Labada Cat Pattern: Gülizar Ekiz Designer
Labada Cat Pattern: Gülizar Ekiz Designer
Labada Cat Pattern: Gülizar Ekiz Designer
Gülizar Ekiz
Hello there!! Green : Hello DK Cotton Yarn – 138
Thanks for trying my pattern. lm sure that you Brown : Hello DK Cotton Yarn – 127
love this sweet CATS! You can always ask me if
there's a part that gets into your mind. Please Pink : Hello DK Cotton Yarn – 101
read our explanations well;) Enjoy it! Yellow : Hello DK Cotton Yarn – 165
CAUTION!!! This Pattern is only for personal Blue : Hello DK Cotton Yarn – 136
use, not for commercial purposes! You can
not sell, sub, distribute this pattern in any Purple : Hello DK Cotton Yarn – 141
form and anywhere! All rights reserved. You
Grey : Hello DK Cotton Yarn – 174
can sell items made from this pattern,
provided that they are handmade by yourself Dark grey : Hello DK Cotton Yarn – 159
and you give credit to the designer. Please add
the following lines to your item description Dark yellow : Hello DK Cotton Yarn – 124
and any item you are selling : “ This toy is
from a design and pattern by @labadacrafts- Shell pink : Hello DK Cotton Yarn – 110
Gülizar SEZER. Black Cotton Thread, Needle, Button
→Do not join rounds, work in a continuous Hook: 2,20 mm
spiral unless otherwise stated.
Eyes: 6 mm (3 pair), 3 little buttons
→The girl using the materials described is
about 24-26 cm.
mr: magic ring Use yellow yarn. At the end of every rnd ch 1
and turn back.
sc: single crochet
Rnd 1-ch 42 and turn, insert hook in 7th ch
ch: chain from the hook; 36sc.
inc: 2 single crochet in same stitch
dc: double crochet stitch Change color with pink. Dont cut the green
dcinc: double crochet increase one. Move it inside with crocheting Rnd 2.
Change color with green.
Cream : Hello DK Cotton Yarn – 156
Rnd 3-(1dc1dcinc)*18=54sc
Mustard : Hello DK Cotton Yarn – 166
Rnd 4-(2dc1dcinc)*18=72dc
Rnd 13-(flo)=72sc →Sew the straps on the 6th and 31sth stitches
→ Finish off with invisible finishing technic. of the dress.
Straps(x2): Use green yarn. →Sew the button too. Then make two more
Ch 8, insert hook in 2nd ch from the hook; dress with blue and shell pink.
1slst, 1sc, 1hdc, 1dc, 1hdc, 1sc, 1slst, (don´t
turn your work, crochet on the other side of
the ch) 1slst, 1sc, 1hdc, 1dc, 1hdc, 1sc, 1slst
(14 stitches) and ch 17.
→ Ch 8, insert hook in 2nd ch from the hook;
Use pink yarn.
1slst, 1sc, 1hdc, 1dc, 1hdc, 1sc, 1slst, (don´t
turn your work, crochet on the other side of → Ch 2, 4dc, ch 2, 1slst, ch 2, 4dc, ch 2, 1slst in
the ch) 1slst, 1sc, 1hdc, 1dc, 1hdc, 1sc, 1slst a mr. Cut a long yarn for sewing. Wrap the
and ch 10. Attach with a slst to the 14th stitch yarn around the bow before sewing the head.
on the Rnd 1 of the dress and make 9slst on
Rnd 54-(3sc1dec)*6=24sc
Rnd 55-(1sc1dec)*8=16sc
Brown : B Mustard : M Cream : C Rnd 16-7sc with C, 15sc with M, 15sc with C,
15sc with B, 8sc with C =60sc
→ When changing colors, drop the ‘’old’’ color
to the inside and then pick it up again when Rnd 17-9sc with C, 11sc with M, 19sc with C,
needed, creating a strand on the inside. Keep 11sc with B, 10sc with C =60sc
the strands loose, so the head doesn’t pull out Rnd 18-11sc with C, 7sc with M, 23sc with C,
of shape. 7sc with B, 12sc with C =60sc
Rnd 19=60sc
Rnd 3-(1sc1inc)*4 with M, (1sc1inc)*4 with B Rnd 23- 29sc, 1dec, 4sc, 1dec, 28sc =63sc
=24sc → Attact the eyes between 19 and 20 Rounds
Rnd 4-(3sc1inc)*3 with M, (3sc1inc)*3 with B (center the 4hdc written with red). Distance
=30sc between the eyes 14 stitches.
Rnd 8-(7sc1inc)*3 with M, (7sc1inc)*3 with B Rnd 24-3sc, (1dec,6sc)*7, 4sc =56sc
Rnd 25-(5sc,1dec)*8=48sc
Rnd 9-[4sc, 1inc, (8sc1inc)*2, 4sc] with M,
[4sc, 1inc, (8sc1inc)*2, 4sc] with B =60sc Rnd 26-2sc, 1dec, (4sc,1dec)*7, 2sc =40sc
Rnd 10-29sc with M, 1sc with C, 29SC with B, Rnd 27-(3sc,1dec)*8=32sc Fill the head.
1sc with C =60sc →Cut long any yarn. Attach the yarn to near
Rnd 11-1sc with C, 27sc with M, 3sc with C, eyes (refer the photo). Then pull it strongly
27sc with B, 2sc with C =60sc and knot. So you can have cute looking deep
Rnd 1-8sc in a mr
Rnd 2-(8inc)=16sc
Rnd 3-(1sc,1inc)*8=24sc
Rnd 4-(3sc,1inc)*6=30sc
→Put the body into the head and continue Rnd 6-(5sc,1inc)*6=42sc
with Rnd 28. Dont stuff from now. → Continue with color changing rounds.
Yellow : Y Cream : C
2. YELLOW CAT PATTERN Rnd 12-6sc with Y, 18sc with C, 36sc with Y
→ Make the ears, arms, legs and body with
yellow yarn. Rnd 13-5sc with Y, 20sc with C, 35sc with Y
→ Fort he tail; make brown and mustard parts
with cream. And make cream parts with Rnd 14-4sc with Y, 22sc with C, 34sc with Y
yellow yarn. =60sc