Voith Water Tractor Maneuver Manual - Voith Turbo
Voith Water Tractor Maneuver Manual - Voith Turbo
Voith Water Tractor Maneuver Manual - Voith Turbo
The Voith Water Tractor The True Tractor The introduction of such tractor
Maneuver Manual is an edu- Configuration tugs, generally known as Voith
cational tool mainly intended Water Tractors, with their free
for tug masters to explain the In the early 1950’s the German running speeds of up to 15 knots
principles of ship handling company Voith developed the Voith and bollard pulls of up to 100 tons,
and maneuvering. Water Tractor concept in response has revolutionized worldwide ship-
to tug losses through girting and handling in respect to safety and
It describes the various pos- being overrun under a ship’s bow. efficiency.
sibilities for safe and effective
use of a Voith Water Tractor. The fundamental innovation was
that the Voith Schneider Propellers
were arranged forward and the
towing point aft of the tug’s pivot
point to avoid the unstable equilib-
rium of forces existing on conven-
tional as well as on ASD tugs on
which both the towing point and
the propulsion are aft.
4 1
Logical arrangement of the assistance for the tow. The skeg 6. The VWT is operated from the
VWT key components shifts the center of lateral resis- control stand in the wheelhouse.
tance aft, thus increasing lever- Depending on the vessel size
1. The VSPs are located in the age between propeller thrust and one or several synchronized
foreship, with free inflow and pivot point. It also ensures ade- control stands may be used. The
outflow in all directions. The quate course stability when steering system is usually con-
thrust forces act ahead of the running either bow or skeg first. nected mechanically to the
tug’s axis of rotation. propellers to permit direct con-
5. The towing gear (staple and trol of the system and avoid the
2. A protective guard is fitted winch) is located aft of the ves- risk of steering system failure.
underneath the propellers. It sel’s centre of rotation (pivot The CAN bus-controlled electri-
creates a nozzle effect which point). cal steering system developed
increases the propeller thrust. In together with the Bosch Rexroth
addition the guard protects the Group provides the highest
propeller blades against running safety standard.
aground and supports the vessel
when docking. The Voith Water Tractor is a
functional vessel with integrated
3. The hull is an integrated part of Voith Schneider Propellers (VSP).
the system, creating lift for the
indirect steering and ensuring
low resistance in transit.
Thrust vector diagram All this is accomplished with mini- The thrust is controlled according
mum expenditure of time and to the Cartesian coordinates:
Voith Water Tractors utilize the ensuring maximum safety for the The pitch levers control the magni-
unique cycloidal propulsion system escorted/towed vessel, the assist- tude of longitudinal thrust and the
(Voith Schneider Propeller), repre- ing tractor(s), their crews, and the wheel controls the magnitude of
senting state-of-the-art technology port facilities. With its cycloidal transversal thrust.
in shiphandling. propulsion system the Voith Water
Voith Water Tractors escort tankers Tractor can thrust directly in any
and assist ships and tows in and direction without any undesired
out of harbors and waterways and steering moment. It allows the
into and out of docks and berths. maneuvering of large vessels into
confined channels and docks with
optimum utilization of power and
Use of wheel and pitch levers
10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
100% Fig. 1: With both pitch levers
pitch levers full ahead or astern set to full ahead (pitch 10),
10 the wheel changes the
8 wheel at “zero”
6 thrust ahead (astern) = 100 % direction of thrust.
4 transverse thrust = 0%
2 50
0 This means that with the
2 pitch levers set to full ahead
4 or astern and the wheel set
8 to zero the thrust ahead
Fig. 1 10 (astern) is 100%. The trans-
verse thrust is 0%.
100% 50 0 50 100%
10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
100% Fig. 2: With the pitch levers
pitch levers full ahead (astern) set to full ahead (astern) and
10 the wheel set to approx. 5
8 wheel approx. 5 port (starboard)
6 thrust ahead (astern) port (starboard), the thrust
4 approx. 55 % ahead (astern) is approx.
2 50
transverse thrust approx. 45 % 55%, the transverse thrust is
2 approx. 45%.
Fig. 2 10
100% 50 0 50 100%
10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
100% Fig. 3: With the pitch levers
pitch levers full ahead (astern) set to full ahead (10) (astern)
8 wheel at 10 port (starboard) and the wheel set to 10 port
6 thrust ahead (astern) = 25 % (starboard), the thrust ahead
4 transverse thrust 75 % (astern) is 25% and the
2 50
0 transverse thrust is 75%.
Fig. 3 10
100% 50 0 50 100%
10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
100% Fig. 4: With pitch levers set
pitch levers at zero to zero and the wheel set to
10 10 port (starboard), the resul-
8 wheel at 10 port (starboard)
6 thrust ahead (astern) = 0% ting thrust to the side is 100%.
4 transverse thrust 100%
2 50
Lateral transition is generally
2 done using the wheel which
4 overrides longitudinal thrust.
Fig. 4 10
100% 50 0 50 100%
Tractor Manouvers
rpm pitch 10 pitch 8
free running pulling
1000 14.2 knots 50 tons
950 13.5 knots 45 tons
900 12.8 knots 40 tons
800 11.4 knots 32 tons
700 10.0 knots 25 tons
600 8.5 knots 18 tons
Control system
1. Tractor at work The pitch restrictor must not be To avoid engine overload during
applied for free running pulling and pushing, the pitch
Pitch restriction must be applied for In the event of the engine becoming restrictor, located on the control
all towing operations. overloaded, the engine speed will stand, must be engaged.
drop and the tugmaster must
The tugmaster must control the reduce the wheel and/or lever Engine overload will be indicated by:
engine speed in such a way as to settings. 䡲 overload warning lights flashing
ensure that the safety of the tug at 110% power
and crew is not endangered. Pitch settings 䡲 acoustic alarm on the VSP control
Max. pitch pushing about 9 stand.
The speed settings must be done in Max. pitch pulling about 8
accordance with the requirements Max. pitch free running about 10 In the event of an overload alarm
of the towing operation. simply reduce the pitch until alarm
Causes of engine overload switches off and subsequently
Max. engine rpm about 100% 1. Wheel and/or pitch lever setting increase pitch again.
Min. operating rpm about 60% changed too fast.
Idle or stand-by rpm about 40% 2. Maneuvering without pitch
restriction, 10 ahead, 10 astern.
3. Retarding vessel with pitch
levers set too high.
4. Pulling with pitch settings
greater than 8.
5. Pushing with pitch settings
than 9.
10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
position 2
position 3
a) Casting off / Unberthing in unrestricted space b) Casting off / Unberthing in restricted space, VSP first
position 3
position 1
1 Approach VSP first 2+ 3 Hold position parallel to the vessel, same speed same
course, pitch ahead about 7 to take heaving line
Approaching the vessel, not too close to the hull in order to avoid the
turbulences and steer in good conditions
Making Fast Aft
8. Making fast aft center lead c) Hold position, take the heaving Note:
line and make fast. (Do not let If the towline is dropped into the
Approaching the ship with skeg first. the tractor’s stern pass the water, the propellers must be kept
transom). clear of it by steering away from the
a) Decide on fairlead section. d) Run astern with a light pull on rope immediately.
b) Be aware of propeller wash and the rope. Steer with the wheel,
make sure that the VWT is kept but avoid rapid movement on the This may occur both when making
on a parallel course to the ship. wheel. fast or letting go.
To achieve this use a combination
of pitch levers and wheel. The VWT escorts the vessel and is
ready for steering or braking assis-
a+ b c d
Active and Passive Escorting/Steering Assistance
a) Pulling direct mode approx. 0-5 knots b) Pulling indirect mode approx. 3-15 knots
9. Steering assistance not attack at staple but at the Escort Forces in indirect mode
fair-lead in the bulwark more
Example for SF certified on a 68 t
The VWT acts like an external power for the positioning is BP Fin First VWT
rudder for the escorted vessel. required. Tug speed (kn) SF (t)
If the heeling moment becomes 6 90
a) At ship speeds below 3-5 knots, too large, always turn the tractor 8 125
use the direct method. in line with the towrope. 10 148
At speeds of about 9 knots it is 12 160
b) When the ship speed is 3 knots possible to double the bollard 15 170
or higher use the indirect meth- pull forces. These forces are
od. Sheer the stern using pitch called SF (Steering Forces).
levers and wheel. If the line does
Direct – Indirect –
0-5 kn ~3-15 kn
BF (Breaking Force)
~3-15 kn
SF (Steering Force)
b) a)
Braking Assistance
Active Escorting
Push – Pull Operation
Push / Pull Forward Push / Pull Aft Come alongside the quarter.
When the rope has tightened,
pivot the VWT and push.
Picture 1 Picture 2
Ship’s speed around 6 knots
If the VWT uses the ship’s line, sail
VSP first, connect the tow line and
then escort the vessel ready for
Picture 3 Picture 4
Ship’s speed around 5 knots or less
For safe and efficient pushing, the To let go when the ship is getting
ship’s speed must be around 5 underway the VWT must sail VSP
knots or less. Use the hydrodynam- first in order to have the towline
ic force of the skeg to push with clear of the VSPs and to move off
little power of propulsion system. the vessel safely.
Letting go
11. Berthing
Pulling off/Turning
The winch must be used to vary the For the turning maneuver bow and
towline length to suit the changing stern tug stay in position. Stay clear
needs of the complete operation. of the line and flares and await
The towline must not be too short. orders from pilot. Adapt the bollard
pull according to the requested rate
of turn.
Turning maneuver
14. Lashing up alongside 15. Lashing up for Lash or Once the pilot is on board, turn the
Seabee barge handling wheel to port (starboard) in order to
This way of working is used for open the bow and take off from the
moving dead warships or barges. Pilot boat operation ship.
To lash up alongside it is recom- To embark or disembark the pilot:
mended to use wire ropes with the Come alongside, VSP first. Using
winches (towing winch and forward the wheel and levers hold the posi-
winch). tion in order to embark/disembark
the pilot.
Voith Turbo Schneider
Propulsion GmbH & Co. KG
P.O. Box 2011
89510 Heidenheim, Germany
Tel. +49 7321 37-6595
Fax +49 7321 37-7105
G 2031 e 12.2007 5000 MSW/WA Dimensions and illustrations non-commital. Subject to change without notice.