Brajveer Singh CV-1

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E-MAIL: CONTACT No.: - +91-8317234649/704287831

BrajveerSingh (

Intend to utilize my technical skills and experience to build robust and scalable software systems
which can help my organization’s business to grow.

⮚ 16 years of professional experience in designing and development of Java based
Software applications.
⮚ I am working with Morgan Stanley since March 2022 till date as a Vice President (Java
Developer) in Identity and Access Management department. I am involved in
Applications Modernization and designing/architecting new Java applications using
Spring Boot 3.1, Spring 6.0 (Http Interface), Spring Web Flux Web client, Java 17,
Azure AD and Microsoft Graph APIs. I am responsible for Requirements Analysis,
ADR (Architecture Decisions Record) writing, Designing, Coding etc. I also do code
peer reviews and mentor the team.
⮚ I was working with Barclays as a Tech Lead (Assistant Vice President) since Jun,2018
till Feb 2022. I designed Java Framework for Algo Trading Platform (BATS) where I
worked as a Senior Java Framework Developer. I also worked as a Tech Lead for
different applications in API Platform Team and managed a team of developers. I
worked on RAML, Elastic Search, Mongo DB, Java 8, Spring Boot, Akana, React.js etc.
⮚ Developed Cloud Native applications using Spring Boot, Microservices, OpenShift. The
APIs were deployed into Service Mesh into high availability setup. It was using
HAProxy, Zuul API Gateway, Eureka, OpenShift etc.
⮚ AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
⮚ AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate and able to utilize my AWS skills.
⮚ Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals
⮚ Contributed to product development and has exposure to design and develop a software
product from scratch using Java, ActiveMQ, SWT and Multithreading for Algo Trading
and Digital Wallet.
⮚ Successfully migrated Active MQ and MySQL to Kafka and Cassandra as per
Architecture improvements for handling live feeds data and improved resiliency.
⮚ Good knowledge of core java, multithreading, collections (data structures), file I/O,
serialization, socket programming (TCP/IP), design patterns, JPA (Hibernate), JNDI,
JDBC, Restful APIs, Microservices, Service Mesh.
⮚ Developed products based on Event Driven Architecture, MVC architecture,
Multitenancy Architecture and Plugin Based Architectures.
⮚ Mentoring and nurturing talent to build a team of full stack developers.
⮚ Leading the small team of developers.
⮚ Ability and willingness to learn new technologies.

Design & Development of Software Applications using Java (1.8 and 17)technology.
Requirements gathering, requirements analysis, converting business requirements into technical
specification, coming up with the high level design, ability to evaluate design proposed against
the requirements and implementing the functional and non-functional design flows.

EDUCATIONAL Qualification

S.N. Degree University

1 M.Tech (Software Systems, 2015-2017) Birla Institute of Technology
& Science, Pilani
2 B. Tech (Computer Science Uttar Pradesh Technical
& Engineering, 2002-2006) University, Lucknow

CERTIFICATIONS/Independent Courses

S.N. Technology/Domain Certification

1 Core Java SCJP 1.4
2 Web Components SCWCD 5.0
3 Business Components SCBCD 5.0
4 AWS AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate
5 NISM Series VIII Equity & Derivatives
6 Big Data and Hadoop Exposure to HDFS architecture and Map/Reduce
programming for Big Data Analytics (Edu-Pristine)
7 AWS AWS Certified Data Analytics Speciality (Udemy)
8 Apache Spark Apache Spark With Scala (Udemy)
9 Angular JS Ultimate Guide to Angular (Udemy)
10 Azure Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals (az-900)
11 AWS AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Current Role
I am working in Identity and Access Management (IAM) department on the modernization of legacy application with
the latest Java technology as a Lead Developer.
I am using JDK17, Spring Boot 3.1, Spring 6.0, Webclient, Azure AD, Microsoft Graph APIs the technology
stack in my current project. I am involved in Requirements analysis, Design and development of the software

Technical Projects

S.N. Title Designation Technologies Description Organization

(Role) (Tenure)
1 Talos VP (Java Spring Boot, Restful This is a web based Morgan
Developer) Webservices, Core Java, tools which is used Stanley
Postgres DB, by Operations team (Mar,2022-till
Multithreading, Gradle, to manage RADIUS date)
Open API, Spnego Clients, Users and
2 AIM VP (Java Spring Boot, This is a single page
Status Developer) Restful Webservices, Core application to track
Page Java, Sybase DB, the incidents’ status
Multithreading, Gradle, of different AIM’s
Spnego, Open API, Angular products. The
CLI, ChartJs, HighChart dashboard displays a
table for the
consolidated status
of the incidents. It
displays a chart per
product where bar
colour represents the
incidents type
3 MySec VP (Java Spring Boot, This project
urity Developer) Restful Webservices, Core manages different
Java, Sybase DB, types of the
Multithreading, Gradle, Authenticators and
Open API, AngularJs their workflows
which are being used
by the bank for its
internal employees.
4 Barcla AVP Core Java, Spring Boot, Barclays Centralized Barclays
ys API (Tech Lead) Microservices, Service Content (Jun,2018-
Netwo Mesh, Mongo DB, Elastic Management System Feb,2022)
rk Search, Anypoint Exchange, for APIs
OpenShift, React, SAML,
Junit, Mockito, Wiremock,

5 Barcla AVP Core Java, Spring Boot, API Exchange used

ys (Tech Lead) Microservices, Akana, by external
Develo Mongo DB, OpenShift, developers for
per React, JWKS, Junit, experimenting with
Portal Mockito, Wiremock Barclays open
banking APIs and
other internal APIs.
6 Enviro AVP Core Java, Spring Boot, A dashboard to
nment (Application Restful Webservices, monitor different
Monit Designer and Akana, Service Mesh environments and
oring Java API Platforms
Developer) services
7 Web AVP Core Java, Selenium Web This framework is
Autom (Framework Driver, Maven, TestNG, used for testing web
ation Designer and Extent Report, Executor application for
Frame Framework Service, Java Scheduler, different browsers
work Developer) Selenium Grid

8 Digital Sr. Staff Core Java (JDK1.8), This wallet is Altimetrik

Wallet Software Collection, Multithreading, used for P2P, P2M, (Aug,2017-
Engineer Concurrency, M2P, Jun,2018)
(Tech Lead) Asynchronous Event M2M transactions. I
Processing, Micro-Service was working with
Architecture, JMS,
XML, JUnit, Distributed Mastercard for this
Computing, Active MQ, project.
Spring Core, Spring Data,
Eclipse, GIT, Gradle
9 CMS – Principal Apache Kafka, Casandra, This project is about Faichi
Docu Software Core Java(JDK1.8), receiving live feeds, Solutions
ment Engineer Collection, applying some filters (Jan,2017 –
Corpus (Java Multithreading on feed and extract Jul, 2017)
ETL Developer as &Concurrency, the feed.
an Individual Asynchronous Event
Contributor) Processing,
Micro-Service Architecture,
Computing, Active MQ,
Spring Core, Spring Data,
Eclipse, GIT,
10 Single Principal Spring Boot, Restful This is a product that
View Software Services, Spring Data, helps customer
Insura Engineer Angular Js, Neo4J, MySQL, supports executives
nce (Tech Lead) Tomcat, JSON, Core Java by giving them a
Applic single view of
ation customer data.
11 High Lead Core Java(JDK1.8), This is a near real- Signature
Freque Software Collection, Multithreading, time application Global
ncy Engineer Concurrency, which is used for (Dec,2015 –
Tradin Asynchronous Event algorithmic trading. Dec,2016)
g Processing, Micro-Service
Platfor Architecture, JMS,
m JUnit, TCP/IP, UDP,
Distributed Computing,
SWT, Derby JFreechart,
Active MQ, SWING,
MySQL, Spring Core,
Eclipse, GIT, Maven,
jVisualVM, jConsole,
Sleak, XMLTask
12 Health Senior Core Java, J2EE, Spring HIX is a public hCentive
Insura Software MVC, Hibernate, Apache exchange for buying (Aug,2014 –
nce Engineer Tomcat, Oracle 11 g, and selling of health Dec,2015)
Excha Apache POI, Java, Eclipse, insurance plans in
nge SERFF Templates, iText, USA. It contains
(HIX) JCE, Tomcat, Eclipse, different web
IMPL Multithreading portals.

13 TPD Sr. Developer AdobeCQ5, Java, JSP, TPD Savvy is a fund Sapient Global
Savvy – CQ Eclipse, Tomcat, JIRA, management website Markets
2014 CMS, CRX, Sybase of Goldman Sachs (Apr,2014 –
14 Scrutin Firmware Core Java, Multithreading, Scrutiny is a software LSI India
y Development Collection, TCP/IP Socket, application Research &
Engineer II File I/O, Swing, JNI, C++, framework Development
Controller Firmware, developed for SAS3 Pvt. Ltd.
Expander Firmware, MPT Controllers and (Aug,2012 –
Fusion, PCIe enumeration, Expanders to Mar,2014)
SAS/SATA specification perform bring-up,
Windows XP, Windows diagnostics and
Server ,Linux RHEL Sever, validation tasks. This
Solaris application executes
RAID Controllers, on Host machine
Expanders, SATA/SAS where LSI SAS3
Drives, PLX PCIe Switch, devices are directly
NetApp Tahoe System accessible through
the host interfaces.
Scrutiny can interact
with the
chip using different
hardware interfaces
including Serial port,
Inband MPT, SCSI
Generic, Telnet etc.

15 SGPS- Sr. Technical Core Java, Servlet, JPA EMPSync is a Tech

Servic Associate (EJB 3.0), Web Services, configurable web Mahindra(Can
ePowe (Designer Hibernate, Design application which vasM)
r and Pattern, Multithreading, synchronizes two (Jul,2011 –
Emplo Developer) Oracle 10g different databases Sep, 2012)
yee i.e. ServicePower’s
Sync Database and SGPS’
Web Database.
App ServicePower
(EMP maintains data for
Sync) various vehicle
service providers.
SGPS is based on
GPS system so that a
vehicle can be track
at any point of time
through GPS.
16 Intelle Associate Core Java, Servlet, JSP,EJB Intellect Business Polaris
ct Consultant 2.0,Oracle 9i, JMS, JNDI, Process Studio(BPS) Software Lab
Busine (Senior RMI, Socket Programming, is the business (Jul,2010 –
ss Software Multi-Threading, Applet, process automation Jul,2011)
Proces Developer, XML, Design Patterns, layer which includes
s Application Eclipse, Core ftp, Putty, Imaging, Workflow
Studio Assembler, Edit Plus, notepad++, and Indexer .
(BPS) Deployer) Beyond Compare, JBoss
,WebLogic ,WebSphere,
Windows, Unix

◊ Visa Status B1
◊ Nationality Indian
◊ Gender Male
◊ Marital Status Married
◊ Languages Known English, Hindi
◊ Contact No. +91-8317234649

Date: -

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