PC Kyalami Fees 2025 - Final

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1O 12
0000 - 00 R49 600 R47 200 R4 960 R4 210
0 R65 000 R61 800 R6 500 R5 520
1–3 R76 300 R72 500 R7 630 R6 480
4-7 R81 600 R77 600 R8 160 R6 930
8-9 R91 300 R86 800 R9 130 R7 750
10 R94 000 R89 300 R9 400 R8 000
11 R97 500 R92 700 R9 750 R8 300
2025 12 R102 500 R97 400 R10 250 N/A

SCHEDULE OF FEES For further detail on payment terms and applicable discounts, please
read the Additional Information section


The application and enrolment fees are STANDARD 1O 12
once-off non-refundable fees and should DISCOUNTED
be paid via PayU secure payment via the FEE FEE FEE
STASY system. This is a different account Full Day R17 000 R16 200 R1 700 R1 450
to the tuition fee account. Half Day R13 300 R12 700 R1 330 R1 150

R 250 Application Fee Aftercare Daily ad-hoc fee R160 per day.
R 3 500 Enrolment Fee
Bank: ABSA 1O 12
Account: Pinnacle Colleges ANNUAL FEE MONTHLY MONTHLY
Account Number: 408-639-5160 FEE FEE
Branch Code: 632-005 Termly Boarding R107 000 R10 700 R 8 500
Student Reference: Weekly Boarding R 93 000 R 9 300 R 7 400
Student SD Number

For security purposes, no cash or card Boarding Daily ad-hoc fee R450 per day.
payments facilitated at school.


087 365 4047
www.pinnaclecolleges.co.za/kyalami Grade 9 Yenza (Lifetime Access)
This is compulsory and assists with career guidance and subject choices.
2025 SCHOOL TERM DATES Grade 12 IEB Exam Fees
Grade 12 learners will be billed separately for their IEB Exam fees for 2025 - R9 164. This
Term 1: 15 January – 04 April
fee is based on the examination cost per student charged by the IEB and will be a direct
Term 2: 06 May – 08 August on-charge, once off cost billed to your school fee account, payable by the end of March
Term 3: 03 September – 03 December 2025. Additional subjects and special accommodations will be billed separately.

Educational Tours
Mid Term Breaks: All educational and sports tours must be paid for prior to the departure of the tour via the
Term 1: 21 February – 24 February Karri payment system. Should the school fees be in arrears, these children will not be
permitted to go on tour until the overdue school fees have been paid. In certain
Term 2: 30 June – 04 July circumstances, tours will be invoiced to your school fee account.
Term 3: 17 October – 20 October
Stationery, Exercise Books, Textbooks, Workbooks
Detailed lists will be supplied.
Terms and Conditions Apply
Information correct at time of print

Please take note of the following:

1. SD number must be used as a reference for all payments made.

2. Fees are payable in advance on or before the first of every month.
3. To qualify for the annual upfront discount, fees need to be paid in full by the 31st January 2025.
4. Should the annual upfront plan be selected by the fee payer, but the amount due not paid by the 31st
January 2025, this will result in the account being automatically defaulted to the 12-monthly plan for all
grades, except Grade 12, which will default to a 10-monthly payment plan.
5. Should you select the 10-monthly fee plan and not pay the portion due by the 31st January 2025, you will be
defaulted to the 12-monthly fee plan which has a premium.
6. Should you join after the 31st January 2025, a pro-rata fee on the 12-monthly plan will apply. The 10-monthly plan will
not be available after the 31st January 2025 for new joiners.
7. Should you select the 12-monthly fee plan you are required to pay the fees via a debit order.
8. Sibling discounts will be applied as follows:
a. 0% for the eldest sibling,
b. 5% for the 1st sibling,
c. 10% for the 2nd sibling, and
d. 15% for the 3rd sibling onwards.
9. Pinnacle Colleges are listed as a Public Beneficiary with most major banks and can be found by searching for Pinnacle
Colleges on your online banking platform.
10. For more information on services offered by the campus please contact the school’s reception.

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