HTform 503lst - 1
HTform 503lst - 1
HTform 503lst - 1
Assumed Name
1. The assumed name under which the business or professional service is, or is to be, conducted or
rendered is: Hot Tamales LLC
Entity Information
2. The legal name of the entity filing the assumed name is:
Period of Duration
7a. The period during which the assumed name will be used is 10 years from the date of filing
with the secretary of state.
7b. The period during which the assumed name will be used is 5 years from the date of filing
with the secretary of state (not to exceed 10 years).
7c. The assumed name will be used until (not to exceed 10 years).
Form 503 4
County or Counties in which Assumed Name Used
8. The county or counties where business or professional services are being or are to be conducted or
rendered under the assumed name are:
All counties
The undersigned signs this document subject to the penalties imposed by law for the submission of a
materially false or fraudulent instrument and also certifies that the person is authorized to sign on
behalf of the identified entity. If the undersigned is acting in the capacity of an attorney in fact for the
entity, the undersigned certifies that the entity has duly authorized the undersigned in writing to
execute this document.
Date: ________________
Lezlie D. Dicken
Lezlie D. Dicken
Signature of a person authorized by law to sign on behalf of the
identified entity (see instructions)
Form 503 5