2M OS Question Bank

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Question bank
Name of the


Subject Code IT20APC401

Year & Sem III Year & I Sem

Unit – 1

1 What are different services provided by operating system?

2 Define debugging.
3 What is spooling? Explain with example.
4 What is a system calls? Specify major categories of System Calls?
5 Define process.
6 What is process control block (PCB)?
7 What is meant by Message Passing.
8 Define open source operating system.
9 Define system boot.
10 Distinguish between long-term scheduler and short-term scheduler.
11 Name different types of system calls.

Unit – 2

1 What are the benefits of multithreaded programming?

2 What are different criteria for CPU scheduling?
3 Define CPU Scheduling
4 Define inter process communication.
5 What is bootstrap program?
6 What is semaphore?
7 What are the thread issues?
8 List out CPU scheduling algorithms?
9 Write the differences between process and thread.
10 What is meant by Race condition?

Unit – 3

1 What is Thrashing? Explain with examples.

2 Define swapping
3 What is demand paging?
4 Distinguish between page and segment.
5 What is the purpose of paging in page table?
6 What is page replacement algorithm? Name at least two.
7 What are the pages and frames?
8 Describe swapping.
9 What is Virtual memory? Why it is required?
10 Distinguish between Demand paging and pre-paging.
Unit – 4

1 What is Banker’s algorithm? What is its use?

2 List out the algorithms available for Deadlock Avoidance.
3 What are the various file operations?
4 List disadvantages of using a single directory.
5 What are the various Disk-Scheduling Algorithms?
6 Give the condition necessary for a deadlock situation to arise?
7 Define Starvation in deadlock?
8 Define deadlock?
9 What are disadvantages of Linked allocation?
10 What are the types of allocation methods?

Unit – 5

1 Write short notes on user authentication process.

2 Write down the principles of protection.
3 What is the principle of protection?
4 Define program threats. And List various program threats?
5 What is access control?
6 Define virus, bus and cache?
Define spooling? What we call rows and columns of an access
8 What is cryptography?
9 Explain domain of protection?
10 Explain language based protection?
11 Define system threats. What is known as DOS attack?

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