Research Paper 4 On Phenotype
Research Paper 4 On Phenotype
Research Paper 4 On Phenotype
Article Received on
26 July 2019, The Ayurveda is the ancient science whose main moto is to not only
Revised on 16 August 2019, treat the disease but also maintain the health of the person. Like other
Accepted on 04 Sept. 2019,
pathy it also has its own sidhantas (principles).various basic principles
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr201911-15844
are described by Ayurveda, one of them is “TRIDOSHA
SIDHANTA”. These three vital bioenergies (vata, pitta and kapha)
*Corresponding Author forms the constitution of the physical body. It maintains the personality
Vd. Anita U. Chapke
of person at physical as well as mental level. Each dosha has their own
PG. Scholar, Department of
specific qualities. their function in the body is depends on these
Kriyasharir, Government
Ayurved College, Nanded. qualities. Doshas works since from the embryonic stage. eg, the
meiosis and mitotic divisions in zygote are governed by the vata
doshas. As they maintain the health of the person like wise also disturb the physiology of
individual. The vata represents movements (physiological as well as psychological), pitta
represents digestion, metabolism and transformation. Kapha represents structure and fluid
balance in the body.
The tridoshas are various forms of energies, vata = kinetic energy, pitta = thermal energy,
kapha = mechanical energy. The balanced condition of these energies maintains the health
status of the individual. The proper dincharya, rutucharya, ahar, vihar are responsible for the
balanced condition of these energies .due to the modernisation the life style of person get
changed, hence there is hyper or hypo functioning of the doshas which may lead to the
diseased condition.
When it is in the balance, they are energetics, creative and flexible. When unbalanced, they
are prone to worry and anxiousness and often suffer from insomnia.
Sasneha: Hot due to its digestion function. Due to this they have oily skin, hair or acne.
Tikshna: (sharp): They have excess hunger.
Ushna (Hot) = Due to this property, the pitta body type people are aggressive and angry.
Laghu (light): This is different from the quality of the vata.
Sara (slippery):
Drava (liquid): Due to this pitta body type people have excess stomach acids .
Anger, jealousy, becomes more focused under stress, can sometimes become cynical.
Cold = Their skin is cold to touch. They can also experiences the recurrent cases of cold,
congestion, and cough during cold weather.
Heavy = It express the density. kapha involves in the anabolism. Due to this property the
kapha body type people are overweight. Mental heaviness always associated with it.
Dull: Their actions are very slow due to this property.
Slow: Due to this they are slow to talk, slow to walk and also have slow digestion.
Static: They are very stable. And resist change.
Smooth /Slimy: they have smooth skin. And also have good internal lubrication.
TYPES OF VATA: On the basis of its place and specific action the vata is divided in to five
1) PRANA VATA: it is located in the head and moves in chest, throat .it regulates will
power, sense organs, intellect, vision. It causes expectoration, sneezing, belching,
swallowing of food.
2) UDANA VATA: It is located in the chest, it moves in the nose, umbilicus, and throat; its
functions are: initiation of speech, effort, enthusiasm, strength, colour, complexion and
3) VYANA VATA: It is located I the heart, and moves in all body .it is mainly related to the
blood circulation and muscle activities like flexion and extension.
4) SAMANA VATA: It is located near the digestive fire .it moves in gastrointestinal tract.
Its functions are: receiving the food in to stomach, helps in digestion, divide the food into
useful and waste parts. It controls normal downward peristaltic movements.
5) APANA VATA: It is located in the apana -large intestine, moves in waist, bladder,
genitals. It performs the functions such as ejaculation, menstruation, defecation, urination,
and child birth.
It is located between stomach and large intestine .it is made up of panchamahabhutas. It
contains more fire element and less water. It is called as anala (fire) because of its
digestion functions .it also divides the food in to useful and waste parts. It has great
influence on the other pitta type and hence it is dominant one.
2) RANJAKA PITTA: It is located in the stomach .it converts the rasa dhatu into blood.
3) SADHAKA PITTA: It is located in the heart .it controls all mental functions like
knowledge, intelligence, self consciousness.
4) ALOCHAKA PITTA: It is located in the eye. And it is responsible for the vision
5) BHRAJAKA PITTA: It is located in the skin and maintains the colour and complexion.
3) Forgiveness: when you are misbehaved by someone, vata makes you think about the
options that you have .pitta makes you to attack the person. But kapha maintains the
balance in the mind and forgive the offender.
4) Rentension: The people with kapha body type have stability of thoughts, and hence they
have memory for long time.
5) Lubrication: Oil is necessary for the lubrication of all types of machine. Our body is also
a engine. And lubrication in it is maintained by kapha dosha. When this lubrication
decreased, the joints becomes porous, stability of mind lost.
Above we have mentioned the physiology as well as pathological state of the tridosha. from
above we say that they regulates the all systems of the body. And hence plays the imp role in
maintaining health of the body.
Each and every cell of the body is made up of the tridosha. Tridosha theory regulates all the
mechanisms. And also causes the diseased condition. Hence from this we conclude that the
tridosha plays vital role in the healthy as well as unhealthy condition. And it can maintained
by proper dincharya, ritucharya, ahar and vihar.
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