Environment Friendly Composite Materials: Biocomposites and Green Composites
Environment Friendly Composite Materials: Biocomposites and Green Composites
Environment Friendly Composite Materials: Biocomposites and Green Composites
Defence Science Journal, Vol. 64, No. 3, May 2014, pp. 244-261, DOI : 10.14429/dsj.64.7323
Biocomposites can supplement and eventually replace petroleum-based composite materials in several
applications. Several critical issues related to bio-fiber surface treatments is to make it a more suitable matrix for
composite application and promising techniques need to be solved to design biocomposite of interest. The main
motivation for developing biocomposites has been and still is to create a new generation of fiber reinforced plastics
material competitive with glass fiber reinforced ones which are environmentally compatible in terms of products,
use and renewal. There is an immense opportunity in developing new biobased products, but the real challenge is
to design suitable bio-based products through innovation ideas. Green materials are the wave of the future. Bio-
nanocomposites have very strong future prospects, though the present low level of production, some deficiency in
technology and high cost restrict them from a wide range of applications.
Keywords: Polymer, biocomposite, biodegradation, green technology
1. Introduction Currently most of the fibers and resins are derived from
Development of advanced polymer composite materials petroleum feed stocks and do not degrade for several decades
having superior mechanical properties opened up new under normal environmental conditions2. Composites made
horizons in the engineering field. Advantages such as corrosion from thermosetting resins cannot be reprocessed or recycled,
resistance, electrical insulation, easy processability at relatively however, a small fraction of these thermosetting composites
less energy requirement in tooling and assembly costs, higher are crushed into powder used as filler or incinerated to obtain
stiffness and strength, fatigue resistance and lower weight energy in the form of heat, most of them end up in land- fills at
than metals have made polymer composite widely acceptable the end of their life. In anaerobic conditions, such as those in
in structural applications. The so-called advanced composites land - fills, the petroleum based composites may not degrade
have replaced metals because of their excellent mechanical making that land unavailable for any other use. On the other
properties and low density giving them high specific strength hand, incineration produces toxic gases and requires expensive
and stiffness1. Such weight savings are highly desirable for scrubbers. Both incineration and dumping in land- fills are
applications in aerospace to transportation to reduce weight environmentally undesirable as well as expensive. In the future,
and associated fuel consumption. Another distinct advantage these methods of disposing of composites are expected to get
is their ability to be engineered to obtain required properties even more expensive as the pollution laws all over the world
in different directions by appropriate fiber placing in different get stricter and the number of land - fills decline. In addition, at
layers of the laminated structure. the present rate of consumption, the world petroleum resources
Composite properties depend on the properties of the are estimated to last for the next 50 years or so2. Thus, there
constituent materials i.e. the fibers and resins used. The is a great interest generated in developing green composites
strength and stiffness of the composites are directly a function using fully sustainable, biodegradable, environment friendly
of the reinforcing fiber properties which carry most of the and annually renewable fibers and resins, particularly those
load and their volume content. The resin helps to maintain derived from plants3. A variety of resins such as starch,
the relative position of the fibers within the composite and, cellulose, proteins, etc and fibers e.g. flax, ramie, kenaf, jute,
more importantly, transfers the load from the bottom fibers to sisal etc have been used to fabricate green composites for many
the intact fibers. As a result, fiber/resin interfacial properties applications.
are also important and have a significant effect on composite
properties including toughness and transverse fracture stress. 2. Bio-composites
To fabricate high strength composites, all three factors namely Bio-composites are the combination of natural fibers (bio-
fiber properties, resin properties as well as fiber/resin interface fibers) such as wood fibers (hard wood and soft wood) or non-
characteristics are critical. wood fibers (e.g. rice straw, hemp, banana, pine apple, sugar
Received 21 October 2013, revised 12 March 2014, online published 20 May 2014
Mitra: Contemporary Environment Friendly Composite Materials: Biocomposites and Green Composites
cane, oil palm, jute, sisal and flax) with polymer matrices from polymers31-33. These are presented in details in Table 1.
both of the renewable and non-renewable resources. The term Current and future development in bio-degradable
‘bio-composites’ broadly covers composite materials where at polymers and renewable input materials focus relate mainly
least one constituent should be bio-based to the scaling up of production and improvement of product
(i) bio-fiber reinforced petroleum derived polymers which properties. Larger scale production will increase availability
are non-biodegradable e.g., polyolefins polyester, epoxy, and reduce prices. There are three principal ways to manufacture
vinyl ester, phenolics bio-base polymers
(ii) bio-polymers (e.g. PLA) reinforced by bio-fibers (jute) (i) By making use of naturally occurring polymer through
and modification, for example cellulose derivatives,
(iii) bio-polymers reinforced synthetic fibers such as glass or thermoplastic starch.
carbon. (ii) By producing bio-base monomers by fermentation &
Bio-polymers reinforced with bio-fibers are generally polymerization example polylactic acid (PLA), bio-based
considered to be called green composites. A variety of nylon 6.
resins e.g, starch, proteins etc. and fibers e.g. flax, ramie, (iii) By producing bio-based polymers with the help of
kenaf, jute etc. have been used to fabricate bio- composites genetically modified crop and/or microorganism, for
for many applications. In many cases, only one component example, poly hydroxyl alkanoates.
of the composites, either the fibers or the resin, has been There are a great number of technologies and processes
biodegradable. Such semi-green composites have the same known for production of bio-based polymer articles, to
problem of disposal at the end of their life. Most such semi name a few, extrusion, wet milling, drying, film blowing,
green composites have moderate tensile strengths and stiffness thermoforming, injection molding, foaming, hydrolysis &
in the range of 100 MPa or 200 MPa and 1 GPa to 4 GPa fermentation. Although bio-polymers received much attention,
respectively. As a result, their applications are restricted only a lot of such materials are not economically viable compared to
non-critical and non-load bearing parts, such as packaging, petroleum based polymers. Although bio-polymer technology
casings etc. they cannot be used in load bearing applications is now believed to be in the R & D and demonstration phase,
where high strength and stiffness are required4-30. However, some bio-polymer production processes as there are already
bio-composites are emerging as a realistic alternative to glass commercially viable niche markets. For example, starch
reinforced composites and because they are derived from polymer are used as packaging material in agriculture and
renewable resources, material costs can be markedly reduced horticulture or as filler for car tyres. PLA that derives from
with their large scale usage. Several of them, 100 % renewable corn are already in commercial production. Starch polymers
bio-composites are now available for example ‘Polyflax’ which have the greatest potential to replace polyolefins. Bio-based
has fibers and resins derived from sugarcane. Demands for new PLA have good potential for partially replacing PMMA, PA
hi-tech materials in automotive and aerospace industries could and PET whereas bio PTT’s substitution potential for PET and
provide an increasingly large market for bio-composites that nylon is very high. These suggest that there is a significant
use natural fibers and bio-based resins and polymers. Currently, technological substitution potential for bio-base polymers
it is difficult to replace petroleum based materials from cost which have wide application in medicine, textile packaging,
and performance perspective. It is not necessary to make 100 agriculture, transport and several other sectors. Regarding the
% substitution for petroleum base materials immediately. A highly specific necessities of military medicine application, it
viable solution16 is to combine different features and benefits of may provide unique opportunities to absorb those advances at
both petroleum and bio-resources to produce useful products a rapid rate. Due to actual legislation and concerns the armies
having requisite cost performance properties for real world must consider the modification of ammunition composition
application in order to decrease or to eliminate toxicity ratio to human
(a) Low bio-based content product (20 % or less bio-based health and to the environment. The bio-polymers represent
(b) Medium bio-based content product (21-50% bio-based Table 1. Bio-degradable polymers
Natural Synthetic
(c) High bio-based content product (51-90% bio-based
content). 1. Polysaccharides Polyamide
Starch Poly-anhydride
Cellulose Poly vinyl alcohol
3. Biopolymers Chitin Poly vinyl acetate
Biopolymers are generally polymers that are bio-
2. Proteins Polyesters
degradable. The input materials for the production of these Collagen Gelatin Poly caprolactone
polymers may be either renewable (based on agricultural Casein, Albumin, Silk Poly ethylene oxide
plants or animal products) or synthetic. There are four main Protein from grains Some Poly urethane
types of biopolymer based respectively on 1. Starch 2. Sugar 3. 3. Polyesters
Some poly acrylates
Cellulose 4. Synthetic materials. Another way of classification Poly hydroxyl alkanoates
of natural bio-degradable polymers are based on the basis 4. Other polymers
of sources a) Polysaccharides b) Proteins c) Bio-polyesters Lignin, Shellac, Natural Rubber,
by direct fermentation d) other naturally occurring bio- Cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL)-
Def. SCI. J., Vol. 64, No. 3, may 2014
a potential alternative to old energetic materials. Therefore, Table 2. Mechanical properties of natural fibers19.
ammunition items (explosive, propellants, pyrotechnics) will
Fiber Specific Tensile Strength Modulus Specific
be designed and fabricated so that the items can be easily and
Gravity (MPa) (GPa) Modulus
safely recycled.
For those stake holders that are considering implementing Jute 1.3 393 55 38
bio-based polymer production in the chemical sector, the Sisal 1.3 510 28 22
technology could contribute to Flax 1.5 344 27 50
(a) a reduction of petrol consumption Hemp 1.07 389 35 32
(b) a relative reduction of fossil fuel import dependence
Glass fiber 2.5 3400 72 28
(c) a reduction of greenhouse gas emission (E-glass)
(d) a reduction of discharge of polymer production-associated
waste system reduction. Natural fiber composite has superior performance
(e) a reduction of harmful solid waste deposition at a given price. Natural fiber composites have significant
(f) an increase in employment in agriculture sector (i.e. potential in transportation& construction market.
harvesting). The chemical composition of natural fibers varies
depending upon the type of fiber. Primarily, fiber contain
4. Bio-based fibers cellulose, hemi-cellulose, pectin and lignin. The properties
Natural fibers can be defined as bio-base fibers or fibers of each constituent contribute to the overall properties of the
from vegetable and animal origin. This includes all plant fibers fibers. Hem -cellulose is responsible for the bio-degradation,
(cotton, jute, hemp ,kenaf, flax, coir, abaca, ramie, etc.) and moisture absorption and thermal degradation of the fiber as it
protein base fibers (wool, silk ). Natural fibers are grouped into shows least resistance whereas lignin is thermally stable but is
three types: seed hair, bast fibers, and leaf fibers depending responsible for the degradation on exposure to uv light19.
upon the source. Some examples are cotton, coir (seed/fruit Since all plant-based fibers come in short length, they
hairs), hemp, flax, jute, kenaf (bast fibers), sisal, abaca (leaf need to be twisted together to form yarns to obtain suitable
fibers). Of these fibers, jute, flax, hemp and sisal are the most continuous length forms. Yarns can be woven or knitted to
commonly used fibers for polymer composites19. tailor bi-directional properties. Staple fiber yarns are twisted
In terms of reinforcing polymeric materials, plant fibers during spinning to increase the cohesion (or friction) between
are classified into two types of fibers such as long fiber and fibers and localize the micro damages within the yarn leading
short fiber. Long and short fibers are identified by aspect to higher failure strength4,38-40. Woven fabrics have also been
ratio; if l/d >100, it was identified as long fibers whereas l/d used as reinforcement for composites. Woven fabrics have two
< 100 was short fibers. Long fibers can be obtained from plant sets of yarns interlaced at right angles. The yarns running in
origins and have been used traditionally to produce high value longitudinal direction are referred to as warp or end and the
composites for varied application. Short fibers are from plant yarns in the transverse direction are referred to as weft or fill.
origins or during fiber processing and are for non-wovens or Balanced woven fabrics have the same number of yarns per cm,
yarns to be used as reinforcement. Natural fibers in the form of yarn count and spacing in both warp and weft directions and, as
wood flour have also been often used for preparation of natural a result, give uniform tensile properties in both longitudinal and
fiber composites. transverse directions. Woven fabrics offer several advantages
Most cellulosic fibers are a renewable resource and the such as impact resistance, damage tolerance, toughness and the
production requires little energy, and in the process, in a way ease of manufacturing38,39,41-43.
CO2 is used while O2 is given back to environment. Additionally, Flax fiber has lower density than glass fiber and as a result
thermal recycling is possible where glass and man-made it affords to a comparable specific strength19. Spun yarns made
fibers often cause problems in combustion processes. It is from flax fibers have been used for fabricating unidirectional
believed that the potential of using natural fibers in composite yarn reinforced green composites4. As far as composite
application has not been fully exploited as the full strength of applications are concerned, flax and hemp are two fibers that
fiber building blocks or micro-fibrils is not being utilized in the have replaced glass fibre automotive counterparts, especially
raw material. prevalent in the German automotive industries. Sisal is often
Compared to synthetic fibers, natural plant-based fibers applied with flax in hybrid mats, to provide good permeability
have several specific advantages. These natural fibers have low when the mat has to be impregnated with a resin. In some
cost, high specific mechanical properties, good thermal and interior applications sisal is preferred because of its low level
acoustic insulation and bio-degradability5,35-37. Table 2 shows of smell compared to fibers like flax44.
that the tensile strength of glass fibers is substantially higher
than that of natural fibers even though the modulus is of the 5. Fiber-matrix Interface
same order. However, when the specific modulus of natural The mechanical properties of fiber reinforced polymer
fibers (modulus/specific gravity) is considered, the natural composites are of great importance in deciding their end
fibers show values that are comparable to or better than those applications, Mechanical properties of composites depend on
of glass fibers. These higher specific properties are one of the the properties of the constituent fibers, the matrix, and the fiber/
major advantages of natural fiber for making composites for matrix interfacial shear strength (IFSS). Fibers are the main
applications wherein the desired properties also include weight load bearing components of a composite material and the fiber
Mitra: Contemporary Environment Friendly Composite Materials: Biocomposites and Green Composites
strength directly transposed to the strength of composite structure shown in cynoethylated jute by Saha65, et al. These modified
whereas the matrix is responsible for holding the fibers in place jute shrink much less than unmodified jute when exposed to
and ,more importantly, transferring the load from the broken water and thus exhibits improved dimensional stability.
fibers to their neighboring intact fibers through the interface. The Chemical modification through graft copolymerization
IFSS is a critical factor that controls the toughness, transverse provides a potential route for significantly altering their physical
mechanical properties, and interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of and mechanical properties. Chemical grafting involves attaching
the composite materials. The tensile strength of the composite to the surface of a fiber a suitable polymer with a solubility
depends on how well the stress can be transferred from the parameter similar to that of the polymer matrix, which acts as
broken to the surviving fibers through shear in the resin at the an inter facial agent and improves the bonding between the
interface. Nardin and Ward45 have suggested that the interfacial fiber and the matrix. Graft copolymerization of vinyl monomers
adhesion can be controlled by (a) physicochemical interaction such as methyl methacrylate, acrylamide, and acrylonitrile onto
(b) mechanical interaction (interlocking) and (c) chemical cellulose, cellulose derivatives, and lignocellulosic fibers has
interaction or bonding. Good interfacial adhesion provides been well established and has been extensively studied over
composites with structural integrity and good load transfer from the past few decades66-68. Impregnation with monomer followed
broken fibers to intact fibers through the matrix, maintaining the by its polymerization has also been one of the most common
integrity of the composites and resulting in strong composites46- methods used for treatment of fibers. Samal and coworkers68
. Weak interfacial bonding, however, encourages energy have reviewed various methods of graft copolymerization
absorption through interfacial cracks, thereby increasing the onto cellulose fibers. Graft copolymerization onto cellulose
fracture toughness of the composites. The interfacial shear takes place through an initiation reaction involving attack by
strength (IFSS) is measured using the single fiber composite macro-cellulosic radicals on the monomer to be grafted. The
(SFC) technique48-52.The microbead test has also been shown to generation of the macro-cellulosic radicals is accomplished by
be useful to measure the fiber/resin IFSS in the case of natural a variety of methods such as (i) diazotization, (ii) chain transfer
fibers53-56. reactions, (iii) redox reactions, (iv) photochemical initiation
and (v) radiation induced synthesis.
6. Modification of Natural Fibers The effect of treatments with other chemicals, for example,
Natural fibers are incompatible with the hydrophobic sodium alginate and sodium hydroxide, has been reported
polymer matrix and have a tendency to form aggregates. for coir, banana, pine apple leaf fibers and sisal fibers70. The
These are hydrophilic fibers and thus exhibit poor resistance to treatment resulted in an increase in de-bonding stress and thus
moisture. To eliminate the problems related to high moisture improved the ultimate tensile strength up to 30%. Basak71, et
absorption, treatment of fibers with hydrophobic aliphatic al. have reported that treatment of jute with poly-condensates
and cyclic chemical structures has been attempted. These such as phenol-formaldehyde, melamine-formaldehyde,
structures contain reactive functional groups that are capable and cashew nut shell liquid-formaldehyde improved the
of bonding to the reactive groups in the matrix polymer. Thus wettavbility of jute fibers and reduced the water regain
modification of natural fibers is attempted to make the fiber properties. Treatment with cardanol-formaldehyde was also
hydrophobic and to improve interfacial adhesion between found to reduce water absorption and improved the mechanical
the fiber and the matrix polymer57-71. Chemical treatment properties of jute/polypropylene composite73 material. The
of natural fibers has been reviewed where it reported58 that chemical treatment of jute fibers with ethylene diamine and
such as de-waxing (de-fatting), de-lignifications, bleaching, hydrazine results in formation of complexes with the hydroxyl
acetylation, cynoethylation72, and chemical grafting were used group of the cellulose and thus reduces the moisture absorption
for modifying the surface properties of the fibers for enhancing of the fiber74,75. Samal and Ray76 have studied the chemical
its performance. Delignification (de-waxing) is generally modification of pine leaf fiber using alkali treatment, diazo
carried out by extracting with alcohol or benzene and treatment coupling with aniline, and cross-linking with formaldehyde
with caustic soda followed by drying at room temperature62. and p-phenylene diamine. These chemical treatments resulted
Many oxidative bleaching agents such as alkaline calcium or in significant improvements in mechanical properties, chemical
sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide are commercially resistance, and reduced moisture regain. A study showed77 that
used. Bleaching generally results in loss of weight and tensile the treatment of wood with vinyl monomers improved the
strength63. These losses are mainly attributed to the action of termite and fungal resistance and they also imparted flame
the bleaching agent or alkali or alkaline reagent on the non- retardancy to the polymer wood composites.
cellulosic constituents of fibers such as hemi-cellulose and The thermal degradation of lingo-cellulosic fibers has
lignin. been reviewed by Nguen, et al. in detail for modified and
Acetylation of jute is reported to impart resistance to unmodified materials78,79. For improvement of thermal stability,
fungal attack and hydrophobicity. The change in properties attempts have been made to coat the fibers and/or to graft the
is attributed to the decrease in moisture sorption in the cell fibers with monomers. Grafting is possible since the lignin can
walls and blocking of the hydroxyl group (OH¯) of the react with the monomers. Mohanty80, et al. have reported that
wall components in such a way that enzymes of the wood– grafting of acrylonitrile on jute improved the thermal stability
degrading micro-organisms cannot recognize them as as evidenced by the increase in degradation temperature from
attachable substrates. Acetylated jute is considerably more 170 °C to 280 °C. Sabaa81 has also reported improved thermal
hydrophobic than unmodified jute64. Same observation is stability for acrylonitrile-grafted sisal fibers as evidenced by
Def. SCI. J., Vol. 64, No. 3, may 2014
the increased initial degradation temperature, lowering of is important for a good adhesion between fiber and matrix.
the rate of degradation and the total weight loss. In another When applying thermosets the viscosity can be low which
study82, the polymer wood composites were prepared by in eases wetting. Problems that can be encountered are related
situ polymerization of various monomers and it was observed to moisture and air. The fiber moisture can affect the chemical
that the maximum rate of degradation was substantially reaction. In order to prevent this, the fibers have to be dried
reduced for phosphonate-treated wood flour. Natural fibers before. In standard room conditions, the moisture contents
(lingo-cellulosics) are degraded by biological organisms since often over 10 per cent.
they can recognize carbohydrate polymers in the cell wall. Air is always present in the fibers and in the resin. The
Ligno cellulosics exposed outdoors undergo photo chemical surface of the natural has a geometry and a chemical condition
degradation caused by ultra violet light. Resistance to bio- on which air bubble growth will be initiated especially in
degradation and UV radiation can be improved by bonding vacuum injection. In order to prevent many voids and a poor
chemicals to the cell wall polymers or by adding polymer to matrix interface during vacuum injection it is necessary to dry
the cell matrix. the fibers and to gas the resin.
In addition to the surface treatment of fibers, use of
compatibilizer or coupling agent for effective stress transfer 7.2 Thermoplastics
across the interface are also explored. The compatibilizer can Because of a higher processing viscosity of thermoplastic
be polymers with functional groups grafted onto the chain of polymers, a proper wetting of fibers is difficult. High
the polymer34. The coupling agents are tetra-functional organo- temperatures can also cause unwanted changes of the fiber
metallic compounds based on silicon, titanium, and zirconium surface or even destroy the fibers. Nevertheless, a low price,
and are commonly known as silane, zirconate, or titanate reasonable processing temperature and recyclability are the
coupling agents. reason for a growing interest in polypropylene. Unmodified
Physical treatments alter the structural and surface PP, however, will not have a proper adhesion with the fibers
properties of the fibers without the use of chemical agent. by applying consolidation forces alone. Natural fibers will only
Four methods can be classified as physical treatments such act as a reinforcement if compatibilizers are used. An often
as (i) corona (ii) plasma (iii) heat treatment and (iv) steam used compatibiliser is MAPP, a modification of a PP chain with
pre-treatment. Corona treatment exploits the corona effect maleic anhydride. A small amount of MAPP added to PP34,
i.e. the function of high energy electro-magnetic fields with will lead to much higher strength properties of the material.
consequent ionization in their proximity even at atmospheric
pressure & relatively low temperature. In the ionized region, 7.3 Thermoset Bio-composites
excited species (ions, radicals etc.) are present and the latter For thermoset composites, the bio-fibers are combined
are active in surface modification by the introduction of with petro-chemical based polymers like phenolic, epoxy, and
oxygen containing functional groups. The corona method polyester resins to form composite materials. These polymers
has been applied by various research groups on natural fiber contain reactive groups, which aid the interface development.
composites83. For jute /polyester composites, an increase in modulus and
Plasma treatment84 induces changes on the surface of the strength was reported up to a volume fraction of 0.6 followed
material where an ionized region is formed depending on the by a decrease which was attributed to insufficient wetting of
gas feed which carries high energy photon, electrons, ions, the fiber88. In another study of jute/polyester composites, it
radicals and excited species. Felix85, et al. modified cellulosic was noted that the mechanical properties were dependent on
fibers with cold oxy plasma and characterized the interface the secondary chemical bonding between fiber and resin89.
on the system cellulose and linear low density polyethylene Sanadi90, et al. have studied the mechanical properties of
(LLDPE). sunhemp fiber reinforced polyester where the improved
Heat treatment involves heating the fiber or processing toughness was ascribed to the fiber pullout mechanism in the
the composite at temperature close to those at which the composite. In banana/polyester composites, the improvement
components of natural fiber begin to degrade. When cellulose in the properties was observed only when the fiber weight
is heated, it undergoes physical and chemical changes .Physical fraction was more than 19 %. Jain91, et al. have studied bamboo/
properties affected include enthalpy, weight, strength, color epoxy composites up to a volume fraction of 0.85. It was noted
and crystalline stage. Chemical changes include reduction of that the composites with banana fiber exhibited better tensile,
degree of polymerization (DP) by bond scission, creation of impact, and flexural strength compared with the properties of
free radicals, formation of carbonyl and/or carboxyl groups. other natural fiber composites. Thus the properties of natural
The steam stabilization, another process86,87, which means fiber reinforced composites depend on a number of parameters
permanent fixation of compressive deformation of lingo- such as volume fraction of the fibers, fiber aspect ratio, fiber-
ceeulosic fiber through hydrothermal treatment using in-built matrix adhesion, stress transfer at the interface and orientation.
steam from moisture of compressed fiber at high temperature Other aspects include the prediction of modulus and strength
and thereby stabilizing the fibers in normal configuration . using some well established models for two-phase systems and
comparison with experimental data92. Both the matrix and fiber
7. Matrix Impregnation properties are important in improving mechanical properties
7.1 Thermosets of the composites. The tensile strength is more sensitive to the
The degree of wetting during the production process matrix properties, whereas the modulus is dependent on the fiber
Mitra: Contemporary Environment Friendly Composite Materials: Biocomposites and Green Composites
properties .To improve the tensile strength, a strong interface, of wood fiber composites using poly-isocyanate as bonding
low stress concentration, fiber orientation required whereas material. Tibor109 has reported that the properties of electron
fiber concentration fiber wetting in the matrix phase, and high beam processed PP/wood fiber composites were significantly
fiber aspect ratio determine tensile modulus. The aspect ratio is better than those of conventionally processed composites.
very important for determining the fracture properties. Tobias Significant improvement in properties was observed for PP/
and Ibarra93 have studied the effect of cure temperature on kenaf or jute fiber composites when maleated PP was used for
polyester –based composites. The flexural strength increased modifying the fiber –matrix interface110-112. However, in short-
with increasing cure temperature and maximum strength fiber-reinforced composites, there exists a critical fiber length
was obtained for abaca/polyester composites compared to that is required to develop its full stressed condition in the
banana/polyester and rice hull/polyester composites. The polymer matrix. Fiber lengths shorter than this critical length
incorporation of pine apple leaf fiber in polyester resulted in lead to failure due to de-bonding at the interface at lower load.
an increase of 2.3 times in the specific flexural stiffness at On the other hand, for fiber lengths greater than the critical
30 wt % content in the fiber. For sisal/polyester composites, length, the fiber is stressed under applied load and thus results
the effect of treatment of fibers with silane, titanate, and in a higher strength of the composite. For good impact strength,
zirconate coupling agents and N-substituted methacrylamide an optimum boding level is necessary. The degree of adhesion,
was investigated by Singh94, et al. The treatment resulted in fiber pull out, and a mechanism to absorb energy are some of
improved strength retention properties of the composites and the parameters that can influence the impact strength of a short
thereby the composites exhibited better properties in humid as –fiber-filled composite113. These developments are confined to
well as dry conditions. Similar improved moisture resistance polymer composites based on PE,PP, PS, and PVC, for which
was reported by Bisinda95, et al. the processing temperature is about 200 o C. Reports on wood
fiber composites with engineering plastics are scarce because of
7.4 Thermoplastic Bio-composites higher processing temperature for processing these polymers.
The mechanical properties of thermoplastic composites
can be improved by interacting the compatibility between the 7.5 Wood Plastic Composites 114
fiber and matrix. Compatibilizers such as maleated ethylene, In wood plastic composite (WPC) industry, virgin plastic
maleated propylene, and a few acrylic-grafted linear polymers materials are widely used. Similar to virgin plastics which can
are reported to enhance the adhesion between the fiber and melt and can be processed below the drgradation temperature
polymer matrix34,96-103. For HDPE/cellulose fiber composites, of wood or other lingo-cellulosic fillers (200 °C) is usually
the best improvement in tensile strength and tensile modulus suitable for manufacturing WPC. Plastics are one of the major
was achieved with maleated ethylene98. The influence of volumes of global municipal solid waste (MSW) and present
coupling agents on the mechanical properties of HDPE/wood a promising raw material source for new value added products
fibers have been studied by several authors96,104. It has been considering to their large amount of daily generation and low
observed that incorporation of wood fibers in HDPE resulted cost. HDPE plus PP were the largest component in MSW
in increase in the stiffness and decrease in tensile strength. followed by PET, PS and LDPE. This creates a substantial
Treatment of wood fibers with silane coupling agent and amount of polyolefins that can be potentially recovered for
polyisocyanate resulted in an increase in tensile strength. WPC manufacturing. The study investigated the use of recycled
Raj98, et al. have compared the tensile and impact properties high density polyethylene (RHDPE) in WPC manufacturing.
of LLDPE/wood fiber composites with mica and glass fiber The addition of PE-g-MA has a positive effect on tensile
composites and have shown that the potential advantage of strength as well as flexural properties because it strengthens the
using wood fibers as reinforcement is in terms of material interfacial bonding between the fiber and the matrix polymer
cost and specific properties. The influence of various chemical which resulted in good stress propagation & improved tensile
treatments on the properties of sisal/PE composites has been strength. It is also noted that the addition of PE-g-MA can
investigated by Joseph105, et al. The chemical treatments markedly reduce the water absorption.
included sodium hydroxide, isocyanate and peroxide.
Treatment with the cardanol derivative of toluene isocyanate 7.6 Green Composites
was found to be better than other treatments as evidenced by Green composites combine plant fibers with natural resins
the decrease in the hydrophilic nature of the composite. The to create natural composite materials. Natural fibers emerge as
composites exhibited better dimensional stability and retention low cost, light weight and apparently environmentally superior
of properties even after ageing106. alternative to synthetic fibers. The resins and fibers used in green
The addition of coupling agents and /or maleic anhydride composites are biodegradable when they dumped, decomposed
PP improved the interfacial adhesion in PP/cellulose fiber by the action of micro-organisms. They are converted to water
composite, thereby leading to improved properties34. Sain107, et and carbon dioxide. These are absorbed into the plant systems.
al. reported that the properties of PP/ wood fiber composites Biodegradable polymers produced from renewable resources
were very poor due to absence of interface modifiers. The use of such as plants, animals and microbes through biochemical
maleated PP, itaconic anhydride, and bismaleimide –modified reactions offer a convenient and environ mentfriendly solution
PP resulted in a stable surface and thus improved tensile to the problem of plastic wastes.
strength. Sun and Hawke108 have studied the performance
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8. Natural fiber- reinforced PLA Tokoro128, et al. examined three kinds of injection molded
Green composites bamboo fiber (short fiber bundles, alkali-treated bundles and
The depletion of petroleum resources, plastic disposal steam exploded fiber bundles) reinforced PLA. The highest
problems and emission during incineration along with bending strength was obtained with steam exploded fibers.
increasing environment regulations has led to increased Mechanical, thermal and wear performance of jute fiber /PLA
interest in development of bio-composite materials that are composites were studied as a function of fiber surface treatment.
compatible with environment and independent of fossil fuels. The treatments were done by alkali, permanganate, peroxide,
Considerable studies have been made on bio-composite and silane. Surface treatments resulted in improvement of
materials with natural fibers and biopolymers such as starch, tensile and flexural properties& reduction in impact strength.
polylactide (PLA), polycaprolactone (PCL)115, Poly (3-hydroxy The TGA results showed a higher thermal stability for silane
butyrate-co-3- hydroxyl valerate (PHBV). These materials find treated composites129.
their way in commodity &non-structural applications such as Plasticizing PLA composites to optimize mechanical
casings of electronic products, interior parts of automobiles characteristics is also an important field of research. Masirek130,
.Most of the bio-composites developed so far, has tensile & et al. prepared composites with hemp fibers, polyethylene
flexural strengths lower than 100 MPa which restricts their glycol (PEG) and PLA by compression molding. Mechanical
usage in high strength applications. tests showed that the composites’ Young’s modulus markedly
PLA is thermoplastic and its basic component is lactic increased with the hemp content. Similar studies were also made
acid and is derived from corn starch by fermentation. Lactic by others using other chemicals. Okubo131, et al. experimented
acid is either finally polymerized to poly lactic acid by stepwise with compression molded bamboo fiber – reinforced PLA
poly-condensation or via ring opening polymerization of ,adding micro-fibrillated cellulose (MFC) as an enhancer for
a di-lactide intermediate115-118. Numerous tests have shown bending strength. They also found that tangled MFC fibers
that PLA is suitable as matrix for the embedding fibers in prevented micro-cracks along the interface between bamboo
composites. Some products of natural fiber-reinforced PLA fiber and matrix. Improvement of mechanical properties,
are already established at the market. Jacob Winter (Satzung, in particular, impact properties of hemp fiber –reinforced
Germany) produces biodegradable urns from flax and PLA PLA composites by admixture of man-made cellulose fiber
by compression molding. NEC corporation and UNITIKA (Lyocell). The composites were investigated for their tensile
LTD announced joint development of bioplastic composites & impact properties. The results show that combining hemp
for mobile phone shells consisting of PLA and 15-20 % kenaf and Lyocell in a composite can improve the impact properties
fibers119,120. An example for the use of natural fiber- reinforced by 160% compared to hemp fiber reinforced composites. Thus,
bioplastics in the automobile industry is the Toyota RAUM, it is possible to adjust the properties of composites optimizing
which is equipped with a spare tire cover made of kenaf fiber them as per end use requirements132,133.
–reinforced PLA121.
Several research papers deal with the optimization 8.1 Bio-polyester based Green Composites
of natural and man- made cellulose fiber–reinforced PLA Green composites ,in general, may not have high strength
composites. Kimura121, et al. examined compression molded as in the case of advanced composites. However, there are many
ramie fibre reinforced PLA composites in respect of tensile mass volume, non-critical applications where composites with
and bending strength as well as stiffness fiber volume content moderate strength may be desirable. Poly(hydroxyl butyrate-
between 45% and 65%. Large proportions of ramie also co-valerates)(PHBV) are naturally occurring biodegradable
increased the notched impact strength considerably. Ochi123 polymers produced from a wide range of microorganisms134,135.
investigated kenaf/PLA composites where tensile strength and Mechanical properties of PHBV polymers are comparable to
bending strength as well as Young’s modulus increase linearly those of traditional thermoplastics such as polyethylene and
up to a fiber content of 50%. Pan124, et al. produced kenaf/PLA polypropylene136,137. Although PHBV polymers represent a
composites by melt mixing and injection molding upto fiber new generation of biodegradable polymers, their applications
content of 30% where tensile strength improved by 30%. Bax have been limited because of their high cost138. Incorporation
and Mussig125 studied injection molded flax and man-made of fillers or fibers could not only make them more affordable
cordenka fiber reinforced PLA. While the impact strength of but also improve their mechanical properties. There have been
pure PLA could be multiplied by adding cordenka, the values of some studies on use of fillers, such as clay, calcium carbonate139
flax/PLA composites were inferior to the pure matrix. Ganster and wood fibers140 to modify properties of PHBV resins.
and Fink126 investigated injection molded cordenka fiber Biodegradable fillers and fibers, such as strong natural cellulose
reinforced PLA with a fiber mass content of 25%. Stiffness and fibers, would not only provide reinforcement for PHBVs but
strength of the composites could be approximately doubled also keep the advantage of complete biodegradability. Even
compared to pure matrix while the impact strength could be though many papers have been published on using natural
tripled. Shibata127, et al. composed Lyocell fabric and PLA by cellulosic fibers including jute, sisal, etc. as reinforcements
compression molding. Tensile modulus and strength of Lyocell/ for general polymers141-144, much less research has been
PLA composites improved with increasing fiber content where published on using natural cellulosic fibers as reinforcements
impact strength was considerably higher than pure PLA. for biodegradable polymers such as PHBVs. Fully degradable
Some research papers with different fiber modification and environment friendly green composites were prepared by
methods to optimize the composites‘mechanical characteristics. combining pineapple fiber and PHBV with 20 and 30% weight
Mitra: Contemporary Environment Friendly Composite Materials: Biocomposites and Green Composites
content of fibers in a 0o/90o/0o fiber arrangement. Compared to Recent developments in both resins and high strength
PHBV virgin resin, both tensile and flexural strength an moduli cellulosic fiber have been significant and has allowed the
of these ‘green’ composites were significantly higher145,146. development of high strength advanced green composites
with significantly better mechanical properties157-163. Many
8.2 Green Composites based on Soy Protein Resin other properties such as physical and thermal properties as
Within the commercially available material, soy protein, well as specific properties such as fire retardancy, vibration
perhaps ,is the least expensive and most widely available damping, impact strength, antimicrobial, gas barrier, water
material in the world. While many of the bio-degradable resistance, etc. can also be improved at the same time widen
resins such as poly (lactic acid), poly (hydroxy alkanoates) the application range of green composites. Modification of soy
etc. are hydrophobic and do not bond well to plant-based protein164 carried out in two steps:
fibers, others such as protein and soy-based resins which (1) to form an interpenetrating network structure by blending
contain polar groups show good adhesion to them and form with polysaccharides that cross-link themselves and
composites with good mechanical properties147-158. Soy protein, (2) to further modify them using nano-clay and MFC to
the major component of soybeans, has been used as resin and significantly improve their mechanical properties.
possesses several properties for such application Soy protein The mechanical properties of these resins were comparable
molecules are ductile and can undergo bending, torsional and or better than the most commonly used epoxy resins. These
tensile deformations without visible damage159. Three main modified SPC resins were reinforced with high strength liquid
varieties of soy protein: soy protein isolate (SPI) containing crystalline (LC) cellulosic fibers to fabricate ‘advanced green
~90%; soy protein concentrate (SPC) with ~70 % protein, composites’. The same modified resins were also reinforced
soy flour with ~50 % protein are commercially available. to fabricate composites using E-glass and KEVLAR fibers for
Paetau160, et al. and Liang159, et al. studied the suitability of comparison. Comparing the mechanical properties showed that
soy proteins for manufacturing molded specimens. Both SPI the high strength green composites have excellent properties
and SPC resins displayed rigid and brittle polymer properties and could be used for many load bearing applications. Fully
after curing, with tensile stress values comparable to that of bio-degrdable, environment-friendly green composites were
polystyrene. Soy proteins have also been modified to improve fabricated using ramie fibers and SPC resin and their mechanical
the mechanical and thermal properties significantly and thus properties were investigated165 where it showed that
make the material more useful as resin147-151,153-157. Modified (i) as the curing temperature increased, the tensile strength
SPI by using stearic acid can improve the resistance to and Young’s modulus increased and the fracture strain
moisture absorption147. Modification of SPI with glutarldehyde decreased as a result of higher cross-linking
and poly(vinyl alcohol) followed by fabrication of composites (ii) addition of glycerin to SPC resin decreased tensile
with flax yarns and fabrics can give good properties154,155. SPI strength and modulus, while increasing the fracture strain
was modified using a poly-carboxylic acid, PHYTOGEL (PH) due to plasticization and
can give interpenetrating network (IPN) structure. The effects (iii) such composites had significantly higher tensile and
of different PH contents on the interfacial properties were flexural properties in the longitudinal direction than some
characterized using single fiber composite (SFC) tests. The of the common wood specimens.
tensile strength of kenaf fibers at the critical lengths obtained However, in the transverse direction, the values were
from the single fiber composite (SFC) tests was predicted to be comparable to the wood specimens. The tensile properties of
in the range of 450 - 750 MPa. The kenaf fiber /modified SPI/ the composites in the longitudinal direction were controlled by
Phytogel resin IFSS measured using the SFC technique with the fibers, whereas, the properties in the transverse direction
20% of Phytogel content showed that IFSS is a function of the were dominated by resin, fiber/resin interface and longitudinal
PH content which controls the resin shrinkage. fiber splitting.
Soy protein offers several advantages compared with Plant-based fibers are composed of nano-and micro-
traditional petroleum based polymers. With improved fibrils166,167. Since the cellulose molecules in the fibrils are
mechanical and physical properties they have the potential for highly oriented and crystalline, micro-fibrils have excellent
a wider application range such as computer casings, packaging mechanical properties. Micro-fibrillated (MFC) can be obtained
and panels for auto interior. Flax yarn and fabrics were used by mechanical shearing of cellulose fibers165-167. The MFC
to fabricate environment friendly green composites using SPC has high aspect ratio and high tensile properties and has been
based resins. The modified SPC resin was made by blending used for fabrication of composites. The composites fabricated
SPC with nano clay particles and then cross-linked using using MFC and phenolic resin showed Young’s modulus of 19
glutaraldehyde. The unidirectional flax yarn reinforced SPC GPa168. MFC has also been shown to enhance the interfacial
resin composites showed longitudinal tensile failure stress adhesion and toughness in bamboo composites by preventing
of 298 MPa and Young’s Modulus of 4.3 GPa. Flax fabric the growth of micro-cracks169,170. Micro/nano-sized bamboo
reinforced composites had failure stress of 62 MPa and 82 fibril (MBF) reinforced SPC resin composites were prepared.
MPa in the warp and weft directions respectively. The Young’ Addition of the MBF significantly increased the fracture stress
Modulus values in both directions were around 1.2 GPa156. and Young’s modulus of the reinforced specimens. With the
Both yarn and fabric reinforced composites have the potential incorporation of 30 parts of MBF, 15 parts of glycerol in SPC
to replace non-biodegradable materials in many fields due to showed fracture stress of 59.3 MPa and Young’s modulus of
their good mechanical properties. 1816 MPa compared to the fracture stress of 20.2 MPa and
Def. SCI. J., Vol. 64, No. 3, may 2014
Young’s modulis of 596 MPa obtained for SPC containing al. Park192, et al. obtained well-ordered nano-composites by
no MBF. The toughness of the specimen also increased the melt intercalation method with plasticized starch. It was
significantly from 2.7 MPa to 6.0 MPa171. concluded that the better the dispersion of the clay in the
TPS matrix, the better the mechanical, thermal, and barrier
9. Bio Nano-composites properties. Park193, et al. also tested the effect of the filler
Recently, polymer–clay nano-composites have received concentration of the TPS /clay hybrid with cloisite Na+ and
significant attention as a alternative to conventional filled cloisite 30B. They found that both the tensile and water vapor
polymers. Because of their nanometer size dispersion, barrier properties are generally increased with increasing clay
the polymer-clay nano-composites exhibit the large scale content. Withelm194, et al. prepared nano-composite films with
improvement in the mechanical and physical properties glycerol-plasticized starch reinforced with Ca2+-hectorite clay
compared with pure polymer or conventional composites. by the solution casting method. DMA results showed that the
These include increased modulus and strength, decreased storage modulus with the starch /clay hybrid films increased
gas permeability, increased solvent and heat resistance and considerably at temperatures greater than 25oC, which is
decreased flammability172. Since Toyota researchers in the further evidence for the reinforcing effect of clay particles.
late 1980s demonstrated that mechanical and flame retardant McGlashan and Halley188 tested the use of nano scale MMT
properties of nylon-clay composite material increased in thermoplastic starch/polyester blends and found excellent
dramatically by reinforcing with less than 5%of clay, extensive improvements in film blow-ability and tensile properties.
research work170 has been performed in this area and several Xu195, et al. prepared starch acetate nano-composites foam
extensive review articles174-176 regarding recent advances in with four organo-clays by a melt intercalation method. The
the production of nano-composites with various polymers and addition of organo-clays into a starch acetate matrix increased
their performance and application are available. Polymer –clay the glass transition temperature (Tg) by 6 °C -14 °C depending
nano-composites are a class of hybrid materials composed of on the type of clay. The nano-dipersion of the starch acetate
organic polymer materials and nano scale clay fillers. Among molecules in silicate layers also restricted their thermal motion
the nano-scale clays, Montmorillonite (MMT) is of particular and this increased their thermal stability. The intercalation also
interest and has been studied widely. MMT is a clay mineral influenced the mechanical properties of the hybrid. Huang and
consisting of stacked silicate sheets with a high aspect ratio Yu196 reported on preparation and properties of starch/MMT
and a plate like morphology. This high aspect ratio plays an nano-composites prepared with thermoplastic corn starch and
important role for the enhancement of mechanical and physical activated MMT by the melt intercalation method. TEM results
properties of composite materials. In recent years numerous indicated that MMT layers were exfoliated and uniformly
research activities on polymer-clay nano-composites have dispersed in starch matrix at the nano meter level. Tensile
been performed. However, the matrices of polymer-clay nano- strength and Young’s modulus increased monotonously with
composites are mainly synthetic thermosetting177-179 as well as increase in filler content up to 8%.Water resistance of the
thermoplastics polymers180-185 but of late biodegradable plastics nano – composites also improved. The authors attributed such
have found place even though limited, for example, PLA186 property improvement of the exfoliated nano-composite starch
and PCL187 have also been used for the processing of nano- to MMT possessing a high aspect ratio and its homogeneous
composites with a layered silicate. However, the materials dispersion in the polymer matrix.
prepared from natural polymers have poor performance
compared with those prepared from synthetic polymers. 9.2 Cellulose–Based Nano-composites
Recent research188 has indicated that organo-clays show much Cellulose is the most abundant naturally occurring
promise for starch based polymer nano-composites in terms of biopolymer. Naturally, cellulose is a very highly crystalline,
improvement in their mechanical properties and stability over high molecular weight polymer which is infusible. Because of
those of the unfilled formulations. its infusibility, cellulose is converted into derivatives to make
it more processable such as cellulose ethers and cellulose esters
9.1 Starch-based Nano-composites Cellulose acetate is currently used in large volume applications
Starch is one of the natural biopolymers most widely used ranging from fibers to films, to injection molding thermoplastics.
to develop environmentally-friendly packaging materials to Recently, interest in developing nano-composites with
substitute for petrochemical-base non-biodegradable plastic cellulosic materials to obtain functional materials has been
materials. Native starch is not a true thermoplastic but it can increased because of the improved mechanical and thermal
be converted into a plastic-like material called thermoplastic properties and permeability of cellulose acetate (CA) films.
starch (TPS)189. In the presence of plasticizers at high Green nano-composites from cellulose acetate and organically
temperature (90 °C -180 °C) and under shear, starch readily modified clay could show the extent of swelling of the
melts and flows, allowing for its use as an injection, extrusion or clay increased with increase in plasticizer197. Water vapor
blow molding material similar to most conventional synthetic permeability of CA films decreased up to 100% by reinforcing
thermoplastic polymers. Still it behaves like native starch and with organo-clay. The same researchers prepared CA/organo-
is mostly water-sensitive and has poor mechanical properties. clay nano-composites with CA plasticized with triethylene
In order to improve the properties, reinforcement of starch with citrate (TEC), organo-clay and cellulose acetate butyrate
nano-scale minerals has been considered without interfering grafted with maleic anhydride (CAB-g-MA) as compatibilizer.
in the biodegradability of the composites. De Carvalho191, et They concluded that 5 wt % loading of the compatibilizer is
Mitra: Contemporary Environment Friendly Composite Materials: Biocomposites and Green Composites
optimum for the best morphology and mechanical properties 9.4 Protein–Based Nano-composites
for the preparation of CA/TEC/clay composite. Cho198, et al. Recently, composite soy protein with layered silicate
reported on the preparation and mechanical properties of nano- clay materials has been used to improve film properties.
composite film prepared with cellulose diacetate and organo- Otaigbe and Adams205 obtained better mechanical properties
clay using a solvent intercalation method. Ruan199, et al. with improved water resistance for soy protein composites
reported interesting results on regenerated cellulose/tourmaline with polyphosphate fillers. Rhim208, et al. also demonstrated
nano crystal composite films. Interestingly, the cellulose/ that soy protein isolate (SPI) films with organically modified
tourmalime composite films showed anti-microbial action MMT or bentonite increase the tensile strength with improved
against staphylococcus aureus. This result implies potential use water vapor permeability. Dean and Yu209 reported the effect
of the composites for functional packaging materials. Another of ultrasound treatment on inducing intercalation or exfoliation
type of utilization of cellulose as nano-composite feedstock of unmodified Na-MMT (Cloisite Na+) dissolved in water with
is a cellulose whisker–reinforced nano-composite. Cellulose or without glycerol. The degree of intercalation increased
whiskers (micro-crystalline cellulose) have two dimensions in as the time of sonification increased. In the case of the clay/
the nano meter scale, like carbon nanotubes191 and have been glycerol/water mixture, more than 25 min of sonification
successfully used for the reinforcing of biopolymers. Their caused a complete exfoliation of the clay. Dean and Yu also
effects on reinforcement are generally relatively low and prepared soy protein-based nano-composite films and tested
other problems are realized in the commercial use of cellulose the their microstructure and mechanical properties. The glass
whiskers as structural materials such as a relatively high price transition temperature (Tg) determined by both DMA and DSC
and difficulty of cellulose micro-fibrils in a polymer matrix200. increased in composites.They postulated that this was due to
the restriction in the molecular motion of the protein by the
9.3 Chitosan–Based Nano-composites dispersion of the nano clay. The most significant improvement
Chitosan is a partially deacetylated derivative of chitin, observed in the mechanical properties was for the elastic
which is the second most abundant natural biopolymer next modulus. Rhim208, et al. prepared composite films of SPI and
to cellulose. Because chitosan is biodegradable, non-toxic and various clays. The tensile strength of the SPI hybrid films with
readily bio-compatible, it has been studied extensively for O-MMT and bentonite, which are composed of mostly layered
various industrial and packaging applications. Its properties as silicate clays increased significantly while those with talc and
a packaging material also need to be improved, as do other zeolite which are particle type fillers, decreased. The increase
hydrophilic natural biopolymer based packaging materials. in gas barrier properties of nano-composite films is believed to
Lin201, et al. reported on a novel method for the preparation be due to the presence of ordered dispersed silicate layers with
of a chitosan/montmorillonite (MMT) nano-composite using large aspect ratios in the polymer matrix. Gelatin, an animal
a solvent casting method. When chitosan was incorporated protein, was also tested for the preparation of a biocomposite
with potassium persulfate (KPS)-MMT, the diffraction peak with MMT clay in order to improve the mechanical and water
of chitosan became broader, indicating that the incorporation resistance properties of the polymer208. The tensile strength and
of KPS-MMT had interfered with the crystalline structure Young’s modulus were improved which varied with the MMT
of chitosan. The tensile properties of the nano-composite content as well as the pH of the gelatin matrix.
films depended on the amount of KPS incorporated in the
MMT. The higher the quantity of the KPS incorporated into 9.5 Lipid Based Nano-Composites
the MMTused, the more the MMT exfoliated along with the Lipid materials such as beeswax, cadellila wax, carnauba
degradation of chitosan so that the Young’s modulus increased wax, triglycerides, acetylated monoglycerides, fatty acids,
but the tensile strength decreased. Xu202, et al. prepared chitosan and sucrose fatty acid esters, as well as resins such as shellac
–based nano-composite films with Na-MMT and Cloisite 30B and terpene resins are used as edible film-forming materials.
ising a solvent casting method. It has been found that the nano They can be used to coat a food or drug surface to provide a
clay was exfoliated along with the chitosan matrix with small moisture- barrier component of a composite film. Composite
amounts of Na-MMT. They also confirmed that the tensile films contain both lipid and hydrocolloid components (proteins
strength of a chitosan film was enhanced and the elongation or polysaccharide) in order to exploit the advantages of the lipid
at break decreased with the addition of clay into the chitosan and hydrocolloid components. When a barrier to water vapor
matrix. Wang203, et al. also prepared a chitosan/MMT nano- is desired, the lipid component can serve this function while
composite using the solvent intercalation method and found the hydrocolloid component provides necessary mechanical
that an intercalated/exfoliated nano structure was formed with strength.
low MMT content and the nano–dispersed clay improved the Edible films from chitosan, cassava starch, and gelatin
thermal stability and enhanced the hardness and elastic modulus plasticized with glycerol have been developed by casting
of the matrix systematically with increase in clay loading . method and the effect of cassava starch ,gelatin and glycerol
Darder204, et al. prepared a chitosan /MMT nano-composite205,206 from the film solution on various properties of chitosan based
using a solution intercalation method with varying amounts films have been studied using response surface methodology210.
of clay. They also reported on the potential application of a The results indicate that there was an interaction and molecular
chitosan/MMT nano-composite as electrochemical sensors in miscibility among the major components. The growth inhibition
the detection of different anions. of phytopathogen on mango fruit surface indicated the efficiency
Def. SCI. J., Vol. 64, No. 3, may 2014
of these coatings and they can be applied for the conservation biodegradable nano-composite materials to replace or reduce
of fresh or minimally processed fruits and vegetables. Similarly the use of the existing petro based products.
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197. Park, Hwan-Man; Liang, Xuemei; Mohanty, Amar Critical Rev. Food Sci. Nutri., 2007, 47(4), 411-433.
K.; Misra, Manjusri & Drzal, Lawrence T. Effect of 212. Lin, N.; Huang, J.; Chang, P.R.; Anderson D.P. &
Mitra: Contemporary Environment Friendly Composite Materials: Biocomposites and Green Composites
Yu, J. Preparation, Modification, and Application of career at HBTI, Kanpur. Later he worked as Sr. Research
Starch Nanocrystals in Nanomaterials: A Review. J. Officer at Sri Ram Industrial Research Institute, Delhi as
Nanomatreials, 2011, 573687, 1-13. well as R&D Manager at Allied Resins, Kolkata. He was Sr.
213. Pang, Xuan; Zhuang, Xiuli; Tang, Zhaohui & Chen, Project. Coordinator & Head, Product Dev. Division, Indian
Jute Industrial Research Association, IJIRA, Kolkata. He was
Xuesi. Polylactic acid (PLA): Research, development and
Director of NIRJAFT (a unit of ICAR), Kolkata. At NIRJAFT,
industrialization., Biotechno. J., 2010, 5(11), 1125-1136. he worked on geotextile for soil-erosion control for road and
214. Piyada, K.; Waranyou, S. & Thawien, W. Mechanical, agro-textile for weed-control, mulching etc. His one of the best
thermal and structural properties of rice starch films contributions is to develop Jute Composite and commercialize
reinforced with rice starch nanocrystals. Int. Food. Res. the product as substitute of wood/ plywood under UNDP project.
J., 2013, 20(1), 439-449. He was the project leader on jute composite programme (UNDP)
at IJIRA since its beginning. He held many senior professional
Contributor positions. Presently Dr Mitra is a visiting Professor at BESU,
presently known as Indian Institute of Engineering Science
Dr B.C. Mitra is a senior professional in and Technology. He has 60 Journal Publications besides 4
field of polymer technology in the country. He patents and has written two Books and Book Chapters. He is
obtained his graduation and post graduation entrusted with the responsibility to develop the technology of
with specialization Polymer Science & Bamboo Composite by TIFAC (Advanced Composite Mission),
Technology from Calcutta University in DST, Govt. of India. He is a Fellow of Plastics & Rubber
1961. He did his doctoral work in Indian Institute (UK).
Association for the Cultivation of Science
under Professor SR Palit to obtain PhD
from Calcutta University. He started his