1 Introduction
The dgruyter package assists in preparing manuscripts for De Gruyter with LATEX. It
provides some special commands for journal articles as well as for books and gener-
ates the required appearance. Together with corresponding font packages it allows
to produce the final layout of De Gruyter books and journal articles.
The README file describes the installation of the package.
The dgruyter package consists of the following files:
dgruyter.sty the LATEX package file
dgruyter.pdf this documentation
dgruyter.ist/.xdy index style files (for Makeindex and Xindy, respectively)
DG_attention.eps/.pdf, DG_exercise.eps/.pdf, DG_information.eps/.pdf,
DG_notice.eps/.pdf, DG_question.eps/.pdf vignette files (for special en-
dg-degruyter.eps/.pdf, dg-mouton.eps/.pdf, dg-saur.eps/.pdf logo files
(for the main title page of a book)
book.tex a LATEX master file for a book, to be used as a template
article.tex a LATEX master file for an article, to be used as a template
Note that the final layout will require the non-standard fonts DG Meta and Minion-
Math. These fonts come with extra packages that have to be installed separately from
the dgruyter package. Please ask your De Gruyter contact if you need more infor-
mation. dgruyter.sty itself checks whether these fonts are installed in your TEX
distribution, otherwise it switches to the standard LATEX font (Latin Modern). That is,
the dgruyter package works without DG Meta and MinionMath as well.
This documentation is not intended to give an introduction to LATEX. For ques-
tions concerning TEX systems/installations or the LATEX mark-up language in general
please visit www.tug.org, www.dante.de, uk.tug.org or any other TEX user group
worldwide. The essential reference for LATEX is Mittelbach F., Goossens M. (2004) The
∗ This package was created by le-tex publishing services, Leipzig for Walter de Gruyter, Berlin.
LATEX Companion. 2nd edn., but there are many other good books providing insight
into LATEX.
dgruyter tries to benefit from standard LATEX packages. (Have a look at dgruyter.sty
to see which packages are used.) To learn more about the underlying packages we
refer to their documentations (try for instance “texdoc [package name]” at your
shell prompt or visit tug.ctan.org).
2 General usage
The dgruyter package does not prescribe the TEX engine to be used. The standard
engine nowadays is pdfTeX; a recent alternative is luaTeX.
With the standard engine pdfTeX, one can choose between different output
and input encodings. Output encodings are selected with the fontenc package.
dgruyter.sty already pre-loads the standard encoding T1. To provide further en-
codings, add to the LATEX preamble:
One might also choose an input encoding other than the default ASCII encoding by
to the LATEX preamble. For example, for the recommended UTF-8 encoding, choose
the option utf8.
The modern luaTeX engine has a different approach to handle encodings: It uses
Unicode/UTF-8 as a default. So, in general no encoding settings (via package load-
ing) are required.
The standard package to use fonts with luaTeX is the fontspec package. To use
this, add something like \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} to your preamble.
(The alternative XeTeX engine works similar.)
If the fontspec package is loaded, the math fonts will be set-up with the
unicode-math package.
Please load the packages fontenc, inputenc, or fontspec before loading
dgruyter.sty itself.
As already mentioned, dgruyter.sty checks whether the specific De Gruyter fonts
are installed and acts accordingly. More precisely:
• If the fontspec package is not loaded (as is the case with standard pdfTeX), it
checks whether a file DGMetaSerifScience.sty exists. If it exists, it presumes
that the fonts DG Meta Science and DG MetaSerif Science are installed through
the respective packages from De Gruyter (otherwise errors will result). Then it
loads the math font “MinionMath” if it is installed through minionmath.sty.
• If fontspec is loaded, dgruyter.sty looks for DGMetaScience OpenType font
files and loads them if present. Afterwards it proceeds similarily with the Min-
ionMath font.
3.3.2 Mode options
3.5 Formulae
According to the De Gruyter style guide lines, displayed formulae should be centred
and equation numbers must be at the right margin, so do not use the fleqn option
(for equations aligned left) or the leqno option (for equation numbers on the left),
The amsmath package is preloaded, and your are encouraged to use its mark-up like
the \frac{}{} command or the {align} environment instead of old-style mark-up
like the \over command or the {eqnarray} environment.
3.8 Graphics
3.9 Tables
Preloaded packages are: the array package (for introducing new column types), the
multirow package (row spanning cells), the tabularx package (automatic column
width calculation), and the supertabular package (multi-page tables).
Because the table layout requires horizontal rules but forbids vertical rules, the
booktabs package is also preloaded. The required horizontal rules at the top and
at the bottom of the tabular material will be inserted automatically. To separate
the table head and the table body, use the \midrule command after the \\ of
your table’s last heading line: It generates an additional rule and will also switch
from the tabular head font to the tabular body font. For tables without header add
\starttabularbody immediately after \begin{tabular}{...}.
There is a switch \baretabulars to return to LaTeX’s standard look & feel for tabu-
lars. Respectively, \layouttabulars reactivates the required tabular layout. (Note
that these switches act locally).
3.10 Floats
Captions of figures, tables, etc. are generated with the help of the caption package.
For narrow floating images (i.e. images whose widths are equal or less than half of
the text width) it is recommended to place the caption besides the object. To achieve
this, the preloaded sidecap package provides the environment {SCfigure}. Please
do not use the SC environments if the resulting caption will need more vertical space
than the object itself.
To produce linguistic structures, one can use the common packages together with
dgruyter.sty. For example, to create examples with labeled parts or interlinear
glosses, try one of the packages:
• gb4e (preferably followed by \noautomath)
• linguex
• expex
(In case of doubt, load the packages after dgruyter.sty.)
dgruyter.sty is compatible with the reledmac package. But note that it has to be
loaded before the reledmac package.
To capture computer code, the listings package is a good option. Please see
the listings documentation for further information on usage and configuration,
e.g. how to use the \lstset{...} command for parameter settings. Note that the
dgruyter package pre-configures the listings package to use a typewriter font and
espcially the lstlisting environment to have left-hand line numbers in the type
area and not in the margin; the width of the line-number column can be fine-tuned
with the known numbersep key from the listings package.
3.15 Bibliography
3.16 Index
The traditional tool for index generation is Makeindex. The dgruyter package pro-
vides the Makeindex style file “dgruyter.ist”. To use Makeindex type, e.g.
makeindex -c -s dgruyter.ist book
If you need a more elaborate index generation tool (e.g. for better alphabetical sort-
ing in German books) you might prefer the program “Xindy”. The corresponding
style file is dgruyter.xdy. To use Xindy type, e.g.,
texindy -M dgruyter book.idx
or for German books
texindy -g -M dgruyter book.idx
4 Journal articles
In a LATEX article it is common to first provide some title and meta information and
then call the \maketitle command to process and output all this information. The
same holds when dgruyter.sty is active. Here are the user macros one can/must
use to provide article-specific information before calling \maketitle:
\articletype{...} For an article type like “Editorial”; it will be rendered at the
top of the header.
\articlesubtype{...} For an article subtype like “Research Article”; it will be
rendered under the article type.
\openaccess To mark an article with “Open Access”; it will be rendered in the right
upper corner.
\author[...]{...} For the author name. The author command can be used as
with the authblk package, that is, it can occur more than once. The optional
argument can be added to refer to a corresponding \affil{...} command,
and besides that one can use the starred version, \author*{...}, to mark the
author as the corresponding author.
\affil[...]{...} For an affiliation; the syntax is as with the authblk pack-
age. Note that an optional e-mail address should be added after the ac-
tual affiliation, like: \affil{Institute ..., University ..., e-mail:
\runningauthor{...} This optional macro is to provide author names specifically
for the running header, e.g. \runningauthor{John Q. Public et al.}.
\title{...} For the title of the article.1
\runningtitle{...} This optional macro is to provide a specific (shorter) title for
the running header.
\subtitle{...} For an optional sub-title of the article.
\abstract{...} For the abstract.
\keywords{...} For key words.
\transabstract[...]{...} For a translated abstract. The optional argument is to
specify a language (in babel style).
\transkeywords[...]{...} For translated key words. The optional argument is
to specify a language (in babel style).
\correctionnote[...]{...} For an erratum/corrigendum/retraction. The op-
tional argument is to provide an alternative heading string.
\classification[...]{...} For classification information. The optional argu-
ment is to provide a classification system (e.g. MSC, PACS, or JEL).
\communicated{...} For the person who “communicated” the paper.
\dedication{...} For a dedication.
\received{...} For the “received” date, e.g. \received{May 19, 2013}.
\accepted{...} For the “accepted” date, e.g. \accepted{June 30, 2013}.
\journalname{...} For the (abbreviated) journal name,
e.g. \journalname{Biol. Chem.}.
\journalyear{...} For the year (default is the present year).
\journalvolume{...} For the journal volume.
\journalissue{...} For the journal issue.
\startpage{...} For the article’s start page.
\aop A switch that activates output of “; aop” (i.e. “ahead of print”) and, at the
same time, suppresses output of the journal volume, the journal issue, and
the article’s page range.
\DOI{...} For the DOI of the paper.
\contributioncopyright[...]{...}{...}{...} For copyright information in
case De Gruyter does not solely hold the copyright or the work is an open
access publication. The optional argument expects the name of an image file,
usually a Creative Commons logo. The three obligatory arguments are for the
copyright year, the copyright holder (and a possible publisher addition), and
a copyright text (e.g. a Creative Commons text), respectively.
The contents of \journalname{...} and the subsequent macros will be rendered
in the running header of the article’s start page.
As already mentioned, all this information will be output by invoking the
\maketitle command.
At the end of an article, there are three special environments that can be used:
{acknowledgement}, {funding}, {conflictofinterest}. They should be placed
before the bibliography.
1 You can add notes to the title using \articlenote (in two-column mode, please put \articlenote
\articlenote{...} A container for pre-publication information or for informa-
tion about the content or about supplemental material. It should only be used
at the end of the article. For example, use
\textbf{Supplemental Material:} The online version ...\\
\textbf{Note:} This ...}.
The {contributors} environment sets up the layout for a section contributors. The
environment has one optional argument to overwrite the default title (“List of con-
tributors”). Inside this environment a list of \contributor commands should be
\contributor has five obligatory arguments:
#1 the contributor’s name
#2 the contributor’s address
#3 the contributor’s e-mail address
#4 file name of a contributor’s picture
#5 a short vita
4.3.3 Reviews
For reviews, two additional macros are provided, \reviewauthor and \reviewinfo.
They should be used as shown in the following example:
\reviewauthor{Peter Rezensent}
\affil{Universität Muster, Musterstraße 3, 11111 Stadt,
E-Mail: paul@muster.de}
\title{Die Kraft der Kunst}
\reviewinfo{\textbf{Erika Mustermann:} Die Kraft der Kunst, Suhrkamp 2012}
Lorem ipsum ...\par
\articlenote{[additional information]}
Further reviews can be added with the \furtherreview macro (four arguments),
{\textbf{Erika Mustermann:} Die Kraft der Kunst, Suhrkamp Verlag 2012}
{Peter Rezensent}
{Universität Muster, Musterstraße 3, 11111 Stadt, E-Mail: paul@muster.de}
5 Books
This section gives some special advise concerning books. First, all the information to
build the title pages is given and it is described how to overwrite automatically gen-
erated DOI information. After explaining how to handle chapterwise bibliographies
and how to use a special command for part mottos, those macros, which are needed
to write a contribution in a multi-author book (e.g., a collection or conference pro-
ceedings), are presented. Finally, two macros are introduced which are required to
create the very last page of a book that contains information on other books pub-
lished in the same series.
To use the dgruyter package for a whole book, it is necessary to employ LATEX’s book
document class.
Note that a book usually consists of three parts: the front matter, the main matter,
and the back matter. LATEX’s book class provides three commands to invoke these
parts: \frontmatter, \mainmatter, and \backmatter. It is highly recommended
to take care of the correct use of these commands in your document.
Because a book usually is an extensive document, it might be a good idea to sep-
arate it into several files. It is appropriate to put each chapter in a separate file
and include all these files in the LATEX master document using the \include{..}
command. (Think also about \includeonly{...} to speed up TEX processing while
working on a certain chapter of the book!)
The title pages are the first part of the front matter of the book. With the dgruyter
package it should be sufficient to provide several meta information on the book to
generate the title pages (comprising the imprint page), i.e., the pages I–IV of the
book. The macros for the meta information are:
\author{...} The author name(s) (as in the standard book class).
\title{...} The title of the book (as in the standard book class).
\transtitle{...} A translated title of the book.
\distributionseries{...} The name of a distribution series to which the book
belongs (e.g. “De Gruyter Studium”).
\seriestitle{...} The title of a series to which the book belongs.
\transseriestitle{...} A translated title of the series.
\seriessubtitle{...} The sub-title of a series to which the book belongs.
\serieseditor{...} The editor names of the respective series.
\seriesvolume{...} The volume number of the book within the respective series.
\subtitle{...} An (optional) subtitle.
\editor{...} The editor names(s) to be given on the main title page (and also on
the half-title page if no authors are given). If unsure, ask your De Gruyter con-
\collaborator{...} Collaborator information for the main title page.
\edition{...} The edition information of the book.
\publisherlogo{...} The De Gruyter imprint. The macro expects the name of a
graphic file, at the moment one of dg-degruyter, dg-mouton, or dg-saur.
\classification[...]{...} For classification information, to be rendered at the
top of the imprint page. The optional argument is to provide a classification
system (e.g. MSC, PACS, or JEL).
\authorinfo{...} The author information to be rendered at the top of the imprint
Bibliographical Information Bibliographical data is captured by the following
\isbn{...} The ISBN of the book.
\eisbnpdf{...} The eISBN (PDF) of the book.
\eisbnepub{...} The eISBN (EPUB) of the book.
\issn{...} The “International Standard Serial Number” (it is used for jour-
nals or series).
\copyrightyear{...} For the year (default is the present year).
\copyrighttext{...} For alternatve copyright information.
\openaccess To mark a book with “Open Access”; a note will be put on the
imprint page.
\cover{...} The name of the cover designer.
\typesetter{...} The name of the type-setter.
\printbind{...} The name of the print office.
Optional advertisement One may add an “Also-of-Interest” page to a book. It will
be rendered either on page II in the front matter (mainly if this page does not
contain series information) or at the end of the book (mainly to present other
volumes of the series already described on page II). To capture the advertise-
ment information use the {advertisement} environment. The environment
knows an optional argument to overwrite the standard heading of the “Also-
of-Interest” page.
Inside {advertisement}, each publication to be listed should be tagged with
\otherpubl, a macro with the following five arguments:
#1 the cover image of the book (optional)
#2 the volume of the book in the series (optional)
#3 the title of the book
#4 the authors of the book
#5 ISBN information
The advertisement material collected in such a way will be output by invoking
\makeadvertisement. If no \makeadvertisement is given, and page II does
not contain any series information, the material will be output automatically
on page II.
If you are unsure about specific information leave it out (except for author and title)
or ask your De Gruyter contact.
After providing this information, it is sufficient to invoke \maketitle (right after
To typeset a dedication page after the title pages, use the \dedication macro.
In most books, this is followed by a preface, the table of contents, and perhaps some
other lists such as a list of figures or a list of abbreviations. This finishes the front
dgruyter puts each book component’s DOI in the footer of its first page. To overwrite
the automatically generated DOI please use the \DOI{...} macro.
A book may be split in parts using the \part/\part* command as usual. The result-
ing half-title pages usually contain nothing but the heading of the part. To add a
motto to a part page, the command \partmotto{...} is provided. Note that it must
be invoked before the \part command itself.
All the explanations given for journal articles in principle hold for contributions as
well. In this subsection the main differences and special features for a contribution
in a multi-authored book are pointed out.
Please note that contributions are conceptualised as book chapters. So, even when
writing only a single contribution, the LATEX document class has to be book.
Each contribution needs an initialisation. This is done with the command
\contribution – it is similar to the \chapter{...} command to start a “normal”
chapter in a book, and it is crucial for the contribution header rendering mechanism
to work.
Following the \contribution command, all the header and meta information to
the contribution should be given – like in a journal article. After that, the command
\makecontributiontitle finishes the header and triggers its rendering. (Keep in
mind that the \maketitle command is reserved for the whole book’s title pages.)
Here are the user macros one can/must use to provide contribution-specific header
and meta information before calling \makecontributiontitle:
\contributionauthor[...]{...} For the contributor (i.e. the chapter’s au-
thor(s)) name. The contributionauthor command can be used as the
\author command with the authblk package, that is, it can occur more
than once. An optional argument can be added to refer to a corresponding
\affil{...} command, and besides that one can use the starred version
\contributionauthor*{...} to mark the author as the corresponding au-
\affil[...]{...} For an affiliation; the syntax is as with the authblk pack-
age. Note that an optional e-mail address should be added after the ac-
tual affiliation, like: \affil{Institute ..., University ..., e-mail:
\runningauthor{...} This optional macro is to provide author names specifically
for the running header, e.g. \runningauthor{John Q. Public et al.}.
\contributiontitle{...} For the title of the contribution.2
\runningtitle{...} This optional macro is to provide a specific (shorter) title for
the running header.
\contributionsubtitle{...} For an optional sub-title of the contribution.
\abstract{...} For the abstract.
\keywords{...} For key words.
\transabstract[...]{...} For a translated abstract. The optional argument is to
specify a language (in babel style).
\transkeywords[...]{...} For translated key words. The optional argument is
to specify a language (in babel style).
\correctionnote[...]{...} For an erratum/corrigendum/retraction. The op-
tional argument is to provide an alternative heading string.
\classification[...]{...} For classification information. The optional argu-
ment is to provide a classification system (e.g. MSC, PACS, or JEL).
\DOI{...} For the DOI of the paper.
\contributioncopyright[...]{...}{...}{...} For copyright information in
case De Gruyter does not solely hold the copyright or the work is an open
access publication. The optional argument expects the name of an image file,
usually a Creative Commons logo. The three obligatory arguments are for the
copyright year, the copyright holder (and a possible publisher addition), and
a copyright text (e.g. a Creative Commons text), respectively.
\contributionnote{...} A container for information about supplemental mate-
rial and/or pre-publication information. It should only be used at the end of
the contribution. For example, use \contributionnote{\textbf{Supplemental
Material:} The online version ...\\ \textbf{Note:} This ...}.
As already mentioned, all this information will be output by invoking the
\makecontributiontitle command.
Note that a possible \label{...} for the contribution has to be placed directly after
2 You can add notes to the title using \contributionnote (in two-column mode, please put
5.6 List of contributors
To add a list of contributors (mainly in the front matter of the book) simply use
\chapter*{...} and the {multicols}{2} environment. Inside this environment,
each contributor should be tagged with the \contributor macro which provides 5
#1 the contributor’s name
#2 the contributor’s address
#3 the contributor’s e-mail address
#4 file name of a contributor’s picture (leave emtpy if not required)
#5 a short vita (leave emtpy if not required)