Study Notes Class XII IP

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| It is defined as the strorage and

management of the data for its

efficient and easy access in the
future where the data is collected.

The Pandas is a high performance

open source library for data
analysis in Python developed by
Wes McKinney in 2008.
Data s pandas
Series Dataframe

It is an amazing
visualization library
in Python that used
Pandas Series is a one- Jnbroduction ta for 2D plots of array
dimensional array that capable
of holding various data types Python Libraries
such asinteger, string, float etc.
aticcaal operations Matplotib

Create an Create an series

empty series
We can perform various
using inputs mathematical operations on add ()
Series using various methods. sub ()
mul ( )
iloordiv (O
From Array From dict
Fromscale value mod ()

Operatriations on rowo DataFrame is a two dimensional
data structure i.e., data is
in a tabular form
along rows and

auuad From dict of series

An empty dataframe
From list of dictionary

Indexing in Pandas means

Simply selecting particular rows
and columns of data from a Data
Frame like pivoting in a list

reate DataFrame

t a (i l

Iterating over
This function returns the Iteration is a general term for
first n rows for the object taking each item of something
based on position one after another. In Pandas
DataFrame, we can iterate an Iterating over
element in two ways
This function returns last columns
n rows from the object
based on position
It represents categorical data with stick
like bars with height or lengths
proportional to the values of data
what they represent.

It is a representation of
data in graphical format
like bar, chart, pie-chart,
histogram etc.
It is an accurate
the distribution of
Histogram auyad
numerical data in
the form of rectangle.

Data Visualization

Matplotlib Python library

developed by John Hunter and
It displays information as a series many other contributors, is used
of data points called 'markers
by straight line
L i n ec h a r t

Matplotlib to create high quality graphs,

charts and figures.

It represents a listing of the data groups

within the graph and often provides clues Itprovides positive identification
to make identification of the data group of a particular data element or

easier. 8rouping
Instr () Returns the position of the
first occurrence of a
specified Math or mathematical functions
Right () sub string from a given string accept numeric value, perform
These functions are used to
extract, change, format or alter
returns the specified number naticalfunctic
ctions some operations on it and also
return numeric value.
of characters from right
character string.

Converts the characters Text Function Round ()

to lowercase character.
This function is used to
round up the numberto the
This function is used to
upword or down word to
get the power of the
the nearest whole number.
Returns substring of the
a Built in Functions 8iven values
specified length starting
|fromspecified position.
This function is used to
return the remainder
Returns a specified
number of characters
ate Functio -

Converts the character to

upper case characters.
from the left
tions Now (
It returns the current
Date functions are
Removes all leading and date and time in the
used to perform some
trailing spaces of the string configured time zone.
operations on date that|

Returns the length storedin the database.

of the string
It returns the year of
aueut ()

ayname 0 Itreturns the name

the given date.
the week day for
a specified date.

It returns the month for date

Itreturns the full name

in the range 1 to 12 for

It returns the day of the of the month.
January to December
month of given date.
Avg ()Returns the average value
These functions return a
Count ()Returns the number ofrows result only in single row
Max() Returns thelargest value based on group of rows,
Min () Returns the smallestvalue rather than on single row.

Sum () Returns the sum of value


It can be used with select|

statement, if we want to
records and group ot
Aggregate Functions results by one or more

Group by lause

data in ascending
It is used to sort the
on one or
o r descending
order, based Having is applied to
It can be
more columns. summarised rows.
used only with the select|
A computer network is a
collection of independent
computerS and other
Bus Topology hardware interconnected
Star Topology Types It is the
Mesh Topology
the terminals or work-
| by communication channels
that allow sharing of
Tree Topology stations of a
computer resources and information.
Ring Topology network.

Network topr
It acts as a centralised
connection to several
computers with the central
LAN node or server.
Typesof NetWor It isused to connect
devices of the network
LAN stands for local
into smaller
area nework, cover subsets of
LAN segments
upto one kilometer as Computer Networks
building or campus.

It is used to amplify the

signals when they are
MAN stands for
metropolitan area
Repeater transmitted over a

network. It covers
upto few kilometers
e.g. the houses and
colonies of a city
It converts digital| Network devices are the
signal to analo8 units that mediate data
signal and vice-versa in computer network and

WAN stands for wide area

network, it covers a large
via telephonelines

also called network
equipments. Gateway It is used to connect
dissimilar networks.
8eographical area as
country or confinement.
VOIP stands for voice over internet
|It is a network of the
protocol that allows one to make
voice calls using a broadband | interlinked computer
internet connection instead of a networking worldwide,
which is accessible to the
regular phone line.

Website is the collection of

HTML pages to display
information of some company
person, or college.
Website aWide Web www
W o r l dW i d e

It is the skeletonof web

Web pagee to store hyper-text pages

Itis Hyper-text document Inteunet

displayed by a browser.


It is a software application
for opening and reading
information in the world

URL stand for uniform
resource locator, is a unique
wide web. E-mail stands for electronic identifier used to locate
mail, is a method of exchanging| resources on the internet.
digital messages from sender to
one or more recipients.

Chat refers to the process of

and exchanging messages
over the internet online
Data life cycle
Itis the process of safeguarding
important information from|
intruders, hackers and avoid Cyber safety is the acts all
about the responsible
corruption, compromise or mis-
use of data. Dat Protection Define and safe use of Internet.

|Information life
cycle Management

Digital print
eyber Safety
It is the information about a
particular person that exists
eDigitalFootprint on the Internet as a result of
their online activity.

It is the standard moral laws and assi e Digital

ethics to communicate
Internet. Netiquettes help
making 8ood digital footprints
of your activities over the|
Active digital footprints
can be stored in many
ways depending on the
situation like history, surf Passive digital footprints can be
watch etc. stored in many ways e.g
cookies, apps etc.
These are the exclusive legal
rights given to the

Intel ectual properh. Itrefers to the patents and rights of inventions,

over his/her creation for
specific time period. literary and artistic expressions, designs,
symbols, brand name and logos.
enpa Ladord
FOSS allows users and Free and
(FOSS)Source Softwtware
programmers to edit,
modify or reuse the
software's source code.

Trademark Patent Copyright

&tfhical Tssues
SoftwareLicens LSe

Presenting someone
GNU general else's idea or work as
public license It is a document that one's own idea or work
is called plagiarism.
provides legally bonding |
guidelines for the use
and distribution of
End user license
Direct plagiarism Mosaic
Creative commons license
It happens when someone steals
o u r personal information
to Criminal activities or offences
Commit fraud.
carried out in a digital environment
IT act or Information
Technology can be considered as cyber crime.
act is an act passed to check misuse
of cyber network and computer in
India. IT Act

Cyber law

Cyber Crime
It is law that applies | and 1T Act
to the Internet and Internet
related technologies to
evaluate and panalize if a
person commits some cyber
frauds or crime.

| It is the act of unauthorised

access to a computer, computer
network or any digital system.

Cyberbullying takes place

over digital devices like
cell phones, computers
It is a type of social engineering
attack and trapping often used
and tablets. It is like
to steal user data, including
physically threatening by credentials and credit
using digital gadgets. login
card numbers.
Note making is a skill that we use in
many walks of life: at school, university and in the world of
work. However, accurate note
making requires a thorough understanding of concepts. We, at Oswaal,
have tried to encapsulate all the
chapters from the given syllabus into the following ON TIPS NOTES.
These notes will not only facilitate better
and every concept is taken up and
understanding of concepts, but will also ensure that each
every chapter is covered in totality. So go ahead and use these to
your advantage.. go get the OSWAAL ADVANTAGE!!


Introduction To Python Libraries
he Pandas is a high-performance open source library for data analysis in Python, developed by
Wes McKinney in 2008. Over the years, it has become the de-facto standard library for data analysis
using Python.
Using the Pandas, we can accomplish five typical steps in the processing and analysis of data,
regardless of the origin of data. These steps are load, prepare, manipulate, model and analyze.
I t is an amazing visualization library in Python that used for 2D plots of arrays. It is multi-platform
data visualization library which build NumPy arrays. Matplotib produces publication-quality
figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms.
Matplotlib can be used in Python scripts, the Python and IPython shell, web application servers
and various graphical user interface toolkits. To get matplotlib up and running in our environment,
we need to import it.
Data Structures in Pandas
Data structure is defined as the storage and management of the data for its efficient and easy
access in the future where the data is collected, modified and the various types of operations are
performed on the data respectively. Pandas provides two data structures for processing the data,
which are explained below:
(1) Series: It is one dimensional object similar to an array, list or column in a table. It will assign a
labeled index to each item in the series. By default, each item will receive an index label from 0
to N, where N is the length of the series minus one.
(2) Data Frame: It is a tabular data structure comprised of rows and columns. It is defined as a
standard way to store data which has two different indexes i.e., row index and column index.
Pandas series is one-dimensional array that is capable of holding various data types such as integer
string, float, object etc. with the help of series ) method, we can easily change thelist, dictionary
into series. A series does not contain multiple columns and rows. Labels of series are called index.

pandas.series (data, index, dtype, copy)
Mathematical Operations
We can perform matlhematical operation on series like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
For this, various methods are used, as follows:
add(): This function is used to add series and others, element-wise (binary operator add).
I N F O R M A T I C s
CES, ClasS X

Sample axis=0)
12 fill_
but its default val,ae
float value is None
None o r
Series.add(self, is element-wise.
Syntax: fill_value
scalar value and other,
Here, other is
series or

subtraction of series axis=0)
function is used to fill_value=None,

sub): This level=None,

and others,
other, series
multiplication of
function is used to get
mul(): This axis=0) element-wise
and other,
division of series
function is used to get axis=0)
div): This fill_value=None,

and others, element-in.
Syntax: Series.div(self,
exponential power of series
is used to get
This function fill_value==None,
pow): level=None,
Syntax: Series.pow(selt,
This function
returns data co.
function is used
for selection. thicnding orresp f u n c t i o n as an argument to
In series, n a m e of the
criteria. We pass the
to axis labels matching tables. The index labels satistying
the criteria
ted. on
are selected

all the index

which is applied o n
Syntax : (crit,
Indexing based indexing and provViaes
a host of methods
T h e object supports
both integers and label
the index.
performing operation involving index labels
or set the index of the
In Python Pandas,
Series.index attribute is used
to t
get given series

Syntax: Series.index

Slicing a Pandas object. A slice ohioe

Slicing is a apowerful approach to retrieve subsets of data from ject is
built using syntax of start: end: step, the segments representing the first item, last item and th
increment between each item that you would like as the step.
Data Frames & Operation on Rows and Columns
Data Frames
Data Frame is a two dimensional data structure ie., data is aligned in a tabular form as rows and
columns. It consists of various properties as iteration, indexing etc.
In data frame, columns can be heterogeneous types like integer, boolean etc.
It can be seen as a dictionary of series where rows and columns both are indexed.
Data Frame can be created
using following syntax:
pandas DataFrame (data, index, columns, dtype, copy).
Iterating in Pandas DataFrame
Iteration is a general term for
taking each item of something. We can iterate an element in two ways
i) Iterating over rows: There are three functions to
iterate over rows as follows:
iterrows(): It returns the iterator yielding each index value
data in each row. along with a series containing tne
iteritems(): It iterates over each column
as series object. as key, value pair with label as key and column value
itertuples(: It returns a
tuple for each
The first element of the
corresponding index value, while the tuple will be the rows
(i) Iterating over columns: In remaining values are the rows values.
order to iterate over
columns and then iterate columns, we need to create a list or taframe
Operations on Rows and through that list to
pull out the dataframe da
Columns columns.
we know, DataFrame is a two
format like rows and dimensional data structure means tabular
and columns, some basic data is arrang
arranged in
() Addition
are as
operations can be perform like adding, deleb electing
To adda
in Pandas Dataframe, a
existing DataFrame. new list as a
column can be
a n d add toan
l o add
a row in Pandas declare
DataFrame, we can concate the old
dataframe with new one.
On Tips Notes 13
(i) Selection
select a column in Pandas DataFrame, we can either access the columns by calling them by
their column names.
To retrieve rows from a DataFrame, a special method is used named DataFrame.loc[|]. Rows can
also be selected by
passing integer
location to iloc] method
(ii) Deletion
b delete a column from Pandas DatalYrame, drop) method is used. Columns are deleted by
dropping columns with column names.
To delete a row from Pandas DataFrame, method is used. Rows deleted
drop() are by dropping
rows by index label.
Boolean Indexing
I t helps us to select the data from the DataFrames using a boolean vector. We need a DataFrame
with a Boolean index to use the boolean
In boolean indexing, we can filter a data in four ways:
Accessing a DataFrame with a boolean index
Applying a boolean mask to a dataFrame
Masking data based on column value
o Masking data based on index value
A CSV isa
comma-separated values file. This type of file can be view as an excel file and separated
by commas. CSV file is nothing more than a simple text file. However, it is the most common,
simple and easiest method to store tabular data. This particular format arranges tables by a specific
structure divided into rows and columns.
Once we have the DataFrame, we can persist it in csV on the local disk. Let's first create cSV fle
using data that is currently present in the DataFrame, we can store the data of this DataFrame in
CSV format using API called to_CSV (...) of Pandas


Data visualization is the presentation of data in graphical format. It helps people understand the
significance of data by summarizing and presenting a huge amount of data in a simple and easy to
understand format and helps communicate information clearly and effectively.
Plotting using Matplotlib
The Matplotlib Python library, developed by John Hunter and many other contributors, is used to
high quality graphs, charts and figures.
Matplotlib produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy format and interactive
environments across platforms. It can be used in Python scripts, the Python and IPython shell, web
application servers and various graphical user interface toolkits.
For installation of Matplotlib in various operating system such as windows, Linux, MacOS, etc., use
following command at command prompt
python -m pip install -U matplotlib
Line Plot
For all matplotlib plots, we start by creating a figure and axes.
The figure (an instance of the class plt.Figure) can be thought of as a single container that contains
all the objects represented axes, graphics, text and labels. The axis (an instance of the class
is a bounding box with ticks and labels, which will eventually contain the plot elements that make
up our visualization. If we want to create a single figure with multiple lines, we can simple call the
plot function multiple times.
Plotting Bar graph
Categorical data can be represented in rectangular blocks with different heights or lengths
proportional to the values. Such a type of representation is called a bar chart. The bar chart can be
plotted vertically or horizontally.
A bar graph uses bars to compare data among different


Uass- X
Sample It
data. to.
OSWAAL numerical
14 distri
ution canAn be

of the distribution.
Plotting Histogram accurate

show a
is an used to
histogram are

A data.

to represent
estimated using a
histogram plot.
The graph
or plot should ha.have aproper
Customizing Plots with proper
o r graphs
the charts function
is used.
ou can etc. graph title()
title, labels, legends tittle in

a tittle: To add a

and ylabel) a r e used r .

matplotib.pyplot>.title(title_string) xlable) necdve
and Y-axis, it becomes
Labels: To set
the labels for X-axis
single plot, on a
ary that
multiple f u n c t i o n is
When we plot
Legends: to the plot, no>)
specified. To add legend o r position
legends are <string =




Built-In Functions calculationc

Mathematical Functions available in MySQL also
functions operations on it and
various built-in
There are numeric value, pertorm
functions accept
numeric value in result. are as
used in MySQL
functions values.
Somemathematical function is used to get the power of the given
o POWER(): This
POWER (m, n)
Parameter :

in the calculation
Itis a base value calculation
n:Itis exponentvalue in the
raised to the nth power
This function returns m upwards or downwards
the number to the
function is used to round up
O ROUND() : This
whichever the nearest whole

ROUNDnumber) can also pass that
number with certain number of decimal places, you
If you wants to get
number, and use following syntax.
ROUND (number, decimal place)
o MOD(): This function is used to return the remainder of one expression by dividin8
another expression.
MOD(n, m)
n:number to be divided by m
m:numberthatwill divide n
s usedin
Text Functions
MySQL text functions manipulate the character string data effectively. Some text functio
MySQL are as follows: u p p e rc a s e

UCASE(/UPPER(): This function is used to convert the string argument into

On Tips Notes
UPPER(str) to
to convert the characters of an argument string
LCASE( }/LOWER() : This function is used
the lowercase characters.
O MID): This function extracts a substringfrom a string and returns a string with given length
and position.

MID(str, pos, len)
SUBSTRING()/SUBSTR(): These function are same as MID() function.

SUBSTRTING(str, pos, len)
LENGTH(): This function is used to return the length of the specified string. It returns
length in bytes. This function also includes all the blanks spaces which are include in string.

the left of the
LEFT() : This function is used to return a specified number of characters from
string. The number of characters returned is determined by the second argument.

LEFT(str, len)
RIGHT(): This function is just opposite of LEFT() function. It is used to return a specified
number of characters from the right of the string. The number of characters returned is
determined by the second argument.
RIGHT(str, len)
INSTR(): This function takes two arguments as str (string) and sub_str (sub string) and returns
the position of the first occurrence of a specified sub_str from a given str.

INSTR( str, sub_str)
LTRIM(): This function takes a string argument and returns a new string with all the leading
space characters removed. Spaces in the middle or trailing spaces are not removed.
RTRIM() : This function takes a string argument and returns a new string with all the trailing
space characters removed. Spaces in the middle or leading space are not removed.
TRIM(): This functions enables you to remove leading and trailing white space from string.

Date Functions
The date functions are used to perform some operations on date that is stored in the database.
Some common date functions are as follows:
D NOW): This function returns the currentdate and time in the configured time zone as a
string,or a number in the 'YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM: SS' or "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS' format.
Question Papers,
16 value from a
extracts the date
DATE(): This function
Syntax: to 12 for Jan.
This function
returns the month for date, in
the range 1
date contains
NULL. [anuary to
MONTH( ) :
r e t u r n s 0 then
month part of the given
December. If it

returns the full name of the month for given date.
This function

the given date. It returns a year
value in the ran
the range
o YEAR(): This function
returns the year of
is it returns 0.
1000 to 9999. If the date zero,
YEAR(date) date. If the date argumentis zero
returns the day of the month of a given ero,
DAY(): This function this function returns NULL.
date in NULL,
it returns 0. In case, the
Aggregate Functions
A n aggregate function performs a calculation on one
or more values and returns a single value.
W e often use aggregate functions with the GROUP By and HAVING clauses of the SELECT statement
Except for count("), aggregate functions totally ignore NULL values and consider all values present in
a column.
Some aggregate functions are as follows:
MAXO This function returns the maximum value in selected columns. MAX) function ignores
NULL values and considers all values in the calculation.
SELECT MAX(Column_Name) FROM Table_Name;
MIN): This function returns the minimum value in the selected columns. MIN() function ignores
NULL values
AVG0:This function calculates the average of specified column(s). It ignores NULL values.
SELECT AVG(Column_ Name) FROM Table_Name;
SUM) : This function calculates the sum of all values in the
expression that evaluates to numeric values specified columns.
It accepts only the
SUM(Column_Name) FROM
COUNT): This function returns the number
COUNT(") function returns a number of rows of items found in a
in a
duplicates and NULL values. specified table or view that includes the mber
Syntax: nu
GROUP BY Clause Table_Name;
GROUP BY clause is used to
columns. group rows
returned by SELECT statement into a
Syntax: speciieu
SELECT column 1,
column 2,..,
FROM Table_Name Aggregate _function (exp)
WHERE condition
GROUP BY Column_Name;
On Tips Notes
ORDER BY Clause 17
ORDER BY clause is used to sort a result set returned by a SELECT statement.
Tosort a result set in
ascending order, use ASC keyword and in
descending order, use DESC
The ORDER BY clause sorts the result
set in
Syntax: ascending order by default.
SELECT column 1, column 2, ..

FROM Table_Name
Column_Name <ASC/DESC>;
The HAVING clause is
often used with the GROUP BY
group of rows based on a clause in the SELECT statement to filter
SELECT column 1, column 2,
FROM Table_Name
Aggregate_ function (Exp).
GROUP BY Column_ Name
HAVING condition;


Computer Networks
A computer network is an
interconnected collection of computers that allows sharing of resources and
information. Computers may connect to each other
by either wired or wireless media.
Types of Network
A computer network can be categorized by their size. Types of network are as follows:
i) Local Area Network (LAN) : It is a network where two or more computers are connected within a
range of 1 km. LAN exists within a campus. It is owned by a single organization. Many
printers are shared through LAN. There is a limit on the number of computers that can beexpensive
to a single LAN.
(ii) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) : It covers up to 50 km area. MAN is larger than a LAN but
smaller than WAN. MANs are usually characterized
by high speed connections. They are usually
operated by a single entity such as a government body or larger corporation. It expands throughout
a city such as cable TV network.
(ii)Wide Area Network (WAN): It spans a large geographical area often a country or a continent.
Internet is the largest WAN. Wide Area Networks are widely used in the field of business,
government, education etc.
Network Devices
Hub: It connects multiple computer networking devices together. A hub also acts as a repeater in
that it amplifies signals that deteriorate after travelling long distances over connecting cables.
Switch: Switches generally have a more inteligent role than hubs. It maintains limited routing
information about nodes in the internal network, and it allows connections to systems like hubs or
Router: Routers help transmit packets to their destinations by charting a path through the sea of
interconnected networking devices using different network topologies. Routers are also used to
divide internal network into two or more sub networks.
Bridge: Bridges are used to connect two or more hosts or network segments together. The basic role
of bridge network architecture is storing and forwarding frames between the different segments
that the bridge connects.
Gateway: It is a network device that is used to connect two or more dissimilar networks. A gateway
usually is a computer with multiple Mics connected to different networks.
Modem: Modems (MOdulators-DEModulators) are used to transmit digital signals over analog
telephone lines. Digital signals are converted by the modem into analog signals of different
frequencies and transmitted to a modem at the receiving location.
18 OsWAAL CBSE Sample Question ass X
it receives. Repeaters
Kepeater: It is an electronic device that amplifies the signal work on he
physical layer.
Network Topology intercon
Opology refers to the way in which the workstations
Some common network topologies are as follows:
attached to the
network are

Each compute
Bus Topology: It u s e s a c o m m o n single
cable to connect all the worKStations.
of the central server. However, nputer reform
only one
t s task of sending messages without the help
the bus topology.
can transmit a message at a particular time in

on a central connection
which acts as a hub. A
topology is
Star Topology: It is based
home networks where all the computers connect to the single central computer using a mmon in
Tree Topology: It combines the characteristics of the linear bus and star topologies. It c
groups configured workstation connected to
ot star
a bus backbone cable. consists of
device is connected to every other device on tho. ne
Mesh Topology: In this topology, each we say dedicated, it
means that the
link onlor
through a dedicated point-to-point link. When s
data for the two connected devices only
The Internet is world wide system of computer networks i.e., network of networks. Throuch:
computers become able to exchange information with each other and find diverse perspective enet,
from a global audience. All computer on the Internet, communicate with one another using TCP
which is a basic protocol of the Internet. TCP/IP,
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is a unique identifier used to locate a resource on t
Internet. It is also referred to as a web addresses. the
URL protocols include HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTTPs (HTTP secure) for-
resources, SMTP for email, FTP for files on a file transfer protocol server and telnet for sessionweb
access remote computers.
World Wide Web (Www)
The world wide web is a way of exchanging information, between computers on the Interne
typing them together into a vast collection of interactive multimedia resources.
The development of the world wide web was
begun in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee and his
at CERN, an international scientific organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. colleagues
World wide web had several differences from other
The web required only unidirectional links rather thanhypertext systems available at that time.
bidirectional ones, making it possible for
someone to link to another resource without action
by the owner of that resource.
Web is the common name for the World Wide
that can be accessed by a web browser.
Web, a subset of the Internet consisting of the pages
Many people assume that the web is the same as the Internet and use these terms
However, the term Internet refers to the interchangeaby
sharing, over the web possible. global network of servers that makes the intormato
E-mail stands for Electronic Mail. It is a
audio files from one place to another
paperless method of sending messages, notes, picturc and

E-mail address is an individual name which is

using the Internet as a medium.
used to send and receive e-mail on the
used to specify the source or destination of an
e-mail message. Interne
The format of an e-mail address is
Somecomponents of e-mail messages are:
.To field is where the e-mail address of
the person
From field is where
your e-mail address put.
receiving the e-mail is placed.
Subject field indicates the purpose of e-mail.
Cc stands for Carbon
Bcc stands for Blind
Copy. It specifies recipients who are not direct
Carbon Copy. It is similar to addresses. This filed eld
optional. Cc, except the recipients are secret.
Message Body is the area where you
type your main message.
On Tips Notes
er the
Chat exchanging messag
interacting and/or
to the process of communicating,
through a chat enaolea
Chat reters
lt involves two or more
individuals that communicate

software. downloaded chat proga
browser based services that do
not require
in addition, there

for chatting the Internet as follows:

There are two basic modes on

lext-based chat: Enables through sending and receiving

messaB text
Multimedia chat: Enables communication through audio and video transmiSsion.
2. chat aloWservers that >evia
A chat room is the hub of Internet chatting. Chat r o o m s are actually the message
or o t n e r

room, vou can read

to login to them simultaneously. After joininga
users to anyone else.
and send your own messages to them or

VolP to make voice


It is technology that allows you

VolP stands for voice Internet
over protocol. a

a broadband internet connection

instead of a regular phone line.
using telephone SIgnal
the signal is converted to a regular
lt you are calling a regular phone number, connected t o a
VolP phone or a traditional phone
before it calls directly from a computer, a special
special adapter. system. Users can
cost savings over a traditional phone
A voice over IP solution provides significant
international calls and long distance.
take advantage of free calls and low rates for
>Website the home
related and accessed by visiting
A site website is a central location of web pages that are
a browser.
page of the website using social
educational sites, news sites, forums,
Website come in a nearly endless variety, including mix of text and
e - c o m m e r c e sites and so on. The pages
within a website are usually a
media sites,
other media.
interlinked web pages that share a single
Basically, awebsite is a collection of publicly accessible,
business or
maintained by an individual, group,
domain name. Websites can be created and
organization to serve a variety of purposes.
Berners-Lee and launched on August 6, 1991.
The first website was built at CERN by Tim
Web page
A web page is a document for the world wide web that is identified by unique uniform resource
locator (URL). These pages are written in HTML, that is viewed in an Internet browser. A webpage
to other web pages and files.
may contain text, graphics and hyperlinks
videos to
A webpage is often used to show private information to viewers, including pictures

be used as a method to sell products or

help illustrate important topics. A web page may also
services to viewers.
Web Server
A web server is a computer that runs websites. It is a computer program that distributes web pages
as they are requested. The basic objective of the web server is to store, process and deliver web

pages to the users.

The main job of a web server is to display the website content. If a web server is not exposed to the

public and is used internally, then it is called Internet server.

Web Hosting
A web hosting is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to
make their website accessible via world wide web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on
a server. Owned and leased for use by clients as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically
in a data center.
Web Browser
A web browser or simply browser is special software that enables the users to read/view webpage
and jump from one webpage to another. It displaysa webpage and interprets its HTML codes. Itis
the software that is needed to find, retrieve, view and send information over the Internet.
20 ss -XI
Add-ons are tools which integrate into your browser. They are similar to regular apps or proo
but only run when the browser runs. Add-ons can allow the viewingof certain types of web eams
web content,
such as Adobe Flash player for youtube videos efc.
Add-os can work within the framework of the browser provided or they can provide sen

functions, such adding a status bar. eparate

Plug-ins are software additions that allow for the customization of computer programs.
and web browser as well as the customization of the content offered by websites. While pluPs
continue to be used by add-ons to customize programs and apps, their use in web browser
decreased somewhat, in favor of using browser extensions instead. has
Cookies are messages that web servers pass to your web browser when you visit Internet site
Your browser stores each message in a small fill, called cookies txt. When you request another pas
from the server, your browser sends the cookies back to the server. These files typically contai
information about your visit to the web page as well as any information you have volunteered,


Cyber Safety
Cyber safety is the act all about the responsible and safe use of Internet services by dealing with
the risk which is associated using the Internet. This behaviour helps us to protect our personal
information and minimize the danger online.

Digital Footprint
Whatever a person be on internet creates his usage or we can say left a shadow behind of that
activity and all these activities shadow creates your identity, this identity is called digital footprint
Digital footprint is nothing but the record of what a person do online.
Digital footprint includes e-mail you sent, information you shared, websites you visited and the
activities you took part online.
Digital footprint is of two types:
1. Active Digital Footprint: When a user knowingly share the personal data in order to share
information about the user by means of social networking digital platform. e.g. when user makes a
comment or post something on social media.
2. Passive Digital Footprint: When the personal data of the user in collected without letting him
know or collection of personal data of user without the
permission of him is known as passive
digital footprint. e.g. when user visits any website traces his physical location using user's device lP
Net and Communication Etiquettes (Netiquettes)
Netiquette is a way to communicate over Internet. In real world, we use a manner to talk so that
the exact meaning could successfully convey to the listener. On Internet, this manner is known as
Netiquettes which help the user to get exact idea of what is said.
Netiquettes makes the communication process successful because without it sender's messageta
be misinterpreted by the receiver
though he will not be able to see the facial expression or u
Netiquettes makes the communication more effective by adding human emotion to it. By ng
netiquettes, sender can express what he was feeling while writing the
post or message.
Netiquettes help the user in establishing good relation with the other users because use

netiquettes he can express what he feels or what he wants to say. wne

Data Protection
I t is
the process of safeguarding important information from corruption, n

short, you should be able to decide whether or not you want compromise hhas
access to it, for how
toshare some information
long, for what reason more

and be able to
modify some of this
On Tips Notes
large partorof a dataprotection strategy is ensuring that data can be restored quickly
COrrupton loss. Protecting data from compromise and after any
COmponents of data protection. There ensuring data privacy are other
are two key areas of data
as: management used in data protection
D a t a ite cycle management is the process of automating the movement of critical data to
online and offline
(11) Information life cycle
management is a comprehensive strategy for valuing,
protecting information assets from cataloguing ana
application and user errors, malware and virus dulaho,
machine failure or
facility outage and disruptions.
Intellectual Property
When someone owns a house or a
if someone comes motorcycle, we say that the person owns that property. Similariy,
out with a new
this original idea is that
person's intellectual property.
Intellectual property refers to the
inventions, literary and artistic
of such concepts lies with expressions, designs and symboIs,
names and
logos. The
intellectual property. ownership the creator or the holder of the
Intellectual property is legally
protected through
(i) Copyright: It grants legal rights to creators forcopyright patents, trademarks etc.
their original works like writing,
recordings, video, sculptures, architectural works, computer photograph, audio
literary and artistic work. software, and other creative works

(i) Patent: It is usually granted for inventions. Unlike

the invention. When a copyright, the inventor needs to file for patenting
patent is granted, the owner gets an exclusive right to
using selling or distributing the protected invention. prevent others from
(iii) Trademark: It includes any visual
symbol, word, name, design, slogan, label etc.,
the brand that distinguishes
or commercial enterprise, from other brands or commercial
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) enterprise.
Intellectual Property Rights are the exclusive rights given to the person over his/her creation for
specific time period. These rights allow the patents or owner to
buy, sell and exchange their licensed
goods to different people or organizations. Intellectual property
rights are largely covered by laws
governing to patents. Copyrights, industrial design rights, trademarks,
dress, geographical indications, circuit design plant variety rights, trade
rights and supplementary protection certificates for
pharmaceutical products and database rights etc.
Violation of IPR
Plagiarism: With the availability of Internet, we can instantly copy or share text,
videos. Presenting someone else's idea or works as one's own idea or work is called
pictures and
we copy some contents from plagiarism. If
Internet, but do not mention the source or the original creator,
is considered as an act of then it
Copyright Infringement: Copyright infringement is when we use other
obtaining their permission to use or we have not paid for it, if it is being sold.person's
work without
an Suppose we download
image from the Internet and use it in our project. But if the owner of the copyright of the
does not permit its free usage, then using such image even after giving reference of the image
our project is a violation of image in
3. Trademark Infringement: Trademark infringement means unauthorised use of other's trademark
products and services. An owner of a trademark may commence legal proceedings against
someone who infringes its registered trademark.
Software License
It is
a document that
provides legally binding guidelines for the use and distribution of software.
Software licenses typically provide end users with the right to one or more
without violating copyrights.
copies of the software
Types of Software License:
i) Proprietary license
(ii) GNU General Public License (GPL)
(ii) End User License Agreement (EULA)
(iv) Creative Commons (CC) license
Question Papers,
Class XI

Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)

FOSS has community of u s e r s and developer
ously towards
who a r e contributing continuouslyv t
the existing features.
adding n e w features or improving constraints on copyrights. The
The term "free" indicates that the
software does not have "Ter
developers collaborating wor
refers software development from expert
Open source"
r e v e r s e engineering. It
is also referred as urce salde
Free/Libre open source software
Without any need for software (FOSS).
(FLOSS) or free open s o u r c e
Cyber Crime and IT Act
Cyber Crime carried out in a digital environment
can be considered as a
Crime. In activities
Criminal or offences
such crimes, either the computer itself is the target or the computer is used as a to cybe
ol ko
Commita crime.
crimes carried out against either an individual or a group or arn organization or
Cyber are
against a country, with the intent to directly or indirectly cause physical harm, financial los
mental harassment. A cyber criminal attacks a computer ora network to reach other computers
order to disable or damage data or services.
The nature of criminal activities are alarmingly increasing day by day, with frequent reports of hackine
ransom-ware attacks, denial of services, phishing, e-mail fraud, banking fraud and identity theft. ng,
1. Hacking
Hacking is the act of unauthorised access to a computer, computer network or any digital system
Hackers usually have technical expertise of the hardware and software.
They look for bugs to exploit and break into the system.
2. Phishing and Fraud e-mails
Phishing is an unlawful activity where fake websites or e-mails that look original or authentic ars
presented to the usertofraudulently collect sensitive and personal details, particularly usernames
passwords, banking and credit card details. es,
3. Ransomware
This is another kind of cyber crime where the attacker gains access to the
computer and blocks the
user from
accessing, usually by encrypting the data. The attacker blackmails the victim to pay for
getting access to the data or sometimes threaten to publish personal and sensitive information or
photographs unless a ransom is paid.
Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying or bullying that takes
place over digital devices like cell phones, computers and
tablets. Cyber bullying can occur
through SMS, text and apps or online in social media, forums or
gaming where people can view, participate or share content.
Cyber bullying includes sending, posting or sharing negative, harmful, false or mean
someone else. It can include content about
sharing personal or private information about someone else causing
embarrassment or humiliation. Some
cyber bullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal
Cyber Law
I t is any law that
applies to the Internet and Internet related
newest areas of the legal system. This is because Internet technologies. Cyber law is one of the
Cyber law provides legal protections to people technology develops at sucha rapid pace
and everyday citizens. using the Internet. This includes both businesses
Understanding cyber law is of the
the Internet.
Cyber law has also been referred to as the utmost importance to anyone who use
"law of the Internet".
Information Technology Act (IT
With the growth of Act)
Internet, many cases of cyber
reported. The nature of fraudulent activities crimes, frauds, cyber attacks and llying
menaces, many countries have come and crimes keeps cyber uh
data and to up with legal measures for changing. To deal w nal
safeguard rights of Internet users.
the protection of sensitive pea
Parliament of India
17th October 2000, whichpassed first
Cyber law the Information on the

the IT Act, provides the Technology (IT)

2000, as mentioned in the legal infrastructure for e-commerce in India.Act, se of
language of the Act is:
On Tips Notes 23
An Act to provide legal recognition for transaction carried out by means of electronic data interchange and other
means of electronic communication, commonlhy referred to as " electronic commerce", which involves the use of

alternative to paper based methods of communication and storage of information, to facilitate electronic filling
of document with the Government agencies and further to amend the lndian Penal Code, the Indian Evidence
Act1872, the Banker's Book EvidenceAct, 1891 and The Reserve Bank ofIndiaAct, 1934 andfor matters connected
therewith or incidental thereto.
Technology and Society
E-waste Management
In most part of the world, underground water is not drinkable directly. Long ago, people simply
used to draw up water from wells and drink it. But now, you have to use some sort of filter to purify
the water and make it drinkable. Why? It is just one of the many problems and hazards of e-waste.
The electronic devices, dead cells and batteries you throw away with other garbage contains lead
that easily mixes with underground water, makingit unfit for direct consumption. That is just the
tip of the iceberg - the problems of e-waste disposal

This word has caught up in the recent past only when someone studying the subject noted that our
environment will be 3x more congested with e-waste by 2017. E-waste is growing in huge volumes.
The reason why e-waste is increasing is that technology is growing fast and in an attempt to get
better devices, we casually get rid of old electronics- the best examples being that of smart-phones.
Treating e-Waste
As of now, there are no proper methods being implemented even in the first world to eliminate the
problem of e-waste. The two methods that found interesting for proper treatment of e-waste are
recycling and refurbishing.
For recycling, there may be products that cannot be recycled completely. PVC layers, for example,
stay as such for ages and cannot be recycled. It would be better if the manufacturers use recyclable
material so that the e-waste is converted into something that can be used again without harming
the planet and its inhabitants. Thus, one of the major factors in treating e-waste is to compel
manufacturers to use green elements.

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