TBC Log 241022 111130
TBC Log 241022 111130
TBC Log 241022 111130
241022_111130 7188 CFC0567 N version information: Broker doce win64 rel
[rev-40773] { Jan 19 2024 23:04:16 } [[3369]]
241022_111130 7188 CFC0549 N HOST_NAME=prospera18(
241022_111130 7188 CFC0549 N REMOTE_SERVER_NAME=
241022_111130 7188 CFC0557 N REMOTE_SERVER_PORT=4000
241022_111130 7188 CFC0557 N RETRY_INTERVAL=10
241022_111130 7188 CFC0557 N MAX_RETRY_TIME=180
241022_111130 7188 WDL0256 N parameters received: host=[] port=[4000]
241022_111130 7188 WSF0160 E error 10048 from Windows when trying to bind port
241022_111130 7188 WDL0805 W broker client started operation using local port 51967
241022_111130 2364 CTC1335 N x 01 ctx:008 \o/
241022_111130 2364 CTC1336 N x 01 ctx:008 starting connection from client
241022_111130 2364 CTC1302 N x 01 ctx:008 received client connection from
241022_111130 2364 CTC3223 N x 01 ctx:008 initial connection attempt with broker
241022_111130 2364 CTC3242 N O 01 ctx:008 waiting establishment of connection with
241022_111130 2364 CTC1473 N x 07 ctx:008 will send alerts to broker
241022_111130 2364 CTC1477 N x 07 ctx:008 starting connection with broker
c: p: s:
241022_111130 2364 CTC3672 N x 07 ctx:008 sending initial handshake p:
[] s:[] id:[2F51C26B-452EDA4A-83C5B9A8-
241022_111130 2364 CTC3465 N x 22 ctx:008 starting reception of response for
initial handshake c: p: s:
241022_111130 2364 CTC2007 N x 19 ctx:008 received response of initial handshake
c: p: s:
241022_111130 2364 CTC2718 N x 18 ctx:008 success creating new connection
[9A0C111B-5F8F5148-B4FB9F21-E8CA586D] c: p:
241022_111130 2364 CTC2728 N x 18 ctx:008 connected with remote server
241022_111130 2364 CTC2655 W x 04 ctx:008 @@@ smartclient esta' usando SSL
241022_111130 3558 CTC2772 W x 04 ctx:008 @@@ server fechou conexao na primeira
resposta para conexao SSL do client SSL
241022_111130 3558 CTC2773 W x 04 ctx:008 @@@ fecha conexao com client, deixa
smartclient fazer retry
241022_111130 3558 CTC1196 W x 04 ctx:008 closing client connection
c: p: s:
241022_111130 3558 CTC1202 W x 04 ctx:008 closing server connection
c: p: s:
241022_111130 2364 MSG0169 W warning, null handle in ReceiveAsyncEvent
241022_111130 3558 CTC1206 N x 04 ctx:008 context has been finalized
241022_111130 3558 CTC1335 N x 01 ctx:009 \o/
241022_111130 3558 CTC1336 N x 01 ctx:009 starting connection from client
241022_111130 3558 CTC1302 N x 01 ctx:009 received client connection from
241022_111130 3558 CTC3223 N x 01 ctx:009 initial connection attempt with broker
241022_111130 3558 CTC3242 N O 01 ctx:009 waiting establishment of connection with
241022_111130 3558 CTC1473 N x 07 ctx:009 will send alerts to broker
241022_111130 3558 CTC1477 N x 07 ctx:009 starting connection with broker
c: p: s:
241022_111130 3558 CTC3672 N x 07 ctx:009 sending initial handshake p:
[] s:[] id:[5E7E1642-3A42DE46-838365DE-
241022_111130 2364 CTC3465 N x 22 ctx:009 starting reception of response for
initial handshake c: p: s:
241022_111130 2364 CTC2007 N x 19 ctx:009 received response of initial handshake
c: p: s:
241022_111130 2364 CTC2718 N x 18 ctx:009 success creating new connection
[E84466FB-63CCF547-97DE59F2-01F6E235] c: p:
241022_111130 2364 CTC2728 N x 18 ctx:009 connected with remote server
241022_111130 3558 CTC2657 W x 04 ctx:009 ### smartclient NAO esta' usando SSL
241022_111130 3558 CTC1948 N x 04 ctx:009 ### iniciando processamento normal,
conexao com server foi bem sucedida
241022_113354 3558 CTC1883 W x 04 ctx:009 client connection remotely closed
c: p: s:
241022_113354 3558 SPC0391 W C 06 ctx:009 server closed connection (was expected)