Week 3

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10/22/24, 11:13 PM Municipal Solid Waste Management - - Unit 6 - Week 3: Analysis of Solid Waste Collection System and Types

nd Types of Transfer Station

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Course Week 03: Assignment 03

outline The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2024-08-14, 23:59 IST.
Assignment submitted on 2024-08-13, 19:28 IST
How does an Part A: Individual Questions (Q1 to Q3)
NPTEL online
course work? 1) Which of the following is not a unit operation of collection system? 1 point
(a) Pickup

Week 0: (b) Haul

Prerequisite (c) On-site
() (d) Off-route

Yes, the answer is correct.

Week 1: Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Sources, (c) On-site
Types and
Generation of
2) In waste collection system, Haul Container System includes 1 point
Solid Waste ()
(a) Time required to reach the location where the waste will be emptied
Week 2:
(b) Actual picking up of the loaded container
Handling, (c) Redeposition of the empty container
Storage, (d) Time spent at the location where the waste is unloaded
Yes, the answer is correct.
and Types of

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10/22/24, 11:13 PM Municipal Solid Waste Management - - Unit 6 - Week 3: Analysis of Solid Waste Collection System and Types of Transfer Station

Collection of Score: 1
Solid Waste () Accepted Answers:
(a) Time required to reach the location where the waste will be emptied
Week 3:
3) In waste collection system, Off-route collection system includes 1 point
Analysis of
Solid Waste (a) Redeposition of the empty container
(b) Time spent at the site
System and
Types of (c) Actual picking up of the loaded container
Transfer (d) Time spent on all non-productive activities
Station ()
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Lec 11:
Accepted Answers:
Analysis of
(d) Time spent on all non-productive activities
system (Part I) Part B: Solve the problem and answer the questions that follow (Q4 to Q10)
A private solid waste collector wishes to locate MRF near a commercial area. The collector would
like to use a hauled container system but fears that the haul costs might be prohibitive. What is the
Lec 12: maximum distance away from the commercial area that the MRF can be located so that weekly
Analysis of costs of the hauled container system do not exceed those of the stationary container? Assume that
collection one collector-driven vehicle will be used in each system. For the purpose of this example assume
system (Part II) the travel times t1 and t2 are included in the off-route factor.
Assume the following data
Hauled Container system
a) Quantity of solid wastes = 230 m3/wk
Lec 13: b) Container size = 6 m3/trip
Analysis of c) Container utilization factor = 0.67
collection d) Container pickup time = 0.33h/trip
system (Part
e) Haul time constants: a = 0.022h/trip and b = 0.014h/km
III) (unit?
f) At-site time (s) = 0.053h/trip
g) Overhead costs = ₹28464 per week
h) Operational Costs = ₹1067 per hour of operation
Lec 14: Need Stationary Container system
and types of
a) Quantity of solid wastes = 230 m3/wk
transfer station
b) Container size = 6 m3/location
c) Container utilization factor = 0.67
=35) d) Collection vehicle capacity = 23 m3/trip
e) Collection vehicle compaction ratio=2
Lecture note: f) Container unloading time = 0.05h/container
week 03 (unit?
g) Haul time constants: a = 0.022h/trip and b=0.014h/km
h) At-site time (s) = 0.01h/trip
i) Overhead costs = ₹53370 per week
Quiz: Week j) Operational costs = ₹1423 per hour of operation
03: Location characteristics
Assignment a) Average distance between container locations = 0.16 km
b) Constants for estimating driving time between container locations for both haul and stationary
container systems are: a = 0.060 h/trip and b = 0.042 h/km

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10/22/24, 11:13 PM Municipal Solid Waste Management - - Unit 6 - Week 3: Analysis of Solid Waste Collection System and Types of Transfer Station

Week 3:
Feedback form
4) Estimate the average pickup time for the hauled container system? 1 point
(a) 0.113 h/trip
(b) 0.133 h/trip
Week 4: Solid (c) 0.331 h/trip
(d) 0.131 h/trip
Means, Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Separation Accepted Answers:
(b) 0.133 h/trip
Processing ()
5) Estimate the time required per week (Tw) as a function of the round-trip haul distance 1 point
Week 5: for hauled container system?
Incineration ()
(a) 1.74+0.12xd/wk

Week 6: (b) 1.47+0.12 xd/wk

Composting - (c) 1.74+0.21 xd/wk
I () (d) 1.27+0.12 xd/wk

Yes, the answer is correct.

Week 7: Score: 1
Composting -
Accepted Answers:
II () (a) 1.74+0.12xd/wk

Week 8:
6) Estimate the weekly operational cost as a function of round-trip haul distance for 1 point
hauled container system?
Digestion ()
(a) 44044.64+1024.32(x)
Week 9:
(b) 40346.64+1024.32(x)
Landfill - I ()
(c) 43046.64+1024.32(x)

Week 10: (d) 46446.64+1024.32(x)

Landfill - II () Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Week 11: Accepted Answers:
Special (c) 43046.64+1024.32(x)
Waste and
Integrated 7) Estimate the number of containers emptied per trip? 1 point
Solid Waste
Management (a) 11 containers/trip
(b) 10 containers/trip
Week 12: (c) 12 containers/trip
Finance and (d) 9 containers/trip
PPP Related
to Solid Yes, the answer is correct.

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10/22/24, 11:13 PM Municipal Solid Waste Management - - Unit 6 - Week 3: Analysis of Solid Waste Collection System and Types of Transfer Station

Management Score: 1
() Accepted Answers:
(a) 11 containers/trip
8) Estimate the pickup time per container for the stationary container system? 1 point
Transcripts ()
(a) 1.45h/trip
Lecture (b) 2.22h/trip
(c) 1.12h/trip
Solid Waste (d) 1.22h/trip
Management Yes, the answer is correct.
() Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Download () (d) 1.22h/trip

Live Session 9) Estimate the No. of trips required per week? 1 point
(a) 4 trips/week
Books () (b) 5 trips/week
(c) 6 trips/week
(d) 3 trips/week
Session - Yes, the answer is correct.
July 2024 () Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
(b) 5 trips/week

10) Estimate the time required per week, Tw, as a function of the round-trip haul distance 1 point
for stationary container system?

(a) 0.29+0.10x d/wk

(b) 0.92+0.01x d/wk
(c) 0.01+0.92x d/wk
(d) 0.09+0.01x d/wk

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
(b) 0.92+0.01x d/wk

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