June 2020 Vocabulary PDF 1
June 2020 Vocabulary PDF 1
June 2020 Vocabulary PDF 1
The Hindu Newspaper is considered as the Bible for several major banking,
government and insurance examinations and thus we are here with more than 1000
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1000+ New Words - The Hindu Vocabulary June 2020 PDF
new words along with their meanings from the editorial section of The Hindu.
Reading these Hindu editorials and learning new words on a regular basis not only
helps in enhancing your word power, but it even helps you to stay aware of the
current events happening around. Moreover, it even helps you in the Reading
Comprehension part in the English section.
Here we are with the set of 1000+ new words and their contextual meaning in this
Free PDF for the complete month of June 2020.
June 1 2020
“Chaotic (in a state of complete confusion and disorder) rail journeys of migrants,
a colossal (extremely large) management failure”
cynicism self-interest
June 2 2020
June 3 2020
“The Centre’s discom liquidity (being available in the form of money) package
comes with many strings attached”
grappling fight
June 4 2020
obstetrics area of medicine that deals with pregnancy and the birth of
June 6 2020
clinical medical work relating to examining and treating someone who is ill
blame game a situation in which people try to blame each other for something bad
keep afloat to have enough money to pay their debts and continue operating
at stake at risk
back on its feet well or successful again after being ill or having problems
June 8 2020
in the front line in a position, especially in an organization or group, where you are
the most likely to be criticized or attacked
all hands to the something needing everyone to work hard to achieve an aim or do
deck a task.
shorn to deprive
June 9 2020
new age a way of life and thinking that developed in the late 1980s, whose
supporters were interested in ideas that existed before modern
upsurge increase
vested interests a strong personal interest in something because you could get an
advantage from it
June 10 2020
“Crossing the line (to start to behave in a way that is not socially acceptable): On
Delhi’s decision to limit health services”
cross the line to start to behave in a way that is not socially acceptable
depicted described
get your act organize your affairs so that you are able to deal with something
together effectively
June 11 2020
imbibe to take in
dubious unreliable
emphatically forcefully
June 12 2020
bleak miserable
case fatality rate the proportion of people who die from a specified disease among
all individuals diagnosed with the disease over a certain period of
continuum sequence
recovery rate the number of people who have recovered from an illness
June 13 2020
June 14 2020
June 15 2020
June 16 2020
fatalities deaths
high-decibel loud
invariably always
June 18 2020
countenance approval
painstakingly in a way that shows you have taken a lot of care or made a lot
of effort
June 19 2020
June 20 2020
stall stoppage
June 21 2020
Fleecing (obtain a great deal of money from) fuel users: On hike in petrol, diesel
embarked begin
June 22 2020
erecting constructing
transpire happen
June 23 2020
The lone wolf threat: on isolated (far away from other places, buildings, or
people) terror attack in London
anchored rooted
June 24 2020
June 25 2020
double-edged something that has or can have both favorable and unfavorable
sword consequences
entrench establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very
difficult or unlikely
wean itself off wean someone off something means to make someone gradually
stop depending on something that they like and have become used
June 26 2020
suo motu an action taken by a court of its own accord, without any request by
the parties involved
June 27 2020
reign prevail
slender thin
fold enclosure
June 28 2020
avalanche a large amount of ice, snow, and rock falling quickly down the
side of a mountain
June 29 2020
grey list countries that support terror funding and money laundering
internalised incorporate
June 30 2020