Names of God
Names of God
Names of God
We encourage you to commit five minutes daily over a 30-day period to prayer over these scripture-based
names and attributes of God and worship Him in new ways. You’ll be amazed by how much closer you feel
to Him at the end.
Prayer: You are the Great I AM, the only one who is perfectly self-sufficient. Thank You that I can find all
that I need in You.
2. Infinite
You can’t measure God—He can’t be defined by size or amount. He has no beginning, no end, and no
Prayer: Lord, I’m in awe of your infinite nature. Help me better understand your measureless wisdom,
grace, and love.
3. Omnipotent
God is all-powerful. He spoke all things into being, and all things—every microorganism, every breath you
take—is sustained by Him. There is nothing too difficult for Him.
Prayer: You are the all-powerful God. Grant me the faith and confidence to trust in Your limitless strength,
knowing nothing is impossible with You.
4. Immutable
All that God is, He has always been. All that He has been and is, He will ever be. He is ever perfect and
5. Holy
God’s holiness is not simply our best image of perfection. God is utterly and supremely untainted. His
holiness stands apart—unique and incomprehensible.
Prayer: Lord, Your holiness is beyond my comprehension and yet, I marvel at Your awesome perfection and
purity. Show me how You’re transforming me to be holy like You are holy.
6. Omniscient
This means God is all-knowing. God’s knowledge encompasses every possible piece of information
regarding anything that currently exists, existed in the past, or will exist in the future.
Prayer: You are the all-knowing God, which means nothing takes You by surprise. Lord, thank You for
knowing the best way for my life.
7. Omnipresent
God is everywhere—in and around everything, close to everyone.
Prayer: You are the God who is everywhere. Even when my way seems dark, Your presence is there and
with me. Thank You for promising to never leave me.
Prayer: Mighty Creator, it amazes me how You, who created the sun, moon, and stars, desire a relationship
with me. Thank You! Help me to notice Your beauty around me
9. Love
God’s love is so great that He gave His only Son to bring us into fellowship with Him. God’s love not only
encompasses the world, but embraces you personally and intimately.
Prayer: Lord, Your love is limitless and sacrificial. Help me to trust Your unfailing love, especially when
I’m tempted to base it on my performance. Teach me how to love others as You have first loved me.
11. Good
God is the embodiment of perfect goodness. He is kind, caring, and full of favor toward all of creation.
Prayer: God who is perfect goodness, thank You for being One whose goodness encompasses Your every
move. Lord, help me to notice Your goodness in my life and to offer Your goodness to those around me.
Prayer: God Almighty, I worship You. You are One who is all-sufficient and the source of every blessing I
have. Thank You that even when things seem impossible to me, You are a God of endless possibilities.
Prayer: Light of the World, thank You that there is no darkness in You. Help me to walk in Your light—in
honesty with You, others, and even myself. Please light the way before me and teach me how to be a light
to those in my circle of influence.
Prayer: Jesus, thank You for being The First and The Last word, not only in this world, but in my life. This
comforts me when it seems like the enemy will have the last word. Thanks for Your continuous work from
beginning to end and Your promise to complete the good work You began in me.
Prayer: Lord, my Banner, You see every enemy before me. You know how to guide me through the battle.
Thank You for ultimate victory through Jesus Christ.
Prayer: Lord, You are just and You see the need in our world for justice. May Your will be done on earth as
it is in heaven. Thank You for Jesus who paid the price for my life, for You remain both just and merciful.
Prayer: God Who Sanctifies, You are my source of sanctification—cleansing, purifying, and transforming
my heart to look more like Yours. I recognize there is nothing in my ability to rid myself of sin. Thank You
for being the One who sanctifies me through Jesus.
18. Merciful
God’s merciful compassion is infinite and inexhaustible. Through Christ, He took the judgment that was
rightfully yours and placed it on His own shoulders. He waits and works now for all people to turn to Him
and to live under His justification.
Prayer: Merciful God, thank You that Your mercy doesn’t change based on my performance, but is who You
are. The weight and payment for sin You took from my shoulders and put on Yours is a freedom I barely
comprehend, but I thank You. Show me where I need to show mercy to others and help me live that out.
Prayer: God Who is Peace, thank You for providing an antidote for the stress and anxiety I feel. You give
me Your presence and teach me how to focus my mind. Thank You for holding me in Your peace even
when I’m surrounded by chaos and it doesn’t make sense.
20. Grace
Grace is God’s good pleasure that moves Him to grant merit where it is undeserved and to forgive debt that
cannot be repaid. In the Old Testament, it is sometimes described as the Lord’s favor.
Prayer: Gracious God, thank You for being abundant in grace so I can be free from the payment for my sin
and have an intimate relationship with You. Help me to see where I can show grace to those in my life in
light of the immense grace I stand in every day.
21. Intercessor
Knowing our temptations, God the Son intercedes for us. He opens the doors for us to boldly ask God the
Father for mercy. Thus, God is both the initiation and conclusion of true prayer.
Prayer: Jesus, my Intercessor, thank You for bridging the gap so I can always come boldly to the Father in
prayer. Thank You, Jesus, for praying for me as You know perfectly what is best for my life and what I need
in each moment.
Section 4: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
22. Father God
Jesus teaches that prayer begins with addressing God as Father (Matthew 6:9). The Holy Spirit reminds you
that you’re God’s son or daughter and can cry out to Him as “Abba, Father,” an intimate Aramaic term
similar to “Daddy.” The Creator of the universe cares for you.
Prayer: Father God, thank You for calling me Your child. Help me to grasp the ways You care for me as a
parent does for a child. Regardless of how my earthly dad has represented You to me, teach me what it
looks like to live from my identity as Your child and heir.
Prayer: Jesus, the Church’s Head, help me to see how I am an important part of this greater body, the
Church. Help us as your body to follow You as head of the Church. Show us how You’ve positioned us to
share the gospel and bring more into this fellowship.
24. Teacher
While Jesus’ disciples often referred to Him as “Teacher,” Jesus reveals to them that the Holy Spirit will be
their teacher when He is with the Father. The Holy Spirit is your teacher, guiding you into more of who
God is, who He says you are, and even leading you to your next step.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, my Teacher, what important truths would you like to highlight for me today? Open my
heart and illuminate Your Word so I may learn Your life-giving ways and live in Your truth.
25. Wise
All God’s acts are accomplished through His infinite wisdom. He always acts for our good, which is to
conform us to Christ. Our good and His glory are inextricably bound together. He is wisdom personified.
Prayer: Lord of wisdom, Thank You that Your every move is acted from wisdom. You tell me that being in
a posture of reverence and worship is the beginning of wisdom. Thank You for sharing Your wisdom with
me. I need Your wisdom in my life, and I need it daily.
Prayer: Lord, Master, thank You that You are not like the masters of this world who lord their power over
their subordinates. You show me, Jesus, what it looks like to be a gentle and meek leader as You washed
Your disciples’ feet. I surrender my life to You. Show me how to be a servant-leader to those around me.
Prayer: Spirit of the Lord, thank You for the gift of You living in me. Help me to listen to Your counsel as I
walk through this day and make choices which bring glory to Your Name rather than grieve Your Spirit
within me.
28. Faithful
Out of His faithfulness, God honors His covenants and fulfills His promises. Our hope for the future rests
upon God’s faithfulness.
Prayer: Faithful One, thank You for being faithful to me even when I’m not. I know You keep Your
promises to me because You kept the greatest promise in sending Your Son. Give me an opportunity to
share with someone about Your faithfulness in my life.
Prayer: God, thank You for being my Lord Who Heals. Reveal where I need healing and lead me to the next
step in Your ultimate healing plan. Show me how I can join You in bringing healing to the world, even in
my local community.
Prayer: Spirit of Truth, thank You for being the source of all truth. Continue to speak to my heart and
counsel me when I’m confused and need Your clarity. Remind me of who You are and who You say I am.