525-Article Text-841-1-10-20220705
525-Article Text-841-1-10-20220705
525-Article Text-841-1-10-20220705
Reena KUMARI11
Rekha GUPTA12
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35782/JCPP.2022.2.06
Abstract: This paper examines the effects of socio-economic determinants on child malnutrition in
Uttar Pradesh- the most populous and malnourished state of India. Using data from NFHS-4,
this study highlights district-wide variations in nutritional status of children less than five years in
the state. The percentage of stunted, wasted, and underweight have been taken as dependent
variables, while main explanatory variables of child malnutrition were female education, maternal
malnutrition (BMI), breastfeeding practices, children's place of residence, father’s education, wealth
index of household, family planning, sex of the child, sex of the household and age cohort of mother.
Logistic regression models have been applied in order to observe the association between explanatory
variables and malnutrition. The findings revealed a high incidence of less stunted, wasted, and
underweight infants in case of an educated parents, particularly educational level of mother. Wealth
index representing the possession of assets by the household found to be an important indicator in
the sense that children born to households with richer and richest quintiles showing better-
nourished children aged under-5. The modern method of using contraceptive, breastfeeding practices,
maternal malnutrition were also important indicators influencing the rate of malnutrition in
children. The study suggested that imparting education to females, breastfeeding practices, economic
status, and contraceptive use can play an important role in reducing nutritional status of children.
Keywords: malnutrition, stunted, wealth index, education, contraceptive use.
11 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, C.M. College, L.N. Mithila University, Darbhanga,
Bihar-846004, E-mail: raireena86@gmail.com, ORCID ID- 0000-0003-2338-2059
12 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj-211002, E-mail:
80 A logistic regression analysis of determinants of child malnutrition in Uttar Pradesh, India
1. Introduction
Malnutrition, defined as deficiency or imbalances in a person’s nutrients intake, is
considered a sensitive indicator and most common nutritional disorder for any
developing nation. The high prevalence of child malnutrition reflects not only a
country’s past health status but also its future health trails (Subramanyam et al., 2010).
Addressing the problem of malnutrition, the sustainable development goals (SDG)
adopted by United Nations (2019) indicates ‘By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition, including
achieving, by 2025, the internationally agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under 5 years
of age, and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women, and older
persons’ under Goal 2.
In this context, monitoring child malnutrition is crucial for planners and policy makers
in a country like India, a country which is facing the high prevalence of child
malnutrition, accounting for one third of the world’s wasted (height-for-age). UNICEF
contends that in India, the percentage of underweight and stunted children less than
five years were 43 percent and 48 percent respectively because of enduring
undernutrition. It is estimated that worldwide, India executes poorly in child
malnutrition status and ranked 114 out of 132 countries, just prior to Afghanistan and
Pakistan (IFPRI, 2016) and in the early 2000s, it was around one-third of all
malnourished children in the world (Svedberg, 2008).
Several studies indicated that child malnutrition affected child morbidity, health-care
expenditure and economic progress of any country (Measham & Chatterjee,1999;
Mishra, Lahiri & Luther, 1999) which further increase the risk of child ailment,
retardation in mental and physical growth, resulting into low ability to work, loss of
output and efficiency, high burden of health care expenditures and lastly can pledge the
poverty trap (World Bank, 2006; Grantham et al., 2007; Tarozzi & Mahajan, 2007;
Walker et al., 2007). Also. It is considered that severe or chronic malnutrition increase
the educational attainment and outcome of the children (Ahmed et al., 2012).
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) reports that in developing
countries, one out of every three children under-five, is malnourished. It is clearly noted
that the high prevalence of malnutrition not only cause severe cognitive and physical
loss of children but also it is a collapse or exploitation of a child’s human right (Das &
Sahoo, 2011).
The population of Uttar Pradesh is 199.5 million (India’s most populated state) and 39
percent of the total child population of India resides in the state. According to the
report published by UP State Nutrition Mission, in this state, half of all children age-5
are stunted, and 10 percent were wasted in 2014. In Uttar Pradesh, infant mortality rate
(IMR) and malnutrition rate are the highest in the country. National Family Health
Survey-4 (NFHS) data revealed that in Uttar Pradesh, the percentage of malnourished
children has declined significantly in the last ten years. In 2005-06, 56.8 percent of
children under-5 years of age were stunted, and 42.4 percent were underweighted; these
figures fell to 46.3 percent and 39.5 percent respectively, in 2015-16 (figure 1).
As per the report published by National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), the percentage
of poor in the state is 30.4 percent higher than all India (25.7%) poor. IMR is 48 per
Reena KUMARI, Rekha GUPTA 81
thousand live births, the under-5 mortality rate is 73 per thousand live births, and life
expectancy is 62.9 years for male and 65.4 years for female. However, the mortality rate
among the children under-5 years of age fell by 18 percent from 2005-06 to 2015-16,
and IMR fell by 9 percent during the same period. Improvement in child nutrition
during the inter-survey period is the result of interventions such as broader coverage of
midday meals to children at school and rigorous operation of Integrated Child
Development Scheme (ICDS) at a more disaggregated level, underpinning of health
outreach facilities to rural and poor ménages for on-time vaccination of children and
strengthening of the public distribution system (PDS) of providing food grains at
promoted prices to the weaker section.
However, undernutrition of children remains a major health problem at the
disaggregated level in India. There has been a remarkable difference in IMR across the
districts; for example, highest in Shrawasti (96) while lowest in Kanpur Dehat (37). In
Uttar Pradesh, a considerable variation has been observed between rural and urban in
terms of child malnutrition. In rural areas of Uttar Pradesh, prevalence of stunted and
underweight among children was 48.5 percent and 41 percent respectively, as compared
with 37.9 percent and 33.7 percent among urban children. In this framework, a study of
child malnutrition and its important determinants is required for policy implications
and therefore, the present study examined the effects of various socio-economic factors
on child malnutrition children less than five years in Uttar Pradesh, employing the data
from NFHS-4 (2015-16).
2. Previous research
There are several socio-economic and demographic factors (place of residence, age, and
nutritional status; and maternal education) responsible for poor nutritional status of
children (Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey, 2007). The benefits of mother’s
education and its impact on child health status is well documented in literature which
lowers the rate of child malnutrition, in other words, the prevalence of malnutrition is
lower in case of educated mother (Frost, Forste & Hass, 2005; Basu & Stephenson,
2005; Miller & Rodgers, 2009; Cleland, 2010; Bbaale, 2014; Burroway, 2016). A study
by Mosle & Chen (1985) reported that effect of mother’s education on children’s
nutritional status works through a set of ‘proximate determinants’, such as, fertility
factors, environmental amenities, breastfeeding practices, and utilization of childcare
services. Similarly, a host of studies contend that more educated mothers may have
more nourished children because they have better knowledge about child rearing
practices and heath care and utilization (Thomas et al., 1991; Desai & Alva, 1998;
Glewwe 1999; Currie & Moretti, 2003).
A substantial range of literature in the domain of health and education have discussed
the casual relationship between mother’s education and nutritional status of children
and given some possible trails to find the link. The important studies include: (1) more
educated mothers can take better care of their children about nutrition and health care,
for example, washing of clothes, feeding practices, treatment during sickness and
availing timely vaccination services etc. (Caldwell 1979; Mondal et al., 2009) and better
sanitation such as flushing toilets and running water (Horton, 1998; Case, 2001,
Choudhury, 2015 ) (2) An educated mother can make healthier choices for themselves
during pregnancy that effectively prevent fatal childhood diseases (Govindasamy &
Ramesh, 1997) and directly affected the health of the child at birth (Miller & Rodgers,
2009); (3) Educated mother can give better level of living as previous research
documented that education provides women ample opportunities to work outside the
home and earn an income which empower them through greater authority and
bargaining capability in the family (Nussbaum, 2004; Sen, 1999).
However, a growing body of literature has drawn attention towards the impact of
father’s education in improving child nutritional status (Case et al., 2002). It is well-
established fact now that educational level of father plays a crucial role in family’s
financial status which in turn ensures better access to child health facilities and further
better child nutritional status (Choudhury, 2015). India’s NFHS data also revealed a
very high percentage of maternal malnutrition which shows the worse-off condition of
women. Studies claimed that mother’s nutritional status had a positive association with
child nutritional status (Sethuraman, 2006).
Poor breast-feeding practices in early childhood contribute to the burden of
malnutrition and infant and child mortality (Patel et al., 2010). It is observed that
working mothers have limited time for breastfeeding and to manage other nutritional
and health services to their children. Working mothers are dependent on a caretaker for
their child and caretaker’s poor attention, affection and involvement in child feeding are
the major causes for undernutrition of children. Moreover, a large body of empirical
research claimed that caretakers might not make the best use of offered resources due
Reena KUMARI, Rekha GUPTA 83
to less information of optimal feeding behaviours and inappropriate cultural beliefs and
practice about nourishing (Allen and Gillespie, 2001; Moore, Akhter and Aboud, 2006).
Also, location or place of residence is one of the socioeconomic covariates often used
in the literature which determines child malnutrition across the region (Sastry, 1997). A
growing body of literature demonstrated that wealth status of a family has a significant
and positive impact on nutritional status of children (Smith & Haddad, 2000; Haddad
et al., 2003; Heltberg, 2009; Headey, 2013). A variety of indicators has been used to
measure economic status of the household, however, sorting of households according
to income level is more relevant proxy. While many studies claimed that malnutrition is
associated with poverty and disease (Dasgupta et. al., 2005) and argued that due to poor
access of food a large segment of children is suffering from severe health problems and
To improve child nutritional status, Government of India has introduced major
nutrition supplementation programs such as Integrated Child Development Services
(ICDS) and Mid-day Meal (MDM) Programme at the disaggregated level. However,
little is known about the empirical findings of the factors that drive child malnutrition,
especially in poor and bigger states like Uttar Pradesh. In this connection, in order to
formulate appropriate strategies related to child health outcomes, policy makers and
planners must prerequisite familiarity of the factors responsible for poor child outcome
such as stunting, wasting and underweight.
Therefore, the main objectives of this paper are to understand nutritional status based
on stunted, wasted and underweight of children less than the age of five and to examine
the factors which influence child malnutrition in respect of certain socio-economic
variables, for instance, father’s education, place of residence, wealth status, family
planning, sex of the child, sex of the household, religion; and maternal indicators like
mother’s malnutrition (BMI) and age cohort of mother. This study examined the
various socio-economic and household factors which are responsible for child
malnutrition in Uttar Pradesh.
13 NFHS-4 is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), DFID,
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), UNICEF, UNFPA, the MacArthur Foundation
and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India.
84 A logistic regression analysis of determinants of child malnutrition in Uttar Pradesh, India
The survey used a uniform questionnaire, two-stage sampling design with stratification
by rural-urban background and field practice to make possible comparability of the data
and to achieve enhanced data quality. For anthropometric analysis, malnutrition of
children is enumerated in terms of anthropometrical measures- weight-for-age
(stunted), height-for-age (wasted) and weight-for-height (underweight) and Z-score ≤2
standard deviation, World Health Organisation/National Centre for Health Statistics
reference standards were applied to compute the standardized Z-score for all three
measures (WHO, 1978; Mazumdar, 2010).
In this survey, data on children’s height, weight and underweight have been collected
less than 5 years. Mother’s education, place of residence (rural-urban), sex of the child
(boys-girls), sex of the household, father’s education, wealth index (based on an
ownership-of-goods index), family planning (use of contraceptive), mother’s BMI,
breastfeeding practices and mother’s age cohort are the important indicators that are
assumed to effect nutritional status of a child. The logistic regression analysis has been
employed in the analysis for estimation of the odds of being malnourished in the
children of Uttar Pradesh.
Dependent variable denotes the number of children whose z-scores are below -2 are
coded 1 and those with z-scores of -2 or higher are coded 0. The details of explanatory
variables have been given in table 1 and thus results obtained are compared with
reference category. In order to compute variables, research design and sample weights,
statistical tool is carried out using SPSS (20.0 version) software for window and the
significance levels of p<0.01, 0.05 and 0.10 were taken.
Some districts in the state where the percentage of stunted was lower in girls in
comparison to their boy’s counterpart include Jyoptiba Phule Nagar, Firozabad,
Pilibhit, Hardoi, Lalitpur, Faizabad, Ambedkar Nagar, Jaunpur, Ghazipur and
Sonbhadra. No substantial differences between boys and girls were observed in case of
wasting. Although, considerable variation between boys and girls were found in some
districts such as Saharanpur, Mahamaya Nagar, Bareily, Hamirpur, Fatehpur,
Balrampur, Sant Kabir Nagar and Gorakhpur where the prevalence of underweight was
higher in boys than girls. On the other hand, there were some districts where the
percentage of underweight was higher in boys in comparison to girls include Mainpuri,
Pilibhit, Kanpur Nagar, Kanpur Dehat, Barabanki, Sultanpur, Bahraich, Maharajganj
and Jaunpur.
Table 2: Age and sex wise nutritional status of under- five children
in Uttar Pradesh
Sex of Stunted Wasted Underweight
child N % N % N %
Boy 0 914 24.9 1113 30.3 1185 32.3
1 2032 53.2 826 21.6 1618 42.4
2 1982 52.9 629 16.8 1573 42.0
3 2046 52.5 588 15.1 1611 41.4
4 1860 48.1 499 12.9 1557 40.3
Total 8834 46.5 3655 19.2 7544 39.7
Girl 0 724 21.7 955 28.6 1032 30.9
1 1659 48.1 642 18.6 1322 38.3
2 1889 55.3 460 13.5 1467 43.0
3 1970 54.0 415 11.4 1562 42.8
4 1719 51.1 396 11.8 1468 43.6
Total 7961 46.2 2868 16.7 6851 39.8
Source: Calculated from NFHS-4 data, Government of India.
Table 3 reveals the parameter estimates for stunting. Coefficient of covariates and the
related standard error is shown in parentheses. Mother’s level of education is an
important factor in determining stunting of a child. It was found that mothers who
received elementary (OD=1.598, SE=.129), secondary (OD=1.762, SE=.137) and
higher (OD=1.442, SE=.117) level of education lower the rates of stunting. This
finding is unfailing and supported by many studies such as Roy (2000); Smith &
Hadded (2000); Headey (2013) and many others.
Likewise, father’s education also has a significant influence on stunting. The result
indicates that fathers who have completed elementary (OD=1.347, SE=.125) and
secondary (OD=1.451, SE=.128) level of education condense the rate of stunting and it
is statistically significant at 1 percent level of significance. Though, the result is not
found to be statistically significant if father has above secondary or higher level of
However, household’s location of children no longer affected the rate of stunting. The
association between sex of household and stunting is negative and statistically
Reena KUMARI, Rekha GUPTA 89
significant at 1 percent level of significance with low odd ratio. It confirms that if the of
household is headed by female (OD=.760, SE=.082) it lowers the rate of stunting.
Another important and determining factor of stunting is wealth index. It demonstrates
that children born to families with richer and richest wealth quintiles showing lower
stunting children. It means if the economic condition of a family is better it can upsurge
the level of living of the household, allow them to take indispensable care of the
children and further reduce stunting of children.
Use of modern method of contraceptive is significant indicator which also lowers the
rate of stunting. The results display that if family is using modern method (OD=1.291,
SE=.255) of contraceptive, they reduce stunting.
The association between mother’s BMI (OD=2.654, SE=.082) and stunting is robust
and highly significant with high odd ratio. The result is statistically significant at 1
percent level of significance which indicates if mother’s nutritional status is better, they
can lower the rate of stunting.
Our logistic regression results indicate a significant and negative relationship between
children belonging to the age up to 5 years who have never been breastfed within first
hour of birth (OD=.876, SE=.063) and stunting. There is no significance association
found between mother’s age cohort and stunting.
Table 4 represents that mother’s education has a robust and positive effect on wasting
relative to mothers with no education (model 1). The odds ratios for elementary
(OD=1.633, SE=.127), secondary (OD=1.781, SE=.135) and higher level of education
(OD=1.425, SE=.116) are more than one for all levels of education.
Father’s educational status also has a significant effect on wasting. The prevalence of
wasting is lower in the children whose father’s level of education is elementary
(OD=1.364, SE=.123) and secondary (OD=1.465, SE=.126). However, father’s
education above secondary level is not a necessary condition for wasting.
The prevalence of wasting is higher in children who are residing in rural areas. The
result demonstrates a significant effect on wasting with high odd ratio (OD=1.168,
SE=.078). As expected, due to poverty, rural people have low access to the health care
facility and better sanitation that result in a high percentage of wasting.
Also, sex of the household is another variable which determines wasting. The
prevalence of wasting is higher in the households which is headed by female
(OD=.759, SE=.081). The result is statistically significant at 1 percent level of
significance. Similar to this result, Burroway (2016) revealed an important finding that
females are more efficient than their male counterpart to use resources on nourishment
and other basic domestic needs.
Reena KUMARI, Rekha GUPTA 91
The logit estimates of table 5 demonstrates that the effect of mother’s education on
child underweight is negative, with the high odds ratio more than one in each level of
education and coefficients are statistically significance at 1 percent levels of significance.
The rates of underweight were lower among children whose mothers have elementary
(OD=1.984, SE=.136), secondary (OD=1.764, SE=.146) and higher level of education
(OD=1.497, SE=.126) in comparison to mothers with no education.
This result is supported by many other studies in the domain of health and education
research which prove that educated and qualified mothers are contributing factors for
reducing malnutrition (Frosta et al., 2005; Basu & Stephenson, 2005; Miller & Rodgers,
2009; Cleland, 2010; Bbaale, 2014). Waihenya et al. (1996) described that child whose
mothers have received elementary education they lower malnutrition rate in
comparison to those whose mothers have completed higher education, especially in
case of stunting.
The effect of father’s education on children underweights at (OD=1.459, SE=.131),
secondary (OD=1.368, SE=.134) level is found to be statistically significant, with the
high odd ratio. However, our result is unfavourable in case of fathers who have earned
higher education. It suggests that there is essential to provide education to the fathers
up to the secondary level for dipping underweight in children.
Girl children have higher relative odds of 1.059 for underweight in comparison with
their boy counterparts and though, this association is not statistically significant. In our
society, it is hypothesized that girl children are supposed to be nutritionally ignored due
to their low status in society and hence are expected to be more underweight. No
significant association is found between sex of household and underweight. However, a
Reena KUMARI, Rekha GUPTA 93
5. Conclusions
This paper examined the effect of socio-economic factors on child malnutrition status
in Uttar Pradesh using data from NFHS-4. This study accounts for maternal level
information such as the educational level of mother, malnutrition of mother (BMI as a
proxy) and age cohort of the mother that appears to cause malnutrition in children.
Among socio-economic determinants, mother’s education beyond elementary level
emerged as a significant factor that influenced stunting, wasting and underweight of
children belonging to the age of five. This result was buttressed by other empirical
studies and their results confirmed that mother’s educational level beyond secondary
level reduces the child nutrition outcomes (Bbaale, 2014).
However, the result was not supportive in case of father’s educational level more than
secondary. It indicated that father’s educational level up to secondary was necessary to
lower the rate of stunting, wasting and underweight in children. The analysis revealed
Reena KUMARI, Rekha GUPTA 95
that sex of the household, sex of the child and mother’s age cohort no longer affected
the rate of stunting, wasting and underweight of children. However, place of residence
determines a significant and positive effect on nutritional status of the children. It
means if children reside in rural areas, they were more wasted in reference to those who
were residing in urban areas as given the fact that urban settings usually have improved
ailment prevention forces. Recently, Government of India has introduced two major
health programmes, for instance, Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Arogya Yojana
(PM-JAY) in September 2018, in order to provide primary, secondary and tertiary level
treatments to the poor and vulnerable and secondly, National Rural Health Mission in
April 2005 with the aim of enlightening the accessibility of and access to universal
health care for individuals living in rural areas. The study finds that wealth index is also
more likely to be an imperative factor which exhibits a lower level of child malnutrition.
It also represents if households belonging to the richest quintile of wealth index,
children’s live better quality of life and low mortality.
Based on our findings, the present study suggests that malnutrition in children is the
result of multiple factors. Low rate of female education is the principal factor for child
malnutrition, and this happens due to many socio-cultural reasons. To improve the
status of health and nutritional outcome, Government of India has launched many
programmes, however, more emphasis should also be given to improvement in female
education, employment opportunities to enhance economic status, access to rural
nutrition, awareness about use of contraceptive. Wealth status is another determinant
which indicates high incidence of poverty is a persistent problem affecting the ability to
access and attain an adequate diet.
This estimate shows the scarcity of material possession and unavailability of basic needs
to the poor which results in low demand for energy and protein intake. To improve
nutritional status of children, the state needs to eradicate all forms of poverty and to
provide employment opportunities to the poor.
The study recommends that efforts to improve female education need to be combined
with more specific schemes to progress and better child rearing practices. Also, it is
important to recommend that civic programmes to ensure education to female on how
to feed infants and safe them from infection, and adequate, accessible health services to
avoid and treat infections can collectively reduce malnutrition in children. Our results
show that family using modern of contraceptive is associated with positive child health
outcomes. Therefore, the present study suggests that government, donors, and private
players/NGO can perform an imperative role in improving women’s access to modern
healthcare services by ensuring affordability at the regional level.
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This study was conducted by Reena Kumari, and Rekha Gupta
The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or
publication of this article.