.
When the value of this code is set to "1", the
address specified as From Address is input to
TO destination field. TO/CC/BCC field cannot be
When the value of this code is set to "2 to 4", the
address specified as From Address is input to
each field. TO/CC/BCC field can be edited by
pressing the TO/CC/BCC button.
0: Disabled
1: Fixed to TO field.
2: Added to TO field.
3: Added to CC field.
4: Added to BCC field.
08 Setting System Network E-mail 9981 Sending body text 1 0~1 SYS Sets whether the job information is output in the 1 Def Yes H
mode of E-mail body of e-mail when executing e-mail send job.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
08 Setting System User interface 9984 Document or file Refer to 0~1 SYS 0: Displays with the document or file name 1 Def Yes H
mode name display form contents 1: Does not display the document or file name
for the PRINT <Default value>
screen, JOB MJD: 1
STATUS screen, Others: 0
Job Status tab and
Logs tab
08 Setting System Maintenance 9987 Retention of Fax 0 0~3 SYS Sets whether the Fax/IP Fax/Internet Fax 1 Def Yes H
mode sending settings sending settings are retained or not.
0: Clears all settings (The authentication screen
is displayed if user authentication or department
management is enabled.)
1: Clears all
2: Clears only addresses
3: Retains all settings
* When the value of this code is set to "3", the
value of 08-3847 (FAX mistransmission
prevention) is automatically set to "1" (Enabled).
08 Setting System Version 9989 DF - Boot version of the DF 2 Yes - No -
08 Setting System Version 9990 NIC firmware SYS Firmware version of the NIC 2 Yes - Yes H
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper size setting Custom size 9991 1st drawer 210/140 210~432/14 SYS Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - Yes H
mode 0~297 (Unit: mm)

Setting mode 297 Ver01

05/08 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper size setting Custom size 9992 2nd drawer 210/140 210~460/14 SYS Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - Yes H
mode 0~305 (Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper size setting Custom size 9993 PFP upper drawer 210/140 210~460/14 SYS Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - Yes H
mode 0~305 (Unit: mm)
08 Setting System Feeding system Paper size setting Custom size 9994 PFP lower drawer 210/140 210~460/14 SYS Value of feeding/widthwise direction 10 - Yes H
mode 0~305 (Unit: mm)
08 Setting System DF 9995 RADF/DSDF 0 0~2 - Uses this when searching the DF installation 2 - No -
mode installation information by means of the remote management
information system
0: Not installed

Setting mode 298 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Dial Transmission PSTN 104 Line1 1 0~1 SYS Selects which is to be used for the PSTN, DTC 1 Def Yes H
on setting or LCC.
mode 0: No check 1: DTC
13 Functi Dial Transmission PABX 110 Line1 0 0~1 SYS Selects which is to be used for the PABX, DTC 1 Def Yes H
on setting or LCC.
mode 0: No check 1: DTC
13 Functi Dial Transmission Response Waiting time(T1) 116 Line1 Refer to 0~4 SYS Sets the time to wait for a response from the 1 Def Yes H
on setting setting contents receiver after dialing is completed.
mode (Unit: sec)
0: 60 1: 35 2: 90 3: 55 4: 115
<Default value>
JP: 4 ASIA: 0 AU: 3 HK: 0 US/CA: 3 DE: 2
GB: 2 IT: 2 BE :2 NL: 2 FI: 2 ES: 2 AT: 2
CH: 2 SE: 2 DK: 2 NO: 2 PT: 2 FR: 2 GR: 2
PL: 2 HU: 2 CZ: 2 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 3 RU: 2
BR: 3 CN: 1 NZ: 3 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 2
13 Functi Dial Transmission Response 117 Time-out period Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets the transmission to be terminated due to an 1 Def Yes H
on setting setting contents error without redialing the number if T1 time-out
mode (no response from the receiver) having occurred
during automatic dialing.
0: OFF 1: ON
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 1 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0
13 Functi Dial DP Pulse setting 125 Line1 Refer to 0~2 SYS Sets the definition of the pulse for the DP dial. 1 Def Yes H
on contents 0: Normal 1: Shift 2: Reverse
mode Normal: n
Shift: n+1
(n= Dial No.)
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 1 DK: 0 NO: 2 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Dial Redial 128 No. of redials Refer to 0~14 SYS Sets the number of redials. 1 Def Yes H
on contents (Unit: times)
mode 0: No Retry
1: 1 ~ 14: 14
<Default value>
JP: 3 ASIA: 5 AU: 2 HK: 4 US/CA: 5 DE: 3
GB: 4 IT: 3 BE : 3 NL: 5 FI: 3 ES: 3 AT: 1
CH: 4 SE: 5 DK: 4 NO: 9 PT: 3 FR: 5 GR: 4
PL: 3 HU: 3 CZ: 3 TR: 5 ZA: 5 TW: 2 RU: 3
BR: 5 CN: 3 NZ: 2 MY: 5 TH: 5 UNIV: 5 EU: 3

Function mode 1 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Dial Posing time 129 Line1 Refer to 0~5 SYS Sets the time for a pause when it is inserted 1 Def Yes H
on contents between the dial numbers.
mode (Unit: sec)
0: 0 1: 1 2: 2 3: 4 4: 3 5: 10
<Default value>
JP: 4 ASIA: 3 AU: 4 HK: 4 US/CA: 4 DE: 4
GB: 4 IT: 4 BE : 4 NL: 4 FI: 4 ES: 4 AT: 4
CH: 4 SE: 4 DK: 4 NO: 4 PT: 4 FR: 4 GR: 4
PL: 4 HU: 4 CZ: 3 TR: 4 ZA: 3 TW: 3 RU: 4
BR: 4 CN: 4 NZ: 3 MY: 3 TH: 4 UNIV: 4 EU: 4
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Dial Redial 135 Interval Refer to 0~15 SYS Sets the interval between redialings. 1 Def Yes H
on contents (Unit: min)
mode 0: 3 1: 1 ~ 15: 15
<Default value>
JP: 1 ASIA: 3 AU: 1 HK: 3 US/CA: 1 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 3 BE : 2 NL: 2 FI: 0 ES: 2 AT: 2
CH: 2 SE: 1 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 1 FR: 3 GR: 3
PL: 3 HU: 3 CZ: 3 TR: 3 ZA: 3 TW: 2 RU: 0
BR:1 CN: 3 NZ: 1 MY: 3 TH: 3 UNIV: 3 EU: 0
13 Functi Dial DP Pulse speed 137 Line1 Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets the pulse speed for DP dialing. 1 Def Yes H
on contents (Unit: pps)
mode 0: 10 1: 20
<Default value>
JP: 1 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0
13 Functi Dial MF Transmission 141 Line1 Refer to 0~15 SYS Sets the attenuator value for the MF signal. 1 Def Yes H
on attenuator value contents (Unit: dB)
mode 0: 0 1: -1 ~ 15: -15 (Per -1dB)
<Default value>
JP: 8 ASIA: 6 AU: 6 HK: 7 US/CA: 5 DE: 7
GB: 7 IT: 7 BE : 7 NL: 7 FI: 7 ES: 7 AT: 7
CH: 7 SE: 7 DK: 7 NO: 7 PT: 7 FR: 7 GR: 7
PL: 7 HU: 5 CZ: 7 TR: 7 ZA: 9 TW: 6 RU: 8
BR: 8 CN: 7 NZ: 7 MY: 8 TH: 6 UNIV: 9 EU: 7
13 Functi Dial International Tone detection 142 Line1 Refer to 0~17 SYS Selects the frequency range for the dial tone of 1 - Yes H
on Dialing contents the first pause to be detected.
mode (Unit: Hz)
0: No Check 1: 300-600 2: 300-650 3: 390-550
4: 400-450 5: 350-480 6: 300-500 7~10: Not
Used 11: 300-600 12: 300-650 13: 390-550
14: 400-450 15: 350-480 16: 300-500 17: Not
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 2 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0
13 Functi Dial International Access code 143 Line1 1000 0~1000 SYS Sets the international access code. 1 - Yes H
on Dialing (3 digits)

Function mode 2 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Communicati Receiving 149 Line1 Refer to 0~3 SYS Sets the receiver attenuator for line1. 1 Def Yes H
on on sensitivity contents (Unit: dbm)
mode 0: -48 1: -43 2: -38 3: -33
<Default value>
JP: 1 ASIA: 1 AU: 1 HK: 1 US/CA: 1 DE: 0
GB: 1 IT: 1 BE : 1 NL: 1 FI: 1 ES: 1 AT: 1
CH: 1 SE: 1 DK: 1 NO: 1 PT: 1 FR: 1 GR: 1
PL: 1 HU: 1 CZ: 1 TR: 1 ZA: 1 TW: 1 RU: 1
BR: 1 CN: 0 NZ: 1 MY: 1 TH: 1 UNIV: 1 EU: 1
13 Functi Dial MF Signal level 152 Line1 Refer to 0~15 SYS Sets the difference between the high output and 1 Def Yes H
on difference setting contents low output of the MF signal.
mode (Unit: dB)
0: 2.0 1: 2.5 2: 3.0 3: 3.5 4: 4.0 5: 4.5 6: 5.0
7: 5.5 8: -2.0 9: -1.5 10: -1.0 11: -0.5 12: 0
13: +0.5 14: +1.0 15: +1.5
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 15 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 15 TW: 0 RU: 2
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 14 MY: 15 TH: 0 UNIV: 0
EU: 0
13 Functi Dial Exchange type 200 Line1 0 0~1 SYS Selects the exchange type. 1 Def Yes H
on 0: PSTN 1: PABX
13 Functi Dial Dialer type 203 Line1 1 0~1 SYS Selects the dial type. 1 Def Yes H
on 0: DP 1: MF
13 Functi Dial Exchange type 210 Line2 0 0~1 SYS Selects the exchange type. 1 Def Yes H
on 0: PSTN 1: PABX
13 Functi Dial Dialer type 213 Line2 1 0~1 SYS Selects the dial type. 1 Def Yes H
on 0: DP 1: MF
13 Functi Dial Transmission PSTN 224 Line2 1 0~1 SYS Selects which is to be used for the PSTN, DTC 1 Def Yes H
on setting or LCC.
mode 0: No check 1: DTC
13 Functi Dial Transmission PABX 230 Line2 0 0~1 SYS Selects which is to be used for the PABX, DTC 1 Def Yes H
on setting or LCC.
mode 0: No check 1: DTC
13 Functi Dial Transmission Response Waiting time(T1) 236 Line2 Refer to 0~4 SYS Sets the time to wait for a response from the 1 Def Yes H
on setting setting contents receiver after dialing is completed.
mode (Unit: sec)
0: 60 1: 35 2: 90 3: 55 4: 115
<Default value>
JP: 4 ASIA: 0 AU: 3 HK: 0 US/CA: 3 DE: 2
GB: 2 IT: 2 BE : 2 NL: 2 FI: 2 ES: 2 AT: 2
CH: 2 SE: 2 DK: 2 NO: 2 PT: 2 FR: 2 GR: 2
PL: 2 HU: 2 CZ: 2 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 3 RU: 2
BR: 3 CN: 1 NZ: 3 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 2

Function mode 3 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Dial DP Pulse setting 245 Line2 Refer to 0~2 SYS Sets the definition of the pulse for the DP dial. 1 Def Yes H
on contents 0: Normal 1: Shift 2: Reverse
mode Normal: n
Shift: n+1
(n= Dial No.)
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 1 DK: 0 NO: 2 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0
13 Functi Dial Posing time 249 Line2 Refer to 0~5 SYS Sets the time for a pause when it is inserted 1 Def Yes H
on contents between the dial numbers.
mode (Unit: sec)
0: 0 1: 1 2: 2 3: 4 4: 3 5: 10
<Default value>
JP: 4 ASIA: 3 AU: 4 HK: 4 US/CA: 4 DE: 4
GB: 4 IT: 4 BE : 4 NL: 4 FI: 4 ES: 4 AT: 4
CH: 4 SE: 4 DK: 4 NO: 4 PT: 4 FR: 4 GR: 4
PL: 4 HU: 4 CZ: 3 TR: 4 ZA: 3 TW: 3 RU: 4
BR: 4 CN: 4 NZ: 3 MY: 3 TH: 4 UNIV: 4 EU: 4
13 Functi Dial Redial 250 Redialing method 0 0~1 SYS Selects the redialing method. 1 Def Yes H
on * Only in Japan
mode 0: 3 minutes/3 times mode
1: Continuous mode
13 Functi Dial Redial 251 No. of redials in Refer to 0~15 SYS Sets the number of redials when "1" is selected 1 Def Yes H
on continuous mode contents in 13-250.
mode (Unit: times)
* Only in Japan
0: No Retry 1: 1 ~ 15: 15
<Default value>
JP: 15 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0
13 Functi Dial DP Pulse speed 267 Line2 Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets the pulse speed for DP dialing. 1 Def Yes H
on contents (Unit: pps)
mode 0: 10 1: 20
<Default value>
JP: 1 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0
13 Functi Dial MF Transmission 271 Line2 Refer to 0~15 SYS Sets the attenuator value for the MF signal. 1 Def Yes H
on attenuator value contents (Unit: dB)
mode 0: 0 1: -1 ~ 15: -15 (Per -1dB)
<Default value>
JP: 8 ASIA: 6 AU: 6 HK: 7 US/CA: 5 DE: 7
GB: 7 IT: 7 BE : 7 NL: 7 FI: 7 ES: 7 AT: 7
CH: 7 SE: 7 DK: 7 NO: 7 PT: 7 FR: 7 GR: 7
PL: 7 HU: 5 CZ: 7 TR: 7 ZA: 9 TW: 6 RU: 8
BR: 8 CN: 7 NZ: 7 MY: 8 TH: 6 UNIV: 9 EU: 7

Function mode 4 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Dial International Tone detection 272 Line2 Refer to 0~17 SYS Selects the frequency range for the dial tone of 1 - Yes H
on Dialing contents the first pause to be detected.
mode (Unit: Hz)
0: No Check 1: 300-600 2: 300-650 3: 390-550
4: 400-450 5: 350-480 6: 300-500 7~10: Not
Used 11: 300-600 12: 300-650 13: 390-550
14: 400-450 15: 350-480 16: 300-500 17: Not
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 2 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0
13 Functi Dial International Access code 273 Line2 1000 0~1000 SYS Sets the international access code. 1 - Yes H
on Dialing (3 digits)
13 Functi Communicati Receiving 279 Line2 Refer to 0~3 SYS Sets the receiver attenuator for line2. 1 Def Yes H
on on sensitivity contents (Unit: dbm)
mode 0: -48 1: -43 2: -38 3: -33
<Default value>
JP: 1 ASIA: 1 AU: 1 HK: 1 US/CA: 1 DE: 0
GB: 1 IT: 1 BE : 1 NL: 1 FI: 1 ES: 1 AT: 1
CH: 1 SE: 1 DK: 1 NO: 1 PT: 1 FR: 1 GR: 1
PL: 1 HU: 1 CZ: 1 TR: 1 ZA: 1 TW: 1 RU: 1
BR: 1 CN: 0 NZ: 1 MY: 1 TH: 1 UNIV: 1 EU: 1
13 Functi Dial MF Signal level 282 Line2 Refer to 0~15 SYS Sets the difference between the high output and 1 Def Yes H
on difference setting contents low output of the MF signal.
mode (Unit: dB)
0: 2.0 1: 2.5 2: 3.0 3: 3.5 4: 4.0 5: 4.5 6: 5.0
7: 5.5 8: -2.0 9: -1.5 10: -1.0 11: -0.5 12: 0
13: +0.5 14: +1.0 15: +1.5
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 15 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 15 TW: 0 RU: 2
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 14 MY: 15 TH: 0 UNIV: 0
EU: 0
13 Functi Reception CI history hold 312 Line1 Refer to 0~4 SYS Sets the time for the CI history to remain. 1 Def Yes H
on time contents (Unit: sec)
mode 0: 4 1: 8 2: 10 3: 11 4: 12.5
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 1 AU: 1 HK: 4 US/CA: 1 DE: 4
GB: 1 IT: 1 BE : 1 NL: 1 FI: 1 ES: 1 AT: 1
CH: 1 SE: 3 DK: 1 NO: 1 PT: 1 FR: 1 GR: 2
PL: 1 HU: 1 CZ: 1 TR: 1 ZA: 1 TW: 1 RU: 1
BR: 1 CN: 1 NZ: 1 MY: 1 TH: 1 UNIV: 1 EU: 1

Function mode 5 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Communicati 317 Judgment during Refer to 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to handle communication 1 Def Yes H
on on RTN reception contents as an error when the RTN signal is received.
mode When it is handled as an error, transmits the
DCN signal to stop the communication. When it
is not handled as an error, continuously sends
the next page.
0: Abnormal 1: Normal
<Default value>
JP: 1 ASIA: 1 AU: 1 HK: 1 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 1 ZA: 1 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 1 NZ: 1 MY: 1 TH: 1 UNIV: 1 EU: 0
13 Functi Communicati V.17/V.34 Transmission 325 Line1 Refer to 0~15 SYS Sets the modem transmission level for 1 Def Yes H
on on attenuator value contents communication. The smaller the value is, the
mode higher the transmission level becomes. If errors
occur frequently or training is not sent, the
transmission level should be changed.
(Unit: dB)
0: 0 1:-1 ~ 15: -15 (Per -1dB)
<Default value>
JP: 10 ASIA: 11 AU: 13 HK: 11 US/CA: 11
DE: 11 GB: 11 IT: 11 BE : 11 NL: 11 FI: 11
ES: 11 AT: 11 CH: 11 SE: 11 DK: 11 NO: 11
PT: 11 FR: 11 GR: 11 PL: 11 HU: 11 CZ: 11
TR: 11 ZA: 9 TW: 12 RU: 14 BR: 9 CN: 11
NZ: 13 MY: 12 TH: 10 UNIV: 11 EU: 11
13 Functi Communicati V.17/V.34 Cable Equalizer 329 Line1 Refer to 0~3 SYS Sets the equalizer value which has frequency 1 Def Yes H
on on for RX contents characteristics. For the longdistance
mode communication, it is recommended to set a large
(Unit: dB)
0: 0 1: -4 2: -8 3: -12
<Default value>
JP: 2 ASIA: 2 AU: 2 HK: 2 US/CA: 0 DE: 2
GB: 2 IT: 2 BE : 2 NL: 2 FI: 2 ES: 2 AT: 2
CH: 2 SE: 2 DK: 2 NO: 2 PT: 2 FR: 0 GR: 2
PL: 2 HU: 2 CZ: 2 TR: 2 ZA: 2 TW: 2 RU: 2
BR: 0 CN: 2 NZ: 2 MY: 2 TH: 2 UNIV: 2 EU: 2
13 Functi Communicati V.21 Echo measures 331 Signal Refer to 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to move the timing by 1 Def Yes H
on on transmission delay contents delaying transmission of the V.21 signal by 500
mode setting msec to prevent line echo.
0: OFF (0msec) 1: ON (500msec)
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 1 AU: 0 HK: 1 US/CA: 1 DE: 1
GB: 1 IT: 1 BE : 1 NL: 1 FI: 1 ES: 1 AT: 1
CH: 1 SE: 1 DK: 1 NO: 1 PT: 1 FR: 1 GR: 1
PL: 1 HU:1 CZ: 1 TR: 1 ZA: 1 TW: 1 RU: 1
BR: 1 CN: 1 NZ: 0 MY: 1 TH: 1 UNIV: 1 EU: 1
13 Functi Communicati Modem speed 335 Default 1 Refer to SYS Sets the default modem speed to be declared by 1 Def Yes H
on on contents DIS/DCS.
mode (Unit: bps)
0: 2400 1: 14.4k(V.17) 4: 4800 5: 12k(V.17) 8:
9600 9: 9600(V.17) 12: 7200 13: 7200(V.17)
13 Functi Sound Monitor 337 Line sound up to 0 0~1 SYS Monitors the line sound up to Phase B during 1 Def Yes H
on Phase B communication.
mode 0: OFF 1: ON

Function mode 6 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Sound Monitor 338 Line selection 0 0~2 SYS 1 Def Yes H
on Selects a line to be monitored.
mode 0: OFF 1: Line1 2: Line2
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Communication Recording width 346 Paper empty 0 0~1 SYS When the specified paper size in the specified 1 Def Yes H
on capacity drawer is not available, selects whether to
mode declaration declare the paper in another one or that in the
installed one as the maximum recording width.
0: Paper 1: Drawer
13 Functi Sound 351 Off-hook alarm Refer to 0~7 SYS Sets the alarm volume when the handset has 1 Def Yes H
on after end of contents been left off the cradle after the end of
mode communication communication.
0: No ringing 1: Level 1 (Min.) ~ 7: Level 7 (Max.)
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 3
GB: 3 IT: 3 BE : 3 NL: 3 FI: 3 ES: 3 AT: 3
CH: 3 SE: 3 DK: 3 NO: 3 PT: 3 FR: 3 GR: 3
PL: 3 HU: 3 CZ: 3 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 3
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 3
13 Functi Sound 353 Ringer volume Refer to 0~7 SYS Sets the ringer sound during CI reception and the 1 Def Yes H
on contents pseudo bell volume in the TEL/FAX mode.
mode 0: Level 0 (Min.) ~ 7: Level 7 (Max.)
<Default value>
JP: 5 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 5
BR: 5 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Report 355 Memory Refer to Refer to SYS Selects whether or not to output the memory 1 Def Yes H
on transmission report contents contents transmission report, as well as the output
mode conditions.
0: Not printed 2: ALWAYS 3: ON Error 6:
Always(W) 7: ON Error(W)
<Default value>
JP: 7 ASIA: 7 AU: 7 HK: 7 US/CA: 7 DE: 6
GB: 6 IT: 6 BE : 6 NL: 6 FI: 6 ES: 6 AT: 6
CH: 6 SE: 6 DK: 6 NO: 6 PT: 6 FR: 6 GR: 6
PL: 6 HU: 6 CZ: 6 TR: 7 ZA: 7 TW: 7 RU: 6
BR: 7 CN: 7 NZ: 7 MY: 7 TH: 7 UNIV: 7 EU: 6
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Report 356 Multi-address Refer to 0~4 SYS Selects whether or not to output the multi- 1 Def Yes H
on transmission report contents address transmission report, as well as the
mode output conditions.
0: Not printed 1: Always 2: On Error 3:
Always(W) 4: On Error(W)
<Default value>
JP: 4 ASIA: 4 AU: 4 HK: 4 US/CA: 4 DE: 3
GB: 3 IT: 3 BE : 3 NL: 3 FI: 3 ES: 3 AT: 3
CH: 3 SE: 3 DK: 3 NO: 3 PT: 3 FR: 3 GR: 3
PL: 3 HU: 3 CZ: 3 TR: 4 ZA: 4 TW: 4 RU: 3
BR: 4 CN: 4 NZ: 4 MY: 4 TH: 4 UNIV: 4 EU: 3
13 Functi Report 357 Direct transmission 1 0~2 SYS Selects whether or not to output the direct 1 Def Yes H
on report transmission report, as well as the output
mode conditions.
0: Not printed 1: Always 2: On Error

Function mode 7 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Report 359 Polling report Refer to 0~2 SYS Selects whether or not to output the polling 1 Def Yes H
on contents transmission report, as well as the output
mode conditions.
0: Not printed 1: Always 2: On Error
<Default value>
JP: 2 ASIA: 2 AU: 2 HK: 2 US/CA: 2 DE: 1
GB: 1 IT: 1 BE : 1 NL: 1 FI: 1 ES: 1 AT: 1
CH: 1 SE: 1 DK: 1 NO: 1 PT: 1 FR: 1 GR: 1
PL: 1 HU: 1 CZ: 1 TR: 2 ZA: 2 TW: 2 RU:1
BR: 2 CN: 2 NZ: 2 MY: 2 TH: 2 UNIV: 2 EU: 1
13 Functi Report 361 Relay originator 3 0~4 SYS Selects whether or not to output the relay 1 Def Yes H
on report originator report, as well as the output conditions.
mode 0: Not printed 1: Always 2: On Error 3:
Always(W) 4: On Error(W)
13 Functi Report 362 Relay station report Refer to 0~4 SYS Selects whether or not to output the relay station 1 Def Yes H
on contents report, as well as the output conditions.
mode 0: Not printed 1: Always 2: On Error 3:
Always(W) 4: On Error(W)
<Default value>
JP: 4 ASIA: 4 AU: 4 HK: 4 US/CA: 4 DE: 3
GB: 3 IT: 3 BE : 3 NL: 3 FI: 3 ES: 3 AT: 3
CH: 3 SE: 3 DK: 3 NO: 3 PT: 3 FR: 3 GR: 3
PL: 3 HU: 3 CZ: 3 TR: 4 ZA: 4 TW: 4 RU:3
BR: 4 CN: 4 NZ: 4 MY: 4 TH: 4 UNIV: 4 EU: 3
13 Functi Report 363 Relay destination 2 0~4 SYS Selects whether or not to transmit the relay 1 Def Yes H
on report‫‏‬ destination report, as well as the transmission
mode conditions.
0: Not printed 1: Always 2: On Error 3:
Always(W) 4: On Error(W)
13 Functi Report 365 Relay station Refer to 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to output the relay station 1 Def Yes H
on reception report contents reception report.
mode 0: Not printed 1: ON
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 1
GB: 1 IT: 1 BE : 1 NL: 1 FI: 1 ES: 1 AT: 1
CH: 1 SE: 1 DK: 1 NO: 1 PT: 1 FR: 1 GR: 1
PL: 1 HU: 1 CZ: 1 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU:1
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 1
13 Functi Report 367 F-code reception Refer to 0~3 SYS When the document is registered in the F-code 1 Def Yes H
on report contents confidential box or bulletin board, selects whether
mode or not to output the reception report, as well as
the output conditions.
0: Not printed
1: Printed in the remote mode / Not printed in the
local mode
2: Not printed in the remote mode / Printed in the
local mode
3: Not printed
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 1
GB: 1 IT: 1 BE : 1 NL: 1 FI: 1 ES: 1 AT: 1
CH: 1 SE: 1 DK: 1 NO: 1 PT: 1 FR: 1 GR: 1
PL: 1 HU: 1 CZ: 1 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU:1
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 1

Function mode 8 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Report 368 Auto transmission Refer to 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to automatically output the 1 Def Yes H
on journal output contents transmission journal.
mode 0: Not printed 1: Printed
<Default value>
JP: 1 ASIA: 1 AU: 1 HK: 1 US/CA: 1 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 1 ZA: 1 TW: 1 RU: 1
BR: 1 CN: 1 NZ: 1 MY: 1 TH: 1 UNIV: 1 EU: 0
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Report Transmission 370 Addition of status 1 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to add the communication 1 Def Yes H
on journal report (OK/Not OK) to the transmission journal.
mode 0: Not added 1: Added
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Report Transmission 371 Addition of error 1 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to add the communication 1 Def Yes H
on journal code error code to the transmission journal.
mode 0: Not added 1: Added
13 Functi Reception CI 372 Line1 Refer to 0~15 SYS Sets the CI counter value for the machine to 1 Def Yes H
on detectioncounte contents enter the automatic reception mode.
mode r value (Unit: times)
0: 1 (With no ringing sound) 1: 1 ~ 15:15(Per
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 1 AU: 4 HK: 1 US/CA: 2 DE: 2
GB: 2 IT: 2 BE : 2 NL: 2 FI: 2 ES: 2 AT: 2
CH: 2 SE: 2 DK: 2 NO: 2 PT: 2 FR: 2 GR: 2
PL: 2 HU: 2 CZ: 2 TR: 1 ZA: 1 TW: 2 RU: 2
BR: 2 CN: 1 NZ: 4 MY: 1 TH: 1 UNIV: 1 EU: 2
13 Functi Sound 373 Monitor volume Refer to 0~7 SYS Sets the monitor volume. 1 Def Yes H
on contents 0: Level 0 (Min.) ~ 7: Level 7 (Max.)
mode <Default value>
JP: 4 ASIA: 4 AU: 4 HK: 4 US/CA: 3 DE: 3
GB: 3 IT: 3 BE : 3 NL: 3 FI: 3 ES: 3 AT: 3
CH: 3 SE: 3 DK: 3 NO: 3 PT: 3 FR: 3 GR: 3
PL: 3 HU: 3 CZ: 3 TR: 4 ZA: 4 TW: 3 RU: 4
BR: 4 CN: 4 NZ: 4 MY: 4 TH: 4 UNIV: 4 EU: 3
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Print 375 Rear-end discard 1 0~4 SYS Sets the length to be discarded if the received 1 Def Yes H
on length document exceeds the effective recording length.
mode (Unit: mm)
0: 0 (No Eliminate) 1: 10 2: 18 3: 22 4: 34
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Print 377 Reduced printing 0 0~1 SYS Determines the appropriate recording size for the 1 Def Yes H
on in vertical direction received document, and selects whether or not
mode automatically to reduce the size in the vertical
0: Auto Reduction 1: No Reduction
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Print 378 Rear-end discard 1 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to perform discard printing. 1 Def Yes H
on printing 0: OFF 1: ON
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Print 379 Maximum Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets the maximum reduction ratio in the vertical 1 Def Yes H
on reduction ratio in contents direction.
mode vertical direction (Unit: %)
0: 90 1: 75
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 0 AU: 1 HK: 0 US/CA: 1 DE: 1
GB: 1 IT: 1 BE : 1 NL: 1 FI: 1 ES: 1 AT: 1
CH: 1 SE: 1 DK: 1 NO: 1 PT: 1 FR: 1 GR: 1
PL: 1 HU: 1 CZ: 1 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 1 RU:1
BR: 1 CN: 0 NZ: 1 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 1

Function mode 9 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Print 382 Addition of 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to add the receiver 1 Def Yes H
on receiver information information to the received document.
mode 0: Not added 1: Added
13 Functi Reception 389 RX mode 1 0~2 SYS Selects the RX mode. 1 Def Yes H
on 0: TEL 1: FAX 2: TEL/FAX
mode * Value "2" is valid for JP only.
13 Functi Communicati 391 ECM function 1 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to perform an ECM 1 Def Yes H
on on communication.
mode 0: OFF 1: ON
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Job 394 Recovery 6 1~24 SYS Sets the retention period of the document in the 1 Def Yes H
on transmission HDD when the transmission is unsuccessfully
mode retention period completed.
(Unit: hour)
1: 1 ~ 24: 24
13 Functi Dial 398 Default line 0 0~1 SYS Sets the priority line when both Line 1 and Line 2 1 Def Yes H
on are not in use.
mode 0: Line1 1: Line2
13 Functi Communicati V.17/V.34 Transmission 430 Line2 Refer to 0~15 SYS This value is to set the modem transmission level 1 Def Yes H
on on attenuator value contents for communication. The smaller the value is, the
mode higher the transmission level becomes. If errors
occur frequently or training is not sent, the
transmission level should be changed.
(Unit: dB)
0: 0 1: -1 ~ 15: -15 (Per -1dB)
<Default value>
JP: 10 ASIA: 11 AU: 13 HK: 11 US/CA: 11
DE: 11 GB: 11 IT: 11 BE : 11 NL: 11 FI: 11
ES: 11 AT: 11 CH: 11 SE: 11 DK: 11 NO: 11
PT: 11 FR: 11 GR: 11 PL: 11 HU: 11 CZ: 11
TR: 11 ZA: 9 TW: 12 RU:14 BR: 9 CN: 11
NZ: 13 MY: 12 TH: 10 UNIV: 11 EU: 11
13 Functi Communicati V.17/V.34 Cable Equalizer 434 Line2 Refer to 0~3 SYS Sets the equalizer value which has frequency 1 Def Yes H
on on for RX contents characteristics. For the longdistance
mode communication, it is recommended to set a large
(Unit: dB)
0: 0 1: -4 2: -8 3: -12
<Default value>
JP: 2 ASIA: 2 AU: 2 HK: 2 US/CA: 0 DE: 2
GB: 2 IT: 2 BE : 2 NL: 2 FI: 2 ES: 2 AT: 2
CH: 2 SE: 2 DK: 2 NO: 2 PT: 2 FR: 0 GR: 2
PL: 2 HU: 2 CZ: 2 TR: 2 ZA: 2 TW: 2 RU: 2
BR: 0 CN: 2 NZ: 2 MY: 2 TH: 2 UNIV: 2 EU: 2
13 Functi Communicati ECM 501 Communication 1 0~2 SYS Selects the communication control method when 1 Def Yes H
on on communication control when PPR PPR is received 4 times.
mode is received 4 times 0:EOR transmission
1:CTC (Disconnect the line after receiving
PPR(2400bps) as 4 times)
2:CTC (EOR transmission after receiving
PPR(2400bps) for 4 times)
13 Functi Communicati G3 508 Received image 0 0~1 SYS Sets the judgment type when received the error 1 Def Yes H
on on error judgment type image in G3.
mode 0: RATE 1: LINE

Function mode 10 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Communicati International 509 Modem speed 0 0~2 SYS Sets the initial transmission speed for overseas 1 Def Yes H
on on Dialing communication.
mode (Unit: bps)
0: 9600 1: 7200 2: 4800
13 Functi Print 510 Insertion position 1 1~3 SYS Selects the position where the sender information 1 Def Yes H
on of header for and Security Stamp are inserted.
mode transmission 1: Clear at 5 mm from the top edge (when both
edges are enabled, TTI: Inserted at 5 mm from
the top edge, Security Stamp: Clear at 5 mm
from the top edge)
2: Clear at 5 mm from the top edge (when both
edges are enabled, clear at 10 mm)
3: Inserted at 5 mm from the top edge (both
edges are enabled, Inserted at 10 mm)
13 Functi Communicati 511 Addition of 1 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to insert sender 1 Def Yes H
on on transmission information.
mode information 0: Not added 1: Added
13 Functi Communicati G3 RTN transmission 512 Image error rate 1 0~3 SYS Sets the threshold level for the error rate of the 1 Def Yes H
on on conditions image received in the G3 mode. If error lines
mode exceed this threshold level, transmits the RTN
signal to the sender.
(Unit: %)
0: 5 1: 10 2: 15 3: 25
13 Functi Communicati G3 RTN transmission 513 Continuous 2 0~3 SYS If error lines are continuously detected at the 1 Def Yes H
on on conditions detection of image setting value, transmits the RTN signal to the
mode errors sender. If they exceed 1/2 of the threshold level,
transmits the RTP signal to the sender.
0: OFF 1: 3 line /STD 2: 6 line /STD 3: 12 line
13 Functi Communicati G3 Line disconnection 514 Error line 0 0~5 SYS If error lines exceed the setting value, 1 Def Yes H
on on generating setting disconnects the line.
mode (Unit: line)
0: No Limit 1: 128 2: 256 3: 512 4: 1028 5:
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Print 517 Regular reduction 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to perform regular 1 Def Yes H
on printing reduction printing (from A3 to B4 or A4, from B4
mode to A4 or B5) for the received image.
0: OFF 1: ON
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Print 518 Duplex printing 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to perform duplex printing 1 Def Yes H
on for the received document.
mode 0: OFF 1: ON
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Print 519 Paper selection for Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets the priority order of the series of paper to 1 Def Yes H
on received fax contents print the received document when there is a
mode document mixture of the AB series and the LT series in a
0: Millimeter series, 1: Inch series
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 1 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 1 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Print 520 Maximum length of 0 0~1 SYS Sets the maximum length of the received 1 Def Yes H
on received document document. If it exceeds the threshold level,
mode disconnects the line.
0: 2m 1: No limit

Function mode 11 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Communicati V.34 Control channel 564 Line1 0 0~1 SYS Selects the control channel speed for the V.34 1 Def Yes H
on on speed communication.
mode Unit: BPS
0: 1200 1: 2400
13 Functi Communicati V.34 Fallback condition 565 Line1 5 0~10 SYS Sets the number of the PPR reception for fall- 1 Def Yes H
on on for transmitter back condition
mode in the V.34 transmission.
Unit: Times
0: 1 1: 2 ~ 10: 11
13 Functi Communicati V.34 569 Maximum line 14 0~14 SYS Sets the initial communication speed for V.34 1 Def Yes H
on on speed transmission.
mode (Unit: kbps)
0:V.34 not installed 1: 2.4 2: 4.8 3: 7.2 4: 9.6
5: 12 6: 14.4 7: 16.8 8: 19.2 9: 21.6 10: 24
11: 26.4 12: 28.8 13: 31.2 14: 33.6
13 Functi Communicati 571 SUB/SEP/PWD 1 0~1 SYS Selects whether to enable or disable 1 Def Yes H
on on SUB/SEP/PWB communication when data are
mode received.
0: Disabled 1: Enabled
13 Functi Communicati 574 Coding 3 0~3 SYS Sets the coding capability to declare the receiver 1 Def Yes H
on on during communication.
mode 0: MH 1: MH/MR 2: MH/MR/MMR 3:
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Sound Reception end 575 Successful 1 0~2 SYS Sets the timing to sound the reception end tone. 1 Def Yes H
on tone completion 0: OFF, 1: When printing is completed, 2: When
mode reception is completed
13 Functi Communicati V.34 Symbol rate 576 Line1 4 0~4 SYS Sets the initial value for the symbol rate for V.34 1 Def Yes H
on on communication. Maximum modem speed for
mode each setting are as follows.
2400: 21600bps 2800: 26400bps 3000:
28800bps 3200: 31200bps 3492: 33600bps
0: 2400 1: 2800 2: 3000 3: 3200 4: 3429
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Job 578 Recovery 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether to enable or disable the recovery 1 Def Yes H
on transmission transmission.
mode 0: Disabled 1: Enabled
13 Functi Job 581 Batch transmission 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether to enable or disable the batch 1 Def Yes H
on transmission.
mode 0: Disabled 1: Enabled
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Print 584 Rotate sort 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether to enable or disable the Rotate 1 Def Yes H
on sort.
mode 0: Disabled 1: Enabled
13 Functi Report 585 Transmission Refer to 0~1 SYS Selects whether to enable or disable a search for 1 Def Yes H
on journal contents the receiver name on the transmission journal.
mode (Relay reception report is not supported.)
0: Disabled 1: Enabled
<Default value>
JP: 1 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0

Function mode 12 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Sound Communication 586 Volume Refer to 0~7 SYS Sets the volume of the communication end tone. 1 Def Yes H
on end tone contents 0: Level 0 (Min.) ~ 7: Level 7 (MAX.)
mode <Default value>
JP: 3 ASIA: 4 AU: 4 HK: 4 US/CA: 4 DE: 4
GB: 4 IT: 4 BE : 4 NL: 4 FI: 4 ES: 4 AT: 4
CH: 4 SE: 4 DK: 4 NO: 4 PT: 4 FR: 4 GR: 4
PL: 4 HU: 4 CZ: 4 TR: 4 ZA: 4 TW: 4 RU: 4
BR: 4 CN: 4 NZ: 4 MY: 4 TH: 4 UNIV: 4 EU: 4
* This setting is available only when the fax board
is installed.
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Sound Communication 587 Ringing time 2 0~10 SYS Sets the ringing time of the communication end 1 Def Yes H
on end tone tone.
mode (Unit: sec)
0: No ringing 1: 0.5 2: 1.0 3: 1.5 4: 2.0 5: 2.5
6: 3.0 7: 3.5 8: 4.0 9: 4.5 10: 5.0
* This setting is available only when the fax board
is installed.
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Sound Transmission end 593 Successful 0 0~3 SYS Sets the timing to sound the transmission end 1 Def Yes H
on tone completion tone.
mode 0: OFF, 1: Only when transmission is
successfully completed, 2: Only when
transmission is unsuccessfully completed, 3:
When transmission is completed
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Sound Transmission end 594 Transmission error 4 1~8 SYS Sets the ringing time of the transmission error 1 Def Yes H
on tone end tone.
mode (Unit: sec)
1: 1.0 2: 2.0 3: 3.0 4: 4.0 5: 5.0 6: 6.0 7: 7.0
8: 8.0
* This setting is available only when the fax board
is installed.
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Sound Communication 595 Frequency 4 0~4 SYS Sets the frequency of the communication end 1 Def Yes H
on end tone tone.
mode (Unit: Hz)
0: 400 1: 800 2: 1000 3: 2000 4: 3000
* This setting is available only when the fax board
is installed.
13 Functi Reception CI history hold 601 Line2 Refer to 0~4 SYS Sets the time for the CI history to remain. 1 Def Yes H
on time contents (Unit: sec)
mode 0: 4 1: 8 2: 10 3: 11 4: 12.5
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 1 AU: 1 HK: 4 US/CA: 1 DE: 4
GB: 1 IT: 1 BE : 1 NL: 1 FI: 1 ES: 1 AT: 1
CH: 1 SE: 3 DK: 1 NO: 1 PT: 1 FR: 1 GR: 2
PL: 1 HU: 1 CZ: 1 TR: 1 ZA: 1 TW: 1 RU: 1
BR: 1 CN: 1 NZ: 1 MY: 1 TH: 1 UNIV: 1 EU: 1
13 Functi Reception CI 607 Line2 Refer to 0~15 SYS Sets the CI counter value for the machine to 1 Def Yes H
on detectioncounte contents enter the automatic reception mode.
mode r value (Unit: times)
0: 1 (With no ringing sound) 1: 1 ~ 15:15(Per
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 1 AU: 4 HK: 1 US/CA: 2 DE: 2
GB: 2 IT: 2 BE : 2 NL: 2 FI: 2 ES: 2 AT: 2
CH: 2 SE: 2 DK: 2 NO: 2 PT: 2 FR: 2 GR: 2
PL: 2 HU: 2 CZ: 2 TR: 1 ZA: 1 TW: 2 RU: 2
BR: 2 CN: 1 NZ: 4 MY: 1 TH: 1 UNIV: 1 EU: 2

Function mode 13 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Communicati V.34 Control channel 610 Line2 0 0~1 SYS Selects the control channel speed for the V.34 1 Def Yes H
on on speed communication.
mode (Unit: bps)
0: 1200 1: 2400
13 Functi Communicati V.34 Fallback condition 611 Line2 5 0~10 SYS Sets the number of the PPR reception for fall- 1 Def Yes H
on on for transmitter back condition
mode in the V.34 transmission.
(Unit: times)
0: 1 1: 2 ~ 10: 11
13 Functi Communicati V.34 Symbol rate 614 Line2 4 0~4 SYS Sets the initial value for the symbol rate for V.34 1 Def Yes H
on on communication. Maximum modem speed for
mode each setting are as follows.
2400: 21600bps 2800: 26400bps 3000:
28800bps 3200: 31200bps 3492: 33600bp
0: 2400 1: 2800 2: 3000 3: 3200 4: 3429
13 Functi Communicati V.34 618 Maximum line 14 1~14 SYS Sets the initial communication speed for V.34 1 Def Yes H
on on speed transmission (RX).
mode (Unit: kbps)
1: 2.4(V.34) 2: 4.8(V.34) 3: 7.2(V.34) 4:
9.6(V.34) 5: 12(V.34) 6: 14.4(V.34) 7:
16.8(V.34) 8: 19.2(V.34) 9: 21.6(V.34) 10:
24(V.34) 11: 26.4(V.34) 12: 28.8(V.34) 13:
31.2(V.34) 14: 33.6
13 Functi Communicati RX speed limit 619 Line1 1 0~1 SYS Sets the V.34 capacity declaration (Line1) 1 Def Yes H
on on 0: OFF 1: ON
13 Functi Communicati RX speed limit 620 Line2 1 0~1 SYS Sets the V.34 capacity declaration (Line2) 1 Def Yes H
on on 0: OFF 1: ON
13 Functi Reception Simple remote 706 On-hook 3 0~3 SYS Selects the on-hook determination time for 1 Def Yes H
on determination time simple remote.
mode (Unit: msec)
0: 20 1: 40 2: 60 3: 80
13 Functi Reception Remote 707 Reception method Refer to 0~2 SYS Selects the response method for remote 1 Def Yes H
on contents reception.
mode 0: OFF 1: Dial 2: Shimple
<Default value>
JP: 1 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0
13 Functi Reception Remote Reception 711 Dial No. 5 0~9 SYS Sets the dial number to switch to reception. 1 Def Yes H
on switching (Dialing 1 digit
mode method)
13 Functi Reception TEL/FAX mode 724 No. of calling times 6 0~15 SYS Sets the number of operator calling times in the 1 Def Yes H
on TEL/FAX mode.
mode (Unit: times)
0: 0 ~ 15: 15
13 Functi Reception CNG Detection 726 Line1 1 0~1 SYS Sets number of CNG detection attempts to be 1 Def Yes H
on Counter repeated until the start of the automatic reception
mode in the TEL/FAX mode.
(Unit: times)
0: 1 1: 2

Function mode 14 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi IP Fax Communication 750 Judgment during Refer to 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to handle communication 1 Def Yes H
on RTN reception contents as an error when the RTN signal is received.
mode When it is handled as an error, transmits the
DCN signal to stop the communication. When it
is not handled as an error, continuously sends
the next page.
0: Abnormal 1: Normal
<Default value>
JP: 1 ASIA: 1 AU: 1 HK: 1 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 1 ZA: 1 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 1 NZ: 1 MY: 1 TH: 1 UNIV: 1 EU: 0
13 Functi IP Fax Communication Modem speed 751 Default 1 Refer to SYS Sets the default modem speed to be declared by 1 Def Yes H
on contents DIS/DCS.
mode (Unit: bps)
0: 2400 1: 14.4k(V.17) 4: 4800 5: 12k(V.17) 8:
9600 9: 9600(V.17) 12: 7200 13: 7200(V.17)
13 Functi IP Fax Print 752 Addition of 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to add the receiver 1 Def Yes H
on receiver information information to the received document.
mode 0: Not added 1: Added
13 Functi IP Fax Communication 753 ECM function 1 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to perform an ECM 1 Def Yes H
on communication.
mode 0: OFF 1: ON
13 Functi IP Fax Print 754 Insertion position 1 1~3 SYS Selects the position where the sender information 1 Def Yes H
on of header for and Security Stamp are inserted.
mode transmission 1: Clear at 5 mm from the top edge (when both
edges are enabled, TTI: Inserted at 5 mm from
the top edge, Security Stamp: Clear at 5 mm
from the top edge)
2: Clear at 5 mm from the top edge (when both
edges are enabled, clear at 10 mm)
3: Inserted at 5 mm from the top edge (both
edges are enabled, Inserted at 10 mm)
13 Functi IP Fax Communication 755 Addition of 1 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to insert sender 1 Def Yes H
on transmission information.
mode information 0: Not added 1: Added
13 Functi IP Fax Communication G3 RTN transmission 756 Image error rate 1 0~3 SYS Sets the threshold level for the error rate of the 1 Def Yes H
on conditions image received in the G3 mode. If error lines
mode exceed this threshold level, transmits the RTN
signal to the sender.
(Unit: %)
0: 5 1: 10 2: 15 3: 25
13 Functi IP Fax Communication 757 Coding 2 0~2 SYS Sets the coding capability to declare the receiver 1 Def Yes H
on during communication.
mode 0: MH 1: MH/MR 2: MH/MR/MMR
13 Functi IP Fax Report 758 Transmission Refer to 0~1 SYS Selects whether to enable or disable a search for 1 Def Yes H
on journal contents the receiver name on the transmission journal.
mode (Relay reception report is not supported.)
0: Disabled 1: Enabled
<Default value>
JP: 1 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0

Function mode 15 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi IP Fax Display 759 Search for 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether to search by partial or exact 1 Def Yes H
on sender's address match to retrieve the phone number registered in
mode name by the phone the address book with the one included in the
number of the TSI TSI signal.
signal The sender's address name retrieved is also
used as the name of the saved file during
transfer. (File names in Save As File and E-filing
are supported, but ones in E-mail transmission
are not.)
0: Partial match search of the phone number by
the TSI signal and the registered phone number
1: Exact match search of the phone number by
the TSI signal and the registered phone number
13 Functi IP Fax Communication 761 JT-T38 mode fax 1 0~1 SYS Sets the high-speed communication mode to the 1 Def Yes H
on device capability IP recognition TTC standard JT-T38 mode fax
mode device capability (DIS/DCS BIT123).
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
13 Functi IP Fax Communication 762 SIP server resend 2 0~7 SYS Sets the resend interval if resend information is 1 Def Yes H
on timer not returned from a SIP server when registration
mode or invitation to a SIP server has failed.
(Unit: min)
0: 3 1: 4 2: 5 3: 6 4: 7 5: 8 6: 9 7: 10
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Sound 922 Method of 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether to set the phone number 1 Def Yes H
on destination display transmitted by the CSI signal, the name of the
mode after Phase B destination in the address book or the phone
number dialed for the destination display after
Phase B in the transmission control.
0: CSI signal of the receiver
1: Name of the destination in the address book or
phone number dialed
13 Functi Display 923 Search for 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether to search by partial or exact 1 Def Yes H
on sender's address match to retrieve the phone number registered in
mode name by the phone the address book with the one included in the
number of the TSI TSI signal.
signal The sender's address name retrieved is also
used as the name of the saved file during
transfer. (File names in Save As File and E-filing
are supported, but ones in E-mail transmission
are not.)
0: Partial match search of the phone number by
the TSI signal and the registered phone number
1: Exact match search of the phone number by
the TSI signal and the registered phone number
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Print 924 Duplex printing at 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to perform duplex printing 1 Def Yes H
on forwarding and output the received documents at the
mode destination forwarding destination, when duplex printing is
selected in "Duplex printing for received
documents" (13-518).
0: OFF 1: ON

Function mode 16 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Report 925 Report attachment Refer to 0~1 SYS Sets not to attach an image only to the report 1 Def Yes H
on to image during F- contents during transmission when F-code is transmitted
mode code transmission in the confidential box or bulletin board.
0: Follows the setting of the report
1: Does not attach an image
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 1 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 1 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Communication 926 Paper width 0 0~1 SYS Selects the paper size to declare when paper is 1 Def Yes H
on declaration in selected in "Recording width capacity
mode recording paper declaration" (13-346).
empty state 0: A4 1: B4
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Communication 927 B4 declaration for 0 0~1 SYS Declares the capacity of receiving B4 width when 1 Def Yes H
on B5 recording paper B5 recording paper is loaded.
mode When a short B5 document with B4 width is
received, it can be printed in the same size as B5
0: Does not declare 1: Declares
13 Functi Display 940 UI display of Tx 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to display the [Tx ATT] 1 Def Yes H
on ATT in the Phone icon in the Phone Book registration screen.
mode Book When "16" is set for the TX attenuation, the
transmission level of the equipment is
determined by the setting values of the following
13-325: TX attenuation value (V.17/V.34) (Line1)
13-430: TX attenuation value (V.17/V.34) (Line2)
0: OFF 1: ON
13 Functi Display 941 UI display of TTI Refer to 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to display ON/OFF 1 Def Yes H
on recording setting contents switching of [TTI recording] in USER
0: Does not display 1: Displays
<Default value>
JP: 1 ASIA: 1 AU: 1 HK: 1 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 1 ZA: 1 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 1 NZ: 1 MY: 1 TH: 1 UNIV: 1 EU: 0
13 Functi Reception 950 Dial-in 0 0~1 SYS Sets dial-in service. 1 Def Yes H
on 0: OFF 1: ON
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Communication 962 TTI format Refer to 0~1 SYS Selects the FCC type or the one for Japan for 1 - Yes H
on contents TTI format.
mode 0: Type for Japan 1: FCC type
<Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 1 AU: 1 HK: 1 US/CA: 1 DE: 1
GB: 1 IT: 1 BE : 1 NL: 1 FI: 1 ES: 1 AT: 1
CH: 1 SE: 1 DK: 1 NO: 1 PT: 1 FR: 1 GR: 1
PL: 1 HU: 1 CZ: 1 TR: 1 ZA: 1 TW: 1 RU:1
BR: 1 CN: 1 NZ: 1 MY: 1 TH: 1 UNIV: 1 EU: 1
13 Functi Caller ID Connect setting 965 Line1 0 0~1 SYS Sets to connect to "Caller ID Display" line. 1 Def Yes H
on Display 0: Not connect to "Caller ID Display" line
mode 1: Connect to "Caller ID Display" line
* Caller ID is not displayed in MFP.
* This code is valid for JP only.

Function mode 17 Ver01

13 Mode Element Sub Element Item Sub item Code Sub- Details Default Acceptable Save Contents Proce Service Cloning Backup Keeping
Code value value location dure UI Value
13 Functi Caller ID Connect setting 966 Line2 0 0~1 SYS Sets to connect to "Caller ID Display" line. 1 Def Yes H
on Display 0: Not connect to "Caller ID Display" line
mode 1: Connect to "Caller ID Display" line
* Caller ID is not displayed in MFP.
* This code is valid for JP only.
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Report 970 Format of address Refer to 0~2 SYS Sets the format of the address for 1 - Yes H
on for contents transmission/reception journal.
mode transmission/recept 0: Conventional 1: DTS 2: US
ion journal <Default value>
JP: 0 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 2 DE: 1
GB: 1 IT: 1 BE : 1 NL: 1 FI: 1 ES: 1 AT: 1
CH: 1 SE: 1 DK: 1 NO: 1 PT: 1 FR: 1 GR: 1
PL: 1 HU: 1 CZ: 1 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU:1
BR: 2 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 1
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Print 979 Shift printing 0 0~1 SYS Prints the received document by shifting it to the 1 Def Yes H
on upper edge of the image by approx. 3 mm.
mode 0: OFF 1: ON
13 Functi Communicati V.34 TX speed limit 980 V. 17 notification Refer to 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to transmit the final 1 Def Yes H
on on contents document waiting to be redialed due to a
mode communication error during V.34 transmission,
for V.17 transmission.
0: OFF 1: ON
<Default value>
JP: 1 ASIA: 0 AU: 0 HK: 0 US/CA: 0 DE: 0
GB: 0 IT: 0 BE : 0 NL: 0 FI: 0 ES: 0 AT: 0
CH: 0 SE: 0 DK: 0 NO: 0 PT: 0 FR: 0 GR: 0
PL: 0 HU: 0 CZ: 0 TR: 0 ZA: 0 TW: 0 RU: 0
BR: 0 CN: 0 NZ: 0 MY: 0 TH: 0 UNIV: 0 EU: 0
13 Functi Communicati V.34 981 Transmission level 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether or not to perform transmission 1 Def Yes H
on on change by reducing the transmission level by 3 dB when
mode a communication error occurs during V.34
0: OFF 1: ON
13 Functi Fax/IP Fax Job Retransmission 983 Start page setting 0 0~1 SYS Selects whether to start to send a page following 1 Def Yes H
on the one that has been sent or always start to
mode resend the first page for Fax/IP Fax recovery
0: Start to send a page following the one that has
been sent
1: Always start to resend the first page

Function mode 18 Ver01

e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC

Code 05 TEST PRINT 81 Printer gamma correction table confirmation pattern(Thick3/PS/600dpi)

1 Grid pattern 1 (Monochrome)

82 Printer gamma correction table creation pattern(Thick4/PS/600dpi)

3 Grid pattern 1 (Monochrome/Duplex)

83 Printer gamma correction table confirmation pattern(Thick4/PS/600dpi)

4 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/All media types)

84 Printer gamma correction table creation pattern(Special1/PS/600dpi)

6 Copier gamma confirmation pattern (Monochrome/All media types)

85 Printer gamma correction table confirmation pattern(Special1/PS/600dpi)

7 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/All media types)

86 Printer gamma correction table creation pattern(Special 2/PS/600dpi)

8 Grid pattern 1 (Color)

87 Printer gamma correction table confirmation pattern(Special2/PS/600dpi)

50 DSDF Color correction pattern (Color/Plain)

88 Printer gamma correction table creation pattern(Specialer3/PS/600dpi)

52 DSDF Color correction pattern (Color/Thick)

89 Printer gamma correction table confirmation pattern(Special3/PS/600dpi)

55 Grid pattern 1 (Full Color/Thick2)

90 Printer gamma correction table creation pattern(Thin/PS/600dpi)

56 Grid pattern 1 (Full Color/Thick3)

91 Printer gamma correction table confirmation pattern(Thin/PS/600dpi)

57 Grid pattern 1 (Full Color/OHP)

98 Grid pattern 2 (For printing K(4)/Plain)

58 Grid pattern 1 (Monochrome/Thick2)

99 Grid pattern 2 (For printing K(4)/Thick1)

59 Grid pattern 1 (Monochrome/Thick3)

100 Grid pattern 1 (Full color/Thick1)

60 Grid pattern 1 (Monochrome/OHP)

101 Grid pattern 1 (Monochrome/Thick1)

70 Printer gamma correction table creation pattern(Plain/PS/600dpi)

104 Color deviation confirmation pattern (A3/LD)

71 Printer gamma correction table confirmation pattern(Plain/PS/600dpi)

200 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Plain)

72 Printer gamma correction table creation pattern(Thick/PS/600dpi)

201 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Plain)

73 Printer gamma correction table confirmation pattern(Thick/PS/600dpi)

202 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & black / Thick)

74 Printer gamma correction table creation pattern(Recycled/PS/600dpi)

203 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color / Thick)

75 Printer gamma correction table confirmation pattern(Recycled/PS/600dpi)

204 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Recycled)

76 Printer gamma correction table creation pattern(Thick1/PS/600dpi)

205 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Recycled)

77 Printer gamma correction table confirmation pattern(Thick1/PS/600dpi)

206 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Thick1)

78 Printer gamma correction table creation pattern(Thick2/PS/600dpi)

207 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Thick1)

79 Printer gamma correction table confirmation pattern(Thick2/PS/600dpi)

208 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Thick2)

80 Printer gamma correction table creation pattern(Thick3/PS/600dpi)

05 Test Print 1 05 Test Print 2

e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC

209 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Thick2) 242 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Thick paper 4/PS/1200dpi)

210 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Thick3) 243 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Thick paper 4/PS/1200dpi)

211 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Thick3) 244 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Special paper 1/PS/1200dpi)

212 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Thick4) 245 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Special paper 1/PS/1200dpi)

213 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Thick4) 246 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Special paper 2/PS/1200dpi)

214 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Special1) 247 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Special paper 2/PS/1200dpi)

215 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Special1) 248 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Special paper 3/PS/1200dpi)

216 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Special2) 249 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Special paper 3/PS/1200dpi)

217 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Special2) 250 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Thin paper/PS/1200dpi)

218 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Special3) 251 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Thin paper/PS/1200dpi)

219 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Special3) 315 Printer 4.2mm void image location confirmation pattern (Simplex)(A4/A4-R/LT/LT-R/A3/LD)

220 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Thin) 316 Printer 4.2mm void image location confirmation pattern (Duplex/Plain)(A4/A4-R/LT/LT-R/A3/LD)

221 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Thin) 317 Printer 4.2mm void image location confirmation pattern (Duplex/Thick1)(A4/A4-R/LT/LT-R/A3/LD)

230 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Plain/PS/1200dpi) 318 Printer 4.2mm void image location confirmation pattern (Duplex/Thick3)(A4/A4-R/LT/LT-R/A3/LD)

231 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Plain/PS/1200dpi) 321 Grid pattern 1 (Monochrome/Thick)

232 Printer gamma correction table creation pattern(Thick/PS/1200dpi) 322 Grid pattern 1 (Color/Thick)

233 Printer gamma correction table confirmation pattern(Thick/PS/1200dpi) 323 Grid pattern 1 (Monochrome/Thick/Duplex)

234 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Recycled/PS/1200dpi) 324 Grid pattern 2 (For printing K(4)/Thick)

235 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Recycled paper/PS/1200dpi) 326 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Monochrome/Thick)

236 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Thick paper 1/PS/1200dpi) 327 Color deviation confirmation pattern (A3/LD)(Thick)

237 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Thick paper 1/PS/1200dpi) 328 Printer 4.2mm void image location confirmation pattern (Simplex/Thick)(A4/A4-R/LT/LT-R/A3/LD)

238 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Thick paper 2/PS/1200dpi) 329 Printer 4.2mm void image location confirmation pattern (Duplex/Thick)(A4/A4-R/LT/LT-R/A3/LD)

239 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Thick paper 2/PS/1200dpi) 340 Primary scanning center position adjustment chart

240 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Thick paper 3/PS/1200dpi) 341 Position adjustment pattern (Plain)

241 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Thick paper 3/PS/1200dpi)

05 Test Print 3 05 Test Print 4

Appendix-1: Time zone area correspondence table for 08-9103 and 08-9105
08-9103 08-9105 Utilization area
0 0 (GMT+12:00) Wellington, Auckland
0 1 (GMT+12:00) Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.
0 2 (GMT-12:00) Ewinotek, Kwajalein
2 0 (GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia
4 0 (GMT+10:00) Brisbane
4 1 (GMT+10:00) Vladivostok
4 2 (GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
4 3 (GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby
4 4 (GMT+10:00) Hobart
5 0 (GMT+9:30) Adelaide
5 1 (GMT+9:30) Darwin
6 0 (GMT+9:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo
6 1 (GMT+9:00) Seoul
6 2 (GMT+9:00) Yakutsk
8 0 (GMT+8:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
8 1 (GMT+8:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar
8 2 (GMT+8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
8 3 (GMT+8:00) Perth
8 4 (GMT+8:00) Taipei
10 0 (GMT+7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
10 1 (GMT+7:00) Krasnoyarsk
11 0 (GMT+6:30) Rangoon
12 0 (GMT+6:00) Astana, Dhaka
12 2 (GMT+6:00) Almaty, Novosibirsk
12 3 (GMT+6:00) Sri Jayawardenepura
13 0 (GMT+5:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Chennai, New Delhi, Colombo
14 0 (GMT+5:00) Ekaterinburg
14 1 (GMT+5:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent
15 0 (GMT+4:30) Kabul
16 0 (GMT+4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat
16 1 (GMT+4:00) Baku, Tbilisi
17 0 (GMT+3:30) Tehran
18 0 (GMT+3:00) Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh
18 1 (GMT+3:00) Nairobi
18 2 (GMT+3:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd
20 0 (GMT+2:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk
20 1 (GMT+2:00) Israel
20 2 (GMT+2:00) Cairo
20 3 (GMT+2:00) Harare, Pretoria
20 4 (GMT+2:00) Bucharest
20 5 (GMT+2:00) Helsinki, Riga, Tallinn, Sofija, Vilnius
22 0 (GMT+1:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
22 1 (GMT+1:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb
22 2 (GMT+1:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
22 3 (GMT+1:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
22 4 (GMT+1:00) West Central Africa
24 0 (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
24 1 (GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia
26 0 (GMT-1:00) Azores, Cape Verde Is.
28 0 (GMT-2:00) Mid-Atlantic
30 0 (GMT-3:00) Brasilia
30 1 (GMT-3:00) Greenland
30 2 (GMT-3:00) Buenos Aires, Georgetown
31 0 (GMT-3:30) Newfoundland
32 0 (GMT-4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
32 1 (GMT-4:00) Caracas, La Paz
32 2 (GMT-4:00) Santiago
34 0 (GMT-5:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito
34 1 (GMT-5:00) Indiana (East)
34 2 (GMT-5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
36 0 (GMT-6:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
36 1 (GMT-6:00) Saskatchewan
36 2 (GMT-6:00) Mexico City, Tegucigalpa
36 3 (GMT-6:00) Central America
38 0 (GMT-7:00) Arizona
38 1 (GMT-7:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
40 0 (GMT-8:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana
42 0 (GMT-9:00) Alaska
44 0 (GMT-10:00) Hawaii
46 0 (GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa
46 1 (GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa

Setting example: When the equipment is used in the Auckland area:

Set “0” in 08-9103 and then “0” in 08-9105.

Ver Release Date Mode Contents

00 2018/6/20 Initial release

03 Input Check Deleted: F2(OFF)/F1(OFF)/F3(OFF) [5](H)

03 Output Check Added: 446

Added 8114-0~2
Contents 4019-0, 4866-0~3, 7675-0~5, 7676-0~5, 7679-0~5, 7680-0~5, 7681-0~5
Item 7100~7102, 7105, 7106, 7727~7738
Sub element, Item 7641-0~2, 7642-0~2, 7644-0~3, 7645-0~3, 7646-0~3, 7647-0~3, 7648-0~3, 7649-0~3, 7650-0~3,
7651-0~3, 7652-0~3, 7653-0~3
Details 7658, 7659, 7716, 7723, 8109-2, 8304-0~2, 8344
05 Adjustment mode Subitem 7667-0~5, 7668-0~5, 7794~7798, 7800, 7962-0~2, 7963-0~2, 7967-0~2, 7968-0~2, 7972-0~2, 7973-0~2,
7977-0~2, 7978-0~2
Subitem, Contents 7677-0~5, 7678-0~5
Item, Subitem 7707~7712, 7801~7806
Subitem, Details 7799
Sub element, Contents 7843-0~4
Sub element 7988-0~2, 7989-0~2, 7990-0~2, 7991-0~2, 7992-0~2, 7993-0~2, 7994-0~2, 7995-0~2

e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC 1
Ver Release Date Mode Contents
Added 1000, 1002-0, 1003-0, 1003-2, 1004-0, 1004-2, 1005-0, 1005-2, 1006-0, 1006-2, 1007-0, 1007-2, 1008-0,
1008-2, 1009-0, 1009-2, 1010-0, 1010-2, 1013-0, 1016-0, 1016-2, 1018-0, 1018-2, 1019-2, 1020-2, 1021-2, 1022-
2, 1023-0, 1024-0, 1025-0, 1026-0, 1027-0, 1028-0, 1029-0, 1030-0, 1051-0, 1051-2~3, 1052-0, 1052-2~3, 1054-0,
1058-0, 1058-2, 1061-0, 1061-2, 1062-0, 1062-2, 1064-0, 1064-2, 1067-0, 1067-2, 1068-0, 1068-2, 1069-0, 1069-
2~3, 1075-0, 1075-2~3, 1076-0, 1076-2~3, 1077-0, 1077-2~3, 1079-0, 1080-0, 1081-0, 1081-2~3, 1082-0, 1082-2~3,
1083, 3677-2, 3895, 3896, 4835, 4836-0~1, 6105-0~1, 6106-0~1, 8697, 8698, 8861, 8862, 8864, 8866~8868, 8869-0~9,
Deleted 8663
01 2019/1/21 Details 2492, 2495, 2496, 2498, 2500, 3647, 3881, 3883, 4780, 5364, 7003, 8660, 8728-3, 8900-2, 8920, 9061
Contents 2505, 2506, 3500, 3629, 3827, 3828, 3882, 4586, 4695, 4696, 4798-0~1, 6817, 7000, 7001, 7300, 7301, 7400,
7500, 8112, 8636, 8774, 8901, 8914-7, 9017, 9069-0~2, 9076, 9121, 9123, 9158-0~1, 9255, 9269, 9332, 9976, 9987
Sub element, Item, Contents 3642-0
Acceptable value, Contents 3642-2, 9289, 9296
08 Setting Mode
Sub element, Acceptable value, Contents 3642-3~5
Subitem 3654-2, 3692-0~2, 6062-0~1, 6069-0~1
Sub element, Details, Contents 3659
Sub element 3678, 3680-0~2, 8700, 8721
Default value, Contents 3681, 3682-0~2, 8850-0, 9200, 9298, 9307, 9984
Default value, Acceptable value, Contents 3726
Item 3847, 8986~8989
Sub element, Contents 3875
Item, Contents 6078-0~1, 8611
Sub element, Details 8631
Default value 8729, 8796, 8797, 8981, 8982
Details, Contents 8924
Cloning 8977-0~2
Added 750~759, 761, 762
Element, Sub element, Item 128, 135, 346, 370, 371, 575, 593
Details 251
Sub element 329, 434
13 Function Mode Acceptable value, Contents 335
Element, Sub element, Acceptable value, Contents 355
Element, Sub element 356, 375, 377~379, 394, 517~520, 578, 584, 922, 924, 926, 927, 962, 970, 979
Element, Sub element, Default value, Contents 368
Element, Sub element, Item, Contents 586, 587, 594, 595, 983

e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC 2

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