Human Captital Formation

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Q1. Before introducing new technology, a firm provides the basic skills to the workers regarding its usage.
This is which source of human capital formation?
(a)Study programs for adults (b) On the job training
(c) Expenditure on information (d) Investment in education

Q2. Which of the following is the CORRECT difference between physical and human capital?
a) Physical capital can be sold but human capital cannot be sold.
b) Physical capital cannot be separated from its owner while human capital can.
c) Physical capital provides both private and social benefits while human capital provides only social
d) The depreciation of physical capital can be arrested with more investment while human capital will
continue to deplete.

Q3. __________ five year plan recognized the importance of Human Capital.
a) Third b) Seventh c) Eighth d) Sixth

Q4. Identify which of following is associated with problems of Human Capital Formation?
(i) Brain Drain (ii) Low Academic Standards (iii) Rising Population (iv) Change in Social
a) (i) and (ii) b) (ii) and (iii) c) (i), (ii) and )iii) d) (i) and (iv)

Q5. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a) Productivity of physical capital is substantially enhanced with the improvement in human capital
b) Cause and effect relationship can be easily established from the growth of human capital to economic
c) expenditure on education turns human beings into human capital
d) Poor health and under nourishment adversely affect the quality of Manpower

Q6. Identify the correct statement:

a) Government spends more on tertiary education as compared to elementary education
b) Education Commission has recommended that it is 6% of GDP that should be spent on education
c) In 2007, the Government of India enacted right to education act
d) 2% of education cess was imposed on all the union taxes which was to be spent on primary education

Q7. Which of the following could aid in human capital formation?

a) expanding the labour market by increasing supply of jobs
b) creating larger Industries with more Complex equipments
c) creating open markets with increase stability
d) promoting gender equality in the family

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Q1. “Dr. Kapoor, a dentist ran a clinic in his small home town in Gorakhpur. He was earning comparatively
low income. So he decided to move to city and spend a huge amount for the same.” Identify and explain the
type of expenditure incurred by Dr. Kapoor which directly contributed to process of HCF.

Q2. Cause and effect relationship between Human capital formation and Economic growth can be easily
proved. Comment.

Q3. “Ravya was initially working as an office clerk in a firm. In pursuit to attain a higher position and income,
she attended few workshops and training sessions.” Explain the impact of Ravya’s decision on Human
Capital Formation.

Q4. “Education commission 1964-66 has recommended atleast 6 % of GDP must be spent on education”.
How far is India to achieve the said goal?

Q5. State, giving valid reasons whether the following statements are true or false.
a. Since independence, the benefits of the increase in economic growth in India have trickled down to the
people at the bottom of population pyramid.
b. Human Capital Formation gives birth to innovation, invention and technological improvements.

Q6. Why do we see regional differences in educational attainments in India?

Q7. How is human development a broader term as compared to human capital?

Q8. “There is a downward trend in inequality worldwide with a rise in average education level” Comment

Q9. “Physical capital creates only private benefit whereas Human Capital benefits not only the owner but
also society in general.” Elaborate.

Q10. Discuss the need for promoting women’s education in India.

Q11. Explain why Government intervention is essential in Education and health sector?

Q12. Explain the Symbolism of Pyramid in context to Indian Education system.

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