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1000+ New Words - The Hindu Vocabulary June 2020 PDF

The Hindu Newspaper is considered as the Bible for several major banking,
government and insurance examinations and thus we are here with more than 1000
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1000+ New Words - The Hindu Vocabulary June 2020 PDF
new words along with their meanings from the editorial section of The Hindu.
Reading these Hindu editorials and learning new words on a regular basis not only
helps in enhancing your word power, but it even helps you to stay aware of the
current events happening around. Moreover, it even helps you in the Reading
Comprehension part in the English section.

Here we are with the set of 1000+ new words and their contextual meaning in this
Free PDF for the complete month of June 2020.

June 1 2020

“Chaotic (in a state of complete confusion and disorder) rail journeys of migrants,
a colossal (extremely large) management failure”

Difficult Word/Phrase/Term Contextual Meaning/ Definition

Chaotic in a state of complete confusion and disorder

colossal extremely large

nodal agency direct concern office

heaped containing as much as possible

distraught extremely worried

inordinately in a way that is much more than usual or expected

borne moved or carried

abysmal very bad

hurtled to move very fast, esp. in what seems a dangerous way

cynicism self-interest

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June 2 2020

“India must move towards a central bank-controlled digital currency”

Difficult Word/Phrase/ Contextual Meaning/ Definition


sovereign a supreme ruler

pilot tested experiment is a small scale preliminary study conducted in

order to evaluate feasibility, duration etc

Bitcoin type of digital currency in which a record of transactions is

maintained and new units of currency

shortcomings a fault or failure

cryptocurrencies it is a digital asset designed

pegged an arrangement that fixes a price, currency, etc

stomach-churning feeling of disgust

articulated expressed; put into words

hastened to make something happen sooner

June 3 2020

“The Centre’s discom liquidity (being available in the form of money) package
comes with many strings attached”

Difficult Word/Phrase/ Contextual Meaning/ Definition

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liquidity being available in the form of money

collaborative involving two or more people working together for a

[articular purpose

hobble to limit something

quagmire difficult situation

discoms Distribution Company in India

grappling fight

aggregate to combine into a single group or total

persisting continues to exist

enforcement the process of making people obey a law or rule

plaguing to cause worry

June 4 2020

“Insurance-driven healthcare hasn’t worked for Covid-19”

Difficult Words/ Contextual Meaning


unabated without any reduction in intensity

directives official instructions

ventilator a machine that helps people breathe correctly by allowing air to

flow in and out of their lungs

tardy slow or late in happening

abandoned left without care and protection

obstetrics area of medicine that deals with pregnancy and the birth of

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1000+ New Words - The Hindu Vocabulary June 2020 PDF
gynaecology area of medicine that involves the treatment of women’s

June 6 2020

“Shine a light: On retraction (the act of taking back an offer or statement) of a

research paper”

Word/ Contextual Meaning


retraction the act of taking back an offer or statement

journal a serious magazine or newspaper that is published regularly about a

particular subject

suspended to stop something from being active

backlash a strong, negative reaction to something

mortality the number of deaths within a particular period of time

deployed to use something or someone, especially in an effective way

clinical medical work relating to examining and treating someone who is ill

introspected to examine and consider your own ideas, thoughts

hindsight the ability to understand an event or situation

blame game a situation in which people try to blame each other for something bad

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June 7 2020

“Winning formula: On revival of Formula One”

Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


low-key modest or restrained

double-header two events, sports games, entertainments, etc. happening one

after another

footprint effect of something

hop to make short leaps

curb a limit on something

keep afloat to have enough money to pay their debts and continue operating

pledge to formally promise

at stake at risk

nimble quick in movement or action

in good stead to be useful to, especially in a critical situation

back on its feet well or successful again after being ill or having problems

June 8 2020

“Profit, not profiteering (seek to make an excessive or unfair profit, especially

illegally): On regulation of COVID-19 testing charges”

Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


profiteering seek to make an excessive or unfair profit, especially illegally

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big brother a government that has complete power and tries to control
people’s behaviour and thoughts and limit their freedom

temper act as a neutralizing or counterbalancing force to (something)

avaricious showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain

fall square fall directly

exorbitant unreasonably high

in the front line in a position, especially in an organization or group, where you are
the most likely to be criticized or attacked

all hands to the something needing everyone to work hard to achieve an aim or do
deck a task.

subsume include in something else

watchfulness paying careful attention to something

shorn to deprive

high-handedness having or showing no regard for the rights, concerns, or feelings of


June 9 2020

“Selling space: On SpaceX’s mission to space”

Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


new age a way of life and thinking that developed in the late 1980s, whose
supporters were interested in ideas that existed before modern

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scientific and economic theories

upsurge increase

show off boastfully display one’s accomplishments

lobby to try to persuade an elected official to take a particular action

exponentially more and more rapidly

sign up to agree to become involved in an organized activity

leap of faith a belief in something uncertain

propensity an inclination to behave in a particular way

stand up to prove to be true when closely examined

harbour to think about or feel something, usually over a long period

non-partisan not support or help a particular group

arbiter somebody who decides what will be done

vested interests a strong personal interest in something because you could get an
advantage from it

June 10 2020

“Crossing the line (to start to behave in a way that is not socially acceptable): On
Delhi’s decision to limit health services”

Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


cross the line to start to behave in a way that is not socially acceptable

ill-thought-out not carefully considered and planned

depicted described

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nativism the policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established
inhabitants against those of immigrants

preemptively taken as a measure against something feared

to wash their to intentionally stop being involved in something

hands of

ramp up a large increase in the level of something

come clean be completely honest; keep nothing hidden

contiguous sharing a common border

rhetoric the art of persuasive speaking

flout to openly disregard

overturn reverse a decision

get your act organize your affairs so that you are able to deal with something
together effectively

June 11 2020

“Ugly run: On keeping sports clean”

Difficult Word/Phrase Contextual Meaning

in succession following one after the other without interruption

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strip somebody of to take something important, such as a title, away from
something someone as a punishment

come as a surprise (to be unexpected

imbibe to take in

sprint a short and very fast race

dubious unreliable

big fish an important person

peril a serious and immediate danger

temptation the desire to do something, especially something wrong

emphatically forcefully

long gone something ending at a distant time in the past

wake-up call a thing that alerts people to an unsatisfactory situation and

prompts them to remedy it

June 12 2020

“A better rate: On COVID-19 recovery”

Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning/Definition


complacency a feeling of uncritical satisfaction with one’s achievements

bleak miserable

prolonged longer than usual

case fatality rate the proportion of people who die from a specified disease among
all individuals diagnosed with the disease over a certain period of

nevertheless in spite of that

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slackening decreasing in intensity

disastrous causing great damage

continuum sequence

stretch spreading over a large area

triage the assignment of degrees of urgency to illnesses to decide the

order of treatment of a large number of patients

quarantined isolation imposed on a person

recovery rate the number of people who have recovered from an illness

June 13 2020

“Names and places: On English spelling of Tamil Nadu place names”

Difficult Word/Phrase/ Contextual Meaning/ Definition


Uniformity the quality or fact of being the same

headed quality of leading something

anglicised to change a word or name to make it sound or look like


convention a way of doing something or appearing that is considered

usual and correct

illogical not reasonable, wise or practical

anxious worried and nervous

pragmatism an approach to problems and situations that is based on

practical solutions

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equilibrium a state of balance

June 14 2020

“Desert clouds: On Rajasthan political crisis”

Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


defection the act of leaving a political party to join another that is

considered to be an enemy

upheaval a major change or period of change that causes a lot of conflict,

confusion, anger, etc.

in the making in the process of developling

tussle a vigorous struggle, typically in order to obtain or achieve


spruce someone to make oneself more attractive


snarled up unable to make progress

common ground shared interests, beliefs, or opinions

turn up the heat to increase the intensity of activity, coercion etc.

usurp to seize and hold (as office, place, or powers) in possession by

force or without right

wrest forcibly pull (something) from somebody’s grasp

lure tempt a person to do something especially by offering some form

of reward.

gate-crash enter without an invitation

disenchantment a feeling of disappointment about someone or something you

previously respected or admired

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facade a way of behaving or appearing that gives other people a false
idea of your true feelings or situation

dismantle to gradually cause (something) to come to an end

upending to turn something onto one end

traverse move across

inopportune not suitable for a particular situation

June 15 2020

“Behind the curve: On GST compensation to States”

Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


tide over to help to get through a period of difficulty

pandemic a dangerous disease that infects many people at one time

liabilities legal responsibility for something

waived to not demand something you have a right to

compliance the act of obeying an order, rule, or request

envisaged to imagine or expect something in the future

forbearance the quality of being patient

dwindling gradually becoming smaller in size or amount, or fewer in


urging the act of strongly advising someone

enshrined to contain or keep in a place that is highly admired and

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fractious tending to argue or complain

consensus a generally accepted opinion or decision

recompense to give something to someone as a payment or reward for their


Procrastination the act of delaying something that must be done

June 16 2020

Call for action: On ICMR antibody test study

Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


serological blood tests that look for antibodies in your blood

undercount count or figure that is inaccurately low

methodology a system of methods used in a particular area of study or


vulnerable able to be easily attacked

hot spots a place of significant activity, danger

fatalities deaths

untenable something that cannot continue as it is

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1000+ New Words - The Hindu Vocabulary June 2020 PDF
June 17 2020

“A quota case: On quota politics”

Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


Affirmative positive, or showing agreement

ordinance a law or rule made by a government or authority

inequity the fact that a situation is not fair

high-decibel loud

invariably always

veered to change direction

quashed to say officially that something, especially an earlier official

decision, is no longer to be accepted

debatable not clear

vulnerable something that can be easily attacked

deep-rooted strongly felt or believed

sustained continuing for a long time

holistic relating to the whole of something

June 18 2020

Disorder at the border: On India-China face-off

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Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning

disengagement fact of stopping being involved in something

brutal cruel, violent

uncharted a place never before described

combat fighting during a time of war

incurred to experience something bad

sovereignty the power

non-contentious likely to cause an argument

countenance approval

premeditated thought of or planned before being done

entrenched established firmly

reaffirmed to state your support for something again

precarious in danger because not firmly fixed

painstakingly in a way that shows you have taken a lot of care or made a lot
of effort

June 19 2020

At the high table: On India’s U.N. Security Council win

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Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning

diplomatic involving the management of relationships between countries

uncontested a decision or result which nobody opposes or disagrees with

multilateralism several different countries or organizations work together

brochure a type of small magazine that contains pictures and information

on a product or a company

multilateral involving more than two groups or countries

diplomacy management of relationships between countries

alliances a group of countries, political parties who work together

resisted to fight against or oppose something

multilateral involving more than two groups or countries

geopolitics politics, especially international relations

polarised to cause people in a group to have opposing positions

June 20 2020

Crisis in the peninsula (a piece of land almost surrounded by water): On the


Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


peninsula a piece of land almost surrounded by water

on track making progress and likely to succeed

liaison communication or cooperation which facilitates a close working

relationship between countries

demilitarised remove all military forces from an area

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posturing behavior that is intended to impress or mislead

denuclearisation to remove or ban nuclear weapons from

defector a group who has abandoned their country or cause in favor of an

opposing one

propaganda information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to

promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view

rolling back moving back

stall stoppage

sanction a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule

wary feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems

stage style something in such a way as to enhance its attractiveness

sagging becoming weaker

footnote an ancillary piece of information printed at the bottom of a page

June 21 2020

Fleecing (obtain a great deal of money from) fuel users: On hike in petrol, diesel

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Difficult Word/Phrase Contextual Meaning

Fleecing obtain a great deal of money from

crude in a natural or unfinished state

freight goods transported in bulk

disconcerting making someone feel uncertain

embarked begin

milking to get as much money or information out of someone

conformity behavior that follows the usual standards

intermittently in a way that does not happen regularly or continuously

grappling to fight, especially in order to win something

onus the responsibility or duty

resumption the start of something again

haulage the business of transporting goods

June 22 2020

Lost in clarifications: On Modi’s LAC statement

Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


symptomatic serving as a sign, especially of something undesirable

intrusion the act of putting oneself deliberately into a place or situation

where one is unwelcome or uninvited

erecting constructing

foiled prevent (something considered wrong or undesirable) from


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1000+ New Words - The Hindu Vocabulary June 2020 PDF
transgression offence

underlin give emphasis to

transpire happen

fuel make something strong

inflection point a time of significant change in a situation

craft make something in a skilled way

obscure keep from being seen

June 23 2020

The lone wolf threat: on isolated (far away from other places, buildings, or
people) terror attack in London

Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


isolated far away from other places, buildings, or people

lone wolf a lone person

to be on the radar considered important

link up join them for a particular purpose

perpetrator a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act

foil prevent (something considered wrong or undesirable) from


shrinking becoming smaller in amount

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1000+ New Words - The Hindu Vocabulary June 2020 PDF
stab thrust a knife or other pointed weapon into (someone) so as to
wound or kill

multi-pronged made up of several points of view

anchored rooted

June 24 2020

“Downing the shutters: On H1-B visa halt”

Difficult Word/Phrases Contextual Meaning

proclamation a public or official announcement

purportedly as appears or is stated to be true

clamp down stop or limit an unwanted activity

garnered to get or earn something

swathe a broad strip

quadrupled to become four times

genuflect lower one’s body as a sign of respect

blowback negative reactions

savage very large & severe

juggernaut powerful company

June 25 2020

“Signalling intent: On Government e-Marketplace”

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Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


procurement the action of obtaining something by particular care and effort

sought ask for something from someone

thrust the main idea, subject, or opinion that is discussed

backdrop provide a background or setting for

coupled linked in a pair

cutting-edge highly advanced; innovative or pioneering

kindled arouse an emotion

double-edged something that has or can have both favorable and unfavorable
sword consequences

fraught filled with or likely to result in (something undesirable)

entrench establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very
difficult or unlikely

wean itself off wean someone off something means to make someone gradually
stop depending on something that they like and have become used

overhaul a thorough examination of a system, with changes made if


June 26 2020

“Senseless (lacking common sense) deaths: On Tamil Nadu custodial deaths”

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Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


senseless lacking common sense

flag mark for attention

inured accustomed (someone) to something, especially something


remanded placed in custody

suo motu an action taken by a court of its own accord, without any request by
the parties involved

autopsy a postmortem examination to discover the cause of death

incredibly to a great degree

pervasive existing in every part of something

extracting take out especially by force

pathology the science of the causes and effects

inflict cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone

thrashed beat repeatedly and violently

perverse showing deliberate determination to behave in a way that most

people think is wrong, unacceptable, or unreasonable

top brass the people with the highest positions of authority

June 27 2020

“Mischief managed: On Manipur politics”

Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


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defections the desertion of one’s cause in favor of an opposing one

reign prevail

slender thin

dubious not to be relied upon

fold enclosure

stave off prevent something from happening

rumbling a continuous deep, resonant sound

smooth sailing easy progress without impediment or difficulty

orchestrating arrange the elements of (a situation) to produce a desired effect,

especially surreptitiously

weigh in make a forceful contribution

cross over to change from one activity or style to another

upset the apple to cause trouble, especially by spoiling someone’s plans


disparate essentially different in kind

brinkmanship the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of

safety before stopping, especially in politics

June 28 2020

“Shut and open: On tennis during the pandemic”

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Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning

raged to happen in a strong way

nerve centres a place from which an organization or activity is controlled

avalanche a large amount of ice, snow, and rock falling quickly down the
side of a mountain

ushers cause or mark the start of something new

frenetic involving a lot of excited movement

resurrected to bring back something into use or existence

lucrative producing a lot of money

humongous very large

confluence situation in which people come & join together

rigorous detailed and careful

foreseeable able to be understood in advance

fiasco a complete failure

flouted to intentionally not obey a rule, law, or custom

June 29 2020

“Brief reprieve: On Pakistan and the terror financing watchdog”

Difficult Word/ Contextual Meaning


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watchdog an official organization that is responsible for checking that
companies obey particular rules and laws

grey list countries that support terror funding and money laundering

anti-money set of laws intended to prevent criminals from disguising illegally

laundering obtained funds

internalised incorporate

proscribed to not allow something

indictments a formal statement of accusation

vetoed an official power or right to refuse to accept or allow something

June 30 2020

“Cautious, but firm: on India-China stand-off”

Difficult Word/Phrases Contextual Meaning

diplomatic far away from other places, buildings, or people

alluded to mention something in an indirect way

strategic helping to achieve a plan

citing to mention something as proof

tranquillity a peaceful state

vitiate to destroy or damage

status quo the present situation

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inevitable certain to happen

probing intended to get information

apprised to tell someone about something

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