e-STUDIO - 3015AC - 3515AC - 5015AC - Self Diagnosis - Codes - V1
e-STUDIO - 3015AC - 3515AC - 5015AC - Self Diagnosis - Codes - V1
e-STUDIO - 3015AC - 3515AC - 5015AC - Self Diagnosis - Codes - V1
Test Print (05) Codes
Code List Version Ver01 © 2018, 2019 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights
SM Version Ver00 Under the copyright laws, this manual cannot be
SYS Version TC01HD0W120x reproduced in any form without prior written permission
Publish Date January 2019
Explanatory notes 05/08/13 codes: Supplemental explanation for the items
Save location
Model name Expression in code list SYS: SYS board
M: LGC board
e-STUDIO2515AC 25ppm Indicating the saved FIN: Finisher board
e-STUDIO3015AC 30ppm location of the setting H/S: HDD/SSD
e-STUDIO3515AC 35ppm values. FROM: FROM
e-STUDIO4515AC 45ppm SCN: CCD board
-: Not saved
e-STUDIO5015AC 50ppm Cloning
Def: Default Settings
Indicating the category in Net: Network/Print Service
which cloning data are Sec: Security
stored. User: User Management
-: Cloning not made
Indicating the possibility to perform backup by means of the backup functions or the back-
up/restoring utilities.
Keeping Value
Indicating whether the H: Values are retained even after formatting the HDD.
values are retained after S: Values are retained even after performing the SRAM clear.
replacing the HDD or HS: Values are retained even after formatting the HDD and
initializing the SYS performing the SRAM clear.
board. -: Values not retained
7+,6(48,30(17 WKH0)3DVSRVVLEOH
Vorsicht: Vor Benutzung der Manschette der Betätigung des Armbandes, das Netzkabel des
WARTUNG Gerätes herausziehen und prüfen, dass es in der Nähe keine geladenen
Gegenstände, die nicht isoliert sind, gibt.
Die Installation und die Wartung sind von einem qualifizierten Service-
Techniker durchzuführen. - Setzen Sie sich während der Wartungsarbeiten nicht dem Laserstrahl aus. Dieses Gerät ist mit
einer Laserdiode ausgestattet. Es ist unbedingt zu vermeiden, direkt in den Laserstrahl zu
blicken. Keine reflektierenden Teile oder Werkzeuge, wie z. B. Schraubendreher, in den Pfad des
1. Transport/Installation
Laserstrahls halten. Vor den Wartungsarbeiten sämtliche reflektierenden Metallgegenstände, wie
- Zum Transportieren/Installieren des Gerätes werden 2 Personen benötigt. Nur an den in der
Uhren, Ringe usw., entfernen.
Abbildung gezeigten Stellen tragen.
- Auf keinen Fall Hochtemperaturbereiche, wie die Fixiereinheit, die Heizquelle und die
Das Gerät ist sehr schwer und wiegt etwa 78.1 kg; deshalb muss bei der Handhabung des
umliegenden Bereiche, berühren.
Geräts besonders aufgepasst werden.
- Auf keinen Fall Hochspannungsbereiche, wie die Ladeeinheiten, das Transferband, die zweite
Transferwalze, die Entwicklereinheit, den Hochspannungstransformator und das Netzgerät,
berühren. Insbesondere sollten die Platinen dieser Komponenten nicht berührt werden, da die
Kondensatoren usw. auch nach dem Ausschalten des Geräts noch elektrisch geladen sein
- Vor dem Berühren potenziell gefährlicher Bereiche (z. B. drehbare oder betriebsrelevante
Bereiche, wie Zahnräder, Riemen, Riemenscheiben, Lüfter und die Laseraustrittsöffnung der
optischen Lasereinheit) sicherstellen, dass das Gerät sich nicht bedienen lässt.
- Beim Entfernen von Abdeckungen vorsichtig vorgehen, da sich darunter scharfkantige
Komponenten befinden können.
- Bei Wartungsarbeiten am eingeschalteten Gerät dürfen keine unter Strom stehenden, drehbaren
oder betriebsrelevanten Bereiche berührt werden. Nicht direkt in den Laserstrahl blicken.
- Ausschließlich vorgesehene Werkzeuge und Hilfsmittel verwenden.
- Beim Transportieren des Geräts nicht an den beweglichen Teilen oder Einheiten (z.B. das
- Empfohlene oder gleichwertige Messgeräte verwenden.
Bedienungsfeld, die Duplexeinheit oder die automatische Dokumentenzuführung) halten.
- Nach Abschluss der Wartungsarbeiten das Gerät in den ursprünglichen Zustand zurück
- Eine spezielle Steckdose mit Stromversorgung von AC 110V/15A, 120V/12A, 220-240V/8A als
versetzen und den einwandfreien Betrieb überprüfen.
Stromquelle verwenden.
- Das berührungsempfindliche Bedienungsfeld stets vorsichtig handhaben und keinen Stößen
- Das Gerät ist aus Sicherheitsgründen zu erden.
aussetzen. Wenn die Oberfläche beschädigt wird, kann dies zu Funktionsstörungen führen.
- Einen geeigneten Standort für die Installation wählen. Standorte mit zuviel Hitze, hoher
- Bewahren Sie Kunststofftüten kindersicher auf. Es besteht Erstickungsgefahr, wenn sich Kinder
Luftfeuchtigkeit, Staub, Vibrieren und direkter Sonneneinstrahlung sind zu vermeiden.
beim Spielen eine Kunststofftüte über den Kopf ziehen. Bitte nehmen Sie die Kunststofftüten von
- Für ausreichende Belüftung sorgen, da das Gerät etwas Ozon abgibt.
Optionen oder Serviceparts wieder zurück.
- Um einen optimalen Kopierbetrieb zu gewährleisten, muss ein Abstand von mindestens 80 cm
- Wenn der Schutzmantel eines Kabels oder die Steckerisolierung beschädigt werden, besteht
links, 80 cm rechts und 20 cm dahinter eingehalten werden.
Brandgefahr oder die Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlags. Um dies zu vermeiden, sollten Kabel in
- Das Gerät ist in der Nähe der Steckdose zu installieren; diese muss leicht zu erreichen sein.
der gleichen Weise verlegt werden, wie sie vor der Demontage/dem Transport verlegt waren.
- Nach der Installation muss das Netzkabel richtig hineingesteckt und befestigt werden, damit
niemand darüber stolpern kann.
3. Allgemeine Sicherheïtsmassnahmen
- Falls der Auspackungsstandort und der Installationsstandort des Geräts verschieden sind, die
- Die Verfahren sind zu überprüfen und wie im Wartungshandbuch beschrieben durchzuführen.
Bildqualitätsjustierung (automatische Gammajustierung) je nach der Temperatur und
- Vorsichtig, dass Sie nicht umfallen.
Luftfeuchtigkeit des Installationsstandorts und der Papiersorte, die verwendet wird, durchführen.
- Um Aussetzung zur Haut zur vermeiden, tragen Sie wenn nötig Schutzhandschuhe.
4. Sicherheitsrelevante Wartungsteile
2. Allgemeine Sicherheitsmassnahmen in bezug auf die Wartung
- Der Leistungsschutzschalter, der Türschalter, die Sicherung, der Thermostat, die
- Während der Wartung das Gerät ausschalten und das Netzkabel herausziehen (ausser Wartung,
Thermosicherung, der Thermistor, der Akkus, die IC-RAMs einschließlich der Lithiumakkus usw.
die bei einem eingeschalteten Gerät, durchgeführt werden muss).
sind besonders sicherheitsrelevant. Sie müssen unbedingt korrekt gehandhabt und installiert
- Das Netzkabel herausziehen und den Bereich um die Steckerpole und die Steckdose die
werden. Wenn diese Teile kurzgeschlossen und funktionsunfähig werden, kann dies zu
Umgebung in der Nähe von den Steckerzacken und der Steckdose wenigstens einmal im Jahr
schwerwiegenden Schäden, wie einer Explosion oder einem Abbrand, führen. Kurzschlüsse sind
reinigen. Wenn Staub sich in dieser Gegend ansammelt, kann dies ein Feuer verursachen.
zu vermeiden, und es sind ausschließlich Teile zu verwenden, die von der Toshiba TEC
- Die Sicherung kann eingeschaltet bleiben. Der Stromstecker sollte jedoch gezogen werden,
Corporation empfohlen sind.
damit die internen Leiter von der Phase getrennt sind.
- Wenn die Teile auseinandergenommen werden, wenn nicht anders in diesem Handbuch usw
5. Warnetiketten
erklärt, ist das Zusammenbauen in umgekehrter Reihenfolge durchzuführen. Aufpassen, dass
- Im Rahmen der Wartung unbedingt das Leistungsschild und die Etiketten mit Warnhinweisen
kleine Teile wie Schrauben, Dichtungsringe, Bolzen, E-Ringe, Stern-Dichtungsringe,
überprüfen [z. B. „Unplug the power cable during service“ („Netzkabel vor Beginn der
Kabelbäume nicht an den verkehrten Stellen eingebaut werden.
Wartungsarbeiten abziehen“), „CAUTION. HOT“ („VORSICHT, HEISS“), „CAUTION. HIGH
- Grundsätzlich darf das Gerät mit enfernten oder auseinandergenommenen Teilen nicht in
Betrieb genommen werden.
LASER“) usw.], um sicherzustellen, dass sie nicht verschmutzt sind und korrekt am Gerät
- Das PC-Board muss in einer Anti-elektrostatischen Hülle gelagert werden. Nur Mit einer
angebracht sind.
Manschette bei Betätigung eines Armbandes anfassen, sonst könnte es sein, dass die
integrierten Schaltkreise durch statische Elektrizität beschädigt werden.
6. Entsorgung des Geräts, der Verbrauchs- und Verpackungsmaterialien
- In Bezug auf die Entsorgung und Wiederverwertung des Geräts, der Verbrauchs- und
Verpackungsmaterialien, sind die einschlägigen nationalen oder regionalen Vorschriften zu
1 Input check
The status of each input signal can be checked by operating the [F1], [F2], [F3] and the digital keys.
<Operation procedure>
[FS] [03] [START] [Digital keys] (LCD ON)
[F3] mode OFF
• When the [START] button is pressed, the equipment enters the input check mode and the following screen appears.
• "100%" is displayed on the input check mode ready screen. "C%" is displayed when [F1] is turned ON. "F%" is displayed when [F2] is turned ON. "S%" is dis-
played when [F3] is turned ON.
• The PRINT DATA lamp blinks when the input check is running.
Fig. 1
2 Output check
The status of the output signal can be checked.
Fig. 2
<Operation procedure>
Procedure 1
Procedure 2
*1 To perform the fax line 2 test, press the [F2] key to switch the line mode. (By pressing the [F2] key, the line mode is switched between line1 and line 2.)
Procedure 3
Procedure 4
Procedure 5
*1 To perform the fax line 2 test, press the [F2] key to switch the line mode. (By pressing the [F2] key, the line mode is switched between line1 and line 2.)
The embedded test pattern can be printed out.
<Operation procedure>
Procedure 1
Procedure 2
Procedure 5
[FS] [04] (Code) (Media (Color [Digital key] [START] Operation [CLEAR] Self-diagnostic
selection) selection) (Input density) (Continuous mode OFF
[CLEAR] Test Print)
• When an error occurs, it is indicated on the panel, but the recovery operation is not performed. Turn OFF the power and then back ON to clear the error.
• During test printing, [CLEAR] is disabled when “Wait adding toner” is displayed.
In the (Color selection) of <Procedure 2> or <Procedure 5>, the printing method is different between [K(1)] and [K(4)] as follows.
• [K(1)]: Printing by bringing one K color developer unit into contact with the transfer belt
• [K(4)]: The developer units of four (YMCK) colors are brought into contact with the transfer belt, but the test pattern is printed in K color only.
* The number in parentheses indicates the contact of the developer unit and the transfer belt.
Various adjustments can be performed.
<Operation procedure>
• [05] indicates that the equipment is shifted to the [CLASSIC] mode after [05 ADJUSTMENT MODE] is selected.
• The procedure indicated by the dotted lines should be performed when a check using a printout is required.
Procedure 1
[Digital key]
[Digital key] Self-diagnostic
(Code) mode OFF
(Key in a value) Stores value
(Corrects value)
Procedure 2
Procedure 3
[Digital key] or [OK] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [05] [START]
(Code) [DOWN] mode OFF
(Stores value in RAM)
(Adjust a value) TEST COPY
(Corrects value)
Procedure 4
[FS] [05] [Digital key] [START] [Digital key] [START] [Digital key] [OK]
mode OFF
(Code) (Sub code) *[FUNCTION CLEAR] Stores value
(Key in a value)
(Corrects value) [CLEAR] START
(Corrects value)
Procedure 5
[FS] [05] [Digital key] [START] Automatic [OK] Self-diagnostic
adjustment mode OFF
(Code) Stores value
Procedure 6
Procedure 7
[Digital key] [Digital key] Automatic Self-diagnostic
[FS] [05] [START] [START] Stores value
(Code) (Sub-code) adjustment mode OFF
in RAM
(Corrects value) START
Procedure 10
Procedure 12
Procedure 14
[UP] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [05] [Digital key] [START] [Digital key] [START] or [OK] mode OFF
(Code) (Sub-code) [DOWN] Stores value
(Adjust a value) in RAM TEST COPY
Procedure 17
[UP] [UP]
[ ]
or Automatic or Self-diagnostic
[FS] [05] [Digital key]
[DOWN] ( adjustment ) [DOWN] [OK]
mode OFF
(Adjust a value) (Adjust a value) Stores value
in RAM
* The automatic adjustment starts when 2 minutes have passed after the [START] button is pressed.
The fuser belt / fuser roller temperature control at the adjustment mode is different from that in the normal state. Therefore, the problem of the fusing efficiency
may occur in the test copying in the adjustment mode. In that case, turn ON the power normally, leave the equipment for approx. 3 minutes after it has entered
the ready state and then start up the adjustment mode again.
<Operation procedure>
One sheet of the test print for various patterns can be printed out by entering a 1 to 3-digit code and pressing [TEST PRINT] in the [CLASSIC] Mode standby screen
Various settings can be set.
<Operation procedure>
[08] indicates that the equipment is shifted to the [CLASSIC] mode after [08 SETTING MODE] is selected.
Procedure 1
[Digital key] [Digital key] [OK] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [08] [START]
(Code) *[FUNCTION CLEAR] (Stores value in RAM) mode OFF
Sets or
changes value
(Corrects value)
Procedure 2
Procedure 3
Procedure 4
[Digital key] [Digital key] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [08] [START] [START] [Digital key] [OK]
(Code) (Sub-code) mode OFF
* [FUNCTION CLEAR] (Stores value
Sets or in RAM)
changes value
(Corrects value) (Corrects value)
Procedure 5
[Digital key] [Digital key] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [08] [START] [OK]
(Code) Sets or mode OFF
changes value (Stores value in RAM)
(Corrects value)
Procedure 9
[Digital key] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [08] [START] [Select icon] [OK]
(Code) mode OFF
(Stores value in RAM)
(Corrects value)
- 10 -
Procedure 10
Procedure 11
*1 [Digital key]
[Digital key] [Digital key] *1 or [OK] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [08] [START] [START]
(Code) (Sub-code) [Software keyboard] (Stores value in RAM) mode OFF
*2 [PAUSE]
Sets or
changes value [CLEAR]
(Corrects value)
*1 If there is no sub-code, entry is unnecessary.
*2 Press [MONITOR/PAUSE] to enter (-) when inputting a telephone number.
Procedure 14
[Digital key] [Digital key] Self-diagnostic
[FS] [08] [START] [START] [OK]
(Code) (Sub-code) mode OFF
Adjustment value
cannot be changed
(Corrects value)
- 11 -
Various fax functions can be set.
The data automatically received during the self-diagnostic mode are sometimes not printed. Therefore, be sure to disconnect the modular cord form the line
connector (LINE1, LINE2) of the equipment before starting the self-diagnostic mode. After the equipment is released from the self-diagnostic mode, reconnect
the modular cord.
1. Setting procedure
The setting value of the specified code can be changed.
<Operation procedure>
[Digital key]
[FS] [FAX] [13] [START] [OK] [POWER] OFF
Adjustment value
cannot be changed
2. Confirmation procedure
<Operation procedure>
[Digital key]
[FS] [FAX] [13] [START] [Digital key] [OK] [POWER] OFF
Sets or (Stores value
changes value in RAM)
(Corrects value)
- 12 -
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC
Input check (Test mode 03) A New/Old drum detection (K) Old New
B New/Old drum detection (C) Old New
Items to be checked and the condition of the equipment when the buttons [A] to [H] are highlighted are C New/Old drum detection (M) Old New
listed on the following pages. D New/Old drum detection (Y) Old New
E - - -
[F2] button: OFF/[F1] button: OFF/[F3] button: OFF F - - -
("100%" is displayed.) G - - -
H - - -
Contents Stop/Non-regular
A Drum / TBU motor Normal rotation
Highlighted display Normal display rotation
Digital Stop/Non-regular
Button Items to check (H) (L) B Fuser motor Normal rotation
key rotation
e.g. e.g.
C Paper feeding/developer unit drive motor Normal rotation
[5] rotation
A 1st drawer paper width detection sensor 3 OFF ON D Waste toner box full detection sensor Shielded Transmissive
B 1st drawer paper width detection sensor 2 OFF ON E Polygonal motor Normal rotation
F - - -
C 1st drawer paper width detection sensor 1 OFF ON G - - -
H - - -
D 1st drawer paper width detection sensor 0 OFF ON A Fuser belt rotation detection sensor Shielded Transmissive
[1] B Fusing abnormality Normal Abnormal
E 1st drawer paper length detection sensor 3 OFF ON C Fuser belt rotation status Stop Rotation
D IH OFF latch detection signal Normal AC power OFF
F 1st drawer paper length detection sensor 2 OFF ON [6]
E - - -
F - - -
G 1st drawer paper length detection sensor 1 OFF ON G - - -
H - - -
H 1st drawer paper length detection sensor 0 OFF ON A Side cover switch Open Closed
Bypass feed paper width detection sensor 3
A OFF (H) ON (L) JSP cover open detection /
(Refer to table1) B Closed Open
Bridge unit cover open detection
Bypass feed paper width detection sensor 2
B OFF (H) ON (L)
(Refer to table1) C Front cover switch Open Closed
Bypass feed paper width detection sensor 1 [7] Open/Blowout of
C OFF (H) ON (L) D Cover open detection switch Normal
(Refer to table1) 24V fuse
[2] Power off/Not
Bypass feed paper width detection sensor 0 E SYS power supply 1 In power supply
D OFF (H) ON (L) connected
(Refer to table1)
E Bypass feed sensor No paper Paper present Power off/Not
F SYS power supply 2 (only 45/50ppm) In power supply
F Registration sensor (PFC detection) Paper present No paper connected
G Exit sensor (PFC detection) No paper Paper present G - - -
Jam access cover opening/closing switch H - - -
H Open Closed
(PFC detection) A Developer unit connection detection (K) Not connected Connected
A Option connection detection signal B (Refer to table2) (Refer to table2)
B Option connection detection signal A (Refer to table2) (Refer to table2) B Developer unit connection detection (C) Not connected Connected
C Option connection detection signal C (Refer to table2) (Refer to table2)
D Finisher connection detection Not connected Connected C Developer unit connection detection (M) Not connected Connected
E Fuser unit connection detection Connected Not connected
F - - - [8] D Developer unit connection detection (Y) Not connected Connected
G - - -
H - - - Occurrence of
E High-voltage leak detection Normal
charging leak
F 1st transfer roller status detection sensor Black drive Color drive
G Drum switching detection sensor Color drive Black drive
H - - -
03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 1 Ver01 03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 2 Ver01
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC
A Registration sensor Paper present No paper [F2] button: ON/[F1] button: OFF/[F3] button OFF
B Feed sensor Paper present No paper ("F%" is displayed.)
C Exit sensor No paper Paper present
D Reverse sensor Paper present No paper Contents
E Paper clinging detection sensor No paper Paper present Digital Highlighted display Normal display
F Registration pass sensor Paper present No paper Button Items to check (H) (L)
G ADU entrance sensor Paper present No paper e.g. e.g.
H ADU exit sensor Paper present No paper
A Bridge unit transport sensor-1 (Entrance No paper Paper present A Image position aligning sensor (Rear) Toner present Toner not present
B Bridge unit transport sensor-2 (Exit sensor) No paper Paper present B Image position aligning sensor (Front) Toner present Toner not present
C Image position aligning sensor (Center) Toner present Toner not present
RLY ejection full sensor (When bridge unit D - - -
C Normal Full E - - -
is connected)
F - - -
[0] D JSP upper ejection tray full sensor Normal Full G - - -
Tray at upper limit Other than upper limit H - - -
E 1st drawer tray-up sensor
position position A New/Old detection of fuser unit New Old
F 1st drawer detection switch Open Closed B IH error input 1 (Refer to table 4) (Refer to table 4)
C IH error input 2 (Refer to table 4) (Refer to table 4)
G 1st drawer empty sensor No paper Paper present D IH error input 3 (Refer to table 4) (Refer to table 4)
H 1st drawer paper remaining sensor Shielded Transmissive E IH error input 4 (Refer to table 4) (Refer to table 4)
F IH power voltage destination check 0 (Refer to table 5) (Refer to table 5)
03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 3 Ver01 03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 4 Ver01
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC
A DSDF shading sheet home position sensor ON OFF [F2] button: OFF/[F1] button: ON/[F3] button OFF
B - - - ("C%" is displayed.)
DSDF lower cover opening/closing
C Cover opened Cover closed
detection sensor Contents
[6] D DSDF read-in sensor-2 Original present No original Highlighted display Normal display
E DSDF tray lift upper limit sensor ON OFF Button Items to check (H) (L)
F DSDF tray lift lower limit sensor ON OFF e.g. e.g.
G - - -
H - - - Temperature/humidity sensor (displays
RADF tray original length sensor [1] - - Temperature [°C]
A Original present No original temperature inside of the equipment)
DSDF tray original length sensor-1 Temperature/humidity sensor (displays
B RADF/DSDF original empty sensor Original present No original [2] - - Humidity [%RH]
humidity inside of the equipment)
RADF/DSDF upper cover opening/closing [3] - Drum thermistor temperature - Temperature [°C]
C Cover opened Cover closed
detection sensor [4] - - - -
[7] D - - - Tray at upper limit Other than upper limit
E RADF/DSDF exit sensor Original present No original A PFP upper drawer tray-up sensor
position position
F RADF intermediate sensor Original present No original B PFP upper drawer detection sensor Open Closed
RADF read-in sensor C PFP upper drawer paper empty sensor No paper Paper present
G Original present No original
DSDF read-in sensor-1 D PFP upper drawer paper nearly empty Shielded Transmissive
H RADF/DSDF registration sensor Original present No original Tray at upper limit Other than upper limit
E PFP lower drawer tray-up sensor
RADF original tray width sensor 3 position position
A OFF(H) ON(L) F PFP lower drawer detection sensor Open Closed
(Refer to table3)
G PFP lower drawer paper empty sensor No paper Paper present
RADF original tray width sensor 2 H PFP lower drawer paper nearly empty Shielded Transmissive
(Refer to table3) A PFP upper drawer paper width detection OFF ON
B PFP upper drawer paper width detection OFF ON
RADF original tray width sensor 1 C PFP upper drawer paper width detection OFF ON
[8] C OFF(H) ON(L)
(Refer to table3) D PFP upper drawer paper width detection OFF ON
D DSDF tray original length sensor-2 Original present No original PFP upper drawer paper length detection
RADF original length sensor [6] sensor 3
E Original present No original PFP upper drawer paper length detection
DSDF feed sensor F OFF ON
F RADF/DSDF original width sensor 1 Original present No original sensor 2
G RADF/DSDF original width sensor 2 Original present No original PFP upper drawer paper length detection
H - - - sensor 1
PFP upper drawer paper length detection
A 2nd drawer paper width detection sensor 3 OFF ON H OFF ON
sensor 0
B 2nd drawer paper width detection sensor 2 OFF ON A PFP lower drawer paper width detection OFF ON
B PFP lower drawer paper width detection OFF ON
C 2nd drawer paper width detection sensor 1 OFF ON C PFP lower drawer paper width detection OFF ON
D PFP lower drawer paper width detection OFF ON
D 2nd drawer paper width detection sensor 0 OFF ON PFP lower drawer paper length detection
[9] E OFF ON
[7] sensor 3
E 2nd drawer paper length detection sensor 3 OFF ON PFP lower drawer paper length detection
sensor 2
F 2nd drawer paper length detection sensor 2 OFF ON PFP lower drawer paper length detection
G 2nd drawer paper length detection sensor 1 OFF ON sensor 1
PFP lower drawer paper length detection
H 2nd drawer paper length detection sensor 0 OFF ON sensor 0
Paper feeding jam releasing cover
A Open Closed
opening/closing switch
B - - -
C PFP transport sensor (Upper) No paper Paper present
[0] D PFP transport sensor (Lower) No paper Paper present
E - - -
F - - -
H PFP motor Normal rotation
03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 5 Ver01 03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 6 Ver01
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC
Tray at upper limit Other than upper limit Table 1. Relation between the status of the bypass paper width sensor and paper size (width)
A LCF tray-up sensor
position position Bypass paper width sensor
Paper width size
3 2 1 0
B LCF feeding side drawer detection switch Open Closed
C LCF feeding side empty sensor No paper Paper present H L H H A4-R/LT-R
D LCF feeding side paper stock sensor Nearly empty Normal H H L H A5-R/ST-R
[8] Tray at bottom Other than bottom H H H L A6-R
E LCF feeding side bottom sensor
position position L L H H B4-R/LG
F - - - H L L H B5-R
Position after tray Other than position
G LCF end fence stop position sensor
transport after tray transport Table 2. Option connection detection signal
Other than home
H LCF end fence home position sensor Home position Detection signal Detection signal Detection signal
LCF jam access cover open/close detection B A C
A Closed Open No option is connected H H H
switch (5V)
Bridge unit is connected L L H
LCF standby side tray detection: Drawer JSP is connected H H L
B Open Closed
C LCF standby side empty sensor No paper Paper present Table 3. Relation between the status of the original tray width sensor and paper size (width)
D - - - Original tray width sensor Paper width size Paper width size
LCF standby side paper mis-stacking 3 2 1 (LT series) (A4 series)
E Properly loaded Paper misload H H L - B5-R
detection sensor
F LCF transport sensor No paper Paper present
H L L LD / LT A3 / A4
G - - -
Accelerating/Deceler 8.5x8.5 / LT-R /
H LCF transport motor Normal rotation LG / 13"LG
A - - - L L L COMPUTER B4 / B5
B - - - H (= high level): Open L (= low level): Short
C - - -
D Security enabler Connectable Not connectable Table 4. IH error input
[0] Judgement for acceptable USB storage Contents IH error input 4 IH error input 3 IH error input 2 IH error input 1
E Acceptable Not acceptable Power OFF (initial check
device (*1) L L L L
F - - - state)
G - - -
H - - - Ready state (without error) L L L H
[1] - LSU thermistor 1 temperature - Temperature [°C] Table 5. IH power voltage destination
[2] - LSU thermistor 2 temperature - Temperature [°C] 0 1
JPD (100V) H H
NAD(115V) H L
MJD (230V) L L
03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 7 Ver01 03 TEST MODE (Input Check) 8 Ver01
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC
03 TEST MODE (Output Check) 9 Ver01 03 TEST MODE (Output Check) 10 Ver01
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC
03 TEST MODE (Output Check) 11 Ver01 03 TEST MODE (Output Check) 12 Ver01
204 Grid pattern (color selection available) Pattern width: 1 dot, Pitch: 10 mm 1 LGC
205 Grid pattern (color selection available) Pattern width: 2 dot, Pitch: 10 mm 1 LGC
270 Image quality control test pattern For checking the image quality control 1 LGC
286 Writing light source check pattern Pattern width: 4 dot, 4 pattern 1 LGC
w/o GUI:
Remote scanning is operated on SSOP
application of eCOPY Inc.
w/ GUI:
Remote scanning is operated on TTEC-specific
Related code:
08-6084, 08-9128, 08-9892
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6093 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6093 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6094 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Print 6094 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6095 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter List 6095 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6096 0 Large size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Fax 6096 1 Small size 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 14 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 0 A3 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 1 A4 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 2 A5 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
08 Setting Counter Sheet counter Copy 6097 3 A6 0 0~9999999 SYS Number of sheets 4 - No H
mode 9
209 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Thick2) 242 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Thick paper 4/PS/1200dpi)
210 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Thick3) 243 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Thick paper 4/PS/1200dpi)
211 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Thick3) 244 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Special paper 1/PS/1200dpi)
212 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Thick4) 245 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Special paper 1/PS/1200dpi)
213 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Thick4) 246 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Special paper 2/PS/1200dpi)
214 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Special1) 247 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Special paper 2/PS/1200dpi)
215 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Special1) 248 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Special paper 3/PS/1200dpi)
216 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Special2) 249 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Special paper 3/PS/1200dpi)
217 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Special2) 250 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Thin paper/PS/1200dpi)
218 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Special3) 251 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Thin paper/PS/1200dpi)
219 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Special3) 315 Printer 4.2mm void image location confirmation pattern (Simplex)(A4/A4-R/LT/LT-R/A3/LD)
220 Copier gamma adjustment pattern(Color & Monochrome integrated/Thin) 316 Printer 4.2mm void image location confirmation pattern (Duplex/Plain)(A4/A4-R/LT/LT-R/A3/LD)
221 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Color/Thin) 317 Printer 4.2mm void image location confirmation pattern (Duplex/Thick1)(A4/A4-R/LT/LT-R/A3/LD)
230 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Plain/PS/1200dpi) 318 Printer 4.2mm void image location confirmation pattern (Duplex/Thick3)(A4/A4-R/LT/LT-R/A3/LD)
232 Printer gamma correction table creation pattern(Thick/PS/1200dpi) 322 Grid pattern 1 (Color/Thick)
233 Printer gamma correction table confirmation pattern(Thick/PS/1200dpi) 323 Grid pattern 1 (Monochrome/Thick/Duplex)
234 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Recycled/PS/1200dpi) 324 Grid pattern 2 (For printing K(4)/Thick)
235 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Recycled paper/PS/1200dpi) 326 Copier gamma confirmation pattern(Monochrome/Thick)
236 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Thick paper 1/PS/1200dpi) 327 Color deviation confirmation pattern (A3/LD)(Thick)
237 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Thick paper 1/PS/1200dpi) 328 Printer 4.2mm void image location confirmation pattern (Simplex/Thick)(A4/A4-R/LT/LT-R/A3/LD)
238 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Thick paper 2/PS/1200dpi) 329 Printer 4.2mm void image location confirmation pattern (Duplex/Thick)(A4/A4-R/LT/LT-R/A3/LD)
239 Printer gamma confirmation pattern(Thick paper 2/PS/1200dpi) 340 Primary scanning center position adjustment chart
240 Printer gamma adjustment pattern(Thick paper 3/PS/1200dpi) 341 Position adjustment pattern (Plain)
Added 8114-0~2
Contents 4019-0, 4866-0~3, 7675-0~5, 7676-0~5, 7679-0~5, 7680-0~5, 7681-0~5
Item 7100~7102, 7105, 7106, 7727~7738
Sub element, Item 7641-0~2, 7642-0~2, 7644-0~3, 7645-0~3, 7646-0~3, 7647-0~3, 7648-0~3, 7649-0~3, 7650-0~3,
7651-0~3, 7652-0~3, 7653-0~3
Details 7658, 7659, 7716, 7723, 8109-2, 8304-0~2, 8344
05 Adjustment mode Subitem 7667-0~5, 7668-0~5, 7794~7798, 7800, 7962-0~2, 7963-0~2, 7967-0~2, 7968-0~2, 7972-0~2, 7973-0~2,
7977-0~2, 7978-0~2
Subitem, Contents 7677-0~5, 7678-0~5
Item, Subitem 7707~7712, 7801~7806
Subitem, Details 7799
Sub element, Contents 7843-0~4
Sub element 7988-0~2, 7989-0~2, 7990-0~2, 7991-0~2, 7992-0~2, 7993-0~2, 7994-0~2, 7995-0~2
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC 1
Ver Release Date Mode Contents
Added 1000, 1002-0, 1003-0, 1003-2, 1004-0, 1004-2, 1005-0, 1005-2, 1006-0, 1006-2, 1007-0, 1007-2, 1008-0,
1008-2, 1009-0, 1009-2, 1010-0, 1010-2, 1013-0, 1016-0, 1016-2, 1018-0, 1018-2, 1019-2, 1020-2, 1021-2, 1022-
2, 1023-0, 1024-0, 1025-0, 1026-0, 1027-0, 1028-0, 1029-0, 1030-0, 1051-0, 1051-2~3, 1052-0, 1052-2~3, 1054-0,
1058-0, 1058-2, 1061-0, 1061-2, 1062-0, 1062-2, 1064-0, 1064-2, 1067-0, 1067-2, 1068-0, 1068-2, 1069-0, 1069-
2~3, 1075-0, 1075-2~3, 1076-0, 1076-2~3, 1077-0, 1077-2~3, 1079-0, 1080-0, 1081-0, 1081-2~3, 1082-0, 1082-2~3,
1083, 3677-2, 3895, 3896, 4835, 4836-0~1, 6105-0~1, 6106-0~1, 8697, 8698, 8861, 8862, 8864, 8866~8868, 8869-0~9,
Deleted 8663
01 2019/1/21 Details 2492, 2495, 2496, 2498, 2500, 3647, 3881, 3883, 4780, 5364, 7003, 8660, 8728-3, 8900-2, 8920, 9061
Contents 2505, 2506, 3500, 3629, 3827, 3828, 3882, 4586, 4695, 4696, 4798-0~1, 6817, 7000, 7001, 7300, 7301, 7400,
7500, 8112, 8636, 8774, 8901, 8914-7, 9017, 9069-0~2, 9076, 9121, 9123, 9158-0~1, 9255, 9269, 9332, 9976, 9987
Sub element, Item, Contents 3642-0
Acceptable value, Contents 3642-2, 9289, 9296
08 Setting Mode
Sub element, Acceptable value, Contents 3642-3~5
Subitem 3654-2, 3692-0~2, 6062-0~1, 6069-0~1
Sub element, Details, Contents 3659
Sub element 3678, 3680-0~2, 8700, 8721
Default value, Contents 3681, 3682-0~2, 8850-0, 9200, 9298, 9307, 9984
Default value, Acceptable value, Contents 3726
Item 3847, 8986~8989
Sub element, Contents 3875
Item, Contents 6078-0~1, 8611
Sub element, Details 8631
Default value 8729, 8796, 8797, 8981, 8982
Details, Contents 8924
Cloning 8977-0~2
Added 750~759, 761, 762
Element, Sub element, Item 128, 135, 346, 370, 371, 575, 593
Details 251
Sub element 329, 434
13 Function Mode Acceptable value, Contents 335
Element, Sub element, Acceptable value, Contents 355
Element, Sub element 356, 375, 377~379, 394, 517~520, 578, 584, 922, 924, 926, 927, 962, 970, 979
Element, Sub element, Default value, Contents 368
Element, Sub element, Item, Contents 586, 587, 594, 595, 983
e-STUDIO2515AC/3015AC/3515AC/4515AC/5015AC 2